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Chapter 942

Leng Qing guessed right, Qi Xiaotong did come here with a special purpose.

However, she did not show it externally.

From the moment they met until they arrived at the palace, Qi Xiaotong showed no sign of seeking or asking for anything.

The only news revealed is that she is currently on a foreign trip and is just taking a short rest here.

That's all.

However, Leng Qing did not believe this.

The supplies on her ship are piled high, and she can continue to sail for another thousand miles. How could she prepare for a rainy day so early?

In other words, Qi Xiaotong must have had another purpose here, and it was definitely not as simple as adding some fresh water.

Hiding her doubts, Leng Qing invited her into the palace and hosted a banquet in the back garden.

In order to create a relatively harmonious atmosphere, she also specially dismissed all the attendants, leaving only the two of them to chat in private.

Qi Xiaotong looked at the lush greenery in the pavilion and asked with a smile: "I remember last year, there were still some cucumbers that could be eaten cold. How come this year, they have turned into bitter melons? Could it be that Aunt Leng has been so angry recently?

Kang Sheng, do you want to use this to defeat the fire?"

Leng Qing's face turned red when she heard this, and she evaded the important and said lightly: "You are a kid, why do you ask so much? Sarawak is like summer all year round, how can you survive without eating something that will make you angry?"


In other words, it makes sense!

Xiaotong smiled and nodded, analyzing: "Yes, staying at home every day will make anyone upset and angry. If that's the case, why not go out for a walk?"

"Take a walk? I still have to manage things, so how can I be too far away?"

“Sarawak is as stable as a rock at the moment, and there are big officials like Duan Zicheng standing around. With such strict prevention and control measures, who would dare to instigate trouble without a long-sighted approach? So, you can go anywhere with confidence.

Move around.”


Judging from the tone of these words, it is definitely not a close call. In other words, there is something else behind the words.

Leng Qing thought for a while, then declined and said, "You guessed wrong, I have no intention of going out to relax at all."

"Don't want to go out? Why?" Xiaotong asked curiously.

"In the early years, I was always wandering around the world with no fixed place to live. Now that I have finally stabilized, how can I go back in the wrong direction?"

I thought it was a big deal!

It turns out that’s why!

Qi Xiaotong smiled faintly and persuaded: "As the saying goes, it is better to travel thousands of miles after reading a book. How can we increase our knowledge by staying at home and being bored? Especially us politicians must be knowledgeable about the world and know ourselves and our enemies. If we stick to our own laurels,

, isn’t it equivalent to self-destruction of wisdom?”

"Traveling thousands of miles..." Leng Qing tasted the product and said with a smile: "From what you said, do you want me to leave Sarawak and go to perform some special mission in another place?"

She is beautiful and smart.

I actually guessed it almost exactly.

However, Xiaotong still defended herself relatively tactfully: "Where did Aunt Leng come from? Why does going out for fun have anything to do with the execution of a mission? Life is like grass and spring; it comes like wind and rain and goes like dust.

.In your limited time, why not let go of your attachments and enjoy life instead? Remote travel is a rare way to enjoy yourself."


This is indeed true.

However, Leng Qing didn't quite believe it.

This is so unprovoked, why did you suddenly talk about traveling?

She gave Qi Xiaotong a sideways look and said, "Don't hide it, if you have anything to say, just say it directly!"

"Aunt Leng is really refreshing. Since you said so, I will just turn over the cards. I would like to invite you to visit Great Britain with me!"

"Great Britain..."


From a psychological level, Leng Qing really wanted to visit Europe to increase her knowledge.

A person's life is only a few decades. If he lies at home every day, wouldn't it be equivalent to sitting in a well and looking at the sky?

Perhaps, this is the only opportunity in your life for a foreign visit. If you miss it, you may have regrets.

However, she also knew that Qi Xiaotong's invitation to go with him was definitely not as simple as it seemed.

It's hard to say, it's just a shady and deliberate move.

However, based on its actual use value, it seems that it is only at this level.

"Miss, I advise you to tell the truth. It would be too distrustful for us to speculate like this. Just say it clearly, whatever you want me to do."

"Haha, Aunt Leng is really an impatient person! Now that you have made everything clear, I won't be secretive anymore. My idea is to invite you to visit Europe with me and help me get something done.

A special assassination!"


It’s not like you don’t know martial arts, why don’t you do it yourself?

Therefore, Leng Qing smiled and said: "What kind of person can't be killed with your transcendent means? If that's the case, why bother with me?"

Xiaotong said: "You are wrong this time! Although I am highly skilled in martial arts, I only have one pair of hands and one pair of feet. Even if I exhaust all my strength, it is impossible to take care of both ends. However, if I can get you to join me,

Then it will become much more flexible. At that time, light and dark will be applied simultaneously, and the two lines will be parallel, so you can operate however you want."

"Like This……"

This is very sincere and logical.

However, Leng Qing still maintained her original vigilance.

It doesn't mean it's impossible to contribute, but it depends on what kind of reward you can get!

Regarding this core issue, Leng Meiren still cares about it.

"Repay this..." Xiaotong thought for a while and expressed his position: "Let's put it this way, if you are willing to help me, I will give some trade facilities to Sarawak. In addition, I will also give you personal corresponding gifts.

As for the actual remuneration, whether it is money or things, you can choose whatever you want afterwards."


It is not difficult to tell that the temptation expelled by Xiaotong is quite impressive.

It's almost impossible to refuse.

You know, Sarawak is a large island surrounded by scarce resources. Apart from some useless mineral reserves, only fishery taxes are left.

If there can be trade bonuses, the financial situation will definitely be greatly improved.

As for the personal level, let alone, the benefits are obvious.

As a result, Leng Qing was so excited.

As for who she wanted to kill, she didn't care at all.

She can be cruel to Chinese people, let alone foreigners from overseas?

"Aunt Leng agrees?"

"Why should I refuse this gift? Besides, we're just killing some foreigners. What's so difficult about it?"

"Haha, that's great! Come on, I wish us a happy cooperation in advance!"

"Replace wine with tea, do it!"

After that, the two drank a cup of Dawan's high mountain pear tea together.

After finalizing the cooperation framework, only some details remain.

The details mentioned here refer to Qi Xiaotong’s unilateral suggestions.

She felt that Leng Qing needed to do some special homework if she wanted to complete this mission.

This chapter has been completed!
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