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325 For the Emancipation of the Fairies

Pneumatic cars come and go, and the prices offered by the goblins are getting lower and lower each time.

Only when a temporary order is received or a goblin is injured or disabled while working, the mage will send someone to replenish some consumables.

The longer the delay, the less likely it is that the next aerodynamic car will come.

Finally, even 10 buckwheat can hire a goblin for a day.

There are many young goblins who have not persisted, saying that it is not necessary, and there are too few.

But it still couldn't stop the goblin who was about to starve to death from getting into the mage's car.

The fairies who are not yet extremely hungry can wait until tomorrow.

But those goblins who are likely to starve to death if they don't have food today can no longer afford to wait.

The fairies' bottom line is constantly being given up by themselves.

In a sense, goblins are persecuting their own kind.

If all the fairies grit their teeth and persist, the mage can only recruit 10 fairies with 3 belts of buckwheat.

However, in this case, it will definitely be the youngest goblins who get the jobs.

Were the old goblins at fault?

Nothing wrong either.

They just want to survive.

The master mage was proud of his ingenuity. He just used a little trick to save a fortune in buckwheat.

He easily turned the salary conflict between himself and the goblin into a conflict between the young goblin and the old goblin.

While the young goblin hates the old goblin, it is difficult to realize that if the status quo does not change, one day the young goblin will turn into an old goblin.

Scenes like this happen every day in Sanhe District.

The prosperity of the tower is stained with the blood of fairies.

Every Titan coin owned by Master Mage is made of goblin flesh and blood.

The sun slowly moved across the sky, getting closer and closer to the top of the Sanhe District.

The eyes of the fairies looking at the road became more hollow and desperate.


An old goblin lay down and let the warm sunlight shine into his eyes so that his heavy eyelids could close.

Snap, snap.

More and more goblins lie down and close their eyes.

Some eyes are closed and can be opened again tomorrow.

Some eyes are closed and cannot be opened again.

"It's all gone."

An old goblin said:

"It's time, there won't be any pneumatic cars coming."

The goblins numbly began to sit and lie down, looking at the sun idly, enduring their physical weakness.

They haven't dispersed, they are still waiting...

Although they know that there is a high probability that they will not be able to wait.

But they have no choice.

If nothing goes wrong and they don't starve to death, they will wait like this until tomorrow morning and squeeze into the pile of goblins selling themselves at a low price again.



"Dong dong dong!"

A goblin lying on the ground moved his ears. He raised his ears and listened carefully.

“One dong, two dong, three dong.

It’s coming! It’s coming! Grandpa Ke Ruoke is here.”

The goblin stood up, patted the shoulders of the companions around him, and excitedly told his companions what he had discovered.

The same scene kept playing out among the goblins. The originally dead goblins gradually began to come to life.

There were a few goblins who didn't know the situation, but they quickly understood it with the explanations from other goblins.

Two names are constantly mentioned in the goblin's word of mouth: Ke Ruo Ke, Hope Goblin Caravan!

Here comes hope!

There was no organizer, and there was no goblin call. Goblins, you pulled me, and I supported him, heading in the same direction.

If you look at it from the sky, you can clearly see that all the fairies are gathering towards one place.

The Garbage Valley in the Sanhe District is the dirtiest place in the entire Brilade City. Except for goblins, no other creature wants to come near this place.

But this place is the holy land of the fairies of Brilade City.

Without him, wherever the saints are, it is a holy place.

Ke Ruoke stood on a stand, surrounded by piles of golden potatoes that were almost glowing.

Around him, the goblins formed a circle, their eyes shining with light.

"Don't crowd me! I brought a lot of food this time, there's enough for everyone!"

Ke Ruoke waved her hands and shouted loudly.

But he didn't actually need to shout.

The moment the goblins saw Keruoke's gesture, they quickly dispersed and formed an orderly queue.

But Ruoke didn't bring the fairies from the Hope Fairy Caravan this time, but he wasn't worried about the lack of manpower at all.

All the fairies in the Garbage Valley were willingly commanded by him.

He randomly ordered four goblins to help him distribute the potatoes.

The fairy who was clicked seemed to have received some sacred mission, and stood beside Keruoke with an expression of glory and pride.

"Uncle Ke Ruoke!"

From the garbage valley, a trembling old goblin walked over with the support of two other young goblins.

His name is Joe Butt. He is very old and has long been unable to work in the factory.

Fortunately, when he was young, with the help of Ke Ruoke, he became the administrator of the Garbage Valley, so he could barely survive.

Ke Ruoke saw him and shouted very happily:

"Little Joe Butt! Oh, it's a good thing you're still alive.

Come! Come! Come! Eat some potatoes!"

Ke Ruoke grabbed a big potato, jumped off the table, and tried to stuff it into little Joe Butt's arms.

Joe Butt shook his head and pushed the potato away.

He said with tears in his eyes:

"Uncle Ruoke, I've been dying for a long time. I'm just holding on and want to say thank you.

In the past ten years, the goblins of Brilade City have received too many favors from you.

I don’t know how many of our generation depend on you for their survival.

Grandpa Ke Ruoke, I..."

Jobut choked and said:

"Grandpa Ruoke, we haven't done a thing for you."

Qiaobut burst into tears and threw himself into Keruoke's arms, saying:

"Uncle Ke Ruoke, from the first batch of goblins, I am the only one left now.

Lamo, Tanruo, Orpheus... they are all dead.

Before they died, they held my hand and asked me to help them say thank you.

If you haven't come yet, I don't dare to die.

It's thanks to you that we have survived these many years.

Thank you, Uncle Ke Ruoke, thank you!"

Ke Ruoke hugged Qiao Bute and patted Qiao Butt's back gently, feeling an indescribable feeling in her heart.

When he was still a level 4 trader elf, he had a lifespan of nearly 50 years.

There are many goblins like Qiao Bute who stay at the first level all their lives, with no chance to advance, and their life span is only more than ten years.

To Koroko, Joe Butte was just a child.

But like this, sending children away, Ruoke has experienced it too many times.

So much so that he has even become accustomed to it.

"I used to be powerless.

I can only endure the sadness and send those with white hair to those with black hair.

But from now on, everything will be different.

I am no longer the ordinary trading elf I used to be."

Qiaobut vented his anger and let out a sigh of relief. He felt as if his body was about to collapse and pain was everywhere in his body.

He grabbed Keruoke's hand with nostalgia and said:

"Grandpa Ruoke, please leave the potatoes to your children. It would be a waste for me to eat them.

Even if you leave one more space, it is good. If you leave one more space, you can live one more life."

"What are you talking about!"

Keruoke laid Qiaobut flat on the ground, took out a huge cabbage, and placed it next to Qiaobut.

"The brat from Brilade City is still counting on you, so you can't die."

"Such a big cabbage?!"

Qiaobut was so frightened by the huge cabbage king in front of him that his eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

A slender straw rope tied up the delicate body of the Cabbage King, but it could not tie up the clear and vivid breath of life of the Cabbage King, nor the layers of green green, nor the tangy smell of sunshine.

The smell from the Cabbage King kept getting into Qiaobut's nasal cavity, wreaking havoc in Qiaobut's body, making his saliva flow out uncontrollably.

Ke Ruoke said proudly: "Come on, Joe Butt, eat this."

Wait a minute, how did Uncle Ruoke take out such a big cabbage king?!

Qiaobut suddenly realized something. His skinny arms were raised tremblingly, as if reflecting on the light, and he tightly grasped Ke Ruoke's robe.

He asked with a trembling voice:

"Uncle Ruoke, have you become a hero?"

Ke Ruoke nodded vigorously, opened a corner of his robe, revealed his military service card, and said with a smile:

"Yes, I am a hero!"

"Okay, great. Uncle Ke Ruoke has become a hero."

Joe Butt burst into tears.

Ke Ruoke patted the Cabbage King and said proudly:

"Jobot, you don't need to worry about the children having enough food.

Now I have the ability to carry enough food for you for several months at a time.

Come on, eat this cabbage king quickly."

Qiao Bute glanced at the Cabbage King with salivation, still shook his head and replied:

"Uncle Ke Ruoke.

Although I don't have much knowledge, I know it must be something good.

I don't even have any teeth, and I can't taste it.

It would be too wasteful to eat it for me, so leave it to the children. I can eat potatoes. I like potatoes the most."

But if Ruoke pretended to be angry, he deliberately said with a straight face:

"Whatever you leave to your children, you yourself are a child.

This is what I brought to you specially. Joe Butt, eat it quickly!

If there are no teeth, it will be absorbed."

Ke Ruoke rarely orders the goblins to do anything, but once he gives an order, no goblin is willing to disobey it.

Naturally so does Joe Butt.

He immediately did not dare to say anything and obediently put his hand on the Cabbage King.

The Cabbage King quickly shattered into points of light and merged into Joe Butt's body.

"Well! This is it!"

Qiaobut felt that his body was slightly hot, and the warm Yasha energy was wandering in his body.

From his aging heart, to his withered blood vessels, to his decayed bone marrow, everything seemed to be soaked in warm spring water.

He is like a dry Selaginella, constantly absorbing water and rejuvenating.

A ray of white light came out of Qiao Butt's body.

The chronic illness caused by his long-term work in the garbage dump gradually disappeared, and his already completely gloomy complexion gradually turned rosy.

"What is this? This, this!"

Qiao Bute finally understood in his heart what kind of treasure it was if he could give it to him.

It is clear that his life span is coming to an end, but Joe Butt feels that his body is as strong and powerful as when he was born again.

"Uncle Ruoke, give this to me, it's such a waste."

Qiao Bute felt moved and regretful at the same time.

Ke Ruoke felt very satisfied when she saw Qiao Bute's face regaining its luster.

He proudly took out a set of fairy robes from level 2 to level 4, laid them out in front of Joe Butt, and said:

"Have you finished eating, right? Come on, advance!"

Joe Butt turned over and stood up. He was stunned and asked doubtfully:

"Grandpa Ke Ruoke, I am so old, why do I still advance?"

Ke Ruoke smiled and said:

"Originally, your lifespan is about to come to an end, so I don't dare to let you advance casually.

Otherwise, the success rate of advancement is extremely low, and your death will be accelerated once the advancement fails.

But things are different now. The Cabbage King handed over to me by Master Qi Ge can replenish your vitality and clear your hidden wounds.

Although it only temporarily restores your vitality, it is enough to support your advancement.

Anyway, just advance quickly, but Uncle Ruoke won’t harm you.”

Qiao Bute rubbed his eyes excitedly and said movedly:

"Uncle Ruoke, I really don't know how to repay you for being like this."

"There is no way to repay something in return.

Only by living can you have hope and a future."

Under the envious gazes of the surrounding goblins, Koroko put the blue robe of the second-level great goblin on Qiaobut's body, and used needle and thread to sew the ammunition pouch into the inside of the robe bit by bit.

Joe Butt, who was originally very old, suddenly grew taller.

His lost teeth grew back, his wrinkled skin stretched out, and he began to look like a young man again.

After successfully advancing and regaining his youth, Qiaobut felt so excited that he felt the vitality and strength in his body, and even started to tremble and wiggle.

Ke Ruoke patted Qiao Bute on the shoulder and said, "Stand up straight!"

Joe Butt quickly stood up straight and tried his best to puff out his chest.

Ke Ruoke looked up and down, nodded with satisfaction and said:

“Very good! Very energetic!

Hehe! Joe Butt, you are in luck!

Uncle Ruoke, I met a good lord.

We fairies have a savior."

But if Ruoke turned around, he found that the team distributing potatoes had stopped.

The goblins all looked at Qiaobut, who had just finished his advancement, with naked envy and desire in their eyes.

Advancement, in the eyes of creatures in the Yasha world, is an instinct second only to survival and reproduction.

Ke Ruoke walked to the stage step by step, in the eyes of the goblins. He raised his hands high and said loudly:

"Children! We fairies have a savior!!"

"It's not good! Grandpa Ke Ruoke, a mage is here!"

Just when Koroko was about to speak, a goblin ran in from the door. As he ran, he kept calling:

"Grandpa Ke Ruoke, there is a mage, a swordsman, and a strange human with long ears coming over!"

"Ah! What should I do?"

"No, our potatoes will be taken away."

"What will happen to Grandpa Ke Ruoke? Those humans will arrest Grandpa Ke Ruoke."

The goblins suddenly became panicked, talking all over the place, and were at a loss what to do.

"Calm down!"

Jobut shouted loudly and said:

"Everyone, hurry up and throw the potatoes into the garbage canyon. We can pick them up later.

Then everyone worked together to protect Uncle Keroko and let Uncle Keroko escape first.

"Grandpa Ruoke, run quickly, let's hold them back."

"Grandpa Ke Ruoke, leave quickly!"

The surrounding goblins immediately had a backbone and were ready to act according to Joe Butt's instructions.

Ke Ruoke quickly stretched out her hand and shouted:

"Don't throw it away! Don't be afraid! The children are one of our own!

They are my brothers and friends.

It won’t hurt anyone!”

Hearing Ke Ruoke's words, the panicked fairies all opened their eyes in shock, in disbelief!

Humans and fairies are brothers?!

How can it be!

Ke Ruoke went on to say:

"Don't worry, everyone, not only will they not harm us goblins, they will also bring us a lot of food!

Mushrooms and fish are on them.

They are my brothers and your friends.

If everyone wants to respect me, respect them."

[Open eyes] He pinched his nose and felt that the pungent smell of engine oil was almost entering his brain. He said in disgust:

"Damn it, why does it smell so bad here?!"

Li Xiaobai said with an indifferent expression: "Garbage Valley, can it stop smelling? Just turn off the somatosensory function."

"I mean, why did the goblins choose this gathering point?"

"It's just because it stinks.

Only the smell will keep mages and guards away.

Moreover, the sense of smell of goblins is different from that of humans, and they cannot detect this kind of odor."

"I see."

He opened his eyes and nodded.

Lin Xi explained again:

"Open your eyes, and what you see next must be rotten in your stomach. Even if you are the hegemon in the world, you can't talk about it.

This is the top-secret part of Seven Pigeon Boss's plan.

The boss said you have a good character, so we brought you here."

He opened his eyes with a solemn expression and said:

"Don't worry! I have the highest position in the Tianxia Baye Tower Branch. I don't want to say anything, and no one can make me speak.

If Master Qi Ge trusts me, I will never let him down."

"Coming! Coming! This way!"

Ke Ruoke waved to Lin Xi and the others.

They smiled at each other and strode forward.

The goblins stared at Lin Xi and the others with curiosity and respect. Especially when the goblins saw the shining unit cards on Lin Xi and the others, they did not dare to breathe.

"He is actually a hero!

But the human brothers Uncle Ruoke said are actually heroes!"

The status of heroes is really too high in the world of Yasha.

A mage who recruits goblins to do odd jobs in the Sanhe District.

His status is countless times higher than that of goblins, and he can kill and kill goblins.

But he is just a Level 4 and Level 1 mage soldier.

Joe Butt had seen countless times that the mage who was showing off his power in front of him was groveling in front of the hero, being extremely flattering, and even wanted to kneel down and lick the hero's shoes.

This huge gap in status made Qiaobut even a little confused, unable to believe that these three humans could be Uncle Keroko's brothers.

Joe Butt became suspicious:

"Are they the kind of one-sided brothers?

Uncle Ke Ruoke regards them as brothers, and they treat Uncle Ke Ruoke as servants?"

Wait a moment!

Qiao Bute suddenly realized that Uncle Ke Ruoke was also a hero!

The status between heroes should be equal, right?

Joe Butt was unable to make a reasonable judgment with his limited knowledge.

You can only rely on your own intuition to make guesses.

He suddenly found that Uncle Ke Ruoke was suddenly far away from him.

Originally, although Koruoke was very great, he was still within Joe Butt's understanding.

Now he suddenly learned that Ke Ruoke had become a hero, which made him unable to turn around.

Li Xiaobai and Lin Xi walked up to Kero Ke and hugged Kero Ke enthusiastically. Ke Ruoke also complained that Li Xiaobai came too slowly and would delay Lord Qi Ge's plan.

Instead of being angry, Li Xiaobai happily apologized to Ke Ruoke.

This scene almost made Qiaobut, who had always avoided human beings when he saw them, almost swipe away.

It's so exciting.

But has Uncle Ruoke's status reached this level?

We fairies, are we standing up?

Li Xiaobai and Lin Xi followed Koroke and stood on the high platform. Koroke pointed at Li Xiaobai and introduced:

"This is Li Xiaobai, and this is Sunset Arrow.

As you can see, both of them are heroes!

And they are all my good brothers, and of course they are also your good friends!

Our leader, named Qi Ge, is also a great hero!

Brother Qi Ge said that the status of every goblin and hero should be equal, including himself.

We fairies are neither his vassals nor his servants, but comrades who share his desire for fairness and justice.

Those who have the same aspirations and the same path are comrades!"

Ke Ruoke waved her hand and shouted: "Come around, comrades, come around. We are tired of standing. Let's sit down and talk."

Fairies, you look at me, I look at you, and they all come forward.

Ke Ruoke led Lin Xi and Li Xiaobai, opened their eyes, and walked to the middle of the goblins. The goblins surrounded Ke Ruoke and them, with expressions of excitement and fear.

They couldn't explain why, they just felt that something that was about to change their lives was about to happen.

"Comrades, we fairies have a hard life.

The goblins in the factory have to work 18 hours a day in order to get enough food to satisfy their hunger.

The goblins outside the factory, if they are more lucky, can live a few more days, but if they are less lucky, they can only die.

We work hard, day and night, without complaining, but even survival is a luxury for us.

Those mages are lying in the magic tower, living extravagantly and extravagantly, even if they go to dance parties every day, or even sleep every day, there won't be any problem."

Ke Ruoke's voice was not loud, but none of the goblins made any sound, so everyone could hear it clearly.

Following Koroko's words, many fairies had expressions of pain on their faces.

"The fairies who work hard are in danger and are in danger of starving to death at any time.

A mage who is lazy and enjoys life without any worries about food and clothing, and can even deprive us of our lives at will.

Those master mages often say that they bring us the food of us goblins. Without them, we would starve to death.

But, is this really the case?"

Upon hearing Keruoke's question, several goblins opened their mouths eagerly, but could not speak.

Ke Ruoke continued:

"The mage gave us food, so where did the mage's food come from?

Did he grow it himself?


The mage bought it with gold coins.

So, where did the mage's gold coins come from?

It was us goblins who worked hard to build the ballista, the supply truck, the catapult, and the gargoyle, and then sold them!

A crossbow cart sells for 2,500 gold coins. With 20 goblins and enough materials, we can build a crossbow cart in 3 days.

The materials for the ballista are only worth 500 gold coins!

We produced a crossbow cart, and the mage earned 2,000 gold coins, but he only spent a few gold coins to buy the cheapest buckwheat and feed it to us. We still have to thank him?!

What's the point of this?!

As mages of Brakada, they simply personify exploitation.

Their soul is the soul of exploitation.

Exploitation has only one instinct, which is to multiply itself, squeeze more goblins, and suck out as many goblins' lives as possible.

Those mages have made a fortune by exploiting us goblins. Do they want to lead us goblins to live a good life together?

No! Absolutely not!

They will only build more factories, use less food than before, hire more goblins, and earn more gold coins!

Mages are like vampires. They can only live by sucking the labor of fairies. The more labor of fairies they suck, the better the lives of mages will be.

Master Master and the others have no choice but to engage in such unfortunate things as material production, and they are unwilling to engage in material production. They always hope to have a faster and easier way to make money.

Exploiting us goblins is their easiest way.

We fairies seem to have been slaves, consumables, and objects of exploitation since birth.

why is that?

This is because we are weak!

We are so weak that even if we resist, there is no hope of victory.

Therefore, we can only endure and let go.

I can only live in pain and numbness."

After Ruoke finished speaking, many indignant goblins lowered their heads.

Their faces showed pain and anger, loss and struggle.

But if Ruoke said this, wouldn’t any goblin understand it?

In fact, fairies understand.

Every fairy knows it.

But what can they do?

The goblin is too weak.

100 goblins cannot defeat a mage, 1,000 goblins cannot defeat a snake demon, and 10,000 goblins cannot defeat a titan.

Ke Ruoke looked at everyone's expressions and said in a deep voice:

"Comrades, starting from today, everything is different.

I became a hero.

I found like-minded brothers.

The time for us, the goblin clan, to take charge is coming soon!"

The goblins looked at Keruoke, their faces full of disbelief and expectation.

Ke Ruoke stood up, pointed at Li Xiaobai, and said:

"This hero is Li Xiaobai, my brother, he is the staff of Queen Catherine of Erathia!"

Li Xiaobai puffed up his chest vigorously and said with a stern expression:

"I bring greetings from Her Majesty the Queen."

Ke Ruoke pointed at Lin Xi again and said, "This is Lin Xi, he is an elf and the disciple of Gru, the leader of the Avili Kingdom!"

Lin Xi nodded vigorously, proving that what Ke Ruoke said was true.

"Gru Demigod, I am with you all."

Ke Ruoke then pointed to open his eyes and said loudly:

"This is the world, the awakened mage in Brakada. He is also willing to stand with us, the goblin clan!"

Open your eyes and try to widen your eyes to make yourself look more imposing.

The moment Ke Ruoke pointed at him, he was overwhelmed by the overwhelming increase in favorability and reputation increase prompts.

This means countless tasks!

He suppressed his excitement and said solemnly:

"Not all mages are evil. Our good mages will stand together with everyone to fight against those evil mages!"

Ke Ruoke raised her arms and shouted:

“And our Seven Dove brothers, the leaders of it all!

We fairies are no longer alone, we have many powerful allies.

Cheer and cheer up, children and comrades, we have hope!"

One goblin looked at Ke Ruoke, and another goblin looked at Ke Ruoke.

Their lifeless eyes are gradually lighting up, and their numb expressions are gradually recovering.

Ke Ruoke waved his hand, and behind him, as many potatoes as hills appeared.

Li Xiaobai and Lin Xi then released a large amount of rice, noodles, vegetables, fruits, and dried fish.

As the goblins exclaimed unconsciously, Ke Ruoke said in a deep voice:

"Children, from today on, our survival will no longer be a problem.

We no longer have to waste time on surviving.

We need to take action.

We must make preparations and lay the foundation for the future of our fairy clan!"

Ke Ruoke looked around and said loudly:

"Comrades, children.

This is not a simple matter.

Everyone here, including me, many, many fairies will die on this road.

Perhaps, some fairies can see that day, and perhaps, some fairies will fall on the eve of victory.

But the goblin will eventually die.

Our death will no longer become worthless waste beside the trash can as before.

Our death will turn into a brick or a stone, pressing down on this sinful city of Brilade, on this undead-like Brakada, crushing it, crushing it, crushing it!

Finally, all the goblins persecuted by Brakada were rescued.

Children and comrades, please remember.

From now on, our lives and everything we have will be dedicated to the greatest cause in the world without reservation!

Fight for the liberation of the fairies!"

Qiaobut's eyes were blank. He looked at Keruoke standing tall, as if he saw infinite light in Keruoke's body.

He repeatedly murmured to himself: "For the liberation of the fairies."

"For the liberation of the fairies."

"For the liberation of the fairies!"

"For the liberation of the fairies!!"

His voice became louder and louder, gradually reverberating.

No, not only his voice, but also the goblins present were repeating this sentence.

Countless sounds gradually become orderly as they continue to be repeated.

All the sounds finally merge into one sound:

"For the liberation of the fairies!"

The resonance has begun!

A large number of fairies began to glow with white light, which was a sign of advancement.

Opening their eyes, Li Xiaobai, Lin Xi, and Keruoke began to throw away gold coins and resources. A large amount of gold coins and resources were continuously absorbed by the goblins.

Ke Ruoke was the most familiar with goblins, so he took out the Cabbage King and threw it on the old goblins.

The moment the Cabbage King encountered the goblins, he turned into a shining light and blended into the white light of the goblins' advancement.

Dots of white light merged into a sea of ​​light, which was dazzling and shocking.

The white light became brighter and brighter, until it was dazzling.

But these rays of light are miraculously concentrated within a very small range, and no movement can be seen even if it is a little farther away.

Finally, all the white light was completely connected and began to gradually integrate into the bodies of the fairies.

All the more than 2,000 fairies in the entire Garbage Valley were upgraded to Fairy Vanguards on the spot!

The appearance of the Goblin Vanguard is almost identical to that of ordinary goblins.

Their clothes are still ragged, their skin is still dirty, but they have ideals in their hearts!

Their pupils are no longer lifeless, their hearts are no longer dark and powerless, there is light in their eyes.

Ke Ruoke was extremely excited.


The plan that Master Qige, he and Petra had thought and analyzed so hard had succeeded!

The birth of the Fairy Vanguard can indeed be copied!

The great soldiers who once accompanied Cong Kelin, accompanied pineapple candy, accompanied furs, walked over snow-capped mountains, crossed dangerous areas, and made countless sacrifices, have come to Brakada again!

Their sacrifice was for the elf tribe to escape and to find the elf tribe's ideal land.

Now, they are here again for an even greater cause.

For the liberation of the fairies!

Fairies are born from emotions, and emotions will bring changes to the progress of fairies.

The lofty ideals and the courage not to be afraid of sacrifice are the food for the birth of the Fairy Pioneer!

The goblins woke up from the afterglow of the advancement. They looked at Ke Ruoke and spoke out from the bottom of their hearts:

"Grandpa Ke Ruoke, we are not afraid of sacrifice, we are only afraid of a meaningless death!"

"Grandpa Ke Ruoke, we have been waiting for this day to come in our dreams."

"For the liberation of the fairies!!!"

"For the liberation of the fairies!!!"

"For the liberation of the fairies!!!"

The voices of the fairies were firm and persistent. From the moment they advanced, the heroic souls engraved in history descended upon them.

At this moment, in this dirty and smelly garbage valley, what awakens is a noble and holy soul!

Qiao Bute took a step forward and asked in a deep voice:

"Uncle Ke Ruoke, we are ready.

Please guide us and tell us what to do."

Ke Ruoke calmly replied:

"The time has not come yet, we need to hide and escape for the time being.

Joe Butt, starting from today, we will use Garbage Valley as our first base, and all commands and plans will be completed in Garbage Valley.

We all still need to leave some goblins in the Sanhe District to disguise themselves so that the mages of Brilade City cannot detect anything is wrong.

At the same time, comrades who enter the factory also have an extremely important task, which is to be responsible for getting in touch with our fellow workers in the factory.

It must be noted that not all members of the same race can be completely trusted.

Some members of the same race have been transformed by mage magic and have been brainwashed.

We must carefully screen, analyze, investigate, and strictly select comrades who can be trusted by us.

But don’t contact them yet, wait patiently for the opportunity, and make a list.

Noble souls do not need persuasion. As long as they meet, common aspirations and ideals can resonate with both parties.

The number of fairies is the basis for all our activities.

Without enough goblins, any of our plans will be useless.

In addition, Comrade World World will also send a trustworthy mage comrade to station here to provide us with contact."

Open your eyes and nod your head.

Decided, I sent myself.

With such a high reputation and favor, how many more tasks can I complete? The experience alone is enough for me to earn a lot of money.

I will fight with whoever dares to grab it!

Ahem, experience doesn't matter, it's mainly for confidentiality.

All for the Seven Pigeons.

If you can list the goblins' future plans one by one, the goblins listened carefully and looked at it firmly.

In the end, Ke Ruoke concluded to the goblins:

"Child, our fairy tribe has been in decline for too long.

It has been so long that our compatriots have lost the courage to fight against all odds.

I don’t think the most terrifying thing is death.

The terrible thing is that our children are already doomed to a tragic fate as soon as they are born.

No matter how hard we try, there is no chance to change our destiny.

Brothers Qi Ge said.

All we fairies want is fairness.

But fairness cannot be talked about or sought.

We can only take up our weapons and use our flesh and blood to fight them to the death.

Beat them until they kneel in front of us, hang them with ropes, and finally chop off their heads to get the justice we want!

This process must be a long and arduous process.

This road must be a road full of thorns.

But only when we complete this road will our future be bright!

Otherwise, we, the fairies, will live in eternal night forever!"

Ke Ruoke slowly turned her head and looked at all the goblins one by one.

He finally said:

"Children, comrade.

You will never be alone.

Fairies all over the world will unite!

For our common goal, for our future!

Everything we do is for the liberation of the fairies!"

The goblins clapped their chests solemnly and shouted in unison:

"For the liberation of the fairies!"

"For the liberation of the fairies!"

Li Xiaobai and Lin Xi looked at Ke Ruoke's back. He stood surrounded by fairies, as if his body was shining with infinite light.

“Saint Leprechaun.

Leprechaun saint.

It’s worthy of the name.”

Li Xiaobai sighed.

Lin Xi smiled and said:

"Keruo is a saint of goblins and is also the brother of the boss. Naturally, he is also our brother."

Li Xiaobai nodded solemnly and replied:

"For the ideals of brothers, for the liberation of the fairies.

I must complete this task!"

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, there are a total of 3326 fairy vanguards, who admire your deputy hero Koroko and have secretly joined your territory. 】

Qi Ge is riding on an airship heading to the tavern in the Human Realm of God, preparing to meet Eskel.

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded.

Qi Ge glanced at the system prompts and smiled happily.

The plan was successful.

But it has already started over there.

Qige took out a deep breath.

This is definitely the biggest plan he has made in his two lifetimes combined.

If you are not careful, you will be in catastrophe.

【The liberation of the fairies

Silver-white true god-level mission

The first ring·Destroy the tower.]

Qi Ge laughed to himself.

When he first received this task, he never imagined that he would put in so much effort for this seemingly impossible task.

Along the way, Qige has made too much preparations for this task, and also wasted too much effort.

Destroy the strongest force in the world of Yasha - Brakada.

I'm really crazy.


The seven pigeons exhaled.

"No matter how difficult the task is, I will complete it.

But if you can, I promised you, through fire and water.

Since I have to go through fire and water, no matter it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire, I will go for it.

For the liberation of the fairies."

Qi Ge raised his head, and the splendid human and divine realm was already in front of him.

Then, it's my turn.


Question: Why the sudden update?

Zhen: In order to thank book friends for their great support

Fake: A big monthly ticket for book friends

This chapter has been completed!
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