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Chapter 877: The Number One Person

Chapter 877 The number one figure

I hate that iron cannot become steel!

I really hate it, but what else can the host fans do? They can't play in place of Tomic or Kyrgios.

So, what else can be done?

Apart from putting all the responsibility and fault on Gawain, there seems to be no better choice. No one is willing to swallow this breath anyway.

Now, the only thing they can rely on is the second set between Gawain and Kyrgios. In terms of inventory, Kyrgios does have a chance.

"If we win the count, the game will be different."

"If nothing happens, Nick will definitely win."

"There's something fishy here, someone stole the victory from us."

However, any normal person knows that there is nothing wrong with the referee's decision. The more they shout, the more they quibble, which only makes them look more pathetic.

The penalty is indeed undisputed. Even the black haters on social networks who don’t like Gawain are complaining. Can you please be more sophisticated? Don’t drag us black men down. We are working hard to blackmail Gawain.

Yes, your actions of subduing your wits are holding us back.

After the game, ATP officials immediately announced the results of the investigation and penalties:

There was no problem with the referee's penalty - of course, but the ATP still gave it official approval and cut it off before he could even turn his head.

At the same time, Kyrgios was punished for several crimes.

Throwing rackets, provoking referees, threatening on-site staff——

It was not the last threat to the security personnel, but Kyrgios' extraordinary move after smashing his racket and then throwing it into the dugout after the second set. This was considered a threatening attack, and what's worse, it was

Risky behavior towards referees, caddies and spectators.

Any time a player's violent behavior may harm ball boys, referees or spectators, this is inexcusable.

However, none of the above-mentioned crimes are as serious as the accusation that Kyrgios hinted that the referee took bribes to manipulate the game. The ATP has always had a strict attitude towards gambling. Any accusation will be investigated in depth and refuses any condonation. Similarly, for those groundless accusations, it is also a crime to kill.

Cut decisively.

In the end, Kyrgios not only had his fourth-round Australian Open bonus confiscated, he was also fined $40,000, given a serious warning, and will be kept on probation for the next year——

If it is committed again within a year, it will be directly suspended.


The ATP acted very strongly and responded immediately, stating its official position before the negative impact spread further.


The fans of the host country made a fuss and chirped, but in the end they still lacked the confidence, and those voices failed to form a climate.

So, what else can they do?

The most important thing is Gawain. His performance was impeccable, not only during the game, but also after the game.

At the post-match press conference, there were many and complicated questions, but the questions about the boos from the fans and the four consecutive kills by the host players could not be avoided.

Even the Chinese media will inevitably pay attention to this focus, because this is the fact before them, and it even affected the progress of this game.

Sitting in the press conference room, you can imagine the next "story plot":

There are no Australian players in the singles draw, but the supervillain Gawain, who eliminated four Australian players, is still in the draw.

Therefore, every time Gawain appears on the stage, the home fans will do their best to support Gawain's opponent. No matter who it is, they will win the love of the home fans. They are eagerly looking forward to someone who can defeat Gawain and complete their revenge for them——

The roar of support may even be crazier than any of the previous four rounds.

First of all, the accumulation has never been to this extent in the previous four rounds.

Secondly, when Australian players participate in the game, the home fans are completely involved in the game, too nervous and exciting, and they cannot focus on cheering; but now there is no such shackles, they can finally get rid of the shackles and devote themselves wholeheartedly to causing trouble for Gao Wen.

In a great cause.

Things may be even more difficult.

It is no exaggeration to say that for Australian fans, Gawain should be the number one figure in the "Thanos" level now——

How could he knock out Kyrgios? How could he knock out Tomic? How could he knock out Hewitt?

Wait, Hewitt was not eliminated by Gawain, but he was another Chinese anyway, so all the blame should be placed on Gawain.

Journalists are no exception.

Local reporters have become red-eyed, and reporters from all over the world have also focused their attention. This has become the most exciting and bloody episode of the soap opera outside the Australian Open this year.

Who would have thought that when they arrived in Melbourne, people were looking forward to the script of "Big Four VS New Generation", but the script of "Gawain VS Australia" stole the show.

So, how will the story develop next?

Is anyone willing to give some spoilers?

Oh, by the way, why did I forget that this soap opera is still airing, so now everyone in the world is watching the show together?

I'm a little excited, breathing quickly, and my heartbeat is racing. Is this normal?

"Gawain, what do you think of Kyrgios's extreme behavior during the game?"


He opened fire with the first question and went straight to the focus without any pause. It was obvious that the reporters could no longer hold it in any longer.

Gawain lived up to expectations. He didn't make excuses or push back. He responded very directly and positively and stated his position firmly.

"This is a dangerous behavior that must be strictly prohibited."


A commotion could be clearly felt in the press conference room. The reporters were eager to continue asking questions, and the air was boiling——

Who would have thought that after the game, there would be a follow-up. It seems that the drama between Gawain and Kyrgios will not end in a short time.

Australian fans should hate Gawain to their core.

But Gawain's words were not over yet.

"This type of incident should not be tolerated and should not be allowed to happen."

"Of course, I know things started unintentionally, and no one wanted to hurt anyone, but we must know that the tennis court is not a boxing ring, and when we take drastic actions, these unintentional actions may also hurt other people.

, it may be the caddy, it may be the spectators, it may be the reporters present, and at the same time, it may be ourselves."

"I don't think violence should exist on a tennis court."

"If we don't realize the seriousness of the matter and keep looking for excuses, it will be too late by the time the harm comes."

Upright, severe, decisive.

Just like during the game, Gawain showed an absolute zero-tolerance attitude. With a thunderous momentum, all the commotion in the press conference room came to an abrupt end. The air was buzzing, and the impact of Gawain's words could still be felt.

Obviously, this matter will not go well.

But Gawain didn't look worried at all, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and his stern expression became relaxed in an instant.

"Then, next question."

(End of chapter)

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