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Chapter 190 Caring! The Architect and the Little Fairy Dragon! (3 in 1, thanks to the old elves)

[Trial mission name: Help the young fairy dragon: Ziyuan

Trial mission requirements:

Find three manifestations of the young fairy dragon Ziyuan's inability to adapt to the environment and solve them.

Found so far:

1 unknown

2 unknown

3 unknown

mission rewards:

The approval of the young fairy dragon Ziyuan.】

Brother Qi felt that before he got Ziyuan's approval, Ziyuan would not be able to bear it.

Ziyuan was lying on the ground as a whole dragon, and her light purple belly was being rubbed continuously by Qi Ge's hot hands.

Ziyuan's chest rose and fell, and the magic power in her body fluctuated violently.

Brother Seven kept observing Ziyuan's whole body with his eyes.

The task required Qi Ge to find three manifestations of Zi Yuan's inability to adapt to the environment, so Qi Ge searched carefully.

"Little sister Ziyuan, brother, I'm not trying to be a hooligan. I'm just trying to find the parts of you that don't suit the environment."

I use my hands to make your dreams come true.

Whether it was the smooth dragon skin, the tender dragon claws, or even the slender dragon tail, Brother Qi carefully explored it.


Ziyuanlong was dumbfounded.

The princess said that the half-elf in front of her was the savior of the fairy dragon clan.

Let me guide him to understand the Purple Dragon Clan.

But the princess didn’t say that he understood it this way!!

What is he doing?

What am I doing again?!

Well, it can’t be done there!

The massage was so comfortable, I couldn't muster any strength.

The moment when Brother Qi's fingers touched Ziyuan's wings.

Her cry suddenly amplified, and strange lights began to flash on her wings.

System prompt: Key part found: Fairy Dragon Wings.

The wings of the fairy dragon are as thin as cicada wings, with four wings in total.

The two upper wings are fan-shaped and relatively large.

The two upper wings are half-moon shaped and relatively small.

The overall look is somewhat similar to the wings of a butterfly and the wings of a dragonfly, and the project looks like something in between.

Generally speaking, such wings will never provide enough lift when flapping, and certainly cannot overcome the dead weight of the fairy dragon to allow the fairy dragon to fly.

But when the fairy dragon flaps its small wings, it can not only fly, but also fly very fast. (Adult fairy dragon speed: 60)

This is because their wings are actually magic regulators on the fairy dragons.

If the Fairy Dragon is regarded as a car, Qi Ge is the driver of the Fairy Dragon. When you step on the accelerator, bah, it’s too far.

If the Fairy Dragon were a car, its wings would be its engine.

Whenever she flaps her wings, infinite magic power will condense on her wings, leading the fairy dragon upward.

[System prompt: The world of Yasha has suffered several large-scale invasions from chaos.

Therefore, the element concentration of Yasha World has dropped significantly.

The magical elements that should have been arranged in an orderly manner on the wings of the fairy dragon have become chaotic due to the imbalance of the overall elements of the world.

This also caused the fairy dragon to lose its ability to fly and cast spells in today's Yasha continent.

Please help the fairy dragon Ziyuan repair her wings so that he can regain the ability to fly and cast spells.】

[System prompt: Trial mission to help the young fairy dragon: Ziyuan unlock mission one.

Mission 1: Help the fairy dragon Ziyuan restore the magic array of her wings.】

I see.

Qi Ge's hands subconsciously rubbed Ziyuan's wings.

The fairy dragon's wings have highly dense magical patterns similar to blood vessels and nerves.

In other words, the wings are the sensitive zone of the little fairy dragon Aster.

When Qige's hands covered the wings, hundreds of thousands of magic lines were touched at the same time, and Ziyuan's body suddenly tensed up.

"Ugh. This is different from what my sister said."

Ziyuan's wings were grasped by Qi Ge's hands, and waves of strange feelings spread from the wings to her body, making her lie weakly on the ground.

She wanted to run away, but all the strength in her body seemed to be drained. She couldn't even turn over and could only squirm slightly.

Brother Qi's nimble fingers scraped across Ziyuan's wings, and the warmth of his palm stimulated the magic lines on Ziyuan's wings.

Wave after wave of wonderful feelings came over her, and Ziyuan finally couldn't bear it anymore. She raised her head with all her strength, stretched her neck, and gave up resistance completely after a loud dragon roar.

[System prompt: Your affinity with Ziyuan is 15, currently 20 (friendly)]

In fact, Ziyuan Fang's refusal to give up resistance would have little impact on Qi Ge.

Because Ziyuan's resistance was too slight, Qi Ge didn't feel it at all.

Qige watched Ziyuan tilt her head, and crystal tears welled up in her eyes.

Although the favorability level was increased, Qige was still a little worried that the force was too strong. She couldn't help but feel worried and quickly asked:

"Ziyuan, will I hurt you?"


(Princess, you lied to me.

Woo hoo, the princess said you are very good to the fairy dragon.

But you actually touched my wings.

You can't touch the wings randomly, I'm going to die soon.)

The little fairy Long Ziyuan seemed to be in a hurry and let out a series of screams.

Under the translation of a certain being, this cry entered the ears of Qi Dove and became:

"It won't hurt. Qi Ge, my wings are so sore. Thank you, Brother Qi Ge, please help me press them more."

Qi Ge felt relieved and sped up the rhythm of his fingers, as if playing a piano, constantly tapping the magic lines on Ziyuan's wings.

"嘤!嘤!嘤!" (Princess, you tricked me!)

When Ziyuan heard Qi Ge's words, she understood that Youlong had done something to her. However, Qi Ge's massage was so fast that she didn't have the strength to escape, so she could only bear it passively.

Qi Ge carefully groped along the lines of Ziyuan's wings, and finally touched a small hard lump on her colorful wings.

When Brother Qi's hand touched the hard lump, the little fairy Long Ziyuan's body suddenly stiffened and she groaned in pain.

"Oh!" (It hurts!)

The unscrupulous princess simultaneously translated: "It hurts!"

The seven pigeons immediately stopped and looked carefully at Ziyuan's wings.

After careful observation by Qige, a total of 6 hard bags were found.

The locations of the hard bags on the wings of these little fairy dragons are the connection points of the magic network on the wings.

Qige calls these hard lumps magic nodules.

Through comparison, Qi Ge found that not all the connection points of the magic network had magic nodules.

Brother Qi observed carefully that all the magic lines around the magic nodules were composed of a mixture of the four elements of earth, fire, water and wind.

If the connection point of the magic network is only the magic pattern of one element of earth, fire, water, and wind, there will be no magic knots.

Could this be the reason?

Qi Ge thought deeply for a while, carefully observed it again, made sure there were no other problems, and decided to give it a try.

He found a magic node. Only the magic lines of water and fire were connected to this magic node.

Use your fingers to press the magic lines of the fire element, just like pressing the blood vessels to block the blood flow.

With the pressure of Qi Ge, the fire element no longer follows the magic lines to the magic nodules.

Pressing the magic lines brings stimulation and feeling far beyond the previous touch.

The little fairy dragon felt restless all over, its legs rubbed restlessly, and even its tail was curled up.

"What did he do to me? It feels so strange."

Ziyuan's eyes gradually blurred under the high-intensity stimulation.

She felt that her body no longer belonged to her.

With the pressure of the seven pigeons, only the water element remains among the four basic elements leading to the nodule.

The magic nodules on the wings of the little fairy dragon began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon disappeared.

Qi Ge pressed the fire element pattern with one hand and gently stroked the place where the nodules disappeared with the other hand.

"Help, I really can't survive."

The newly shrunk nodule was extremely sensitive. Ziyuan's mouth opened slightly and she almost rolled her eyes.

When Qige let go of the fire element pattern, the fire element quickly merged with the water element, and the disappeared nodules slowly grew back a little.

Qi Ge quickly pressed down the fire element again.

Sure enough, as I guessed, these nodules are related to the mixing of the four basic elements' magic lines.

The problem is found, how to solve it?

You can't just do surgery to cut off the fire element lines, right?

When Qi Ge was wondering, he suddenly remembered that he had not checked the game character assigned to him in the trial mission.

Maybe there will be a solution!

He quickly opened his properties panel.

Name: Qige

Race: half-elf

Identity: Hero (player template)

Grade 1




Ability Power: 1


Occupation: None

Auxiliary skills: none

This brings me back to my original shape.

The attribute values ​​are even lower than when I first entered the game.

Qi Ge was a little puzzled that none of his modest characters had the skills to help him.

So how to deal with the fire element?

How about asking the little fairy dragon?

"Ziyuan, I discovered that there is a magic node on your wing. As long as the fire element magic lines are blocked towards the magic node, the magic node can be eliminated.

Do you know of any way to eliminate magic nodules?"

Ziyuan seemed to hear it, but also didn't seem to hear it. She said vaguely:

"嘤嘤嘤嘤" (I don't know, and I don't want to know, you are the winner, you bad guy.)

"Use your body to absorb the magic lines for Ziyuan, and you can eliminate the magic nodules on Ziyuan's wings.

You only need to lick the magic lines with your tongue and it will be absorbed."

Ziyuandi's cry reached Qi Ge's ears, and was once again translated into another meaning by the unscrupulous princess.


Licking with tongue.


This is not good, suck it up.

Ziyuan is a fairy dragon, and fairy dragons are all female.

My Qi Ge is a very gentleman and never does this kind of licking.

However, since this is Ziyuan's own request, there is nothing she can do about it.


Such a cute fairy dragon, I lick it~

Having said that, the fairy dragon's language is really powerful.

Just four sounds of "嘤嘤嘤嘤嘤" can be translated into such a long paragraph.

Could it be that the four sounds "嘤嘤嘤嘤" are the idioms of the fairy dragon?

Just like "Dalang drinks medicine", these four words can make people think of a touching story.

There are even stronger ones, such as "Xu Xian is alive". The same four words can perfectly summarize Master Agaide's great achievements in the future.

It seems that the language of the fairy dragon is as broad and profound as our Chinese.

I don’t want to think so much anymore, just start licking.


The seven pigeons followed the fire element pattern on Ziyuan's wings, all the way up, and licked the entire pattern.

As Qi Ge licked it, the fire element lines fell off Ziyuan's wings like liquid and slid into Qi Ge's mouth.

The fire element pattern is a bit spicy, like Sichuan peppercorns and millet pepper, which makes Qige's tongue numb.

Zi Yuan was licked by Qi Ge until tears came out.

"嘤!嘤嘤!" (The savior is too much!)

Unscrupulous Princess: "It's so comfortable, keep going!"

Qige heard Ziyuan's encouragement and thought to herself: Ziyuan is so good, we must help her get rid of the magic nodules!

[System prompt: Congratulations on obtaining the auxiliary skill: primary fire magic]

Qi Ge:!!!

Surprisingly, there is such a benefit: you can directly master primary fire magic without spending any skill points!

Although you are only in the trial, if you can enhance your own strength, you can increase the probability of completing the trial.

I'll lick it all the way to the end, everything you want.

Seven pigeons: prprpr

The magic lines of the water element are the flavor of vanilla ice cream.

[System prompt: Congratulations on obtaining the auxiliary skill: primary water magic]

"Ouch! Woohoo!" (Stop licking, Ziyuan is wrong, princess help)

Princess Wuliang: "Ziyuan is much better. Brother, you are so kind."

Seven pigeons: prprpr

The magic texture of the earth element tastes a bit like chocolate.

[System prompt: Congratulations on obtaining the auxiliary skill: Elementary Earth Magic]

"嘤!嘤咛!" (I don't want to help the savior anymore, I want to go back to the Kingdom of God, woo woo woo.)

A certain goddess: "Continue, don't stop!"

Seven pigeons: prprpr

Licking the magic lines of the air element is like licking a mint candy.

[System prompt: Congratulations on obtaining the auxiliary skill: primary air magic]

"Ouch! Ouch!" (Savior, please stop licking, my tears are flowing out, they are flowing out.)

Fairy Dragon Princess: "There are still some magic lines, brother, come on."

After several relatively easy-to-handle fire power nodules have been processed, the remaining magic power nodules are connected to multiple four-series element patterns.

This is all physical work.

Brother Qi glanced at Ziyuan and found that she had half-closed eyes and was about to pass out.

Even her screams were getting weaker and weaker.

It seems that stripping away the magic lines from Shion's body is not a small burden for her.

Judging from how weak Ziyuan looks, it will probably consume a lot of her energy.

One thing to say, although the smell of Ziyuan's body is very fragrant and the taste of the elemental texture is also delicious, Qi Ge's tongue is almost stiff after licking it all the way.

Although he was very tired, Qi Ge felt full of energy when he thought that Zi Yuan kept cheering him up even in such a weak situation.

Continue, Sister Ziyuan encourages me so much, I Qi Ge will give up this tongue, and I will also eliminate all the magic nodules on Ziyuan's wings.

When Qige finished licking a fire element pattern again, the system prompt sounded again.

[System prompt: Congratulations on obtaining the auxiliary skill: Intermediate Fire Magic]

At the same time, Ziyuan's cry also sounded in his ears.

"Ugh~" (Uuuuuu, Ziyuan is no longer clean.)

Magic Goddess: "The whole dragon feels a lot more comfortable, and there is one more thing, come on."

With the auxiliary skill rewards and the encouragement from Xiao Ziyuan, Qi Ge became more energetic as he licked.

The seven pigeons feasted on Zilong Sheng, and the little fairy Long Ziyuan was licked unconscious and woke up again, repeated several times.

Qige's four major elemental auxiliary skills have been upgraded to advanced levels.

The magic nodules on Ziyuan's wings were also completely eliminated.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for completing the trial mission:

Help the Baby Fairy Dragon: Aster

Mission 1: Help the fairy dragon Ziyuan restore the magic array of her wings.】

As the system prompt sounded, thousands of magical lights lit up on Ziyuan's wings at the same time.

Xiao Ziyuan, who was doubting Long Sheng, suddenly felt a force coming from her wings into her body.

And the wings that were originally stiff and out of her control suddenly regained consciousness. It was incredible.

He waved his wings tentatively.

A steady stream of magical elements surrounded him, allowing her to fly easily.

"Hey!" (I can fly! I can fly again!)

Since the first invasion of Chaos, the fairy dragon clan has lost the ability to fly, and mobilizing runes to release magic has become unstable and often goes wrong.

It has been hundreds of thousands of years, and Ziyuan, who has been living in the princess's kingdom all year round, has long forgotten the feeling of flying.

She soared in the sky excitedly, feeling the frivolity of the wind and the closeness of the magical elements to her, and her heart was filled with happiness.

(Turns out I misunderstood, he was helping me with treatment!

The princess is right, he is indeed a good person.

It's amazing, he actually did something that even the princess couldn't do.

I thought he was bullying me and suspected that the princess had tricked me.

Woohoo, Ziyuan is so ignorant.)

[System prompt: Ziyuan’s favorability towards you is 20, currently 40 (best friend)]

Qi Ge, who was happily looking at the four auxiliary skills on his body, heard the system prompts, raised his head, and saw the little fairy Long Ziyuan slowly flying down towards him.

Ziyuan gently rubbed her head against Qi Ge, expressing her closeness to Qi Ge.

Qige gently stroked Ziyuan's neck and praised in her heart:

"The purple dragon is truly the most beautiful creature in the world.

Whether it is flying or quiet, the movements are so elegant and full of charm.


Ziyuan felt a sudden emptiness in her stomach. She sat down next to Qi Ge with her body weak, found a position that made her feel at ease, and rested her body on Qi Ge.

Qi Ge looked at Ziyuan's weak look and was a little confused. She was flying well just now, what happened?

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the trial mission:

Help the Baby Fairy Dragon: Aster

Task 2: Help the fairy dragon Ziyuan find food.

Players please listen carefully to the mission description.]

【In ancient times, the power of the world of Yasha was very powerful.

As the guardians of the world, the purple dragon clan does not need to take in any food at all.

As long as they want it, the magical elements of the entire world will automatically provide them with the energy for their actions.

The fairy dragon family is the spirit of the world, the darling of magic, and the embodiment of magic.

Even the runes that control the basic rules of the world in the Yasha world are willing to obey the orders of the fairy dragon.

But now, the world of Yasha is in ruins, and there is not enough energy to maintain the survival of the purple dragon.

Due to their body structure, Fairy Dragon has very strict requirements on the purity of energy.

It is not easy to supply the fairy dragon with the energy it needs for daily survival.

Only food that is not contaminated by chaos can be absorbed by the purple dragon.

The world of Yasha has been eroded by Chaos, and all the food in the world has the flavor of Chaos.

However, the content of chaos aura in most foods is very small, and for other races, it is almost negligible.

The only exception is life from ancient times, such as the purple dragon.

Purple dragons are composed of absolutely pure energy of order, and any bit of chaotic energy will cause great damage to their bodies.

It's okay in Princess Purple Dragon's kingdom. The barriers of the kingdom can isolate the erosion of chaos. The fairy dragons in the kingdom are in a sleeping state, and their energy consumption is not high.

But if the fairy dragon wants to survive in today's Yasha continent, a stable food source is necessary.

Please help the fairy dragon Ziyuan find food suitable for her.】

This task is a bit difficult.

Qi Ge frowned and thought.

First of all, the mission prompts have made it very clear that any food in the Yasha world will have the flavor of chaos, which will cause more or less problems.

Qi Ge sat on the ground and carefully thought about the various quest lines and game content in his previous life, but he couldn't recall any player having solved the breath of chaos.

The aura of chaos cannot be removed through distillation, purification and other means.

Based on the experiments done by players in previous lives, Master finally came to the conclusion.

Things like the breath of chaos are probably not in the same dimension as the Yasha continent.

They are affecting the Yasha continent in another dimension.

If we want to influence the aura of chaos in the world of Yasha, it is like the little person on a piece of paper trying to remove the tongue pressing on her body. It is simply impossible.

In other words, the breath of chaos is almost impossible to be purified by any means in the Yasha world.

Changing the atmosphere of chaos in the Yasha continent is no less difficult than distorting time in the real world.

Only Mother Goddess Asa, who is also in another dimension, can use the breath of chaos.

But we can’t let Mother Goddess Asa help purify the purple dragon’s food, right?

Qige doesn’t have such a big face either.

Where can I find absolutely pure, pollution-free food?

Qi Ge feels that Yasha's Tears may be able to solve this problem, but it will take many years and months to find Yasha's Tears in the trial mission.

Q: How to solve the world's energy problems.

Answer: Find a perpetual motion machine.

Answering it is equivalent to not answering it, which is not realistic at all.

"Hey!" (Qi Ge, don't worry, Zi Yuan is not hungry.)

"Brother, don't worry. Although Ziyuan is so hungry that she has no strength at all, she will still tell Qige that Ziyuan is not hungry."

Just when Qi Ge was at a loss what to do, Ziyuan's cry woke Qi Ge up.

Qige touched Ziyuan's back, Ziyuan was so cute.

That is to say, only in the Heroic Soul World can we see cute and beautiful creatures like Ziyuan. Where can we go in the real world...

Qi Ge:!!!

real world!

That’s right! The real world!

Qi Ge carefully recalled the earliest mission statement of "Taking Care of Young Fairy Dragons".

[Today, the invasion of Chaos is destroying monsters in the Yasha continent more and more seriously, but the emergence of Yasha God's Chosen has made things turn for the better.

Combining the power of the two worlds of order can suppress the erosion of chaos.

In the territory of Yasha God's Chosen, the home of the fairy dragon has the possibility of recovery.

This means that the fairy dragon has a chance to appear on the Yasha continent again.】

Gather the power of two worlds of order!!!

ps: Thank you for your monthly votes, rewards, subscriptions, and recommendation votes.

The hamster tried to add more updates, but found that he owed more and more, which was outrageous!

Currently owed updates: 2

The leader of the alliance, Old Elf, has paid off, and the leader of the alliance, Zui Meng, is here again.

Hamsters are scared.

I'll code more tonight and see if I can return one chapter first.

When Hamster was looking for a book to read today, he actually saw Hamster's own novel on Liang Pier.

Surprise. Haha.

Pirates of Liangren is a UC official account where Hamster often looks for books when he is not writing novels. Station B also has an account.

Unexpectedly, I found the book on my head when I was looking for it. I suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment and added another update.

Currently due: 3

This chapter has been completed!
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