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339 Ready to go

The other two mages smiled obscenely at the same time:

"Hahahaha! We are very skilled at training people, especially a beauty like you, Na Eun!"

"Naeun, what kind of training clothes do you like? We will prepare them for you now."

Na Eun was in great pain, and she would rather die than let them be ruined by beasts like them.

Na Eun's little hand shook out a pair of scissors from her sleeves, ready to fight them to the death.

Just when Na Eun was about to stand up, a loud roar came from outside the door:

"Master Luo Wen, wait a moment."

Rowan was about to catch Na Eun when he heard the shouting and turned around with a frown.

The treasure maker Zarod is standing at the door with a mage.

"What is Zarod doing here?" Rowan wondered.

Although Zarod is a logistics profession, Zarod is an out-and-out hero. He is just a soldier. No matter what, he still has to give face.

Rowan waved his hand, and the row of gargoyles quickly dispersed, opening a gap in the encirclement.

"Member Zarod, good afternoon."

Rowan greeted Zarod respectfully, and Zarod waved his hand and called Wolfs in.

He pointed at Wolfs and said: "Rowan, this is Wolfs, a level 4 marine wizard. He is also the one who cleared out all our handicraft warehouses a while ago."

Crafts warehouse?

Rowan immediately thought of the previous major incident at the Treasure Maker's Guild. The warehouse where those waste handicrafts were placed was wrapped up with 5,000 gold coins by a stupid and wealthy noble.

It turned out to be him.

This is the God of Wealth.

Rowan quickly stretched out his hand and said: "Master Wolfs, I have long admired your name, and I am honored to meet you.

I am Luo Wen, a level 4 lightning gathering mage."

Wolfs enthusiastically took Rowan's hand with both hands and said:

"Master Luo Wen, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Well, I have something to ask you.

I am an old acquaintance with Serafu, the owner of the Happy Flower Merchant Association, and we are still very good friends.

When he passed away, I happened to be away on a business trip overseas, and I only came back recently.

Brother Seraphim has been kind to me, and I have to repay it.

I heard that he still owes your Treasure Makers Guild 2,000 gold coins and 500 gold coins in interest, and I paid them back for him."

Rowan's enthusiastic face suddenly turned cold, he looked at Seraph fiercely and said:

"You're going to pay it back for him? How many lives do you have? You're going to pay it back for him?

Why don't you die for him?

Wolfs, are you like those stupid people who are eyeing the formula of the Heroic Soul Sachet?

Let me warn you, this is something you can't touch with just a little money and power.

You have seen Seraph's fate."

Wolfs pretended to be stunned, clapped his hands suddenly and replied: "Hey, misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding! How could I steal the business of your treasure maker's guild?

My family has a big business, and I don't have time to deal with this messy Heroic Soul Sachet.

I just owe Seraph a favor and I have to repay it.

If you don’t believe me, just ask Zarod, he is my best friend and knows me best.”

Treasure maker Zarod responded with a smile:

"Rowan, you worry too much.

My family has been friends with the Wolfs family for generations, and the Wolfs and I were brothers who grew up wearing the same pants.

Three generations of Wolfs' ancestors were heroes, and his grandfather was a legend who served in Thunder City. How could he be as ignorant as Seraph?

Wolfs, he has nothing but a lot of gold coins.

He has a huge net worth, and even the Naga clan in the royal capital has a good relationship with Wolfs and will not steal our business.

I can endorse this.

Don’t worry.”

Wolfs immediately responded with a kind smile and nodded to Rowan to show that he was not hostile.

As soon as Rowan heard Zarod's words, he knew that he was implying that Wolfs had a tough background and told him not to show off to Wolfs.

He quickly changed his face and said with a wry smile:

"Wizard Wolfs, I don't understand that you don't remember the faults of others.

It's just that I really can't make the decision in this matter.

This is not an issue of 2,500 gold coins, but an issue of the face of our treasure makers guild.

After so many years in the Fallen Moon Leader, Seraph is the first person who dares not to give face to our treasure maker.

The superiors gave the death order, and I was the one who carried it out. Look at this..."

Wolfs immediately said: "Don't worry, Archmage Rowan, I understand what you mean, and I will definitely not make it difficult for you.

How about you guys take your time and sit here for a while, drink a cup of coffee, and wait for me to open up the joints before I come back to you?"

As Wolfs spoke, he put a bag of gold coins on the table and said, "500 gold coins, please let the brothers drink coffee."

Rowan smiled happily and said quickly: "It's easy to talk! Wizard Wolfs, I don't care about other people's face. I must give it to you and the Zarod treasure maker."

You go and do your work, I'll keep an eye on you and make sure no one in Xinyue Chamber of Commerce is harmed at all."

"Okay, okay."

Wolfs straightened his tie, knocked on the chair with his cane, and said to Naen:

"Naen, send a few people to pour coffee for the three archmages. Please have it hotter and larger."

Na Eun's heart shrank.

She knew that she had never met Wolfs, and had never heard her father mention Wolfs. She also doubted whether this was the treasure maker's guild singing a double act, trying to set a trap for herself, but now

, she had no choice. Even if the Wolfs in front of her was a pit of fire, she could only jump into it.

She quickly cooperated with Wolfs and said: "Uncle Wolfs, almost all the clerks in the store have been dismissed. Only Butler Hard, Ayton and I are left.

I'll ask Ayton to pour them coffee.

Ayton, get up quickly."

Sierra Nunn was very clever and used this method to remind Wolfs that both Ayton and Harder were seriously injured.

Only then did Wolfs notice the situation at the scene. He glanced around and saw a mage covering his chest and vomiting blood. A craftsman was beaten half to death. He frowned and said:

"Hey, how come you two can fall like this in the store?

Too careless."

Wolfs knelt down, took out a bottle of [Powerful Healing Potion], opened the bottle cap with a pop, held Ayton's mouth and drank it.

As a white light flashed, Ayton coughed twice, his injuries quickly improved, and he opened his eyes.

When Luo Wen saw this, he couldn't say much. He could only curse in his heart, this damn stupid nobleman is really rich.

A bottle of potion that might not even be available for 500 gold coins was poured down.

As soon as Ayton opened his eyes, he saw the three Rowans sitting on the chairs. He immediately shrunk in fright and almost screamed.

Fortunately, Wolfs was quick-sighted and covered his mouth, saying: "Stop talking, be careful to cough out the medicine, go, take this medicine over and give it to him to drink, and then do as Naen said.

Be careful next time and don’t fall again.”

Wolfs took out another bottle of [Powerful Healing Potion] and stuffed it into Ayton's hand.

When Ayton saw the pale face, Butler Harder and Miss Nunn, he immediately had a backbone and hurriedly ran to them.

Wolfs patted the dust on his hands, stood up, and said to Rowan and the others:

"Then Archmage Rowan, Zarod and I will leave first. Can you please wait for a while?"

Rowan and the other two archmages had just weighed the bag of gold coins given to them by Wolfs, and their attitude was obviously much better.

Wolfs said he could drink coffee for 500 gold coins, but it was actually 500 gold coins per person!

Everyone must respect the rich man who has a lot of money and is generous.

They nodded vigorously and responded repeatedly: "Mr. Wolfs, please walk slowly, don't worry, leave this place to us, we will absolutely guarantee that nothing will happen to them."

"Okay, okay." Wolfs nodded and winked at Zarod. Zarod licked his lips and made gestures, and Wolfs felt relieved.

He glanced at Na Eun again, and happened to meet Na Eun's uneasy eyes.

Wolfs looked at Naen with a meaningful expression for two seconds, without making a sound, and mouthed:

"Be careful, I'll be right back."

Na Eun pursed her lips, her eyes filled with gratitude.

"Let's go." Wolfs turned his head and walked out together with Zarod's shoulder.

Zarod poked Wolfs in the chest with his elbow and said: "You kid, why are you so interested in me all of a sudden this time?

Have you fallen in love with that girl?

She is a big problem and it will not be easy for you to deal with her."

Wolfs pinched Zarod's butt hard and said, "If you talk nonsense again, I'll deal with you first."

Zarod chuckled: "Come on, Wolfs, I've already seen that you don't look for a woman because you like me as a man.

If you can't deal with me tonight, I'm going to deal with you."

"Wait a minute, something's wrong." Wolfs suddenly became alert.

He looked around. There was no one on the empty street. The doors of the surrounding shops were locked. A breeze blew by and rolled up a poster with the slogan "The Treasure Maker's Guild Issues Heroic Soul Sachet".

"Why is it so quiet? Why are all these shops closed?"

Hearing Wolfs' question, Zarod smiled and said:

"Hey, don't worry.

I heard that a big shot from Thunder City is coming to inspect our Falling Moon Territory.

The owners of these shops have all been transferred to the [New Centralized Free Trade Street].

The centralized free trade street that just came online a while ago, the prices of the shops are almost as high as those in Thunder City, and half of it has not been built yet. What fool would be willing to buy it? It’s all rotten.

The superiors are coming to inspect. Can those masters in the castle and our great city lord not panic?

Force these shop owners to come over and act."

Wolff immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said: "So that's it, I thought they were clearing out the people and preparing to ambush us.

Maybe as we walk, two assassins will come in front of us, one for me, one for you, and they will kill us all with two swords."

"Hahaha!" Zarod laughed and said proudly:

"Don't worry, it's you who want to help Xinyue Chamber of Commerce. I'm just going to help you build a bridge. You may die, but I'll definitely be fine."

Wolfs was so angry that his head hurt. He gritted his teeth and said, "You Moriguchi, please speak some human words."

Da da da……


The sound of wheels and whistles suddenly sounded, and the two people who were joking quickly looked over.

Directly in front of the street, one of the most luxurious pneumatic cars in the Falling Moon Territory was approaching quickly.

The license plate number of the pneumatic car is extremely noble [falling·00001]

Zarod was stunned and quickly pulled Wolfs to stand aside.

His expression suddenly tightened, and he said: "The Lord of Kelford's pneumatic car, maybe the big shot from Thunder City is also on it.

The Lord of Kelford is so confused, why did he bring the inspector to this street?"

Wolfs didn't answer. He frowned, feeling a little strange.

He always felt as if this car was driving towards them.


The aerodynamic car quickly turned sideways in front of the two people, the magic speed reducer suddenly activated, and it stopped forcibly.

The window of the pneumatic car slowly rolled down, and Qi Ge, who transformed into a star wind, stuck out his head and looked at the two of them curiously.

Under the slightly nervous gazes of Wolfs and Zarod, Qi Ge slowly spoke: "Are you two locals from Fallen Moon Territory?

Treasure maker and sea wizard?”

Although they did not know the identity of Qi Ge, the two of them answered honestly: "Yes, sir, we have lived in Falling Moon Territory for many years."

Qi Ge knocked on the door of the pneumatic car and said, "Just in time, you should know what happened to the Happy Flower Chamber of Commerce recently. Get in the car, sit in the back seat, and talk to me carefully."

Wolfs and Zarod looked at each other, and saw fear and helplessness in each other's eyes.

Zarod quickly said: "Sir, we understand."

The seven pigeons watched Zarod and Wolfs.

After the two of them opened the car door, they obviously saw Serena in the passenger seat, their expressions were a little horrified.

As a genius legend, Serena's appearance is highly recognizable throughout Bracada.

Her posters were plastered all over the streets of Bracada, and were also printed in various magical publications of all sizes in Bracada.

Seeing Zarod and Wolfs sitting in the back seat nervously, Qige said: "Don't be so panicked, we just want to ask you to help investigate some things."

It was okay that Qi Ge didn't say anything, but when he said this, the two of them became even more panicked.

Qi Ge smiled slightly, handed out two bottles of water, and said, "Here, drink some water and calm down."

"Thank you, sir."

Zarod took the water handed over by Seven Pigeons and looked at it carefully.

An exquisite alchemy potion bottle has a gorgeous label, which reads in Brakada characters with flying dragons and phoenixes:

"Yinling Brand Sugar Coconut Water·Started in 1983"

Silver Spirit Card?

I’ve never heard of this brand, maybe it’s a new brand from the capital.

Zarod, not doubting his presence, unscrewed the lid and took a sip.

The sweet and mellow taste spread in his mouth, teasing every one of his taste buds in a 360-degree manner. Zarod couldn't help but express admiration, and a satisfied smile bloomed on his face.

Wolfs held the "Silver Spirit Brand Sugar Coconut Water" tightly in his hand, and the excitement in his heart was indescribable.

Lord Qi Ge’s secret agent came to contact him so quickly!

And the identity of the other party is actually so high?! Not only did he walk side by side with the Legend of Serena, but he also drove out the Lord of Kelford's aerodynamic car. Isn't this a hint to me that his power can be in the fall?

Is the moon leader acting recklessly?

Lord Qi Ge is really a man of great powers. I am indeed on the right path!

Wolfs tried hard to suppress his expression and prevent himself from showing any flaws.

[System prompt: Wolfs’ loyalty to you is 10, and his favorability is 10]

After hearing the system message, Qi Ge glanced at the corner of his eyes and gently raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

He patted the steering wheel and said: "My name is Xingfeng, and this is Serena Legend, I believe you all know him.

This time, we were ordered by the Magic Council of Thunder City to investigate the death of Seraph.

As the natives of Fallen Moon Territory, you must have heard about this case.

Don’t worry about retaliation, and you must not hide anything. Tell us everything you know.


"One, five, ten, no, we are not fools."

Zarod snorted disdainfully and thought:

"You are all big shots from the royal capital. We don't really know anything, and we can't tell you.

The leader of the Chengdu Traveling Arts Guild is so powerful. If you can't kill him, if he wants to kill us, it won't be like squeezing a bug.

You were so glamorous, and after showing off your power, you slapped your butt and went back to the capital. What should we do?

I'll just follow my usual routine and talk a little bit about cars and wheels to get rid of you."

Zarod was about to speak, but Wolfs answered quickly as if rushing to answer:

"Lord Xingfeng, the news I received is that Seraph's death was a long-planned murder.

Let’s start with the three resources: Heroic Soul Grass, Heavy Iron Stone, and Source Wood.

These three level 3 resources have not yet found their use, so the prices are very low.

Seraph wisely used these three resources to develop a product that was in short supply and highly profitable - the Heroic Soul Sachet.

The profits from the Heroic Soul Sachet made our treasure maker's guild in Falling Moon Territory extremely jealous. They first tried to get it by trick, but failed, so they directly took advantage of it.

Seraph was hit and killed by a carriage, which was most likely directly caused by the treasure makers' guild.

Moreover, I heard that Chengdu Youshu, the president of Luoyueling Treasure Makers Guild, is most likely the culprit.

Just now, there were several archmages from the Treasure Maker's Guild who wanted to force Seraph's only daughter, Sera Nunn, to take away all the assets of the Xinyue Chamber of Commerce, and they were also preparing to kill Sera Nuen.

Poisonous hand."

In Zarod's eyes, "Is there something wrong with you?", Wolfs increased his volume a little:

"Fortunately, I arrived in time and stopped her on the spot. Saira Nunn's situation should be safe for the time being."

Serena almost couldn't control her magic power when Wolfs mentioned that Sera Nunn was almost killed. Now she couldn't bear it anymore and asked in a cold voice:

"Who are the specific people who attacked Seraph?"

Wolfs quickly replied: "Sir, I heard this information from hearsay and there is no real evidence.

However, the person next to me is Zarod from the Treasure Makers Guild, and he knows more about this matter than I do."

Zarod's heart was full of shit.

Wolfs, if there's something wrong with you, don't drag me to death with you, just do it!

Qi Ge said in a deep voice: "Zarrod? Really? Don't worry, we will enforce the law impartially and will not wrongly accuse any good person, and we will never let any bad person go."

If you have anything to say, just say it. The consequences of deliberately concealing it are not something you can bear."

Serena's cold eyes turned to Zarod, and she threatened briefly and concisely: "Speak, or die."

Zarod's heart trembled, Wolfs, you said you could do this to me?!

Kill me?!

At this moment, Wolfs grabbed Zarod's arm forcefully and said firmly: "Zarod, I know you have concerns.

But trust me, I will never harm you.

In front of these two adults, Chengdu Youshu is just a gargoyle with broken wings, unable to fly."

Zarod knew in his heart that he had been forced by Wolfs' words and had no way out. He could only close his eyes and said:

"I confess that there are a total of 4 treasure-making workshops involved in this matter, the leader of which is Chengdu Master Youshu. In addition, there are 4 treasure-making masters (heroes).

The carriage that killed Seraph was sent by the master treasure maker Lacy Baideng.

The person driving the carriage at that time was Talon, the shadow mage of the Mage Guild.

He deliberately frightened the horses and controlled the carriage to hit Seraph. In order to ensure Seraph's death, he also added a shadow curse.

After that, he used shadow magic to become invisible and leave.


Serena calmly listened to Zarod's words, slowly closed her eyes, and said: "Xingfeng, take me back to the square, I will kill them all."

Qi Ge shook his head and said extremely calmly: "Serena, I also want to kill these scum, but even if I kill them all, Seraphim will not survive.

The top priority now is to protect Saira Nunn and prevent them from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

Think about it, if they want to kill them all before they die, of course we are not afraid, but what about Saira Nunn?"

Qi Ge's words hit the core and went straight to the point. Even Serena, who was furious, calmed down instantly as if she had been doused by a ball of thick cold water.

She sank for a moment and held back one word: "Let's go!"

"Okay!" Qige started the pneumatic car and rushed to the Happy Flower Chamber of Commerce.

The location of Xinyuezhihua Merchant Association.

Ayton swallowed his anger and returned to the kitchen after delivering scalding coffee to the three hateful archmages.

Saira Nunn is helping Master Harder apply medicine to the injured man who has not yet recovered.

Rowan's lightning was so powerful that a bottle of powerful healing potion could only barely keep Harder out of danger.

Fortunately, the Chamber of Commerce still has some emergency ointments that have not been disposed of.

Ayton held his breath and asked: "General manager, president, we just let the three of them be so arrogant outside?!

Let me add some poison to my next cup of coffee. Even if it doesn’t kill them, it can still cause them to have diarrhea.”

Na Eun shook her head and replied: "It's not necessary, so what if you poison them to death, it still won't fundamentally solve the problem.

They are just thugs from the Treasure Maker's Guild, one group died, and another group died."

Ayton said anxiously: "What should we do? Are we just going to sit back and wait for death?"

Saira Nunn said calmly: "Wait, wait for the ocean wizard named Wolfs to save us."

Ayton moved his lips twice and asked: "But, can he trust it?"

Na Eun was silent for a moment, and answered with half-closed eyes: "In our Happy Flower Chamber of Commerce, what else is worth the risk for him to take?

The method of making the Heroic Soul Sachet has been snatched away by the Treasure Makers Guild, and it is expected to be franchised soon; our technology of making trinkets from Falling Moon Shale is not an exclusive business either.

After much thought, I realized that all he could fancy was me.

I just don’t know if it’s Wolfs himself or the person behind him.

But no matter what, it’s not a loss if I can exchange my innocence for the safety of you two.”

When Harder and Ayton heard this, they both shouted in pain: "Miss!"

Saira Nunn shook her head, forced a smile, and continued:

"Uncle Harder, Ayton, you two are the only ones in such a large Happy Flower Merchant Guild who are still willing to follow me after my father's accident.

I think it's worth it.

And at best, Wolfs, or the people behind Wolfs.

Since he is willing, he dares to offend the Treasure Makers Guild for me.

Then if I put down some of my reserve, maybe there will be a chance to avenge my father."

When Ayton heard these words, his blood surged and he said loudly:

"Miss! Don't do this, let's fight them!

On the way to the castle, I heard that there was an inspection team from the royal capital today.

If I stop them in front of the inspection team, the worst I can do is cut off one of my hands to force them to listen to me!"


At this moment, the kitchen door was smashed into pieces by a bolt of lightning!

Saira Nunn's heart tightened, terrible.

Rowan and the other two archmages stood at the door and sneered:

"You brat, do you think the three of us are deaf?

The sound is so loud, are you afraid we can't hear it?

If you dare to file a complaint, I don’t think you’ve ever died!

For the sake of Lord Wolfs, we don’t make things difficult for you, but you still want to make things difficult for us?!

It seems that the lesson I just gave you was not profound enough."

The magic book in Rowan's hand was spinning at high speed, and lightning was about to explode.

Ayton suddenly panicked, screamed, and sat on the ground helplessly.

Saira Nunn's face turned pale and she quickly stopped in front of Ayton. She smiled and said:

"Master Rowan, Ayton is just a 14-year-old kid, he doesn't understand the importance.

He's just yelling randomly, don't be like him.

I will teach him a lesson."

Luo Wen looked cold and said:

"It's the same as how old you are, you are only 16 years old.

For Lord Wolfs’ sake, get out of the way, or I’ll chop you down too!”


Harder secretly took out the magic book and tried to condense the magic power, but was instantly interrupted by the fireball of another archmage.

His injuries were not fully healed yet, and he vomited a mouthful of blood.

Saira Nunn's heart tightened, and she endured the sadness without looking back.

The situation is too desperate.

The strongest combat force of the Happy Flower Chamber of Commerce is Director Hard.

And Harder is just an ordinary mage of level 4 and 1, with very poor talent.

On the other hand, all three of them are Level 3 [Specialized Archmages] (collectively, Level 3 mages who only master magic).

Rowan's eyes were full of anger and he said: "I will count to 3, if you don't get out of the way, I will chop you down too.

Don't think Wolfs can protect you!


The lightning in Rowan's hand was suddenly thrown out, and Saira Nunn closed her eyes tightly.


With the sound of lightning, a burning smell lingered on the tip of Saira Nunn's nose.

Naen's heart tightened, I didn't feel any pain, it could only be Ayton.

These disgusting beasts.

With tears in her eyes, Na Eun opened her eyes and her pupils suddenly shrank.

In front of her, the three archmages who had been showing off their power just now had all turned into charred corpses.

The crimson color in Serena's eyes dimmed slightly, but her expression remained cold.

Seven pigeons are sitting in the driver's seat.

He watched with his own eyes as Serena used her Demonic Eye to see through the earth to counter the spells of three archmages from a distance of more than 2,000 meters, and he couldn't help but feel terrified in his heart.

Serena's strength is truly terrifying.

Serena's specialty, the Demonic Eye, allows her to consume the same magic value, counter the opponent's magic, and forcibly change the target of the opponent's magic.

There is only one prerequisite for her to cast the Eye of Penetration, that is, Serena herself needs to master the magic cast by the other party.

In line with this premise, even if other heroes are also legendary, their magic will be countered by Serena.

Only heroes who are demigods or above can break through Serena's blockade.

Even some spellcasting legends who have their own self-created magic will be learned by Serena's legendary Eagle Eye technique and then countered.

The same magic will not work twice on Serena (Saint).

The deadbeat among the deadbeats.

The magic genius of Eagle Eye, the piercing eye, created a monster-level girl belonging to Brakada.

Serena is the undisputed nemesis of legal heroes.

If Serena became a demigod, maybe even her teacher Somra wouldn't be Serena's opponent.

"Xingfeng, drive faster."

Serena's voice woke up Qi Ge. He quickly kicked the air valve and accelerated the speed of the aerodynamic car.

"Miss, the person is dead."

Ayton was lying at Saira Nunn's feet, his eyes blank, muttering to himself.

Saira Nunn was also a little dumbfounded and replied blankly: "I know."

Ayton turned around and asked with a shocked look on his face: "Miss, you are actually a hidden level 4 wizard?!"

Na Eun's head was full of black lines: "If I were at Level 4, our Chamber of Commerce could be so bullied by the Treasure Makers Guild?!"

"Then what's going on?!"

"How do I know?! I'm more confused than you!"


Harder covered his chest, coughed up a ball of blood, and said, "Miss, we can't stay in Falling Moon Territory any longer, we must run away quickly.

There is also a carriage in the backyard.

Ayton, throw away everything, save only a few days of food, and leave quickly."

Saira Nunn quickly glanced at the door, shook her head, and said, "We can't leave, the gargoyle is still there."

Harder looked desperate: "Then it's over. The people in the Treasure Maker's Guild will not reason with us. If these three great mages die here, they will definitely take revenge on us."

"Boom boom boom boom!"

At this moment, at the door of the Xinyue Chamber of Commerce store, lightning flashed out from all the gargoyles in a straight line, and the dazzling light shone into the store, irritating everyone to the point of crying.

After a flash of light, Serena and Qi Ge walked into the store.

Serena's cold expression gradually melted the moment she saw Saira Nunn.

She walked towards Saira Nunn bit by bit, slowly stretched out her hand and touched Saira Nunn's face.

Na Eun vaguely guessed that everything that had just happened was done by this humble little girl in front of her.

She vaguely felt that the other person looked familiar, but she couldn't remember it.

Seeing Serena reaching out toward her, Saira Nunn subconsciously hid back.

Serena frowned and said, "Stand still!"

I don't know why, but Na Eun's body trembled and she really didn't dare to move.

Serena gently touched Naen's slightly dry face, with a scrutinizing look in her eyes.

After a while, she confirmed: "Xiao Naen, it's really you."

Serena reached up and put her arms around Saira Nunn's neck, forced her to bend over, pressed her face on her chest, closed her eyes and said:

"It's okay, little Naeun, it's okay.

I'm here and I will protect you."

Serena is only about 1.4 meters tall, and Naeun is almost 1.7 meters tall.

The little Serena hugged the tall Na Eun, the scene was indescribably weird, but also strangely harmonious.

Na Eun finally recalled this face. Both her father and herself had longed for it on the covers of books and posters on the streets.

Her tears suddenly burst into tears, and she burst into tears and said:

"Miss Serena!

Miss Serena! Woohoo, I finally see you.

My father, he, my father..."

Serena patted Naen's back gently, her voice gentle but firm:

"Stop talking, I know, I know everything.

Don't worry, Na Eun, they will pay the price.

If there is one, I will make them pay the price!"

"A touching reunion should not have these things that detract from the scenery.

Harder, Ayton, please help clear out these three black bodies."

Qi Ge walked to them and took out a bottle of [Healing Potion] and sprinkled it on Hader's body.

[Healing Potion] A bottle of 3000 gold coins, the effect is immediate, Harder's blood volume is instantly full, and it also boosts morale 1.

Although they didn't know who the man in front of them was and why he looked so familiar to them.

But if he can easily take out the healing potion and come with this Serena legend, he must be one of his own!

So the two people immediately responded: "Yes! Sir!" Then they honestly took out the broom and dustpan sack and cleaned up the black residue on the ground.

Wolfs, who came in from the door, saw this scene and quickly and tactfully sneaked in with Zarod to help them clean up.

Separating the two of them, Qi Ge looked solemn and said, "Serena, Naen, it's not time to reminisce about old times yet. We still have a lot of things to do."

Serena heard Qi Ge's voice and woke up from her memories. She took a deep breath, let go of Naen's body, turned to Qi Ge and asked:

"Xingfeng, what should we do?"

Qi Ge smiled in his heart, and before he knew it, he had become Serena's backbone.

He replied seriously:

"Seraphim's death is actually a bit strange.

I thought about it along the way, is the profit from the Heroic Soul Sachet really worth the effort put in by the Treasure Makers Guild?

Any treasure made by a treasure maker, a real treasure of level 3 or above, can be sold to a hero for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

The Heroic Soul Sachet, no matter how much money it makes, is just a rare item that is not even an alchemy item, and cannot be put on the market at all.

For the exclusive right to manufacture heroic soul sachets, the treasure maker's guild even hesitated to kill people, silence them, and kill everyone, causing uproar in the city. Is it really that simple behind this?"

Serena's eyes narrowed and she asked: "Xingfeng, what do you mean?"

Qi Ge said very calmly: "What I mean is that besides the Treasure Makers Guild and Chengdu Youshu, there is probably another dark hand behind the Heroic Soul Sachet!"

Qi Ge recalled his past life in his mind.

At that time, he received the mission from Naeun, and the ultimate goal of the mission was to help Naeun escape to Thunder City.

After the mission was completed, Qige followed Naen and met Serena.

Later, Serena returned to the Fallen Moon Territory and killed Chengdu Youshu, and the mission was over.

In this life, Qi Ge's mission process was reversed, which also allowed Qi Ge to discover some new clues.

In particular, Qi Ge found out the specific formula of the Heroic Soul Sachet from Wolfs in this life, which raised a lot of questions.

Heroic Soul Grass, Heavy Iron Stone, Source Wood.

These 3 level 3 resources are the special resources needed to build the miraculous building of the Fairy Three Heroes Grass Barn.

They are also needed when recruiting the corresponding heroic soul units from Kelin, Pineapple Candy, and Fur.

It just so happens that these three resources are combined together using a special alchemical method to form the heroic soul sachet.

No matter what Qi Ge thought, he felt that there was something wrong behind this.

Serena's eyes flashed twice and said: "Xingfeng, no matter what kind of person is behind this matter, I will get to the bottom of it!

Since you think there is a problem, we will investigate.

But, how to start?"

Qi Ge sat on the table, looked towards the square, and said:

"If you want to know who else is behind Chengdu Youshu, the easiest way is to pry open Chengdu Youshu's mouth.

But we cannot let the person behind the scenes know that we are pursuing it, otherwise it will easily make the other party more vigilant.

What we have to do is to put pressure on Chengdu Youshu, so that he has to find the mastermind behind the scenes for help."


Chengdu·Youshu sat quietly in the square, closing his eyes and meditating.

Around him, a group of noisy masters were surrounding the Lord of Kelford.

"City Lord, how long will you lock us up?"

"That's right, City Lord.

Our Pharmacist Guild still has many orders waiting for me to refine them, and many of them are sent from Thunder City.

I can't afford to delay the medicine the gentlemen from Thunder City need."

"Congressman Serena is too willful, investigating a small matter and wasting so much of our time.

In the case of Seraphim, anyone on the street would know who did it.

We are all innocent."

Kelfo waved his hand impatiently and said: "Okay, okay, let's go. Senator Serena has used the Magic Council ID card, what's the use of looking for me?"

When the congressman was here just now, why didn't you go directly to congressman Serena to talk about this?"

The people around him could only laugh and have nothing to say.

Serena looks like she's ready to kill anyone on sight. Who dares to go up and touch her brow?


Human relationships are cold and warm, while the world is hot and cold.

Chengdu Youshu knew that he could no longer trust anyone present, including Kelfu.

Not only will they not protect themselves, they will try their best to keep the relationship clean.

However, Chengdu·Youshu is not afraid.

He knew it well.

In this matter, Starwind and Serena used the name of the Magic Council, which seemed like a great move, but it was also their downfall.

Now, if you want to protect yourself, you must make this simple thing more complicated.

Killing oneself to pay for one's life becomes the persecution of the logistics faction by the magic faction!

Only by escalating the struggle and bringing more people to the end can one survive in the midst of death.

Chengdu Youshu held the conch in his hand, his eyes filled with unfathomable gloom.

ps: Book Club 2.0 upgraded version is online.

Beautiful dealer, online... bah bah.

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"League: I'm Really Not a Special Skill Brother" The new book of the Dog Head Bar Brother League, the writing is smooth and there are more than 100 million points of jokes

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