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Chapter 214 Seven pigeons! What are you doing!

"Qi Ge, there are many tricks in hell. Your future is uncertain this time, so be careful."

Qige held Adela's soft hand and listened to Adela's soft voice, feeling a little moved.

Just now, Adela explained to Qi Ge all the special methods that might appear in hell and that might have an effect on players.

Qi Ge actually knew that for five years in his previous life, what hadn't he seen?

But Qi Ge couldn't bear to interrupt Adela.

Just stared at Adela's face and listened quietly.

Hooray, the sails of the Blue Whale are full.

Sylvia stood at the stern of the boat, waving her hat vigorously, her long red wavy hair flowing down.

Adela stood next to Sylvia, watching the seven pigeons silently.

Qi Ge watched the Blue Whale slowly disappear into the air, knowing that it was Sylvia who had activated her special ability.

Although the Seven Pigeons themselves couldn't see them, they could see the Seven Pigeons.

So Qi Ge stared at the spot for a while, until a gust of breeze blew by, stirring up a few ripples on the deep river.

Seven Pigeons pinched a reed from the reeds by the river.

He pulled the reed up from the stem with his hands, and rubbed off the reed heads that were so rough that they pricked his hands.

Qi Ge bent down and rinsed his hands in the cold river water.

He used the bare reed pole as a sword, put it on his waist, turned around and walked towards Ranluo City.

The wind is blowing and the water is getting cold.

Once a strong man is gone, he will never return.

Qi Ge stepped over the hole in the city wall, kicked off several black lava rocks that were broken into several sections, and entered Ranluo City.

Luo Shi set off with his troops early in the morning, and now Sylvia and Adela also left with their fleet.

Ranluo City suddenly became empty and silent.

Qi Ge was walking in Ranluo City, looking around blankly.

The architecture of Ranluo City is full of randomness and shoddy workmanship.

Moreover, there are basically no buildings similar to markets and exchanges. They are all various hell barracks.

When Ranluo City was being built, it was built for a large military fortress.

Back then, the forces of Hell took over Shenhe, built Ranluo City, and through the Thieves Guild, spread the fame of Ranluo River and Ranluo City throughout the world of Asa.

The forces of hell are just waiting for Roald to explode and die.

But there is no small matter in the military, and no matter how angry Roald is, he will not use Erathia's troops to fill the never-ending holes on the front line.

It's like Zhuge Liang gave Sima Yi women's clothes and laughed at him for being a timid woman, but Sima Yi happily wore them.

After that great defeat, Roald voluntarily applied to step aside and handed over most of Erathia's political power.

Queen Catherine's power reached its peak that year.

Roald retreated bravely. Although he gave up most of his power, he also had more free time.

He was well aware of the power of the Angelic Church and united some of the nobles of Erathia to form the Theocracy.

Theocratic sects advocate respecting angels and governing the country with faith.

Encourage the people to have a large number of children and at the same time believe in the church, and give birth to angels with the number of ordinary soldiers.

At the same time, the theocratic sect advocated the mass construction of monastery-type buildings.

Produce more monk-type heroic soul units, and at the same time increase the number of genetically mutated monks among the entire Erathian people.

Theocratic sects usually call this kind of gene "god's favor".

With monks and angels as the main force, they constantly launch holy wars to annihilate hell and seize hell's land and resources.

The emergence of theocracies not only catered to the needs of angels, but also met the needs of the Holy Angel Church.

With the support of these two parties, the power of the theocracy continued to expand over the past eight years.

Queen Catherine's people's faction is opposite to the theocratic views.

The people's livelihood faction advocates recuperation, putting human beings first, developing logistics, relying on sufficient food supply, and improving the overall physical quality of mankind.

And build various barracks-like buildings, such as archer towers, cavalry training grounds, etc.

Use a small number of angels as a means of resurrection and rely on humans to fight on their own.

To put it simply, the theocratic faction’s proposition is beneficial to level 5 monks who rely on the power of faith, and level 7 angels.

The people's livelihood faction's proposition is more beneficial to level 1 to level 4 arms that rely on their own beliefs and extensive training in combat, as well as level 6 cavalry.

Thinking of this, Qi Ge suddenly recalled a guess from his previous life.

Human power monks and knights most likely use emotional power in different ways.

Monks condense their emotions and thoughts into beliefs and focus on spiritual cultivation, so they can rely on the power of belief to launch holy light bullets that can attack from a distance.

Players discovered in previous lives that the monk's Holy Light Bullet actually caused physical damage, which shows that the Holy Light Bullet is not magic in nature.

The players also raised a conjecture.

[Holy light bullets are probably gathered together, and the spiritual power, or belief power, of the entire human race is fused into something similar to a cannonball.

Therefore, the Holy Light Bullet has the effect of restraining hell creatures and can limit the resurrection of the corpses of hell creatures.

Because humans hate hell creatures, this hatred will cause more damage to hell creatures when they attack them.

If human mental power does not allow the hell creatures to be resurrected, the hell creatures cannot be resurrected.】

The world of idealism is so unreasonable.

The cavalry, on the other hand, walked to the extreme of physical fitness.

Although from the outside, a cavalryman is just a human being riding a horse.

But in the Yasha continent, cavalry, spearmen, and swordsmen are two completely different species.

In previous lives, players who studied medicine and biology conducted autopsies on the corpses of the NPC Yasha Continent soldiers, and came to shocking conclusions.

The muscle density of cavalry is 12 times that of spearmen and about 4 times that of swordsmen.

The muscle density of spearmen is about three times that of farmers.

The muscle density of an archer is similar to that of a spearman, but the internal structure of an archer's eyeball is completely different from that of a spearman.

Biologically speaking, cavalry, swordsmen, archers, spearmen, and farmers should be five completely different species with similar appearances!

There is no reproductive isolation!

Simply outrageous.

But it makes sense, after all, this is a world where mermaids can lay eggs with humans.

Soon after the NPC cavalry reaches adulthood, they need to go to the "stable" (a special building for the castle's forces) to find a war horse of their own and sign a contract.

Afterwards, the cavalryman can take the war horse into his body like a hero.

The horse is as long as the man is, and the horse dies and the man dies. There is no saying that if a cavalry horse is killed in battle, another horse will be replaced.

The two parties seem to be separate individuals, but in fact they are a symbiotic whole.


Qi Ge made a special issue of [Biology of Yasha Continent: Humans] in his previous life. After the video came out, it simply subverted the players' three views.

However, there are also many good players who have begun to study a topic that is worth exploring.

They set up a research group in the forum to conduct research.

Is there reproductive isolation between the armies of Yasha Chosen and human forces with different forces?

Can the Yasha God's Choice, who is a cavalry, be combined with an NPC soldier who is a peasant? Can a cavalry be produced?

By the way, Qi Ge is the leader of the research team.

It is not convenient to describe the specific research process in detail.

The final conclusion reached is that reproductive isolation does not exist.

Players can have children with NPCs, but the player's body type cannot affect the offspring, all are decided by the female NPC.

It's a pity that female players cannot get pregnant in the heroic soul world, otherwise Qi Ge would like to study the reproduction situation between players.

If an NPC cavalry is combined with an NPC spearman, the base level of their offspring will randomly fluctuate between 1 and 6.

There may even be very rare human soldiers, such as thieves who are born as level 3 soldiers, or strongmen as level 5 soldiers.

Qi Ge flipped through the history books and found that before the establishment of Erathia, there was a level 6 soldier in the human world that did not require riding a horse, the paladin (din).

It is different from the cavalry, which was originally a level 5 soldier but was upgraded to level 6 with the blessing of Tears of Asa.

Paladins are born as level 6 soldiers, the same as angels who have not yet received the Tears of Asa.

It was because of the complete destruction of the Holy Warriors in the Second War of All Races that the human forces were on the verge of annihilation.

After the angel tribe established the castle force, the diversity of human arms was greatly reduced under the influence of the powerful Tears of Asa.

Qi Ge once thought that if the human arms of neutral forces combined with each other, it is likely that more strange human arms would be born.

For example, recreating the former paladin.

A powerful soldier recorded in the history books of the Yasha world who can tear apart giant dragons with his hands and slash Behemoth with his sword.


Qi Ge is still very interested in the biology and history of these arms in the game. He will not feel tired at all when studying these.

Just in time, while Sir Mrak is still alive, Qi Ge can find him to learn more about the history of mankind in the world of Yasha.

Sir Mulak's family is a cavalry family passed down from generation to generation, and there are many books in the family.

Lord Jazz should have many opinions of his own on the history of mankind.

When Qi Ge walked to the main castle, he happened to see Sir Mrak practicing his lance.

Sir Mulak was seen wearing a heavy armored helmet, holding a blue kite-shaped shield in his right hand, and a red and white spiral spear in his left hand.

He leveled his spear, slapped his horse, and disappeared.

Three huge "booms" in a row!

On the way to Sir M'rak's charge, three hell barracks buildings that were already seriously damaged collapsed instantly.

Qi Ge covered his mouth and nose with his hands to block the flying dust.

Immediately afterwards, there was a roaring sound, and countless hell barracks buildings were reduced to dust.

The smoke composed of dust filled the air, and the seven pigeons were blinded by the dust. Shalala felt uncomfortable when she tried to open her eyes, and she quickly lowered her head and rubbed her eyes.

The magic eye opens.

In the magical vision of Seven Doves, Sir Mrak is like a stream of light cutting across the earth!

Where he passed, buildings collapsed.

Sir Mrak passed by Seven Pigeons, and the strong wind pressure rolled around him, even blowing Seven Pigeons off their feet.

A large amount of dust accompanied by the wind and sand hit Qi Ge's body. Even though Qi Ge was wearing a cloak and a hood, he was hurt by the sand and dust, so he quickly lowered the pain.

In the magical field of vision, Qi Ge saw Sir Mrak suddenly stop and turn his horse back.

A flash of light flashed, and Sir Mrak appeared in front of Seven Pigeons.

This speed is simply outrageous.

I wonder if a supersonic plane is as fast as Sir Mrak?

Sir Mrak put his horse and armor into his space backpack, dropped it on the ground, and asked:

"Seven Pigeons? You came back so soon? I thought you were going to stay with Sylvia and Adela for a little longer.

Sorry, I made you eat some dust."

Qige first put on the priest's clothes and then took them off.

With a snap, under the power of the system, the dust on the seven pigeons automatically disappeared.

"I said goodbye to them and came back.

I would like to take this opportunity to finally meet you, Sir Sir, and ask you about the history of mankind.

By the way, Sir Sir, what are you doing?"

Sir Mrak touched his beard, raised his eyebrows, looked at Qige and joked:

"Forget it Sylvia, why don't you say goodbye to Adela carelessly?

Could it be said that you have already said goodbye?

Qige, you are a bit fast."

Qi Ge:?!


I was called "fast" by Sir M'rak? I was called "fast" by the fastest man in Erathia?

That’s outrageous! Unacceptable!


Seeing the painful expressions of the seven pigeons' eggs, Sir Mrak laughed heartily.

"Just a joke, just a joke.

Whenever I see you young people loving each other, I feel that I, an old man in my twilight years, have become much more energetic.

Love love, only love can create the next generation."

Seven Pigeons:????

Car! Sir Mrak drove his car over my face.

"As you can see, I am cleaning up the barracks in Ranluo City.

As you said, Qige, there is a high probability that Ranluo City will still fall into the hands of Hell.

Then I don’t need to be polite to them, I can dismantle as much as I can.

The cleaner they are torn down, the more troublesome they will be to rebuild.

But there is no rush in this matter.

Qi Ge, if you want to know the history of our human race, then I’ll talk to you first.”

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the hidden mission: The dusty truth]

[Task name: The dusty truth

Mission Level: Purple Master Level

Task requirements:

The first ring: the dust of history

Listen to Sir Mrak tell the history of mankind.

Mission reward: unknown]

This can actually trigger a mission?

The dusty truth?

Qi Ge was a little curious and said quickly: "Sir Sir, please speak."

Sir Mrak took seven pigeons and cleared an open space. He took out a long smooth white sandalwood table and a tea set from his space backpack.

Sir M'rak was on the march and fighting, and he still had this thing in his backpack!

Qi Ge was keenly aware that Sir Mrak's backpack must have a lot of space.

Sir Mrak and Seven Pigeons sat across from each other and brewed a cup of black tea. The rich aroma of black tea penetrated Seven Pigeons' nostrils.

Qi Ge noticed that Sir Mrak put in six black tea bags, and the black tea poured out was so strong that it turned black.

Watching Sir Mrak pour himself a cup of black tea, Qi Ge hesitated whether to turn off his sense of taste. This was simply a lethal dose.

Try it? What if it tastes good?

With the mentality of giving it a try, Qi Ge carefully took a sip.

Hiss, the taste is just like putting a piece of raw bitter melon directly into your mouth and chewing it.

Qi Geku's tongue was almost numb.

[System prompt: After tasting Sir Mulak’s family black tea, drinking the whole cup will gain attack power 1 (only valid for the first time)]

This is actually an alchemical potion that can increase attributes!

The seven pigeons turned off their taste, picked up the cup, and drank it all in one gulp!

Sir Mrak looked at the seven pigeons with interest.

When he saw Qi Ge take the first sip and then put down the black tea, he laughed in his heart.

Just as he was about to remind Qi Ge that drinking this cup of black tea was beneficial, he saw Qi Ge holding the cup and drinking up the black tea in one gulp.

"Ho! Haha!"

Sir M'rak laughed.

“Few young people today dare to drink such bitter black tea.

Qige, you are really different."

Qi Ge quickly responded:

"Thank you Sir for your generosity."

Sir Mrak poured another cup of black tea for Seven Pigeons.

"It seems that you have experienced the benefits of this cup of black tea.

Yes, Qi Ge, you are a classy person."

Mrak held his own bitter black tea, blew lightly, and drank half of it in one gulp.

He put down the cup and said with admiration:

"This is the ultimate form of suffering."

"The history of our humanity is as bitter as this cup of black tea."

"Before the first war of all races for hegemony, the world was in a state of being invaded by Chaos.

In the huge world of Asha, hundreds of races are completely destroyed at the hands of Chaos every year.

We humans are partial to one another. Among us humans, there are countless branches of arms.

Cavalry, thieves, paladins, mages, spearmen, sword and shield soldiers, magic swordsmen...

Although the power of Chaos was very strong at that time, we humans still belonged to the strongest race in the entire Yasha world.

However, everything changed after the first race for hegemony.

Poseidon and Sun God ascended to the throne one after another, and the chaos in Asha's world was completely dispelled.

The Mother Goddess gave the Tears of Asa which can change the racial level and establish a power.

We humans are very excited and feel that this is a gift from the Mother Goddess to us.

He chose to join the war without hesitation.

However, things are not that simple.

When we fought against the giants, we discovered that the mages who were originally humans had rebelled.

They took away the magical power that belongs to us humans and entered the power of giants.

Mages who are born with the ability to cast spells are the backbone of our humanity. Their rebellion has caused too much loss to us humans.

As a result, we humans were defeated in the final against the giants and did not win the Asa Fire.

When the Titans established their forces, the tower forces' persecution of us humans began.

The mages are not as friendly to their former compatriots as we imagined.

Together with the Titans, they besieged us humans.

Without the seventh-level arms, we humans are no match for the tower forces and can only retreat steadily, giving up our fertile land and abundant resources.

At that time, no one could have imagined that the mage's rebellion would have such a serious impact on us humans.

Mages broke away from humans and joined the giants, taking with them not only our magical knowledge, but also humans' talent for casting spells.

When mages become the fourth-level arms of the tower forces, we humans, under the suppression of world rules, can no longer give birth to arms with magical talents.

Professions such as magic swordsmen, which require magical talent, have disappeared from human history.

Many human beings chose to rebel during this process.

At that time, we humans had not yet established a unified kingdom, and each tribe had its own leader.

These tribes dispersedly joined dungeons, fortresses, strongholds, etc. and gained the power of Tears of Asa.

This is the first time our species has fallen apart.

The human tribes that could join other forces at that time were all relatively powerful tribes among us humans.

This has caused the overall combat effectiveness of the remaining human tribes to plummet."

Qi Ge sighed silently in his heart, it was simply a reality in the world.

When the tree falls and the hozens scatter, the traitors who can surrender to the enemy and find their next family quickly are often the more powerful ones.

The truly poor people don't even have a chance to choose.

Sir Mrak paused and said:

"Later, it's time for the hero Max to unify all human tribes."

"Relying on the continuous sacrifices of heroes emerging from the human forces, we humans have regained a firm foothold in Enroth.

At that time, a special kind of raptor lived on the land of Enroth, the griffon.

In the beginning, we had an absolutely antagonistic relationship with the gryphons.

The earliest gryphons were wild and untamable. They would not only attack human livestock, but would even prey on humans as food.

Griffins all live on towering mountain walls, and our human troops have nothing to do with them.

Later, Edric's grandfather discovered how to tame griffins.

Oh, by the way, do you know Seven Pigeons, Edric? He is also our legendary hero in Erathia.

However, he is a bit lonely and stays in his own territory all day long, studying how to domesticate and breed griffins.

Therefore, he is not very famous in Erathia, but his strength cannot be underestimated.

All the griffon units in Erathia were researched by his family.

The Edric family is responsible for taming griffins and providing them to the king's army, starting from Enroth and continuing to the present.

It has a very long history.

In the entire Erathian world, no one knows as much about griffons as Edric.

He climbed the Griffin Cliff all year round, and was exposed to the sun together with the griffons who loved to bask in the sun, and his skin became tanned."

"The Legend of Edric, I know it."

Of course Qi Ge knows that the gryphon king of Qi Ge in his previous life was bred by Edric himself.

Adric was also Qi Ge's professional mentor in his previous life, and his favorability reached 100. Unfortunately, he was never able to trigger the recruitment mission.

Qi Ge felt that it was definitely not because he rejected his granddaughter Elena.

After all, no matter how nerdy Mr. Edric is, he should know that a 7-year-old girl cannot get married.

Break the law.

Sir M'rak nodded and continued:

"With the addition of griffons, our lives as humans have become much easier.

There are flying units and the emergence of griffin knights.

Let us humans have mobile troops that can cross terrains.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and Chaos invaded again.

This Chaos invasion is not as easy to deal with as before.

On the one hand, this chaos invasion is more intense than the previous one, and on the other hand, our human strength has been greatly weakened.

Fortunately, mankind will never lack heroes.

Our humans' level 6 arms, the strongest combat force, the Paladins have been at the forefront during this chaos invasion.

In the end, the paladin was wiped out.

At the most dangerous moment, we humans even separated a small team and went deep into the desert to prevent the complete annihilation of mankind.

This small group became the nomads later on.

After making countless sacrifices, we humans have managed to persevere.

We persisted until the reinforcements summoned from the void by Mother Goddess Asa joined us.

The angel clan has arrived.

The new level 6 arms bring hope of survival to us humans.

When we humans and angels struggled to defeat Chaos and survived by luck, we learned that two more Tears of Yasha were born in the world of Yasha.

So, dragging on the exhaustion after the war, we humans and angels once again embarked on the road to fight for the Tears of Asa.

Fortunately, the angels' combat power is strong enough, and the timing of our entry happened to be when other races had already run out of ammunition and food.


Even though we fought with Chaos, we didn't die as miserably as they did.

When the castle force was established, before humans had time to celebrate, they were dragged into the abyss of the genocide by the hell force who also obtained the Tears of Asa.

This is recorded in the history books: The demon clan of the hell forces once told us humans that as long as we humans do not join the battle, they will not make trouble for us after they eliminate the angel clan.

But we humans have been favored by angels, so naturally we have to fight for angels.

Thus, the first holy war that lasted forty years began.

In the past 40 years, there has been an unforgettable hatred between us humans and hell.

Countless compatriots died in battle at the claws of hell.

Those soldiers in hell will not only kill humans, but also use us humans as food.

The two sides continued to fight, and in the most brutal case, the bodies were piled up and could not be disposed of, so they had to be thrown into the river.

Corpses were piled up in the river, and even the water was blocked from flowing."

Sir Mrak took a breath and drank the remaining half cup of bitter black tea in one gulp.

"The first holy war was hell's war of aggression against us humans. Although we won, we suffered heavy losses.

The royal family of Enroth was almost wiped out in this battle.

Only the infant Roald was left.

To celebrate the victory of the Holy War.

The humans changed Enroth to Erathia.

The name Erathia means restoration.

It represents our beautiful vision of returning to our former peak.

This cup of black tea, no matter how bitter it is, will make your mouth full of saliva when you start to savor it after drinking it.

Unfortunately, recovery was not so easy to achieve after all.

The hatred between angels and demons, and the instinct of destroying hell engraved in the bones of angels, prompted humans and hell to wage an almost endless war.

Whenever both sides regain a certain amount of vitality, a new holy war will begin.

To this day, we humans have still not been able to return to our former glory.

Among the nine major forces, humans have the fewest main cities and demigods have the fewest."

Sir Mrak smiled bitterly and said:

"But at the very least, hell is no better than us.

They have a little more cities than we do, but they only have one demigod.

And they don’t have as many legends as we do.

Even their main city is not allocated enough.

This is because our legends are less afraid of death than theirs!

There are 4 hell legends who died in my hands alone.

Wait until tomorrow, Luo Shi and the others go further away, Qi Ge, you follow me, I will take you to kill another one!"

Speaking of excitement, Sir Mrak picked up the black tea on the table and drank it all.

[System prompt: Mission completed: Dust-laden truth, first ring: dust of history]

Qi Ge swallowed.

Lord Jazz is truly a warrior.

Such a bitter black tea is as dry as drinking alcohol.


Sir M'rak put down the teapot and exhaled.

"By the way, Qi Ge, you are not the hero of Erathia, nor are you my subordinates, so my skills cannot be effective on you.

My fighting style requires me to move at high speed all the time, can you keep up with me?"

Qi Ge took a look at his riding pen. By tomorrow, the little purple dragon will be hatched.

"It should be fine, Sir. If it doesn't work, I have a backup method."

Sir Mrak nodded and said:

"Okay, your mind works better than mine. I won't do anything and worry about it."

Well, that's all I know about human history.

If you are interested in human history, you can ask Adela to help you search for it at the Pope's Hall in Holy Sky City.

The church library there stores a lot of historical materials.

Especially since the founding of the church and the development of the entire human history, the records there are much more detailed than mine."

"Thank you Sir! I have benefited a lot!"

It turns out that the Paladins were extinct in the battle with Chaos, and humans still have the Demon Sword Soldier species.

Qi Ge touched his chin.

I feel more and more that my strategy is promising!

If a paladin can be bred, through the echo of history, Qige may get the paladin's unit building.

That is a powerful unit that has naturally reached level 6. It can be said to be the ceiling of the human camp.

Wizards take away the magical talents of humans.

Then if I deceive some mage NPCs from the tower and come back, is there any hope that I can reproduce the human units with magical talents in my territory?

It feels very experimental!

After chatting with Sir Mrak, he picked up his armor and mounted his horse, and started the work of the demolition brigade.

Qi Ge hid far away, looking at the destructive power of Sir Mrak's humanoid tyrannosaurus, full of expectations for tomorrow's battle.

If I could keep up with Sir M'Lak's speed, wouldn't it be great to have him with me?

The enemy from hell that Sir M'rak wants to fight must be a master, right?

If you are lucky and meet a legend, you will make a fortune.

I will directly fight with a set of shackles, the knight will kill people, and I will collect the corpses.

A legend must have a combined treasure no matter what!

Hey hey hey.

Licking his lips, Qi Ge took out the architectural drawings of the fairy waterwheel.

At the beginning of this week, Qi Ge dug up the big treasure of the Lucky Harp, and found a crystal cloak (4 crystals per day), which is now worn on Koroko.

This week, Qige has been busy dealing with NPCs.

There is no time to fight Chaos monsters, and there is no way to collect architectural blueprints.

Seeing that tomorrow is Sunday, if we don't change it, it will be a waste of time.

Of all the parts of Qi Ge, this is the most suitable and most in need of transformation.

Moreover, the design skill still has an opportunity to design non-heroic soul military buildings and an opportunity to enter the historical echo.

Making up his mind, Qi Ge took out Credel's measuring stick and started to do it.

[System prompt: Do you want to use Credel's measuring ruler to improve the architectural drawing: Fairy Waterwheel?]

Lucky Wife, look at me!

Magic Wife, your sister’s future food rations will all depend on this economic building!

No, Qige doesn’t think it’s safe enough.

He took out a picture of a seal and lit it on fire.

Sacrifice the European spirit of the seal! Ship it to me!


[System prompt: Improving]

[System prompt: Improvement completed, congratulations on obtaining: Fairy Dam construction drawings]


Damn it, no miracle happened.

Qi Ge was heartbroken. Li Seal’s European spirit was not enough.

[Fairy Dam Construction Drawings

Neutral forces hide architectural blueprints

Terrain requirements: Need to be built near a river

Resource requirements: 2000 gold coins, 20 wood, 40 ore, hidden troops: Beaver Elf*10


It can intercept rivers and raise river water levels.

After the river water level is raised, the gold coin output of the fairy waterwheel can be greatly increased.

At the same time, the land on both sides of the river will be slowly transformed into wetland terrain.

Explanation: The beaver fairy is not a fairy that looks like a beaver, but a fairy that can tame beavers.

The Beaver Fairy has disappeared into history.

However, it is said that in a corner of the fortress, there is a method for the beaver fairy to change jobs.】


Qi Ge has a toothache.

The effect of this building is unclear, and its construction actually requires special troops.

If it disappears from history, doesn’t that mean it is extinct?

I still have to find a way to create an extinct unit before I can build this hidden building that isn’t even a miracle?

Isn’t this a torment? Throw it in your backpack and eat ashes!

Qi Ge thought for a while and felt unwilling.

Anyway, there is nothing to do today, so let’s take advantage of the opportunity to design non-army buildings.

It must be that the pictures I just burned are missing!

Qi Ge took out more than a dozen seal portraits and lit them all on fire!

In the raging flames, the seal patting its belly turned into ashes with an adorable look on its face.

Qige took a deep breath and took out Credel's design.

start to act!

System prompt: Non-arms building drawings are being designed

The current blueprint for Credel can be used, should it be used?

You can only design once a week, so you must use it.

Please select the non-army building direction you need.

The current random directions for you are:

gold coins, magic, food

Now that there are agricultural scholars in the territory, as well as the Underground Treasure Chamber of Commerce in Potato City, and the president of the Black Elf Chamber of Commerce, the demand for food is not that great.

Words of magic.

A magic church has just been built in the territory.

What is lacking now is not buildings, but people who can enter buildings and study magic.

Also skip it first.

Gold coins are the primary productive force.

Money is not everything, but nothing is impossible without money.

Some people are not interested in money, it is because they are not short of money!

I choose gold coins!

System prompt: Please select the resources you invest

Gold coins: 0000 Wood: 00 Ore: 00

Crystal: 00 Gem: 00 Mercury: 00 Sulfur: 00

Level 3 and above resources are optional.

To build a good gold coin building, you must be courageous and willing to invest!

Anyway, I already received an interest-free loan from the teacher that I don’t have to repay, and I ransacked the Sea of ​​Fire City once again. The resources are enough, I’ll fill them up immediately!

9999 gold coins, 99 all other resources.

System prompts: The input resources are:

Gold coins: 9999 Wood: 99 Ore: 99

Crystal: 99 Gem: 99 Mercury: 99 Sulfur: 99

Great construction creates miracles!

The big-breasted aircraft carrier sister is all out!

Design skills, I will fight with you!

The building is being condensed.

Qi Ge held his breath, not daring to take a breath. Even the sound of violent demolition in the distance seemed not to be heard by Qi Ge.

[System prompt: Credel’s drawing pen takes effect: improve the quality of design drawings and design hidden buildings.]

Very good! One!

[Advanced design techniques take effect.]

Great! Two! Any more? The most important one!

[System prompt: Overflowing with inspiration! Wonderful writing!]

Hiss! Here it comes!

Damn! So full of inspiration!


Like fireworks exploding, Qi Ge saw countless resources turning into streams of light and flying into the sky!

Sir Mrak, who was demolishing the building, felt a heart-stopping force and hurriedly stopped.

"What happened!!"

Sir Mrak's eyes narrowed.

As the city lord of Ranluo City, he felt the extremely violent fluctuations of Yasha's fire in Ranluo City!

"Bang bang bang bang!!"

Suddenly there were explosions from all directions at the same time. Sir Mrak looked around and found that all the ruins of the buildings he had demolished had disappeared!

How is this going?!

Wait, something's wrong!

Sir Mrak suddenly felt that all the dilapidated buildings in Burnluo City were being destroyed by a special energy!

Under attack?

who is it?

Sir M'Lak closed his eyes and contacted Yasha's torch, which was shaking violently.

But Sir Mrak couldn't find a single red dot on the entire map.

There are only blue dots representing myself and white dots representing the seven doves.

No, it’s Qi Pigeon!!!

Only then did Sir Mrak discover that the disappearing dilapidated buildings formed an ever-expanding circle.

The center of the circle is where the seven doves are.

Through his close proximity to the power of the demigod, Sir M'Lak was shocked to perceive.

The power that completely destroyed those dilapidated buildings did not come from the outside world, but came from the Yasha Torch in Ranluo City!

Although he is not the city lord, he can mobilize the power of Yasha's torch, and he also has such a powerful ability to destroy buildings!

Sir Mrak suddenly remembered a legend.

When the architect profession reaches the demigod level, it can even temporarily control the Yasha Torch in the opponent's city!

Could it be that!

Qi Ge is the architect!


Sir Mrak suddenly reacted.

Qi Ge is an ordinary hero, but he is so close to Adela and Sylvia.

Even if they share the same ideal, how can Qi Ge meet a legendary hero who is so much higher than himself?

Qi Ge is probably an architect!

Architects cherish resources. Even if they are legends, they will not be so arrogant that they would not give them a chance to meet ordinary architects.

Sir M'rak thought for a moment, disarmed himself, and gave up control of Ashar's Torch.

Anyway, it is a city that will most likely be returned to hell, so Seven Pigeons can destroy it as they please.

In Qige's eyes, countless light spots rose into the sky from Ranluo City.

Those abandoned buildings seemed to be burning all their energy at this time, adding bricks and tiles to the miracle of Seven Pigeons.

Qige watched the magic circle in the sky getting bigger and bigger.

getting bigger!

It has even covered the entire Ranluo City, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

In Qige's eyes, the entire abandoned buildings in Ranluo City were turning into light spots and rising into the sky.

As for Ranluo City, except for the city main castle that can accommodate Yasha's Torch and is automatically repaired, the entire city is an abandoned building!

Yaoshou, I will build a building and swallow up the entire main city of Ranluo City.

Master Agede, who was far away in the tower, suddenly felt a throbbing.

It seems like something is happening.

Master Agaide set his sights in the direction of hell.

Master Agade used his beard to figure it all out, and there was only one culprit!

Qi Pigeon! What good things are you doing again! (ecstatically)

ps: When I work overtime until 8 o'clock, I feel numb.

Fortunately, I didn't sleep at noon and did some coding.

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