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327 Gargoyle Dome

Anosaki looked at Deken with doubt in his eyes, as if to say:

Don't be so harsh, Deken, I've seen through you a long time ago.

In fact, you really want it too, and saying you don’t want it is just a cover-up.

Look, you are starting to get wet..., cough cough.

Deken shook his head with a smile and tightened his grip on the flask in his hand.

He put dozens of layers of magic barriers on his body, and then carefully poured out the crystal scales in the beaker.

As soon as the pink scales fell into the air from the beaker, they quickly began to turn black in the air before they even landed on the ground.

A strange energy stuck to the scales from the void, constantly eroding the scales.

The scales were suspended in the air and trembling, and gradually began to break, making a clicking sound.

"Body-protecting aegis, body-protecting stone skin, anti-magic magic, magic mirror."

Deken read quickly.

He did not take out the magic book, but as he chanted, magic shields appeared out of thin air one after another, surrounding the scales.


There was an explosion.

The shield composed of the magic shield and the anti-magic method broke instantly. Immediately afterwards, the protective stone skin formed and the stone skin also rapidly disintegrated. Only the magic mirror was still holding on, but cracks began to appear continuously on the mirror.


"Alas, failed again."

Deken sighed softly, waved his hand, and countless magic shields appeared in the space layer by layer, wrapping the exploding scales.


There was a loud noise, and more than half of the magic shields shattered, but they had completed their mission and suppressed the explosion in a small space.

Anosaki felt the disgusting power filling the air, covered his beak with his wings, and hid further away.

Deken waved his hand and dissipated the excess magic shield.

A strange smell began to float in the air.

Deken's eyes turned into white "light bulbs", glowing intensely.

The power from the demigods passed through his body and mobilized the rules at the bottom of the world.

Deken's Xingyue Mage robe expanded out of thin air, and the hunting sound sounded, as if there was air escaping from his clothes.

The power of rules, under Deken's control, swept away those strange auras.

Macaw Jump finally felt more comfortable. He jumped on top of Deken's head and asked:

"Deken, are you still trying? You and your mother have spent a total of almost 10,000 years trying to resurrect the four dragons, right?"

"Ah. We've already come this far. It's always a little bit unwilling to give up halfway."

The light in Deken's eyes dissipated, and he walked to a breeding tank with the macaw on his head.

In the culture tank, a piece of crystal clear pink crystal is soaked in pink liquid.

This crystal seemed to have magical power. As soon as Anosaki saw it, he felt that his blood was constantly surging, and he wanted to take the crystal as his own.

But he quickly suppressed his impulse.

He, Anosaki, stole countless things and was able to avoid being caught and beaten to death because he knew very well that if the consequences of stealing something were too disastrous and dangerous, he should never do it.

Deken carefully took another flask of pink liquid from the culture tank that was protected by layers of magic.

While taking it, he said: "My mother and I were born with a mission, and our path is to resurrect the four great dragons.

Even if we want to take that position, it is only to obtain more resources to resurrect the four great dragons.

We have come a long way on the path we have chosen, and we expect there is still a long way to go.

But Qi Ge chose a completely different path from us.

No one knows which path between the two parties will be correct until the road is completed.

Once Qi Ge takes that position, he will definitely use all the resources at his disposal to resurrect the four great dragons.

We sat in that position and it was the same.

In this case, what is the difference between our election and his election?

My mother and I are both long-lived species and don’t have the competitive spirit of short-lived species.

He resurrected the four great dragons, and we resurrected the four great dragons. To us, they are all the same.

As long as the final goal is achieved.”

Anosaki snorted disdainfully and said, "You're so open-minded. If that's the case, why do you still have a falling out with your mother?"

Deken shook his head and said: "That was not a falling out, but a divergence of paths between us.

She goes her way, and I go mine.

Moreover, Bracada's resources are not sufficient for both of us to carry out research at the same time.

Someone always has to retreat.

Just like you and Credel, you also had differences."

Anosaki seemed not to want to mention this matter. He snorted and said:

"Anyway, you voted for it, right?"

Deken shook his head and said seriously: "I need to see him. I will reserve my opinion until I see him."

"Then you let me ask Gru!"

"Aren't you free anyway? You still have time to sell fried chicken pancakes in Via Port City."

"That's me collecting information about Lionheart!"

"Then what did you collect?"

"Lionheart's daughter loves fried chicken pancakes."


"Don't laugh, this is very valuable information!"


Qige felt a burst of exhaustion from within.

Acting requires a complete performance to be considered dedicated and to dispel Escher's suspicion.

One complete set is fine, but so many complete sets are a bit tiring.

For the mission, he really sacrificed too much. A conservative estimate would cost several billion.

After Qi Ge was teleported from the divine realm to the human world, he did not take the airship. Instead, he found a deserted corner and changed his disguise. Then he sneaked into the crowd and walked back to the hotel.

He secretly picked up Smit from the hotel and quietly left Thunder City with him.

At this time, Qige's identity card was still hanging in the tavern where Smit lived.

In other words, if someone wants to find the location of Brother Qi through the movement path of the ID card, it will be shown that Xingfeng is always in the hotel.

As long as Qi Ge no longer uses his identity card, his location will not be refreshed.

Among the four major factions: Industrial Faction, Magical Faction, Warrior Faction, and Logistics Faction, the Logistics Faction headed by Dairis and the Magical Faction headed by Eskel have all come into contact with Qi Ge.

The monster hero Fafner from the warrior faction and Torosar from the industrial faction will definitely be even more anxious.

The more anxious they are, the less anxious Qige can be.

The wind has been blown out, and you have to let the wind blow for a while to get the highest profit.

Back at Aihua Ling, Qi Ge greeted Lafite and Luo Shi, and took Smit back to the room.

Although Luo Shi was a little concerned about Smit changing into beautiful clothes for some reason, Qi Ge dealt with it smoothly.

"Phew! I'm finally back!"

Back in the room, Smit suddenly relaxed and threw himself on his princess bed.

The clothes Smit was wearing were not her own, but the black skirt Qige bought for her.

The black skirt quietly highlighted her long and slim figure, wrapping her slender and soft waist so snugly, and paired with the white silk stockings on her feet...

Cuteness and sexy are blended together, purity and charm complement each other.

Qige covered her forehead and rubbed her temples vigorously with her thumb and middle finger to calm herself down.

Smit lay on the quilt and half turned around. She supported the bed with her right elbow, held a corner of the quilt with her palm, and placed it on her chest to block the slightly leaked scenery.

He patted the bed gently with his left hand, looked at Brother Qi with pitiful eyes and asked:

"Brother Qi Ge, are you tired too? Do you want to lie here and rest together?"

It is worth mentioning that although Smit’s princess bed is a single bed, it is very large and can accommodate two people without any problem.

Especially since Smit's body is relatively petite, even if Qi Ge holds her and rolls around on the bed, it won't have any impact.

Qi Ge:……

Sister, lie down, brother, I won’t be able to rest.

Tell me honestly, do you want to finish the unfinished business in the empty boat?


You're still young, and you won't be able to bear it after all.

Qi Ge pretended not to understand, took out the [Sparkling Gem Crown], and abruptly changed the subject:

"Little Smit, look what this is?"

Smit blinked his eyes and said happily and distressedly:

“Qi Ge, did you buy me something again?

This tiara is so beautiful, it must be very expensive, right?"

Qi Ge chuckled:

"It's a gift from someone else, it's free of charge."

"Huh?! It was a gift from someone else~"

Smit then sat up from the bed and took the crown from Qi Ge with excitement.

She checked it and was stunned:

"Five! Five! Level five true treasure!

Oh my God! How many gold coins is this worth?"

"The fifth-level true treasures of the treasure maker series are extremely rare in themselves.

What's more, this treasure also has the extremely rare attribute of inspiration.

If it were auctioned, it would be between two million and three million gold coins.

If someone is in urgent need, it is not impossible to get 4 million."

"four million?!"

Smit was heartbroken: "Oh my God, even if I packed up my father's Epworth pull-neck and sold it, it wouldn't even sell for four million gold coins."

She suddenly became alert and said:

"Brother Qi Ge, when I was a kid on my birthday, when some uncles gave me gifts, if the gifts were of high value, my father would ask me to take them and return them.

Dad often said that free honey often contains bees.

No matter who gives this treasure to you, you must be careful."

Qi Ge rubbed Smit’s head, smiled, and replied:

"Don't worry, I'm very clear about the purpose and motivation of the gift he gave me.

Smith, I'm glad you thought of this right away.

You must be more vigilant against excessive kindness.”

Smit nodded, without any hesitation, stuffed the [Shining Gem Crown] back into Qi Ge's arms, and said:

"You have to become a hero to use the real treasure. Let's put it with Brother Qige first."

Qi Ge smiled slightly, put the [Shining Gem Crown] into the space backpack, and said:

"Smit, you can tidy up and bow first, I will be taking you to God's Chosen City in the next two days.

Now I don't have the means to build a stable teleportation gate, so it will be a little inconvenient for you to go back and forth from Aihuala."

Smit nodded obediently and replied:

"okay, I get it.

Qi Ge, let’s contact Conch.”

Qi Ge looked at Smit's cute smile and replied happily:


Qi Ge came to the fountain of Avalor Castle and used the water gate to teleport directly back to the ghost realm.

While there was still some time, he had to help the mermaid clan and the two guilds clean up the jungle area of ​​​​the ghost leader.

He also had to reach level 20 as soon as possible, unlock the follower grid, and go to the Tower of Elements to marry Wei Chengfeng back.

Looking at the experience points that he was only half a block away from level 20, Qi Ge took a deep breath and rushed to the city of the Angel Faith Guild.

When they arrived at the city, the players of the Angel Faith Guild had already begun to clear the jungle, and the whole city was deserted.

Qige contacted Chaohua and told Chaohua to meet him in the wild area.

He then rode on Ziyuan and started the plan to clear the country.

Only the last five of the rotten plague zombies in Qi Ge's hands are left.

These five must be kept as trump cards and will not be handed over easily.

The experience is not very different, and there is no need to be as radical as yesterday.

All you need to do is play steadily and wipe out the wild monsters one team at a time.

Qi Ge relies on the cooperation of the newly added Minotaur Thugs and the Charming Witch, and the efficiency of clearing the jungle is not low at all.

The bull-headed thug has a charged slash. After charging, it can knock back the enemy by a random 3~5 points, which will deduct a bit of the enemy's morale.

Its charged slash is a triggering effect. As long as the Minotaur mob waits, all attacks and counterattacks this round will have knockback and morale blow effects.

The Seven Pigeons themselves have 3 points of morale, and the Minotaur Thug's basic morale is fixed at 1 point, which makes the Minotaur Thug's chance of triggering morale very high.

The Enchantress has charm and can charm enemies of the opposite sex so that they move towards her unconsciously.

Seven Pigeons divided the Charming Witch into 3 teams, divided the Minotaur Thugs into 3 teams, and the last team released True Thousand Sword Dancers.

The Enchantress takes control first, and the three groups of Minotaur thugs rush forward and slash at the first group, directly reducing the enemy's morale to a negative level.

True Ten Thousand Sword Dancers are responsible for the main output, substantially reducing the number of enemies.

The three teams of soldiers cooperate with each other, and catching the enemy is a quick strike, saving a lot of time in flying kites.

Although the kiting tactics of long-range troops can kill many powerful enemies, the efficiency is too low. How can it be as satisfying as the critical strikes of the real Thousands of Sword Dancers?

Qi Ge brushed and brushed, remembering the time in his previous life.

In the previous life, Le Meng not only had Doomsday Judgment, but also Thunder Rolling and Earth Crust Change, a total of three group damage magics. It was easy to clear monsters.

Soon, Chaohua arrived, just as the Charming Witch's magic points were exhausted.

Qi Ge quickly formed a team with Chao Hua and used Chao Hua's troops to replenish their magic value.

Qi Ge's [Charming Witch Minotaur Thug] tactic is good against melee soldiers, but not good against long-range soldiers.

Therefore, Qi Ge puts down the long-range and spell-casting units first when they see them, and gives priority to melee combat.

Just after wiping out a group of bulls in a canyon, Qi Ge was about to cause trouble for a group of crusaders nearby, when Chao Hua jumped up and shouted:

"Master Seven Pigeons, I have discovered something!"


Qige turned her head in confusion and saw Chaohua running to the other side of the fork in the road at some point.

"Master, there is a building ahead of me that I don't recognize."

"Wait here a moment."

Qi Ge rode on Ziyuan and flew into the sky. He found that the canyon in front of him had just closed, blocking the view of the sky. This was why he did not see it when he was scouting in the sky.

He fell back into the canyon and walked to Chaohua.

Chaohua pointed to a house not far away and asked: "Master Qi Ge, that should be a wild building, right?"

The distance was a bit far, and Qi Ge couldn't see it very clearly.

He took out the magic eye equipment and put it on, and then he had a clear look.

In the middle of a pile of large black rocks, there was a black fire pillar. The burning light of the fire pillar was also black, making the surroundings of the building a bit darker.

Qige put down the telescope and sighed inwardly.

Trouble, it’s actually the fully formed Chaos Treasure House—the Gargoyle Dome.

The gargoyle stonevault is a strangely symmetrical building made of obsidian with gargoyle statues on the stone pillars. It looks like a Gothic tower.

Once the Chaos Treasure House is defeated, it will not regenerate and you will receive a large amount of rewards.

Qi Ge remembered that in the gargoyle dome, there must be a gargoyle-type True Chaos unit as the boss, and many rules that were unfavorable to him would randomly appear.

But unfortunately, the Chaos Treasure House cannot survive without fighting.

If left alone, the Chaos Treasure House will gradually upgrade and become stronger, and eventually become a top treasure house such as Dragon Kingdom.

In the end, it will turn into the origin of chaos and completely swallow up the surrounding area.

The Gargoyle Dome has generated a wild monster guard, which is a level 6 Cyclops.

This is a precursor to the advancement of the Gargoyle Dome.

Once the number of cyclops accumulates enough, they will merge with the gargoyle dome and form a more advanced one-eyed treasure house. If you are unlucky, they will also form a one-eyed tomb, which will be difficult to deal with.

"What does the Legend of the City Defender of the Ghost Territory do for food? He even has a Chaos Treasure House built in his own territory.

These bastards from hell."

Cursing secretly in his heart, Qi Ge said to Chao Hua: "Let's make preparations and kill the Cyclops first."

Chaohua nodded vigorously and said excitedly: "Okay! Okay! Okay! Master Seven Pigeons, what kind of building is that? Is it useful to you? Did I help you?"

Qi Ge rubbed Chao Hua's head hard and praised, "That's a big help! Chao Hua, good job."


Qi Ge explained the dangers of the gargoyle dome to Chao Hua, who was shocked.

"Ah, Lord Seven Pigeons, doesn't that mean that if we don't pay attention, this place will probably be swallowed up by chaos?!"

Qi Ge nodded and said: "Yes. It would be fine if it is discovered later, but if not discovered, the entire ghost territory may even be swallowed up."

Chaohua suggested: "Master, since the gargoyle dome is so dangerous, let's find the mermaid NPC. The demigod-level hero will definitely have a solution."

Qi Ge shook his head and said:

"No, this is the most difficult part of the Chaos Treasure House.

The Chaos Treasure House has been fully formed. The stronger the hero who enters the Chaos Treasure House, the greater the difficulty of the Chaos Treasure House.

In terms of danger, the risk and difficulty of Sea Apple's dealing with the Chaos Treasure House are exactly the same as the risks and difficulties of us dealing with the Chaos Treasure House.

Our players can be resurrected if they die, and at most they will lose some experience, but if the NPC dies, it will be gone.

Chaohua, please inform the Angel Faith Guild and send some people over.

We may need a few cannon fodder to help us explore the way out first.

Let’s take advantage of this time to kill the Cyclops first.”

Chaohua suddenly became excited and responded: "Okay!"

Angel Faith Guild Channel:

Chaohua: Come on, everyone, Master Qi Ge and I have discovered a treasure house of chaos!

Picture (photo of Chaohua and Qige)

Xuanmen: What is the Treasure House of Chaos?

Chaohua: bala bala...

Xuanmen: Damn it, so scary? This is the boss in the treasure house!

Is it equivalent to world-class dungeons in other games?

Did the Seven Pigeon Masters say what rewards you will get for beating the Chaos Treasure House?

Chaohua: Wait, let me ask.

Chaohua: Master Qi Ge said that the rewards are very generous, and there may even be auxiliary skill levels and professional levels!!!

Say it to Yushan Guiting: Professional level? I'll be there soon! What I hate most in my life is the Chaos Treasure House!

Qian Xia Moruo: How many people are there? Chaohua, please help me ask. I'll go immediately after I'm a monster.

Chaohua: A single-player copy. If multiple people enter at the same time, it will be a racing mode.

Chaohua: Master Qi Ge needs cannon fodder to help explore the path. The dead players will be compensated by Master Qi Ge. Those who are not afraid of death will come.

Qian Xia Moruo: What a joke, will I be short of compensation? I want to be the good friend of the Seven Pigeon Master.

Huawu Liushang: Be bold, ar phone number!

Chaohua: Smiling without saying a word.jpg

Talk to Shangui: Be bolder and tell me your home address!

alex yang: Girl, get excited, why are you joining in the fun? Could it be that you are a scheming 0?

Xuanmen: Don't be blind, who will clear the field after all the troops have fled? Weren't there four people who were cleared just now when they came across difficult forces?

There are still recruitment quotas for little monsters, so one person can bring some little monsters with him.

Chaohua, does the Seven Pigeon Master have any troop requirements?

Chaohua: Let me ask.

Chaohua: No, you can bring a spearman. The main thing is to take a look at the mechanism of the treasure house.

Xuanmen: Received, act immediately.

Chaohua twisted twice in Qi Ge's arms, turned around and said cheerfully: "Master Qi Ge, you can handle it!!"

"Okay." Qi Ge nodded and jumped off Chao Hua's mount Zhui Yun Zhui Yue.

He took out his bow and arrow and said to Chao Hua:

"The weakness of the Cyclops is the huge eyeball, but as the Cyclops grows, the eyeball will gradually harden and eventually turn into crystal.

And their weaknesses will gradually shift downwards.

Therefore, if you encounter a high-level Cyclops and want to launch a sneak attack, you must carefully observe and judge the opponent's level.

Here is a formula.

Level 1 eyes, level 2 mouth, level 3 throat, level 4 chest, level 5 belly, level 6...

Well, call me at level 6, don't hit me randomly, it's too dangerous.

The sixth-level Cyclops has been advanced to the limit, its combat power is extremely terrifying, and it must be a mythical unit."

Level 6...mmm.

Chaohua was silent, Master Seven Pigeons, you are worrying too much.

When I saw the Level 1 Cyclops, I just wanted to run away.

After Qi Ge finished speaking, he handed Chao Hua a mirror and said:

"The Cyclops's eyesight is very good. It's almost impossible to attack directly. Just take this and shine it on its face."


Qi Ge:……

"Obviously I think it's outrageous, but I can't find any place to refute it.

Hiss~ Chaohua, where did you learn this?"

Chaohua: "Ah, I have touched my dad's ar computer."

Qi Ge:……

ps: Friendly reminder, be sure to clear the cache after watching the movie.

Please give me a monthly vote and share the author’s words by the way.


Last time Hamster's niece came to Hamster's house and messed with my computer. She opened QQ Video.

As a result, the things that Hamster didn't finish last time were actually loaded...

Social death scene.

Everyone must pay attention to the lessons of qaq blood!

This chapter has been completed!
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