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Chapter 115 The Crystal Destroys the World

Luo Qide cast a single level 4 magic spell on the crystal baby dragon: five-fold thunder.

Bang bang bang bang!

5 consecutive lightning strikes.

Resistance, resistance, 1 point (90 resistance to magic, giant arms, mythical arms damage reduction), resistance, resistance.

You actually caused a full 1 point of super high damage to me, it hurts so much!

I am angry!

Seven Pigeons triggers Dragon's Wrath, act immediately!

The crystal dragon he transformed into walked on the highly corrupted swamp, rushed to the obsidian gargoyle on the opposite side, opened its large emerald mouth, exposed a set of crystal fangs, and roared to the sky.


Under the wash of the thunderstorm, the crystals on the body of the crystal dragon were washed spotlessly.

The obsidian gargoyle shivered under the huge shadow of the Seven Doves.

It looked at Qi Ge's body made of crystal, which could still reflect bright crimson light even on a rainy day. It looked very solid at first glance.

There are also those huge crystal claws that make people unable to resist. If I were scratched by these claws, I would still be alive!

Even artificial creatures with only false souls will still be afraid when they should be afraid in the face of too powerful a force.

Listening to the roar of the Seven Doves, the Obsidian Gargoyle felt like it was about to burst.

System prompt: Due to the crystal dragon's Wia, the Obsidian Gargoyle (NPC unit) falls into a state of fear, with a 40% chance of being unable to move each round.

Finally, the trial ended, and the seven doves bit the obsidian gargoyle!

Extreme Bite: Ignores all enemy defense when attacking. If the ignored defense does not reach the attack power of the crystal dragon, it will cause 3 times the damage.

Increased damage by 100 points of attack power, increased damage by level difference, increased damage by the size advantage of super giant units, increased damage by mythical units suppressing ordinary units, and 3 times the ultimate bite!

A total of more than 16,000 points of damage!

900 obsidian gargoyles went up to the sky in one go, and only 12 were left.

Everyone in Lochte was dumbfounded! He saw an 888 popping out of the obsidian gargoyle, thinking it was 888 points of damage, but it turned out to be 888 points?!

Is there any mistake? I killed 888 obsidian gargoyles in one bite!

That’s the wealth I saved over more than ten years by scrimping and living frugally!

Can I take one bite?!

The 12 obsidian gargoyles fought back! They touched Qi Dove hard with their claws!

1 point of huge damage!

So angry! Instead of surrendering, the enemy dared to fight back against us?!

Dragon's Fury is triggered! Action again!

Seeing how brave you are, I won't hit you now.

1,200 ordinary gargoyles were unlucky because they were pulled by Locho to protect the mage and stood in front of the seven pigeons, and only two of them were bitten.

It struck back with its hand and scraped the seven pigeons!

I promise this is the last time I'll be angry this round!

Dragon's Wrath!

Galu looked at the crystal dragon that covered the sky and the sun, and slowly walked towards him. He was so frightened that he knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face, and his lower body dripped and turned into soup.

"Great existence! Please let me go! I'm just a weak ant, not worthy of your attack!"

System prompt: NPC Galu's morale dropped to -8 (40% morale is low, all damage caused is reduced by 80%)

Seven Pigeons passed by him. Galu lowered his head and lay on the ground, not daring to raise his head at all.

Mystic Master Group: "Dragon King! Lord Crystal Dragon King, please, please let us go! No! No! No! Ah!!!"

He heard the high-pitched screams and wails from the powerful group of mystics assigned to him by the Lord of Lochand City, and buried his head even lower regardless of the wetness underneath him.

Galu's water was mixed with the water from the sky. The cold rainwater merged with his own blazing heat and turned into a warm liquid. Together with the rancid swamp sludge, it penetrated Galu's nasal cavity with a foul fishy smell.

Gallu thought to himself: It is said that if you make yourself dirty, these giant creatures will lose their appetite.

In the past, Galu thought that he would not behave like this even if he died, but now, feeling the fear that penetrated his body from his bone marrow, he was really afraid.

He buried his head deeply in the swamp. At this moment, he wished that it was not rain, but mud, so that he could cover himself in it, so that the crystal dragon would not notice it.

Damn Lochte, what on earth did you do to attract such a terrible enemy? I followed him blindly. At first I just thought he was stupid and easy to deceive, and he was hurting me.

After trampling 56 mystics to death, Qi Ge used up all the Dragon's Fury in this round. Just when Qi Ge wanted to end the round, a golden eagle suddenly appeared above his head!

Morale is high!

The additional actions triggered by Dragon's Fury can actually trigger morale!

Wait a minute! Morale can only be triggered once at most after each normal action. After being triggered, you can have one additional action opportunity.

Since the additional actions brought by Dragon's Wrath can trigger morale, that is to say, this is considered a normal action!

This also means that the crystal baby dragon can act up to eight times in one round?!

Qi Ge was frightened!

The terrifying output of the crystal dragon combined with the effect of dragon's fury can take up to eight actions!

What a concept is this!

I am so strong that I am afraid of myself!


Are you touched by the use of such a supreme level 8 mythical unit to personally send you on your way?!

Not only did Luo Qide dare not move, he even wanted to run away!

When he saw the morale rising from Qige's head, he was so anxious that he almost burst into tears.

"How can this be the seventh level? This is at least the eighth level soldier.

This stunt should be Dragon's Fury, which allows you to act immediately after receiving damage!

I have read in a book that the level 5 career of the level 7 golden dragon - the Raging Golden Dragon King has this special skill!

I was so embarrassed that I actually used magic to hit it! I regret it so much!

I was wrong, I shouldn't have been so mean as to test it with magic, and when I saw that crystal dragon appearing on the battlefield, I should have just run away!"

But no matter how anxious Lochte was, he had to wait for Qi Ge to finish his action. He saw Qi Ge turn around and take a look, then walked towards Galou with heavy and powerful steps.

Lochte was like a dying man grasping the last straw, almost jumping for joy!

Yes! Fight Galu! Don’t fight my Iron Man!

That’s the iron man I’ve been saving for several years!

Although the losses were heavy, the most important heroic units, the Archmage and the Iron Man, are still there. We also have some troops left in the city, so we have the capital to make a comeback.

As for Galu, he is just a level 5 soldier whose potential has been exhausted anyway. It would be better if he died, saving me from having to find excuses to delay his hero order.

How can a mere Gallo compare to my 600-unit Iron Man?

As long as he attacks Galu, next time it's my turn to act, I'll hand over the treasure and run away!

The earth shook with each heavy step, and Galu's heart beat rapidly. He wanted to stay still, but his hands and feet trembled uncontrollably, and tears and nose ran out.

No, I don’t want to die, I want to be a great hero, I don’t want to die worthless like those goblins!

Qi Ge passed by Galu without even looking at him. He stepped on the rain and walked towards Iron Man step by step.

Feeling the footsteps fading away, Galu raised his head in surprise and saw a golden horseshoe emerging from the head of the great dragon (lucky 2.5 times damage), and then a whole team of 900 iron men were chewed in the mouths of seven pigeons

It turned into scrap metal and was spit out.

Survival from desperate situation!

Is this the blessing of the goddess of fate?

Galu shouted in surprise: "Lord City Lord! Hurry up! Take me to escape! Let's go back to the city together!

This is a treasure or magic effect, and it is likely that he can only use it in this battle!

We will find a way to get revenge in the future, and a good man will not suffer the immediate consequences."

Good-for-nothing Galu! You can't even block a knife, so why can't you just scold that dragon and let it bite you?!

Seeing that the iron men were all wiped out, Luo Qide cursed in his heart and shouted: "Gailu, you are right, don't worry, you are my confidant, I will never give up on you!

The hero on the other side, please listen to me. Although I don’t know who you are, I will take note of today’s revenge! I will definitely ask my clan leader, the legendary hero Lord Pickem, to avenge me!

Just wait! I will let you know what will happen if you sneak attack a clan member that a legendary hero values ​​most!"

Luo Qide took out a one-time treasure: the scroll of forced escape. Just as he was about to tear it open, he was stopped by a strange force.

What's going on?! Lockheed was shocked and tried repeatedly, but still couldn't escape.

Gallu cursed in his heart: Why did I follow such a cruel thing and say harsh words at this time? If the other party can transform again, what will Carlton City do to stop it?! Can you use your big mouth?

This idiot is stupider than a goblin, and I will kill you sooner or later! No, I have to find an excuse to escape as soon as I return to the city.

Why haven't you returned to the city? Didn't I buy you a scroll to force you to escape from the war a few years ago?

"Lord City Lord! It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, leave quickly!" Galu shouted!

"I want to leave, but I can't leave!" Rochette was really scared now. Even if all his troops died, he would also die.

This is the rule of Mother Goddess Asa, a punishment for those heroes who hide behind the troops and are unwilling to take the lead.

The crystal baby dragon transformed into seven doves stares at the sky with playful dragon eyes.

Level 5 treasures, semi-artifacts, and war shackles prevent both parties from surrendering or escaping in any way.

The car door has been welded shut by me. Today, you, Lockhart, must die here for me, I said so!

Even the Lord of Hell can't save you!

The people of Lochte are going crazy.

He has only one way to survive now: kill all the Dream Fairies before Qi Ge kills all his troops!

However, none of his troops could reach the Dream Fairy on the opposite side. At the beginning, he wanted to prevent the Dream Fairy from escaping, so he chose a thunderstorm. As a result, he trapped himself in a cocoon, causing the movement distance of his flying units to be halved.

Qi Ge very clumsily pulled Dream Fairy to the far corner and spread it to both sides, out of the chain lightning chain distance.

Lochte flipped through his magic book.

Got it!

Level 3 lightning magic with 90% forced hit probability!

Next round, as long as I have a chance to act, I will use my second-level professional skill to turn this single lightning magic into an overall effect that does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

My troops are immune to all lightning damage. As long as I move, I can make a comeback!

At the beginning of a new round, the crystal dragon transformed by Seven Pigeons has a full 30 movement speed! It is the best in the game!

As the crystal dragon approached, the 260 NPC wisdom mages trembled all over, and their morale dropped to the lowest point.

Only the 400 Archmages of the Heroic Soul Arms can look directly at this terrifying and great mythical dragon.

Qi Ge chose to attack the Archmage first, so that those mages who were following Lochte to help others would tremble a little longer.

When Qi Ge's big feet fell, the Archmage had no power to resist and was directly trampled into a pulp.

However, since he was not harmed by the counterattack, Qi Ge was unable to continue his action.

Lockhart was overjoyed when he discovered that it was the turn of his fastest unit, the Obsidian Gargoyle, to take action!

I'm going to make a comeback!

Luo Qide sneered and shouted: "I admit, you are a terrible opponent. You can actually take out such a powerful treasure and transform into such a powerful soldier.

But I will let you understand that the gap in strength cannot be made up by just one or two treasures!

As a master hero, there is a gap like a chasm between me and you!

Lockhart activates the skill of the second-turn professional thunderstorm mage, which consumes 3 times the magic value to turn a single lightning spell into an overall effect.

"Great goddess of fate! Please give judgment to this insect who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth on the other side!

Level 3 Magic Lucky Thunder!

A lucky thunder that is almost guaranteed to hit!

I command you to destroy my enemies!"

Bolts of lightning struck down at the same time, and in Lochte's dull eyes, the word "immune" appeared on the heads of all the fairies.

Only Qi Ge was hit on the head, causing 1 point of high damage.

Qi Ge stared at the sky with vacant eyes. If he hadn't been unable to move around now, he would have wanted to sit down and play the suona to Luo Jiede.

How brave are you?!

You can also touch the cute and cute dream fairy?

Use lucky magic to defeat the original race of Lady Luck?

It's against you!

Good guy, I’ll give you Shang Fang’s sword to investigate corruption. Did you find it on the emperor?

How many heads are there? Is it enough to chop them off?

Qi Ge walked up to 260 wisdom mages and knocked out the flapping gargoyles with one blow. It also boosted morale and knocked out Iron Man by the way.

The enemy's next move was Gallu, who simply lost morale and pretended to be dead and skipped his turn.

The Wisdom Mages are NPC soldiers and have their own independent consciousness. When they saw the terrifying figure of Qi Ge covering them, they finally lost control and shouted:

"Ah! You monster, don't come over here!"

The Wisdom Mage cast a level 3 spell - Tarsal Flame - without Rochande's orders.

This is a magic that can not only cause high damage immediately, but also cause weak damage to the enemy after every action of the enemy.

I don’t know why, but the crystal dragon’s 90% magic resistance actually resisted such magic, and only triggered the damage reduction effect.

When a point of damage appeared on Qi Ge's head, Lockheed, who was in a daze, woke up. He shouted in panic: "No! No! No!"

Unfortunately, it didn't help. Qi Ge turned around gracefully, leaving the enemy's traitorous Wisdom Mage group in place, and killed the Obsidian Gargoyle in seconds.

Morale explodes!

The crystal baby dragon turned around and trampled the group of wisdom mages to death. I, Qi Ge, hate you guys the most! You should die.

When Galu was lying on the ground and saw that the terrifying crystal dragon's body was burned by the tarsal flames and suffered 1 point of damage, he closed his eyes in despair.

He gave up.


Qi Ge landed on the ground, clearly stepping on Galou's body, but it seemed to have stepped on Lochte's courage, completely crushing his boldness.

Clarence, the Santa Elf, rode a horse and followed Agede closely. Behind him were all the elf units of level 3 and above. There were not many of them. Even the other 9 Christmas elves, there were only about thirty in total.


This is the entire main force of the entire Hope Fairy Group, but compared to Carlton City's Lord Lochte, it is pitifully weak.

Their reliance on saving the seven pigeons was Master Agede who was riding a chocobo in front of them to guide the way.

Agede, who was disguised as an ordinary mage, was so angry that he blew his beard and glared.

This Qi Ge is so outrageous. He actually dares to take advantage of Lochte!

No matter how weak the master is, he is still a master!

Let’s not talk about skills and professions. With the troops he has accumulated over more than ten years, can he, a Goddess Chosen who has only been in the game for two weeks, be able to deal with him?

He was a half-elf from a neutral force. If he attacked Lockheed and was killed, he would be on the wanted list in the tower, making it difficult to move around in the tower.

Am I usually too kind, making Qi Ge think that the master hero is nothing more than that?


"Your name is Master Lockheed?"

Qi Ge stepped on Lochte's body and spat.

Two minutes ago.

System prompt: Player Qi Ge won the death match, please choose how to deal with the enemy hero:

Release, capture, surrender, execute.

Qi Ge completely ignored Lochte as he knelt on the ground begging for surrender. He did not even wait for the other party to speak and chose to execute him without hesitation.

Don’t kill them and keep them for the New Year?

Why did you recruit this kind of scum here? To harm your own territory?

What about the master? I am still short of this master among my seven pigeons?

system hint:

You chose to execute Lochte.

Lochte is dead.

Kill the master NPC hero, and the sin value is 5000.

After the battle is settled, the War Shackles effect is activated and all equipment on the opponent's body is obtained.

You have obtained a total of 11 alchemical treasures, 1 one-time treasure, 1 real treasure, and 1 magic book (temporary, lasts for 3 days, and disappears after 3 days)

Calculating the opponent's sin value:

Kill heroes*16, sin value 16,000

Non-combat killings of NPC units*5896, sin value 58960

A total of 74960 sin points,

Total value of items recovered from enemy packages: 749,600 gold coins

Please select a reward.

Qi Ge was shocked that a master could be so poor, carrying 12 alchemy treasures and not even a combined artifact.

He carefully looked at the alchemy treasures, which were of the highest level 3.

Is this a master-level NPC? Is this the city lord of the county?

I believe you even if you say you are a player!

The masters that Qi Ge killed in his previous life were guaranteed to start with a combined artifact, but this is what Luo Jie De did?

Seven pigeons vomited, and this battle was really a loss to my grandma’s family.

In fact, he doesn't necessarily need to use crystal dragon scales. There are other ways to deal with Lockheed.

For example, through pressure from Master Agade or Hora Philomena.

But this is the way NPCs deal with each other. The player's way is that if an NPC commits a heinous crime and has a grudge against me, I will destroy that NPC.

Moreover, other methods are too slow and inefficient.

As time drags on, one of the fairies may be poisoned every minute.

Even for the sake of Ke Ruo Ke Qi Ge cannot keep Luo Qide.

Although the undead will trick Lockheed, they certainly won't do it right away. A little more of it will give Lockheed a little sweetness first, allowing Lockheed to work harder to catch the goblins.

After that, they would start to use methods such as delaying payment to hang Luo Qide. In this process, no one knows how many goblins will be killed.

Now Qi Ge can only hope that there are good things in Luochade's backpack, which can allow him to make up for his losses a little.

Seven Pigeons can recover a total of 749,600 gold coins worth of supplies from Lochte's backpack, which will definitely take out all of his backpack!

Take them all!

System prompt: Your total recovery amount is insufficient.


Qi Ge was so shocked that his jaw dropped?!

Did you make a mistake in the system?

That’s a total recovery of 740,000!

If the things in this poor guy's package were worth 740,000, Lochold would still be wearing this garbage?

Qi Ge quickly began to check Luo Qide's backpack. The total gold coins and resources were only 120,000, and some scattered treasures and miscellaneous items were 170,000.

It’s gone! The total is only 290,000. How could it not be enough?

Wait a minute! Qi Ge suddenly thought of something. He pulled Lochte's package all the way down, and finally found a book in the last compartment of the package.

Lockhart's diary (worth 500,000)

Strange object

What diary is worth 500,000? Lockhart recorded the location of all the nursing mage towers in the tower?

Qi Ge took a look and found that there was a vine armor and a thunder ring in Luo Jie De's package. These two real treasures must be obtained, a total of 120,000.

After taking all the resources and gold coins, and some miscellaneous items, it was exactly 129,600.

Finally, I took the 500,000 diary.

There are still some small props left in Lochte's package. They have no properties and are considered rare items.

For example: a pink oval ball that can beat, a candle that can be dropped for a month without getting too hot, a candy that beats crazily in the mouth, and a special lubricant for male mage.

Qi Ge couldn't understand the function of these things at all, and he couldn't imagine that there would be any kind of military promotion that would use these.


After settling the harvest, Qige waited for a while before Li Xiaobai came over with Zhang Fufu, who had just been resurrected from the resurrection point.

Zhang Fu put Luo Qide's body into a special equipment body bag of the cemetery force.

Later, when Zhang Fu builds the soul summoning tower, he can throw Luo Qide into it to greatly increase the intensity of the undead death energy in the entire territory.

After all, it is a master-level NPC, so it cannot be wasted.

After destroying the corpses and destroying the evidence, Qige left the scene with everyone in the studio.


Agade finally arrived at Carlton City. He asked the goblins to wait outside the city and entered the city himself.

He had already thought that if Qi Ge was killed by Lochte, he would kill him directly before Lochte issued a wanted notice.

For this reason, he came all the way from the wild road so as not to leave any record of his journey.

Finally, when we arrived at Carlton City, the city was quiet and peaceful, as if nothing happened.

"It's strange. Could it be that this guy Qi Ge hasn't had time to find Luo Jiede yet?"

After taking off his disguise, Agede decided to go to the main castle to have a look. If Qi Ge did not make a move, he would stop him and let him make a long-term plan.


Qi Ge was counting the harvest and dividing the other treasures in the studio. Qi Ge only left the Dwarf King Shield and the Vine Wood Armor.

One of these two pieces of equipment is a shield and the other is a jacket, which happen to be the parts that Qi Ge lacks, and they are also a set of artifact components.

And the Crown of the Divine Beast is in the hands of Master Hora Philomena.

Qi Ge worked harder and spent a night or two to increase Sister Philomena's favorability, and maybe she could get free prostitution.

The focus now is on this diary.

What kind of diary is it that in the system's judgment is worth as much as a weaker level 4 sacred artifact?

Qi Ge found a safe place, asked everyone in the studio to protect him, and opened the diary carefully.

This chapter has been completed!
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