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338 The Wind Falls into the Moon Collar

Upon hearing Kelfo's question, Qi Ge replied with an indifferent expression:

"Hey, it's not a big deal. It's like this.

Serena and I have an old friend named Seraph, who opened a chamber of commerce in Falling Moon called the Flower of Joy.

We haven't seen him for a long time, and we came here specifically to see him this time."

Kelfu was stunned, "Xinyuezhihua Merchant Guild?!"

This name seems familiar, could it be...

Kelfu cast his eyes on Chengdu Youshu Treasure Making Master who was standing among the mages. He obviously heard their conversation and his face was extremely pale.

Kelfu felt that his mother, who had been dead for decades, was not as pale as his.

Qi Ge was keenly aware that many mages around him looked a bit unhappy. He knew it well, but deliberately pretended to be confused and asked loudly:

"Kelfu City Lord, what's going on? Why do I feel that the atmosphere is a bit awkward? Is there something wrong with the Happy Flower Merchant Association?"

Hearing Qi Ge's words, Serena immediately became vigilant. She couldn't help it at all. The magic power in her body suddenly began to stir up, and she asked angrily:

"Kelfu, what happened to Xinyue Chamber of Commerce?!"

The sound of "Kelfu" simply made Kelfu's heart tremble.

Although Serena has a bad temper and doesn't treat him well, when he saw him in the past, he would politely add "city lord" after his name.

Calling her by her first name clearly demonstrated her attitude.

Wan Duzi, although this matter has nothing to do with me, it happened in the Falling Moon Territory after all.

How do you answer this yourself?

"Hahaha, nothing happened to Seraph, he just happened to be dead."

Serena's psychopathy is well-known throughout Thunder City. What if she suddenly comes up and kills me?

I still want to live for a few more years!

Kelfu quickly looked at Qige for help.

Qige was still smiling at first, but when she saw Kelfu looking at her, her expression darkened little by little.

He took a breath and said in a deep voice: "Lord of Kelfo, we and Serafo are brothers and sisters. If something happens to him, you might as well tell him directly and we will do our best to help him."

Brothers and sisters?!

Isn’t this a fool’s errand?!


Kelford almost whipped it.

Who would have thought that a small businessman in Seraph could be like brothers to you two people at the top of Bracada?!

What to do? The Treasure Makers Guild will make this matter known to everyone, hoping to frighten the increasingly disobedient small chambers of commerce and craftsmen.

Any passerby on the streets of Starwind and Serena can get the news.

How to do how to do?

Kelfu was panicking when he suddenly saw Xingfeng frowning and scanning the surrounding mages.

Wait a minute, it's not me who killed him, why am I so panicked?

Chengdu·Youshu, it’s not that I don’t care about friendship, I don’t dare to protect you, just ask for your own blessings.

Kelford's mind suddenly turned around and he quickly answered:

"Nephew Xingfeng, Congressman Serena, my condolences.

Brother Seraphim unfortunately passed away a month ago."

Qi Ge: "What?!"

Serena: "What did you say?!"


Lightning and fire broke out on Serena at the same time, and the huge magical pressure almost penetrated the sky.

The city-protecting magic array of Falling Moon Territory was even activated by this magical pressure. A thin light yellow magic shield shrouded the sky, as if shrouding the hearts of everyone present.

Serena's eyes had turned red, and countless magic symbols began to rotate around her.

Serena reminded everyone present with her terrifying strength that she is not only a student of the demigod hero Somra, but also a true legend who has completed the road of legend by killing Chaos!

Serena's body is small, but her water, bah, her magic is huge.

She did not take out the magic book, but stretched out her hand, and a pair of lavender mage hands appeared beside her.

The mage's hands ruthlessly grasped Kelfo's collar and lifted him high into the sky.

Serena's eyes glowing red looked at Kelfo and asked word by word:

"What happened to Seraph? How did he die? Tell me quickly!"

Regardless of his status or strength, Kelfo did not dare to resist. He could only reply tremblingly:

"Congressman Serena, I heard that this is an accident that no one wants to happen.

About a month ago, an unmanned speeding carriage hit Serafo to death in Yueyan Commercial Street in Falling Moon Territory."

Serena roared angrily: "How can there be a driverless carriage in such a good situation?! This is definitely not an accident! This is definitely murder!"

Kelfo broke into a cold sweat. Senator Serena has such a keen intuition! Could it be that she knew something in advance and came in a hurry?

Qi Ge broke into a cold sweat. Serena's paranoia of being persecuted happened again, but this time it was quite accurate.

Serena's questioning of Kelfo continued:

"Kelfo! Please tell the truth! Is this murder?!"

Kelfu's lips trembled and he spoke slowly:

"We are still investigating the specific cause of the accident.

We, Luoyue Ling, have simple folk customs, lead people to live and work in peace and contentment, and abide by laws and regulations. However, we do not rule out the possibility of some individuals with ulterior motives.

The situation is not yet clear, the specific reasons are not yet clear, and everything has to wait for the report of the investigative experts."

Serena was furious and roared loudly: "What are you talking about to me? I'm asking you, is Seraph's death a murder?!"

Kelfo felt that the magical aura in the wizard's hands was getting stronger, and he quickly turned to look at Xingfeng.

Qige gave him a helpless look.

Kelfu swallowed his saliva and continued: "The Fallen Moon Territory has a relatively long history, the local population is relatively dense, and some guild organizations are particularly prosperous.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to investigate.”

Qi Ge looked on and felt embarrassed for Kelfu.

I had completed Sera Nunn's mission in my previous life, and I knew exactly who was behind the scenes.

Chengdu Youshu is a true master, and there is not much difference in status between a true master and a pseudo-legend. What's more, behind Chengdu Youshu stands the entire Brakada treasure maker guild.

Kelfu couldn't afford to offend Serena, nor could he offend Chengdu Youshu, so he could only answer like this.

Qi Ge shook his head.

With Seraph's death, Serena's anger must be unleashed.

I deliberately didn't tell Serena that Serapho was dead in Thunder City because I didn't want to suffer this wave of angry ultimate moves.

My fellow Taoist is dead but I am a poor Taoist. Lord of Kelford City, you are the only one who has to suffer this wave of punishment.

Serena yelled again: "Kelfo, what are you answering? I'm asking you, is Serafo's death a murder?!"

Kelfo closed his eyes, moved his lips twice, and faintly showed a wry smile. He felt uncomfortable, Senator Serena, I have said this, how come you still don’t understand?!

The mage's hand suddenly tightened, Kelfu's heart trembled, and he quickly said:

"We are implementing a resolute investigation mentality. In the process of investigating the specific circumstances of the accident, we will improve the level of investigators, do a dedicated job and eliminate external interference.


Serena was extremely anxious, but she calmed down. Her expression was extremely cold, and she gave an ultimatum coldly:

"Kelfo, I order you as a member of the Magic Council of Thunder City.

Answer me, was Seraph's death murder?"

It’s over, there’s no way to escape. Both the left and the right are offending people, so I can only choose the one who is easier to offend.

Kelfo closed his eyes, felt cruel, and said: "Yes!"


Serena threw Kelfo to the ground and asked calmly: "Who is the murderer?"

The mages of the surrounding treasure makers' guild were suddenly sweating profusely. The sky collapsed, and a disaster was imminent.

Chengdu·Youshu is the most uncomfortable. This bunch of losers didn't investigate clearly before doing anything.

He gritted his teeth and thought that for the present, he could only abandon the car to save the commander.

He quickly stood up and said loudly:

"Congressman Serena, the carriage that hit Serafo and killed him is the carriage of our treasure maker's guild.

The owner of the carriage is the treasure maker Lacy Baideng."

Lacy Baideng knelt on the ground with a bang, despair written all over her face.

His face was pale, sweating profusely, his eyeballs were protruding and bloodshot, and his lips were trembling as if he wanted to say something, but no words came out.

Qi Ge's eyes narrowed, and the president of the Treasure Maker's Guild was quite decisive.

Others might have been fooled, but I'm sorry, this time it's Serena, the most suspicious woman in Brakada.

Serena used her mage's hand to lift up Lacy Baideng and Chengdu Youshu at the same time, and the crimson color in her eyes deepened a bit.

Before Kelfo made up his mind, he was just a loser who didn't want to offend either party. After he made up his mind, his mentality suddenly changed drastically, which was like jumping directly from the Ice Age to the Jurassic.

You’ve already offended me anyway, so let’s just offend him to the end!

He stood up from the ground, casually dusted himself off, took out his staff, pointed at Lacy Baideng and cursed:

"Okay! I entrusted you with the investigation work. But you kept telling me that there was no result. It turns out that your kid is the mastermind!

Nephew Starwind, Senator Serena! There are bad people in our castle!

You have deceived your superiors and deceived your subordinates. You are guilty of many crimes. Lacy Baideng, you deserve to die!

Congressman Serena, I propose that Lacy White Lantern be severely punished immediately!

This kid is full of evil, if he doesn’t use a heavy hand, he will definitely not confess!”

Damn it, you guys need to kill it as soon as possible.

Lacy Baideng was desperate. He knew that when things got to this point, he had to die.

He quickly cried out: "I did it, it's all my doing, don't use torture, I'll do it! I'll do it!"

The red light in Serena's eyes could no longer be suppressed, and the magic book flew to her side, flipping through it, and in a blink of an eye, it reached level 6 magic.

Qi Ge's heart tightened.

Damn it, it’s a legendary level magic, it’s going to kill you.

He quickly said: "Serena, wait!"

Serena showed no reaction, and magic began to gather in the magic book.

The terrifying magic made everyone present tremble with fear.

Especially those innocent mages who followed Kelfu to meet Serena.

They are simply going to kill the dog.

Serena studied under Somra, who was born with powerful mass damage magic like chain lightning. What if Serena loses her temper and gets hacked to death?

They quickly shouted to Qige: "Master Xingfeng, help!"

"Lord Starwind, please advise Senator Serena."

Seeing this, Qi Ge hurriedly took out his harp and started playing it quickly.

The elegant melody of "The Miner's Song" awakened Serena from losing control, and the surging magical aura in her body began to slowly calm down.

But at this time, she was so angry that she didn't even have a good look on Qi Ge.

She asked impatiently: "Xingfeng, if you have anything to do, please tell me!"

Qige's palms were sweaty, but he still said calmly on the surface:

"Serena, don't be impulsive. If you kill Laci Baideng here, it will be a death without evidence.

If the main culprit was someone else, wouldn't Seraph's death be in vain?

Let’s go to the Xinyue Chamber of Commerce in Seraphim first and investigate the situation clearly.”

Serena thought about it and felt that what Xingfeng said made sense.

Her magic book finally cut off its magic power and fell back on Serena's body.

Qi Ge turned to the dumbfounded Kelford and said in a shocking voice:

"Lord of Kelfor City, now, in the name of Eschar, Speaker of the Magician Council, and Councilor Serena,

I order you to immediately mobilize the Yasha fire and the city protection array to seal the scene and not allow anyone to leave."

Serena immediately understood the implication of Qi Ge's words, and at the same time took out the dark purple identity card of the member representing herself and the light purple identity card of the Mage Council given to her by Somra.

As soon as these two identity cards were revealed, Sefola's death was transformed from a private revenge of Seven Pigeons and Serena into an investigation by the Magic Council.

In other words, this matter has been raised to an administrative level and needs to be included in Kelfu's city lord assessment records, which will affect Kelfu's future promotion and wealth.

Oops, he actually has such a skill.

Chengdu·Yushu's heart tightened.

Now, Kelfu will definitely not show any favor to me again.

Sure enough, Kelfo's ears twitched, the magic power all over his body suddenly began to stir, and his gray hair began to wave randomly.

Although his power is not as powerful as Serena's, it should not be underestimated.

He stretched out his hand, and all the Yasha fire in the Falling Moon Territory was mobilized, and the magic circle protecting the territory was instantly activated, forming a cage.

Kelfo stood up straight and said with firm eyes: "Nephew Xingfeng, Congressman Serena, don't worry.

I, Kelfu, hate evil and hate the dark forces in my territory.

Seraphim is the subject of our Fallen Moon Territory, and the subject of my Kelfo!

I will never let any bad guy go, and I will definitely seek justice for Seraph.

You can investigate, but no one can leave here until you come back."

Damn! This piece of shit is selling so hard.

Chengdu Youshu knew in his heart that Kelfu said these words to him on purpose, which meant that he could not protect himself and asked himself to find another way.

This made Chengdu Youshu look at Xingfeng angrily.

The plan was almost going to succeed, but this guy pushed me to the edge of the cliff.

"Don't panic. Since I dare to cause trouble, I won't be afraid of it."

Chengdu Youshu took a deep breath and gently held a beautiful conch with his five fingers.

Serena was still scanning everyone with vicious eyes. Qi Ge stretched out her hand, pulled her arm and said:

"Let's go, the Lord of Kelford is here. If there is someone behind the scenes, he will definitely not be able to escape.

Let’s go to the Happy Flower Merchant Guild first.

Although Seraph has passed away, I remember that he still had a daughter, and we must rush there immediately to prevent her from being poisoned."

Serena was shocked: "Little Naen, yes, there is also little Naen."

She grabbed Qi Ge's hand and said anxiously:

"Xingfeng, take me to the Happy Flower Merchant Guild quickly, I have to protect her!"

Qi Ge knew very well that Serena had been lonely for too long, and Serafo and Sera Nunn were her only spiritual sustenance.

Because of this, she was so excited when she suddenly heard the news of Seraph's death.

Hit the snake seven inches, tease the girl and tickle the itchy spot, lick the dog and lick the weak spot.

Qi Ge knew that even if he took pictures of ten thousand horses, Serena would be more tempted than helping Serafo and Sera Nunn.

He nodded solemnly and said: "Serena, don't worry, Seraph is also a good friend of mine, and I will definitely protect Naen with you.

Let’s go now.”

[System prompt: Serena’s favorability towards you is 10, currently 50 (closeness)]

In the shop of the Happy Flower Merchant Guild, Naen was facing off against three people from the Treasure Maker's Guild under the protection of a mage.

Their entire Chamber of Commerce store has been surrounded by a group of gargoyles, and all those who wanted to purchase the assets of the Heart of Joy Flower Chamber of Commerce have been driven out.

Na Eun frowned and suppressed her anger. She didn't even dare to speak too loudly and could only pretend to be timid and said:

"Master Mage, I have been trying my best to raise my father's debts. I only need to sell off the assets of the Heart of Joy Flower Chamber of Commerce, and I will be able to pay off the debt soon.

But if you drive away these customers, won’t it delay your Treasure Maker’s Guild’s recovery of the loan?”

The leading archmage glanced at Naen and said to another companion beside him:

"Yet? Is she talking about still?"

She actually said that she wanted to sell off the assets belonging to our Treasure Makers Guild and return them to our Treasure Makers Guild?

Do you think it’s funny or not? Hahahaha!”

The two great mages beside him laughed at the same time:

"Hahaha, why are there such stupid people in this world?"

"Steal our things, sell them and give them back to us, you can imagine that, Jie Jie."

The more Na Eun heard something, the more something was wrong. She couldn't help but asked anxiously:

"What do you mean?"

"Hmph! Meaning!" The leading mage slapped a piece of paper on the table and said:

"According to the loan agreement, the principal is 2,000 gold coins, and the interest is 500 gold coins, a total of 2,500 gold coins.

The deadline for repayment is one month, and it has now exceeded 15 days.

In other words, your father has breached the contract.

After default, we have the right to forcefully take over your assets to repay the loan.

The shop of your Happy Flower Merchant Guild is worth 100 gold coins.

The recipe for your Heroic Soul Sachet is more expensive and is worth 200 gold coins.

The junk and inventory in the shop, out of our kindness, will be counted as 200 gold coins for you, which will just pay off the interest of 500 gold coins.

You still have a principal of 2,000 gold coins to repay, do you understand, little Naeun?"

The mage next to Naen couldn't listen anymore. He slammed the table hard and said: "You are bullying people too much!

This shop, including the store on the ground floor, cost a total of 1,600 gold coins to build. We are selling them at a 50% discount, and they are all worth more than 800 gold coins.

Some of the recent customers have already paid a high price of 4,000 gold coins for the recipe for the Heroic Soul Sachet.

The remaining goods from the Chamber of Commerce can be sold for more than 3,000 gold coins if taken apart. If you add them all together, just give us 500?!"

The archmage opposite had a cold expression on his face. He quickly opened his magic book and struck the mage next to Naen with a lightning bolt without hesitation.


Lightning flashed across the mage's body, causing his limbs to tremble.

The mage looked extremely painful and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

He didn't expect that the other party actually dared to take action directly in the Falling Moon Territory. This behavior would be recorded by the city defense equipment, and once someone traced it, they would not be able to escape.

Naen's expression changed, she quickly supported the mage and shouted anxiously: "Uncle Hard!"

Hader stretched out his hand, looked at the Archmage opposite, and said angrily: "You are so wanton, are you really not afraid of being punished by God?!"

The Archmage laughed wildly:

"Hahaha! Divine punishment?

Harder, you are as stupid as your useless president. You still haven’t figured out who you have offended.

Let me tell you, in Falling Moon Territory, our treasure maker’s guild is like heaven!

Even now, if the Lord of Kelford City walks up to your Chamber of Commerce, he will not look at you."

The Archmage sneered again and again and said:

"Had, Naen, if you were honest, we wouldn't want to kill you all quickly, but you actually dare to do little tricks behind our backs!"

Na Eun's heart tightened. How could they know about her plan?!

Before Na Eun could react, the archmage waved his hand vigorously and said, "Bring it up to me!"


Three gargoyles hung up a young craftsman who was beaten with a bruised nose and face, and threw him into the shop. They also knocked over two chairs with a loud bang.

Hader's face instantly turned pale, and Naen even exclaimed:

"Ayton! What did you do to Ayton?"

The Archmage snorted coldly and continued:

"Hmph! How dare you send someone to the castle to 'appeal'?

Have you eaten Behemoth Heart Black Gentian?!

Or is our treasure maker's guild too kind to you, causing you to underestimate our strength?"

Hader closed his eyes in pain and whispered: "Miss, it's all my fault. I was the one who harmed Ayton. Even though you told us not to act rashly, I still want to fight."

Naen looked at Harder in horror, her expression changed, and she said: "No, I can't blame you, Butler Harder, even if you don't send Ayton, they won't let us go."

"Haha!" The Archmage laughed evilly and said, "Naen, you're not that stupid."

He sat down, crossed his legs, and said proudly:

"From today on, all your assets are discounted to the interest of 500 gold coins, and you are already penniless.

Our Treasure Makers Guild unanimously believes that you do not have enough ability to repay the principal of 2,000 gold coins.

In order to avoid the loss of the sacred and inviolable property of our Treasure Makers Guild, from today on, all of you, except Naen, will be sent to the Falling Moon Lake Mining Area to mine for 100 years!

As for Na Eun, you have such a pretty face, it would be a pity to send you to mine. I can be lenient with you and let you sell yourself to pay off your debts.

However, you must first follow the three of us and train for a month."

ps: If you ask for monthly tickets secretly, no one should see it, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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