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Chapter 103 Last Words

"Sir, that nasty red hat goblin used magic to sneak attack us while we were not paying attention, causing us heavy casualties.

If we fight head-on, it will definitely not be our opponent." The Jackal Ranger said angrily.

Lockheed frowned and asked, "How many gnolls do you have left?"

"In the entire jackal army, only a few of us are still alive.

Sir, you have to make the decision for us!

Sir, we no longer have the ability to help you capture the goblins.

But as long as you settle our previous gains, I will immediately go back to the Gobi to find the Gnoll tribe, and I will soon recruit a stronger force than before to come back and serve you."

Lochte smiled slightly and threw out a pile of gold coins.

The leader of the Jackal Rangers hurriedly picked it up, but unfortunately all the gold coins were scattered, so he had to lie on the ground and pick them up one by one.

Lochte saw this scene and smiled happily.

The jackal leader wrapped the gold coins in a piece of rag. When he picked it up, he counted it and found that it actually gave him an extra 100 gold coins!

After thanking him profusely, he got on his horse excitedly and was about to leave.

Lochte gave Gallu a wink, and Gallu opened the magic book, and two consecutive chain lightnings struck down from the void.

The four Jackal Rangers instantly turned into charred corpses and fell to the ground.

Gallu dug the gold coin bag out of the Gnoll Ranger.

He held the gold coins and half-knelt in front of Lochte.

Lockheed took the gold coin, stepped on the head of the Jackal Ranger with one foot, and said with a smile:

"There are only four or five brainless jackals left, and they still dare to come back and ask for gold coins. They don't know whether to live or die.

I'll buy it for you for a full ten gold coins per goblin.

In the end, even though you didn’t catch enough goblins, you were destroyed by the goblin group, which is a disgrace.”

"Gailou, since the Christmas elf has appeared, you should go and meet him.

For elf units of level 5 and above, the price in the cemetery is 5,000 gold coins each.

Catch a little leprechaun that has lasted for two weeks.

The fairies are all consciously good leeks, and they gave me gifts on their Christmas."

Galu bent down and said, "It's your lord, I'll summon the troops right away."

Goblin camp in Carlton City.

Koroko and Clarence took all the goblins and prepared to leave the goblin camp.

Several large bags of potatoes were thrown on the ground, and two carriages carried 50 little goblins who could not move.

Coke and Clarence also let their horses out. The saddles had been removed, and there were three paralyzed goblins lying on each of the two horses.

There were also a few weak goblins who couldn't let go, so they were carried by other goblins.

Ke Ruoke walked with Clarence and the goblins on the road, looking back in the direction of Carlton City from time to time, feeling very worried.

But don’t be caught up!

"Boom!" A bolt of lightning struck from the clear sky and struck the road in front of the carriage.

The two pack horses were frightened, their hooves tumbled, they stood half-length, and they neighed.

"Crack!" There were two more lightning bolts, and the two horses and the goblin on them were chopped into charcoal.

Clarence and Croco looked ahead with heavy expressions.

The mage's attendant Galu was riding on a horse, looking at them arrogantly, raising his head and saying: "Fairies, where are you going?

You left the territory without even saying hello to the Lord of the City, you really don’t take the Lord in the eyes of the City."

Around him, there were more than thirty mages, a dozen great mages, and the sky was densely packed with gargoyles.

Galu snorted disdainfully and asked:

"As a citizen of the city lord, if you leave the territory without the permission of the city lord, what crime should you face?"

A mage leaned forward and replied: "Sir, any lower-class citizen who leaves the territory without the consent of the city lord will be deemed to have defected and shall be executed."

Galu smiled coldly, stared at the goblins, and shouted loudly: "Did you hear that? Why don't you just surrender?"

"Despicable villain. You didn't show up when the jackals were killing us, but you came out to stop us just as we were about to leave!

The gnolls who slaughtered our compatriots must be with you!" Clarence shouted angrily.

Gallus raised his eyes and said:

"Christmas elf, right? Don't talk nonsense. The ones who massacred you were jackals, and I am a noble mage.

I just spent some gold coins to buy the little goblin from them. It was a legitimate transaction.

Where they caught the goblin is none of my business.

Kerens said indignantly: "Beasts, we goblins are also regular citizens of the tower. How can you treat us like this?"

"Subjects?" Gallu said with a cold face: "You are nothing more than lowly leeks, but how dare you be called the subjects of the tower together with our great mage?"

He waved his riding crop and shouted:

"What gives you the courage to talk to me like this? Fifth level? Who is not a fifth level? Do you think you are the only one who is a fifth level? You despicable goblin!"

"Hahaha! Where did this goblin come from? Do you think you are amazing if you are level 5?"

"Even so, I won't urinate and show off my appearance. The people in the tower are all noble mages, what's the matter with you?"

"So these lowly level 1 soldiers are always unable to position themselves correctly."

"You can't say that, he is a genius among the goblins. A fifth-level soldier must be very prestigious among the goblins, right?"

"I understand, I understand, the king of wild dogs! Still a wild dog!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The surrounding mages all began to sarcastically mock each other.

Clarence was so angry that he was shaking all over. Just as he was about to take out the magic book, Galou waved his hand and struck down a chain lightning.

Clarence quickly used the anti-magic magic on himself.

Lightning struck Clarence's body, and the anti-magic magic took effect, offsetting part of the damage.

"Uh!" He whispered, gritted his teeth, and wanted to fight back, but was interrupted by other mages' continuous spells.

Behind him, chain lightning bounced five times in succession. Four little goblins were electrocuted into charcoal, and one little goblin lay on the ground wailing.

The goblins were filled with indignation and wanted to resist, but they were weak and no match for the mage. A series of fireballs burned a piece of the goblin into a corpse.

The gargoyle kept circling, swooped down, grabbed a little goblin and flew up.

The claws of the gargoyle were embedded in the bodies of the goblins, causing the goblins to scream in agony.

Seeing Clarence being constantly attacked by magic, Koroko, who was hiding among the goblins, felt anxious.

Although Clarence is a fifth-level soldier, the Christmas Elf is not known for its health points, so he will die if this continues.

Another lightning bolt struck, and Ruoke flew out from the group of goblins and stood in front of Clarence.

Lightning struck Koroko, and the golden shield of the goddess of wealth and the shield of peace of the goddess of luck appeared one after another on his body.

The two shields helped Koroko block some of the magic damage.

Galu was riding on his horse, looked at him in surprise, and said, "Are the priests of the Goddess of Wealth Church and the Goddess of Peace Church all blind? They actually choose to protect the treacherous trading goblin? Then I won't be able to keep you."

He opened the magic book, faced Koroko's direction, and used the level 3 magic rock stab.

A thorn penetrated from the ground, passed through Koroko's spine, and emerged from Koroko's belly, with blood splattering everywhere!

Clarence's eyes were splitting as he shouted: "Uncle Ke Ruoke!"

He wanted to cast magic to counterattack, but was interrupted by a mage's long-planned ice arrow.

Ke Ruoke vomited a mouthful of blood.

On him, the shield of the Goddess of Peace exploded, and the teleportation magic, which was only triggered when Koroko was on the verge of death, was activated, transporting Korokko, Clarence, and a small circle of goblins around them to a distant place.

The mage attendant Galu frowned, opened the magic book, and successively released the clairvoyant atmosphere and clairvoyant earth magics, but failed to find Ke Ruoke.

He spat and cursed secretly: "It's bad luck! What a piece of shit, it's actually teleported so far."

Looking at the remaining sporadic goblins, he shouted:

"All mages should stop using damaging magic and use their weakness to relieve their resistance so that the gargoyles can catch them alive.

We don’t want the corpse cemetery. They are all gold coins, don’t waste them.”

In the distance, Clarence held the dying Ke Ruoke and cried: "Uncle Ke Ruoke! It's all my fault. I didn't protect you! Just hold on! I will definitely save you."

Ke Ruoke slowly raised her hand, held the hem of Clarence's clothes tremblingly, and said feebly: "After I die, find Master Qige... join him, wait... return to the tower... tell...

...The savior is here! The savior of the fairies..."

But before Ruoke could finish his words, he passed out and his arms hung down weakly.

On his body, the golden shield of the goddess of wealth emerged, holding his last breath.

In game terms, Koroko's health is 1, and he also has a negative status that keeps losing blood.

His life hangs on a thread, and this thread is the golden shield of the goddess of wealth. Once this magical spell expires, Ke Ruoke will die immediately.

Clarence suddenly woke up from tears.

By the way! Lord Qi Ge! Lord Qi Ge, maybe there is a way.

He opened his magic book and used the clairvoyance magic. Fortunately, the randomly teleported location was near Silver Snow City.

"Uncle Ruoke can still be saved! All we need to do is find Mr. Qige!

Hurry! Come and take Uncle Ke Ruoke back with me!

If you are quick, go to Silver Snow City to find a half-elf!

The half-elf named Qi Ge told him that Uncle Ke Ruoke was in danger!

Please ask him to go to the goblin camp to save Uncle Keroko!"

Clarence shouted hoarsely, and the wailing goblins around him quickly stopped crying when they heard this. Several goblins spread their legs and ran towards the direction pointed by Clarence.

Clarence picked up Koroko and ran towards the goblin camp.

Clarence, who had never believed in gods, prayed in his heart:

The great mother goddess Yasha, the goddess of peace, the goddess of wealth, the goddess of luck, the goddess of magic, the sun god, the sea god, and the elemental monarchs.

Please help Uncle Keruoke get through this difficult time, please save Uncle Keruoke!

He doesn’t deserve to die! Of all the goblins in the entire Yasha world, he deserves to die the most! It’s me who deserves to die, I didn’t protect him!

Lord Qi Ge! Please, save Uncle Ke Ruoke!

This chapter has been completed!
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