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Chapter 1022

The news that the Northern Expeditionary Army led by Qi Jing was at war with the Goryeo Kingdom was like the gentle spring breeze, blowing across the entire land of China in an instant.

This also includes Qiongzhou in southern Xinjiang.

The dignitaries from all parties all stared at the scene of the incident with their eyes widened.

The first is the attention within the palace.

According to Wang Zhifan's lies, bandits were rampant in Mobei and the public security was extremely chaotic. Therefore, Goryeo Bangzi, who was eyeing the area, decided to set the location for threshing the grass valley here.

From this point of view, Qi Jing's expedition was well-known, and when his troops returned to the court, it seemed that they were afraid of the country.

The reason why he said this was mainly to endorse his own broken leg.

Rather than saying that he was interrupted by the black feet of Qi Jing's subordinates, it would be more glorious to say that he had a fierce battle with the stick. In that case, why not maintain his dignity?

His mission is only to investigate, not to prevent Qi Jing from sending troops. Whether he starts a war or not, whether he wins or loses, is none of his business.

Since it has nothing to do with your own interests, why should you be serious about it? Besides, Qi Jing's sending troops cannot be stopped. Even if he doesn't come to investigate, he can guess the result.

Since the facts are there, it is better to lie with a hint of truth.

It is a common thing in officialdom to deceive superiors and deceive subordinates, and there is nothing to blame oneself for.

Moreover, lying has many benefits, and you can also get generous rewards.

I was injured honorably for my country, how could your majesty not be so kind as to pay for some soup and medicine?

He guessed correctly and was indeed rewarded for it.

However, his wretched appearance is a bit inconsistent with the hero mentioned in the oracle.

Earlier, he had all his teeth knocked out by Qi Xiaotong, and his mouth was as deflated as that of an old lady; now that he is holding on to a cane, how can he still have the slightest image of a hero?

If you carry a big gourd on your back, you will be like an iron crutch!

Su Liu naturally had no intention of paying attention to the success or failure of the dog. All her attention was focused on another piece of news.

It is said that after Lu Boxuan, the imperial censor of the reward army, had completed his duties, he actually stayed in Mobei temporarily in order to assess the situation and consider it necessary to supervise the war...

In other words, he has no plans to come back in the near future.

As a result, the information Su Liu obtained was severely lacking. She only saw the appearance of the matter, but did not know Qi Jing's true thoughts. Under such circumstances, she naturally did not dare to act rashly.

Just wait and see!

Coincidentally, Qi Yu from Nanyang is also paying attention to this matter.

Moreover, he also sent a large number of scouts to monitor the direction of the war.

As a matter of fact, monitoring Goryeo is fake, and keeping an eye on Fusang is the real intention.

After observing for a period of time, Qi Yu was surprised to find that although Qi Jing accepted his suggestion, he made adjustments.

He abandoned the showmanship that he advocated and directly engaged in fighting with moderate force.

Judging from his leisurely posture, he seems to be fighting for a long time.

Could it be that Brother Qi's plan is to continue like this?

have to!

Just wait and see!

As for Fusang, he was constrained by Fu Xian's army and did not rush to the west. Judging from his posture, he seemed to be watching from the sidelines like himself.

"I Have a Picture Book of Ghosts and Gods"

As for Goryeo, they seemed to be very afraid of Qi Jing and did not dare to attack him.

During the war, they only defended appropriately but did not organize an effective counterattack.

Tianzhu's side is still business as usual, engaging in a silent confrontation with Qi Qingyun from the tribute list. From the current point of view, there is no sign of eagerness to start a war.

Overall, the current overall situation is still in a relatively balanced state.

In other words, the local war in Goryeo did not trigger a series of military responses.

Qi Yu secretly wiped a cold sweat and sighed with relief: Balance is the best status quo. If this triggers a melee between all parties, it is very likely that an unpredictable out-of-control situation will occur.

Rather than letting things develop, Qi Dalang prefers the feeling of strategizing.

Haha, don’t fight an uncertain battle!

A month passed in a hurry, and the war situation in Goryeo remained the same as before.

Qi Jing completely controlled the rhythm of the attack, and deliberately presented a false appearance that seemed to be stalemate but was actually loose. From time to time, he also released some news about small victories to cheer people up.

What is virtual is real, what is real is virtual.

If you want to tell whether this is true or false, it depends on your own judgment.

But at this moment, someone's misjudgment accidentally broke the balance.

"Report to your lord, an urgent document has been delivered!"

"Urgent document? Who sent it?"

"Sir, it's Yin Junyin!"

"Is it him? Show it to me immediately!"

But I saw that it was an urgent but not strictly encrypted formal document.

In other words, the government and everyone involved in the matter are well aware of it, and there is no need to conceal it.

Okay, let’s read it first and then talk about it.

I saw that it read: The Holy Emperor heard that Qi Jing's army had achieved a small victory and that Goryeo was struggling with defense, so he came up with the idea of ​​imitating the emperor's personal expedition when he destroyed King Yan. That is, the emperor wanted to take advantage of the weakness of the small country of Goryeo to raise troops to attack.

In order to achieve the icing on the cake of our great Feng Dynasty's expansion of territory. Jun once held a broken knife in his hand to remonstrate with him, but to no avail. It can be seen that his heart is as strong as a rock...


The emperor wants to conquer Goryeo again?

From this point of view, it seemed that he was not just thinking about it on a whim, but was thinking about it painstakingly.

Otherwise, why would he want to operate on Gao Li again and again?

There are plenty of opportunities to fight, so why should you rush into this moment?

Oh no!

Qi Yu thought about it carefully and suddenly understood the mystery.

"The Supreme Emperor proved his civil and administrative abilities with his imperial examination results. Then, he proved his extraordinary martial arts skills through his personal military expeditions. Based on these, he is qualified to be among the wise kings. Nowadays, the Supreme Emperor is everywhere

As a fan, it is not difficult to understand his eagerness to make achievements."

"Furthermore, Dafeng's northern and southern territories have been pacified, and the only neighboring countries for him to conquer are Goryeo and Fusang. In other words, if the emperor does not tighten his grip, he may not even be able to show off his martial arts.

The chance is gone. That’s why he is so anxious.”

Young people love to show off and prove themselves, regardless of high or low.

Even the emperor cannot escape from it.

However, Qi Yu only guessed Jin Shang's thoughts correctly, but not his thinking logic.

The emperor felt that Qi Jing's war was exaggerated and not as powerful as rumored.

If you can't even crush a small Goryeo, how can you be a world-famous general?

If you can't do it, let me overcome it.

If I defeat Korea, it will directly prove that I am better than you. Then, who of you will still dare to look down on me?

After I have established my authority, I will suppress you one by one.

This chapter has been completed!
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