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Chapter 196 The beginning of the world (3 in 1, thanks to the old elf)

The rules of the Yasha world are different from those of the real world.

Clouds in the real world are small water droplets or small ice crystals formed by condensation when water vapor in the atmosphere is cooled and liquefied.

A visible polymer floating in the air mixed with airborne dust.

In other words, clouds should be water.

In the Yasha world, clouds are highly compressed gas.

Just like the air elemental monarch in front of me.

So big and so white.

It looks like a marshmallow as big as a mountain.

The energy magic in the sky is still gathering toward Yufeng.

In the end, Yufeng's power broke through the limit of the world's capacity, tore through the void, and ascended to the throne of God.

The world of Yasha, invaded by Chaos, is no longer a regular sphere.

Its volume expanded in a circle, and many uneven holes appeared on the spherical surface.

At this time, a colorful bubble floated in the sky above Yasha World, and a purple plain appeared under Yasha World.

Qi Ge guessed in his mind.

The bubble should be the dream world of the goddess of luck, and the purple plain should be the divine kingdom of the goddess of magic, the bottom of the runes.

Qi Ge had always been curious about why the goddess of magic's kingdom was not called Rune Land, but Rune Bottom, and now she finally understood.

It turns out that the goddess of magic’s kingdom is really at the bottom of the world.

The divine kingdom of the four monarchs of earth, fire, water, and wind is like four pillars, connecting the dream world on the top and the rune bottom on the bottom, protecting the world of Yasha in the middle.

[System prompt: Understand the appearance of the world, your basic knowledge is 3, currently 22]

Qige's spirit was shocked. Can you add attribute points by watching the plot?!

The seven pigeons instantly concentrated and observed carefully, not missing any detail.

He didn't even look at his female deskmate so seriously.

"My husband and the other three monarchs, together with the two true gods of magic and destiny, form the new foundation of the world of Asha.

Earth, fire, water, and wind are the foundations, fate controls randomness, and magic is the foundation.

The six creation gods cooperated with Mother Asa to start a new creation."

Viti's voice sounded in Qige's heart.

Qi Ge sees the world of Yasha constantly evolving.

The water element creates oceans and rivers, the earth element creates continents and mountains, the air element forms the sky and clouds, and the fire element controls the temperature of the world.

The power of magic intersperses among them, constantly adjusting the balance of the four elements.

The power of fate changes the proportion of each element.

The four basic elements of different concentrations and types are mixed, and new elements are constantly born.

The three air elements aggregate and change to produce the thunder element.

1 fire, 1 water, producing hot spring element.

2 fire, 1 water, generate boiling element.

3 fire, 1 water, produce steam element.

3 fire, 1 water, and 1 wind produce the rain element.

The four elements cooperate with each other to create all phenomena in the void.

Qi Ge watched this scene in shock. The rules of Yasha's world were actually somewhat similar to the rules of the real world!

Two oxygen elements become oxygen.

Two hydrogen elements and one oxygen element become water.

How similar!

This is the Three Thousand Great Roads, different paths lead to the same destination?

[System prompt: Understand the principles of creation, your basic knowledge is 4, currently 26]

4 o'clock!!! Take off!!


For every 5 more attribute points, the experience required to improve the attribute will increase.

When the basic attributes reach 25, each attribute improvement requires 5,000 attribute experience points.

These four points of knowledge, the required knowledge and experience, may require seven pigeons to fight thousands of battles to have a chance to collect them.

"The evolution of the world is very long. I'll skip it for you first."

Qi Ge:!!!

No! No! No!

If I have time, I can still watch.

Viti tapped her finger lightly in the air, and all the clouds exploded and turned into scattered clouds floating in the air.

"Chaos' attacks are never one-off.

It is like a hunter in the void, constantly looking for the world of order and devouring it."

As soon as Viti finished speaking, the clouds formed again.

The clouds combined into an "octopus" with thousands of tentacles.

"Although the real chaos does not look like this, for the sake of easier understanding, it will be embodied in this shape for the time being."

Tentacles of chaos floated in the void, waving randomly, as if they were exploring the surroundings.

A cloud materialized into a smaller world of Yasha.

A tentacle touched the world of Yasha and tried to wrap it up and drag it towards the bloody mouth of the "octopus".

Four rays of red, yellow, blue and purple emerged from the world of Asha and cut off the tentacle.

The remaining tentacles were absorbed by the world of Asha, but the world of Asha was marked by Chaos.

Countless tentacles of the void began to float toward the world of Yasha.

They move slowly and make harsh ghostly sounds while twisting.

On some tentacles, new small tentacles grow, and the tops of the tentacles have mouths full of fangs.

It keeps opening and closing, twisting repeatedly, as if it can't wait to swallow up the world of Yasha.

"The tentacles of chaos are equivalent to his eyes. Once the location of the ordered world is captured by him, he will mobilize all nearby tentacles to the captured ordered world.

Unfortunately, our Yasha world has already been marked.

We have been preparing."

The second tentacle of chaos approaches the world of Yasha.

He did not directly invade the world of Asha like the first tentacle.

Many small tentacles kept growing on his body, trying to bypass the divine realms of the six true gods and invade the world of Yasha through the gaps between the divine realms.

The true gods are not vegetarians either. They have opened up an interception battlefield in the gaps between the divine realms.

The divine power of Mother Goddess Asa transforms invisible, inaudible, and untouchable chaos into chaotic monsters that can be destroyed in battle.

At the beginning, the Chaos monsters were very weak and could be easily destroyed by various elemental troops produced in the Kingdom of God.

But soon, chaos began to evolve.

Chaos, which has wiped out countless worlds of order, can always find prototypes that can restrain the arms of the Asha world.

These strange chaotic creatures put the true gods into a bitter battle.

Therefore, various elemental creatures that counter-restrain each other are constantly born with the help of the goddess of magic and the goddess of fate.

The world of Asha and Chaos have launched a long tug-of-war."

Qi Ge thought about the arms race in the real world.

You build airplanes, I build anti-aircraft guns, you build cruise missiles, and I build interceptor ballistics.

You build aircraft carriers, and I build nuclear submarines.

This kind of arms race always spirals upward. Once one side falls behind, it will be at a comprehensive disadvantage.

“Everything the true gods do is to give the world of Asha time to recuperate.

While the true gods are fighting on the void battlefield, new lives are constantly being born in the world of Asha.

Dragons, Titans, Behemoth, World Tree, fairies, humans...

Countless races were born in the world of Asha.

However, the power of Chaos has always subtly affected the world of Yasha, and even the Mother Goddess cannot completely expel the influence of Chaos.

Under the influence of chaos, the newly born lives are more diverse.

It also gives them greater potential and room for growth, which means they have more possibilities for growth.

But at the same time, under the influence of Chaos, new races have more desires. They conquer each other and snatch resources, and the world of Yasha is plunged into war at the same time."

The seven pigeons looked at the sphere representing the world of Asa.

Outside the sphere, various elemental units are fighting fiercely with Chaos; inside the sphere, all kinds of strange races are also fighting each other fiercely.

Finally, the little tentacles of chaos bypassed the protection of the true gods and touched the world of Yasha.

On the surface of the sphere, one loophole after another was penetrated by the tentacles of Chaos, and the newly born creatures in the world of Yasha were caught in the flames of war with Chaos.

The second chaos invasion has begun.

After a long war, countless races perished, and countless arms rose up in the chaotic war.

Under the control of the Mother Goddess, heroic units with almost unlimited growth potential are born.

God of Wealth and Peace.

Two new kingdoms join the Wall to intercept Chaos.

Afterwards, more and more tentacles of chaos approached the world of Yasha.

Some tentacles launched a direct attack and were cut down by the guardians of the Asha world during the battle.

Some tentacles broke through the defense and surrounded the Yasha world.

The world is once again in crisis.

Until, the ocean and the sun become gods!

Wealth and peace cooperated with the newly-deified ocean and sun to wipe out all the tentacles of chaos that invaded the world of Yasha.

The ocean and the sun chose to attach their kingdom to the big ball of the Yasha world, and the two sides formed a strong line of defense.

In this way, even if Chaos breaks through the interception network formed by the true gods, it will not be able to drag the world of Yasha directly like before.

The world of Yasha is temporarily safe, Tears of Yasha appears, and the first race for hegemony begins.

But this is only temporary.

Outside the world of Yasha, the interception network formed by the true gods and their families did not stop for a moment.

While the races in the world of Yasha have become level 7 troops in order to obtain the Tears of Yasha, the defense line composed of the eight true gods is still constantly fighting for their lives against the tentacles of chaos.

[System prompt: Learn about True God’s Battlefield, your basic knowledge is 4, currently 30 (to reach the upper limit)]

Qi Ge, who was fascinated by the plot, was shocked in his heart!

The limit is reached!

Before a player's character reaches level 30, the four attributes of attack, defense, magic power, and knowledge can only reach a maximum of 30 points.

Players need to break through level 30 and become a master to continue to rise.

Qi Ge was only level 15. He never dreamed that he could reach the attribute limit at level 15!

In the previous life, only the top players, a handful of great masters on the top of the pyramid, could raise a certain attribute to 30 at level 30.

Attribute points are the same as the player's level, and they become more difficult to improve in the later stages.

Qi Ge feels that he is so strong.

Through hard work, I reached 30 knowledge at level 15.

As expected of me.jpg

"The end of the second Chaos Invasion has brought a qualitative leap to the world of Yasha.

Heroes, forces, and heroic units were all born around the time of the second Chaos invasion.

The true gods also gained new abilities—divine power—with the evolution of the Yasha world during the second chaos invasion.

Divine power represents absolute control over a certain power, which is equivalent to controlling a part of the world.

It is precisely because of divine power that the true gods can persevere in the face of more and more chaos invasions.

For example, the Divine Power of Destiny can cause all chaotic forces that enter the world of Yasha to be excluded from the world.

The power of magic allows the goddess of magic to control all magic that appears on the Gaza continent.

And my husband has mastered the three divine powers of Qi, lightning, and thunder."

[System prompt: Learn the secret knowledge: Divine power. Knowledge 2 (the upper limit has been reached and cannot be increased)]

Unable to increase!!

Then what!


Damn it, blood loss.

Qige's heart ached so much that she couldn't breathe.

After 25 knowledge, there are two points of knowledge, and one point is 5000 knowledge and experience, totaling 10,000 points. How many monsters do I have to kill?

Goddess, let’s discuss something. Can you save it first, and then we can continue after I reach level 30?

"The pressure on the front line is greater than the true gods imagined.

Two consecutive defeats have attracted the attention of Chaos consciousness, and the number of Chaos reinforcements in Asha's world continues to increase.

At the same time, the number of tentacles of chaos attacking the world of Asha reached 4.

My husband lent the power of thunder to a demigod titan and the power of lightning to a demigod elf, hoping to hasten their transformation into gods.

After they become gods, they will bring the Kingdom of God to help resist Chaos.

And that demigod titan betrayed my husband and designed to kill the demigod goblin. At the same time, he mastered the power of lightning and thunder, and his strength reached the level of a true god.

After that, he created a false divine realm within the world of Yasha, and hid in the divine realm to avoid becoming a god."

The despicable ones who stole lightning and thunder.

Qi Ge's pupils suddenly shrank.

Could it be!

Seeing Qi Ge's reaction, Viidi nodded and said:

"You guessed it right, that Titan is the current tower master, Al Zeus."


The clouds dispersed again and formed a Titan holding lightning in his left hand and thunder in his right hand!

"I'm not afraid of making you laugh when I say it.

The Titans, in their earliest days, were my husband's followers.

Ordinary giants can learn the true meaning of lightning and thunder by worshiping my husband, and finally they can master the power of lightning and advance to become Titans.

Only the best among the Titans can be baptized by my husband, awaken the blood of thunder, lightning or air, and advance into mythical soldiers."

No wonder!

Qige seemed to understand.

Now that we have obtained the Tears of Asa and established our forces.

The combat effectiveness of ordinary giants is still very poor. Not only is their movement speed at the bottom of the level 7 arms, they are not a long-range arm at all, and they don't have many powerful special skills.

Once a giant advances to a titan, its combat effectiveness instantly soars. With its long-range attack capabilities, it is the best among all level 7 and 2 arms.

It turns out that before El Zeus became a true god, there was a big leg behind the giants.

"El Zeus is my husband's most devout believer, the patriarch of the giant race, and the bishop of the Church of Air.

He used to be my husband's most valued believer, but now he has become my husband's most hated enemy.

Once the true god's kingdom ascends into the sky, it will no longer be able to come to the world of Yasha. Otherwise, an excessively single and powerful force will cause damage to the world of Yasha itself.

Moreover, my husband needs to stick to the pillar of heaven and cannot leave at will.

Therefore, there was nothing he could do against El Zeus who was hiding in the divine realm.

Arceus has been studying my husband's lightning and thunder powers over the years. If he succeeds in his research, these two powers will be completely stripped from my husband and become the basis for him to become a god.

My husband doesn't care about these two powers. The power of air is one of the basic powers of the world and is already powerful enough.

But he could not tolerate such a traitor becoming the god of the world of Yasha.

If El Zeus can betray my husband, he can betray the world of Asa and join Chaos.

The damage to the Yasha world is irreversible."

Vitte's voice gradually became colder.

The clouds in the sky changed again, and a large tentacle broke through the defense of the true gods and invaded the world of Yasha.

The ocean protects the depths of the Yasha world, preventing the tentacles of chaos from going deeper.

The sun repeatedly destroys the chaotic energy that invades the world of Yasha.

Countless cities and buildings exude the light of hope left by Mother Goddess Asa, creating the basic base of one order after another.

However, most areas have fallen under the erosion of chaos.

"Qi Ge, the world of Yasha has reached a critical moment of life and death.

The chaotic erosion in the world of Yasha has deeply affected the creatures in the world of Yasha.

Even if angels, demons, undead, and phoenixes formed forces one after another, they could only temporarily suppress the invasion of chaos.

Mother Goddess Asa asked for help in the void and found your world. She brought you as reinforcements to this world.

But the forces of Chaos have also noticed your world.

A group of your kin who have been affected by the consciousness of chaos are also accumulating strength on another tentacle.

If at this juncture, the Kingdom of El Zeus takes off and rebels, the world of Yasha will fall into an unprecedented crisis.

This time, the world of Yasha no longer has the four major dragon clans as saviors.

The only savior is you, the chosen ones of Asa.

Seven doves, you are the strongest chosen by God Yasha, and you are the hope of the whole world."

Ah, yes, yes.

Just say it is.

Qi Ge didn't want to talk.

He had already roughly guessed what the mission was.

Good things come first, bad things follow.

It is indeed a big trouble.

Just as Wei Di was about to open her mouth, Qi Ge spoke carefully.

"My Lord God Queen, the task you want to give me cannot be to ask me, a level 15 newbie with no special skills, to kill Al Zeus, right?"

"of course not."

Qi Ge felt relieved.

"I hope that after you defeat El Zeus, you can return the power of lightning and thunder to my husband."

[System prompt: Trigger true god-level mission: return the power lightning.]

[System prompt: Trigger true god-level mission: Return the power of thunder.]


Qi Ge has a toothache.

You are playing word games with me here.

You directly turned the task content I proposed into the task premise.

"Son, I don't have high requirements for your college entrance examination scores."

"Dad, you can't ask me to get 500 points in the test, right?"

"Of course not, you can just take the Tsinghua University exam."

How can I get into Tsinghua University without even getting a score of 500?

The Seven Pigeons have to deal with the tower, and Al Zeus is a difficulty, but they don't necessarily have to defeat him.

For example, you can lure Al Zeus away from Thunder City and directly capture the tower capital before he comes back.

Once this mission is accepted, the great cause of killing the gods will not be able to escape.

You must find a way to refuse!

Just when Qi Ge was about to refuse, Qi Ge caught a glimpse of a model made of clouds.

In the distant void battlefield, the air elemental monarch is guarding the world of Yasha with his body.

Alas, let’s take a look at the mission rewards.

[Task Name: Return Power Lightning

Mission Level: Silver White True God Level

Task requirements:

Obtain the power: lightning from El Zeus and return it to the Lord of the Air Element.

mission rewards:

Mythical Building: Void Elemental Altar (no need to build, obtain directly)】

[Task Name: Return the Power of Thunder

Mission Level: Silver White True God Level

Task requirements:

Obtain the power: Thunder from El Zeus and return it to the Lord of the Air Element.

mission rewards:

Mythical Building: Altar of Nothingness Elements (no need to build, obtain directly)]

No mission time limits and mission penalties?

Doesn’t this mean it’s up to me to do whatever I want or not?!

Why don't you accept a task that only makes money but doesn't make a loss?


"Damn Al Zeus, I thought in vain that as the master of the tower, he must be of unparalleled virtue, but he actually behaved like this!

As a believer in the monarch, betraying the monarch is disloyal!

Borrowing the power of the monarch and not returning it is considered unbelief!

It is unjust to kill demigods and seize divine power!

Greedy for life and fear of death, creating a divine realm on earth is unkind!

Such unfaithful, unbelieving, unjust and unkind people should be punished by everyone!

I have never seen such a shameless Titan!"

"well said!"

Qi Ge's words really touched Vidi's heart.

〖System prompt: Accept the task and return the power lightning〗

〖System prompt: Accept the task and return the power thunder〗

She swung the black dragon's tail excitedly.

"Then I'll leave my daughter to you."

Seven pigeons:???

What does this have to do with your daughter?

In our nearly half-an-hour conversation above, which sentence mentioned your daughter?

Qi Ge felt vaguely that something was not good.

"My daughter once made an oath to the mother goddess Asa.

Whoever helps my husband regain the two powers, she will become the elemental spirit of that person.

Oh, Qi Ge, you are not an element, so you may not know what an elemental spirit is.

It is a relationship where souls are connected and we are not separated day and night, and it is a relationship that is closer than that of a wife."

I know that in the words of the previous life, elemental spirits are followers of the elemental system.

Followers are pets.

Connect with the hero's soul, occupy a pet space, share the hero's combat experience, and grow together with the hero.

It can also assist heroes in combat.

The pets of Yasha God's Chosen are connected to the life of Yasha God's Chosen and will never truly die.

Just like players, they can consume resources to resurrect indefinitely.

Powerful pets can increase the player's combat effectiveness to a higher level.

Take the daughter of the true God as a pet.

It's so exciting.

If each player does not have a special occupation, he only has one pet slot.

Qi Ge has already decided to give this pet to Milola, the God of Luck!

Wei Chengfeng intervenes, what will Mirola do?

How sad she is that she can't be my pet.

Seeing Qi Ge in a daze, Viti's eyes narrowed, and hurricanes rolled up around her.

"Huh? Why aren't you happy when you heard that my daughter will become your elementalist?"

Seven Pigeons: Danger!!!

"Happy! I'm so happy! I'm so happy that I can't speak!"

ps: Thanks to the leader, Old Elf, I still owe 5 more updates.

The upright hamster performed a chest-breaking performance for everyone.

My chest is ready, but I am short of monthly tickets.


This chapter has been completed!
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