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272 Strange Starfish Troops

On the Silver Spirit, the first court hearing officially began.

As the judge, Qi Ge lightened his throat and asked: "Defendant Fei Rui's defense lawyer, do you have anything to say about the issue raised by plaintiff Yinhe that the defendant stole the magic wood?"

Keruoke stood in front of Fei Rui, straightened his back, and said loudly: "Your honor, on behalf of the defendant, I have no objection and strongly demand that 10 times the compensation be paid."

Ferry shouted: "No fair! I protest."

Qi Ge banged on the table and said loudly:

“The protest is ineffective!

5 fairy ginkgo trees, 1 agate willow tree, only the stumps are left.

unambiguous evidence!

Fei Mengmeng, tell me honestly, why did you do this to the innocent magic tree?"

Ferry looked away and whistled:

"Because they grew in front of me.

As a high-grade manufacturing material, he was so arrogant, swaying in the wind in front of Pei Rui, the best crossbow manufacturer in the world of Yasha.

This is tempting me to sin!”

Fei Rui felt guilty at first, but the more he spoke, the more confident he became.

"It's like I stripped naked and got into your bed. Even if I lose my virginity, I have no right to blame you.

So I am not guilty!"


Flies don't bite seamless eggs, and Ferry doesn't chop down invisible magic trees, right?

Where does this theory of victim guilt come from?

Qi Ge was so angry that he was shaking all over:

"Weird lies! They are all falsehoods! This trend must not be allowed to grow and must be severely punished.

Either you can't work on the crossbow for three days, or you'll be compensated a total of 100,000 gold coins, your choice!"

Fei Rui shouted loudly:

"What! You actually want me not to study the ballista for three days, what kind of torture is this!

Damn it, you are indeed the evil cabbage king.

Not even the demons of Orver can do such a thing.

I choose to pay compensation, owe it first, and then pay it back when I get paid."

Qi Ge took out Fei Rui's contract from his backpack and added 100,000 to the principal.

"Okay, I've marked it down. Come and bring some goblins to deliver the magic wood to Master Fei's cabin.

Master Fei is here, and the gold coins are here."

Seeing Fei Rui carrying the magic wood back to the cabin with a cute look on his face, little Yinhe's eyes lit up.

As expected, he is worthy of being an admiral brother, and he signed a slave contract with Sister Fei Rui so easily.

"Little Yinhe, thank you for your help and help the chopped magic wood to regenerate later."

"No problem, Brother Admiral. There is still a lot of disaster energy left. It is not enough to upgrade. If it can be used to induce birth, just a few thousand trees will not be a big problem."

Qi Ge nodded with satisfaction and walked towards the Miracle Tree and Duobao Tree.

The moment Qi Ge's hand touched the Duobao tree, the Duobao tree immediately turned into a large amount of resources and got into Qi Ge's backpack.

[System prompt: The growth status of the Duobao tree is excellent, triggering a critical hit. The luck value when harvested is extremely high, resulting in five times the critical hit.

The level of resources obtained has been greatly improved. Congratulations to the player for obtaining 760 level 3 resources, 239 level 4 resources, and 1 level 5 resource: fine gold.]


Is this how good people get rewarded?

I very generously forgave Fei Rui for his crime of hacking, so I was praised by the goddess of fate?


Fine gold is called a universal metal, and when used to make anything, it can improve the quality of the final product.

Whether it is treasures, medicines or war machinery, it can be used. Even when upgrading troops and building buildings, adding adamantine can produce wonderful effects.

Qi Ge thought for a while and asked a fairy to deliver the fine gold to Fei Rui.

Zhou Shuren once said: "If you give a slap, you should give a sweet date. If you slap it lightly, you should give it a deeper slap. Only in this way can the other party be unable to extricate themselves."

Qi Ge is old.

Fei Rui is a legendary crossbow manufacturer with rich experience. She must also know the value of fine gold and will not waste it carelessly.

Qi Ge took a look and found that among the level 3 resources given, there were 300 humus soil, which could be used to build the miracle building Paved Forest (requiring 240 humus soil).

There are 50 red spar and 50 black spar each in level 4 resources, and the construction of the Manticore windmill can also be put on the agenda.

Simply perfect!

There were also two miracle trees. Qi Ge took a look. One miracle tree gave attribute points, and the other miracle tree gave skill points.

Qige touched the skill point tree without hesitation.

[System prompt: The Miracle Tree is in excellent growth condition and triggers a critical hit.

The skill points gained are doubled. Congratulations to the player for getting 4 skill points.】


4 skill points is equivalent to fighting 4 difficult battles, and you have to be very lucky to get them randomly.

The point is, I got it for nothing!

The cost is only 1 gold coin.

The remaining attribute tree Seven Pigeons did not choose to eat it themselves, but gave it to Ke Ruoke.

There are far more ways for players to increase attribute points than for NPCs.

For example, the fragments of the world that have already appeared and the Chaos Path that will appear in the future are all players' exclusive experience places and cannot be entered by NPCs.

(In the previous case of Sea of ​​Stillness, it was Seven Pigeons who took advantage of the loophole.

When the rules of past world fragments are officially launched, NPCs except the Void Guider will not be able to enter.)

Hearing that Qi Ge wanted to digest this miracle tree, Ke Ruoke refused:

"Lord, it is not easy for the miracle tree to appear.

Even if you give me 10 attribute points, I will still be like this, but if I give it to you, Lord, you will definitely be able to maximize the value of the attribute points.

It would be such a waste to give it to me."

"Don't waste it, I hope you can get all your basic attributes to the upper limit now.

But Ruoke, you are now the strongest fighting force in the territory after me. In the future, you will have to run around for the benefit of the goblins. I hope that you will become stronger as possible."

But Ruo Ke refused to visit the Miracle Tree no matter what, so he thought of leaving the good things to Qi Ge. Qi Ge finally gave the order and he reluctantly touched it.

"Lord, I have a critical attack, 6 attack points, 3 defense points, 4 magic power points, and 3 knowledge points."

[System prompt: Koruoke’s favorability towards you is 20, and your loyalty is 10]

A total of 16 points? This is too profitable.

Qi Ge was very satisfied.

Although Ke Ruoke didn't get powerful combat magic in the Magic Pyramid, the effect of the Miracle Gold Coin Bean far exceeded Qi Ge's expectations.

If there are more miracle trees, all the heroes on our side, including everyone in the studio and NPC heroes, can even hope to reach 30 points in all four basic attributes before level 30.

Qi Ge immediately transferred the source of his magic power to Keruo Ke.

"Keruoke, you must fill up the Miracle Gold Beans every day, and then give them to the Milky Way, so that the Milky Way can be planted. This is our hope for the future."

"Yes, Lord, don't worry, I wrote it on the cover of my accounting book. I read the accounting book several times every day, and I promise I will never forget it."

Qige stroked Yinhe's head and said, "Little Yinhe, I give you a task.

Your sister Fei Rui studies the ballista every day, forgetting about food and sleep, and is too happy to think about Shu.

This is wrong.

Sister Fei Rui is our friend, we must let her learn to combine work and rest.

When the miracle tree is planted, Yinhe, if you have time, pull Sister Fei Rui out and let her sing, dance, and cultivate the sentiment of the miracle tree.

Moreover, the moss and magic bread must be arranged for Sister Fei Rui, so I need to give you, Sister Fei Rui, more nutrition."

Galaxy nodded seriously and responded:

"Yinhe understands! Yinhe wants to find a way to let Sister Fei Rui multi-task, and then plants the miracle tree in Sister Fei Rui's cabin, so that Sister Fei Rui can study the ballista while cultivating her sentiments."

Hiss! Children can be taught.

Let a Fei Rui work two jobs at the same time, double the income, and work 48 hours a day?

Galaxy, you grow up too fast.

As an admiral, I am very happy.

After the Silver Spirit was upgraded, its speed reached 28 points, and there was a special cabin that could accommodate the elemental sea king snake.

After releasing the elemental sea emperor snake, the speed of the Silver Spirit reached 30 points!

In less than two hours, the shadow of God's Chosen City appeared in Qige's telescope.

"Wait, what is that?"

Through the telescope, Qi Ge saw a large piece of colorful coral reef sticking out of the water in the sea near the City of God's Choice. On the coral, there was a gray-white rock lying on it.

Qi Ge judged from the shape of those rocks that they were the bones of starfish.

"Army lair, gem starfish?!"

Gem Starfish is a level 3 and 3rd level unit, and its advancement tree is unique in the entire Yasha world.

The first-level form of the Gem Starfish is the Gem Jellyfish, the second-level form is the Star Jellyfish, and the third-level form is the Gem Starfish.

In fact, strictly speaking, gem jellyfish and star jellyfish are the juvenile forms of gem starfish, which are equivalent to the larval caterpillars of butterflies.

In other words, Gemstone Starfish is a type of soldier that reaches level 3 once it reaches adulthood.

Gem Starfish already possesses impressive combat capabilities in the stages of Gem Jellyfish and Star Jellyfish.

Gem jellyfish can use their transparent tentacles to hunt other creatures in the sea. At the star jellyfish stage, a colorful five-pointed star will grow on the butt of the gem jellyfish.

As the five-pointed star gradually grows up, the body of the gem jellyfish dissolves in the sea, the five-pointed star falls off and survives independently, and the gem starfish becomes an adult.

This is equivalent to having a grown-up version of you growing on your butt when you were a child.

You hunt everywhere to raise you when you grow up, and then you are gone.

That's outrageous.

This outrageousness is not only reflected in the bizarre advanced mode of Gem Starfish, but also in Gem Starfish's special skills.

Gem Jellyfish is a purely physical melee soldier that relies on tentacle attacks. It has a full 9 points of movement speed and a special skill that prevents the enemy from counterattacking after attacking.

At level 2, the star jellyfish will increase in size and become a 2-block soldier. It will also gain ring attack and have a full 12 points of movement speed.

It's simply a smaller version of Hydra.

When the star jellyfish advanced to the level 3 gem starfish, not only did it return to 1 block of soldiers, but its speed was only 6 points, cut in half at once.

At the same time, the enemies of the Star Jellyfish are unable to counterattack and all ring attacks disappear, and instead gain the ability to attack from a distance.

Putting the Gem Jellyfish and Gem Starfish together, no one would guess that they are two different ranks of the same unit.

Since the gem starfish's nest appears near my home, it is a kind of fate.

It must be beaten.

Qi Ge took a look and found that this troop nest was located right in the middle of the route from the Silver Spirit to the City of God's Choice. There was no need to take a detour. Wasn't this a mouthful?

Although the advancement method of the Gemstone Starfish is a bit abnormal, it is quite powerful and can be used as the main battle unit.

The Silver Spirit rode the wind and waves and hit a coral reef.

[System prompt: Congratulations on discovering a wild nest: Gem Coral Reef. Unfortunately, Gem Coral Reef is guarded by guards. Do you want to visit? 】


The sky is turning, and the Seven Pigeons have entered combat mode.

The sea terrain is 80*80, and Qige's view is limited, so he doesn't know the enemy's specific layout.

At this time, the scouts need to appear.

Under the command of Qi Ge, Dragon Meow Shark dived into the seabed and entered the submersible mode.

As the Dragon Meow Shark expanded its vision, Qi Ge discovered the enemy's lair.

It is surrounded by blue and waveless water, with a coral reef in the middle forming a circle to form a city wall.

Six teams of 120 gem starfish solemnly observed the calm sea around them.

Among the gem starfish, there is a group of 120 huge starfish with a huge ruby ​​on its chest.

Qige's heart skipped a beat as the second stage of the battle was difficult.

Level 5 unit ruby ​​starfish.

【Gem Starfish

Neutral forces


Level: 3

Quality: hidden









Maritime arms

Ranged troops.

Dazzling gem: 10% of attack and blindness

Gem transformation: After the battle, every time a gem starfish is killed, the hero will get 1 gem.

Explanation: This is my last gem, hero.】

【Ruby Starfish

Neutral forces


Level: 5

Quality: Miracle









Giant aquatic arms, long-range arms.

Dazzling Ruby: 30% of attack and blindness

Remote counterattack: When attacked from a distance, you can counterattack.

Close range shooting: After being approached by enemy soldiers, you can still shoot.

Red light tracking: A red light mark will appear on the unit attacked by the ruby ​​starfish. The ruby ​​starfish ignores the range when shooting at enemies with red light marks.

Every time an enemy with a red light mark receives a possession spell, the Ruby Starfish will immediately shoot it. (It cannot be activated when there is no ammunition.)

Ruby transformation: After the battle, every time a ruby ​​starfish is killed, the hero will receive a level 5 resource large ruby.

Explanation: I lied to you, I also have a big gem, hehe.]

I have to say that the combat effectiveness of Gem Starfish is still one of the best.

It comes with long-range blindness, good damage, and powerful range, which all represent the potential of this unit.

Moreover, there is no need to consume gems when purchasing the Gem Starfish. If you die, you will still get 1 gem. Even if you die in battle, there will be a consolation prize.

Not to mention the ruby ​​starfish.

Simply a rogue unit.

As long as the enemy is marked with a red light mark and the possession magic appears on the enemy, the Ruby Starfish will immediately attack.

You should know that there is a chance that Ruby Starfish will cause blindness when attacking.

Trigger blindness, hit again, trigger again, hit again.

With enough luck and a supply truck, any unit that can be blinded may be beaten to death.

It is worth mentioning that if the ruby ​​starfish is advanced to level 6, the starfish part will fall off and disappear, turning into a level 6 spell-casting dazzling ruby.

The magical advancement method of gem jellyfish multiplication.

However, neither the ruby ​​starfish nor the gemstone starfish have the ability to dive into the sea.

This means that they pose no threat to the Meow Shark.

In a new round, Qi Ge controls the Dragon Meow Shark and launches the Dragon Meow Shark to pounce!

The huge Dragon Meow Shark flew into the sky with splashing waves, and landed right in the middle of a group of gem starfish, hitting 1 group of ruby ​​starfish and 3 groups of gem starfish at once.

We lost 3 to 5 gem starfish each.

The Dragon Meow Shark fell into the sea and entered the submersible state again.

It was Gemstone Starfish's turn to act, and one team of Gemstone Starfish became frightened and could not move. The Dragon Meow Shark emerged from the sea again, inflicting a wave of damage in vain.

The gem starfish soon realized that if they continued like this, they would be killed in vain.

A gap opened in the coral reef wall belonging to the gem starfish, allowing the gem starfish to fight their way out of the coral reef.

The way they move is also very strange.

There are a bunch of tiny tentacles deep next to the gem in the middle of the gem starfish. These tentacles stir the sea water, causing the gem starfish to swim.

These are not only the arms and legs used by the gem starfish to move, but also the tentacles that assist the gem in eating.

Translated to humans, humans have arms and legs that they don’t use, so they have to stand on their heads and use their tongues to move.

However, how can the 6-speed Gem Starfish catch up with the 30-speed Silver Spirit?

The Silver Spirit was responsible for dodging back and forth, while the Dragon Meow Shark and the Ordinary Meow Shark were responsible for the main output, and soon all the Gem Starfish were beaten down to the last team.

Pay attention to the details here.

Don't fight the last group of gem starfish left. Kill the level 5 ruby ​​starfish first.

In this way, you can get the maximum benefit when using the Midas Turn into Gold.

Since the main force in the battle was only the Meow Sharks and the Dragon Meow Sharks, the fight was very slow.

In order to improve the efficiency of the battle, Qi Ge also specially let the parasitic vine parasitize the Dragon Meow Shark to ensure that the Dragon Meow Shark takes at least two actions per round.

When Dragon Meow Shark is in sea diving mode, the starfish can't fight back at all and can only be beaten.

Even if the parasitic vine deducts the maximum health of Dragon Meow Shark to 1 point, Dragon Meow Shark will not die.

Despite this, the seven pigeons still fought for more than 40 minutes to kill 120 ruby ​​starfish, but the victory was safe.

Anyway, the nest war in the sea will not shrink, it will only continue to generate whirlpools on the sea that hinder movement.

These whirlpools have no effect on the Silver Spirit, which has a speed of 30 points.

With the last ruby ​​starfish killed, only the last team of ruby ​​starfish is left.

With a wave of her hand, Ruoke not only got 20,000 gold coins from the ruby ​​starfish, but also 13 level 4 rain flower stones (gem resources). It was a huge profit!

The Dragon Meow Shark roared, fell from mid-air, and trampled the last group of gem starfish to death.

A brilliant victory!

[System prompt: Rewards are being settled

Win more with less 3: Random reward 30%

The weak defeat the strong: 10% random reward

No damage: random reward 20%

Unused magic: 20% random reward

Stage 2 high-difficulty battle: fixed reward 100%, unlock special random rewards.

The initial enemy is a level 3 hidden unit: 30% random reward

2-person team: 10% random reward

Fixed reward: 3600 gold coins, 3 mercury, 3 crystals, 3000 experience (individual)]

This shows the power of turning stone into gold. The number of gold coins obtained from the battle is not as much as that of Keruo Ke who turned stone into gold in one go.

[System prompt: Random rewards are being drawn:

The total random reward bonus is 120%

Please select a random reward type (team):

The rank of the recruitable troops is increased, the building drawings of the nest are obtained, and the recruitment cost is reduced.

The total bonus of random rewards reaches 100%.

Special option for high-difficulty battles: lair relocation]

Damn it, the nest has been moved!

Nest relocation means moving this wild nest home. From now on, this wild nest will always belong to Qi Ge.

It is a special reward with extremely low probability of appearing only when the total random reward reaches 100%, and the probability of occurrence is even lower than 1%.

Qi Ge calculated that the last time he visited a nest in the wild was the last time.


Still working with Meteor and Xuanmen of the Angel Glory Guild to defeat the Griffin Lair.

That time also triggered the nest relocation.

Attacking the field troop nest twice in a row and triggering the relocation of the nest twice in a row was unimaginable for Qi Ge, who had been the chief of Africa for ten thousand years in his previous life.

Is this what it's like to be a seal?

Qige was so excited that she wanted to lie down on the Silver Spirit and pat her belly.

Needless to say, Qi Ge immediately decided to relocate the nest.

In an instant, the Silver Spirit got out of combat mode and returned to the sea.

The coral reef turned into a stream of light and flew towards the God's Chosen City not far away.

Little Galaxy smiled happily and controlled the Silver Spirit to follow him.

When Qige's Silver Spirit approached the City of God's Choice, Li Xiaobai fell from the sky riding the griffon Sang Xiao.

When Li Seal saw Qi Ge, he smiled brightly: "Boss! You are finally back!"


Just as the griffon Sang Xiao was about to get close to Qi Ge, he suddenly became alert and stared at the cabin and kept barking.

"Oh, Sang Xiao noticed the smell of griffins in the cabin."

Qi Ge smiled and patted Sang Xiao's neck and said, "Sang Xiao, you have company."

Li Xiaobai’s eyes lit up:

"Boss, when the time comes, you can teach me how to raise griffins, I'm interested.

I benefited a lot from that massage technique you taught me last time."

Qi Ge hammered Li Xiaobai on the shoulder and said:

"I will teach you even if you don't tell me. From now on, you will be in charge of the griffins in our God's Chosen City.

The gryphon knight's level 30 second career change requires a good understanding of gryphons.

At the very least, you must be able to understand the body language of griffins and communicate freely with them."

"Don't worry, boss! I'm not necessarily fine." Li Xiaobai puffed up his chest and solemnly assured.

"Le Meng, Fu Fu, where is Lin Xi?"

"They're all waiting at the beach.

Boss, we have been practicing for so long, and we are finally able to do a mission with you. We are all very excited."

"Don't worry, I want to rest in the territory for a day and deal with the special situations near the City of God's Choice.

I also need to have a meeting with you offline to make clear plans.

This mission is not that simple. I am not comfortable with outsiders. Only your strength can keep up with my plan this time.

You have a great responsibility."

"Don't worry, boss, we have been prepared for a long time. During your absence, we have made great progress.

Now I can farm level 4 soldiers at will, and as long as the level 5 soldiers are not too difficult, I can also have a try."

Huh? In less than a week, the seals are so floating?

Are you also a Saint Hailong?

This chapter has been completed!
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