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Chapter 147 Chaos Hundred-Headed Snake

Qi Ge, Keruo Ke and Li Xiaobai were surrounding the sea cucumber, not knowing what to do with it.

Source Sea Cucumber: After leaving the magic sea, it will automatically transform into a treasure magic source.

Combination treasure magic source!

Although Zhang Funa, the source of magic power, already has one, Qi Ge is eager to have one of these highly versatile combination treasures!

This is a good thing you can never have too much of.

The reason why I am confused is because Ke Ruoke triggered a hidden mission.

The Return of the Source Sea Cucumber

Mission requirements: Release source sea cucumbers

Mission reward: unknown

Mission description:

Source Sea Cucumber is the creator of the Magic Fish.

The silk threads they spit out can connect to the void, fuse the energy of Yasha that swims into the void into a magic fish, and pull it back to the sea of ​​magic.

If you release the Yuanquan sea cucumber, you will be thanked by the Yuanquan sea cucumber.

Ke Ruoke looked at Qige and asked: "Sir, what should I do?"

Qi Ge said: "Let me give you a rough explanation. If you keep the source sea cucumber, you will get a combined treasure.

This treasure is very powerful when used by oneself, and it is also very valuable when sold. After a year, it can be sold for almost one million gold coins.

(The value gap between the combined treasures is also very large. The magic source is very valuable because it is so versatile.)

However, I prefer to put the source sea cucumber back.

Although I don't know what will happen, since the source of the sea cucumber is the source of the magic fish in the magic sea, putting it back may have unexpected benefits.

But if you can, this is the task you triggered after all, no matter what you choose, I will respect it."

But Ruo Ke said without hesitation: "Then put it back. Master Qi Ge will definitely not harm me. I will listen to you!"

So the seven pigeons and three people struggled to lift the sea cucumber and threw it into the sea.

The magic sea swayed with waves.

Ke Ruoke pondered for a moment and said: "The task has been settled and the reward is a thank you from the source sea cucumber. I don't know what the use is?"

Qi Ge and the others soon found out.

There was obviously no fishing, but all three people's fishing times were deducted in an instant.


There was a loud noise, and the sea surface exploded as if it had been exploded. All kinds of fish, shrimps, crabs and shells emerged from the sea and fell on the boat like rain.

The seven pigeons are taken care of by the attribute experience fish.

He just got hit in the face by a tiger fish (attack),

He was hit in the stomach by a hard-armed pomfret (defense) again,

Occasionally, there are book fish (knowledge) and silver staff hairtail fish (magic power) that look like books falling on top of the head.

Qi Ge protected his head with his hands and turned around, but Ruo Ke had been buried by three super-large golden rainbow trout worth 100,000 gold coins, with only one leg exposed.

Li Xiaobai was also hit by various seafood and ran around.

Even the goblin chariot was buried in fish and could not move. The goblins were shouting and screaming in the car.

Seven Pigeons braved the heavy rain of fish and walked to the edge of the deck, climbed on the wooden railing, and looked at the sea.

A dozen source sea cucumbers were twisting in the sea water, and every time they moved, a large number of magic fish would be thrown onto the boat.

Thank you. The portion is too big!

Qi Ge never dreamed that he would be hit by a magic fish and have nowhere to hide in his lifetime.

Come hit me! Hard! Don’t stop! I’m shaking!

After more than ten seconds, the rain of fish stopped, and the entire small aircraft carrier was filled with the fishy smell of various seafood.

Qi Ge looked at a boat of jumping magic fish and took a deep breath of the fishy smell of seafood in the air.

What is fishy?! This is the smell of getting rich!!

"Boss, be careful! Look behind you!"

Li Xiaobai, who was buried under a school of fish with only one head exposed, shouted.

Qi Ge turned around and saw that a hole had opened in the sky above the magic sea, and a hideous and disgusting snake head filled with mucus and growing bone spurs was trying to get out of the hole.

With greedy eyes, it stared at the source sea cucumber before it had time to dive underwater.

Its long tongue stuck out, and the drool dropped onto the sea of ​​magic.

The drop of black saliva fell on the magic sea, immediately smoked, and solidified into black stones like molten magma.

The stone shattered, and a Chaos Demon Eater emerged from the stone and pounced on the tired Source Sea Cucumber with its claws and teeth.

What the hell is this? Even a drop of saliva can create a Chaos Demon Eater!

The big boss appears.

Qi Ge felt nervous, not knowing that he could not defeat him, but he had to stop the Chaos Demon Eater first!

He just wanted to control the Silver Spirit to cast magic on the Chaos Demon Eater.

I heard a roar.

"Blasphemy! You are blaspheming! How dare you blaspheme the goddess's territorial waters! Unforgivable!"

Qi Ge turned around and saw a bald warrior dressed as an ascetic monk standing in the void!

At this time, countless rays of light emerged from his body, forming complex magic lines one after another on his face.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a huge palm emerged from the void, pinched the Chaos Demon Eater, and directly crushed the Chaos Demon Eater to pieces.

The legendary monk Aigela teaches the magical fist of seven pigeons!

Qi Ge quickly took off his hood and shouted: "Master Agra ascetic monk! It's me! I am Qi Ge!"

Boss, look at me and give me a chance to hug your thigh!

Aigela heard Qi Ge's cry, nodded to Qi Ge with an angry and serious expression, and said:

"Good boy, you protected Lord Nv Shouting's territorial waters before I arrived. You did a good job.

Wait a moment, after I deal with that ignorant beast, I will come and catch up with you."

How dare Qi Ge say anything else? He quickly said that you are busy, boss!

Aigela stepped into the void and walked towards the giant snake's head step by step.

Every time he takes a step, a magic lotus will bloom under his feet.

Qi Ge was shocked, the demi-god monk's special skills were growing like lotuses every step of the way!

Seven Pigeons were only seen in videos in their previous lives.

Aigela is a demigod!

Damn it!

He is already a mature thigh, has he learned how to break through on his own?

The giant snake roared angrily at Aigla and struggled to get out of the void.

Drop after drop of black saliva flowed from the corners of its mouth, but before it could reach the sea of ​​magic, it would be swallowed up by the lotus emerging from the void.

Aigela walked to the giant snake and read:

"Life returns to life, death returns to death,

Order returns to order, chaos returns to chaos.

Those who are vicious cannot be reincarnated.

What should be destroyed should not exist in the world!"

Then he raised his hand and punched the giant snake on the head.

This punch seemed to cause no harm to the giant snake, but countless magic circles bloomed all over the giant snake's body like flowers.

The magic circles exploded one by one, and the huge snake heads made a sharp hissing sound and turned into fine dust bit by bit.

The surface of the magic sea rotates, and a vortex emerges, absorbing all the dust.

The boss didn’t even enter the battle space? Did he blow up the boss with one punch?

I should have found a way to do some damage just now!

I missed the reward of a super boss.

Qi Ge is so sorry, he lost all his blood.

The hole in the void where the giant snake appeared is slowly healing.

Qi Ge looked through the loophole and saw countless snake heads roaring across the void.

system hint:

You have looked directly into one of the four incarnations of Chaos: the Hundred-Headed Serpent of Chaos.

You are dying.


I just took one look at it and am I going to die?

Damn it, I am bound to the Silver Spirit. If I die, the Silver Spirit will disappear. But Ruo Ke and Li Xiaobai can take the merchant ship, but what about the fish?

Their boat can’t fit it!

No, my magic fish!

This chapter has been completed!
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