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Chapter 134 The faster you fly, the faster you die

The morale of the gryphon crossbowmen was high, and Qi Ge chose to wait.

Thousands of sword dancers lead the skeleton warrior to the spot where the skeleton warrior stood before.

The strong wind entangled the crossbow bolts, cut through the air, and hit the skeleton warrior's shield.

Skeleton Warriors have the characteristic of reducing long-range damage by 25%. This half-arrow range damage only took away 12 Skeleton Warriors.

But damage is not the focus, the focus is displacement.

The powerful thrust of the blast arrow pushed against the skeleton warrior's shield, pushing it toward the leak little by little.

The skeleton warrior roared unwillingly, but was unable to resist the power of the Mother Goddess' rules. He fell into the water and melted in the palm of the sea god's hand.

"Too strong! How did you come up with this move, boss?"

What does this mean? I was the King of Neptune in my previous life, so these are all routine operations.

There are even stronger ones that you have never seen.

"Wait a minute boss, what should I do with the ghost and the vampire king? Use the harpy to slow down?"

Qi Ge shook his head and said, "Don't worry, keep an eye on it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the vampire king and the ghost flew down one after another.

vampire king

Cemetery Level 4 Tier 2 Troops







Undead creatures: not affected by morale, with undead characteristics.

Flying arms.

Attacking enemies cannot counterattack.

Blood-sucking Resurrection: Attack and absorb the enemy's health points to restore yourself (25% of the damage caused), and you can resurrect your own dead troops.

Description: The bat comes from blood and darkness, the deepest fear in the night. The terrifying undead that all living things fear.

The hordes of vampire kings are a nightmare for the living.

Qi Ge used the 12-speed Centaur Marksman to seduce the Vampire King and the Ghost, while keeping other troops as far away as possible to avoid being pulled away.

As a long-range unit with high output, Centaur Marksman has a very high value in the enemy's judgment, and both the Vampire King and Ghost were unexpectedly fooled.

Qi Ge operates the centaur marksman to step back 12 steps and shoot once. By triggering luck, he gets an extra point of morale to improve fault tolerance.

After that, only shoot once every 3 rounds, and keep the arrows as much as possible. There is no supply truck in this battle, and every arrow is important.

Due to the difference in speed between the 11-speed Vampire King and the 6-speed Ghost, there was a gap between them in two rounds.

The harpy hag is stuck in position and takes over the hatred of the ghost, and the centaur marksman continues to contain the vampire king.

At the same time, all Qi Ge's troops were waiting, but Ruoke used the Slowing Technique on the Vampire King, reducing his speed by 2 points.

Koroko's "Magic Genius" is a unit special skill. When Koroko has no heroes to participate in the battle, he cannot enjoy the bonus of all magic becoming intermediate effects.

It's a bit of a pity.

Otherwise, the intermediate slow method can reduce the enemy's speed by -4, making it easier to operate.

The vampire king's speed becomes 9.

Although the control rights of the Griffin Cavalry Crossbowman are given to Qi Ge, the ownership is still owned by Li Xiaobai, and he can enjoy Li Xiaobai's bonus.

Sky Horn 2, Griffin Armband 1

Its speed is ultimately 13 points, which is faster than the Vampire King, so it can wait first to ensure that it takes action after the Vampire King takes action.

In the new round, after the Centaur Marksman action, the distance from the Vampire King is 19.

The Vampire King only has 9 speeds, and it judges that it cannot catch up with the Centaur Marksman in two rounds.

So the Vampire King flew towards the Harpy, which was only 12 distance away from it. With a movement speed of 9 points, it just landed in the right position.

The griffin crossbowman's blast shot out of the air and hit the vampire king on the back!

The unsuspecting vampire king was pushed into the leak, but it spread its wings and floated on the water.

Li Xiaobai said nervously: "Boss, this trick has no effect on flying units!"

"Don't worry, Xiaobai, look carefully."

After the Harpy Hag's action, the earth elf mage not far away released magic:

Level 3 Earth Magic Gravity Network!

Primary Gravity Network:

Earth Magic

Create a 5*5 magic gravity field, halving the speed of all units in the field, and losing the ability to fly. (Lasts for 2 rounds)

In an instant, the remaining 86 vampire kings flapped their wings vigorously, but they could not resist the heavy pressure and were pushed to the surface of the water.

Although it struggled hard, it still fell into the sea and was exiled from the battlefield.

Vampire King, the whole group is destroyed!

At this moment, accompanied by the howls of the dead souls, 50 corpse witches arrived belatedly on the battlefield!

The Corpse Witch's casting distance is 13, its firing range is 8, and its half-arrow range is 16.

A total of 50 Corpse Witches, even with half an arrow range, are enough to instantly kill any troop on the field, even the 75 centaur marksmen of Qi Ge.

At this time, there is still a team of 300 ghosts on the field that have not yet been solved.

At this time, 11 rounds have passed, and there are only 9 rounds until the entire bottom layer is submerged.

Qi Ge also needs to consider setting aside time for the troops to evacuate the first floor.

The more critical the situation, the more calm and calculated the situation is.

Qi Ge first let thousands of sword dancers block the Corpse Witch's 17-square position to lure the Corpse Witch away from the large army.

Then use the Griffin Crossbowman to wait, and then use the Harpy Hag to continue pulling the ghost toward the puddle.

Ghost action, at this time the ghost is exactly 10 blocks away from the puddle.

There are too many units near the ghost in the next round. Because the movement distance of the ghost action in two rounds is 12, there is no guarantee that it will definitely move towards the puddle.

If that's the case, go ahead.

The gryphon crossbowman fired his first blast of wind!

The ghost let out a ghostly laugh of "Jie Jie Jie", and the crossbow arrow penetrated through its body, but the strong wind on the arrow still hit the ghost!

The ghost's physical dodge is immune to damage, but the knockback effect cannot be avoided. The ghost is pushed back five spaces!

A new round begins. Thousands of sword dancers continue to lead the corpse shaman to the water hole, and the griffon crossbowman hands over the last blast of wind!

The ghost was pushed onto the puddle.

The Earth Fairy Mage releases magic again, Gravity Net!

Ghost is a soul unit, and the Gravity Net has no effect on it.

Because the principle of the gravity network is to increase the gravity in a space, causing flying units to lose their ability to fly.

The ghost is a soul weapon, and the weight of the soul is extremely light, and it can still fly even in the gravity network.

But Qi Ge still has a card in his hand!

Level 5 legal elf unit! Everfrost elf!

The Everfrost Fairy releases level 2 water magic ice armor on the ghost!

Primary Ice Armor: Adds an ice armor to a unit, providing 4 defense and 10% water magic resistance.

Thick ice armor formed on the surface of the ghost. The ice armor that was supposed to protect the ghost became a death curse for the ghost!

According to the rules, ice armor and ghost cannot be separated and are regarded as one.

Ghosts have no weight, but ice armor does!

The ghost cried out and was dragged into the water by his ice armor and sank.

300 ghosts, all destroyed!

"Buff magic can actually be used like this! Boss, you are amazing!"

No one had time to listen to Li Xiaobai's exclamation. He focused all his attention on the head of the gryphon rider's crossbowman.

This chapter has been completed!
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