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296 Church of Miracles


The huge fairy waterwheel stirred up waves of water!

"Haha!! I'm number one!"

Sister Medusa, who was the first to arrive at the Fairy Waterwheel, was fished out of the barrel of the Fairy Waterwheel.

She sat on the wooden barrel of the fairy waterwheel and flew high, shouting excitedly, and the cheers spread across the Lunhe River.

Petra stuck her head out of the skylight above [Leroy King] and shouted:

“What you see now is the top spot in the ranking of the most popular tourist projects in our God’s Choice City!

Water Ferris wheel!!! (Super loud!)

The Water Ferris Wheel has always been the most popular attraction among our fairies.

There is a long queue of fairies waiting to experience the water Ferris wheel every day.

So far, the water Ferris wheel has set a record of running continuously for one week and six days regardless of day or night!

With the popularity of the water Ferris wheel, it can be foreseen that the water ferris wheel will not have time to rest for a long time in the future.

Ah, in order to fulfill the wishes of our fairies, the Water Ferris Wheel works hard without complaining and never complains about being tired.

It’s so great!”

Petra exaggeratedly wiped away non-existent tears and continued:

"Comrades of the embassy, ​​don't be anxious, line up and come one by one.

You must pay attention to safety and never think of trying to squeeze two Medusas into a wooden barrel."


Seven Pigeons drove the Nautilus and walked on the bottom of the Whirlpool Sea.

The golden river sand under the sea is sparkling and mesmerizing.

Yinghe opened his eyes wide and looked up with curiosity.

One after another, ships of various types shuttle back and forth on the surface of the Whirlpool Sea. Looking from the water, you can clearly see the white foam produced when the waves ripple.

Qi Ge was a little curious when he saw the Milky Way, so he introduced:

"The bottom of the ship is wrapped with iron sheets, which is the symbol of the merchant ship with the tower.

The tower is used as a machine shop to manufacture ships, which can be mass-produced.

Galaxy, you see, the 16 ships that just passed were all part of the same fleet.

Although the merchant ships with this kind of tower have poor combat effectiveness, their output per unit time is high.

Caravans can be formed into large fleets to increase profits every time they go to sea.

The popularity of tin boats in the towers is inseparable from the social environment of the towers.

The tower's mass production factory can produce large quantities of goods every year.

The local digestion capacity of the tower is limited, and a large amount of materials cannot be digested every year.

To digest these excess supplies, a large number of ships are needed to transport the supplies to other forces in exchange for gold coins and resources.

The traditional ship production process that relies on manpower, although the quality of the ships produced is very good, is too slow and the supply is always in short supply.

The tower had no choice but to use factory production methods to produce iron boats with limited combat effectiveness as a supplement."

Yinghe asked curiously: "Brother Admiral, what if the tower's fleet encounters the enemy at sea?

A ship like the one just now, Galaxy feels like I can smash it into pieces with just a light bump from the Silver Spirit!"

Qi Ge smiled slightly and said: "Although a caravan like a Titan cannot afford to hire one, there are mages, djinn and naga in the tower.

Naga is a master of naval warfare and has strong combat power. Djinns and mages can assist Naga as spellcasting units. Coupled with a large number of ship cannons, it is enough for the tower's fleet to deal with some weak enemies."

"What if we encounter a strong enemy?"

"Pay the ransom or wait for death.

A mass-produced ship means poor performance, and poor performance means that it cannot outrun others and cannot defeat others.

If even the ransom to clear the way doesn't work, they have no other option but to wait for death.

However, the mages in the tower all have one characteristic: they are not afraid of death, they are afraid of poverty.

Therefore, iron boats are popular in the world."

Little Galaxy suddenly understood and said:

"Oh~~Yinhe understands! If Yinhe becomes a pirate in the future, he will focus on the merchant ships in the tower and rob them!"

Qige's mood was complicated. Who taught this child bad things?

"You can't just focus on the merchant ships in the tower. If the tower is rushed, it will be very troublesome to send military warships."

You can also rob the merchant ships in hell, cemetery, and dungeon!

Except for the elements, the fortress, and Erathia, the merchant ships of other forces will definitely not be able to defeat the Silver Spirit, and they can be robbed at will."

"Oh!! Brother Admiral, Yinhe is useless!"

"Pronounce it accurately and learn it!"

"tuition fee!"

In his previous life, Qi Ge liked to come to the Whirlpool Sea the most to see the scenery, watch the ships coming and going, identify the ships from various forces, and pick out his prey.

During the boring time of running a business, it is also a good job to occasionally make a guest appearance as a sea hunter.

In his previous life, Qi Ge wanted to catch up with the first echelon as quickly as possible, but his economic foundation was not good. He often had soldiers but no money to advance, so he had no choice but to take advantage of the sidelines.

Later, the trading network with Avili was opened, and Qige was no longer short of money.

"But robbing is addictive, and I can't quit it!"

Qige took Yinhe for a long circle in the Whirlpool Sea, and recognized all the ships except for the elemental city and the stronghold, and then returned to the territory with satisfaction.

As soon as he emerged from the coconut vortex, system prompts came one after another.

[System prompt: Ying Huishu’s level of loyalty to you is 6, currently 82]

[System prompt: Yinghun’s loyalty to you is 4, currently 88]

Qi Ge raised the corner of his mouth slightly. He probably guessed what project the Medusa tour group was involved in.


A Medusa nun walked out of the prophet's hut thoughtfully, looking back from time to time.

Sister Medusa sighed.

She recalled Stig in the prophet's hut, feeling sad.

"His Majesty Qi Ge's strength is truly unfathomable.

Under his command, there are two legendary heroes shown in front of us! And they are both beautiful and lovely girls!"

Stig's jade-white scales, piercing big eyes, soft and slender waist, strong and powerful tail, and sharp white teeth all made her feel ashamed.

She originally thought that the most beautiful woman in the world must be their Queen Yingye, but she never expected that she would actually see two girls in a row in Qige's territory who were not inferior to Her Majesty the Queen.

His Majesty Fei Rui and His Majesty Stig are not only equal in strength to His Majesty Yingye, but they even have different appearance, making them indistinguishable.

"Alas, even the two legendary heroes willingly became His Majesty Qi Ge's subordinates.

What value can we have to His Majesty Qi Ge?"

Sister Medusa sighed again.

She felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

The life she had originally dreamed of, monopolizing His Majesty Qi Ge, and living a life without shame for His Majesty Qi Ge was completely gone.

The fluorescent fruit sat in front of the table, feeling uneasy and twitching its tail.

The crystal ball in Stig's hand was floating in front of the fluorescent fruit, spinning slowly.

In the crystal ball, the colorful light changes constantly.

Finally, all the light in the crystal ball converged into one color - rose red.

Stig stuck out his tongue and said: "Lucky little guy, your love fortune is rose-colored!

Roses represent that you will have a love that will make you fall passionately in love in the near future, and you can enjoy great happiness from it.

But you have to be aware that great pleasure often hides great danger.

Excessive demands may hurt your partner."

Stig took a deep look at the fluorescent fruit and said in a deep voice:

"Be in moderation!"

The fluorescent fruit's face was flushed, its tail swung from side to side frequently, and it nodded excitedly and said:

"Thank you, Lord Prophet! I understand!"

Seeing the fluorescent fruit happily swimming out of the prophet's cabin, Stieg suddenly fell down on the table tiredly.

Divining love luck for all 101 Medusas, even though it was just a simple crystal ball divination method, still consumed a lot of her energy.

"Will doing this kind of thing really help save Tartaglia? Master Qi Ge is not lying to me, is he?"

Stig quickly shook his head and denied himself:

"Hmm! No! It won't be.

Lord Qi Ge is the darling of fate, there must be some deep meaning in his actions that I haven’t yet understood!”

Stig once again denied himself:

"However, I couldn't tie Master Qi Ge with my body, so I still felt uneasy.

Milola Divine Envoy’s last plan…”

Stig said, suddenly looking back at the hive behind him.

The goddess will not let me take medicine.

Stig felt wronged, but Stig couldn't say it.

Stig had no choice but to lie down and hug his tail pitifully.

The Medusa envoys walked through the quiet and solemn [Pumu Forest],

Have fun rafting in the lively [Lunhe Forest],

Listen to the lecture at the "Three Heroes of Fairies" where history is written,

Chase fish in the [Magic Fish Pond] where magic surges.

How happy the Medusas are at dusk, how shocking they are at night.

The mysterious [Prophet's Cabin], the divine [Magic Church], and the magnificent [Grand Temple].

Three consecutive baptisms allowed the Medusas to fully understand the details of the God's Chosen City, and also planted the seeds of awe in their hearts.

After arriving at the Cabbage King Farm, the Medusas finally relaxed a little.

But when they saw the cabbages that were bigger than their bodies and the skeleton soldiers working hard in the fields, they became uneasy again.

Petra held a notebook in her hand and crossed out her sightseeing plans one by one.

He walked up to Fluorescent Fruit and asked: "Comrade Ambassador, follow our original plan.

We still have two projects left to complete.

They are the Cabbage King Farmhouse and the midnight bonfire dinner. After that, I will lead you to the resting place to rest.

What do you think? Are you satisfied with today's itinerary?"

The fluorescent fruit was looking at the skeleton soldiers working in the fields in ecstasy. When he heard Petra's words, he suddenly woke up and said:

"Ah, I don't have any objections.

Satisfied, I am very satisfied!

Sorry, I just got distracted."

Petra pushed her eyes and said:

“You don’t need to worry, it’s normal to feel tired after a busy day.

But I see that you seem to be very interested in Cabbage King Farm.

I wonder what makes you so curious?”

The fluorescent fruit pointed at the working skeleton soldiers and said with emotion:

"Actually, I was just looking at these skeleton soldiers.

The Chosen City is really amazing.

In our Yingye tribe, skeleton soldiers are stupid, irrational, and only know how to destroy and wander.

Cave people are cowardly, silent, and depressed.

But in God's Chosen City, everything is full of vitality.

The cave people are energetic, strong, cheerful and lively.

There are even spellcasting units!

Even your skeleton soldiers look more energetic than our skeleton soldiers, this is really..."

The fluorescent fruit seemed surprised and exclaimed: "This is really amazing!"

Petra laughed and replied:

"The magic is not God's Chosen City, but our Lord Seven Pigeons.

He is the source of all miracles and the source of all beauty.

With Lord Qi Ge here, everything will become different.

We are united under the banner of Lord Qi Ge and are full of hope for life and the future, so we are full of energy.

We live in Lord Qi Ge's territory and enjoy tranquility and peace, so we are cheerful and lively.

Comrade Ambassador, can you imagine?

Some time ago, I was a little goblin working hard in the waterwheel, and those cavemen were also poor people struggling to survive in the windmill.

All these changes were brought about by Master Qi Ge.

He is the source of miracles, and the territory where Master Qi Ge is present is the place of miracles that produce miracles!"

Qinghuo Guo recalled the feeling of being commanded by Qi Ge and the wonderful night he spent with Qi Ge. He put his hands on his chest and agreed:

"Yes, His Majesty Qi Ge is the embodiment of miracles.

Vast forests, clear rivers, violent seas, distant ancestors, mysterious prophets, the great goddess of magic, and even Mother Yasha all favor His Majesty Qi Dove.

If His Majesty Qi Ge is not a miracle, there should be no miracles in this world!

It's a pity that I have chosen the path of studying science, otherwise I think I will definitely become a believer of His Majesty the Seven Doves.

I can pray day and night for the blessing of His Majesty the Seven Doves, and follow His Majesty the Seven Doves to find the truth of the world.

What a beautiful thing it is.”

Petra suddenly felt a little closer to the fluorescent fruit!

He said happily: "I can feel that your admiration for Master Qige is not fake!

Comrade Ambassador, no matter what race or gender you are, as long as you worship Lord Qige, we are half-brothers and half-sisters!

Miracle Church, I wonder if you are interested in learning more about it?"

"Church of Miracles?"

"Yes, it was organized voluntarily by the citizens of our God's Chosen City and believes in Lord Qi Ge's religion.

The only purpose of the church is to obey Lord Qi Ge’s orders and strive to build a better territory for Lord Qi Ge.”

All orders must be obeyed by Master Qi Ge!!!

Got it!

Fluorescent Fruit felt like his sensitive spot had been poked.

She was overjoyed and said: "I'm interested! Please be sure to introduce it to me in detail!"


[System prompt: Semi-heroic unit fluorescent fruit, loyalty to you is 10, current 150 (fanatical)]

Qi Ge paused as he was heading to the [Centaur Campfire Tent Group]. He opened the system record in confusion and was surprised.

"The loyalty of the fluorescent fruit is 150?! Has it risen so quickly?

Is the effect of the welcome ceremony so significant?”

Qi Ge quickly checked the loyalty of other Medusa nuns and found that they were all around 80, which was not beyond Qi Ge's expectations.

So why does the loyalty of the fluorescent fruit rise so quickly?

Could it be that... the fluorescent fruit especially likes to ride on the fairy waterwheel?


ps: The mother hamster is sick, and the hamster has been busy all day in distress.

I came back from the hospital just after 8 o'clock.

There is no time to correct the typos, so please bear with me.

This chapter has been completed!
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