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361 Stunning Heaven

Ruo Qier opened her eyes and slowly woke up.

She turned around and saw that all the succubi were exhausted and lying next to the lucky relief, sound asleep.

"Everyone must have had another very hard training session at night.

Sister Qige is really strict."

Ruo Qier touched her body, and her hands were so cold that she shuddered in her heart.

"It's terrible, Sister Qige is really terrible.

Use this method to prohibit the venting of desires and let one desire burn into another.

It’s simply heartless and cruel.”

Ruo Qier patted her chest: "Fortunately, I was sleeping during the day, otherwise I definitely wouldn't be able to stand it."

The seven pigeons in Ruo Qier's soul were silent.

No, you can bear it.

You have used this trick for thousands of years, and you only took it off when you became a legend and could perfectly suppress your desires.

To be precise, I learned this trick from you.

Don't underestimate yourself, Ruo Qier, you are much crueler than you think.

Ruo Qier took out the letter from her chest and began to make various strange props according to the tasks assigned to her by Qi Ge.

Qige knew it very well.

The best way to prevent Ruoqier from messing around during the day and having to start from scratch is to reverse the time difference of all succubi.

Let the succubi sleep and rest during the day and continue their march at night.

Anyway, succubi can move freely at night.

Therefore, the tasks he assigned to Ruo Qier were to stay in a safe place and make something similar to

Bliss stick (weapon), whip (weapon), candle (providing lighting), rope (climbing), etc.,

A gadget often used by succubi during their migration.

Taking advantage of his current inability to move, Qi Ge checked the completion of his mission.

[Main mission: Kill the Waxmelt Demon (Level 5, Level 3) Chalmer Johnson. (Completed)]

[Side mission:

1. Completely eliminate the demon team without attracting the attention of Sellon (completed)

2. The water honey is not damaged (completed)

3. Shui Mi was successfully promoted to the Enchanting Witch (Completed)

All main and side tasks have been completed. Do you want to submit the task?

If you don’t submit, you can still stay in the echoes of history for 148 weeks.】

All tasks have been completed and Qi Ge can choose to submit them at any time.

But he didn't do this.

Such a long additional stay must indicate that there are many hidden reward conditions.

Based on previous experiences, the key NPCs in each historical echo will have different advanced arms.

Due to the special historical echo mode this time, when a key NPC is found, the system prompt will not sound, and Qi Ge can only rely on himself to find it.

So, what’s the best way to find it?

The answer given by Qige is the exhaustive method.

After I have explored the entire Hall of Abstinence and all the succubi, thoroughly, until I know every corner of each succubus, I will naturally not miss any special advancement.

Since it’s everyone, of course including Ruo Qier.

Regardless of whether it is pure color, thirteen units, or big four happiness, four dark engravings, seven pigeons, they have all touched themselves.

He also unexpectedly discovered many of Ruo Qier's weaknesses.

After a full three months of migration, the seven pigeons led the succubi through the territory of hell and arrived at the seaside of the neutral forces.

After another two months, Ruo Qier and Shuimi both walked the path of heroes and became heroes.

Ruo Qier even successfully advanced to become a mythical soldier at level 5 with the help of the Seven Pigeons and the Book of Mysteries.

When Ruo Qier became a hero, she relied on her foundation in the mythical arms. As soon as she successfully advanced, she had extremely terrifying strength.

At the same time, under the training of the Seven Pigeons, the succubi transformed from a group of screaming monsters into an iron-blooded army of women comparable to the female generals of the Yang family.

All 26 succubi have reached level 4, and 2 of them have awakened to the Heroic Path and become semi-heroic units.

With the powerful Ruo Qier, Shuimi and Succubus troops, Qi Ge began the last step of the plan.

He planned to lead the succubi to clean up the entire wild monster area on the seaside.

Boom! Ouch!!

Bang! Roar!!

Two black dragons killed each other under the control of Qi Ge.

Ruo Qier's advanced mythical unit [Scarlet Empress], all spiritual magic released ignores the creature's natural magic resistance.

Even the black dragon, which is completely immune to magic, cannot escape Ruo Qier's control.

As the black dragon's breath spurted out, a black dragon fell down.

The succubi immediately took action at the same time under the command of Qi Ge, and concentrated fire to kill the last black dragon instantly.

This group of black dragons is the last group of wild monsters in the entire chaotic area. Its death announces that the power of Mother Goddess Asa can come again.

Qi Ge took a deep breath, piled the large amount of resources he had prepared on the ground, knelt down and prayed:

"The great Mother Goddess Asa, I, Ruo Qier, am willing to lead all the succubi present to break away from the forces of hell and become a neutral race.

Great Mother Yasha, please grant us a new home."

The power of Mother Goddess Asa fell from the sky, instantly washing away the abyssal mark on the succubus.

A large amount of resources melted and sank into the ground, and a new ascetic city rose from the ground!

Since it is a neutral city, in addition to the main castle that houses Yasha Fire, there is only one military building in the entire city - the Ascetic Hall that can produce succubi.

The succubi cheered and surrounded the seven pigeons with great excitement.

After nearly half a year of wandering, they finally had their own new home.

Qi Ge sighed inwardly.

This new home is too simple.

Since the succubi themselves belong to the forces of hell, when the seven pigeons led the succubi out of hell and built it, they could not build a neutral city, but could only build a hell city that did not belong to the forces of hell.

The basic building of a city is divided into two parts: logistics and troops.

The logistics part is: the council hall that produces gold coins (which can be upgraded to the interior hall and parliament later), the blacksmith shop, the market, and the magic guild.

The arms part is the basic arms building that produces ordinary arms.

For example, the forces of hell are the monster furnace that produces monsters, and the sin palace that produces maggots.

But in the city of abstinence, all the basic buildings are gray and cannot be built. The only ones that can be built are to upgrade the city walls and the abstinence hall.

As a player, Qi Ge builds a neutral force city where he can build various hidden buildings.

However, as an NPC, the city of abstinence established by Ruo Qier was itself set on a template and could only build buildings belonging to the forces of hell.

And because of Ruo Qier's rebellion, except for the buildings of her own clan, all other buildings belonging to the hell forces cannot be built.

This is a BUG.

Rather than saying that the City of Asceticism is a city, it is better to say that the City of Asceticism is an ascetic hall with walls.

Qi Ge had a vague feeling that this situation might be related to the Tears of Yasha.

No wonder, few NPCs dare to rebel.

Even if an NPC rebels, he will basically not build a city.

But the simplicity of the city could not conceal the excitement of the succubi at all.

They hugged each other, kissed each other, cheered and were beaming with joy.

On the big day, Qige naturally couldn't bear to let the succubus leave any regrets.

He distributed the keys very gently, letting the cheers and screams of the succubi fill the air.

Qige stood on the city wall, looking at the happy faces of the succubi under the city wall, and fell into deep thought.

"Are you leaving?"

Shui Mi silently walked up the city wall and stood behind Qi Ge and asked.

Qi Ge was stunned and smiled sweetly:

"Sister? Why should I leave? It took a lot of effort for me to build a home."

Shuimi shook her head, bit her lip and said:

"Your acting skills are indeed very good, but if Qier is my sister and we get along day and night, how can I not see it?"

The smile on Qige's face faded, she sighed softly and said:

"Of course I know you have been unable to see it for a long time, but if you don't expose me, I will be happy to cooperate.

However, I have always been curious, why didn't you expose me?

Aren’t you worried that I will hurt your sister and your tribe?”

Shuimi chuckled:

"Of course I'm not worried.

Because I know who you are and what your purpose is here.

For you, this is an echo of history.

For me, this is the world I've lived in."

Qi Ge's pupils suddenly shrank.


The seven pigeons were horrified.

"Are you awake? Do you know that you are in the echo of history? Do you know that you have..."

Shuimi's face turned crimson in an instant, her body ignited with blazing flames, and her figure suddenly grew much longer.

"Yes, that's right.

I am Shuimi, the sister of Ruo Qier, the first enchantress in the world of Yasha.

I clearly know that I am in a fragment of time and space."

Qi Ge quickly calmed down. He looked at the succubi who were hugging each other and celebrating the founding of the city, and asked doubtfully:

"What about them?

Are they awake too?"

Shui Mi shook her head and flatly denied:

"Of course not. They are all asleep."

She went on to explain:

"The biggest role of the time and space fragments created by Mother Goddess Yasha is to preserve the heroic spirits of the Yasha world so that the power of the heroic spirits will not be cut off.

Time and space fragments are not only the source of heroic souls, but also the habitat of our heroic souls.

Everything else you see here is part of the power of the space-time fragments.

Have you ever thought about what would have been like in the space-time fragments if your architects had not come?"


Qige's expression was stunned, he really hadn't thought about it.

According to his understanding, the time and space fragments should be copies generated by the Mother Goddess Asa for the architect.

From what Shuimi meant, that doesn’t seem to be the case?

Shuimi didn't show off, she pointed at the celebrating succubi and said:

"The answer is a never-ending cycle.

Every time fragment has a beginning and an end.

This place is like a stage, constantly playing out the most impressive moments in our heroic lives.

Unfortunately, for most heroic spirits, this kind of episode is a tragedy.

No matter what changes you make, you will end up watching your most important person die in front of you and experience your own death over and over again.

Most heroic spirits cannot endure such endless torture.

Fortunately, the power of Mother Goddess Asa can put us into unconscious sleep and save us from such pain."

Shuimi smiled and said:

"But I'm different.

As long as I can see Ruo Qier, I can endure any pain."

Seven Pigeons:?

"In real history, what is the story of you and Ruo Qier?"

"Hey, it's not a good story at all."

Shuimi's eyelids drooped, and she sighed. She was silent for a long time before saying:

"I married the fake "Cullinan" as promised, the waxmelon Charmer Johnson.

Everything was very peaceful at first, but two years later, I discovered his true identity in the Crucible City.

It's a pity that when I discovered his true identity, he was aware of it at the same time.

In order to silence me, Chalmer Johnson launched a hunt for me.

He used his power to declare me a defector and used the Asa Fire in the Crucible City to drive me out of the hellish forces.

If he just persecuted me, that would be fine, but that scum actually wanted to kill all the succubi in the abstinence hall.

I escaped back to the abstinence hall and escaped with my sisters.

The pursuers were in hot pursuit, and the succubus in the entire Ascetic Hall was on the verge of death.

In the end, only my sister and I survived.

The pursuers came again, and I knocked out Ruo Qier, then led the pursuers away myself, and finally died in the hands of the devil."

After Shui Mi finished speaking, she fell silent again, her expression a little gloomy.

Qige's heart moved and she quickly said:

"Sister Shuimi, I have good news to tell you.

Ruo Qier successfully survived, and now she has become a powerful legendary hero.

Ruo Qier and I are comrades-in-arms, and we are working hard to destroy hell and avenge you and the succubi."

Water honey smiles, like ice and snow melting, flowers blooming.

"I know, when I saw that strange lock, I knew that Ruo Qier was still alive, and I also knew that you must know Ruo Qier.

This is why I deliberately cooperated with you and showed up at this moment.

At the beginning, she told me that I wanted to be a pure succubus and not be controlled by "gloom".

At that time, she brought this with her.

I specially met with you this time because I want to know some news about Ruo Qier."

Well! This is a good opportunity to increase your favorability and recognition!

Qige became excited and said quickly:

"No problem, Sister Shuimi, I will tell you all Ruo Qier's current story."

The night sky is deep blue and transparent.

"Now, Ruoqier and I have successfully instigated the rebellion of the four true legends under Sellon.

They are a succubus, an evil god king, a human and a fire elf.

The disintegration of the forces of hell is not far away."

After listening to Qi Ge's story about Ruo Qier, Shui Mi smiled happily.

"So that's it, she has grown so powerful."

"Yes, powerful and full of sacrifice."

Qi Ge sighed:

"I have always felt that Ruo Qier is a candle.

She lives on her own, constantly emitting light to illuminate other succubi.

But a candle must burn itself to light others.

Ruo Qier has never regretted it."

Qi Ge looked at the water honey and praised it sincerely:

"I've always found it strange that Ruoqier doesn't behave like a succubus at all.

Now I know that it is because she has a good sister who serves as her role model and role model."

Shuimi blinked at Qige and said:

"Qige, on behalf of all the heroic spirits in this fragment of time, I can express the highest degree of recognition to you.

In exchange, can you help Ruo Qier more in reality?"

Qi Ge's expression became serious:

"Even if you don't recognize me, I will do my best to help Ruo Qier.

She is my ally and my closest and most trusted person."

"That's good."

Shuimi glanced at the succubi with nostalgia and said:

"Qige, you are really amazing.

I repeated this fragment of history countless times before I successfully led my sisters out of hell.

You just repeated it twice and you did it.

A large city of this size was also built here.

If I had the same ability as you, maybe all the tragedies would not have happened.

If you were a succubus, maybe our succubi tribe could really become the masters of the abyss.

Qi Dove, with my expectations and my blessings, go back quickly, return to the time that belongs to you.

Ruo Qier, please leave it to you."

Qige nodded vigorously and said: "Sister Shuimi, don't worry, I will build the hero altar belonging to the Succubus tribe as soon as possible.

At that time, you will be able to see Ruo Qier again."

Shuimi's eyes glowed brightly, and her body turned into scattered flames little by little and disappeared, leaving only her voice lingering in Qi Ge's ears.

"I'm waiting for you!"

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the main mission.

The echo of history is complete]

[System prompt: Enter the settlement interface.]

[System prompt: The main mission—killing the Waxmelt Demon Charmer Johnson has been completed]

[System prompt: Branch line 1, branch line 2, and branch line 3 have been completed]

[System prompt: Hidden main mission - Help the succubi find a safe place to live, completed]

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for completing the heroic soul test.]

Checking in progress:

Miyumi survives and becomes a hero: Courage 20, Force 20, Command 20, Wisdom 20

All succubi survived:...

Succubus Big Bobo’s approval:……

People who like Succubus Flower Tea can:...

The demon team was completely wiped out:...

The city of abstinence was established:…

Hidden main quest completed: all bonus ability points doubled

All succubi are higher than level 4: Miracle Building: Dream Club]

Dream club...

Qi Ge fell into deep thought.

The name of this miraculous building, combined with the historical echo of the succubus clan, seems to be a little bit wrong.

Qi Ge checked and found that he had received a total of 200 courage, 200 force, 200 command, and 200 wisdom.

It couldn't be more neat.

If this happens, it can only be because Shuimi secretly did something to get herself the highest level of exchange points.

I don't know what types of troops there will be.

Qi Ge felt a little uneasy.

[System prompt: Settlement in progress]

Because of your performance, Yinghun Shuimi recognized you and received additional hidden troops:

The charming witch, the charming witch.】

[System prompt: Because of your performance, Heroic Spirit Bobo recognized you.

Get additional hidden troops:

Dream Demon]

……*twenty three

The ding-dong sounds in Qi Ge's ears became one, and countless approvals came out at once!

All succubi have recognized the Seven Doves. Each succubus has at least one building on his body, and some even have two or three.


Doesn’t that mean that in real history, these succubi have all advanced into special arms?

Qi Ge suddenly understood that Ruo Qier must have used the Book of Mysteries just like him.

[System prompt: Because of your performance, the heroic soul succubus group has recognized you, and you have received additional hidden troops:

succubus, erotic demon, bewitching demon]

[System prompt: Your total redemption points have reached 800.

Gain recognition from all heroic souls.

Time Fragments: The Charming Witch, Broken]

[System prompt: All your rewards have been cancelled]

Qige's heart tightened.

Damn it! What the hell! The reward has been cancelled?! Could it be that Mother Goddess Asa discovered my cheating?!

[System prompt: All rewards have been fused, and time fragments have been fused.]

[System prompt: Generate mythical building: Stunning Heaven]

Qi Ge blinked his eyes and fell into a daze.

Wait a minute, what is this?

Mythical architecture? Not fragments?


The mythical building of the succubus clan?!

[System prompt: Congratulations to player Qi Ge for obtaining the mythical architectural drawings:

Stunning paradise]

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the mission: Succubus’s Heaven]

[Task Name: Succubus’s Heaven

Mission Level: Golden Demigod Level

Mission requirements: Build the mythical building Succubus Heaven in your territory

mission rewards:

The succubus npc race in your territory has been promoted: Breaking through the boundaries. (All succubus npcs are hidden quality troops as soon as they are born)

Description: The succubus clan entrusted their future to a half-elf.

This is very strange.

Don't the succubi know that people who are not from my race must have different minds?

Perhaps, they already have no choice.]

On the reward interface, Qi Ge was stunned for a moment.

No wonder Shuimi's farewell was so strange.

It turns out that the birth of mythical architecture actually comes at the expense of the fragments echoing throughout history.

If there is no skin left, how can the hair be attached?

When the time fragments disappear, what should the heroic souls entrusted to them do?

Qi Ge felt vaguely uneasy.

It would be good if the heroic soul could be integrated into the mythical building along with the fragments of time, but I am afraid that the heroic soul will simply disappear into thin air.

Then how should I explain it to Ruo Qier?

Ruo Qier, let me tell you some good news.

I met your sister.

Let me tell you some bad news.

Your sister is gone.


Qi Ge has a toothache.

He could only comfort himself:

"It must be the first type. Maybe if we build the mythical building, we can see water honey."

For a while, Qige returned to Serena's study.

A long time has passed in the echo of history, and the world of Yasha is only a moment.

So Serena still slept soundly.

Qi Ge looked at his backpack.

In his backpack, there is a pink crystal ball that is constantly rotating.

This is the only gain from this historical echo.

【Stunning Architectural Drawings of Heavenly Kingdom

mythical architecture

Building requirements:

City size: County town

Terrain requirements: Need to be built at high altitude

Resource requirements:

60,000 gold coins,

Four level 2 resources, totaling 1200,

There are 60 level 3 resources, totaling 600,

There are 150 level 4 resources, 300 in total,

Level 5 resources: Mithril 5, Adamantite 5, Dream Branch 1.


The territory can give birth to level 4 succubus NPCs.

Provides 100 succubus (level 1~4) heroic soul recruitment quotas every week.

Provides a total of 56 advancements from levels 2 to 6 of the succubus arms (including 2 advancements for the mythical arms)

Morale of all male units in the territory 3

All heroes in the territory gain: immunity to mental magic.

Provide special terrain for the territory: stunning paradise

Specialties: Stunning Flower 1 (weekly)

Land area: 64 building spaces (8*8)

Description: The paradise that all succubi dream of]

This chapter has been completed!
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