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Chapter 203 Big drama, mutual acting! (Four in one, thank you all!)


A crusader was besieged by six three-headed hell dogs. Three large gashes were torn out on his back, and his skin and flesh were torn. He fell to the ground and was in a desperate situation.

He looked at the bloody mouths of the three-headed hell dogs around him, his eyes filled with despair.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!!"

A series of marksman's crossbow arrows shot all the three-headed hell dogs to the ground!

The Seven Pigeon Masters are never late acting troupe, team information:

[Meteor: It’s coming! It’s coming! Everyone in Xicheng is in place, ready to start!

Taro: Got it!

Confused Zi Xuan: Got it!]

After receiving the order, the giant fire elf player Xiangyao immediately roared angrily: "Who is it! What kind of insect dares to hurt my people!"

"it's me!"

Confused Zixuan stood on the roof of a building and shouted loudly:

“Hell’s bastard!

How dare you invade sacred Erathia!

I will rain on the Chamber of Commerce in time! Confused Zi Xuan!

Will judge your sins!"

The giant fire elf Xiangtao activated a skill, and the flame effects exploded, sparks flew everywhere, and the air was heated up by the explosion.

He waved his fist, hit Wing Chun twice, and shouted loudly:

"You ignorant insect!

Today, I, the Fire Elf King Takizawa Lola, am going to destroy Dragon Tongue Port City, and you can’t stop me at all!”

The Crusader lying on the ground was shaking in his heart:

"Dragon Zelora, as soon as you hear it, it sounds like a very powerful and fighting name!

Longgue Port City is in danger!"

Confused Zi Xuan raised his arms and shouted: "You're dreaming! As long as we, the Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce, are here, you bastards from hell will never succeed."

"well said!"

Another castle player came out with a large number of troops and responded loudly:

"I, the smoke grower of the Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce, together with the confused Zixuan of the Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce, will defend Longgue Port City to the death!

Everyone, hang in there!

As long as we hold on for a little while, the legendary hero Saint Adela will wipe out all of you bastards from hell!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The Flame Apostle laughed wildly:

"You are still dreaming, stupid humans!

Your saint has been captured by our Count Nicholas of Hell a long time ago, and may have been pregnant! Hahahaha!"

[Confused Zi Xuan: Is this the line?! There is something wrong with you, you are bringing in private goods!

Bu Nuo: I think ** all say this, it’s more exciting.】

"You fart!"

Suddenly there was a roar, which startled Bunuo.

One of the crusaders excitedly took off his helmet, kept it on the ground, and shouted at the top of his lungs:

"The Holy Lady is a legendary hero, how could she be poisoned by your hell!

You damn devil, don’t even think about disrupting our military morale!”

[Smoke Planter: Damn it, where did this NPC come from? How come it’s acting harder than us?

Confused Zixuan: According to my analysis, this must be Adela’s licking dog.

Cigarette Planter: Let me tell you good news. I did lie to you. Adela was not poisoned by Nicholas.

Smoke Planter: Let me tell you another piece of bad news. The one who did the murder was our Seven Pigeon Masters, Hahahaha!

Bucha: Do it! Hahaha, you are going to piss him off to death!

Xiangyao:@kindyanren.When Mr. Zhong retired from the literary world, I was quite opposed to it.

Confused Zi Xuan: @姧cigarette人. In terms of not being a human being, you are indeed far ahead.】

After all, Bu Nuo is a professional player and very well-educated.

Although the script was disrupted by the NPC's sudden interruption, he quickly reacted and threw a fireball on the ground, shouting loudly:

"Hmph! What do you know!

Nicholas, the high priest of Longgue Port City, has long since taken refuge with us, Kerrigan.

And your saint was also knocked unconscious by our Count Nicholas using Yin Yang Hehuan Powder!

Today is the day your Dragon Tongue City will be destroyed!"

Confused Zixuan stood on the roof and shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Despicable bastard of hell. Don't think that saying that High Priest Nicholas is your spy from hell can sway our military morale.

I, the confused Zi Xuan of Jiyu Chamber of Commerce, will never be fooled!"

【芋芋: Minister of Propaganda, Enough is enough, Jiyu Chamber of Commerce has advertised it many times.

Confused Zixuan: Damn it, the Seven Pigeons Master won’t let me advertise for World Domination, such a good opportunity.

Bu Nuo: Calm down, Propaganda Minister, you are now the noble Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce. The World Hegemony Guild is no longer worthy of your noble status.

Smoke Planter: I agree, the world's hegemony is just a thing of the past, how can it be compared with our Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce?

Meteor:???Good guy, rebel in front of your face?】

The giant fire elf had another special flame effect, and Xiangyao also used a disposable treasure that could amplify the sound very arrogantly. The sound was as loud as thunder, and the entire West City could hear it:

"Whether you human bastards believe it or not, Count Nicholas has already taken care of your saint. This is an indisputable fact!

Give up resistance and just surrender.

For those of you who give up resistance now, our hell forces can let you live a few more days!

Haha! Drink, drink, drink! Hahahaha!”

Giant fire elf with hands on hips:o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

[Xiangtao: Damn it, brothers, am I acting too exaggeratedly?

Meteor: No, I watched the live broadcast, and the acting was very good, that’s it, no matter how exaggerated it is!]

"Death to the devil! Charge the duck! Protect Longgue Port City!"

"Charge the duck! Protect Longgue Port City!"

Not to mention that Xicheng was once again fighting in a group, and the hegemons in the world began to show off their acting skills against each other again.

On the south side of the city, the Holy Army led by the Captain of the Holy Guard finally arrived on the battlefield at the most critical moment.

Raz, whose mind was controlled, was about to attack Adela, but was chopped into two pieces by the captain of the Holy Guards who arrived at the critical moment.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" The captain of the Holy Guards knelt on one knee in front of Adela and asked anxiously.

Adela's face was covered with black ash, as if it had been burned by a fireball, and her cloak was also a little charred.

Her long golden hair was spread out, and the ends of her long hair were slightly burnt.

Around Adela, there are many corpses of hell monsters scattered.

Adela pushed away the captain of the Holy Guards and tried to help her hand. She stubbornly wanted to stand up on her own, but she tried several times but failed.

Finally, with the help of two female pastors, he managed to stand up.

I was lying on the ground pretending to be seriously injured, and at the same time I turned on the shooting star to record the whole process, and I felt like shit in my heart.

Such acting skills!

Beauty who are you?

Where is the pitiful, delicate and sickly blonde nun who pretends to be strong even though she is obviously weak?

If Meteor hadn't seen with his own eyes that Adela destroyed a large area of ​​hell's troops with a wave of his hand, he would have almost believed it!

Isn’t the intelligence of the NPCs in Heroic Soul World a bit too high?

It is indeed a cross-century game, but it is full of cheats.

Is this the legendary hero that players currently have no access to?

Meteor couldn't help but admire him deeply in his heart.

He is worthy of being the Master of Seven Pigeons! He can actually reach a cooperative relationship with such a legendary hero.

What kind of game realm is this?

The difference is too far, Meteor, you are too far away from the master Qi Ge.

Adela gasped slightly while pointing at Raz’s body and said:

"The Crusaders, collect the body of this traitor who colluded with hell, transport it to the church headquarters, and ask His Majesty the Pope to purify it."


The captain of the Holy Guards saluted, walked to Raz's body, and immediately noticed the five black marks on the back of Raz's right hand.

Curse of the Holy Spirit!

This is the special skill of the Holy Maiden. All units that actively attack her will be hated by the five Holy Spirits.

The presence of this mark means that the high priest, oh no, it means that Nicholas, a traitor who colluded with hell, took the lead in attacking the Holy Maiden.

The captain of the Holy Guards had long disliked Nicholas.

He puts on the airs of a high priest every day, speaks in a commanding tone to everyone, and often issues some strange instructions.

For example, Nicholas has repeatedly asked the Holy Military District to seize the property of civilians.

Many of the soldiers of the Crusaders dared not speak out against Nicholas.

The Captain of the Holy Guards has always felt that some of Nicholas's behaviors are very strange. It turns out that he is a lackey of hell!

Thinking of this, the captain of the Holy Guards felt more and more that something was wrong with Nicholas!

He often pours boiling water into the ant nest when he has nothing to do. Isn't this a typical demonic possession?


Adela pointed to the World Domination players lying around and said to the priests of the Crusaders:

"Heal these warriors.

They are all members of the Timely Rain Merchant Guild, and they are also the heroes who help me resist Nicholas and buy me time.

If they hadn’t discovered Nicholas’s conspiracy, I wouldn’t have been able to hold on until now.”

"Yes! Your Majesty the Holy Maiden!"

The World Hegemony players lying on the ground were overjoyed.

Han Wu Mu: She is coming! She is coming! Sister Priest, please give me milk.

Deep Blue Ocean: The healing technique of the priestess is very soft and warm.

Fantasy Thunder Dragon Wings: Huh? Does this healing technique you mentioned have a large amount of milk?

Dream Soul Thorn: Something's wrong with you? You can't be lustful!

Meteor: Be more serious, I will be acting soon.

Meteor: Remember, you must be pious when you swear to follow Adela! The Seven Pigeon Master once said that whether you can switch to a hidden profession in the Holy Spirit system is the key.

Meteor: The God of Seven Pigeons has paved all the roads for us, let’s follow them. It would be so embarrassing if something goes wrong.


The war in West City gradually intensified, and players on both sides and NPCs in Dragon Snake Port City suffered heavy casualties.

When acting, you must act realistically.

The two hell players who came to Longshe Port City had long been prepared to sacrifice, and all the NPC troops they brought were to be sent here.

With the tacit cooperation of the dominant players in the world, we have always maintained our advantage in hell and will continue to expand this advantage.

The flame apostle profession, which players in the world's hegemonic hell will not bother with, has only average combat power, but the scene stands out in a grand way.

If it can't beat an adult, can't it beat a little girl?

Imagining the pleasure of the opponent's blood dripping on his body, the little monster raised his spear and stabbed it hard.

Maeve closed her eyes.

The church is a liar.

She and her parents pray to the angels so devoutly every year.

When her father died, the angel did not appear.

When her mother died, the angel did not appear.

Now, she is going to die too.

The angel still didn't appear.

There was no pain for a long time, and Meifu opened her eyes strangely.

The little monster's spear stayed three to four centimeters in front of her face, trembling constantly.

The spear, on the other hand, was being held in the hand of a handsome brother wearing a white cloak, moving away from him bit by bit.

It turns out that angels have long ears?

Hope finally appeared in Mei Fu's eyes, and she looked at Qi Ge nervously:

"Brother, are you an angel?"

Qi Ge inserted the little monster's spear into its body, and then punched it to death with the magic fist.

"Angel? I'm not. I'm a timely rain."

Qige shook her white cloak and hugged the little girl with one hand.

The little girl was very light, Qi Ge lifted her up with his right hand and let the side of her face rest on his shoulder.

The little girl lay in Qi Ge's arms and asked:

"Then brother Jiyu, can you resurrect my father and mother like an angel? Meifu will be scared alone."

Qi Ge chuckled lightly.

"Heh. I don't know the magic of resurrection, but my companions can. When my companions come, your parents will be resurrected."

Mei Fu lay on Qi Ge's shoulders very obediently and muttered:

"Meifu believes in big brother."

"Then you help big brother put on the hood, and big brother will ask his companions to resurrect your parents, okay?"

"Okay." Meifu responded obediently, pulled up Qi Ge's hood, helped Qi Ge put it on, and arranged it carefully.

Qi Ge held Mei Fu in his arms and stepped into the battlefield step by step.

[Xiangtao: Hurry! Hurry! The Seven Pigeon Master is here, and the plot enters the second stage.

Bu Nuo: Damn it! Holding a girl in his arms?! Isn’t the appearance of Master Qi Ge too handsome?!]

"Demons from hell.

When you set foot in Longgue Port City and massacre human beings in front of me, it already represents your demise.

O devil with unforgivable sins, I am the president of the Timely Rain Merchant Guild, Qi Ge.

Remember this name, engrave this name in your soul, and stay away from me when you hear this name in the next life!"

Qi Ge also used a disposable treasure. Although his voice was not very loud, it could reach the ears of almost every creature in the entire West City.

"Seven! Dove! Meeting! Long!" Confused Zi Xuan shouted with all his strength.

He stood at the feet of the giant fire spirit taro, stretched out a hand, and shouted loudly:

"It's the president of our chamber of commerce. We can be saved!!!"

"What! The president of the Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce!"

"It's actually the president of the Jiyu Chamber of Commerce who is here."

"The members of the Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce are all heroes, what kind of strength do their guild leaders have!"

"It can be saved! Longgue Port City can be saved!"

The first three days have shown the effect of hyping up the reputation of Jiyu Chamber of Commerce.

Even if some people have not heard the name of the Timely Chamber of Commerce, they will be deeply impressed by this chamber of commerce, which is made up of local tycoons and heroes, through the popularization of other people's knowledge.

At this critical moment, the mysterious president of the Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce appeared on the battlefield holding a cute little girl.

Every step he takes is so graceful, and every word he speaks is so sonorous and powerful!

The surviving NPCs in West City were talking a lot, with hope rising in their hearts.

Even among the civilians hiding in the houses, a few dared to poke their heads out.

However, some NPCs are a little worried.

There were so many hell troops and two hell heroes, but he came alone without bringing any troops.

Is it possible?

The players of Tianxia Baye were very cooperative and deliberately left some time for the NPCs to heat up the atmosphere.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost complete, the giant fire elf player Xiang Yu quickly started running.

"Humph! Where are you from, this ignorant fanatic! How dare you bark here! You will die!!"

The giant fire elf specially transformed into flame-like feet, stepped on the ground hard, and rushed towards Qi Ge step by step.

The smoke grower took the opportunity to use an earthquake scroll.

Judging from the effect, it was as if the entire West City was shaking due to the stampede of the giant fire elf.

Xiangyao raised his huge fist high, that fist was even bigger than Qi Ge’s entire body!

The surrounding NPCs all screamed in surprise, and a few female NPCs even covered their eyes.


A loud bang!

Qi Ge hugged the girl and punched the giant fire element taro.

With only a little big fist, he stopped a fire elemental fist that was a hundred times larger in the air.

The screen paused for 5 seconds.

"Hungry! Ah! This is impossible!"

The giant fire elemental taro let out a scream, shattered into light, and disappeared.

"Ugh!! Oh my god! Just one punch!!"

"So strong! The president of the Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce is so strong!!"

"Have you seen it, you bastards of hell? This is the strength of our strong human beings!"

The giant fire element was so powerful and arrogant that the whole city trembled under its feet.

But with just one punch, it was solved by Qi Ge!!

The NPCs were all excited. The aggrievedness of being beaten by Hell and the despair of being about to be defeated were all reversed by Qi Ge's punch.

They were excited, screaming, and taunting the soldiers of the hell forces to vent their emotions.

The huge contrast shocked the minds of the NPCs, making their estimation of Qi Ge's strength infinitely higher.

"Hero! Be careful!"

The city guard's spearman lying on the ground suddenly shouted a reminder.

The flame apostle Bu Nuo, who looks like a horned demon, took advantage of Qi Ge's "destroying" the giant fire element and launched a "shameless" sneak attack.

He condensed a huge fireball and prepared to throw it at Seven Pigeons.

Qi Ge turned around, waved his hand, and a magic fist appeared from the magic book, and punched out!

When the magical fist came into contact with the giant fireball, Bunuo immediately canceled the charged magic giant fireball, took a punch from Qi Ge, and immediately chose to commit suicide, shattering and disappearing.

"Oh my god! Another punch!!"

The magic fist summoned by Qi Ge not only directly dispersed the fireball spell of the Hell Hero, but also destroyed the Hell Hero instantly.

When the NPCs saw this scene, they were so shocked that they were speechless!

"Not only is the combat power, but also the magic is so strong?!"

"A top hero with both magic and martial arts skills?!"

"What kind of strength is he? Master? Legend? Is he a demigod?!"

After a long time, the NPCs came back to their senses.

They looked at the figure of the seven pigeons as if they were looking at gods.

Qige gently waved her hand and stared at the little girl in her arms.

"Meifu, are you not scared?"

Qi Ge's voice was very low, but under the influence of the disposable treasure, it made the surrounding NPCs hear it softly and clearly.

Meifu shook her head and said, "Big brother protects me, I'm not afraid."

"Well, you're so good."

Qi Ge chuckled and gently wiped the dust off Mei Fu's face with her hand.

"He is so handsome and so gentle."

"This is what a hero is. He suppresses evil with great power, but shows deep affection for his weak compatriots."

[System prompt: NPC guard Big Lancer Rag's favorability towards you is 20, currently 20 (friendly)]

[System prompt: NPC businessman Stan's favorability towards you is 20, currently 20 (friendly)]

Qi Ge's ears kept hearing notification sounds from various NPCs indicating that their favorability towards him had increased. One of the notification sounds that indicated that the city's reputation had increased to "respect" was particularly pleasant to the ear.

(Reputation levels are divided into hatred, indifference, neutrality, friendliness, respect, reverence, and worship.)

Qige said to the confused Zi Xuan and the smoker:

"Confused Zixuan! Smoke growers! The remaining troops of the hell forces are left to you.

Protect the people of Longgue Port City.

Remember, protecting the people is the unshirkable responsibility of our Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce."

"Yes! President Qi Ge!"*2

【芋芋: Have you seen it?! What is a master! What is a professional!

Xiangtao: A simple and powerful hero is not impressive enough. But a tough guy who is so tender towards his fellow humans. Who can forget this kind of character once he is established?

Confused Zi Xuan: Damn it, Master Qi Ge understands so well. He is so pretentious, when will I have the chance to pretend to be such a big dick?]


The arrival of Saint Adela brought an end to this hell invasion.

With the large-scale release of the magic of reincarnation, the loss of personnel during this invasion was minimized, but the losses of materials and buildings were still heavy.

The final investigation of this Hell invasion was determined to be a sneak attack launched by Nicholas, the former high priest of Longgue Port City, together with Hell.

According to the intelligence obtained by the captured Hell prisoners, the purpose of this Hell and Nikolaz's sneak attack is to open up the fourth battlefield of the Holy War and help relieve the pressure on the front of Hell.

Later, Saint Adela exposed Nikolayz's crimes one by one.

Including but not limited to oppressing the people, depriving the people of their property, and the most important attempt to sneak attack the Saint Adela, and join forces with Hell to capture Longgue Port City.

While people exclaimed and hated Nicholas, their hatred for hell also reached its peak.

The moment Nicholas's crimes are exposed, he must be a minion of hell, or else it will have a huge impact on the prestige of the church.

On the other hand, the Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce led by Qige became the shining point in this hellish invasion.

They fought bravely when hell invaded.

In Xicheng, Qi Ge, the president of the Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce, single-handedly turned the tide of the war and eliminated the invasion of Hell.

In the southern city, members of the Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce protected Saint Adela and delayed enough time for the arrival of the Crusaders.

It can be said that the Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce is the biggest contributor to this hell invasion!

Not only that, the Jiyu Chamber of Commerce also donated money and materials after the war, providing a huge boost to the restoration and reconstruction of the western district of Longgue Port City.

The World Hegemony Guild exerted its best superpower, used a large amount of gold coins and resources to clear the way, and just made the reputation of the Timely Rain Merchant Guild in Longgue Port City known to everyone.

For this reason, Saint Adela gave the Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce a huge reward.

1. All members of the Shiyu Chamber of Commerce were awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Longbao Port City and were allowed to purchase the Chamber of Commerce’s residence in Longbao Port City.

2. Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce will obtain the privilege of half the tax exemption for transactions in Longgue Port City.

3. All members of the Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce can part-time join the private army that Saint Adela is forming: the Holy Spirit Guards, and change their jobs to hidden professions.

4. Qi Ge, the president of the Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce, has obtained the title of Guardian Knight of Saint Adela, and can personally guard Saint Adela. (That is, there is only one candidate for Saint Adela's husband, Qi Ge.)

5. Qi Ge has obtained the right to recruit troops in Long Toi Port City, and can recruit troops at the Heroic Soul Building in Long Toi Port City. (You need to spend more gold coins, and all level 1 to 6 troops can be recruited. This recruitment right can be assigned by Qi Ge to Timely Rain.

Other members of the Chamber of Commerce.)

Except for the fourth item, which was forced in by Adela with private goods, the other items were negotiated between Qi Ge and Adela.

So, here comes the question, how many members does the Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce have?


The so-called Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce is basically an organization established verbally by Qige.

He can have as many members as he wants, even if he stuffs the entire World Domination Guild into it, it won't be a problem.

Qi Ge is very kind.

Not only did he fulfill his promise, he also appointed Meteor as the vice president of the Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce, giving Meteor a lot of power.

This time, it is simply equivalent to the world's most powerful guild gaining a firm foothold in Longgue Port City.

Not only has it obtained the construction permit for the guild's residence, but it also has trade tax exemptions, the right to recruit troops, and the most important hidden career change path!

The powerful branch of the World Hegemony Castle almost regards Qi Ge as his biological father.

Because if you analyze it carefully, you will find that the actual power of the entire Tianxia Hegemony Guild in Longgui Port City is actually tied to Qige.

Qige wanted to take back these powers and give them to other guilds, so he asked Adela to say something.

Meteor was very angry.

Damn it, the development of the World Hegemony Guild relies too much on Qige.

But that didn't stop him from being indignant while trying to lick the Seven Pigeon Master.

The shooting star can finally be seen clearly.

As long as you lick the Seven Pigeon Master well and serve him comfortably, let alone hiding your profession, you will have whatever you want!

What Meteor hates most now is that his younger sister Liuli is not living up to expectations and has not yet made contact with Master Qi Ge in real life.


Pope Ronis of the Church of Angels received the magic communication sent by Adela. The news that his former subordinate Nicholas was colluding with Hell made him a little sad.

He couldn't believe it, but the chain of evidence submitted by Adela was too complete. Traces of the attack on Adela were indeed found on Nicholas's soul-destroyed body.

Ronis looked at the evidence submitted by Adela about Nicholas forcing civilians to become pilgrims, and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he raised his head and ordered to the priest beside him:

"Summon Bishop Inheim to come to Holy Sky City to report on his duties."

Inheim, who was preparing to assemble his team to attack Sosa, never imagined that because his former subordinate was implicated in the Seven Pigeons scheme, a huge trouble was waiting for him.


The incident in Longgue Port City temporarily ended with Nicholas taking all the blame.

No one doubted that Saint Adela would frame a mere master Nicholas.

Indeed, Adela didn't need to go to such trouble to kill Nicholas.

The person Adela and Qi Ge wanted to frame was never Nicholas, but...


ps: Thank you for your big rewards, monthly tickets and full subscriptions!!!

The hamster was so moved, whining.

Two more updates are provided.

Thanks to the leader of Zuimeng.

Currently owed updates: 2

This chapter has been completed!
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