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265 Close the net, the wind blows Erasia!

Qi Ge pretended not to hear and quickly changed the subject: "Bingyin, business matters are important. Let's talk about the children's personal relationship later.

Please inform Her Majesty the Miko first so that you can come over."

Bingyin's expression was a little awkward and somewhat reluctant, but she still said obediently:

"Okay, Your Majesty Neptune."

She took out a conch and blew it gently.

The sound of the conch is melodious and sweet, like the caress of the sea breeze. Even the waves under the night have stopped beating relentlessly and are listening quietly.

As the music of the conch ends, the sea level is retreating rapidly.

In the distance, a curtain of water quickly rose up to the sky.

Qi Ge sighed in his heart:

"No matter how many times I see it, I am always so shocked. The power of a demigod is really unreasonable."

Soon, the waves parted in the middle, and the super huge spherical sea monster appeared in front of Qi Ge again.

This time, the ball sea beast also carried an extremely splendid temple on its back.

The temple is made of dark blue seafloor rocks. Each rock that makes up the temple is as big as a real-life commercial airliner.

On the temple, there are many extremely huge relief sculptures of sea animals.

These giant sea beast reliefs are arranged from top to bottom, constantly moving with the changing dark blue background of the temple.

It's like a jpg animation drawn on the temple wall.

A huge whale jumped from the sea and when it fell into the sea, a huge tsunami was set off on the sea.

A big red octopus stretched out its tentacles in the deep sea. Its tentacles stirred the sea. There was a huge whirlpool at the top of each tentacle. Countless giant ships were spinning in the whirlpool and being sucked in continuously.

A giant turtle carries a piece of land on its back and wanders slowly on the bottom of the sea. There are mermaids, sea orcs, sea elves and other strange marine creatures living on the land.

Carrying a huge anchor, the giant in the sea who hunts sea beasts floats freely in the sky, transforming into the sky Leviathan of the sea of ​​clouds, walking in the depths of the volcano, like a magma monster of red liquid...

In the deepest part of all the pictures, there is a dark shadow that cannot be seen clearly.

When it breathes, the sea ebbs; when it exhales, the sea rises.

When it opens its eyes, the sea is stormy; when it closes its eyes, the sea is calm.

There are too many mysteries and mysteries in these magical reliefs.

Sea Apple stood at the top of the temple. She put on a light sea witch priestess costume and held a trident symbolizing the power of the ocean.

Qi Ge saw Hai Pingguo smiling and nodding at him, and the other party's voice rang in his heart.

"Qige, I came as promised.

Is everything going well? Do you need our support?"

"Everything goes well, as if fate and Poseidon were standing beside you and me.

Now, we just have to wait for daybreak."

"This is the first battle for our Poseidon Church to declare its return. We still need to fight more beautifully."

Seven Pigeons bowed and said:

"Of course, I will definitely satisfy His Majesty Poseidon."

Sea Apple's voice was a bit joyful:

"Qi Ge, if this thing succeeds, your achievements will be enough to make you the most distinguished guest of our Poseidon Church. When the time comes, I will definitely reward you well.

I still need to make some preparations, and we will let you know when we are ready."

The corners of Qi Ge's mouth turned up slightly.

Finally got to this point.

The long-cherished wish of the mermaid tribe, the needs of the Poseidon, Sousa's survival, the life safety of Sir M'rak's tribe, the reform of the Erathian system, many problems were gathered together and solved at once.

Eliminate all hidden dangers as much as possible and preserve Erathia's vitality to the greatest extent.

Only in this way can your next step go more smoothly.

Qi Ge asked Koroko and Xiao Yinhe to stay at the beach, and returned to Mulak territory alone.

Sosa is waiting for himself.

She changed into regular clothes, wearing a short shirt with blue and white stripes on the upper body and pure white knight pants on the lower body.

Coupled with Sousa's beautiful long golden hair, she no longer looks so heroic and looks much softer.

Qi Ge recognized it. This was Sosa's clothes in the promotional video when he was an attendant to Queen Catherine.

Sousa's eyes were a little dazed, as if he was remembering something.

Seeing Qi Ge coming over, Sosa looked at Qi Ge and raised his eyelids slightly, revealing a questioning look.

Qi Ge nodded to each other and said, "Everything is ready, just wait for dawn."

Sousa sighed and said worriedly:

"I don't know whether my rebellion is good or bad for Erathia."

Qige's mind recalled everything that would happen in the future.

Inheim killed Sousa, Catherine's power was weakened, the church's power in Erathia expanded unprecedentedly, and a large number of basic soldiers degenerated into pilgrims who only knew how to pray.

In the competition for the Asa Fire in the second year, Erathia did not participate on a large scale because the holy war had just ended.

But even after a year of cultivation, Erathia was still one of the worst-performing forces during the Chaos Invasion in the third year.

Although the Angels are powerful, they do not have enough basic troops and cannot deal with the endless Chaos army.

A very simple truth.

The growth rate of angels cannot keep up with the evolution rate of chaos.

The strongest point of Chaos is that it will constantly look for restraint solutions based on the enemy's troops.

The main combat arms of the human forces are highly single, and the consequences are that when the True Chaos Arms Evil Fallen, which targets the Angels, appear, the Erathian forces almost collapse at the first touch.

Even if Michael, the true god-level hero behind the Angel Clan, takes action in the end, he can't conceal the decline.

In the end, half of Erathia's land fell and was torn apart.

What's ridiculous is that in the end, it was Queen Catherine's People's Livelihood faction that saved the human forces and allowed them to temporarily breathe a sigh of relief, or the unbelievers who were suppressed by the church.

Everything I do is to change this history.

Qi Ge looked at Sousa with certainty and said confidently:

"We are right. We will always be on the right path."

Qi Ge saw Sousa looking at him. He stretched out his hand and said firmly:

"For Erathia, for the people, and for Her Majesty the Queen."

[System prompt: Sosa is shaking, your charm value takes effect, your intermediate diplomacy takes effect, and the judgment is successful.]

Sosa's eyes sparkled and he held Qi Ge's hand.

[System prompt: Sosa's favorability towards you is 5, currently 50 (trust)]



Rai listened intently, and from time to time, a melodious chirping sounded in his ears.

The sound is very small, but it makes people feel very shocking.

It seemed that where the sound was transmitted, there was a terrifying giant beast roaring.

Even through the deep and dark night, Rai could detect that there was an extremely powerful creature in the distance.

"Bishop, do we really want to join the rebels and betray the church?"

Rai turned around and saw his priest looking at him worriedly.

Rai nodded, shook his head and said, "It's not betrayal, it's reform."

The priest looked unhappy and said:

"But Bishop Rai, you said it before.

Even if there is a problem in the church, you should join the church, strive to become a senior member of the church, and then change the church.

Rather than rebel against it."

Rai bit his lip for a long time, then closed his eyes and said, "The highest level of the church is already wrong, so what should we do to change it?"

The priest was speechless. He slowly took a step back and said in a deep voice: "I understand."

In Speed ​​City, Qige stood on the high platform and said in a loud voice:

"From today on, the Mrak Kingdom will no longer be under the control of the church.

I promised Sir Sir that I would find a way out for you to protect your safety before he comes back.

Now is the time for me to fulfill it!"

The people of Speed ​​City looked at Qige, with expressions ranging from confusion to excitement to disbelief.

In Eastern March City, Nassanir bid farewell to a group of players and regained control of Yasha Fire in Eastern March City.

The player holds a magic crystal ball in his hand and gives it to Adela.

Adela held the magic crystal ball and rushed back to Skikda City with Ferry overnight.

On the East Front, Ogatavia poured herself a cup of black tea. The weight of the black tea just pressed against the tabletop, triggering a switch under the base of the tea cup.

On the eastern front of Erathia, Oring is still resisting Karl's attack.

However, he found that Karl's offense felt a bit like a formality.

Ou Ling didn't know why, but he was happy to cooperate.

On the middle line of Erathia, Sylvia brought Sir M'rak's old troops and was heading to sea. Only Luo Shi remained with Queen Caitlin.

On the western front of Erathia, the arrival of the angels finally allowed Erathia to move back to the first city. Maris and Ignatis defended the city and waited for Hell's reinforcements.

It's getting light.

In the Holy City, Adela stood in the center of the splendid Pope Hall with a serious look on her face.

A total of thirteen high priests stood aside, with their hands tied and chanting the Holy Light softly.

Ronis held a crystal ball in his hand, closed his eyes, and frowned in thought.

Just now, Adela personally delivered a batch of supplies seized in Skikda City.

He also reported the good news that there was no connection between Gelmos and Judas.

This shows that Gail Moss is still the lovely Lamb of God.

However, these are nothing compared to the information in the crystal ball in Ronis' hand.

In the crystal ball, Nathaniel was standing on the beach, and a huge cat shark was swallowing Gail Moss into his mouth.

Ronis opened his eyes and asked Adela:

"Adela, you need to confirm this information again.

It's not that the teacher doesn't trust you, it's just that this news is too important.

Behind Sousa's rebellion is actually the Poseidon Church, which wants to compete for faith among us humans.

If this news is true, it would be very detrimental to us in Erathia."

Adela nodded and said:

"Your Majesty the Pope, the information I have received is absolutely true.

I'm not sure whether Sousa is connected to the Poseidon Church.

But I saw it with my own eyes that Sanil was seeking skin from a tiger and wanted to go back on his word, so he was eliminated by the heroes of the Meow Shark Tribe."

[Holy Spirit Insight: Insight has been countered, and the feedback is true.]

Adela's face was expressionless and her heart was calm.

As a demigod, Ronis can borrow Michael's power to see through lies, but the Holy Spirit's insight into the control of real rules is still better than Michael's!

Adela knew from a very young age that she could counter Ronis' insight.

However, when she was a child, Adela was too weak and could not fully master it.

But now, Adela has become a legend.

As long as Adela wants to deceive Ronis, Ronis will be a blind man who can only see the fog in front of Adela.

Ronis said seriously:

"Adela, you will definitely not lie to me, but I am afraid that the information you obtained is the result of being induced.

Since Poseidon became a god, he has been resisting the invasion of the ocean by Chaos. Its believers are all over the ocean, and it should not need our weak faith.

Let’s investigate it carefully again.”

Adela was silent for more than ten seconds before nodding and responded: "Yes."

At this moment, Ronis suddenly felt a strong heart palpitations.

He suddenly stood up from his chair and looked in the direction of Mrak's leader, eyes wide open.

"Divine power! Rules! There is a power of gods affecting Erathia."

At the same time, both Catherine and Roland felt their hearts throbbing.

The Tears of Asa, the capital of Erathia, are burning fiercely. As the leaders of Tears of Asa, the three of them have noticed the changes.

The magic book on Ronis's body flipped quickly, and the semi-god-level water mirror technique was activated.

The water mirror technique in Adela's hand can only detect a certain range, but in Ronis' hand, it can almost see the entire Erathia!

Ronis quickly positioned himself at the very center of the rules.

Mulak Territory, Speed ​​City!

Sosa was kneeling in front of a splendid Tanah Lot temple, chanting aloud with great piety:

"The great master of the sea, Lord Neotedalus Leviathan.

You are the god of the ocean, the endless flow, and the guardian of the world of Yasha.

My legendary hero Sousa, I pray here.

I am willing to use my life as a sacrifice and dedicate the Mulak Territory, the Lost Deer Snow Mountain, and my city, Dongzheng City, to you.

Please take action and defeat Ofer for Erathia."

"What! How dare she!"

Ronis slapped the chair hard and stood up.

"Catherine! In order to deal with me, you actually colluded with the Poseidon Church! How dare you!"

Adela's eyes became confused for a moment.

They were all guessed by Qige.

Sure enough, Teacher Ronis immediately thought that the person connected with the Poseidon Church was Queen Catherine.

As proud as Ronis is, he doesn't even bother to regard Sosa as his opponent.

In his eyes, all Sosa's actions must have been ordered by Catherine.

What we want is this effect.

Ronis is furious.

During the water mirror technique, Sosa transformed into a mermaid during a painful struggle, and finally disappeared into bubbles.

At the same time, starting from Eastern Expedition City and Speed ​​City, the Yasha Fire Seeds in the two main cities began to shake rapidly, and then, the Yasha Fire Seeds in the county city and the Acropolis under Mrak's leadership also began to shake!

(Dongzheng City is a fortress city, without a county seat or acropolis)

At the connection between Dongzheng City and Skikda City, the earth suddenly tore apart.

The entire Eastern Expedition City and the Mrak Territory were separated from Erathia.

The earth shook!

You can feel the vibration of the earth in any corner of Erathia!


Sea Apple stood on the head of a huge Neptune Ghost, and the Neptune Turtle carried the entire Mrak Territory and Eastern March City on its back, and with the roar and roar of the waves, it gradually left Erathia.

The seven pigeons were hiding in the dark and looking at the sky.

I, the Architect, the Apostle of Yasha, have the power to shake the fire of Yasha.

Poseidon, the great flow, has the power to make the land flow.

My power, coupled with the power of Poseidon, and the permission of the temporary controller of Asa Fire, is enough to leverage the Tears of Asa in Erathia, allowing the Eastern March City and the Murak Territory to break away from Erathia.

Of course, Poseidon's power is big.

This is equivalent to having a large gem in a box.

I have a key in my hand, which opens one lock, and the other person also has a key, which opens another lock.

Tears of Yasha is equivalent to a remote control that can relock the lock at any time.

However, the owner of Tears of Asa did not know when the lock was opened.

Now, the box has been opened and the big rocks have been taken out.

When the stone was taken out, both locks had been broken.

At this moment, both Dongzheng City and all the towns in Mulak's territory have become completely neutral cities.

Sosa walked up to Qi Ge, patted Qi Ge hard on the shoulder, and asked: "Where did you find the substitute? The acting looks quite similar."

Qi Ge smiled and said: "The mermaid family are all born masters of acting, and the magic of illusion under the witch's crown is even more superb.

Don’t worry, Ronis can’t see it.”

Sosa muttered and asked, "Why don't you let me do it myself?"

Qi Ge smiled slightly: "I'm afraid you won't perform well."

Sea Apple felt Ronis' Water Mirror Technique and smiled contemptuously.

"Since you want to see it so much, I'll let you see it to your heart's content."

Hai Pingguo waved his hand and borrowed the power of Poseidon to release the god-level water mirror technique.

One water mirror after another floats in the sky above the main cities of Erathia.

It shows the scene of Sousa praying on the altar, and the scene of the Eastern Expedition City and the Mrak Territory breaking away from Erathia.

Countless players shouted loudly.

"Damn it! Big plot!"

"Is our main plot in Erathia so expensive? Didn't we agree to counter the rebellion?"

"Wait a minute, the main mission is to counter the rebellion and require the attack on Eastern March City. Now, Eastern March City is gone! Sosa is gone too!"

"There should be a new main line."

Meteor and Xiaotian looked at the scenes in the Water Mirror Technique in Skikda City and jumped up happily.

"We did it! Look! One of those cities is ours.

Unlike the Sea of ​​Fire City and Longgue Port City, there is one city that belongs to us completely!"

Haiqinyan silently complained:

"What's ours, it belongs to the Seven Pigeons and us."

"That's ours too.

We have a stake! The first system city that belongs to the players, our world hegemony has a stake!"

The NPCs in Erathia all screamed:

"Oh my god, Lord Sousa is using his own life and his city to ask Poseidon to help us deal with Ofer?!"

"And Sir M'rak's city!"

"I know why Sir M'rak rebelled!"

"It's right, it's all right."

"Ser M'rak rebelled and became neutral, but fought against Hell until his death.

Lord Sousa also rebelled against the city and became neutral, but he also died for Erathia."

"It was not Erathia they rebelled against, but..."

"That's enough, stop talking, I'm risking my life?!"

ps: No, hamster has eaten the monthly pass to see if he can code more.

Oops, the hamster is so hungry that he treats the monthly ticket as food.


"Lords of All People: Starting from the Law, Heaven and Earth"

A novel about everyone traveling through time to become a lord. It is a lord story about data flow. Golden Finger is a talent of "Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth" with attributes of short time*10. Interested book friends can read it.

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