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Chapter 22 Thrilling

 A seemingly noisy forum war is over.

The originally unknown Dragon Subduing Guild became famous in one fell swoop. While Seven Pigeons became famous, they also received compensation from the system. Everyone has a bright future.

Isn’t this marketing method much more affordable than Tianxia Hegemon buying advertising space every day?

Qi Ge happily opened the system email.

System prompts: Your compensation has been released.

You get: Capache's smart hat, 2 gems, 1 sulfur, 1 mercury, 1,000 gold coins, soup kitchen building drawings.

Capache's smart hat

Level 2 Alchemy Treasure

Knowledge 1

Equipment location: head

A level 1 magic can be recorded on the smart hat, and the spell power when casting the magic is 2.

Currently recorded: Voyeurism.


Level 1 Hidden Strategy Spell

Can only be used on strategic maps. You can cross the terrain to see the scene behind the terrain. It consumes 1 mana and lasts for five minutes.

Description: The alchemist Capache is so forgetful that he even forgot all the magic he knew! So he specially made this hat so that he would not forget the only magic he still remembered! By the way, Capache's Alchemy

Downstairs from the workshop is the men's bathhouse.

This hat? I always feel like something is wrong. Will it be a problem if I wear it?

Soup kitchen architectural drawings:

Neutral level 1 level 1 hidden building

Construction requirements:

Wood 10

1000 gold coins

Pre-construction: Refugee Camp

Oh? The building in the building tree of the refugee camp? Is this a random one? I believe you! Officials are also good people!

Everything given by the system email is a bound prop, which can only be used by yourself and cannot be traded.

Of course, Qi Ge will not sell it.

Needless to say, gold coins and resources are needed everywhere.

Even if this weird hat is eliminated in the future, you can still give it to your hero.

Not to mention the drawings of the soup kitchen shack, I wouldn’t even sell this to my female deskmate.

The things given are very practical! The eternal god in the heroic soul world!

Although she was anxious to go back to the refugee camp and knock out the soup kitchen, Qi Ge didn’t dare to stray too far from the water tanker now.

First, people from the Dragon Subduing Guild might come here to look for him, and second, this location is no longer safe after being exposed.

Until the hidden mission is completed, you can only play jungle here to prevent players from stealing minerals.

After making up his mind, Qi Ge left the waterwheel and began to clean up the wild monsters around him in the eyes of the big goblins with reluctance.

Qi Ge chose to explore the map in a circular manner. With the addition of Dream Fairy and Earth Fairy, Qi Ge’s fault tolerance rate is even higher.

On the way to clear out the monsters, Qige discovered a fairy ring!

This fairy ring is not a military lair.

The fairy ring in Eisanri is a wild building with luck 1 in the next battle after visiting it, but in the world of heroic souls, the fairy ring has a very special function.

And the probability of fairy rings appearing in the wild is very low.

This is not to be missed.

Qi Ge looked at the guards and saw that they were a group of three-headed hounds from hell

Although the three-headed hound itself has 8 points of speed, it is not impossible to fight.

I am just afraid of difficult battles. The third-level unit of the three-headed hound is quite troublesome whether it is regular or hidden.

But the benefits of the Fairy Ring are too high to miss.

I looked at my magic points and found that I had 48 points, which meant I could use Magic Fist 8 times.

After thinking about it, Qi Ge decided to take action, but he had to find a way to launch a sneak attack first.

It is not easy to sneak attack a three-headed hound. The head of a three-headed hound can be looked at, that is, it can be rotated 180 degrees to look behind you, and its sense of smell is very sensitive. You need to use some skills.

Qi Ge hid in a tree and threw two units of barbecue towards the fairy ring, accurately throwing them near the three hounds.

Barbecue: regarded as a unit of food, it is very popular with the stronghold troops. After eating it for three consecutive days, the morale of the stronghold troops will be 1.

The three-headed hound suddenly became alert, looked around, and sniffed with its three heads. After a long time, it was sure that there were no enemies, and then it ran over to bite the barbecue on the ground.

The three heads of the three-headed hound have one main head and two secondary heads.

If the seven pigeons throw three pieces of meat, each head will be eaten by one piece. If you throw one piece of meat, the main head will eat it, and the two deputy heads will not have any objection.

It happened to be two pieces, and the three heads started to quarrel.

While the three of them were quarreling, the seven pigeons slowly moved on the tree, reached above the three hounds, suddenly jumped down, and kicked the three hounds on the waist!

System prompt: A total of thirty successful sneak attacks! Unlock the achievement Heroic Soul Creed. Effect: When the sneak attack is successful, the enemy's morale will be additionally -1.

If the sneak attack is successful, the enemy's morale will be -2, our morale will be 1, and you will get an extra round of action opportunities. Enter the battle!

As soon as you enter the battle, the forest terrain is 80*80.

I knew it! Qi Ge hated it so much that he would do it every time he was afraid of a difficult battle. When fighting those little skeleton spearmen, he wouldn’t do it even when he begged to do it.

The enemy is 6*5 three-headed hounds and 1*5 giant three-headed blazing dogs.

Three-headed hound:

Level 3 and Level 2 Hell Troops







The enemy cannot counterattack.

Triple attack: Can attack 3 enemies in front.

Lava walking: can cross lava terrain, speed 2, attack and defense 2 when fighting on lava gray terrain.

Giant three-headed blazing dog:

Level 3 and Level 5 Hell Troops







Giant troops: It occupies 7 squares (exactly one hexagon). The damage caused by all non-giant troops is reduced by 20%. When the enemy does not have giant troops, the morale is -1.

The enemy cannot counterattack.

Triple attack: Can attack 3 enemies in front.

Flame Breath: Spray flames when attacking, forming a wall of fire. The damage of the fire wall is fixed to the number of three hellhounds * 50. All non-flying units passing by and all units staying will be damaged.

Immune to fire magic.

Lava walking: can cross lava terrain, speed 2, attack and defense 2 when fighting on lava gray terrain.

Level 5 troops! Giant troops!

You must know that the gap between the ranks of the arms increases as you go to each subsequent level. Not all arms even have level 5 soldiers!

This is a slap in the face, I voted for it!

Wait a minute!

Qi Ge frowned and found a terrain on the map!

There are many obstacles in the forest terrain, and there is a giant tree occupying 3 blocks just above the middle of the map.

This giant tree grows 3 blocks away from the edge of the battle map.

There are 5 trees scattered up and down behind this giant tree!

There’s something going on!

Qi Ge suddenly had a bold idea.

The battle started, and all Qi Ge's troops rushed toward the giant tree.

At the beginning of the second round, the 13-speed giant three-headed blazing dog took the lead and rushed straight towards Qi Ge's troops.

In this way, the two sides started a rally. Qi Ge knew very well that the key to victory or defeat was whether he could get to the giant tree before the giant three-headed blazing dog could attack his main force.

Qi Ge did some mental math and found that it didn’t work.

Although the giant tree is slightly on your side and you have a chance to act first, the speed of the giant three-headed blazing dog is too fast, so you must adopt some strategy.

So Seven Pigeons pulled three teams of harpies into the middle of the battlefield, divided into 2, 1, and 1.

Three more rounds have passed.

The situation on the field at this time is like this. The other troops of Qi Ge are rushing to the giant tree in the middle and upper part. The giant three-headed blazing dogs are only 30 blocks away from the main force of Qi Ge. The three harpy hags are stuck away from the giant tree.

The three blazing dogs are exactly at the 22nd square.

It's the turn of the giant three-headed blazing dog to take action. It wants to attack the main force of the Seven Pigeons. Once it reaches 13 cells, it will be attacked by the 3rd team of 9-speed harpies.

If the Harpy is replaced by a high-level unit that is also 9-speed, and one attack kills more than one giant three-headed blazing dog, he will move to a position 10 blocks away from that team of advanced units in order to avoid the attack.
In this way, the 13-speed giant three-headed blazing dog can hit the opponent in the next round, but the opponent cannot hit the giant three-headed blazing dog.

This operation can be used to slow down the movement speed of the giant three-headed blazing dog in disguise.

But unfortunately, according to the judgment of the giant three-headed blazing dog, the damage caused by the harpy hag to him was too low and there was no threat at all, so it directly filled up and advanced 13 squares, entering the attack range of the harpy hag.


Three groups of harpies attack!

1, 1, 1 did 3 consecutive hits of up to a point of damage, successfully scratching off the growth of the nail plate on the dog's paw on the calf under the thigh of the giant three-headed blazing dog.

Although the damage is minor, the focus is on the stunts.

The three teams of harpies each stole 1 point of speed, and the giant three-headed blazing dogs stole 3 points of speed.

The speed of the harpy hag and the giant three-headed blazing dog is the same! Both are 10 points.

Other troops began to take action, and the troops of the Seven Pigeons still gathered in the middle and upper areas. After all the 9-speed troops completed their actions, the first team of 8-speed three-headed hounds began to take action.

Then it’s the turn of the 8-speed Dream Fairy.

There is only one Dream Fairy running at the back of the large army, shivering.

Then the other five teams of three hounds acted in sequence.

Now the fastest troops on the field are all 10-speed, and according to the principle of the same speed, the enemy and we act in sequence.

After the last team of 8-speed three-headed hounds completes their action, it will definitely be the turn of the seven-dove team.

But there are 4 teams of soldiers with seven pigeons and ten speeds!

Centaur archers and three teams of harpies.

If the harpies attack first, they can reduce the speed of the giant three-headed blazing dogs to 9 after attacking them, so that the other two teams of harpies can attack in sequence, directly reducing the speed of the giant three-headed blazing dogs to 7.
The 7-speed giant three-headed blazing dog cannot attack the harpy that is 9 blocks away!

At the beginning of the next round, you can use the speed difference to fly the kite!

But once the centaur archer takes the lead, according to the principle of alternating actions between ourselves and the enemy, the giant three-headed blazing dog will definitely take the lead.

Although the Seven Pigeons have dispersed the harpies and will not be attacked by the giant three-headed blazing dog, three teams will be bitten at the same time, but once a harpy is killed, it will be difficult to widen the speed difference!

Two teams of harpies directly attacked the giant three-headed blazing dog, but they could only reduce its speed to 8.

Although it can fly away in the next round, the 8-speed giant blazing dog will not care about the harpy at all, and will definitely chase the large army!

Once it attacks the main force before Qi Ge adjusts its formation, the battle will be lost!

Don’t forget, there are a total of 30 three-headed hounds!

To put it simply, if the harpy moves first, he will live! If the centaur archer moves first, he will die!

Soon, the last group of three hounds finished their action, and the seven pigeons held their breath.

***The author has something to say***

Why is the chapter broken here!

I really didn’t mean it!

I’ve just finished writing and that’s it!

Are you in a hurry to read the next chapter? If you want more people to read it, I'll stay up late and code it out.

_(:3 ∠)_Wow, will I get beaten if I am so appealing to everyone?

But I really didn’t mean it!

No more talking, I'm going to make a cup of coffee to calm down.

This chapter has been completed!
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