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Chapter 136 Kill the knight, the bone dragon

The Terror Knight is the most terrifying existence among all level 6 troops. If you include undead creatures and giant troops, it has a total of 8 special skills!

This number of special skills is even greater than that of some level 7 and 1st level troops.

The most outrageous thing is that even though the Terror Knight has strong stunts, its attributes are still very high.

The reason why this is so outrageous is because the Death Knight has not been upgraded by the Fire of Asa, and is itself a level 6 unit.

After listening to Qige's explanation, Li Xiaobai was completely panicked. He asked anxiously:

"There are 10 such powerful terrifying knights!

50 maximum damage, basic attack 500 blood.

Even if the attack and defense bonuses are ignored, if another critical strike is triggered, the damage will be 1250.

With a speed of 17, thousands of sword dancers can outrun it.

Even if slowness is added, there is still 15.

How to fight this?"

Qi Ge smiled slightly and said: "Use your ultimate move!"

Qi Ge’s ultimate move is Harpy Hag!

The Harpy is a flying unit, which means that it does not take a turn to get up and down the cabin.

Moreover, the harpy has the characteristics of attacking and returning and attacking the enemy without being able to counterattack!

I saw 5 teams of Harpies standing on the 3rd floor. They flew to the 2nd floor and beat the Terror Knight before flying back to the 2nd floor.

The terrifying knight stood there stupidly, unable to do anything against the harpy.

In two rounds of stealing, a total of 10 speed points were stolen.

The Terror Knight's speed has been reduced to 7 points.

But if you can add another slowing method to the Terror Knight, reduce the Terror Knight's speed to 5.

Then a 13-speed Harpy flew up to the second floor and lured the Terror Knight away.

Four rounds later, the 5-speed Terror Knight was already 20 blocks away from the entrance. There was no way the Harpy could escape from this distance.

But Ruoke also pays great attention to the status of the Terror Knight, and immediately makes up for it as soon as the slow spell is over.

Qige began to slowly move the troops to the 2nd floor cabin.

Li Xiaobai said excitedly: "It's actually possible to do this. Boss, your operation is so cool!"

"The 5-speed Terror Knight can fly a kite with the Centaur Marksman!

No matter how powerful it is, it can't catch up with the centaur marksman and can slowly wear it to death.

I still have a lot of magic points, so I can definitely control it before it is completely destroyed." Ke Ruoke also analyzed it happily.

Qi Ge shook his head and asked, "Why fight?"

Li Xiaobai and Ke Ruoke were both stunned.

Why not fight?

Qi Ge smiled slightly and said: "As I said before, you must be good at thinking, good at using terrain, good at using magic and unit special skills.

After this battle is over, you can review it."

It wasn't until Qige started operating that they suddenly realized that this was still possible!

Qi Ge replaced the Harpy Hag with the 18-speed Thousand Sword Dancers.

Thousands of sword dancers pulled the terrifying knight to the top of the map, constantly moving left and right.

There are only Thousands of Sword Dancers within 3 times the movement distance of the Terror Knight, and it will not chase other troops at all. However, it is always one space short of being able to hit Thousands of Sword Dancers.

Moreover, the Terror Knight is an undead, so his morale will neither be high nor low, and Qi Ge has no chance of overturning.

Li Xiaobai took a breath: "You actually let the horror knight sneak away like a dog walking!"

Seven Pigeons ensured that the Terror Knights would not affect other units of Seven Pigeons.

At this time, five harpies were standing in the second cabin and flying up and down, attacking the bone dragon on the deck.

The bone dragon would let out a terrifying roar from time to time, but there was nothing that could be done against the harpy who flew back to the cabin after the attack.

Bone Dragon

Cemetery Level 7 Tier 1 Troops







Undead creatures: not affected by morale, with undead characteristics.

Super Giant Troops: Covering an area of ​​19 squares (two hexagonal circles), the damage caused by all non-super giant units is reduced by 40%. When the enemy does not have super giant units, its morale is -2.

Doom is coming: Reduce the luck of all units on the opposite side by 1 point.

Aging Curse: After attacking, the enemy will age by a fixed 20%, reducing the enemy's upper limit of health by half. It can be superimposed infinitely until the opponent's upper limit of health reaches 1.

Aging is regarded as a special skill of the unit, ignores magic immunity, and cannot be dispelled.

Devouring Souls:

The damage caused by the Bone Dragon is considered soul damage and cannot be healed.

After the Bone Dragon completely eliminates a group of enemies, it will devour the opponent's soul, making the opponent unable to be resurrected.

Soul-Eating Resurrection: After the Ghost Dragon completely eliminates a group of enemies, it will absorb 20% of the dead unit's original total health and use it to heal itself, and can resurrect itself.

It can be effective on the undead, but cannot be effective on soulless machines.

Although the body is destroyed, the soul is immortal: If the bone dragon completely kills 3 enemy troops in a battle, when all the bone dragons are killed, 20% of its own number of ghost dragons will be summoned.

(The ghost dragon is considered a summoned unit, and the bone dragon corpse can still be resurrected)

Each of the five harpies had the chance to steal speed for three rounds, stealing a total of 15 points, and finally stole 3 points from the bone dragon.

But if you can add the slow method, the speed of the bone dragon becomes 1.

Although the speed of the bone dragon is only 1 point, the huge body of the bone dragon is just surrounded by the railings of the ship, and there is only a small area at the exit where troops can stand.

Any troop coming out of the exit will be bitten by the bone dragon.

The gryphon crossbowmen, who had already stored 5 wind arrows, were waiting first.

At the end of the Bone Dragon's action round, the Griffon Crossbowmen flew out from the exit. Taking advantage of the flying unit, they stayed on the side and above the exit. They were just out of reach of the Bone Dragon and could attack from a distance.

A new round begins, other troops are waiting, and Li Xiaobai activates the Sky Knight Horn skill:

Air Cavalry Charge: All air cavalry units have morale 4, lasts for 1 round (consumes 20 magic points, one hero action, limited to once per battle).

The gryphon rider's crossbowman's blast of wind arrows repels the bone dragon for five blocks, and morale is high! Another arrow, another five blocks!

It takes a full 10 turns for the Bone Dragon with only 1 speed to return to its original position!

After that, the gryphon crossbowman first moved out of the way, and then continued to shoot the bone dragon with the wind arrow.

Qige took the opportunity to move all the troops to the deck.

When the last group of spearmen boarded the deck, the 18-speed Thousands of Sword Dancers left behind the 7-speed Terror Knight and rushed onto the deck after a few rounds.

The Terror Knight stood below the deck and the entrance to the second floor, but because of his size, he couldn't get up at all.

Bone dragons have very high health points, 5 bone dragons have a full 2100 health points.

Moreover, it is also a super giant unit, with 40% comprehensive damage reduction, and level suppression of level 7 units.

But Qi Ge has two teams of level 5 elf mages, and 75 centaur marksmen who have barely used any arrows!

After 16 rounds, a series of fireballs from Clarence the Christmas Elf took away the last bit of blood from the Bone Dragon.

The bone dragon fell from the sky wailing, and its soul returned to annihilation.

Without the support of the soul, the huge keel all scattered and fell on the deck like rain.

This chapter has been completed!
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