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Chapter 258 Quickly run in the snow!

Before the arrival of the Dragon Teeth Fleet, Dongzheng City was a place of hope for refugees. Despite the hardships, the refugees had endless expectations for the future.

After the arrival of the Dragon Tooth Fleet, the refugees in Dongzheng City were once again in a state of despair, as if they had just regained their souls and were walking dead, but had lost their souls again.

Only a small number of refugees who know Adela still have hope for the future. The remaining refugees are not so desperate because of the encouragement of the players.

Some players from the Timely Rain Guild took on the important task of helping distribute food to the captured civilians and soldiers in Dongzheng City.

There is a real-life chef among the players, who uses cabbage and ginger to make soup, which also adds a little warmth to the cold hearts of the refugees.

On a cold night, a bowl of hot cabbage and ginger soup made the NPCs' faces turn rosy.

The refugees did not feel happy. They knew that after this meal, they would return to the control of the church.

One of the captured soldiers cried while eating. Even they had not eaten so full for a long time.

The soldier who didn't understand the situation hated Nasaniel with a passion.

It was clear that we could still hold on, and there was still hope, but Nasanil surrendered just like that.

Some soldiers were unwilling to give in and wanted to resist.

They understand that with the legendary hero Adela around, all resistance is in vain and will only cost them their own lives.

Therefore, they secretly linked up and prepared to endure it for the time being, waiting for the legend of Sosa to be brought back from Mrak, and then quickly rebel and cooperate inside and outside.

But those soldiers never imagined that Adela, whom they feared, had already left Dongzheng City with Qi Ge and was heading towards the Mulak Territory at a high speed.

The four wheels of Leeroy rolled on the snow, rolling up snowflakes.

When the white snow flew into the sky, it was sucked in through a hole in the back of the engine.

When Leeroy spit out the snowflakes, the snowflakes became smaller visible to the naked eye, and even the color dimmed to a few points.

Adela and Qi Ge sat in the back seat, while Ke Ruoke and Fei Mengmeng, who was driving, sat in the front.

Little Yinhe sat on Qige's lap and looked out the window curiously.

“In fact, the system currently adopted by Erathia is not without merit.

The two factions, the People's Livelihood Faction and the Theocratic Faction, restrained each other, and in the end it was the entire Erathian military class that benefited.

Since one side is not dominant, military force becomes a bargaining chip that both sides must fight for.

Every civilian in Erathia really can't survive, so there is still a way to join the army.

Just like Luo Xiang, he knew very well that he would not be able to get ahead by relying on the logistics career of pulling carriages.

So he had been preparing to join the army to fight for a future.

The preferential treatment of combat arms ensures Erathia's military strength.

However, there are only so many social resources in total, with the church accounting for the majority, the army accounting for a small part, and only a little left for the logistics services.

This is the root cause of the extremely difficult life of civilians in Erathia."

Adela nodded and added:

“Teacher Ronis’s original intention at the beginning was not to define the church as a money-making tool.

But whether it is to open a church or a temple or to recruit monks to pray, a lot of resources and gold coins are needed.

Believers in the church need to spend a lot of time in prayer every day.

If believers do not produce, they will naturally not be able to produce basic food resources.

After all, only angels can absorb the faith value, and even believers cannot eat faith.

This is also the reason why the church needs to frequently squeeze the common people.

Among them, examples like Judas are actually exceptions.

Not all officiants are greedy.

Institutional problems are the Achilles heel of our church."

Qi Ge and Adela discussed the political system and belief culture of Elasia along the way, chatting with gusto.

Qige took what Adela told him in his previous life, processed it a little bit based on his own thoughts, and then told Adela.

The words simply poked at the deepest and softest part of Adela's heart, making Adela unable to stop and her heart almost bursting with tears.

From Dongzheng City to Mulak Territory, you need to pass through the Mislu Snow Mountain.

The terrain of Milu Snow Mountain is extremely complicated, with steep rocks and piles of snow.

It is said that even deer will lose their way when they reach this mountain range, so it is called Lost Deer Snow Mountain.

Normally, if you want to cross the Mislu Snow Mountain, you have to make a long circle around the snow mountain. There is a garrison built by Erathia officials, which can be used for heroes and troops to repair.

However, since Qi Ge and the others have Ferry's "Leleroy" around, they don't need to go through so much trouble.

They directly followed the two points and one line, insisting on climbing over the Mislu Snow Mountain.

Although the name of "Ultimate Flame Hell Cannon Ace Crossbow" is exaggerated, it is a real level five treasure.

It was by producing "Leroy King" that Ferry became a legend.

Leeroy is a self-propelled ballista with 4-wheel drive, aerodynamics, ignoring terrain, and a moving speed of up to 18 points. Its appearance is very similar to the large military truck in the real world of Seven Doves.

Yes, Leeroy is ridiculously aerodynamic!

It can directly absorb Yasha energy from the external natural environment and absorb it while driving. As long as it is not in a chaotic zone, there is no need to "refuel" or "recharge".

If the real world had such a power system, all countries would go crazy.

In the magical world, there are always many unreasonable things.

Just as Qi Ge and Adela were having a heated discussion, Little Galaxy screamed.

"Ah! Brother Admiral, there is a cliff ahead!"

Fei Rui looked ahead. There was a canyon with a huge drop in front of her, but she stepped on the accelerator and chose to accelerate without hesitation.

Ke Ruoke looked at the huge gap in front, her heart almost jumped out of her chest, and she shouted: "Ahhh! Lord! We are going to fall!"

"Why panic! I'm here!"

Fei Rui waved his hand and shouted:

"Ultimate Flame Hell Cannon Ace Ballista, use your dreams to chase the sky, use your new posture to declare your existence to the world of Yasha!

The ultimate blazing hell cannon ace ballista! One-stage transformation!”

"Leroy King" floated in mid-air, its four wheels rolling continuously. Then, it suddenly sprouted a pair of manticore wings in mid-air, and fluttered in the sky.

Ke Ruoke was shocked, with a question mark on his face: "Can this still be possible?"

Even Adela applauded Ferry in surprise and praised: "It can actually transform! What a great ballista."

"Hum hum!"

Fei Rui's mouth curled up, and he introduced in detail:

“When making the [Ultimate Flame Hell Cannon Ace Ballista], I used the undead magic of the cemetery and the biological transformation project of the dungeon.

I made the [Ultimate Flame Hell Cannon Ace Ballista], which consumed 6 Magg corpses, 2 Manticore corpses, and 1 Sabretooth Shark corpse.

It can not only fly, but also swim, adapting to all terrains!

But when flying, it needs to consume more energy and it won't fly very long.

But it’s not a problem to fly for more than ten minutes.

Afterwards, as long as the [Ultimate Flame Hell Cannon Ace Crossbow] travels normally for a certain distance, the spare energy tank will be automatically filled.

In addition, I also removed some body parts of other creatures and perfectly combined them with wooden machinery made of magic wood.

Therefore, [Ultimate Flame Hell Cannon Ace Ballista] is actually half-mechanical and half-undead.

I removed the dross and extracted the essence, retaining all the beneficial effects of the undead and machines and eliminating the negative effects.

[Ultimate Flame Hell Cannon Ace Crossbow] is not affected by morale, nor is it affected by magic that restrains the undead, and it can also be treated as a machine for maintenance!

This technology was developed by combining the manticore in the dungeon and the plague tent in the cemetery.

Only this one, no other semicolon!

This is me, a different kind of firework, the strongest crossbow maker in Over!"

During Fei Mengmeng's introduction, each Leeroy's name was accented, which made Qi Ge almost suffer from embarrassment.

"Wake up! You are no longer from Ofer."

"Oh, yes, you have cheated me of my body, and now I am Zhong Fei Rui."

Adela's hand happened to be on Qi Ge's thigh. When she heard Fei Rui's words, she pinched her hard and calmly!


Qi Ge's expression changed and he hurriedly explained:

"Fei Rui, please don't talk nonsense. You and I are completely innocent. I haven't even touched your hand."

"Still?" Adela smiled slightly and pinched harder.

Fei Rui said sadly: "Isn't this a matter of time? I have even signed that kind of contract with you.

Sooner or later, he will follow you back to the territory, and then be tricked into the crossbow workshop by you.

When the time comes, you will definitely threaten me and seduce me with the materials used to make the crossbow.

'Fei Rui, you definitely don't want the materials for the ballista to be unavailable, right? The rest will only depend on your performance.'

Then, I can only, I can only.

Woo woo woo.

Qi Ge, you are not a half-elf! You are the Cabbage King, the Cabbage King!"

Hiss, it hurts!

Qige is so angry.

I may not be a human, but you are a real dog.

There is no need to blame anyone if you want!

The point is, with Fei Mengmeng’s mind, it’s impossible to deliberately frame me while Adela is around.

She couldn't think of this yet.

In other words, what she just said was her truth!

Damn it, I didn’t even eat you in my previous life, Fei Rui, what misunderstanding do you have about me?

"Adela, I don't think you can punish me with something that hasn't happened. I protest!"

"Then tell me, will you do what Ferry told you to do?"

"Absolutely not!"

Holy Spirit Insight:【Lie!】

"Okay, death penalty!" Adela smiled and applied more force.

Seven Pigeons:!!!

Brother Insight, do you have any misunderstandings about me?! I am really not that kind of person.

"Brother Admiral, there is a big villa ahead!"

Fortunately, luck was on Qi Ge's side, and Xiao Yinhe's timely shout saved Qi Ge's life.

Qi Ge showed a textbook change of face, from grinning to serious in an instant.

His eyes were bright, his face was serious and he put his face next to Xiao Yinhe and asked: "Where is it?"

Xiao Yinhe pointed to a cliff not far away and said, "Brother Admiral, look over there!"

When Adela saw this, she knew something was wrong and pinched Qi Ge's belly angrily.

Qi Ge forced to hold back the pain. He had not been pinched at that time and observed carefully.

He touched his chin and thought to himself.

It's actually the Snow Freelancers Association (ncer's guild).

The Freelancers Association, to put it bluntly, is a gathering place for unemployed soldiers.

Like the witch hut, it is a special building that is randomly refreshed throughout the Yasha world.

In the Freelancers Association, heroes can sell the NPC units they don’t need, or buy some NPC units back. (Only NPC units can be traded)

Very few players will sell NPC units that are loyal to them.

Normally, the Freelancers Association is a place where players deal with NPC captives.

But NPC heroes are different, especially heroes from cemeteries, hells, dungeons, strongholds, towers and other forces. They are all frequent visitors to the Freelancers Association.

Especially cemeteries, there are literally human traffickers per capita.

The NPC undead soldiers summoned by spiritualism are free of charge.

The undead export industry is simply a life-saving straw for every poor cemetery NPC lord.

Every year, countless skeleton soldiers and zombies are trafficked.

Qi Ge couldn't help but think deeply.

In the Freelancers Association, it is possible to buy "special" troops for the stronghold such as fox girls and rabbit girls.

Ahem, in front of Adela, let’s buy some flying NPC units that are easy to take away.

In addition to trading NPC arms, the Freelancers Association also has another use.

That is where you can purchase an employment order.

The mercenary order is fixed at 1,000 gold coins, and each hero can only carry one at a time.

After using the employment order, you can hire NPC creatures in the Freelancer Association to join you in the next battle with wild monsters.

Just like paratroopers descending from the sky.

The hired NPC creature may be any level of arms, including level 7. (provided there is one in the Freelancers Association)

The cost of hiring is 1/4 of the normal recruitment cost, but if an NPC unit dies in battle, gold coins equivalent to the value of the hired NPC need to be paid to the Freelancers Association.

The Hire Order feature was very popular among players in the previous life.

For players who have exhausted their troops, they can rely on mercenary orders to build a field barracks and recruit troops to make a comeback.

It is also a solution when you are running out of ammunition and food.

"Brother Admiral, look, there is an ice dog!"

Qi Ge looked at the guarding wild monster. It was a level 4 and 2 snow monster.

The snow monster looks like an ice dog, and its body is crystal clear.

The snow monster moves very quickly on the snow, and can also use snowdrifts to surf, ignoring the terrain when moving.

They are born with the blessing of ice and snow, and have a chance to dodge when faced with attacks and magic.

However, except for the fact that the snow monster has more health points than the level 4 soldiers, all other indicators are relatively balanced, so it is not difficult to deal with.

Plate him!

Qi Ge got off the Leeroy, took out his bow and arrow, and hit the snow monster's big toe with one arrow.

The weakness of snow monsters is the toes they use to smooth the snow!

[System prompt: The sneak attack is successful, the enemy's morale is -2, and you will get an additional opportunity to take action.]

[System prompt: Enter combat mode!]

ps: The day after tomorrow is the 15th, please hang on, hehe.

This chapter has been completed!
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