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Chapter 574 Alcohol Debridement

Chi Ning felt that she was ready to see the winter warmth.

However, when she actually saw Dong Nuan, she felt that she might not be ready.

How else to explain why she was dazzled because of nervousness?

But, close your eyes again and again and take a closer look...



It doesn't seem like it's an eyesore.

The carriage that is warm in winter seems to be followed by a long string of something?

If you look closely, it looks like he is still a human being?


Chi Ning was stunned for a moment, then realized that Dong Nuan had already jumped off the carriage and greeted her.

Although Chi Ning has a position in the army, it is not very high, so he still needs to pay tribute to Dong Nuan.

The last time the winter warmed up, she suffered from severe colds and did not dare to see people for fear of getting over her illness.

This was the first time she saw Dong Nuan, the female uncle.

The first reaction is...


Yes, she originally thought that this should be a heroic figure.

However, heroic spirit is indeed heroic, but it tends to be more glamorous.

She was so beautiful that Chi Ning felt as if she was not a girl.

It is true that because she has been in the army for a long time, she lives like a rough guy.

But, she still has some characteristics of a girl, but now when she stands in front of Dong Nuan, she always feels...

Well, she might be a man.

"Uncle, this is..." After seeing the ceremony, Chi Ning hurriedly asked the long line of people behind the carriage.

Therefore, I feel sorry for these horses, carrying so much weight.


Regarding this matter, Dong Nuan told the truth directly: "These may be spies from Youchang State, or they may be from other countries. They tied me up on the road, and then I tied me back. There are others on the main street of Ke County.

Whether the young servant knows this or not requires careful interrogation to know."

After Dong Nuan finished speaking, Chi Ning took a breath of cold air, his face full of shock.

She had known before that spies from other countries had long been interested in keeping warm during the winter.

But, in broad daylight, with everything clear and clear, they just kidnap people?

This is something she never expected!

"Don't worry, Uncle, I will torture them severely and I won't spare them!" Chi Ning is a member of the army after all. At this time, his face turned cold and his whole body was filled with a murderous aura.

Hearing what she said, Dong Nuan nodded with relief.

She originally didn't want to worry too much about these matters, so she just left it to the Song Mansion.

Moreover, maybe through these spies, more interrogations can reveal something.

Chi Ning quickly called the guards of the Song Mansion over, separated the people, tied them up carefully, and escorted them personally to see Song Tui in the army.

"Uncle, do you want to come together?" Although the military's entry and exit inspections are now strict, Dong Nuan's status is different after all. Chi Ning thought about it and still extended an invitation to her.

Dong Nuan did not refuse and followed directly.

The atmosphere in the military is indeed quite serious now. When I came here before, everyone had a faint smile on their faces.

But now everyone has a sullen face, and it looks like a war is about to break out.

This made Dong Nuan speculate that the situation in the northwest might not be very good, which is why Youchang State is so uncontrollable now.

I just don’t know how Cao Xinyao is doing now...

Youchangguo came over yesterday to provoke and call for battle. Of course, Song Tui could not tolerate their mistakes.

If you dare to come over and provoke them, just go over and beat them up.

Of course, when the two parties exchange fire, some friction, injuries, etc. will inevitably occur.

Song Tui had already sent an urgent message to the capital, explaining the situation at the border, mainly for the purpose of petition, and that war could start at any time.

There is still no news from the capital, so Song Tui can only make small fuss and cannot open fire on a large scale.

When he heard that Dong Nuan was coming, he was stunned for a moment.

At this time, what is the reason for the warm winter?

When he saw the people tied up by Dong Nuan and Chi Ning, Song Tui was immediately shocked.

"This is..." He asked the same question as Chi Ning.

There was no need for Dong Nuan to speak, Chi Ning explained carefully.

After Song Tui heard this, his face turned dark. He just wished he could draw his sword and stab those people right now.

Everyone knows how important winter warmth is to the Dayue Dynasty.

Therefore, knowing that these people dared to attack Dong Nuan and refused to let Dong Nuan eat, Song Tui was absolutely furious!

"Uncle, the food in the army may not be very good, but there is no problem in eating enough." Song Tui cursed a few words in his mind and hurriedly arranged for Dong Nuan to come over for dinner.

Of course, if it weren't for maintaining a good image in front of the girls, Song Tui would have been scolded by his parents.

After all, he is really a rough man, the kind who even scolds himself when he is so cruel.

Dong Nuan was not particularly hungry now. Chi Ning had specially brought snacks to her on the way here. She simply took a bite to cushion her stomach, and her stomach felt less uncomfortable.

Because he was not hungry for the time being, Dong Nuan just shook his head when it came to Song Tui's arrangements: "General, I have prepared some things that can be used for debridement. Do you want someone to move them down, and then ask the military doctor to come and take a look.


Song Tui's eyes lit up when he heard that it could debridement wounds.

You must know that there has been a lot of friction recently, and many of his soldiers have been injured.

It's okay to have a small fight, everyone is a rough-skinned man, and they have been in the army for a long time, so their bodies are really not that delicate.

However, if a large area is injured, the wound cannot be treated well...

The second child in my family was a living example.

Now when he hears that there is something good, can Song Tui not be excited?

Not caring about interrogating the spies, Song Tui immediately signaled to Dong Nuan: "Quick, quick, quick, uncle, hurry up and make arrangements."

While he was talking, he had already taken Dong Nuan out, and Dong Nuan didn't show any pretense. He strode out, took the people to his carriage, and motioned for people to move down the jar of alcohol.

It happened that someone was injured yesterday and the wound was treated, but the effect was not satisfactory. Now alcohol can come in handy.

The military doctor first examined it carefully, smelled it, and then tasted it briefly.

Of course, just lick it and see what it is.

When he smelled it, he realized it was wine.

But after licking it, I was a little surprised.

The taste of this wine is not right.

"High alcohol is indeed effective in debridement, and the effect will be better." The military doctor didn't quite understand, but he came to his final conclusion based on what he had learned.

For them, this is a new drug and something that needs to be tried before they can see whether it can be used on a large scale.

There happened to be injured people, so Song Tui sent people over to ask them. If anyone volunteered to try it, they would use it first to see the effect.

Two soldiers with serious thigh injuries and relatively large wounds nodded their heads, wanting to see the effect.

Anyway, the worst outcome is that you lose your legs or your life.

The fact that they dared to charge in the first place meant that they had already thought of the consequences.

So, now, like a strong man who cut off his wrist, he came here with a serious face to try alcohol debridement.
This chapter has been completed!
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