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Chapter 186 Fairy Pioneer (2 in 1)

Qige took out all the elf clan’s military structures.

Goblin Production Team Clock Tower, Goblin Security Clock Tower, Advanced Goblin Security Clock Tower, Snow Goblin Clock Tower, Advanced Snow Goblin Clock Tower, Goblin Far Projection Factory, Death Company, Forerunner Clock Tower, Giant Goblin Clock Tower, Goblin Mage Academy

First, we need to pave a 1st to 4th level road.

The territory now has a Level 1 and Level 1 Snow Elf Clock Tower and a Level 1 and Level 1 Building Elf Clock Tower.

So Qi Ge first built the Advanced Snow Fairy Bell Tower (Level 1 and Level 2), Fairy Far Tow Factory (Level 1 and Level 3) and the Giant Fairy Bell Tower (Level 1 and Level 4).

Just after the city was built, all nearby wild monsters were cleared. There will be no threat of wandering wild monsters when building these buildings, which is very safe.

giant goblin

Tower Level 1 and Level 4 Troops

Recruitment price: 220 gold coins



Range: 9






The lethality of hand-to-hand combat is not reduced by half.

A big rock is coming: automatic ammunition after the battle. During the battle, you can consume one round of actions to replenish 5 ammunition.

Big guy is a bit stupid: immune to mind magic

The giant goblin is also relatively weak among all level 1 and 4 arms. The only praiseworthy thing is that it is a long-range arm and also has a good health volume.

In terms of unit combat effectiveness, it was completely destroyed by the Apprentice Goblin.

Of course, there are some, but they are cheap enough.

As a level 1 and 4 unit, it does not require any resources and only costs 240 gold coins.

Compared with Centaur Marksman (300 gold coins, 1 wood, 1 ore), it is much cheaper.

If the Giant Goblin's Heroic Soul unit is given to Qi Ge, Qi Ge will basically not consider it.

But it’s different for Ke Ruoke!

But what Ruoke needs is this level 4 elf unit that is cheap and has low command value consumption.

Qi Ge calculated that if Koroko's command carried all giant goblins, it could carry 98.

When Koruo can be upgraded, and he learns leadership skills or tactics, he can bring 140!

7 teams, each team has 20 level 5 goblins. After the hero Ke Ruoke appears, he can also summon a wave of goblins.

Under extreme circumstances, there can be a total of 14 teams with 20 fifth-level goblins in each team.

With this kind of combat power, all the level 6 wild monsters in the novice area are the same as before. 10 Seven Pigeons combined can only be defeated by Koruoke with one hand.

Now Koroko's combat power can defeat any hero who has not reached the master level.

A hero of about level 30 with a special command value, if he has no special skills, can only bring about 100 level 5 soldiers.

Qi Ge was filled with pride, but Ruo Ke's thighs were so thick.

This is a thigh that I cultivated myself.

Seven Pigeons continue to build buildings.

He first took pictures of the Fairy Mage Academy.

Apprentice Goblin

Recruitment price: 280 gold coins, 1 gem

Tower level 1 and level 4 hidden troops



Range: 5


Damage: 1~2

Ability Power: 2

Knowledge: 5 (50 mana)

Casting distance: 30



Special Skills: Spellcasting

Possess spells: Junior Apprentice Lightning: base damage 8, spell power bonus 10%, mana cost 10

Judging from the attributes, the Apprentice Elf doesn't seem to be very strong, with only 2 magic points, 50 magic points, and only 1 damaging magic.

But the apprentice goblin's casting distance is a terrifying 30!

Moreover, the damage of apprentice goblins' apprentice lightning can be multiplied according to the number of goblins in the same team.

When the numbers are stacked, the damage is extremely exaggerated.

This ultra-long-distance spell-casting unit is equivalent to a sniper. It does not have much HP, but it can directly kill the enemy unit before it threatens itself.

For example, if there are 10 giant goblins and 10 apprentice goblins in a duel, the giant goblins will not be able to get in front of the apprentice goblins and they will all be hacked to death.

The apprentice goblin plays the role of killing the opponent's key troops in battle.

Qi Ge built all the elf buildings that should be photographed, leaving the elf vanguard unit buildings at the end.

It's like leaving the strawberries on the cake for last.

One magic circle after another kept flashing, and more and more fairy buildings were built in the city.

Qi Ge rubbed his hands, he will build this building himself!

[System prompt: Do you want to build the Forerunner Bell Tower?]


[System prompt: Please select a construction location.]

Qi Ge chose an open space in the middle of the fairy soul building.

That open space was reserved by Qi Ge for the construction of the hay hut of the three fairies.

The pioneers must also hope to be closer to the Great Prophet.

The Yasha Fire in the Great Temple flashed again, and a new flame flew over the construction site of the Fairy Vanguard Bell Tower.

The resources on the seven pigeons came out and were buried in the earth.

[System prompt: Building the Vanguard Bell Tower requires occupying 10 units of troops, please choose.]

I choose myself!

[System prompt: Player Qi Ge’s profession is an architect, possesses advanced architectural skills, can participate in construction, and is regarded as a 10-unit unit.]

Qi Ge stepped into the construction camp.

In a trance, Qi Ge seemed to have traveled through history again.

In one of the mage towers, a goblin pioneer was hiding in the storage room of the mage tower with a bunch of goblins.

The Goblin Herald looked through the crack in the storage room door at the hordes of gargoyles flying in the passage.

When the last gargoyle flew by, the Goblin Herald ran out with a dozen goblins.

Before they could run out of the passage, there was another sound of gargoyles flapping their wings.

Qi Ge saw the goblin pioneer shouting something to the goblins.

But Qi Ge couldn't hear the sound, as if he was watching a mime.

The goblins all lay on the ground and did not dare to move. The gargoyles flew across the sky, but they turned a blind eye to these motionless goblins.

This takes advantage of Gargoyle’s visual vulnerability!

Qi Ge was a little surprised. This goblin leader was quite talented. He actually knew that gargoyles could only see moving creatures.

IQ is okay, unlike those coquettish bitches who only know how to eat human flowers.

No, for fairies, being a coquettish bitch is the norm.

Goblins with high IQs like this smart goblin leader are the most coquettish bitches among goblins.

Just like the fans of Qi Ge's "Biology of Yasha Continent" in the previous life were all LSPs, Qi Ge, the only normal person, became an outlier in the fan group.

While Qige was thinking about this philosophical question like a Möbius strip, the goblin leader in the picture had already led the goblins into the sewer of the mage tower.

Mage Tower: Well, it’s too much, I won’t be able to bear it.

When the last goblin jumped into the sewer, there was a conversation between the goblin leader and the goblins dancing.

The goblins moved along the sewer toward the sewer exit.

The Elf Herald climbed the ladder leading to the top of the passage and climbed back to the mage tower.

The goblin leader worked hard to close the manhole cover of the sewer. Qi Ge noticed that at the corner of the passage, an obsidian gargoyle was flying out silently.

The crisis is approaching, but the Fairy Vanguard knows nothing about it.

When the sharp claw pierced the goblin leader's chest, he fell to the ground and used his last bit of strength to push the sewer manhole cover closed.

He stared at the manhole cover of the sewer with deep prayer in his eyes.

The screen changes.

In another city, a goblin leader disguised himself as a merchant goblin and led the goblins out of the city.

The other goblins ran away, and he returned to the city to look for the other goblins, and eventually died under the search of the guards.

In countless scenes such as mage towers, fairy villages, cities, and factories, the fairy pioneers are in the most dangerous places, using their weak bodies to do their best and using various moves to fight against powerful enemies.

Jackals, mages, and gargoyles faced enemies that the goblins were unable to resist. The goblin pioneer used his own life to highlight a path for the goblins.

A path to life and hope.

The seven pigeons were silent.

In the real world, there is no him.

The Great Escape of the Fairies from Decheng City was so tragic from the beginning to the final outcome.

Many of these goblin vanguards are just ordinary goblins, the weakest level 1 and 1st level troops.

Who says someone who is ragged and fragile is not a hero?

He took a deep breath.

Half squatting on the ground, he hit one light spot after another on the ground.

White represents loyalty and your no-turn-back nobility.

Red represents passion and symbolizes your courage to not be afraid of powerful enemies.

Silver represents sacrifice and symbolizes your unswerving determination until death.


Wake up from ancient times and fight for me!

I am your Lord Seven Pigeons!

I swear that I will lead you to defeat the tower and liberate the goblins!"

Qi Ge raised his hand, and the light spots on the ground flew up one by one, touching each other in the air, leaving streaks of light one after another.

Fifteen minutes later.

All the goblin buildings around the territory have turned into magic arrays one after another. From these magic arrays, various energy light points are constantly flying out and thrown into the goblin pioneer bell tower.

At this moment, Credel's leather gloves on Qi Ge's hands lit up!

[System prompt: Trigger Credel’s leather glove stunt:

When constructing a building, there is a 5% chance that the building will mutate in a random direction. Is it mutated? 】

[System prompt: Please note that the result of mutation is not necessarily good.]

Triggered mutation?

If it's other buildings, Qi Ge really needs to think about it.

But the goblin pioneer Bell Tower and Qige chose mutation without any scruples.

Such great fairy souls, even Mother Goddess Asa will protect them!

[System prompt: Destiny’s blessing is triggered, and the building mutation is forced to be a great success.]

Qi Ge raised the corner of his mouth.

I knew that at this critical moment, my wife would stand by my side.

A hole seemed to open in the sky, and from that hole, countless invisible and intangible miniature fairies jumped out and merged into the Fairy Herald Bell Tower.

The magic circle of the Fairy Vanguard Bell Tower gradually stabilized after a period of violent fluctuations.

The seven pigeons were gently sent out by the magic circle.

The magic circle fell to the ground and turned into a bell tower in the shape of an obelisk.

[System prompt: The mutation is over, and neutral miniature fairies will be born near the bell tower of the Fairy Vanguard.]

Neutral miniature goblin?

Does that mean that fairy NPCs will automatically be born in my territory?

The seven pigeons were shocked.

Originally, the fairies were fantasy creatures that were born all over the world in the Yasha continent.

But since the tower sealed goblins as a level 1 unit of its own force, the goblins have been branded with the tower. Goblins can only be born within the territory of the tower.

And now, a new neutral fairy has appeared?

Qi Ge quickly checked the properties of the Fairy Vanguard Bell Tower.

Fairy Herald Clock Tower

Neutral level 1 level 2 hidden building

10 Fairy Vanguards can be recruited every week

Fairy Herald



Range: 5






Ranged arms

Guide: The Elf Vanguard can convert the same number of NPC Elf units into neutral forces (once a week).

Immortal Monument: Every 30 Elf Vanguard Heroic Soul units can concentrate their power to transform a tower-affiliated Elf building into a neutral force.

Goblin buildings that have been transformed into neutral forces can be used as the source of miniature goblins.

Explanation: The obsession of the goblin pioneers is to lead the goblins out of the city and out of the tower.

The great prophet walks on the snow, the forerunner walks on the blood.

By sacrificing power, you can even change the rules and free the goblins from the shackles of the tower's forces.


Qi Ge's pupils were shocked!

Didn't it say only the fairies belonging to the territory?

If there are enough goblin vanguards, can all the goblins and goblin unit buildings in the tower force be converted into neutral forces?

Qi Ge knew that the Fairy Vanguard would be special, but he did not expect that the Fairy Vanguard would be so special.

From an attribute point of view, the attributes of the Fairy Vanguard are not strong, and can even be said to be weak.

But the special skills of the Fairy Vanguard are no longer used in battle.

Even Qi Ge didn’t know how to position such a special skill of the unit.

Logistics? Command?

Perhaps it should be independent and called regular stunts more appropriate.

It's hard to say what's going to happen in the future.

But now, the special skill of the Fairy Vanguard can turn all the Fairy Elite Soul unit buildings in the Seven Pigeons territory into dual structures of Fairy NPCs and Fairy Elite Souls of neutral forces!

This is equivalent to Qi Ge having a stable source of fairy NPCs, and it will be easier to complete the fairy Utopia mission.

Elf NPCs born in the Seven Doves territory will be born with 80% loyalty to the territory.

Since Qi Ge loves his people as his own children, shouldn’t he just brush off the remaining 10 points of favorability?

When the time comes, we will build more entertainment buildings similar to fairy waterwheels, and the happiness of the fairies will gradually increase.

Moreover, miniature fairies can also play a role in maintaining and regulating the emotions of NPC soldiers.


Wait a moment!

Qi Ge suddenly remembered something.

He opened his unit card and released the fantasy fairies.

[System prompt: Fantasy Fairy Stunt: Little Magic Envoy Unlock Task has been triggered]

Little Magicians: Smart fantasy fairies can enter magic guild-like buildings to study magic, but they are too naughty, so we need to find a way to calm them down. (Unlocked)

Stunt Unlock Mission: Little Magician

Mission requirements: The territory has 6 neutral force fairy elite soul buildings, and summons enough miniature fairies.

Mission reward: Unlock the special skill: Little Magician.

Qi Ge will know!

The ability of micro goblins to regulate their emotions, to put it bluntly, is to absorb excessive emotions and desires, causing the surrounding mage NPC soldiers to enter sage mode.

Although Qi Ge doesn't understand why Dream Fairy's heroic soul unit can study magic like the mage NPC unit.

But the principle of emotional regulation should be the same, and both can use miniature fairies to get them into sage mode.

Qi Ge calculated that, excluding the goblin pioneers and goblin architects, the current total goblin building output is 115.

In other words, 115 giant goblins or apprentice goblins can be produced every week.

Qige recruited 95 giant goblins and prepared to bring them to Keruoke.

The remaining 20 basic goblin craftsmen were recruited by Qi Ge and directly selected to garrison in the God's Chosen City.

ps: The hamster has a fever. That’s all I have today. I took antipyretics and slept in a daze all day.

I'll try to keep updating tomorrow. I hope the hamster is okay orz.

This chapter has been completed!
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