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Chapter 872 Start the operation

The emperor's surgery finally began.

At this moment, everyone in the government and the public seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, and their nerves were as tense as a bow full of strings.

However, these are superficial phenomena.

With Qi Shaobao's government troops stationed here, who wouldn't dare to cause trouble?

Unless you are stronger than Donglu Khan and Li Liangqi, you do not even have the minimum qualifications to challenge.

This sense of security directly caused the officials to become psychologically tight on the outside and relaxed on the inside. How could they still be prepared for danger in times of peace?

The result of relaxation is that there is no pressure, so everyone can discuss it in private.

Tell me, why did the Queen suddenly come to the front line of the operation?

Regarding this, Qi Yu gave an explanation: Your Majesty cannot take charge of the affairs at the moment, and the prince can only oversee the country. However, there must be someone close to your Majesty who can monitor the operation process, so the Queen rushed over.


After working on it for a long time, it turned out that the queen was here to supervise the work?

Come to think of it, how could His Majesty perform an operation without anyone supervising him? What if Meng Lanshan pretended to be a public servant and took advantage of the opportunity to commit murder, wouldn't it become a headless case afterwards?

From a cautious perspective, this is indeed how it should be done.

Usually, gossip spreads the fastest, and it didn't take long for the news that the emperor was critically ill to spread throughout the capital.


Huge shock!

The common people who were shocked to learn about this incident began to organize spontaneously, put out sacrifices, burned incense and prayed for the emperor's speedy recovery.

There are also some wealthy families who do not move their temples and kill pigs for sacrifices. It can be seen that they take it very seriously.

From the above phenomena, it is not difficult to see that the common people were quite satisfied with the emperor's administration during his term in office, otherwise, he would not have behaved so benevolently and righteously.

In addition, there is another reason.

That is, during the turmoil in the capital, apart from the loss of some door panels, there were almost no casualties among the people.

On the other hand, they themselves couldn't believe this result.

The destruction of cities in wars usually represents bloody burning, killing, looting, but this time, the people were unscathed.

Therefore, they have enough reasons to believe that this is the profound evil accumulated in this world. Shouldn't such a good and moral king pray to heaven for him? Of course, Qi Shaobao's efforts to turn the tide are also indispensable, and by the way, he also

The old man prayed and wished him a prosperous career and many children and good fortune.

The people are so busy, so naturally the government will not lag behind.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be like being compared?

As a result, some old magic sticks who were ready to make a move took the opportunity to jump out, for example, Qin Tian Jian Zheng Gong Yang Yucheng.

In terms of official duties, Qintianjian is in charge of astronomy, counting, fortune telling, pushing steps, etc. He is not good at dancing with gods to ward off evil spirits like a shaman.

However, in order to better express his loyalty to the emperor, it seemed that he had to make a temporary guest appearance.

Even if it doesn't work, there's no harm in it.

If there are dates or not, hit a shot!

The ministers were also bored, but with Gong Yang Yucheng messing around like this, they had a lively pastime.

However, the excitement did not last long.

In just one-tenth of the time it took to burn the incense, the old male sheep was exhausted and defeated.

Back then, I peed ten feet in the wind, but now my shoes are wet with the wind. Heroes grow old, heroes grow old, and I have grown old.

Qi Yu couldn't help but ignore Gong Yang Yucheng's lamentation, and instead joked: "Let me tell you, you are a great dancer, do you think it will work?"

But the old official said: "It's up to people to plan things, and it's up to God to make things happen. As ministers, we just have to do our best. As for whether it will work or not, only God knows."

Seeing that Mr. Qi was still laughing, he hurriedly changed the subject and said, "To tell you the truth, I am not good at dancing, but I still have a lot of research on the art of divination. It can be said that I have a 90% accuracy rate."

Nine stable?

Just brag!

In my opinion, if you can get one out of ten, it’s already pretty good!

Qi Yu didn't really take it seriously, but asked casually: "Since you are good at divination, why not give our emperor a chance to see if he can survive this difficulty?"

Gongyang Yucheng said without hesitation: "Actually, I've already gotten over this."

"Oh? What's the result?"

"The result... is a bit puzzling. According to the hexagram, it seems to be like a centipede insect, dead but not stiff. It's really strange!"

"Ha ha……"

Seeing Qi Yu's disapproval, Gongyang Yucheng quickly argued: "As for whether it is accurate or not, we will know in a few days, so let's wait and see!" After finishing his words, he smiled lightly and said: "Master Qi, let's You're not an outsider, so why not ask me to show you your palm?"


You are so almighty that you can even do this!

Qi Yu stretched out his hand indifferently and said: "My left hand is here, please take a look!"

Gongyang Yucheng took the palm, looked at it carefully and analyzed it and said: "Tsk tsk, Master Qi is really a wealthy and prosperous man, almost comparable to Cheng Yaojin in the Tang Dynasty." After praising it, he continued. From a micro perspective, he elaborated: "My lord, please note: Men of the Qi family thrive when encountering wood; daughters of the Qi family thrive when encountering water..."

Hearing this, Qi Yu couldn't help but feel his heart tremble.

I have one wife and one concubine, both of whom happen to have the word "木" in their names. Isn't this in line with the saying that people thrive when they encounter wood? There is also the name of his son Qi Xiao, and his fiancée Mu Ziqing also contains the word "木" in his name. The word is also consistent with this.

Don't tell me, it's really a bit mysterious.

Let’s talk about daughter Qi Xiaotong. If she encounters water, her life will be saved. Wouldn’t that mean that that brat Hong Tao will be given an advantage?

Just as I was responding, I suddenly heard Gongyang Yucheng say again: "Master Qi, I see that your hall is dark, and there may be a bloody disaster this year. I advise you to be more vigilant and pay due attention."

Do I have a bloody disaster?

How can this be?

I am a feudal official with a heavy army. Who dares to touch me in this capital city?

Although he didn't believe it at all, he still said thank you: "Thank you, old friend, for reminding me. Qi will pay more attention to it."

At this moment, Yin Jun walked over with a dark face and a white face.

Seeing that something was wrong with the momentum, Gongyang Yucheng hurriedly dodged away with the excuse of peeing.

"I said, who provoked you to make you look like a braised crab?"

"Who else could it be, of course it would be you!"


Qi Yu smacked his lips and said, "I haven't said a word to you for most of the day, so why did I offend you?"

Yin Jun glanced at the officials who were guarding the surroundings, and said in a low voice: "There are so many people here talking, and it's inconvenient to talk. How about we find a corner to talk?"

What's so shameful about it that makes it so mysterious?


I'll just walk with you.

Qi Yu nodded and made a gesture of invitation.

This chapter has been completed!
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