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354 The Inner Ghost Turned Out!

"How come there is such a powerful magical bombardment in the City of Plenty? Erni actually has this kind of attack method."

The situation on the battlefield is changing and the waves are constant.

Huo Fu originally felt a headache because of Serena's blocking, but suddenly the situation was reversed.

The enemy's most powerful battlefield weapon, the Magic Crystal Cannon, was completely destroyed, and one of the four pseudo-legends was killed.

Serena temporarily left the battlefield to take care of the male human.

In an instant, the reinforcements from the Goddess of Wealth Church actually gained a huge advantage.

Without the threat of Serena, Hove once again moved away the Diamond Troll that was killing the cavemen. Meteors and fire rained down continuously, destroying the Union Army's mage group.

To the point where the group is nearly destroyed.

Hoff's specialty is spellcasting speed.

In turn-based mode, she can cast three spells per turn.

In the big battlefield mode, her specialty is to significantly reduce the time required to cast spells and the magic cooldown time.

Low-level magic arrows are instantaneous in the hands of Huo Fu!

Kyle Funge and Dante, but Che had to defend against the attack of the Fairy heavy artillery and command the troops, so they had no time to take care of Hove.

A true legend who is left unchecked is extremely terrifying on the battlefield.

The Union Army's situation is precarious.


Another fairy heavy artillery bombardment!

Danche rushed in front of Dante and used his magic shield to block the attack for Dante.


Fairy heavy artillery came again, but the car was knocked to the ground and narrowly escaped death.

Seeing this, Huo Fu immediately took out the magic book and prepared to cast a spell to hit the target!

However, halfway through releasing her magic, it failed again.

Huo Fu's eyes narrowed and he said bitterly:

"Serena, the troublemaker, is back on the battlefield.

I really should have used magic to kill her at that time."

Qige's eyes narrowed.

It doesn't matter, the sword that Huofu can't repair, the Fairy Heavy Cannon can repair it!


The fairy heavy artillery shot straight at Dan Che.

"Dante!" Dante raised his magic shield and stood in front of Dan's car.

In an instant, the glow of the anti-magic magic and the aura of the atmospheric shield appeared on Dante at the same time.

Serena realized the crisis of the situation and came to help in time.


Even with Serena's help, Dante was still hit by the fairy's heavy cannon and fell to the ground.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Serena quickly teleported Dante and Danche to the command post.

There is also a powerful magic shield outside the command post, which can withstand at least three magic bombardments.

In the command post, Dante and Danche saw Qige, who was cheering up and paying attention to the battlefield.

"Deputy Commander Starwind."

Dante looked at Qi Ge, who looked pale and had unfocused eyes, and couldn't help but feel a sense of sympathy.

We are all brothers and sisters, and we are all victims of the rebels' conspiracy.

"General Dante, General Danche."

Seven Pigeons said in a deep voice:

"You guys take a break and recover as soon as possible. We need you on the battlefield. General Kyle won't last long.

I really want to fight alongside you, but I'm afraid my strength will only become a liability on the battlefield."

Qi Ge banged the table hard, feeling sad:

"I hate it so much!

I hate that my strength is low, and I also hate that I am not a legend.

If I could be stronger, I wouldn't be able to make the enemy so arrogant.

Wealth Church! Insider! Remember, I, Xingfeng, will repay you for today’s shame.”

Dante was deeply moved: "Deputy Commander Xingfeng, don't blame yourself too much. You are still young and have a bright future.

Although the enemy has temporarily gained a certain advantage, we will not sit still and wait for death.

Our reinforcements are on the way, and as long as we hold on for a while, neither Ernie nor Hoff can escape."

Qi Ge was extremely confused: "Reinforcements? Where did the reinforcements come from? Serena and I's troops have been completely wiped out."

While waiting for the healing spell CD, Dante said: "Long before the battle started, I had already explained the situation to Chief Escher.

Our reinforcements are coming quickly from Thunder City!

This time our reinforcements are personally led by Chief Eskel, and there are even 4 powerful Titans!"

Depend on!

Eschar is coming?!

Qi Ge was thinking mmp in his heart, but he was smiling on the outside and was overjoyed:

"That's great. General Dante, why didn't you tell me earlier?"


But Che sneered and said sadly:

"It's not because of Kyle Fungo.

Deputy Commander Starwind, to tell you the truth, from the time you and Senator Serena arrived, the three of us brothers had suspected that Kyle Funge was a mole."

Qi Ge was shocked: "How could it be possible? Kyle Feng Ge is the only son of Thane Legend. He has no reason to betray Brakada."

"Erni is still Brakada's financial officer and the supreme leader of the logistics faction. She can betray Brakada. Why is it so strange that Thain's son betrays Brakada.

Besides, Kyle may not be betraying Brakada, maybe he just wants to kill Senator Serena and us."

Qi Ge opened his mouth slightly:

"I still can't believe it."

Dante said with a serious face:

"Deputy Commander Xingfeng, you are still young and have never seen the storms of the world and the dangers of people's hearts.

You have devoted your duties to Brakada, made selfless sacrifices, and are willing to sacrifice, but other people may not be like this."

"The Djinn Legion was lying in ambush in the forest, and Huo Fu's troops just came out of the forest.

Kyle immediately abandoned the Djinn troops and fled, causing the Djinn troops to be almost completely destroyed.

As soon as we were at a disadvantage, Kyle wanted me to retreat. If we had been far away from the command post, the last barrier, we might have died long ago."

"Deputy Commander Starwind, have you noticed that Ernie's attack reflected with the magic mirror only hit Councilor Serena and us from beginning to end, and never targeted Kyle once?"


Qi Ge took a breath of cold air.

Is there a possibility that it is because you are human and have crispy skin? So pick the soft persimmons first?


Absolutely impossible!

When it comes to internal fighting, Dante and Danche are professionals!

Professional insider fighters, can they still not understand who is the insider?

Qi Ge’s eyes were dull and he muttered to himself:

"Unexpectedly, Kyle is actually the mole, and he is the culprit who killed Dandun?!

No, Serena, Serena is in danger!"

Qi Ge immediately summoned the Cold Flame Djinn, who raised his hand and teleported Serena, who was preparing to counterattack Hove, to the command post.

At the same time, a fairy heavy artillery hit the protective cover of the command post accurately, causing the protective cover to tremble.

"It seems that this magic bombardment is aimed at Senator Serena. It is indeed him!"

"Kyle the bastard!"

Dante and Danjun were indignant and looked at Kyle with murderous intent!

"I will melt his magic lamp and make it into a candlestick to place in front of Dandun's tomb!"

"As soon as the reinforcements arrive, kill a traitor first to add to the fun!"


Another fairy heavy artillery bombardment hit the protective cover of the command post, causing the protective cover to tremble.

Qi Ge immediately waved his hands and shouted angrily at the top of his lungs:

"Damn it, the enemy would rather leave Kyle outside without attacking him than attack the command post that can withstand several shellings.

Kyle doesn’t even want to act anymore?”

Serena's head was full of questions: "Xingfeng, what are you talking about? What can't you act?"

"Serena, we have found the mole. I will explain to you later."

Dante sneered and said: "Very good, Deputy Commander Starwind, you finally recognized Kyle's true face.

Let's not expose it yet. Now is not the time to judge traitors.

Let him be proud for a while, and when Chief Eschar's reinforcements arrive, he will die!"


Another fairy heavy artillery hit the command post.

Dante gritted his teeth and said angrily: "We can't stay here anymore. Let's go out."

Dante and Danche completed their recovery and rushed back to the battlefield from the command post.

This time, their whole body's magic resistance was fully increased, and magic spells such as anti-magic magic, magic deflection, and magic energy transfer were all blessed on them.

Dante even changed into a level 5 real treasure anti-magic boots!

The light-resistant magic boots are a treasure that can provide 15% of magic resistance, which is equivalent to an intermediate resistance spell.

A prepared mage and an unprepared mage are two completely different creatures.

Dante and Danche, who have full body buffs, will not be injured even if they resist two Fairy Heavy Cannons.

Their magic books are constantly turning.

A bolt of lightning appeared out of thin air and struck a manticore that was preparing to attack the group of mages.

The manticore's body was instantly blackened, and everything from its skin to its internal organs was electrocuted into a mess, and even metal-like crystals appeared on its back.

The moment the manticore died, lightning quickly jumped in the air, jumping more than twenty times. Four manticores were killed in a row, and more than a dozen harpies were electrocuted.

A legion of two thousand evil eyes floated in the air, laser-like magic beams were continuously emitted from their pupils, bombarding the defense line composed of gold and diamond men.

At this moment, an ice ring suddenly exploded in the evil eye. Except for the evil eye in the middle of the ice ring, it was unscathed. All the evil eyes swept by the ice ring quickly formed into blue ice cubes.

The ice cubes fell from the sky and broke into pieces with a bang.

Dante and Danche can temporarily ignore the constraints of the Fairy Heavy Artillery and begin to show their strength as legendary heroes!

Kyle Fengge was overjoyed when he saw this scene:

"Dante! Danche! Well done! Let's use group damage magic together to kill the manticore group first and free the diamond troll!"


Suddenly, an icy magic exploded around Kyle Fenge. Kyle Fenge's body suddenly became cold, and his skin was covered with frost.

Fortunately, his resistance spell took effect successfully and saved him from the damage.

Kyle Funge was furious: "Dante, where are you going to fight? You've hit one of your own."

Ding Ding was obviously smiling, but there was no smile in his eyes: "Sorry, my hand slipped.

There was a tauren next to you just now who wanted to sneak attack you. I was so anxious to protect you that I forgot that the ice magic ring does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy."


Suddenly, a fairy heavy cannon hit Dante's back. Fortunately, Dante was well prepared and blocked the blow.

Dante sneered in his heart:

"As soon as I attacked you, I was immediately attacked by the enemy's magic cannon. How could it be such a coincidence?

Kyle Funge! You said you weren’t a mole!”

Qi Ge expressed great agreement with Dante's idea.

Yes, that’s right, that’s it!

However, Qige was a little dissatisfied with Dante and Danche's participation in the battle.

Escher's reinforcements are on the way, and the later the coalition forces are captured, the more dangerous the situation for Hof and Ernie will be.

In order to capture the coalition forces as soon as possible, Qi Ge had to take some risks.

The magic shield can only be built near Qi Ge, and Qi Ge has to find a way to get close to Dante and Danche.

He had an idea and controlled the fairy heavy artillery to bombard the mage's position near him!

The mages in the mage camp are all soldiers. Unlike Dante and Danche, who have various methods, thousands of mages will be vaporized with one shot of the fairy heavy cannon!

There was just a big circle in the center of the entire mage group.

As the backbone of the coalition forces, the mage group must not only contain the tauren troops, but also fight against the evil eye and Medusa.

When the Djinn were almost completely wiped out, the existence of mages was the core of the Union Army's persistence until now.

The seven pigeons hit the snake seven inches, which suddenly made Dante and Danche anxious.

"But Che, you continue to stare at Kyle Fengge, I will protect the mage group."

Dante gritted his teeth and instantly moved to the sky above the mage group.

With a thought in Qi Ge's mind, he immediately built a foundation for a magic shield near Dante.


The fairy heavy artillery fired again.

Qi Ge repeated his old trick, building the magic shield in an instant and canceling it in an instant.

All the spell effects on Dante were instantly invalidated, leaving Dante, who was about to release the magic deflection, to stand on the spot.



Dante was unprepared and was directly hit by the fairy heavy cannon. He vomited a mouthful of blood and almost died suddenly. He fell from mid-air to the ground.

At the moment when he was about to die, Dante's mind suddenly replayed like a revolving lantern.

But before Shield died, the shield protecting the magic crystal cannon suddenly disappeared before being hit by the opponent's magic cannon, just like he did now?

Could it be the Forbidden Demon Shackles?! The Forbidden Demon Cloak?! The Forbidden Demon Ball?!

Is Tanan coming?!

No, that's not right!

Dante suddenly thought that the two accidents occurred near Xingfeng!

Dante quickly turned to look at Qi Ge, trying to cast a healing spell on himself, but as soon as he opened his magic book, he suddenly felt that his magic power was imprisoned again.

"Dante!" Danche was shocked and flew towards Dante.

The moment Danche approached Dante, all the magical effects on him were silenced, and he fell from the sky and fell face down to the ground.


The Fairy Heavy Cannon appears again, forming a perfect match with the Magic Shield.

The shield disappeared and the Fairy Heavy Cannon hit, but the vehicle was severely damaged.

Dante had been staring at Xingfeng, and he could never make a mistake. At the moment when Dante was hit, Xingfeng's expression was not surprised or unexpected, but calm to some extent.

It was as if he had known for a long time that the car would be severely damaged.

Dante felt a chill in his heart.

Wrong, all wrong, Xingfeng is the traitor.

He wanted to warn him loudly, but another Fairy Heavy Cannon happened to hit him, knocking his health to 0 points.

Dante should have died like this, but the necklace around his neck lit up, hanging on to his life.

Magic is banned, so Dante can't use magic to restore his health.

With trembling hands, he took out a bottle of life potion and was about to drink it when he fired another Fairy Heavy Cannon, knocking Danche down to the ground as he was about to get up and run out of the vicinity of Qige.

"General Danche!" Qi Ge ran to Danche anxiously and helped Danche up.

"You must not die!"

But there was also a necklace shining on Che's neck. He knew that his life was not long, so he weakly took out a drawing and said to Qi Ge:

"Xingfeng, this is the design of the magic crystal cannon.

Give it to Serena and take it back.

Our powerful weapons in Bracada must not fall into the hands of the rebels."

Dante, who was drinking the potion of life, had eyes that were about to burst.

Of course he knew what his brother was going to give to Xingfeng.

No! We can’t leave it to Xingfeng! He is a traitor!

Dante summoned all his strength and shouted: "No!"


The fairy heavy artillery arrived as expected, and Dante's last words turned into a death cry.

[System prompt: The attacking hero dies, the attacking morale is -2, lasting 30 minutes]

But with tears in his eyes, Che pushed the magic crystal paper into Qi Ge's hand.

He said weakly but solemnly:

"Starwind! Run! Run away with Senator Serena! Even if you leave the army behind, you must run away.

You must live, you must tell Chief Eskel that Kyle Fenge is the traitor, and you must have a bloody hatred for our three brothers!

Starwind! Run!

For Bracada!”

Qi Ge had a determined expression, holding the magic crystal paper tightly, and said sadly: "But Che! I will not forget your sacrifice, and Brakada will not forget your sacrifice.

I will definitely take Serena away safely, and Kyle Fenge will definitely be judged as he deserves!"

But Che smiled happily and pushed Qi Ge away from him.

Qi Ge's eyes were red, and he quickly turned around and ran towards Serena.


Behind Qi Ge, the Fairy Heavy Artillery accurately hit Dan Che, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

[System prompt: The attacker’s commander-in-chief but the car has been killed, the attacker’s morale is -4, and the commander-in-chief is Kyle Fengge.]

Kyle Funge is shocked!

In just such a short moment, Dante and the car were dead!

Is the opponent's magic bombardment so powerful?

No, we can't fight any longer, retreat quickly!

Kyle Fengge thought, and a djinn immediately floated in the air, and the dazzling red and blue lights on the djinn flashed alternately.

Bracada Magic Lamp Signal: The wind is tight! Whoop!

As the current head coach of the United Army, Kyle Fungo has profoundly demonstrated what it means to lead by example and what it means to lead by example.

He was worried that the mages of the Union Army would not dare to escape for fear of punishment after the war, so he took the lead and set an example.

Kyle Fenge tore open a scroll and disappeared from the battlefield in an instant.

Qi Ge was stunned, and everyone was stunned.

Damn it, running so fast?!

[System prompt: Kyle Fenge, the commander-in-chief of the attacking side, has left the battlefield, the morale of the attacking side is -4, and Serena is the commander-in-chief.]

Serena, who was staring at Hof, was suddenly shocked. She never expected that she would actually become the commander-in-chief.

Qi Ge ran to Serena, held Serena's hand, and said: "Serena, let's go quickly."

Serena looked confused: "Xingfeng, what happened?"

"Kyle Fungo may be a traitor. He colluded with Ernie and Hof to kill all three Dante brothers.

Now that Kyle Funge has suddenly left the battlefield, it is very likely that he is going to harm us.

We are alone and weak, so we will avoid the edge for the time being."

Serena shook her head with a heavy face and replied:

"I do not want.

Xingfeng, ever since I became a hero, I have never given up on my subordinates.

Even if they are only temporarily accepted by me, they are still my troops.

A hero should hold up the sky for the soldiers when they are helpless!"

"well said!"

Escher's voice echoed on the battlefield.

Qi Ge’s pupils shrank!

At the same time, the tauren on the battlefield suddenly rebelled. Their eyes were red, and they attacked their comrades with axes.

The harpy attacked the manticore fearlessly, and the caveman mercilessly pierced the evil eye's eyeball with a spear.

Evil Eye did not dodge, but instead launched an arrow at Medusa beside him.

On the battlefield, blood and flesh flew everywhere for a while.

Hove's soldiers are killing each other.

In this case, it can only be the arrival of Eschar.

He is ranked first among Yasha in his ability to confuse people's hearts with magic.

All military units that are not immune to mind control are his playthings.

Huo Fu bit her tongue hard and turned the magic book:

"Level 6 magic, perseverance!"

As Hove's magic was activated, the soldiers of the Church of Fortune suddenly became sober.

"Haha." Escher's chuckle came from nowhere.

Lightning bolts crashed down one after another in the sky!

Thunder God Purgatory, Sea of ​​Lightning!

The Titans have arrived!

In an instant, the Fortune Church Army, which had the upper hand, suffered heavy losses in an instant. If the morale of the Union Army had not been too low, as long as the Union Army launched a charge at this time, the entire Fortune Church Army might have collapsed.

The seven pigeons looked far into the distance and saw Escher on the hill on the edge of the battlefield.

and the figures of three Titans.

Three huge Titans stood under the mountain, but their heads were parallel to the mountain. They kept throwing dazzling thunder and lightning in their hands towards the sky.

Thunder and lightning gradually spread in the air, and when they landed on the heads of the Wealth Church Army, it was a thundering purgatory!

Damn it, at this distance, the fairy heavy artillery can't hit it.

Qi Ge tutted in his heart.

Although they were far apart, Eskel's voice still kept ringing on the battlefield.

"Your Majesty Hoff, there is no need for us to engage in these fearless battles.

I have always firmly believed that His Majesty Ernie is innocent and was only persecuted by villains.

If you can stop resisting, I will not let the troops attack again.

Please believe me, as long as Her Majesty Ernie is willing to go to Thunder City with me, I will definitely do my best to get justice for her."

"Hmph! Follow you back to Thunder City and let you slaughter me?"

Hof said disdainfully: "Eskel, if you want to take Ernie back, you have to go through me first."

"That's such a shame."

Escher's voice was full of compassion.

“The Grand Council of Brakada is upright, law-abiding, fair and just.

We never miss a bad person, and we never wrongly accuse a good person.

These innocent soldiers will be buried with you because of your and Ernie's insistence.

How pitiful."

Qi Ge saw that many of the soldiers under Hove's command felt confused because of Escher's words.

Their eyes gradually dimmed and their spirits began to drift.

The seven pigeons were extremely fearful.

Eskel's specialty is too dangerous.


Hamster has gout qaq

It hurts so much, I almost fell asleep today.


This chapter has been completed!
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