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248 Rejuvenating the old and rejuvenating the spring, the identity of the seven pigeons is exposed!

(The hamster is stupid. The hamster remembered the wrong time. Last week was the third week of the game opening, and this week is the fourth week. The previous article has been modified.

Please forgive me.)

The caves in Hongdog River are formed by the dissolution and erosion of groundwater along the layers, fracture surfaces and cleavage surfaces of soluble rock formations.

Due to the rise and fall of the earth's crust, the water level of the underground river part of the Red Dog River rises and falls, causing the cave to have many layers.

To put it simply, it is one layer within another, one hole within one hole.

Qi Ge's Silver Spirit had just sailed out of a cave and immediately turned into the next cave immediately adjacent to the exit.

Just like the seven doves in the mermaid tribe.

In the captain's room, Qi Ge spread out a topographic map. This topographic map was a difficult map drawn with contour lines. Not to mention the difficulty, even Adela was a little confused when looking at it.

Xiao Yinhe had completely given up, and started drawing the saint sister beating the admiral brother with her drawing book in hand.

"The numbers within these contour lines represent the number of layers of the cave."

Qige pointed at the map and said:

"For example, here, 3, means 3 floors. It means that this cave has 3 underground floors.

"3-1 means that the 3rd floor of this cave is connected to the 1st floor, but not the 2nd floor. 3-1-2 means that the cave can go from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor, or from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor, but the 3rd floor

The layer is not connected to layer 2.

1-2-3 means that all three floors, 1, 2, and 3, are connected.

How about it? It’s easy to understand, right?”

"Come on, Ke Ruoke, how do you understand this, 1-2-6, 1-5-3, 7-4-2?"

Ke Ruoke:……

"Lord, it's too complicated, I can't understand it!"

Qi Ge looked at Adela, who turned her head to the side silently.

Qi Ge knocked on his head.

Also, I am a little pushy.

Qige had been fighting wild monsters here for almost half a year before he could barely remember this terrain.

Moreover, just remember some key routes.

The name of the Red Dog River comes from the chaotic caves and rivers that intersect with each other like the fangs of a hell dog.

In the cave, the wide areas are 200 meters high and thousands of meters wide. Even the Silver Spirit can pass through without any obstruction, but even the goblins cannot get through the narrow areas.

Under normal circumstances, the small aircraft carrier-class Silver Spirit would be unable to move forward in the Red Dog River. Fortunately, the Silver Spirit is not an ordinary battleship.

In the vast lava hall, a huge lava rock wall blocks the way of the Silver Spirit. At the top of the rock wall, there is only a small hole less than half a meter high.

The players and NPCs on the Silver Spirit have all disembarked and are lining up on the shore.

The Silver Spirit turned into a white light and merged into the body of the little Galaxy on the shore.

Yinhe opened his eyes, looked at Qige, and said, "Brother Admiral, Yinhe has put away the Silver Spirit."

Qige touched Yinhe's head and told him, "Little Yinhe, you must follow your brother closely later."

Yinhe nodded and got into Qige's cloak.

Little Galaxy can stow away the Silver Spirit to allow herself to move on land.

But the price is that the galaxy will become extremely fragile.

Once the three times of absolute invincibility granted to Galaxy by the goddess of peace are used up, Galaxy will be in great danger.

Three times invincibility looks very powerful, but the determination of invincibility is confusing.

The goddess of peace's protection for the Milky Way is like an overly pampered grandma, caring in every possible way, even going too far.

Even if Yinhe falls while walking, he will lose a layer of Invincible.

The birth of every ship spirit is a miracle in the world of Yasha, especially the highly intelligent ship spirit like Yinhe, which is unique to the world.

His hero is my enemy.

For Chaos, the Milky Way in a fragile state is also a target that they want to kill in front of them.

As long as you take Galaxy with you, every battle will become a "protection battle".

The wild monsters will charge towards the galaxy like they have no brains.

This will put a lot of defensive pressure on Qi Ge and their troops.

Players from the Tianxia Hegemony Guild gathered together. Qi Ge stood on a rock, hugged the Milky Way in his hands, and handed over the task:

"We need to pass through an extremely long cave later, the total length is estimated to be about fifteen kilometers.

Most of the terrain inside the cave is very narrow, making it impossible to ride a mount. Moreover, the terrain is slippery and bumpy, which will halve the movement speed of all our units on the large map.

There will also be obstacles from wild monsters on the road.

So I estimate that we will spend about 6 to 8 hours on the forced march.

After arriving at the cave exit, there will be a rejuvenating spring.

After defeating the giant snake guarding the rejuvenating spring, we can spend the night at the rejuvenating spring.

Don't worry, everyone, except that the number of wild monsters in this cave is slightly larger, the level is not high.

Most of them are between level 1 and level 2. Occasionally, there are level 3 to 4 units, which is a good opportunity for you to level up and fight monsters.

There are still 7 hours before dark, let’s seize the time.”

Guild channel

Meteor: The "slightly more" mentioned by the Seven Pigeon Masters is different from your understanding. It is usually around 100 per team, 7 teams.

Meteor: Everyone must act according to their ability. Fight a dozen slow melee monsters at level 1 and level 2. If you are not slow, find a team with slow monsters. If you are unable to defeat them, call the Seven Pigeon Masters and Ke Ruoke in time.

Meteor: Don’t be a gambler. If you are destroyed by the group, you will lose all your plans.

I haven’t finished writing yet: Got it, gambling and drug addiction are sworn incompatible with each other.

Yinghe sat in Qige's arms and asked doubtfully: "Brother Admiral, aren't you going?"

Qi Ge smiled and said: "If you don't go, Brother Admiral and Sister Adela will protect you together."

Adela also stood beside Qige, smiling and rubbing Yinhe's head.

Qi Ge was very cautious, fearing that he would encounter an opponent that was difficult to deal with alone, so he even took Adela with him to act as a bodyguard for Yinhe.

The Milky Way is too important, and Qi Ge doesn't dare to let the Milky Way have any mistakes.

Meteor teamed up with "I haven't finished writing yet".

Because of the relationship between the 20 Huangsha Orcs, Meteor suddenly became the most powerful player in the entire world of hegemony.

"It's not finished yet" has advanced earth magic, which can assist Meteor very well.

Meteor and "I haven't finished writing yet" followed Qi Ge's instructions and quietly walked around a group of wolf fighters.

"The Wolf Warrior's vigilance mainly relies on the mount wolf.

They take turns to rest.

When the big-eared monster above the wolf is sleeping, the wolf is awake.

When the wolf is sleeping, the big-eared monster is awake.

So if you see a big-eared monster that is very energetic and the wolf has its eyes closed, just jump down from the top of the cave and knock its head.

Otherwise, you need to find a way to cover up your own smell.

Wolves have a very sensitive sense of smell."

Recalling the teachings of Master Seventh Brother, a meteor fell from the sky and struck the Wolf Fighter on the head with a sword!

The sneak attack is successful, the enemy's morale is -1, and enters combat mode!

There is a 60*60 grassland terrain, the enemy is 7 teams, each team has 240 Wolf Fighters.

"I haven't finished writing yet." He took out the magic book, and a swamp representing earth magic appeared at the feet of the Wolf Fighters. The movement speed of all Wolf Fighters was reduced to 3 points.

"It's not finished yet." As an elite mage from the world's most powerful guild, he naturally has his own unique skills.

[Alchemy Treasure: Mire Ring

Level 3 alchemical treasure.

Equipment location: ring position

Basic attributes: Knowledge 1

Special effect: The duration of slowness is increased by 40%]

[Alchemy treasure: Slowing Necklace.

Level 2 alchemical treasure.

Equipment location: neck

Special effect: The effect of slowness is increased by 40%]

These two sets are both specialized in slowing down.

The advanced slowdown method is also known as the great slowdown.

It can instantly widen the speed difference between the enemy and ourselves. It is undoubtedly the most powerful magic among level 1 ordinary magics.

These two pieces of equipment, combined with advanced earth magic, have made "Not Finished Yet" a very popular presence in the guild.

"President, it's your turn."


Meteor also took out the magic book and used the magic dispelling method to remove the slowness method for a team of wolf warriors.

A team of 8-speed Wolf Fighters rode swiftly, leaving the other Wolf Fighters far behind.

This is what the Seven Pigeons Master taught them.

Speed ​​difference!

Due to the speed difference between the Wolf Fighters, the first team of Wolf Fighters foolishly threw away all their teammates.

After four rounds, the independent Wolf Fighter had already opened a long distance from the other Wolf Fighters.

Meteor immediately mobilized the Royal Griffin that was lying nearby to distract the other Wolf Fighters.

Wait until the 8-speed Wolf Warriors arrive near Meteor's camp.

"I haven't finished writing yet." The slowing method that was immediately added reduced the Wolf Fighter's speed to 3 points again.

The yellow sand orc raised the huge yellow sand battle ax in his hand, and there were a lot of bloody lines on his body like an ivy.

These bloody lines are extremely ferocious, like tree roots, continuously extracting the life source of the yellow sand orcs.

The hands of the Yellow Sand Orc became extremely swollen. It roared and threw out the Yellow Sand Battle Ax that was about the same size as itself!

With rank suppression, level suppression, and full arrow range, 20 Yellow Sand Orcs dealt 468 damage.

46 Wolf Fighters were killed instantly.

In the second round, the Wolf Warrior ran forward 3 steps and happened to be within 5 squares of the Yellow Sand Orc.

The Huangsha Orcs, who had waited for a round, took action again!

139 Wolf Fighters were instantly killed.

It's not over yet, a new round has arrived, and the Yellow Sand Orcs act first with 9 speed.

3 axes in a row again!

The remaining Wolf Fighters were instantly killed.

Only 20 Huangsha Orcs, with the help of the slow method, easily killed 12 times their own Wolf Fighters in one instant!

"President, put out another team!"


Meteor used the dispersal method to slowly remove a team of Wolf Fighters who were being restrained by the Royal Griffin, and directly pulled the Royal Griffin away.

Losing the hatred of the royal griffon, the wolf warrior who was pulled away ran wildly towards the yellow sand orcs.

"I haven't finished writing yet." After making up for the delay, Meteor once again defeated the Wolf Fighter.

Taking advantage of the battlefield area, Meteor and "Not Finished Yet" successfully divided the battlefield.

Divide all 1680 Wolf Fighters into teams and teams of individual individuals, and solve them one by one.

This strategy is called "division".

To kill a team of wolf warriors in seconds, it takes 7 to 8 arrows. When the third team of wolf warriors is killed, the Yellow Sand Orcs only have 3 arrows left.

Meteor quickly shouted: "That's it."

"I haven't finished writing yet." He took out the magic book and used Sandstorm two squares in front of the yellow sand orc!

【Advanced wind and dust

Level 1 Hidden Magic, Earth Element

Effect: Causes damage equal to the hero's magic power * 25 to enemies within six blocks.

And change the terrain of 19 cells to quicksand desert, which lasts for 3 rounds.

Mana consumption: 6】

Trap Desert: Quicksand traps will be randomly refreshed every round in the desert.

The Trap Desert is a desert terrain. The yellow sand half-orc waved its hand and a large amount of sand flew into the sand bag on its back.

The arrows of the yellow sand orcs became infinite.

After 3 rounds, the trapped desert was lifted, and the arrows of the Yellow Sand Orcs returned to 24!

"6 points of magic value for 24 arrows, simply invincible!"

"The combination of arms and magic can really accomplish such magical things.

The master of Qi Ge is so powerful that he just glanced at the information and asked us to form a fixed team.

When we work together, our combat effectiveness increases by more than 10 times."

“The master of Qige’s understanding of the game is at least 2 years ahead of us.

Many of his operating methods and creativity are beyond our comprehension."

The yellow sand orc giant ax hits three times in a row!

A brilliant victory!

After the battle, Meteor felt so happy looking at the generous post-war rewards!

He couldn't get gold coins in a whole day before, but he got them in just one battle.

And the magic consumption is very small.

After a normal battle, "I haven't finished writing yet" only consumes about 20 magic points. He has an intelligence set, which has a full magic limit of 180 points.

This battle can last for 9 rounds.

Come again, next team!

Meteor was in high spirits and was about to continue, but when he saw it, he was dumbfounded.

"Damn it! What's weird?

Aren’t there a lot of strange things on this stretch of road?”

"They were all killed by Ke Ruoke."

Hai Qinyan said with admiration.

"You have cleared one team, but Ruoke has already cleared 20 teams. In the fastest time, one team of Evil Eyes was cleared in less than 3 minutes.

It doesn’t matter that the Seven Pigeons are great, but Ruo Ke is also so powerful.”

Ke Ruoke's eyes were red, and the war mad mode was fully activated.

In his eyes, how are these wild monsters? These are just gold coins and food!

"No, I have to fight more.

It’s a team that can beat one more team!

If you fight more teams, you can feed a few more goblins."

Leave that team of Medusa alone, you can't control it, let me do it.

The level and rank of the wild monsters here are not enough, and the quality is not good. For Koroko, as long as he does not encounter high-difficulty battles, it is really just picking up gold coins in vain.

Thanks to the efforts of Ke Ruoke and the players, Qi Ge and Adela finally arrived at the Rejuvenation Fountain safely.

The journey went smoothly beyond Qi Ge's expectation.

I have to praise the discipline of the World Hegemony Guild. As soon as their players encounter a difficult battle, they will immediately surrender without hesitation of gold coins.

You won’t be impulsive when picking your opponents.

Really very professional.

Qige held Little Galaxy in her arms and looked at the rejuvenating spring water in front of her.

A large statue of a human face is carved on the wall of the cave. Next to the statue of a human face, there are a few small trees growing sparsely. The roots of the small trees are deeply embedded in the stone wall of the cave.

In the center of the small tree, a hole opened in the stone wall, and transparent spring water shining with bright white light continuously flowed out and fell into a pool on the ground.

No matter how much spring water flows into the pool, the water level in the pool remains unchanged.

Next to the pool, there are many stone sculptures of small animals.

There are squirrels, lambs, and suckling pigs.

These stone sculptures are all silver-white, and they are all juvenile forms of animals.

Qi Ge handed Little Galaxy into Adela's hands and shouted.

"Everyone, retreat!"

He slowly walked forward, ready to fight the boss.

[System prompt: You are approaching the Rejuvenation Fountain, and there is a powerful and evil aura lingering around the Rejuvenation Fountain.

Only by expelling the power of chaos from the rejuvenating fountain can we visit.】

[System prompt: The enemies guarding the Rejuvenation Fountain are very powerful, do you want to continue? 】

Qige took a deep breath and clicked to continue.

Enter combat mode.

Players watching World Domination were dumbfounded as soon as they entered the battlefield.

In the turn-based mode, the terrain is grass. On the Seven Pigeons side, the Centaur Marksman, the Harpy Hag, and the Emerald Dragon are all in line. They are full of troops and go all out.

But on the other side, there was only a solitary Rejuvenating Spring, and no enemies at all.

Xiaotian: What is going on? Could it be an invisible enemy?

Meteor: It's possible. I've encountered difficult battles before. Invisible enemies are disgusting.

When the battle began, Qi Ge did not hesitate and chose to join the battle, appearing directly on the battlefield.

Hai Qinyan: The Seven Pigeon Master directly participated in the war?!

Seven pigeons ride on Ziyuan, thinking constantly in their minds.

All the bosses of the Rejuvenation Fountain in Yasha World are the same.

Extremely giant creatures, true chaos troops, undead rock pythons.

In ancient times, the mythical natural wonder of the Rejuvenating Spring once encountered the crisis of being swallowed by chaos. The cause of the crisis was the Undead Rock Python.

In order to protect himself, Rejuvenation Quan used the power of time to divide himself into a thousand pieces.

At the same time, the undead rock python entangled in the rejuvenating spring was also cut into thousands.

The strength of 1,000 undead rock pythons has become one-thousandth, unable to break through the barrier of the rejuvenation spring given by the world of Yasha, and can only fall into a deep sleep.

But whenever a hero wants to visit the Rejuvenation Fountain, it will wake up and find a way to devour the hero to restore its own power.

Now, it's waking up!

Qi Ge pulled his troops, tried hard to squeeze into the middle of the battlefield, and set up a formation.

Round six.

The rejuvenating fountain in the middle of the battlefield emits white light, as if calling for help from the Seven Pigeons.

At the same time, all the grids around the Rejuvenation Spring were shattered!

Stones, grass, mounds of earth, and statues all turned into smoke and dust in the violent impact, filling the surroundings of the Rejuvenation Fountain.

In the thousands of smoke and dust, a pair of eyes lit up.

A huge super snake appeared on the field.

Its whole body is covered with pitch-black scales, each scale grows very high upwards, and then forms a barb that comes down and is embedded in the body of the undead rock python.

【Undead Rock Python】

[Chaos forces arms



Quality: True Chaos



Extremely Giant Troops: Covering an area of ​​38 squares (equivalent to two circles of a hexagon), the damage caused by all non-Extremely Giant units is reduced by 600%. When the enemy does not have super-giant units, its morale is -2.

Ultra Chaos Body: Immune to all damage except true damage.

Poison of Chaos: Attacks randomly cause weakness, paralysis, freezing, and blindness.

Ripple Run: When attacking, attack all enemies in 3 rows*6 spaces in front.

Earth-Shattered Scales: There is a part of the undead rock python that has no skin.

True Chaos Incarnation: When True Chaos troops appear on the battlefield, all Chaos troops will ignore the terrain when moving, and all non-Chaos troops will have 20% fear.]


Sure enough, it's still the same. Even with the magic eye, I can't see the specific attributes of the undead rock python.

Because when any magician observes the undead rock snake, what he sees is its original attributes.

That is, the body of the undead rock snake whose power has not been weakened to 1‰.

The normal undead rock python is a product that transcends the rules and has the ability to be immune to any damage except the rules of gods.

But now, not only have they become very weak, but a whole scale on their body has been turned up, rolled into the flesh, and entangled with its flesh and blood.

This is the wound injured by Poseidon when it invaded the world of Asha.

The power of Poseidon possessed its body, opening a gap in it that could never be healed.

Any attack that hits this gap can cause real damage to the Undead Rock Python.

On the contrary, as long as this gap is not attacked, the shell of the undead rock python cannot be broken at all.

Although the special effects were not written in it, Qi Ge knew that any possession magic would not work on the undead rock python.

This is why Qi Ge joins the war.

If Qi Ge does not participate in the battle, the attacks of all long-range units will randomly fall on the Undead Rock Python, and there will be no effective output at all.

Only when a hero joins the battle can you rely on the hero's vision and will to direct the troops to focus fire on the injured part of the undead rock python.

Seven Pigeons controlled the troops and waited patiently.

In the first round, the Undead Rock Python burrowed into the ground and the surface rose. When it appeared, the Undead Rock Python happened to appear next to Qi Ge's troops. It missed Qi Ge's troops perfectly and did not cause any damage.

The players of the World Hegemony Guild were in an uproar.

Xiaotian: The Undying Rock Python moved for a full 30 blocks. It clearly had a chance to attack Qi Ge’s troops, but it just missed Qi Ge’s troops?

Meteor: Why doesn’t the boss fight the Seven Pigeon Master?

Hai Qinyan: Is the charm of the Seven Pigeons God too high, and the big snake opposite is tempted?

Xiao Tian: The Legend of Black Lady? Xu Qige?

Qi Ge knew very well.

This is because the undead rock python is not fighting me at all.

It was fighting the Poseidon who wounded it in its memories.

The Immortal Rock Python itself was dealt with by Poseidon, and was forcibly divided into 1,000 parts by Rejuvenating Spring using its unreasonable and great power.

This resulted in the undead rock python that appeared on the field being a complete phantom.

Every action it takes is a repetition of its own battle with Poseidon, and it doesn't take Qi Ge's troops into consideration at all.

Therefore, no matter which rejuvenator it is, the attack trajectory of the undead rock python is exactly the same.

All its actions follow the same pattern.

The location where the troops of the third team of Seven Pigeons stayed was the absolute safe spot that countless players in previous lives had tried to find with their lives.

That is to say, in the first 6 rounds, there is no point on the entire battlefield that will be attacked by the Undead Rock Python.

“In the first 6 rounds after entering the battle, a1, a2, and a3 are invincible.

From rounds 7 to 12, switch to three points: b1, b2, and b3.

After 13 rounds, gather them all and leave 20 squares near the Rejuvenation Fountain.

In the 48th round, the Undead Rock Python completes a cycle and returns to a1, a2, and a3."

What Qige is doing now is "backboard"

In the world of Heroic Souls, it is also possible to use fire walls to burn down various treasure houses, including the treasure houses of long-range weapons.

When you enter a battle and the value difference between your units is determined, how the enemy will act is fixed (not counting morale).

As long as you follow the formula, there will be no damage or minor damage.

The same goes for not being able to kill a rock python.

If you can memorize the formula, no soldier will die.

If you don't know the formula, you can't beat it with countless casualties.

The undead rock python kept getting into the grass and rolling back and forth on the grass, but in vain. Not a single member of Qi Ge's troops was killed.

The centaur marksman, under the control of Qi Ge, focused fire on the injured part of the undead rock python.

Each two consecutive shots can cause a total of about 10 to 15 points of damage.

Ao Xianghe looked at Qi Ge's operation, and the more he looked at it, the more something was wrong. In his mind, he kept recalling the scenes from the beginning of the battle to the present.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and said: "Right!"

Soaring Crane quickly chatted privately with Meteor who was looking at him in confusion.

Soaring Crane: President, I discovered that the Great Master Seven Pigeons has just managed to avoid the attack of the Undead Rock Python every time he changes the positions of his troops from the battle till now.

Soaring Crane: From the beginning of the battle to the present, the Seven Pigeon Master has changed the position of his troops twenty-six times.

Soaring Crane: Among them, 7 different military positions appear three times in the same order!

Now, the Seven Pigeon Master is repeating it for the 4th time!

Meteor: You mean, this boss’s actions are regular?!

Soaring Crane: Yes! And his elder brother knows this rule very well.

Soaring Crane: This is not normal! This is the first time for all branches of the nine major forces of the World Hegemony Guild to see the building of the Rejuvenating Spring.

This shows that the Fountain of Rejuvenation is certainly not an ordinary building that can be spawned casually.

This undead rock python boss is definitely not a boss that can be spawned casually.

Even though Seven Pigeons is easy to fight, how can it be so easy to figure out the boss's rules?

In the first position, the Seven Pigeon Master lasted 6 rounds, in the second position, 5 rounds, and in the third position, 7 rounds.

Each round requires a large number of soldiers to die in order to test it out.

I made my debut playing "Souls" games, so I know this best.

If you want to figure out every rule of the boss like the master Seven Pigeons, you need a lot of experiments and repeated battles.

This game is only in its fourth week.

Normally, when we see a unit like this that is full of ?, we will choose to surrender as soon as possible. Even if the Seventh Brother is brave, he will need to keep trying to figure out the boss's movement patterns.

The starting time is so tight and the troops are so precious. How can there be enough troops for Seven Pigeons to test?

Soaring Crane: I suspect that the Seven Pigeon Master may have internal intelligence from the game company, or may have participated in internal testing.

Although Yinghun World Company itself stated that it has not conducted internal testing.

But how can a game be released directly without testing?

I suspect that Master Qi Ge may be an official employee of the game.

Meteor: I understand, just pretend you don’t know and don’t say anything.

Meteor knows the inside story of the Heroic Soul World better than Soaring Crane, so he can be sure that the Heroic Soul World has indeed not undergone internal testing.

Combined with the performance of the previous seven pigeons, the most outrageous option of rebirth is eliminated.

There is only one answer.

Qi Ge is probably one of the game designers of Heroic Soul World.

Instead, he is the senior leader of the design team who coordinates multiple aspects such as "plot, unit design, and game background."

Meteor narrowed his eyes.

People of this level coming to play games are equivalent to referees wearing referee uniforms and going off to play football.

The county magistrate sat in the lobby and interrogated his accusers.

The plaintiff acts as defense attorney for the defendant.

Highlight an outrageous one.

No wonder Seven Pigeons develop so quickly.

Meteor's mind changed.

Follow industry regulations.

A designer of this level must have signed a contract.

Even if you resign, you cannot make profits for yourself through games.

Do you want to... report it first?

Meteor opened his eyes and shook his head.

Forget it. Master Qi Ge treats me well, and I have no evidence, it’s just a guess.

Even if the Master Qige is really the designer, so what.

What does it have to do with my world dominance? What does it have to do with my meteor?

Did it delay me from hugging my thigh?

Even if the Seventh Brother master is banned or even arrested, will our world dominance be beneficial?

A super big ham who knows so much about the game’s plot and arms,

Instead of keeping it for yourself and secretly nibbling it, you still have to tell the authorities that a fish slipped through the net?

As for the fairness and longevity of the game, it is not within the scope of Meteor's consideration.

The big guilds come in to make money.

When the world's hegemony becomes bigger, we need to find ways to realize it.

Maintaining game fairness and longevity is something that game companies should consider.

After thinking about this clearly, Qi Ge's status in Meteor's heart rose to another level.

In the past, Meteor thought that by following Seven Pigeons, it was possible to make a profit, but there were risks.

Now, Meteor feels that if he follows Qi Ge, he will definitely not lose money. How much money he can make depends on his relationship with Qi Ge.

Just kidding, can designers not understand the game they designed themselves?

At this moment, Qi Ge controlled the centaur marksman and gave the undead rock python the final blow!

Two lucky hits!

The undead rock python struggled and rolled back and forth on the battlefield, twisting and turning everywhere, but no matter how it moved, it could not overwhelm Qi Ge's troops.

Meteor smiled inwardly.

Qi Ge, you also said that you are not cheating!

A brilliant victory!

The seven pigeons let out a long breath.

My memory is pretty good and I haven't made any mistakes.

Fortunately, in my previous life, I didn't take any chances and chose to play with the video on. Instead, I memorized the process in a down-to-earth manner.

Otherwise, this is a cheating boss, and I don’t know how many troops will die before I can kill him.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for defeating the undead rock python, and obtaining rock python bones*30, rock python scales*20, and reborn flowers*1]

【Rock Python Bones

The effect is treated as 28 units of food, which will never spoil.

Explanation: The bones of rock pythons appear to be hard, but they can be licked like lollipops. After eating them, you don’t need to eat for 4 weeks.]

【Rock python scales

Level 4 resources

Effect: It can be used as a level 4 resource without specific needs, or as a material.

Ultra-rare resources that can be used for treasure making and medicine.】

【Reverse flowers

disposable treasure

Plant on the big map and temporarily change your resurrection point to the location of the flower.

Players who are resurrected this time will not suffer any losses.

After being resurrected once, the flower will wither and disappear.】

Qi Ge and everyone returned to the big map, waved his hand and said, "Let's go! Come with me to the Fountain of Rejuvenation."

Qi Ge, who had his back to everyone, didn't notice that both Soaring Crane and Meteor looked at him strangely.

[System prompt: You have visited the Rejuvenation Fountain.]

[System prompt: Congratulations to player Qi Ge for entering the Rejuvenating Fountain for the first time. He will automatically accept the task: clean up the undead rock python]

[Task: Clean up the undead rock python

Orange legendary

Task requirements:

1. Find the locations of all 1000 rejuvenating fountains (1/1000).

2. Destroy all the Immortal Rock Pythons at the same time

Mission reward: True Rejuvenation Spring Water.

Mission description: The terrifying immortal rock python is parasitic on the rejuvenating fountain, trying to devour the rejuvenating fountain to restore its own injuries.

It's not enough to destroy an Immortal Rock Python.

The power of Chaos will quickly regenerate the Immortal Rock Serpent.

Only by annihilating all the immortal rock pythons at the same time can the rejuvenation fountain be released.】

"Wow! Legendary mission!"

"1,000 rejuvenating fountains? When will it be found?"

Qi Ge knows, but Qi Ge doesn’t tell.

This is an automatic team task that all players can receive.

Any player who finds the Fountain of Rejuvenation will increase the task progress for all players who have also received the task.

At the same time, the location of the new rejuvenating fountain will also be marked on the big map.

The seven pigeons walked to the fountain of rejuvenation and drank a handful of water.

[System prompt: After drinking the water of the Rejuvenating Spring, you will feel younger again and full of energy, which will also increase the morale of your army.]

[System prompt: You gain morale 1, which lasts for 1 day. Your energy recovery rate is 20/day, which lasts for 1 day]

That’s it! Energy value!

A mouthful of spring water can almost equal a bottle of master-level energy potion (immediate recovery of 30), but the recovery is a bit slower.

Seeing the rejuvenating fountain in the previous life, Qi Ge felt like seeing a relative.

He even considered whether to build a branch city near the Rejuvenation Spring so that he could drink water more conveniently.

Qi Ge took out the standard water bottle that came with the game and dipped it into the water.

[System prompt: The Rejuvenating Spring is willing to selflessly grant favors to every hero, but its power is limited.

Each hero can only take away one pot of spring water (3 units).】

Just one pot, one pot can take 3 sips.

[System prompt: You are favored by Poseidon, and the Rejuvenation Fountain is willing to give you ten times the reward.

You can take away ten pots of spring water (30 units).】

Qi Ge hasn't reacted yet.

The rejuvenating spring water poured into his kettle.

Qi Ge picked up the kettle and saw that it was indeed filled with 30 units of spring water.


Qi Ge's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he looked at the water surface of the Rejuvenation Spring.

30 units of water were carried away by seven pigeons, but the water level did not drop at all.

Since you can give 30 units at a time, you must be able to give 300 units at a time.

Huantong Spring, you must still have water.

Don't say it's not there, I don't believe it, just let me touch it and it will be there if I touch it more.

Qi Ge put the kettle in again, but this time the water surface of the Rejuvenating Spring was as solid as ice, and Qi Ge couldn't put it in no matter how hard he stuffed it.


Not only do I have the favor of Poseidon, I am also the apostle of the goddess of luck!

You give the face of Poseidon, but you don’t give the face of Goddess of Luck?

Poseidon can pretend, but I, Lady Luck, can’t?

Brother Huantongquan, don’t do this.

If the goddess of luck doesn't work, how about the goddess of magic?

Qi Ge is powerless and can only accept the reality.

It's a pity that there are only 30 units, which is not enough for me to drink.

At this moment, a childish voice suddenly came from Qi Ge's mind. The voice could not be distinguished between male and female, but it was very childish.

"As long as you help me get rid of the bad snake, I can give you the true rejuvenating spring water. Just drink 1 drop and it will be effective forever.

If you can drive away the bad snake within half a year, I will give you 3 drops, no, 5 drops!"

Seven pigeons:???

Damn it!

The rejuvenating spring is really conscious!

Absolutely amazing!

The big snake is not difficult to fight. At worst, I will make a tutorial video.


Players in previous lives searched for 5 years and found only 723 locations of the Rejuvenation Fountain.

I have been to each one, and I know the location quite well.

However, the remaining two hundred or so are difficult to find.

While Qi Ge was deep in thought, the players from the World Hegemony Guild all came together.

"Master Seven Pigeons, this spring water is so strong. It has 1 morale and 20 energy points. Unfortunately, I can only take a sip. Drinking more will have no effect."

"Master, there was a fool who just wanted to jump in to take a bath and hit the water."

"Master Seven Pigeons, is it possible to fish at the Rejuvenation Spring?"

A player held a fishing rod in his hand, walked close to Qi Ge, and stared at the Rejuvenation Fountain with burning eyes.

The seven pigeons were shocked!

Damn it, what kind of player is this? Can he even think about fishing at this time?

You have touched upon my blind spot of knowledge, I have never tried it.

Qige took a look at the Fountain of Rejuvenation.

It's so clear inside that you can see the bottom of the pool at a glance.

"I was thinking, this thing doesn't look like a fish, does it?

I really don’t know this, how about giving it a try?”

The player was holding a fishing rod in his hand and his eyes were shining.

"Then I'll take action! Let's go!"

He swung the fishing rod vigorously, and the fishhook pulled the fishing line and flew to the middle of the Rejuvenation Fountain, where it bounced as if it had hit the glass.

It really doesn't work, which is a pity.

At this moment, the fishing guy said with a sad face: "Wan Duzi, the Seven Pigeon Master, I have been blacklisted by Huantong Quan, and I will not be able to visit it for a month."


"The guy who wanted to take a bath just now was banned for a year. You're doing pretty well."

"Then you didn't tell me earlier."

"You'll stop fishing if I tell you?"


The seven pigeons were silent.

When it comes to overall performance, you guys are still the best!

Adela sat on the rejuvenating fountain and swayed her feet.

She took a handful of water from the spring flowing next to her and drank it gently.

The cold spring water slid down her throat.

For some reason, Adela felt a sense of security as soon as she came to this rejuvenating spring.

She looked carefully at the stone statue on the Huantong Spring, and she felt that she had seen this human-faced stone statue somewhere.

ps: It’s too late to check.

Something happened at the hamster's house today.

I started typing very late, and I still have to get the materials for my work unit later.

If there are any typos, please post them and I will definitely correct them as soon as possible. Thank you all.

Please ask for a monthly pass.

Double monthly passes are hard to come by. Brothers and sisters who have monthly passes, give them to the hamster.

The hamster knelt down and thanked him.

This chapter has been completed!
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