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Chapter five hundred and sixty-ninth kill the chicken to warn the monkey

 In the luxurious box, the lights are bright. Outside the window is the autumn night and the bright moon.

Ma Huateng drank a glass of liquor and joked half-truthfully: "Mr. Jing, someone called me more than a month ago and said that you planned to enter the live broadcast industry and were discussing cooperation with Wanda's Xiao Wang.

I was shocked. To be honest, live streaming is the core field that Tencent is optimistic about in the future. We have already invested in Douyu, Huya, and Kuaishou. We really don’t want to compete with you!”

Jinggao's industry and Tencent's business do overlap and even compete. You must know that Phoenix Group is one of the Internet giants. Is there any friction in this?

Nowadays, the seven giants of the domestic Internet: Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, JD.com, Phoenix, Meituan, and Toutiao. The relationship between them is intricate and complex, and some of the plots of the well-known American TV series "Game of Thrones" can be applied to them.

Fall in love and kill each other. But generally speaking, Tencent will have more "friends" because Tencent usually only invests about 10% or 20% of the shares. Alibaba will continue to increase capital until it wins the target company.

Take Phoenix and Tencent as an example. Phoenix Pay and WeChat Pay compete. They compete in different payment scenarios. Of course, Phoenix Pay is at a disadvantage. Because Tencent, as an established Internet giant, has a relationship with local cities, JD.com, and Meituan.

The relationships between these giants cannot be compared to Phoenix Pay.

However, Phoenix Pay is still the third largest payment tool in China.

Another example: Weibo, a subsidiary of Phoenix Group, is moving to the news side, which conflicts with Tencent’s Tencent News. Of course, it also competes with Toutiao.

Another example: Phoenix Group spent a huge amount of money to buy 10% of Baidu’s shares in iQiyi, and it is a direct competitor with Tencent Video and Youku.

Another example: Phoenix Group has laid out Bilibili early, with a shareholding ratio as high as 30%. In the field of short videos and live broadcasts, it competes with the short video and live broadcast platforms invested by Tencent.

Another example: Phoenix Films is currently among the top three domestic film and television companies. It competes and cooperates with some of Tencent's production programs.

Jing Gao smiled and said: "I met with Mr. Wang. He wanted to ask me for financing. My idea was that he could either sell Panda Live to me directly. I was not interested in equity financing. But he said to think about it.

, I haven’t received a call from him yet. I guess he doesn’t want to sell it.

To be honest, pony, I don’t want to compete with Tencent. However, your family can’t eat up such a big market.

Pony, who told you this?"

Ma Huateng smiled and said, "You must know Yao Shengming!" This person was introduced to him by Zhou Mingyang.

However, he will definitely not tell his friend Zhou Mingyang. Handing over the instigator shows his sincerity.

Jing Gao nodded and sighed: "Old acquaintance! Pony, I run the King of Glory Club, participate in Hero Interactive Entertainment, VSPN, mainly for hobbies. In terms of the layout of the game industry, Tencent has relatively core technologies. However,

I am really interested in getting into short videos and live broadcasts. In the Internet field, live broadcasts and short videos are already the hottest trends after the concept of sharing."

Speaking of which, he is very optimistic about Young Master Wang's business plan to build a pan-entertainment empire that includes entertainment, live streaming, music, games, film and television, and sports! But Young Master Wang has a high vision but a weak hand, and cannot work with his head down.

This plan actually conflicts with Tencent's core interests. But the problem is that this industry is not a player. For example, in music and games, Tencent competes with NetEase. Now Tencent's biggest opponent is ByteDance.

Therefore, to say that he and Xiao Ma Ge fell out over this matter, that would not be the case unless the conflict between the two parties reached the level of malicious competition. At present, the Phoenix Group is a latecomer in these fields.

, it will not directly challenge Tencent’s position.

Of course, business is business. When it comes time to compete with each other for the market, he and Xiao Ma are both mentally prepared. Just do it. No one can take a step back. They are not only responsible for their own personal feelings.

, but also responsible for the company, the team that follows them, and a large number of employees.

This is life, this is reality!

Ma Huateng said softly, "Yes. Live streaming and short videos are where the Internet can create the next billion-dollar giant. After the Qianbo War in 2015, only a number of leading companies are still alive.

In fact, we at Tencent also have our own short video and live broadcast platform, but we just haven't started it. This is often the case. We clearly see the opportunity, but we just can't take off.

Mr. Jing, since you have no cooperation with Panda Live and have no intention of laying out the game industry, then we will continue to promote the formalization of League of Legends and Honor of Kings events and the industrialization of game clubs."

If Jing Gao has no intention to develop the game industry, then with Jing Gao’s financial resources, it will be a great supplement to the entire domestic game industry and he will be a big player. Tencent and Hero Entertainment will certainly welcome this.

Of course, it’s not what Jing Gao says that he believes. The pie in the entire game industry chain is getting bigger and bigger, and it’s obvious that Jing Gao has taken a bite out of the “operation” link. He has strategic investments in Hero Interactive Entertainment and VSPN.

Maintain influence.

However, Tencent’s game department has fallen out with “Xiao Wang” and is counterattacking. It is simply impossible to re-form an alliance of e-sports players and e-sports clubs. This profit can only be eaten by Jing Gao.

As for Jing Gao, he does not want to join forces with "Panda Live". This attitude is very important to him.

To be honest, Wanda Group is indeed the leading enterprise in China. Both in terms of management style and execution efficiency, it is first-rate. But in the Internet field, Wanda Group is not capable.

Wanda has tried many Internet projects, but they all ended in failure. The real estate team only thinks about doing the Internet, which is not feasible.

He has long discovered a problem, which is that Internet companies like Tencent will not be able to do well in certain projects if they do not delegate power to operators. Take live streaming as an example, where is Tencent's Longzhu Live today?

For another example, Tencent’s former micro-business had to be sold to JD.com.

Xiao Wang of Panda Live seems to be getting closer to Zhou Hongyi of 360 recently. But 360 is the loser of Tencent. He doesn't care at all. During the 3Q war, Zhou Hongyi personally visited his office.

In fact, the specific layout of the game industry is not worthy of his personal promotion at all. It is because this matter has something to do with Jing Gao.

No one else in the Tencent Group has the qualifications to communicate candidly and privately with Jing Gao, only he can!

Jing Gao nodded with a smile, raised his glass, "pony, happy cooperation!" He knew very well that Brother Ma gave way a little.

Ma Huateng laughed, drank Maotai in one gulp, lit a cigarette, and puffed away: "Mr. Jing, there is one more thing. I am just a messenger. Whether I agree or not, it will not affect you or me.


Here comes the business.

Jing Gao suddenly realized something in his heart. I just said it. He smiled and said, "What's the matter?"

Ma Huateng smiled slightly and said: "You know, I live in Hong Kong Island, and Li Zekai and others live in that villa area. He hopes that I can send you a message: truce. What you want is excellence.

The real blocking force for Bu's listing of AB shares on Hong Kong Island is actually the British and American consortium, not the Lee family. The two sides are having such a dispute, it is completely a dispute of will. His father hopes to meet you at the clubhouse of the Hong Kong Jockey Club.

One side. The above are his original words."

Jing Gao couldn't help but laugh. Hey, Li Chaoren couldn't stand it any longer? Was he planning to surrender and lose half the money? Slowly, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips, he said: "It was his father who started the trouble first, but now he is just talking empty words."

White Teeth just said that they want to meet, but nothing can be so cheap. Let’s talk about it later! The resistance to Uber’s listing on Hong Kong Island is indeed not Li’s, but it’s a warning to the monkeys!”

It is better to use your remaining courage to chase the poor bandits, and not to be known as the academic overlord! The Chairman's teachings should always be kept in mind.

Li Huanggua gave up and asked for peace talks, which seemed like he had gained a lot of face. After all, Li Sheng had been the richest man in China for many years. As long as Li Sheng bowed his head to him, his status in the circle of wealthy Chinese would rise!

However, this is of no use! If you beat the snake, you will be harmed instead! There is no need to hold back on an old fox like Li Huanggua who is as smart as a ghost.

You have already offended others, published an article in the newspaper, cursed them by name, and you still expect them to sincerely reconcile with you? What a shameless person you are!

The last person to forgive others was Caesar! He died at the hands of the people he forgave.

Jing Gao didn't dare to compare himself to Caesar. He didn't know when he would fall into this old fox's pit. Therefore, superficial reconciliation still had to be discussed. This was not to win the Li family's understanding, but to show it to others.

. To win more people on his side.

However, they must secretly keep an eye on Mr. Li and kill him. This opportunity must not be missed before it comes again! Now the momentum is on his side. Li Huagua is very shrewd. He came to his senses and made a generous donation. He is really not good.

Take action.

"Reconciliation" always occurs when the strengths of both parties are relatively equal. Just like, without those cutest people, Yingjiang would reason with us?

The chairman said: Wherever you can be unreasonable, you must be unreasonable. If you are even a little bit reasonable, you are forced to do so.

Shopping malls are like battlefields. This is how Li Huagua is now.

In the words of the Internet: Brother, I will help you look decent now!

Ma Huateng was speechless for a while. He actually knew well about Jing Gao's rejection. He had been in contact with Jing Gao quite a lot. He still had an understanding of Jing Gao's personality. Jing Gao was very easy-going and gentle in some things.

Ruyu is very kind to his subordinates. But when he really offends him, his actions are really very dark. They all rush to kill and maim their opponents. Some of them are still in prison for meals.

Moreover, Jing Gao is very tenacious and also pays attention to fighting strategies and is not reckless.

The key is that Jing Gao is only 28 years old this year. They, the older generation of rich people, really can't survive him! It may take another ten or twenty years for Jing Gao's challenger to appear.

However, Jing Gao refused and directly said "kill the chicken to scare the monkey", which really made him dumbfounded and shocked.

Who dares to regard Li Jiacheng, the wealth idol for so many years, as a chicken? But this is the fact now!

What Mr. Li has done over the years is really unpopular. Whether he moved his company's registered address, slandered his motherland, or transferred assets to the UK. Or his youngest son repeatedly ignored orders and insisted on turning the Cyberport project into a real estate project.

, or some methods of hoarding land, and making other people down to their last copper, are all criticized!

"You!" Ma Huateng shook his head and drank a glass of wine from Jinggao, "I will convey it truthfully."

This chapter has been completed!
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