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300 Mermaids arrive.

When Clarence saw Qi Ge and Wolfs coming together, he quickly ran out of the car enthusiastically and helped Qi Ge open the car door.

While Qi Ge greeted Clarence warmly, he asked Wolfs to sit in the trunk with him, preparing to explain something to Wolfs.

The goblin chariot started slowly. Wolfs sat opposite Qi Ge, holding a small notebook and carefully memorizing Qi Ge's instructions.

"Wolfs, after you arrive at the tower, you must also remember to treat people with kindness. After you build a goblin tavern, whether they are foreign goblins or goblins who are close to you, you must treat a bowl of water equally.

Appoint people on their merits, not nepotism.

Only by grasping this point can you build a strong enough intelligence organization in the complex environment of the tower.

After you return to the Falling Moon Territory, don't rush to expand the size of the fairy tavern. Open them one by one.

Be aware that haste makes waste.

This man is prone to problems quickly, ah, don’t remember this sentence.

You have to wait until Koruoke comes to Fallen Moon Territory to assist you before spreading it out in large numbers."

"Yes, Lord City Lord, I understand!"

Wolfs wrote on the paper with a serious look:

"Master Qi Ge said, not too fast."

"Also, after arriving at the Moon Falling Territory, we must pay attention to these people.

The first one is Paul, the boss of the Falling Moon Slave Chamber of Commerce.

Behind him is Eschar, who can be regarded as one of Eschar's wealth-making tools.

You should pay special attention to the movements of these people, report any news in a timely manner, and do not have direct conflict with them. Take one step at a time if you can tolerate it.

This is not to say that we are afraid of them, but you are in the tower and I am afraid that I am beyond my reach and you will be gone before I can get there.

Don’t worry, as long as you report it in time, no matter how much loss you suffer, I can make them pay back twice as much.”

Wolfs looked serious and wrote seriously:

"The city lord has a long whip and is beyond your reach."

"In addition, there is a small chamber of commerce in Luoyuelian called Xinyuezhihua, and the current president of the chamber of commerce is a 16-year-old girl.

Right now, her Happy Flower Merchant Guild should be on the verge of bankruptcy.

There is some connection between her and me. It would be great if you could help me.

If you really can't help her, her chamber of commerce is still bankrupt. If possible, you can arrange for her to do some light work like the front desk.

If she doesn't do well, don't be polite.

Don't be too indulgent to her just because she has a relationship with me. Criticizing her once in a while can be regarded as a precautionary measure."

Wolfs deeply understood the meaning of the seven pigeons, and drew a big circle on the paper, with the following words in the circle:

"President of the Flower of Joy, grandma, please offer it."

In the Chosen City, the Cemetery City Wall, and beside the Gold Coast, on Wolfs' merchant ship, goblins of all sizes are busy making preparations for the voyage.

Wolfs stood on the shore and said goodbye to the seven pigeons.

"Lord City Lord, my trip will be completed according to your plan, to the letter!

Don't worry, sir, I have written down everything in detail with a pen, and I guarantee that nothing will be missed!"

Qi Ge gently patted Wolfs on the shoulder and said:

"I can rest assured that you will do the work.

The things you need to take notes on with paper are the ones just mentioned, but I have one more sentence that needs people’s hearts to remember.”

Wolfs bent down and nodded solemnly: "Sir, please tell me!"

"You need to know that no matter how important the plan is, it can only be completed if you are alive.

All courses of action are inferior to saving lives.

Life safety comes first."

Wolfs felt warm in his heart and said respectfully: "Yes, Lord City Lord."

Qi Ge took out four treasures from his backpack, lined them up one by one, and said seriously:

"Disposable treasure, [Escape Doll].

If you are pulled into the battle space and cannot be defeated, don't hesitate to use it immediately.

This is one of the very few escape props that can be used by soldiers.

When you are escaping, remember to shout: Hero, please spare your life, I will not dare to do it next time, maybe it will be miraculous."

Wolfs was stunned. Treasures that can force heroes to escape from battle are not common, but treasures that can be used by soldiers are very cherished.

He had only heard of this kind of treasure, and only heroes above the master level had the financial resources to prepare it for their direct descendants.

The value of this treasure alone is higher than myself.

Do I deserve such a precious treasure?

Wolfs didn't react until Qige put the [Escape Doll] into his hand.

Qi Ge continued to explain:

"[Xunyin Conch], a strange object.

You can contact me almost anywhere in Asia and there is no distance limit.

Can be used twice a week.”

"[Early Warning Owl], a strange object.

I have put on a rope for you. You can hang it around your neck and carry it with you. If a creature that is malicious to you approaches, the cat's head sound will sound an alarm.

However, please note that it is not effective for heroes above master level.

So you can’t just relax your vigilance because you think there are warning owls.”

"[Secret Potion], an alchemical potion, can put you into a stealth state after drinking it.

Troops and heroes that are not strong enough or do not have anti-stealth capabilities will not be able to detect you.

But please note that sneaking does not mean disappearing. Careful people may discover your presence through clues in the surrounding environment.

There are 6 bottles of [Secret Potion] in total, try to use them together with [Early Warning Owl]."

Wolfs felt a lump in his throat.

Neither the [Escape Doll] nor the [Early Warning Owl] are things that people of his class can come into contact with.

[Secret Potion] is a god-level life-saving potion that can only be produced by legendary pharmacists. The patrolling conch that can be contacted throughout the continent is something Wolfs has never heard of.

If Qi Ge was just talking, he would just listen casually, and if he could be slightly moved, he would already be giving Qi Ge a lot of face.

But Qi Ge proved with his actions that what he said was true.

"The Lord of Qige City is really trying his best to help himself survive."

Wolfs hung the warning owl around his neck and listened to Brother Seven talking about the importance of saving his life, feeling filled with emotion.

I'm just a prisoner.

If it were someone else, even if I joined the other party's force, the other party wouldn't pay much attention to me.

In fact, Wolfs has already been prepared to act like a bull and a horse to prove his sincerity.

Wolfs is a descendant of a declining aristocracy. He is used to seeing villains in the Everfall Territory who tend to be swayed by others. He is also used to reading "The Theory of Values" and the black-hearted lord who will blame and kill donkeys at the slightest disagreement.

In his opinion, that is the norm.

But the Lord of the City treated me so openly as one of his own.

What could be more important than this kind of kindness?

A man will die for a man who knows himself, and a woman will live for a man who pleases her.

Wolfs seemed to understand why both Petra and Koroko were so loyal to the Seven Pigeons.

He silently decided in his heart that he would never betray Qi Ge, but would follow Qi Ge and die for him in this life.

[System prompt: Wolfs’ favorability towards you is 20, currently 109 (live and die together)]

[System prompt: Wolfs’ loyalty to you is 20, currently 116 (loyal)]

Qi Ge heard the system prompt, ignored it, and continued to explain endlessly.

He didn't stop until Wolfs patted his chest and promised him that he wouldn't mess around and would put his own life first.

no way.

Wolfs' line is not part of Seven Pigeons' plan. If Wolfs meets again, it will be extremely difficult to find a suitable replacement.

But Wolfs was not a very knowledgeable subordinate, so Qi Ge could only waste more words.

As for the props for Wolfs...

Licking the box, I am a professional, Sir Mrak is awesome!

As a life-saving tool for Wolfs, Qi Ge also has a backpack.

Qi Ge and Clarence watched as Wolfs' boat gradually sailed towards the coconut whirlpool. They did not prepare to return to their territory until they saw the shadow of the boat disappear.

As a result, Seven Pigeons had to turn back just as they set off.

"Lord Qi Ge, a big wave suddenly rose in the sea behind us!"

Clarence looked in the rearview mirror and yelled hastily.

Big waves. Waves! Where are the big waves?!

Qi Ge quickly turned around, and on the golden sea, a huge wave was overwhelming, rushing toward Qi Ge's territory.


This is not a big wave, this is a tsunami!

No, if it was a tsunami, why didn’t the system prompt a natural disaster?

Could it be that……

Qi Ge's eyes lit up and he quickly said:

"Clarence, turn around quickly, it's possible the mermaid is coming."


Clarence pulled the steering wheel and applied the handbrake and brake at the same time.

"Boom boom boom!"

The magic engine of the fairy chariot suddenly made a violent sound, and the entire fairy chariot stopped suddenly and turned 180 degrees on the spot!

Qi Ge rolled from the left to the right in the carriage and was hit on the head.

"Master Qi Ge, how are you? I'm pretty good at driving, right?"

Petra asked proudly.

Qige kept taking deep breaths and told herself not to be angry.

The goblin chariot used to be so full that no matter how much Clarence did any stunts, the goblins inside would not be hit. At most, they would be crushed miserably.

So Qi Ge not only did not criticize Clarence, but also encouraged him loudly: "Clarence, good job, just keep going like this."

The next time I visit Keruoke, I’ll do this as well.”

"Received! Don't worry, Lord Qi Ge, I will work hard to practice my skills!"


very good!

After my neighbor's kid dismantled my Gundam, I encouraged him in the same way. Later, he dismantled the drone his father bought with two years of private money.

That cry made the neighborhood committee aunt and the police think that his father was a child abuser.

When they arrived at the beach, Qi Ge couldn't help but jump out of the car and kindly asked Clarence to go back to the territory first, while he stood on the edge of the beach of the Golden Sea and waited quietly.

As Qi Ge expected, the closer the tsunami got to the Gold Coast, the slower it became and the waves became smaller.

By the time the tsunami hit the beach, there was only one water flower left.

The water splash was like the tongue of Medusa, playfully licking Qi Ge's shoeless feet. It was ice cold and itchy at the same time.

On the surface of the Golden Sea, a colorful bubble is rising.

In the bubble, Bingqing was wearing blue ice armor, holding an ice sculpture staff in his hand and looking at Qige.

Qi Ge noticed that she was trying very hard to smile, and the corners of her mouth were twitching slightly.

Unfortunately, her facial nerves seemed to be out of control, stubbornly refusing her master's orders.

Only then did Qige remember that Hai Pingguo had said that other mermaids thought that Bingqing had a cold temperament because she practiced ice magic.

In fact, it's not true. Bingqing just doesn't know why, but her face is a little paralyzed and her facial expression is very stiff.

But she is actually a good mermaid who is cold on the outside and warm on the inside. She is warmer on the inside than other mermaids (meaning she is kind-hearted).

The considerate Qige quickly thought of a way to ease Bingqing's embarrassment and was the first to say:

"Bingqing, it's you who came in person."

Seeing Qi Ge speak first, Bingqing breathed a sigh of relief and no longer forced herself to smile. She nodded expressionlessly and said:

"Mother has a very valuable gift to give you. Thank you for saving my sister."

Qi Ge had a thought in his mind.

Very valuable?! Could it be the surprise Hai Apple said?

Bingqing raised his staff high, the ocean stretched out, and a huge sharp-horned conch was rising.

The sharp-horned conch is as tall as a three-story building in the previous life, and the mouth of the conch occupies an area about the size of two basketball courts.

The screw mouth is very large, but it becomes more and more pointed as it goes up. When it reaches the top position, it is only as big as a tea cup.

The whole body of the conch is covered with a large number of corals, sea rocks, shells, and algae. It is colorful and colorful, as if it has sunk at the bottom of the sea for hundreds of years.

Qi Ge noticed that a newly dead coral skeleton on the conch was firmly stuck to the conch by a translucent mucus. The mucus wrapped the coral skeleton layer by layer and wrapped part of the colorful and wonderful seawater in it.

Gradually dye the coral skeleton.

Could this be it!!

An idea suddenly popped up in Qi Ge's mind, and this idea spread uncontrollably in Qi Ge's mind.

At this moment, several ugly crabs that looked like ugly crabs, all covered in blisters, poked their heads out of the opening of the conch shell.

They kept spitting small transparent bubbles in their mouths, and their protruding eyes rotated 360 degrees, looking around curiously.

A pink octopus tentacle suddenly stretched out from the sharp-horned conch, entangled several marsh crabs, and rolled them back into the conch.

It’s actually a marsh crab!!

Seven pigeons are ecstatic!!!

Bingqing raised her head slightly. Although her face was still expressionless, Brother Qi could feel that she was somewhat proud in her heart.

"There are 200 marsh crabs in total, and a pendant octopus accompanying the marsh crabs.

This is the gift your mother gives you.

Ever since you and your mother first met and mentioned that you were an architect, she had guessed that you were likely to be interested in these two creatures.

Although the marsh crab and pendant octopus are both on the protection list of our mermaid clan, only the highest-level Neptune Medal can be redeemed.

But considering that you helped our mermaid family figure out the reproduction problem that has troubled us for thousands of years, my mother made an exception and gave you the marsh crab and the pendant octopus to represent the friendship between our mermaid family and you!"

But Bingqing was so proud that she was able to puff out her breasts.

Qi Ge was also extremely happy. After learning the truth about the architect in his life, he completely understood the value of the marsh crab.

This is a powerful logistics race that was born with the talent of architects!

Although only marine buildings can be constructed, their value is equally immeasurable.

Qi Ge said with a bright smile on his face

"I really like this surprise!

Please help me tell Your Majesty the Miko that next time we meet, I will give you a good gift in return!

Thank you also for your escort all the way so that this treasure can reach my hands intact."

After being praised by Qige, Bingyin turned her face sideways and spoke in a softer voice:

"If you like me, your mother will be very happy when she finds out.

By the way, I have also delivered the batch of mermaids that I agreed to deliver to you.

Considering our relationship with you and the wishes of the clan members, the mermaid sent this time is the Sea Wind Chime Tribe where you stayed last time."


As Bingyin was talking, several little mermaids suddenly popped up from the sea, and the water slid into the sea along their wet hair. They were the ones Qi Ge saved from Wolfs.

As soon as they saw the seven pigeons, they screamed impatiently.

"Wow! He's a handsome big brother!"

"It's the big brother who saved us last time!"

"Take him back and be his father!"

"Yes, take him back and be his father."

"But I will be an adult next year. I will take my eldest brother back to be my father. My mother will be happy. What should I do?"

"Dad, we can use it too! He's not his biological father!"

"It makes sense, take him back and make him a handsome father!"

Bingqing clutched her stomach, obviously wanting to laugh, but she couldn't laugh and her face turned red from holding it in.

Qi Ge had a black line on his head. He walked a little further into the sea, and the water just covered Qi Ge's knees.

The little mermaids all gathered around the feet of the seven pigeons, some pulled in front, and some pushed from behind, trying with all their strength to push the seven pigeons into the sea.

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble. Children, where is your mother?"

“Moms are sorting out their new homes!”

"No one cares about us."

"We're going to find dad."

"He's not a father yet, but he's still a handsome big brother."

"Just take it back!"

"Yes! Take him back and be his father."

The little guys talked to each other and started pushing the seven pigeons into the sea again.

Damn, you little guys still remember your original intentions.

Qi Ge picked up several little mermaids with one hand, and threw them one by one into the water polo next to Bingqing, regardless of their struggling with their fish tails.

"Princess Bingqing, I need to work hard on you and send these naughty little guys back.

Take me down there with you by the way."

"no problem."

Bingyin waved his staff and a water ball enveloped Qi Ge.

The seven pigeons followed Bingyin's water ball all the way to the bottom of the deep sea, and the marsh crab's pointed conch was dragged behind them by Bingqing's magic.

Soon, a huge sea snail shell appeared in Qi Ge's field of vision.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining "Mermaid Tribe Sea Wind Chime"]

[System prompt: "Sea Wind Bell Tribe" has been added to the list of villages in the God's Chosen City. 】

[System prompt: The Swamp Crab's residence has been added to the God's Chosen City.]

As the system prompt sounded, a list instantly opened on Qige's map.

The Sea Wind Bell Tribe and the entire surrounding sea area are included in the territory of Qige.

Several mermaids who were decorating sea snail shells with water plants of various colors smiled when they saw the seven pigeons, swam up quickly, and said hello in a sweet voice:

"His Royal Highness Bingqing, His Majesty the King of the Sea!"

Qi Ge raised the corners of his mouth, with a sunny smile on his handsome face, and said: "Sea bells, sea anemones...we meet again."

From today on, I am your lord.

Welcome to join our family of God’s Chosen City.”

The mermaids looked at each other and said in unison:

"Your Majesty the Sea King, please give me your advice in the future!"

[System prompt: Level 4 and Level 1 Mermaid, Sea Bell has joined your territory, God’s Choice City, current favorability is 103, loyalty is 100]

[System prompt: Level 4 and Level 2 Mermaid Cruiser, Queen of the Sea has joined your territory, God’s Chosen City, current favorability is 110, loyalty is 100]

A row of 100 loyalty makes Seven Pigeons feel refreshed.

Among them, there is both the bonus of the Sea King Medal and the value of the charm of Seven Doves.

Of course, the most important thing is that Qige has established an inseparable and intimate relationship with the mermaid of the Sea Wind Bell Tribe.

After a night of in-depth communication, there was no barrier between them.

A mermaid said with a blushing face:

"Your Majesty the Sea King! To celebrate our joining your territory, you can stay with us tonight and we will host a banquet for you."

No, please don't.

Why don't I know what you are paying attention to?

I can't agree to this. I just broke out of the Medusa tribe and I'll be paralyzed if I try again.

Both adults and children are numb.

"You have come all the way and I am the host. Instead of hosting a banquet for you, I ask you to host a banquet for me. This is outrageous!

No, absolutely not!

Besides, you have left your hometown and are unfamiliar with the world, so how can you have the ingredients to prepare a banquet?"

The mermaids laughed all of a sudden, and they all said:

"Your Majesty, you don't know that our sea snail shell is our home.

All our breeding and planting are done in sea snail shells.

The kind of wine you drank last time and the kind of leeks you ate last time will be the same."

The innocent Bingqing was completely unaware of the purpose of the mermaids asking Qi Ge to attend the dinner, and even started to persuade them:

"Lord Neptune, everyone is of the same mind.

We also picked up some delicacies along the way, many of which are very rare, and everyone wants to share them with you."

That won’t work either. Am I, Qi Ge, the kind of person who covets food and drink?

"Lord Neptune, we also found a huge sea monster egg.

His Highness Bingqing helped us investigate, but we couldn't find the mother of the sea monster eggs, so we are going to transport the sea monster eggs too.

However, the sea monster eggs are too heavy, and our four sisters are now helping to transport them, so they can only arrive at night."

Huge sea monster egg!

Could it be the egg of some high-level military unit?

Qi Ge asked with great interest: "How big is it?"

"More than five meters high!"

An egg is more than five meters high, and the giant soldiers are stable.

Qi Ge refused again and again, but finally couldn't refuse the invitation and agreed to the mermaids' invitation.

Bingqing sent Qi Ge back to the shore and said to Qi Ge:

"Lord Neptune, please don't forget the banquet tonight!"

"No problem, I won't forget it."

If Master Aged is successfully promoted to legend today, he will hold a sea banquet on the sea.

It can not only celebrate the joining of the mermaid family, but also celebrate the teacher becoming a legend, and it also allows me to get the sea monster egg.

Moreover, it is not easy for mermaids to attack people with many eyes.

The entire territory is my bodyguard!

Qi Ge was just about to return to the territory when he received an AR communication from Le Meng:

"Boss! Suddenly there is a mermaid village in our territory! Is the mermaid tribe coming?"

"Yes, I personally received it, and it has been placed on the bottom of the sea.

By the way, Xiaomeng, the seabed ore has been collected, and the [Neptune Shipyard] can start construction."

"This...boss, there may be something wrong."

This chapter has been completed!
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