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224 Encountering Chaos Arms Again! Chimera Tree? Mythical Building! (5 in 1)

"A glorious victory!"

"Boss Qige, there is a black elf girl riding a lizard down from the cliff in this room. She wears black stockings on her thighs, blue combat boots on her shoes, and holds a two-pointed gun in her hand!"

Qi Ge: "Wait a minute, riding a velociraptor?! What color is the velociraptor?"

Zhang Fu: "Purple!"

Purple lizard?

No, the Level 3 and Level 1 Dark Raider rides an emerald green lizard.

The level 2 cold-blooded cavalry ( Grim Raider ) rides a dark green lizard.

The brisk raider, also at level 2, rides a black lizard wearing iron armor.

What kind of soldier is the purple lizard?

Is it a special advancement above level 3?

"Brother, that black elf girl is in front of you."

Qi Ge stood there and didn't understand, and heard the voice of the black elf girl:

"Dear hero, thank you for your timely rescue! On behalf of the Church of the Goddess of Wealth, I, Karina, would like to express my most sincere gratitude to you.

We will never forget your life-saving grace."

[System prompt: Carina’s favorability towards you is 20. Carina’s favorability towards you is 10, currently 30 (thank you)]

"No need to thank you. Fighting Chaos is the duty of every hero, and it is even more the responsibility of Qi Ge.

My father taught me since I was a child.

Every wild resource building is the domain of the goddess. If you see a wild resource building being eroded by chaos, you must do your best to save it."

Karina asked in surprise and joy: "Hero, your father is also a believer in the goddess of wealth?!"

"When I was a child, I often saw my father praying over a gold coin.

I’m not sure whether he is a believer in the Goddess of Wealth.”

"That's for sure. Gold coins are the symbol of our Church of the Goddess of Wealth.

So, you must also be a preparatory member of our church!

We are all our own people!”

[System prompt: Karina’s favorability towards you is 10, currently 40 (like)]

Qi Ge was secretly happy and continued:

"I have already met your partner Kashaqiu, and you are the second batch of troops I have found.

Do you know if there are any other lost troops?"

Karina's expression changed and she said anxiously:

"There's more! There's more!

There is another army, led by Kalange.

She is the leader of our Black Elf Command Academy this year!"

Qige nodded and said:

"Understood, you should get out of here quickly and I'll go find them."

Watching Qi Ge turn around and leave, Karina held the meter in her hand. The chaos erosion concentration was only the last 1/4.

However, as time goes by, the concentration of chaos erosion continues to rise, which makes Karina a little worried.

She held the meter, looked at the direction in which Qi Ge left, and prayed silently in her heart:

"Master Qi Ge, you must be safe and sound."

The girl is praying...

[System prompt: A natural disaster occurred in your territory, the Chosen City: a swarm riot.]

Qige's footsteps paused.

What's going on?

Why is there another natural disaster? The bee swarm is rioting again?

Zhang Fu: "Boss, go forward about 18 steps and you will reach the next door. The direction is right. Go boldly."

Li Xiaobai: "Boss, there is no danger around. There is nothing worth paying attention to."

Qi Ge shook his head and continued to follow Zhang Fu's instructions.

Qi Ge used all his strength to successfully push open the stone door embedded in the granite stone.

He carefully stepped into the stone door.

"Boss! Be careful! There is a manticore inside."

"There are not only manticores but also undead."

"Resources! So many resources! Ore, sulfur, gems, and crystals are all available."

The next room should be where the windmill usually stores the resources it produces, which is the windmill's material warehouse.

"The inside of the boss looks like a wooden warehouse room. The room is not big. There are many corpses of cavemen and black elves on the ground."

I'm late.


"Brother, the screen recording is ready."

Hearing Lin Xi's voice, Qige exited the material warehouse and checked the video.

Look from the video.

There are 36 manticores in total, eight poisonous manticores, and no giant manticore species were seen.

As for the undead, there are not many in number, just over 10,000, and there are only two vampires and one corpse witch.

But there are a lot of zombies.

The number of zombies in this army is even greater than that of skeleton soldiers. There are more than 10,000 undead in total, of which there may be more than 9,000 zombies.

Qige judged the opponent's strength and directly chose to start a war!

The seven pigeons climbed up to a high ground and shot an arrow.

Enter battle mode!

Still the same old routine.

In the big battlefield mode, centaur marksmen are used to suppress the undead troops. The enchantress controls two male poisonous scorpion masters with confusion and love, and then continues to use bewitchment on ordinary manticores.

Qi Ge used the Magic Fist to kill the enemy's only team of zombies in the turn-based area, and the Charming Witch once again entered the infinite magic state.

The manticores were in chaos under the control of the demagogues, and Qi Ge controlled them to attack each other while approaching the direction of the undead.

Several corpse witch kings who were resurrecting the undead with the spirit-gathering magic were brutally attacked by the manticores, and were torn into pieces in just a few strokes.

When the centaur marksman outputs the undead, the exploding fireballs will continue to hit the manticores in the undead group.

With all the manticores being controlled by Demagogue, the remaining zombies, although huge in number, pose no threat due to the heroic performance of the Centaur marksman.

A brilliant victory!

"Boss, there is the body of a female black elf six meters ahead!"

Qi Ge was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to go around, he heard Zhang Fu yelling in panic: "Boss, that corpse can move!"


Just as Qi Ge was puzzled, Zhang Fu shouted again:

"Boss, some cavemen emerged from under the body of the female black elf."


Are there any NPCs that survived?

Qige quickly ran over and heard Zhang Fu say that a group of cavemen were crying around the black elf's body.

"What happen to you guys?"

After hearing Qi Ge's question, one of the leading cavemen stood up and responded: "Commander Kalange sacrificed his life for us."

"Lord Qi, we are cavemen working in this windmill.

Chaos suddenly began to invade our windmill.

Not long after that, Lord Kalange came with the black elves to save us.

We fight with the troops of Chaos, but we are no match for Chaos, so we can only run away.

When we escaped here, we found that it was a dead end with no way out.

There is no narrow place for us to defend, and we can only confront the opposite Chaos troops head-on.

We are no match at all.

The Chaos troops quickly slaughtered all our companions.

Especially manticores, they are very powerful and can fly, we can't get rid of them at all.

So Master Kalange asked us cavemen to mine and hide underground, and he led the black elf troops to lure away the undead and manticores.

But they were soon killed.

Before Lord Kalange died, he even managed to cover the hole we dug with his own body."

Qi Ge was a little sad. The war between Chaos and Yasha was so cruel.

If Qige hadn't come to the rescue, these cavemen hiding underground wouldn't have been able to escape the manticore's poisonous hand.

Once chaos completely erodes the entire windmill.

Even if cave people hide underground, they will still be discovered by chaos monsters.

But even though he knew this, Kalange still sacrificed himself desperately, using his own body to block the cave people from hiding, and gave the cave people a glimmer of life.

Kalange was able to leave the hope of life to the cavemen and bear the threat of death himself, which is considered great.

Qi Ge touched the smooth head of the cave man and said:

"It doesn't matter, you are already safe. You try to stay away from this room, I will go and kill all the chaos."

Qige has already felt that deep in this material warehouse, there is the root cause of this chaotic invasion.

His vision should have been dark, but at this moment, a white light appeared in front of Qige's eyes.

Comparing this screenshot sent by Fu and others, Qige determined the source of the light.

He carefully walked to the innermost part of the warehouse and used the cold-blooded lizard spear he picked up to push aside the pile of sulfur placed in the deepest part of the warehouse.

In Qige's eyes, the white light became brighter and brighter, while in Zhang Fu's eyes, a book was gradually revealed as the sulfur pile was being cleaned.

"Boss! There is a book under the brimstone!"


Qi Ge curiously poked the glowing spot in his field of vision with his spear.

The ball of light kept shaking as if in protest.

"Boss! Books are flying!"

Qi Ge took a step back. Sure enough, there was a problem. Fortunately, he didn't go to get it stupidly.

"Brother, the book is open. There are words on it. Let me read it to you.


I met the Chimera!

Deep in the realm of Chaos, there is actually a Chimera tribe that has not yet been completely swallowed up by Chaos.

They are just as powerful and beautiful as I imagined!

A beautiful lion's head, a huge and venomous snake's tail, a docile and kind-hearted goat's head, and membrane wings like a flying dragon.

It's the perfect combination of good and evil, wildness and fear.

No wonder I couldn't recreate the Chimera, it turns out they weren't extinct at all.

No, I want to take this news back.

The entire Yasha continent will cheer for my discovery.

Huh? Strange, why can’t I leave Chimera’s village?

Why are my eyes hurting?

Why does my legendary Eagle Eye activate automatically?

Trap! It's a trap!

This is not a Chimera at all.

Its lion's head is that of a moray eel, its goat's head is that of a black-horned beast, its tail is the tentacles of an octopus, and its wings are bones.

This is the projection of some kind of chaotic force.

Endless evil spirits are concentrated on them, and even the most terrifying undead are not as terrifying as them.

Let me go, let me go!


Come out, my soldiers!

No! No! No!

They can actually eat the undead directly to heal themselves!

My Dread Knight and Corpse Witch were both devoured by them.

All necromancy magic has no effect on them.

This is the nemesis of the undead and the nightmare of the cemetery forces.

Why are their tentacles so deep inside my body?

They're reading my memory!

No, I will never allow it.

I want to..."

Qi Ge was listening intently when he heard Zhang Fu say:

"Boss, the bottom part is gone and the chapter is broken."

Damn it! Nimbas, you shameless literati!

One day, with the knife in hand, I can kill all the broken dogs in the world.

Lin Xi's anxious voice came: "Boss! That book exploded."

In Qi Ge's eyes, the white light instantly turned into a deep, inky black, instantly drowning Qi Ge.

At the same time, Qi Ge was also pulled into combat mode.

The enemy is a strange unit numbering 800, which is exactly the kind of "pseudo-chimera" mentioned in Nimbas's diary.

On their fronts, there are two heads.

One of them is a weird moray eel head, with white turned-up eyeballs, spike-like teeth, and viscous liquid constantly dripping from its mouth.

The other was a black goat head, which was different from the docile goat. When the head opened its mouth, it was filled with bloody sharp canine teeth.

It has a total of four eyes, two on the top of the head and two on the neck, staring at the Seven Doves' troops strangely.

Its tail is just like Nimbas said, it is the tentacles of an octopus. It is densely covered with various large and small suckers, which are constantly stretching and twisting.

Its body and wings are all made of bones. Each body is different, but they are all messy broken bones, as if they have no internal organs.

Qi Ge immediately opened his magic eyes.

【Chaos Lion Mera

Chaos level 5 and level 5 troops







Giant arms: It occupies 7 squares (exactly one hexagon). The damage caused by all non-giant arms to it is reduced by 20%. When the enemy has no giant arms, its morale is -1.


Chaos Undead Magic Adaptation: Immune to undead, darkness, and curse magic damage.

Medium and high-level Chaos Body: 25% reduction in physical damage received.

Three Ring Attack: Can attack up to three surrounding targets at the same time.

Swallow the undead: You can devour undead units of level 6 and below within 8 blocks of yourself regardless of the number to resurrect yourself. (Invalid for units above level 5)

Spell caster (ability is sealed, sealed by: Goddess of Magic, Zi·Sha)

Head of the Black Goat (Ability sealed, sealed by: Demigod Heroic Spirit, Nimbas)

Skull of Dark Void (the ability is sealed, sealed by: Sun God, Phoenix Entes)

Tail of the Deep Sea (Ability is sealed, sealed by: Poseidon, Neotedalus Leviathan)】

Damn it.

Devouring the undead regardless of quantity?!

Qi Ge was shocked. There was such an unreasonable stunt?!

If any designer in other games designed such a unit, they would be criticized as idiots by the players.

It is simply the nemesis of the undead.

If the number of Chaos Lion Mera increases, the entire cemetery force will have no choice but to let the bone dragons take over.

The bone dragon couldn't withstand it, and the entire cemetery force was destroyed.

Except for Bone Dragon, as long as they have not reached level 5, other undead units are the mobile blood bank of Chaos Shimera.

And the most egregious thing is that the Chaos unit with such terrifying abilities is actually a castrated version!

It has four stunts sealed.

If these four stunts are released, what kind of monster will it be?

Nimbas not only died, but also became a demigod.

[Head of the Black Goat (Ability is sealed, sealed by: Demigod Heroic Spirit, Nimbas)]

He also sealed one of Chaos Shimera's special skills.

Qi Ge was even more curious, what happened to Nimbas in the Realm of Chaos?

"Saru la~ Saru la~ hiss~"

The cry of Mera, the Chaos Lion, focused Qi Ge's attention.

Chaos Lion Mera is a level 5 and 5 giant unit, which suppresses Qi Ge's main output Centaur marksman in terms of class and size.

If in the big battlefield mode, Qi Ge is a little worried about whether the centaur marksman can break their defense.

Moreover, Chaos Lion Mera is still an undead troop, and mind magic is ineffective against them.

Very tricky.

Fortunately, after being sealed, Chaos Shimera's other attributes and special abilities are not very scary.

You can still fight.

Just when Qi Ge was about to start fighting, the bracelet on Qi Ge's hand suddenly lit up.

At the same time, Qi Ge felt his mount, and Xiao Zilong also jumped out, taking Qi Ge directly to join the battlefield.

What's the situation? I don't want to join the war.

[System prompt: The heroic seven pigeons join the battle, please choose the battle mode: big battlefield mode, turn-based mode]

Qi Ge:?!!

I understand, I must have encountered some hidden setting.

Chaos Lion Meira! Standing behind me are the goddess of magic and the goddess of luck in the Asa Continent. They asked me to chop you down, but you still won’t let me go!

Wait for death, you beast.

Seven-pigeon second-choice turn-based system!

Suddenly, the entire battlefield began to compress at high speed and turned into a 40*40 ultra-small map!

It was as if an invisible hand descended from the sky and drew a uniform hexagonal grid on the entire battlefield!

Seven Pigeon's troops are 1 team of 164 centaur sharpshooters, 1 team of 10 witches, 2 teams of thousands of sword dancers, and 3 teams of harpies.

With the power of chaos suppressed, the power of Mother Goddess Asa can now come here!

A total of 800 Chaos Lions Meira were compressed together by the power of the Mother Goddess and became a team.

Qi Ge:!!!

Ecstatic!! They formed a team!

As we all know,

In the world of heroic souls, in turn-based battles, the same number of enemy troops divided into 7 teams and divided into 1 team are two completely different difficulties.

If you are a hero who uses group attack spells.

For example, a hero holding group attack and high-damage spells such as Doomsday Judgment, Chain Lightning, and Hell Flame.

That is to say, the enemy's troops are divided into as many numbers as possible.

For heroes like Qi Ge, who rely on long-range units to fly kites and use range to suppress enemy heroes, the smaller the number of enemy troops, the better they can be controlled.

The battle begins!

Lucky Harp Randomly Casts: Giant Killer!

Junior Giant Killer

Level 5 fire magic

Effect: The damage caused by the unit ignores the enemy's size suppression.

The damage caused to giant soldiers is 10%, and the damage caused to super giant soldiers is 20%.

Hiss. This magic?! You told me it came out randomly.

Qi Ge understands and follows Qi Ge’s will, whatever comes up will come out.

Can the Destiny Apostle draw cards to reduce magic resistance?

Qi Ge held the destiny card.

"Meira, the Chaos Lion! You have done many evil things, killing the undead, and you are the murderer of Nimbas.

I will be here today to punish you on behalf of the kind, just, innocent and lovely innocent undead in the Yasha world!

Chaos Lion Mera! Accept the king’s sanction!

Level 5 magic: magic penetration!"

Apostle of Destiny draws cards!

Two resource cards.

Qi Ge looked at a piece of crystal and mercury in his hand, as if he had been silently laughed at by his wife.

"It's not over yet! Chaos Shimera! Do you think this is all my power?!

I activate my special ability. I call out the allies of destiny from the endless void.

Start all over again!"

Start over: When the drawn destiny card is not suitable, you can discard the two cards into the deck and draw again. (Once a day)

"My turn, draw cards again!


Magic Card: Flammable.

Trap Card: Trap Trap.


Level 4 fire magic

After being released on an enemy unit, the fire magic damage it receives can be increased by 30% for 10 rounds. Beast Trap

After using it, pull the enemy unit to the designated unit.】

Seven pigeon selections

The battle begins!

The first seven pigeons to act!

The seven pigeons riding Xiao Ziyuan into the battle have a full 40 points of movement speed.

Top of the crowd.

Ziyuan's appearance gave Qi Ge two opportunities to cast spells.

The biggest problem in this battle is Chaos Shimera's speed.

Chaos Lion Mera is a high-speed flying unit with 18 speed points, which is even faster than the 16-speed Ten Thousand Sword Dancers. It must limit the opponent's speed before it can fight.

Due to Qi Ge's high strength, his attack acceleration and slowing methods can affect the unit's speed by 3 points.

If the slow spell is activated, Chaos Shimera's movement speed can be reduced to 15.

If the Harpy Hag is accelerated again, the Harpy Hag's speed can become 12.

This plus and minus can recover 6 points of speed difference.

Otherwise, the 9-speed Harpy will not be able to show off its maneuvers in front of the 18-speed Chaos Lion Mera.

Qi Ge thought for a moment, and instead of using the Slowing Technique on the Chaos Lion Mera, he only used Attack Acceleration on the two groups of Harpies at the same time.

Qi Ge knew in his heart that this move was the key to victory or defeat!

After Qi Ge finished casting his spell twice, it was the turn of the 18-speed Chaos Lion Mera to take action. It incited its terrifying skeleton wings and pounced forward 18 squares with powerful pressure!

It's the turn of two teams of 16-speed sword dancers to take action.

The two teams of Thousand Sword Dancers each advance 16 squares and change their appearance to exchange for the Harpy Hag!

This is the winning hand.

If Seven Pigeons directly slows down Chaos Lion Mera at the beginning, the speed of Thousand Sword Dancers will be faster than Chaos Lion Mera's 15 speed.

If the Thousand Sword Dancers wait, they will not be able to cooperate with the Harpy Hag, who is much slower than themselves, to create a linkage effect.

If the Thousand Sword Dancers directly advance 16 spaces at the beginning and then exchange with the Harpy, Chaos Lion Mera will determine that after advancing 18 spaces, she will be beaten by the Harpy in vain, and choose to wait.

With an ultra-small map of only 40*40, there is not much space for Qi Ge to operate, so every move of the enemy must be calculated!

Two teams of 11-speed harpies in action!

The harpy flew bravely and fearlessly in front of Mera, the Chaos Lion, and slapped her with her wings!

The damage is not high, but the effect is great!

The 18-speed Chaos Lion Mera became 16-speed, and the speed of the two teams of harpies increased to 12!

The remaining team of harpies flew forward 8 squares. The Centaur Marksman and the Enchantress have all secured their positions under the arrangement of Qi Ge, and now is not the time for them to perform.

A new round comes, and the seven pigeons act first.

Qi Ge used the slow method on Chaos Lion Mera.

Chaos Lion Mera's speed changes to 13!

Seven Pigeons uses attack acceleration on another 9-speed harpy, changing its speed to 11.

Operation Seven Doves ended, Thousands of Sword Dancers changed their positions, replaced the two teams of harpies, and then both teams of Thousands of Sword Dancers retreated 16 blocks at the same time!

It's Chaos Lion Mera's turn to act.

At this time, its moving speed is 13 blocks, and the distance between a group of harpies and it is 14 blocks, which is just out of reach.

So it chose to wait!

This is what Qige wants to wait for!

"You think you can wait for continuous actions in the next round, but you don't know that the moment you wait, you have fallen into my trap!"

"I activate the trap card! Animal trap!

Pull Mera, the Chaos Lion, in front of the Centaur Archer!"

The most powerful thing about trap cards is that they can be released when any of our units takes action without consuming the number of hero actions.

Li Xiaobai shouted in shock: "Damn it, why did the boss pull that boss over? Isn't this going to kill him?"

Zhang Fu opened his mouth and said:

"Xiao Bai, look carefully.

The location of the boss is exactly 11 away from the three teams of harpies!

In other words, this boss will be attacked by three teams of harpies at the same time."

Lin Xi added: "After the three harpy hags attacked, the boss's speed was left at 10, and it could not hit anyone except the centaur marksman.

As for the centaur marksman, he hasn't acted yet this round.

This is a trap carefully arranged for the boss!"

"Meira, the Chaos Lion, accept the storm of three bands of harpies.

Three harpy sisters combo.

For the first hit, Chaos Lion Mera's speed becomes 12

With the second hit, Chaos Lion Mera's speed becomes 11

With the third hit, Chaos Lion Mera’s speed becomes 10.”

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself in shock: "The harpy has the characteristic of attacking and returning. After attacking, it will return to the original point.

In other words, after one round of attacks, the boss will be exactly 11 away from each harpy.

The distance between the Thousand Thousand Sword Dancers, the Enchanting Witch and the Seven Pigeons Boss and the boss are all above 15.

That means!"

The 12-speed centaur marksman ran in the opposite direction behind Chaos Lion Mera, and happened to be 11 blocks away from Chaos Lion Mera.

Two arrows fired in unison!

Two lucky triggers in a row!

A fireball that ignores defenseless magic damage explodes on Chaos Shimera.


The size difference can be ignored, the defense power can be ignored, and the magic damage fireball is not affected by the opponent's physical damage reduction stunt.

However, the damage reduction effect produced by level and rank still reduced the Centaur Marksman's damage to only about 200 points.

This is still due to luck. Without luck, it would only be around 100 points.

A total of 164 centaur sharpshooters, shooting two arrows in one round, could not kill even one Chaos Lion Mera.

But it doesn't matter!

At this moment, the battle has been brought to an end by Seven Pigeons!

A new round has arrived, seven doves are far away from the Chaos Lion Mera, and thousands of sword dancers are far away from the Chaos Lion Mera.

The three teams of harpies with speeds of 12, 13, and 13 hit again with three consecutive attacks.

It was Chaos Shimera's turn to act, and its speed was only 7 points left.

The distance between the centaur marksmen and the three groups of harpies is 11, and the distance between all other units and him is above 15.

Targets that cannot be attacked within two turns are not considered by Chaos Shimera.

The value of the harpy hag and centaur marksman is definitely much higher than that of the centaur marksman!

So it retreated without hesitation!

A good horse will not turn back to eat grass, and will be poisoned if it eats it.

This crucial turning back means...

Chaos Shimera will never have a chance to threaten the most critical immovable war machine in the field, the supply truck!

A new round.

The three teams of harpies took turns chasing Chaos Lion Mera to slow down by waiting. All 5 rounds of deceleration were completed. Even if Seven Pigeons no longer used the slowing method, Chaos Lion Mera's speed was fixed at 3 points.

How can the Chaos Lion Mera with 3 speed threaten the Centaur Marksman with 12 speed and 10 range?

It's just a matter of time.

Both arrows fired in unison, and the fireball exploded.

Chaos Lion Mera's octopus tail and disgusting black goat head are filled with fireballs.

The fireball entered Chaos Shimera's body and exploded from the middle!

The holy flames purified the body transformed from the skeleton of Chaos Lion Mera from the inside out!

"Sha...lu...la, hiss..."

Mera, the Chaos Lion, howled in the flames and turned into smoke.

A brilliant victory!

As the system prompts!

In an instant!

A ray of light was emitted from the deepest part of the Yasha world.

Like a long sword that cut through everything, it struck the Manticore tomb that had not yet fully formed.

The Manticore Tomb is like a tentacle of chaos piercing the world of Asha, and Seven Doves' elimination of Mera, the Chaos Lion, is equivalent to cutting off the tentacle of chaos from the body of chaos.

Losing the energy provided by the chaos body, the world of Yasha began to transform into chaos!

Turn the power of chaos into a part of the world of Yasha!

The war between worlds is itself a process of devouring and digesting each other.

Cruel and impersonal.

A flash of white light flashed, and the Seven Pigeons and all the soldiers still in the Manticore Tomb were teleported out.


"Lord Qi Ge!"

"Long live, the hero is out!"

"Oh, why are there five heroes?!"

Kashaqiu and Karina, who were waiting around anxiously, were a little dumbfounded when they saw Qige and Li Xiaobai suddenly appear.

Qi Ge smiled slightly, patted Li Xiaobai on the shoulder, and said to the black elf and caveman:

"Haha, the five of us are heroes."

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qi Pigeon for defeating the Manticore Tomb Chamber! The rewards are being settled.]

As the system prompt sounded, the entire Manticore tomb turned into a white light, part of it hit Qi Ge's body, and part of it disappeared into the sky.

At the same time, a large number of beeps continued to sound.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining the basic reward:

Auxiliary skill grid 1

Skill point 3

Free attribute points 12

Special rewards:

Miracle Architecture: Manticore Windmill Construction Drawings

Mythical Architecture:Chimera Tree Blueprint:Fragment 1

Level 3 True Treasure: Token of Courage

Territory reward: God’s Chosen City gets the guardian spirit: Kalange]

[Manticore windmill construction drawings

miracle building

Building requirements:

City size: Acropolis

Building requirements:

Terrain requirements: Need to be built in underground areas

Resource requirements: 20,000 gold coins, 200 wood, 600 ore, 60 each level 2 resource, 30 red spar, 30 black spar


The Manticore Windmill is divided into above-ground areas and underground areas.

The above-ground area is a giant windmill that can accommodate a total of 2,000 cavemen working at the same time.

Every 20 cavemen can produce a random level 1~2 resource every day under calm wind conditions.

Every 100 cavemen can produce an additional random level 3 resource per day under calm wind conditions.

Every 1,000 cavemen can produce an additional random level 4 resource per day under calm wind conditions.

The underground area is the manticore's lair, with a total of 2 training nests.

Each cultivation nest requires 5,000 gold coins, 5 crystals, sulfur, gems, and 5 mercury each to purchase a manticore cub.

When the giant windmill is working, it can provide additional energy for cultivating the nest.

For every 1,000 cavemen, one culture nest can be fully charged every week.

When the energy of the training nest is full, 1 unit of random adult NPC manticores of levels 1 to 3 will be born, with the highest myth quality.

The NPC Manticore born from the Manticore windmill defaults to 100 loyalty and 100 intimacy to the player.


Ground area: 3*3 (9 building spaces)

Underground area: 5*5 (25 building spaces)


Among the mythical units of the Manticore, there is the Manticore Queen who can transform into a human form.

It is the dream of the legendary hero Silica to cultivate the Manticore Queen.

This is related to whether she can step onto the level of demigod.

——Phoenix Entes]

Hiss! A miraculous building that can give birth to mythical troops?

There are two guaranteed level 6 and 1 manticores every week. Can you draw the miracle and mythical units?

The highest ur mythical manticore?

Compared with mythical troops, those few resources are nothing!

Qi Ge stared at the surrounding cavemen with burning eyes.

Seven Pigeons counted and found that there were less than 500 pigeons in total, which was not even enough to open a training nest. How could this be possible?!

You must go to the dungeon to save a wave of caveman NPCs who are oppressed by the forces in the dungeon.

My seven doves are unmatched in benevolence and righteousness.

When I think of those oppressed cave people, my heart aches for them and I can't breathe.

By the way, there is also a heroic spirit guardian.

Qige opened the territory panel.

[Guardian of Heroic Spirits: Kalange

You need to build the Manticore Windmill to awaken Kalange.

After awakening, an additional dark elf training pool will be added to the underground area.】

Seven pigeons:???


It's over, something big happened.

Combined with the hot springs of the hell volcano spirit, this is going to make me die in the territory.


[System prompt: The swarm riot in the natural disaster event in God's Chosen City has ended.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering a blessing in disguise.

Some bees choose to settle in the Prophet's Hut.

A special product added to the territory: prophecy pollen.】

Seven Pigeons:(⊙o⊙)…

Why the Prophet's Hut?

Damn it, the Three Heroes of the Goblin hayloft has no cards.

Do you bees look down on us, the Four Elfs?!

I'm so angry, believe it or not, I, the Fairy Knight, will attack you!

Qi Ge took one last look at the fragments of the mythical building in his hand.

[Chimera Tree Architectural Drawings (Fragment 1)

Description: Fragments of architectural drawings of the mythical building Chimera Tree]

In appearance, this "Fragment 1" looks very much like an eggshell with only the bottom.

It’s been quite a harvest.

36 centaur marksmen, your sacrifices are valuable, woo woo woo.

Now is not the time to research harvest.

The top priority is to lure those cavemen to the territory as soon as possible.

Those dark elves are followers of the Church of the Goddess of Wealth, so Qi Ge basically has no hope.

But cavemen are all wild!

We can't let them run away.

Qige used his negotiation skills to warmly invite the dark elves and cave people to visit his territory.

Zhang Fufu and Lin Xi saw Qi Ge winking, and immediately understood and echoed from left to right.

Under Qi Ge's warm invitation, the dark elves finally agreed to Qi Ge's request.

So the four people divided into four directions and worked together to protect the dark elves and cavemen in the middle.

All the blind wandering wild monsters encountered along the way were ruthlessly dealt with by Qige.

When Qi Ge happily returned to the city of God's Choice with a group of cavemen, he was surprised to see that both Koroko and Petra who came to greet them were bruised and swollen.

Little Yinhe is obediently applying medicine to Koroko who is sitting on the gold coin recliner.

How can this be done?

Qi Ge kept muttering in his heart.

What a bad impression this left on the cavemen. What if they thought our Chosen City was very dangerous and were unwilling to stay? That would be bad.

Qi Ge suddenly had an idea and pulled out his left and right hands from Karina and Katyusha's breasts. He turned around and told Le Meng to go to the warehouse to get honey.

"Everyone! The deputy city lord of our territory and the commercial manager of the territory heard about everyone's arrival and were very enthusiastic.

With the people in my territory, I must collect honey for everyone as food for the welcome banquet.

Everyone must eat more later."

"Honey." Kashaqiu's eyes lit up. She loves sweets the most.

Karina was a little unhappy. She persuaded Qi Ge to join the Church of the Goddess of Wealth, but failed all the way.

At this moment, Qi Ge saw his friend’s message shaking wildly.

He clicked it and took a look.

Lemeng: "Boss, the cavemen are all blind. They can't see that Koroko and Petra were stung by bees."

Yes! Damn it!

If you are impatient, you will easily make mistakes, and you will simply make mistakes.

Qi Ge: "It's okay, just bring honey as usual. I want the best Lunhe honey."

By the way, get some dream mushrooms, mash them up to make mushroom bread, and dip them in honey.

If you want to keep the caveman’s body, you must keep the caveman’s stomach!”

Le Meng: "Received."

As soon as the Seven Pigeons arrived at the territory, they used their special skills to separate the cavemen and dark elves.

Let Petra, Keruoke, Li Xiaobai, Lin Xi, Zhang Fu, and Le Meng entertain the cavemen, while he alone is responsible for dealing with a bunch of dark elves.

Introduce the customs and customs of the Chosen City to the dark elves.

Qi Ge was careful and only brought the dark elves to Lin Xi's territory. He took the dark elves to see all the elven-style buildings.

He neither explained the specific location of his territory nor made them suspicious.

It's not that Qi Ge can't believe in the Church of the Goddess of Wealth, but Qi Ge is not sure that all these dark elves are loyal believers in the Church of the Goddess of Wealth.

It is always right to be careful and guard against one move.

Soon, it was time for the dinner party.

In front of the wood elf hut in Lin Xi's territory, after eating dreamy mushroom bread dipped in wheel honey, the caveman couldn't walk at all.

As soon as Zhang Fu said in a roundabout way that the territory was short of manpower, the cave people immediately asked to join Qige's territory.

[System prompt: All 534 cavemen admire you and want to join your chosen city. Do you agree? 】

Qi Ge smiled heartily.

The dark elves were also very happy after eating the delicious honey.

The people in the cave felt that they had found their destination for the rest of their lives.

Enjoy your stay!

"Lord Qige, thank you for your selfless help.

Although we are very sad that Commander Kalange died, the fact that the Manticore Tomb was successfully dealt with and Chaos was not allowed to succeed is the greatest good news.

This is all thanks to you.

Lord Qige, our status is not high and we cannot give corresponding rewards, but when we return to the Church of the Goddess of Wealth, we will definitely show your achievements to the Pope!

This is our token.

Lord Qi Ge, when you have time to visit the Goddess of Wealth Church, you must come to us."

Qi Ge took two gold coins with different patterns from the hands of the two dark elves, and watched them disappear with the dark elves using special alchemical treasures to teleport.

Until all the dark elves left, they all thought that the city of Qige was an elf city.

The glow of the sun god dimmed.

it's dark.

ps: Currently owed updates: 4.

Hamster rushes duck!

This chapter has been completed!
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