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293 The Magic Wife's Commendation (40 words)

Underground world, zone of the dead.

Thousands of players from the Cemetery Force gathered in the Undead Zone.

The undead zone in this underground world ranges from level 1 skeleton soldiers to level 6 terrifying knights, with the largest number being undead creatures at levels 2 to 4. It happens to be the holy land for players to level up at this stage.

After the "Shadow of Death" guild discovered this underground world, they did not hesitate to build the guild's first city at the entrance to the underground world.

There are no other players grabbing monsters, and all wild monsters, treasure houses, and wild buildings are exclusively owned by the "Shadow of Death" guild.

It is no exaggeration to say that this underground world is the source of fortune for the "Shadow of Death" guild and a treasure of Feng Shui.

At this moment, something happened in the Feng Shui treasure land of Death Shadow Guild.

First, the goddess of magic took over, and the dome of the entire underground world turned purple, followed by a long series of [system prompts].

Chaos is about to invade, the goddess of fate is blocking it, and the goddess of magic is dragging the underground world into the bottom of the runes.

Even a fool can feel the atmosphere of "dark clouds are threatening to destroy the city" and "storms are coming and the wind is filling the building".

The players of the "Shadow of Death" guild immediately realized that a big event was happening in the game!

As for the source of this major incident, the senior leaders of the "Shadow of Death" guild knew very well.

There is no doubt that it must be Qi Ge, a popular player!

The Decay Emperor saw the AR video transmitted by their guild leader [looking up to heaven from hell], and asked Lin Xi in a trembling voice:

"Xi Shen, what big task is the Seven Pigeon Master in your studio doing?!

Oh my god, it's magic and destiny and chaos.

With this movement, even the gods from heaven have descended to earth?

Xishen, I also know that this must be a secret.

Our guild doesn’t dare to inquire blindly.

Just Xishen, can you tell me about it, brother?

Is our "Shadow of Death" guild capable of helping with this matter?"

Translation: You guys are making too much noise, and we are a little timid. Can you help me ask, does the Seven Pigeon Master think we have the ability to make some money?

Lin Xi understood, and he was also watching Qige's live broadcast.

He quickly replied: "Wait a moment, I'll ask the boss."

The Decay Emperor rubbed his hands, nodded and said, "You ask, you ask."

"Boss replied, just one word."

The Decay Emperor's eyes lit up: "Can?"


"Here we go again, run!"

[Looking up to Heaven from Hell] received the communication from [The Decaying Emperor] and nodded silently.

He knew he wanted to run, but unfortunately, it was already too late.

"President, it is displayed in a special scene and cannot be offline. If you are forced to go offline, the game character will be in a hang-up state."

"I see."

【Looking up to Heaven from Hell】Looking up at the purple dome of the underground world.

The dome is already covered with dense cracks, like spider webs hanging in the sky of an underground cave.

[System prompt: The goddess of magic is teleporting you back to the cemetery, do you agree? 5, 4, 3...]

Huh? There's still hope.

【Looking up to Heaven from Hell】Enter in the guild channel without hesitation:

"This is not a dungeon that our level can access. Everyone should choose it immediately. I will stay and take a look."

[System prompt: Chaos is coming.]

God, it’s broken!

【system hint:

You have looked directly at one of the four incarnations of Chaos: Mechanical Mother·All-changing Wisdom

You are dying.]

[Looking up at heaven from hell] His pupils shrank.

I am dead?!


[System prompt: Chaos is coming.]

Just four words exploded in Qi Ge's ears, making Qi Ge's brain roar!


With a loud noise, a terrifying and ferocious silver mechanical tentacle stretched out from the dome of the Everlasting City tunnel!

Countless rubbles of various sizes fell from the dome, the largest of which was half as big as the Everlasting City!

The purple magical energy intercepted the boulders like a trawl net, but there were too many boulders, and the magic trawl net was crumbling.

Yingye was horrified: "No! There is no emergency announcement in Buhu City, and many Medusas are in the city."

Qi Ge stared at the boulder, his mind spinning wildly.

What should I do? Is there any way?!

[System prompt: The dream world is coming.]

Qige's eyes suddenly widened! Damn it, the eldest wife is here!


In an instant, the sky above the dome of the tunnels of the Everlasting City turned into a rainbow of colors.

These rainbow colors are constantly flowing, and the time on the dome starts to go backwards at this moment.

Under the influence of the power of the dream world, the ferociously waving mechanical tentacles exited the dome as if they were turned upside down.

One by one, the boulders returned along the same path, rose into the sky, and reattached themselves to the dome.

Yingye's eyes were dull and she muttered to herself:

"Is this the power of gods?

Why can time go back?

What is the principle behind this?"

"Her Majesty the Queen!!! Seven Doves!!"

Fluorescent Fruit panted and climbed up the slope to the roof, and asked anxiously: "Her Majesty the Queen! Qi Ge! Are you okay?"

Yingye regained consciousness. She looked at the fluorescent fruit and made a sound in her belly, saying:

"No need to worry, we are fine.

How is the situation in the city? Are the clansmen in a panic?"

Fluorescent Fruit breathed a sigh of relief and replied:

"When the silver-white tentacle appeared, everyone panicked for a while, but with the entry of our nuns and priests, it has calmed down."

"Your Majesty Yingye..."


Just as Qi Ge was about to speak, there was another loud noise in the sky!

Countless silver mechanical squids only as tall as a man somehow bypassed the blockade of the Dream World and poured in like a tide!

Each of them is like a small flying saucer, spinning in circles.

They have a total of 18 tentacles, and each tentacle has a ferocious blade, reflecting the terrifying light wantonly.

Qige's heart skipped a beat, no, it's a mechanical Chaos unit, the Chaos-Blade Mechanical Squid.

Although the Chaos Blade Mechanical Squid has weak defense, it is extremely fast, does extremely high damage, and is immune to various abnormal conditions. The Medusa family is in danger against them.

"Wind, thunder, rain, snow and lightning! The demons and monsters are gone!"

Along with a loud roar, there was sudden wind, thunder, lightning, rain and snow in the sky!

Before the mechanical octopuses could spread out, they screamed and shattered into silver powder!

Seeing the familiar voice standing proudly in the air, Qi Ge couldn't help but get excited and shouted:

"Teacher Aigela!"

He is a demigod monk who believes in the goddess of magic, Aigela!!

“The lotus blossoms and everything has its end.

Evil returns here, sin turns to ashes.”

Aigela closed her eyes tightly and stepped into the void!

A lotus bud covering the entire Everlasting City suddenly appeared in the sky above the Everlasting City.


Aigela yelled angrily, and the lotus slowly opened. The lotus pod in the middle of the lotus had infinite suction, sucking in all the [Chaotic Blade Mechanical Squid] above the entire Eternal City!

Where lotus seeds should have grown on the lotus pods, there were instead purple-black holes.

[Chaotic Blade Mechanical Squid] As soon as it was sucked into the purple-black cavity, its body suddenly turned into silver powder.

Countless [Chaotic Blade Mechanical Squids] are like a silver plague of locusts, constantly emerging from the void. Every time they come out, one will be sucked up by the lotus.

When the lotus flower is fully in full bloom, even all the spawn points of [Chaotic Blade Mechanical Squid] are wrapped in purple holes.

[Chaotic Blade Mechanical Squid] was destroyed as soon as it emerged from the void. It was sent directly to the crematorium as soon as it was born in the hospital, with extremely fast one-stop service.

Seeing this, Aigela nodded, fell from the air, and landed just next to Qi Ge.

"Teacher Aigela!"

Aigela patted Qi Ge on the shoulder and praised:

"Qi Ge, you did a great job, even better than I thought.

If the immortal body falls into the hands of Chaos, the consequences will be disastrous.

Fortunately you found it in time."

[System prompt: Trigger the third ring of [Destruction and Rebirth], the resurgence of the rust dragon]

[System prompt: Aigra’s favorability towards you is 20, currently 80 (high hopes)]

"Don't worry, the resistance of chaos is just a grasshopper after autumn, it won't last long.

This will all be over soon."

The seven pigeons' eyes were like torches and they said in a loud voice:

"Teacher Aigela, this is what I should do.

Like you, I am the most devout follower of the goddess."

"very good!"

Aigela nodded, stretched out his hand, and Qi Ge's magic book automatically flew in front of him.

An eight-petaled lotus flower condensed in the palm of his hand, and he patted it gently on Qi Ge's magic book.

[System prompt: Your mission: Aigra’s care has been cancelled]

[System prompt: Congratulations on learning "Magic Legs" (level 2 magic·all series)]

[System prompt: Congratulations on learning "Diamond Body" (level 3 magic·all series)]

[System prompt: Congratulations on learning "Fire Eyes" (level 4 magic·all series)]


Qi Ge was shocked. There were eight magic spells in total, three at level 2, three at level 3, and two at level 4!

It’s all hidden magic!

Aigela patted Qi Ge on the shoulder and said:

"I knew in advance that I was coming to see you this time, and I specially prepared it for you so that you wouldn't have to look for me everywhere.

With your current level (advanced wisdom technique), what you can learn is already your limit.

When you have enough ability, the goddess will guide us to meet again."

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the hidden mission: Goodbye Magic Monk Aigela]

Qi Ge said with excitement:

"Teacher, I will definitely not live up to the expectations of the goddess."

Aigela nodded comfortingly, looked at Yingye, and said with emotion:

"Yingye, you did a great job too!

My Majesty the Goddess, let me tell you that you will never be alone in exploring the path of truth.

After reaching the bottom of the runes, Your Majesty will open the rune library of the Kingdom of God to you.

Each rune there represents the lowest level rules of the Yasha world. How much you can understand depends on how much you desire the truth.

This is Your Majesty’s praise for your choice, and you deserve it.”

The powerful power of Aigela and the lotus blooming in the sky made Yingye slightly nervous. Fortunately, Qi Ge stood by her side, which made her feel a little relieved.

She lowered her head slightly and said:

"The Magic Crown is the symbol of truth. It is my honor to receive the gift of the Magic Crown."

Aigela then said to the seven pigeons:

"It's getting late, good boy.

Next, the goddess will bring the entire underground world into the rune base, and use the power of the rune base to try to resurrect the rust dragon.

This time may be very long.

You, the chosen ones of Asa, still have no way to enter the bottom of the runes.

Wait a moment and I will teleport you back to the main world."

Qi Ge looked serious and replied: "I understand, teacher."

"Wait a mininute."

Yingye said to Yingyingguo: "Yingyingguo, starting from today, you will follow Qi Ge as the messenger between me and him.

Glow Stick, Ying Dang, Ying Fenfen and the nun teams led by the three of them will also go with you.

You select another 10 nuns to be your personal guards."


Suddenly hearing the news, Yingyingguo was a little panicked, and even subconsciously called out the name he only used in private, to address Yingye.

Yingye nodded to the fluorescent fruit, handed her a snake-shaped arrow, and said, "Go back quickly."

Fluorescence Guo took a deep breath, glanced at Qi Ge, and found that Qi Ge was secretly giving a thumbs up to him.

She didn't know what she thought of, she blushed, took the snake arrow, and said:

"Your Majesty, the fluorescent fruit obeys your orders."

Seeing the fluorescent fruit anxiously leaving the roof of the palace, Yingye saluted Aigela and asked softly:

"My Majesty the Demigod, can you wait a moment and help me teleport my people back to the main world?"

Aigela nodded and said, "Of course."

Seeing the opportunity coming, Qi Ge quickly said:

"Teacher Aigela, I miss you so much after not seeing you for such a long time. Teacher, you don't know. I look at the map every day, hoping that the magic temple you are guarding will appear near me."

"Ha ha!"

Aigela smiled boldly and said:

"Good boy.

Magic is everywhere and always connects you and me. We have never been separated, so why should we miss you.

Seven Doves, even if we are thousands of miles apart, as long as we are both walking on the path of pursuing the truth, we are fellow travelers."

Even if we are thousands of miles apart, as long as we are walking on the path of pursuing the truth, we are fellow travelers.

Qi Ge chewed on this sentence for a while and felt that Ai Gela meant something, but he couldn't quite figure it out.

At this moment, Aigra's expression changed, she looked up at the sky, and her voice became colder.

"Still not giving up? You actually want to get in.

Qige, you wait for me here, don’t move around, I’ll go kill Chaos and come back.”

Aigela's figure flickered and disappeared directly into the void, so fast that Qi Ge couldn't even see his back.

Queen Yingye stretched out her hand, took Qi Ge's arm, and asked:

"Asha's chosen one? Fellow traveler?

It seems like someone is hiding a lot from me?

It seems your identity is more complicated than I thought, good neighbor?"

Qige was ashamed and quickly explained: "Your Majesty Yingye, I didn't mean to deceive you, I really couldn't find a chance to speak.

If you are interested, I can tell you my story."

"All ears."

Hearing that Queen Yingye was really interested, Qi Ge thought about what should be said and what should not be said.

He glanced at the system panel and almost exclaimed.

[Mission Name: Destruction and Rebirth·Third Ring, Resurrection of the Rust Dragon

Mission requirements: Wait for the Rust Dragon to be resurrected.

mission rewards:

The underground world returns, and the underground world obtains the mythical building Sulfur Cave (exclusive to Seven Doves)

Obtain [Rust Dragon·Juvenile] recruitment quota every month: 1

Spend 150,000 gold coins and 1,400 sulfur to recruit 1 [Rust Dragon·Juvenile].

This recruitment quota will gradually increase as the number of Rust Dragons recovers.


Fuqi is not an ordinary rust dragon, he is the alternative leader of the rust dragon clan.

Before the final battle with Chaos, it was ordered to tear apart a piece of the world to find allies.

Hidden within the world it tore apart was a sulfur cave, home to the Rust Dragon.

The sulfur cave was eroded in the void and was about to break. Fuqi swallowed the sulfur cave into his own body and spent his life protecting the sulfur cave.

Unfortunately, Fuqi failed to find reinforcements.

It used its last bit of strength to send the underground world back to the world of Yasha.

Although the Rust Dragon clan, like our Purple Dragons, are temporarily unable to move around in the Yasha World.

But you can pass through the sulfur cave to copy the heroic soul of the rust dragon and fight for you.

The adult Rust Dragon Heroic Soul cannot bear it for the time being with your strength, and you need to wait until you reach the Legend.

——Zi Sha]

Qi Ge blinked, Rust Dragon’s recruitment quota!

Even the infant Rust Dragon shouldn't be weaker than the young Crystal Dragon, right?!

A crystal baby dragon can allow me to defeat a pseudo-master-level hero like Lochte who relies on hero orders to advance.

What is the concept of recruitment quota for young rust dragons?

Is there a possibility that the goddess of magic truly loves me?


"I just took one look and died. What kind of concept is this?"

[Looking up at heaven from hell] I am puzzled by this.

He originally wanted to get rid of chestnuts in the fire, but he died in vain, his death was worthless, he also suffered 10 times the death experience penalty, dropped a full 3 levels, and still had 7 days of weakness.

"President, if you die, let's not worry about it.

On the bright side, I finally got in touch with the Master Qi Ge this time, so it’s not a loss at all.”

[The Decaying Emperor], relying on the fact that he was not the one who died, threw the Hellfire Grapes into his mouth while making sarcastic remarks.

[Looking up at heaven from hell] shook his head and said no more.

But his heart was not at all peaceful.

It was because of Qi Ge that he was so unwilling.

Qi Ge not only obtained the resource-rich underground world, but also triggered such a terrifying plot mission.

Although [Looking up at Heaven from Hell], I don’t think Qi Ge can survive such a terrifying Chaos Boss.

But Qi Ge was able to trigger this kind of plot and gain control of the underground world. The benefits he received were unimaginable.

In contrast, my own performance is...

[Looking up at heaven from hell] I sighed and encouraged myself secretly in my heart.

I can't let myself fall here any longer. I must find a way to raise my Bone Nightmare as soon as possible and change my profession to a Skeleton Knight. Otherwise, the gap will widen even further.


Seven Pigeons took the fluorescent fruit behind them and a full 100 beautiful Medusa nuns to bid farewell to Aigela.

Yingye is helping Yingyingguo organize her clothes.

She said while using a bright sky blue tie to tie her long pink hair into a beautiful ponytail:

"Huanghuo Guo, originally I wanted to hold a grand ceremony, send a magnificent guard of honor, and send you to the God's Chosen City of Qige to serve as an ambassador in all glory.

Unfortunately, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

It’s always a little rough to send you there like this.”

Fluorescent Fruit choked up with emotion: "It's okay, teacher, I do."

Yingye tapped the fluorescent fruit on the forehead and said angrily:

"Are you willing? I think you are eager to fly over.

In just a short while, you have flirted with Qi Ge three times! When you have a man, you forget about the teacher."


The fluorescent fruit couldn't refute and could only whimper from his throat.

Yingye sighed and said:

"Fortunately, Qige's character is quite decent, so I won't treat you badly, so I feel more at ease.

Remember, when you arrive at God's Chosen City, you must not leave behind the scientific research you should do. You must study the books and research the topics I have prepared for you.

I will take the test next time we meet. If you fail, I will take you back and replace you with a priest who is more beautiful than you.

Fluorescent Fruit, among all the Medusa priests, you are the only one who has the hope to walk the path of the sage with me.

You must not slack off."

Yingye's sincere words made Yingying Guo extremely touched. She held Yingye's hand and said with tears in her eyes:

"Teacher, I can't bear to leave you."

"Luminescent Fruit, Her Majesty the Queen, we are ready to go."

Qige waved her hand, interrupting Yingye and Qinghuo Guo's farewell.

Yingye nodded to the fluorescent fruit, and the fluorescent fruit hugged Yingye vigorously, and led the Medusa sisters to Qi Ge.

"Your Majesty Yingye! Don't worry, I will definitely help you find all the [Gorgon] treasures."

Yingye also nodded to Qi Ge, then faced the Medusas and said:

"From today on, your king will be Qi Ge.

Respect him as you respect me.



The Medusas spoke in unison, with expressions of excitement and reluctance.

Qi Ge looked at Aigela and said, "Teacher, we are ready!"

Aigra, who was closing his eyes to rest, opened his eyes with a smile on his face:

"May the magic always be with you, my dear child."

Qi Ge respectfully formed his hands into a triangle, placed them on his forehead, and replied:

"May the truth follow you, Teacher Aigela."

"Keep your wits about you, we're ready to go."

Aigela stretched out her hand, palm flat and facing upward, with bright eyes.

He chanted softly:

“Grass grows grass, water falls into water, and mountains form mountains.

The wind blows, the clouds swallow the clouds, and the sea returns to the sea.”

A small purple flame appeared in the palm of Aigela's hand. The flame spread rapidly, from one wisp to one hundred and two, floating above the heads of the seven pigeons and each Medusa.

"The invisible road, open!"

Aigela's fingers formed into a finger knife, and she swung it down.

The seven doves and Medusas instantly merged into the purple flames!

Qi Ge turned into a void form. He lost control of his body and couldn't even feel the existence of his own body, but he could still see the surrounding scenes.

Aigela waved his hand, and all the purple flames quickly flew towards Aigela, blended into his palm, and turned into a flame again.

Qi Ge felt as if he was squeezed into the subway at 7:30 in the morning. Countless naked Medusas surrounded him and chirped in his ears.

The worst thing is that he has nothing to wear.

"Wow! His Majesty Qi Ge's body is so strong."

"Is this how you fainted with the fluorescent fruit? I'm so happy."

"Hate, what are you talking about! Your Majesty Qi Ge, where are you? I'm coming over."

"Ah, don't push, don't push, ah, it's coming in! Huh? Why don't you feel it?"

Qi Ge:……

Are you kidding? I don't even think you can have it?

What do you want to feel like in a state of nothingness?

And did this happen by accident? Aim for more than ten seconds!

Fortunately, Aigela finally released Qi Ge from the embarrassing "Snake on the Tram".

He personally escorted Huo Miao back to Qi Ge's territory through the magic channel, and released Qi Ge and the others.

As soon as Qige regained his physical form, he immediately enthusiastically took Aigela's hands and said:

"Teacher Aigela, it just so happens that you can come and sit in my territory.

The magic church in my territory is quite big. If you are bored, you can directly pray to the goddess of magic in the magic church, which is very convenient."

Aigra laughed and replied:

"No need, I still want to conquer Chaos.

We ascetics are doomed to a lifetime of hard work.

Only when the world of Yasha is completely peaceful can we rest.

This is our destiny.

I know everything deeply, and I am happy with it."

As soon as Aigela finished speaking, he stepped on the ground resolutely and turned back to the magic passage.

The fluorescent fruit watched the magic channel disappear slowly, swam to Qi Ge, held Qi Ge's hand, and said:

"Your Majesty Qi Ge, I will leave it to you from now on."

Qige held Fluorescent Fruit's hand and said with a smile:

"Ah, feel free to leave it to me.

Your Majesty Yingye has told me all the lessons you need to learn before, and I promise to train you into a Medusa sage.

Believe me, I am very good at training soldiers."

"Oh, you're bullying me, you know that's not what I said.

I will lead 100 sisters to launch a rebellion to overthrow the tyranny of His Majesty the Seven Doves. The Chosen City belongs to Medusa!"


Qi Ge put his arm around Huo Guo's shoulders, turned around to face the Medusas, put away his playful smile, and said seriously:

"Entrust your body, your life, and your loyalty to me with confidence.

From today on, you are the subjects of God’s Chosen City and the subjects of my Seven Doves!

Like Queen Yingye, I will treat you as my family and brothers.

This is my Seven Pigeons’ promise to you, and it is supervised by all of you present.”

[System prompt: Your intermediate diplomacy has taken effect, your achievement is [Infinite Charm], and the Medusas are persuaded by you.]

[System prompt: The semi-heroic unit Fluorescent Fruit has officially joined your territory.]

[System prompt: Sister Medusa*100 has officially joined your territory.]

The Medusas looked at the seven pigeons. Their high-spirited and heroic postures were so handsome, completely in line with their imagination of strong men.

Not just who started, but one voice after another.

"Follow His Majesty Qi Dove's will!"

"Follow His Majesty Qi Dove's will!"

At this time, Qi Ge was truly recognized by the Medusa nuns, and the attributes of the Medusa nuns also appeared on Qi Ge's system panel.

Fluorescent Fruit looked at Qi Ge with burning eyes and said with rapid breathing:

"Your Majesty Qi Ge, we belong to you."

Qi Ge shook his head and said with a smile:

"There is no need to call me Your Majesty.

My God's Chosen City is different from your Yingye Tribe.

In my territory, there is always fairness. You will never be oppressed by other races. Even heroes, including me, have no right to oppress you.

All people are equal, only their professions are different."

Qi Ge's words made the Medusa nuns look at each other, which conflicted strongly with their social habits and cognition, leaving them at a loss as to what to do.

In fact, even their loyalty points have dropped by several points.

In the Yingye tribe, it is common sense that the strong have more rights and can dominate the weak.


what is that?

A Medusa nun struggled for a while, finally plucked up the courage and asked:

"Your Majesty Qige, but if we don't call you Your Majesty, what should we call you?"

Qi Ge cast an encouraging look at her and replied:

"You can call me lord, or city lord.

City Lord and Lord are both positions I currently hold.

Besides, you can also call me comrade."


"Yes! We are like-minded and gather together for common ideals and goals, so we are comrades!"

Qige looked at the slightly confused expressions of the Medusas, smiled slightly, and said:

"It may be difficult for you to understand now, but it doesn't matter.

When you arrive at the God’s Chosen City, observe with your eyes and feel with your heart.”

At this moment, a Medusa nun asked coquettishly:

"Your Majesty Qige, but I still want to call you Your Majesty, what should I do?"

"Then just call. What's the big deal?

You all have the right not to call me Your Majesty, and you certainly have the right to call me Your Majesty."

"Ah! That's great. I'm more used to calling you Your Majesty."

"Yes, yes, Your Majesty Qi Ge, it sounds so good."

Qi Ge watched the Medusas regain their vitality and breathed a sigh of relief.

This step is the most difficult, but it must be done.

Otherwise, if the Medusas attack the goblins out of their minds, the territory will be in chaos.

The Medusa family is different from the fairies who were oppressed and exploited.

Medusa of the Yingye Tribe is a well-deserved privileged class, a race that stands at the top of the entire underground world.

Both the caveman and the evil eye are slaves of the Yingye tribe.

Whether the Medusas can integrate into the God's Chosen City is also a major challenge to the God's Chosen City.

But Qi Ge is confident.

The egalitarian, lively and cheerful culture of my own territory is definitely contagious enough.

Just get through the dangerous early days.

On the way to God's Choice City, Qi Ge told Huo Guo that she should restrain her tribe and not conflict with the goblins in God's Choice City.

Firefly was very interested in Qi Ge's order.

She stopped Medusa's team on the spot and issued a serious ban.

Firefly's prestige is still very high, and all Medusas chose to obey orders without losing their loyalty and favor.

After that, Qige took the Medusas back to the City of God's Choice while trying to find ways to get closer to the Medusas.

Qi Ge has a good temper, has no airs about him, and is handsome, so he quickly "fights" with the Medusas.

The Medusas were also very happy to get close to the seven pigeons. They surrounded the seven pigeons and rubbed them with their arms and chests from time to time to express their love.

Qi Dove has extraordinary charm, elegant and humorous conversation, and profound knowledge. Many Medusa nuns have some changes in their eyes when they look at Qi Dove.

Qi Ge took a look at the system prompts and troop templates and had an idea.

Now the Medusas' favorability towards him has all risen to over 80, but their loyalty is only about 60. Only the Fluorescent Fruit has the highest loyalty, reaching 90 points.

In fact, it’s easy to understand. Whether you like it or not is another matter.

Loyalty gradually increases, first increase your favorability!

Qi Ge thought for a while, clapped his hands and said:

"Everyone, please be quiet and listen to the story I tell you, City Lord.

By the way, in the Medusa clan, there once was a legendary hero named Bai Jie. She also had a good sister, a great hero named Shi Qing.

When Bai Jie was young, she was almost destroyed by the invasion of Chaos. Fortunately, a great half-elf hero named Xu Abin saved Bai Jie.

Bai Jie flooded the Chaos Jinshan Temple and destroyed the [Great Power of Chaos Dragon]. Another Medusa, Shiqing, took the opportunity to smash the Chaos Tower and rescued Xu Abin.

From then on, Abin, Bai Jie and Shiqing lived a happy life together without shame."

The story told by the seven pigeons was vivid and fascinating, and the Medusas were fascinated and fascinated by it.

"The Legend of Bai Jie and the Legend of Shi Qing are so amazing. I will also work hard to become a legendary hero Medusa."

"If His Majesty Qi Ge is arrested, I will also rescue His Majesty Qi Ge, and then I will not be ashamed with His Majesty Qi Ge."

Qi Ge was ashamed: "Here, set the goal higher and let's work together so that I won't be caught?"


A group of Medusas covered their mouths and laughed, and the air was filled with a happy atmosphere.

[System prompt: The favorability of Sister Medusa's light stick towards you is 6, currently 92]

[System prompt: Sister Medusa Yingbing’s favorability towards you is 4, currently 91]

After telling a story, the favorability of all Medusa nuns will be improved.

Qi Ge was very satisfied.

Telling stories to deceive little girls is a really useful trick that works repeatedly!

"Your Majesty Qi Ge, there is danger ahead."

At this moment, Fluorescent Fruit squeezed Qi Ge's palm and signaled.

Qi Ge dropped his playful smile, stretched out his hand and clenched his fist in the air, shouting: "Stop the whole army."

The Medusas stopped immediately as they ordered and forbade them.

This made Qi Ge very satisfied.

Medusas are lively and lively, and their obedience to orders is extremely high.

"Your Majesty Qi Ge, on that cliff."

He took out his telescope and looked ahead.

The cliff in front is a typical 90-degree angle, which is firm and steep. The surface of the cliff reveals weathered rock formations, showing a gradient color from light to dark.

The bottom of the cliff is covered with dense ivy, layer upon layer, full of greenery.

Surrounded by the ivy, a creature whose whole body was covered with moss and whose body was highly decomposed could be vaguely seen.

Cemetery force, level 2 and level 4 hidden troops, rot plague zombie ( rot plague zombie )

【Rotten plague zombies

Cemetery power


Level: 4

Quality: hidden








Rotten Strike: After each successful attack or counterattack, the enemy's defense and attack power are reduced by 3 points each until they reach 0. The effect cannot be dispelled.

Plague Spread: When a rotten plague zombie dies, it will spread its plague energy to other friendly undead.

Give it a maximum life limit of 10, 8 damage, and the special skill: Plague Spread.

The number of layers of plague spread can be infinitely stacked.】

It’s actually a rotten plague zombie!

This unit is the most difficult to deal with among all the cemetery force units.

of a category.

Because its plague spreading stunt is extremely rogue.

As long as there is only 1 Rotten Plague Zombie in each team, and 10,000 Skeleton Soldiers in each team.

Once the Rotten Plague Zombie dies, it can still give 10,000 skeleton soldiers 10 maximum health and 8 damage.

This is the most disgusting thing about the Rotten Plague Zombies.

The body color of the rotten plague zombie itself is dark green, and it is mixed with the ivy. There are even some vines that penetrate into its highly festered body like a candied haws.

Their bodies are also covered with moss, adding a layer of protection. Their green eyes are motionless and well hidden.

In this case, the fluorescent fruit can actually detect the existence of rotten plague zombies, which is really not easy.

Qige glanced at the fluorescent fruit approvingly and said:

"Very good, Fluorescent Fruit, you observed your surroundings very carefully."

Fluorescent Fruit chuckled and said, "No, it's just that my eyes have been special since I was a child.

I can see the temperature changing."


Qi Ge was stunned and quickly opened the properties panel of the fluorescent fruit.

【Fluorescent Fruit

Level 4 Medusa Priest, half-hero unit.

Exclusive stunts:

Keen Eyes: Vision 4, can see temperature, magic concentration, can see through some stealth and camouflage, and has enhanced petrification ability.】

I see!

Far-infrared thermal imaging magic x-ray? Doesn’t small penetration count?

A born detective hero?

No, it's not just investigation.

Being able to see the concentration of magic power will also be of great help in learning magic. Those who can see the temperature can develop into the prophecy system, which is also very helpful for scientific research.

Fluorescent fruits have great potential.

Qi Ge nodded and kept this in mind.


Qi Ge clapped his hands and said:

"This is our first time fighting side by side. Let's all concentrate and prepare to start. Let us teach those minions of Chaos a lesson!"


The Medusa nuns immediately entered the state, took out their long bows from their backs, and got ready to go.

These are the arms of the Yasha world.

Even a delicate girl has terrifying fighting power and fighting qualities.

The moment they advance, the power engraved in their genes will let them know how to fight.

They are natural fighting machines and can become ruthless gods of death without any training.

Qi Ge nodded and took out the archery bow. With his extremely superb archery skills, Qi Ge accurately hit the eyeball of the rotting plague zombie!

[System prompt: The sneak attack is successful, you will get an extra round of action opportunities, the enemy's morale will be -2, and you will enter combat mode!]

Under the control of the Seven Pigeons, the 100 Medusa nuns were divided into two teams of 50 and 50. The fluorescent fruit was a single team, and the other three teams were the harpies and a team of centaur marksmen.

The site is a common plain terrain, 120*120.

Huh? The venue is the wrong size!

Qi Ge reacted immediately and took on a difficult challenge!

The Rotten Plague Zombie itself is a hidden unit at level 2 and level 4.

As long as the number of difficult ones in the first stage is not increased, it means that the enemy will have at least 5 levels of soldiers!

But don't command Medusa to fight for the first time and end up running away.

If people's hearts are lost, how can they lead the team in the future?

Don't be too strong, don't be too strong!

Qi Ge took a deep breath, glanced at the enemy, and quickly identified the target among the enemies.

His heart skipped a beat, it was broken, it was a level 5 miracle.

ps: Thousands of words, please give monthly votes to speed up the hamster update.


There will be 1,000 votes soon, more votes will be added for 1,000 votes!

This chapter has been completed!
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