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Chapter 22 Lurking

Ling Xuewei and Ansha are still at the stage of getting to know each other, and she has no intention of exposing the secrets of her space research base.

After half an hour, Ansha came back and brought a piece of news.

Two days later, Prince Nan will have a banquet in a courtyard on the outskirts of the city to invite the rich and powerful nobles of the capital to enjoy the flowers.

This just gave the two men an excellent opportunity for assassination.

"Viewing flowers...that's just right, I'm afraid the target is hiding at home and won't go out!"

Ling Xuewei touched her chin and said with a smile.

"Let's schedule the assassination plan for the flower viewing party in two days' time. Let's go to the base tonight to get familiar with the terrain."

Ansha frowned, "It's just that even if we are familiar with the terrain and have an ambush in advance, it may still be difficult to get close to the target."

Last time they used this method to sneak into the Royal Guards, but they were still discovered, and he was the only one who came back alive in the end.

Not being able to get close to the target is the biggest problem now.

An Sha did not want Ling Xuewei to die.

"Who said we were getting close to our target?"

Ling Xuewei suddenly said something that made An Sha stunned.

"How to assassinate without getting close?" An Sha looked confused.

Ling Xuewei's lips curved into a mysterious arc, "Since the enemy is good at close attacks, we naturally can't fight head-on."

She patted An Sha on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, I already have an idea, and you'll know when the time comes."

That expression again.

An Sha was already immune to the mystery of the girl in front of him.

The night is getting darker.

The two of them took advantage of the darkness and went out to check out the location in a courtyard on the outskirts of the city.

With the help of An Sha, the two of them avoided guards and secret sentries along the way and made progress smoothly.

An Sha is indeed a master in this field, and he is very familiar with the matter of stepping on the spot. The two of them cooperate very well, and there is no need to say much. Sometimes, just a look can understand what the other person wants to say.

Ling Xuewei is very satisfied with such a partner.

An Sha was extremely surprised.

He once again became curious about this mysterious and contradictory woman.

He had already seen Ling Xuewei's hidden cultivation, but Ansha could also feel that even though Ling Xuewei had hidden her cultivation, her strength could only be considered average in this inferior country.

It is simply impossible to get close to two Wu Zun realm cultivators and successfully assassinate the target.

Ling Xuewei looked like a young lady from a big family, but her performance surprised Assassin at every turn.

Ling Xuewei is like an elf who has become accustomed to living in the dark. She hides and touches on these things and behaves in such a way that no one can find any fault with her.

During the inspection, Ling Xuewei discovered a place that was extremely suitable for sniping.

Yes, it's sniping.

In this assassination, she planned to use a sniper rifle.

It is easy to scare off the enemy in close combat, not to mention facing two martial arts masters. A head-on collision is undoubtedly the last resort.

Since she is next to a huge weapons laboratory, wouldn't it be a waste if she doesn't make full use of it?

"Two days later, I will be responsible for the assassination. You should be ready to respond at any time. Once successful, we will evacuate immediately while taking advantage of the chaos."

Ansha looked at her hesitantly, "Are you sure you want to be alone? The other party is two martial arts masters..."

No wonder he didn't trust her. Looking at the woman's empty hands and slender figure, he really couldn't imagine her facing off against two martial arts masters.

"Don't worry, I won't make fun of my life. Okay, let's go back!"

Ling Xuewei smiled, turned around and left.

Although An Sha had doubts, at this point he couldn't help but think about it too much.

For him, he can only trust Ling Xuewei temporarily.

An Sha silently made up his mind in his heart. If there was an accident, he would protect Ling Xuewei's safety even if it cost him his life.

As early as when Ling Xuewei rescued him, Ansha owed Ling Xuewei her life.

Although Ling Xuewei said that he had used the information to repay him with his life, the information was not enough to offset Ling Xuewei's life-saving grace.

What's more, he did have a different kind of curiosity about Ling Xuewei.

There was a vague feeling in his heart that if he stayed by Ling Xuewei's side, he might get an unexpected surprise.


Two days later.

On this day, the people of Nanxi Kingdom all knew that Prince Nan was going to host a banquet for nobles from all over the country in his courtyard on the outskirts of the city.

Early in the morning, there was a lot of excitement in front of the main entrance of the courtyard.

Several luxurious carriages drove by, and many richly dressed young men and ladies got out.

There was an endless stream of guests at the door, and the scene was comparable to a state banquet.

This scene lasted until evening.

Ling Xuewei, who was hiding in the dark, looked at the scene and sighed.

No wonder Prince Nan has the ability to hire two martial arts masters. Just looking at this extravagant flower viewing banquet is enough to show how rich his family is.

At this moment, she was lying on the roof, taking advantage of the cover of the night. Dressed in black combat uniform, she almost blended into the night.

What is placed in front of me is the B-26 high-performance sniper rifle first developed by Space.

It is 2.5 times more powerful than an ordinary sniper rifle, and its range is twice as long.

The smooth shape and the touch of metal made Ling Xuewei's warlike blood boil.

How long has it been since you touched a sniper rifle?

This familiar touch made Ling Xuewei excited.

With the corners of her mouth slightly hooked, she was like a panther waiting for prey, quietly dormant in the darkness.

The night is getting darker.

There were songs and laughter in the other courtyard, and the atmosphere gradually heated up.

Ling Xuewei chose a location so that no one would notice it, and it was also convenient for her own investigation.

Under Bai Ze's scan, she could clearly see the scene in the other courtyard.

Through the sniper scope, Ling Xuewei quickly locked onto the target.

Sitting in the main seat was a bloated man.

He is dressed in luxurious clothes, has a fat head and big ears. His eyes faintly reveal evil, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

I guess he is the target this time, Prince Nan of Nanxi Kingdom.

Behind him was a middle-aged man with a square face and a serious face. Even through a sniper scope, he could sense an unusual aura on him.

Suddenly, the man seemed to sense something and suddenly looked this way!

Ling Xuewei's heart tightened, and she immediately held her breath and tried hard to reduce her sense of presence.

She lay motionless in the dark, quietly waiting for the danger to pass.

For a moment, the other party didn't seem to notice anything unusual, and he turned away.

This man is very vigilant. Judging from his appearance, he must be the poisonous man mentioned by Ansha.

As expected of a cultivator in the realm of martial arts, her vigilance was extraordinary. She only glanced through the sniper scope a few times, but she didn't expect that the other party was aware of it.

Fortunately, among the practitioners of Tianxuan Continent, there is no such high-tech weapon as a sniper rifle.

Otherwise, her target would never have been so carelessly exposed to her gun.

Ling Xuewei lay dormant quietly in the darkness, motionless.

The Ansha in the distance is observing here.

A quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

Half an hour.

One hour.

Ling Xuewei waited for the opportunity very patiently.

This kind of thing is too common for her. In the past, she used a sniper rifle to assassinate a target and waited at an ambush location for several days and nights.

An Sha was getting more and more anxious. If he hadn't known about the woman's character earlier, he would have thought that Ling Xuewei was sleeping in an ambush.

There were people drinking and drinking in the other courtyard, and the banquet was coming to an end.

From An Sha's perspective, there were countless opportunities to carry out assassinations during this period. However, Ling Xuewei never took action.

What is she waiting for?!

As the night gets darker and darker, Ansha becomes more and more anxious, wishing that he could take action in Ling Xuewei's place.

Just when he was impatient and almost rushed out, Ling Xuewei in the distance finally moved.

I saw Ling Xuewei's right hand on the strange-shaped iron bump, and her whole body was condensed with aura.

It seems like I have cut off everything and am completely immersed in a world.

Ansha was surprised, he had never seen such a high level of concentration.

It's just that he doesn't understand how to assassinate Prince Nan from such a distance?


Suddenly, a subtle sound came!

It was so fast that even An Sha, a martial master, was not caught!

Silent and breathless.

Ling Xuewei fired.

However, after waiting for a long time, Prince Nan in the other courtyard was still safe and sound.

Ansha's eyes widened.

Is this...a mistake?!

He suddenly got angry and was about to rush over! But he saw Ling Xuewei firing several more "bang bang" shots and shooting straight away!

The bullet quickly merged into the night and became silent!

Really missed!

Otherwise, how could there be no movement in other courtyards?

An Sha teleported to Ling Xuewei's side, stretched out his hand to grab her, "Quickly leave!"

If the assassination fails, they will be discovered soon and must leave quickly!

But Ling Xuewei, who was lying on the ground, didn't seem to notice it at all, and said two words without looking back, "Quiet."

In an instant, Ansha stopped moving.

Perhaps it was the woman's cold, calm voice.

Or perhaps he was intimidated by the pressure of her long-standing position at the top.

Ansha actually didn't move at all.

He just stood behind the woman, his body tense and alert.

Time passed by minute by second, An Sha's whole heart was raised high, and his back was already soaked with sweat.

However, the hustle and bustle in the other courtyard was still the same, as if they didn't notice anything strange just now.

Only then did Ansha feel that something was wrong.

Not to mention ordinary people, even the poisonous man didn't move. Is it possible... that he didn't notice?

What's going on?

An Sha calmed down, his spiritual energy gathered in his eyes at high speed, and he carefully explored the other courtyard.

After a while, he finally discovered it.

He still remembered a few bags that Ling Xuewei tied to the tree when they came to visit the spot that night.

But now he found that these bags were rotten!

Is it possible that her initial target was these bags?

Just as he was wondering, he heard a "buzzing" sound coming from the darkness.

A large number of poisonous bees came quietly in the night!

Dark and eye-opening.

That is...the black poisonous bee unique to Nanxi Country!

"What's going on?"

Seeing the Black Venomous Bee ignoring the two of them and flying towards the other courtyard, no matter how slow the Ansha was, he could now react!

"Is it possible that those bags contain bee attractant powder?"


Ling Xuewei finally answered.

Although Ansha didn't know what the word "bingo" meant, he also understood that he had guessed it correctly.

Watching those black venomous bees instantly surround the banquet, there was chaos in the courtyard.

This chapter has been completed!
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