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Twenty-fifth Fairy Caravan

 "Why does he know the fairy's lines?! It's over, the fairy's face has been completely embarrassed by me!"

The whole fairy of Ciruno Xunxian was stunned, and then she suddenly turned her little head the size of a melon seed, and an idea flashed!

She adjusted her expression, returned to her expressionless and cold state, and said seriously:

"I, my name is Cirno Xunxian, the fairy of ice and winter, the guardian of the fairy ring. Lost traveler, when you step into this place, it is your destiny. But please remember, be careful

Remember, remember..."

Seeing Qi Ge's increasingly disdainful eyes, she couldn't bear it anymore and whispered: "Just a reminder, what do you want to remember?"

"Remember you are a fool! Stop following the procedures and take out the crystal ball."

"No! This way I will lose all my dignity as the guardian of the Fairy Ring!"

"The moment you forget your words, you have no dignity!"

"But! But!"

"Stop it, bring it to you!"

Qi Ge passed over the ice fairy and reached out directly to take out the crystal ball from the fairy hut behind her.

Qi Ge pressed her hand on the crystal ball and read: "The thread of fate has always involved me. Goddess of luck, please show me the way!"

System prompt: Please explain your problem. Warning: Questions that are too weird may arouse the resentment of Lady Luck.

"Please the lovely goddess of luck reveal to me the coordinates of the level 2 treasure Credel's measuring ruler."

The crystal ball flickered for a while, then dimmed again.

Qi Ge opened the map and found that in addition to the mysterious coordinates obtained by drinking the lucky fountain, there was another yellow


Very good!

Qige nodded with satisfaction.

Qi Ge played a little trick here. He seemed to have made one request, but in fact it was two requests.

If Creedel's measuring ruler is in the hand of the player or NPC, then Qi Ge will not get the coordinates.

If no coordinates are displayed, it means that the measuring ruler already has an owner. Instead of the coordinates, the crystal ball will display the person's name.

From the moment the mark appears on the Seven Doves map, the measuring ruler will be noticed by Lady Luck, so that the measuring ruler will never enter the random treasure pool again, but will stay in place.

This means that other players can no longer draw measuring sticks.

Originally, Qi Ge wanted to use the crystal ball of the fairy ring to ask the goddess of luck about the location of the old lecherous architect Agede.

In order to prevent the unexpected incident of running to Silver Snow City and discovering that Agede is not there.

But now that it has been determined that the Sequencing Hammer is a unique artifact, we must first determine the ownership of all other components, the sooner the better!

If you don’t want to fight to the death with others in the later stage, then gather the components as soon as possible while the game has just launched.

It's okay for players in the Chinese server to get other components, but they are afraid that players in the foreign server will get them and have to travel across the ocean, which is really troublesome.

After getting a satisfactory result, Qi Ge put down the crystal ball with a satisfied look.

Then I saw the ice fairy Cirno Xunxian slumped on the ground with a spoiled expression on her face.

The ice magic overflowed uncontrollably, causing several nearby flowers to freeze and wither.

She found that Qi Ge was looking at her, and finally couldn't help it anymore!

She burst into tears: "Wow! Why are you so skilled! How many times have you entered the fairy ring! I don't want to play anymore! You can be the guardian of the fairy ring! It's the same with or without me! Wow!"

Qi Ge is a little embarrassed. If you are crying like this, won't you cry even worse when I pick your mushrooms?

After thinking about it, Qige took out three units of honey and placed it next to Ciruno Xunxian.

The scent of honey wafted over. Cirno Xunxian cried and moved her nose. She sobbed and glanced at Qi Ge and said, "Don't think you can bribe me like this! I will remember this grudge!"

She finally couldn't help it, reached out her hand, dipped a little honey in it, put it in her mouth, and then her eyes lit up!

Picking up a jar of honey was like a 100-meter sprint, and I carried the honey directly back to the fairy hut.

After three trips back and forth, all three jars of honey were confiscated. After a while, her voice came from the fairy hut:

"Hiccup~ Although you are rude and savage, you are not without merits. At least you are sweet, bah! Very polite! The broad-minded Lord Cirno Xunxian will forgive you! You go!"<


Qige suppressed her laughter, the Ice Fairy was so easy to coax!

"My merciful Sir Cirno! I'll tell you the truth, there are actually people outside who are chasing me, who is defenseless! Can you allow me to stay in the Fairy Circle for a little longer and pick some mushrooms to satisfy my hunger?"

There is only one truth in the whole paragraph: the wood elf's bow is made of wood! Qi Dove is indeed unarmed.

"Well, okay! But you can't stay too long! You can pick as many mushrooms as you like! I'm tired of them anyway!"

Haha, this is what you said!

Qige showed an elegant smile.

An hour later, Qi Ge looked at the last three mushrooms in the entire fairy ring and still couldn't do it.

And the backpack is indeed overweight and can’t be stuffed in.

It’s troublesome without logistical or storage equipment, and you can’t stuff much, which is a pity.

I looked at the harvest. There were 206 ordinary mushrooms in total, equivalent to 103 units of food.

There are also 84 special mushrooms with added attributes, equivalent to 42 units of attribute food.

3 units of honey are exchanged for a backpack, and you earn blood.

Qi Ge feels a little guilty. Ciruno shouldn't starve to death, right?!

It's okay, three jars of honey are enough for her to last for three days, and there are three mushrooms to last another three days. After 6 days, as long as she is hungry for one day, these mushrooms will be refreshed next week.

After thinking about it, Qige finally felt a little bit unbearable.

I took four jars of honey and placed them at the door of the fairy hut.

Let her have a sweet week!

I'm such a good person!

Qige was moved by herself while stuffing the last three mushrooms into her backpack. Then she left the Fairy Garden.

Returning to the big map, Qi Ge no longer hunts wild monsters. The backpack is full. If anything drops from the wild monsters, it will disappear in the void.

Let’s go back to the waterwheel first.

Back at the waterwheel, it was almost dark, and the goblins were still working hard. When the big goblin guard saw Qi Ge coming back, he ran over happily.

It held Qi Ge's hand with its left hand, and grabbed a bracelet on its left hand with its right hand. With one slip, the bracelet slid directly onto Qi Ge's arm.

Qi Ge keenly noticed a gem on the bracelet.

System prompt: Gem 1 (Resources will not increase the backpack load.)

Okay, okay, I’m not tall but I have a lot of tricks.

Qi Ge found this big goblin guard more and more pleasing to his eyes.

After chatting with the big goblin guard for a while, Qi Ge took a rest in the waterwheel, preparing to wait at the waterwheel until dark to see the strange group of traveling trading goblins.

With nothing to do, Qige opened the forum.

After browsing for a while, Qige saw a post with a very attractive title.

About my harem in the Heroic Soul World.

Shangyuan Zhongyuan Xiayuan: I am a cemetery lord, and my initial race is a vampire.

I accepted a mission from a Lich NPC and completed more than 30 rounds. The last step required me to kill three human female NPCs. I thought the three of them were too pitiful, so I gave up the mission.

Who knew that the Lich NPC actually appeared and killed those three girls in front of me? How could I bear this! I just fought him!

That lich has 50 plague zombies under his command. They also curse magic.

Fortunately, I have some strength. I spent all my money that I had worked hard on all day yesterday and successfully killed the lich!

Then something unexpected happened to me. Three NPC girls turned into three female ghosts!

Their house has also been turned into a military unit building, and they can recruit 6 soldiers of the same type as them every week!

In this way, three NPC female ghosts and I lived a life without shame in the world of heroes.

Below is a screenshot of Shangyuan, Zhongyuan and Xiayuan lying together with three female ghosts.

Take a look at the female ghosts: one has long legs, one is a young lolita, and one is a royal sister. They are all extremely beautiful.

The first comment below:

Yunjianhu: Do you think they are pitiful? I can’t bear to expose you! You covet their bodies! You are despicable!

Well said! Qi Ge conveniently liked Yunjian Hu’s comment.

This female ghost unit is the pure white spirit, a level 3 and 2 hidden unit in the cemetery.

In addition to being good-looking, he is also very capable in combat.

Good luck with this Shangyuan, Zhongyuan and Xiayuan. I don’t even have a level 3 or 2 hidden building.

Remember this ID and you can play with him next time you have a chance to go to the cemetery.

If a hidden building is knocked down, there is a chance that the blueprint will be exploded.

Of course I won't hit him! I, Qi Ge, abide by the law and never bully good people. I just mentioned it casually.

Browsing through the forum, it soon reached 9:50 pm.

I didn’t go back to the refugee camp today, so I can’t forget to feed the little goblin architects tomorrow. There are still 8 left to feed.

If you forget tomorrow, it will only be three days and the little goblin architect may escape.

Hey, it’s really troublesome to worry about feeding every day. They are already mature soldiers, can’t they find their own food like me?

The settings of this game are so unreasonable!

System prompt: There is a neutral NPC caravan requesting to approach your water tanker. Since you are near the water tanker, you can choose whether to accept their request.

Oh? Here it comes!

Qi Ge deliberately delayed for a few minutes before choosing to accept. At this moment, the lights in the Heroic Soul World were turned off.

In an instant, night covered the entire sky, and chaotic fog began to condense not far away.

Qi Ge looked intently to the northwest. Under a bright white light, a caravan led by a traveling trader fairy was approaching.

Huh? Sure enough, there is a movable Yasha fire.

Qi Ge became more vigilant.

Soon, the caravan approached, and Qi Ge looked at the members carefully. This was a caravan composed entirely of elf soldiers, some of which Qi Ge didn't even recognize.

But Qi Ge discovered a total of 10 level 1 and level 5 Christmas fairies! They were still NPC soldiers!

This is a super powerful spell to summon dual cultivators!

It’s hard to imagine that such a unit would serve as a bodyguard for a level 1 or 4 trader elf!

The higher the level of the arms, the greater the gap. Level 4 and level 5 are one and the same!

Not to mention that the Merchant Fairy is just a logistics unit!

There was something wrong with this caravan, and Seven Pigeons had a keen sense of smelling the scent of a hidden mission.

After telling the big goblin guard to be careful, Qi Ge and the big goblin guard went up to meet him.

***The author has something to say***

Here it comes, Chapter 2!

I'm done coding!

Today is earlier than yesterday!

But I’m so proud of myself that I’m so proud of myself!

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I will read every comment!

Hehe, your support is my biggest motivation for coding!

Hamster rolling, please vote and comment!

This chapter has been completed!
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