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410 Conflict of Thoughts

After determining the attributes of the Ragai wild boars, Qige began to design a training plan for them.

The top priority must be to get rid of the habit of Ragai wild boars that like to rush forward and fight in close quarters.

Ragai Boar's magic value is not much, and it can only fire two ice arrows in ten hours.

But things changed after they joined Qige's command.

Even if Qi Ge loses the magic source of the combined treasures, he still has many ways to replenish his magic value.

Just the combination of [Magic Talisman] and [Magic Ball] gave the Ragai Boars an additional 4 points of magic value recovery.

In addition to their own 2 points, they can recover 6 points every hour!

It takes about two hours to fire an Ice Arrow.

Qi Ge ordered Big Tusk to lead the wild boars to continuously release ice arrows at the wooden target he made.

This boring and monotonous exercise may seem useless, but it can greatly enhance the wild boars' proficiency in using magic.

As long as they persist for about a week, Qi Ge is sure that they will form neural reflexes.

Once they encounter danger, they will subconsciously use magic instead of sticking their noses up and slamming into them.

Qige helped the wild boars formulate training content and taught them step by step for a period of time.

It wasn't until the wild boars got used to this training method that Brother Qi handed them over to Big Tusk.

This giant tooth is very excited,

He finally found other fun ways to be a pig besides making piglets.

Every day as soon as he got up, he would gather the wild boars together and let them shoot ice arrows at the stone target in the distance.

If a wild boar misses its tusk, it will fall on top of it and ride hard.

"Ugh! Chief Big Tusk doesn't want it. I'm still young and I don't want to give birth to piglets yet."

"Don't want to have a baby? It's not up to you!

Euler, Euler, Euler!"

"woo woo woo woo."

After feeling refreshed for a while, Big Tooth climbed down from the wild boar triumphantly.

"This time I'm just giving you a small lesson. Next time you miss the target, it won't be so easy.

I will actually turn you into a gilt.

Don't blame me then.

"Hmm hum hum" (sobbing)

Facts have proved that Big Tusk's big stick has a very significant effect on the Ragai wild boar.

However, Qi Ge was still not satisfied with this training efficiency.

The current Ragai Wild Boar is only forced to practice magic under the pressure of Big Tusk.

The ownership spirit of "the tribe is my home" has not yet been formed, nor has there been a strong driving force of "working hard to practice magic in order to get a better life".

This can't go on like this.

Old rules!

A two-pronged approach!

Qi Ge first used the food in his backpack to test out that the Ragai wild boars like to eat potatoes.

Then Seven Pigeons used the delicious potatoes as a reward for the outstanding Ragai wild boar.

He stipulated that as long as the ice arrows hit the target five times in a row, three potatoes would be obtained.

If you can hit 10 consecutive times, you will be rewarded with ten!

The old wild boar helps the new wild boar improve the accuracy of magic. As long as the effect is good, you can also get rewards.

At the same time, a final culling system was implemented for the Ragai wild boar.

After each round of magic training, the wild boar with the worst performance and the most outrageous miss will be selected and handed over to Big Tusk for processing.

The double attack of potatoes and sticks allowed the Ragai wild boar to enjoy double the happiness.

Under the temptation of wanting to eat potatoes and the fear of not wanting to become gilts, the Ragai wild boars practiced magic with all their strength, one more serious than the other, and one more curling than the other.

Qi Ge was naturally happy to see this situation.

If this method doesn't work, he can only give the boars with outstanding performance the right to mate.

Reward the worst-performing boar to the best boar.

However, this kind of internal competition will definitely destroy the original atmosphere of unity of Lagaai Wild Boar, which will be detrimental to future operations.

This method belongs to drinking poison to quench thirst.

Qi Ge was unwilling to use it unless absolutely necessary.

Seeing that the training is gradually getting on track, Qi Ge can finally take time out with peace of mind.

Under the reluctant eyes of Big Tusk and the Ragai wild boars, Seven Pigeons left the Ragai wild boar tribe and continued to search for the next race along the river.



This time, their luck seemed to be a little worse. The seven pigeons walked along the main river for three days and three nights, but they did not find the new race they were looking for.

On the contrary, he made some discoveries that were beyond his expectations.

Seven Pigeons found the source of the Anhuan River.

The source of Anhuan River is a huge lake with crystal clear water.

At the top of the lake, there are many thick and huge green roots breaking out of the dark rock layers.

These huge roots, as soft and smooth as octopus tentacles, spread from the rocks into the lake.

From a distance, it looks like green pillars standing tall against the sky and the ground.

"These green pillars should be sucking water from the Dark Ring River."

Qi Ge touched his chin and said to himself:

"I've walked here from Ragai Boar, but I still haven't found any other races.

There are two possibilities.

One is that the other three races do not settle on the main river but near the tributaries.

Another possibility is that there is a race underwater!"

Qi Ge made a quick decision and decided to go take a look.

After taking down a bottle of [Water Breathing Potion], the seven pigeons jumped into the lake.

Under the dark water of the lake, Qi Ge found no traces of other races. He only found some freshwater fish with no intelligence or fighting ability, as well as some small shrimps and shells.

These aquatic products are obviously not adapted to the water pressure of the Anhuan River, and they swim around in excitement in the water.

In order to prevent these aquatic animals from collapse due to excessive exercise, Qi Ge thoughtfully invited them into the fish basket he carried with him to let them rest for a while.

"Dark Ring Lake is deeper than I thought.

Since there’s nothing in the shallow water, I’ll dive into the deep water and have a look.”

But when Qi Ge dived into the deep water of the lake and took a closer look, he realized that he had gone astray.

Those giant roots that pierced down from the cave roof did not take root in the Dark Ring Lake. Instead, they penetrated the river bottom sand of the Dark Ring Lake and continued downward.

When the Seven Pigeons want to get close to the roots, there will be strong currents in the water around the roots that push the Seven Pigeons away.

Qi Ge thought about it carefully and came to a conclusion that made him a little worried.

"I see.

These roots are the source of the Dark Ring River.

The underground world where Anhuan River is located should be a mezzanine.

The top of the Anhuan River may be the surface world, and there is probably an underground lake beneath the Anhuan River.

These roots are equivalent to a huge pillar, piercing through the three floors.

Therefore, the water from the underground lake rushed into this place, gradually forming a dark ring river."

"If this is really the case, things will be a little troublesome.

The system prompt only told me that there were four races nearby.

But it is still unknown whether these four races are all distributed in the mezzanine.

If the system calculates all races on the surface and in underground lakes, it will be troublesome.

The search in the deep water area once again yielded no results, so the seven pigeons had no choice but to swim back to the shore.

Returning without success, coupled with the bitterly cold water of Anhuan Lake, made Qige's heart feel cold.

Also cool were the small fish and shrimp brought back by Qi Ge.

"I've only been in the water for a short time and I'm already frozen like this. These fish and shrimp have been frozen in the Anhuan Lake for so long, so they must be very cold."


The kind-hearted Qi Ge quickly lit up a bonfire to help keep the fish and shrimp warm.

The fish and shrimps were deeply moved and soon became familiar with Qige.

After a while, an alluring fragrance began to waft from their bodies.

"Ah, I understand.

The book says that when eminent monks become Buddhas, incense will spread everywhere, Buddha light will shine everywhere, and they will ascend to the Land of Ultimate Bliss.

These small fish and shrimps are so fragrant, they must have completed their merits.


My good friends, you have all reached bliss. Let me soak up your Buddha energy in this useless body.

We are all familiar with it, so you can't be stingy.


Don’t say anything? If you don’t say anything, I’ll treat it as if you agree!"

Suck, squeak, squeak.

The seven pigeons filled their stomachs, and the depression in their hearts disappeared.

"No matter where the other races are, just look for them. Even if the Anhuan River is really a mezzanine, it's just two more places to look for."

Just when Qige was about to leave to look for a tributary, a beautiful sika deer suddenly jumped out in front of him!

It is completely white, with soft and smooth fur, and only two short horns on its head.

On its butt, there is a plum blossom pattern composed of black fur.

The sika deer kept shouting "ho ho ho" at the seven pigeons, and was still jumping around randomly.

Qi Ge was confused.

Is this sika deer a level 0 animal or a soldier?

Although there are deer-type soldiers in the Yasha world, they are little deer girls.

I have never seen the seven pigeons of the pure deer army.

"Ho ho ho!" The sika deer called several times, and even jumped in front of the seven pigeons, jumping repeatedly across the newly burned fire pit.

Qi Ge was stunned.

"This is... you also want to reach bliss as soon as possible and become a Buddha immediately?

How about... let's make a fire together? "

"Ho ho ho!" I don't know if the sika deer understood it or something, but started to push up the seven pigeons' belly with the little horns on its head.

Its small horns are so soft that Qi Ge doesn't feel any pain at all.

"Oh, it's useless for you to support me. I can't understand you."

It wasn't until the sika deer picked up some dry firewood in its mouth and threw it into the black charcoal pile that the seven pigeons finally understood.

"Are you trying to make me angry?"

The sika deer shook its head, looking a little cute.

No matter how you try it, you will know.

Qi Ge took out the fire stick and lit the wood.

As soon as the sika deer saw the blazing flames, he suddenly became excited.

She swooped into the woods and took out many apple-like fruits.

Then, under the horrified eyes of the seven pigeons, the sika deer sat down on the ground and picked up the branches with two hooves.

It strung the apples one by one on many branches and roasted them on the fire.

Ah this!!

Is there still such an operation?!

You are a sika deer!

Qi Ge was still in a daze, and something even more surprising happened to Qi Ge.

When the apples are roasted, the sika deer first puts the branch aside, then presses his head with both hooves, and just pushes it hard!

With a "ba la" sound, the deer's head was lifted up by itself.

Although there was no blood flowing out as Qi Ge imagined, the sika deer's condition was even more terrifying than the blood spurting.

On the plane connecting its neck and the deer's head, there is actually a ball of black light that is constantly rotating, looking like a black hole in a science fiction documentary.

Then the sika deer actually threw its head aside and started eating apple kebabs with its neck!

A hot baked apple was skewered on a branch. It was stuffed into the neck, pulled up and down, and thrust twice. When it was pulled out, only an apple core was left.

In less than two minutes, all the baked apples had gone into its neck.


The picture in front of him was so impactful that it made Qi Ge take a breath.

At this moment, the white sika deer seemed to notice the movements of the seven pigeons and turned towards the seven pigeons.

Immediately afterwards, a popping sound was heard, and an elf head emerged from the sika deer's neck.

Her face was as white as snow, and the blood veins on her neck were clearly visible, like green ropes.

Her long green-blue hair hung behind her, revealing a pair of long ears.

Such a beautiful head growing on the body of a sika deer made Qi Ge involuntarily feel confused.

Qi Ge was still in a daze, and the other party handed him a bunch of baked apples with his hoof.

"Do you want to eat too?

I can give you one."


Can actually talk?

"Wait a minute, this deer body, this head.

Ah, this and this..."

Qi Ge was so shocked that he even stuttered when speaking.

"Huh?" The sika deer elf stared.

"Aren't you going to eat? Then I'll eat."

She swept away all the baked apples at an extremely exaggerated speed.

Then she very elegantly picked up the cute deer head and wiped her mouth with the top of the deer head.


Then she very elegantly picked up the cute deer head and wiped her mouth with the top of the deer head.


There was another pop, and the elf's head was retracted into its neck again. The sika deer clamped its head between its hooves and pushed the deer's head back.

It flicked its tail with satisfaction, stood up and was even ready to set off.

Seeing that the sika deer wanted to leave, Qi Ge couldn't bear to be shocked.

He quickly ran over and stopped the sika deer.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute"

The sika deer tilted its head in confusion.

"What, my name is Qi Ge, can you recognize me?

The sika deer stood there for a while, seeming to be thinking about something.

Several minutes passed like this, and the seven pigeons could only stare anxiously into its big deer eyes.


Suddenly, the whole body of the white sika deer split vertically into two halves, and a little elf wrapped in a purple robe emerged from the deer!

The other party is only about 1.3 meters tall. If it weren't for the standard long ears and good looks, Qi Ge would definitely think of her as a dwarf.

The elf bent down and stuffed two pieces of sika deer several times larger than herself into her robe bit by bit. Then she raised her head and asked doubtfully:

"Brother Qi Ge? What's the matter with you?"

Church member?

Qi Ge immediately became acutely aware of what religion the other party believed in and regarded himself as a companion.

good chance!

Qi Ge's mind turned around and he immediately said: "Brother, I'm not from this area. I'm lost. May I ask, where is this place?"


The dwarf tilted his head and said:

"You mean the forest where you live?

If you can't find it, you can't find it, and it doesn't matter.

If you become a deer, you can eat grass, if you become a bear, you can eat meat, and you will never starve to death wherever you go.

Why do you have to go back?"

The short elf patted his chest and said very generously:

"You can summon the magical magic of fire, I like it very much.

My forest is very big, why don't you live here with me?"

"Okay, thank you very much."

Under Qi Ge's calm eyes, there is a smile of successful plot.

"Let's go, I'll take you to find a tree to rest first."

The short elf put his hand into his robe, touched it a few times, and took out an owl doll.

She smashed the owl doll on her head and instantly turned into an owl.

Seven Pigeons:......

"Gu Gu" The owl looked at Qi Ge standing still and tilted its head strangely.


The owl split in half, and the little elf fell out.

She first carefully put the owl back into her robe, then looked at Qi Ge in confusion and asked:

"Why don't you change? It's a bit far. We have to turn into owls and fly over, otherwise we will be very tired."

Then I have to know how to do it.

Qi Ge thought for a moment and answered truthfully.

"Well, actually, I can't transform."

"Can't transform?"

The short elf's eyes widened:

"How is this possible? We druids should be able to transform as soon as we are born."

"Ahem, fellow believer, you may not understand, but the physiques of druids and druids cannot be generalized.

I have some magic that you don't know, such as summoning flames just now, but I also lost the ability to transform. "

"is that so?"

There was some doubt in the short elf's eyes.

"That's it!" Qige said with absolute certainty.

"Okay then." The dwarf elf actually accepted it, she said feebly:

"Then you follow me and walk there.

Ah ah ah, you don’t know how to transform, you didn’t tell me earlier, walking is so tiring.

Well, I have used up all my transformations today, so I can only turn into a bear.

But I don’t want to become a bear, becoming a bear would be even more tiring.”

The dwarf muttered, turned around dejectedly, and walked slowly.

Qi Ge quickly followed and asked cautiously:

"Brother, I haven't asked you yet, what is your name?"

"Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh."

The short elf struggled for several seconds and chose to give up:

"It's been too long, I forgot. Forget it, whatever, you can call me whatever you like."

Seven Pigeons:......

So casual?

What's wrong with the creatures in this world? In the real world, if you call your girlfriend by the wrong name, don't explain for a long time, and coax her for several days, then just wait to break up.

As a result, here, even if the wild boar has no name at all, how can an elf forget his own name?

Qi Ge carefully observed the physical characteristics of the short elf, chose the one that impressed her most, and tentatively gave her a name.

"How about I call you Tongyanju?"

"The name Tong Yanju sounds weird.

But that’s okay. Okay, then I’ll call you Tong Yanju from now on!

What a great name! Easy to remember!

Qi Ge praised his wit.

"Brother Tong Yanju, how long have you lived here?"

"It's been a long time, I can't remember clearly.

But every time I see the leaves falling off in my house, I will draw a line and I will know when I go back and take a look."

Qi Ge then probed: "Are there any other believers living in your forest?"

Tong Yanju stopped, his eyebrows gradually furrowed, and he glanced up and down at Qige several times.

Qige's heart skipped a beat.

Oops, maybe I asked a question I shouldn't have asked and exposed my chicken feet.

"I felt a little weird from the beginning.

Qige, you are actually not a Druid, but another Elf race, right?"

Qi Ge's head spun rapidly.

How to answer?

The risk is very high if you continue to lie. To cover up a lie, you need more lies.

I don’t know enough about Tong Yanju, so sooner or later the secret will be exposed.

Simply, acquiesce!

Qige didn't say a word, just nodded.

Tong Yanju said expressionlessly:

"I knew it. You escaped here too, right?"

Don't worry, we are also neutral elves, not in the same group as the silver elves and gold elves.

We won't bother you."

Run away!

Silver Elf! Gold Elf!

These few words were so crucial that Qi Ge immediately cleared the air and figured out Tong Yan Ju’s approximate identity!

The Elf Empire is a powerful empire that was created before the nine major powers appeared.

The history of the Elf Empire can be traced back to the founding of all races.

That is, when peace and wealth have not yet become gods.

At that time, the Elf Empire had not yet been established.

However, there are countless elves living on the elven subcontinent far away from the main continent.

At that time, all the elves were still scattered in the form of tribes.

Relying on their own longevity, various elven tribes have accumulated strong strength.

Especially the gold elves and silver elves.

The general trend of the world is that if it has been divided for a long time, it must be united, and if it has been united for a long time, it must be divided.

When the overall strength of the elves has accumulated to a certain level, they will naturally begin to prepare for integration.

After the major historical event [Ten Thousand Trees Alliance], more than 90% of the elves have reached a consensus and are ready to unite all the elves tribes to form a huge empire.

When the Elf Empire was first established, it encountered big trouble.

The alliance headed by the silver elves and the alliance headed by the gold elves had major differences when discussing the basic national strategy of the elven empire.

The two sides are not competing for power, but a battle of ideas.

The Silver Elf Alliance believes in opening up the elves, making friends widely, and accepting more other races as allies to make up for the elves' low fertility disadvantage.

The Golden Elf Alliance believes that more resources should be allocated to the elves to improve the overall strength of the elves, expand and research military equipment, and respond to challenges from other races.

To put it bluntly, the dispute between them is essentially:

The competition between [extreme xenophilic ideological trends] and [extreme **** ideological trends].

What they compete for is not what interests they have, but whose ideology can truly represent the future direction of the elves.

This kind of ideological competition is invisible and intangible, but it is even more terrifying than fighting with real swords and guns.

The most troublesome part is that the Golden Elf Alliance has achieved its current strength through **** methods.

The Silver Elf Alliance has also tasted the sweetness of extreme xenophobia in its own development process.

Both sides firmly believe that they are absolutely right.

It's easy to kill a person, but it's extremely difficult to kill his mind.

Especially for the stubborn elves themselves, it is almost impossible to persuade the other party to change their minds.

Eventually, the Silver Elf Alliance and the Gold Elf Alliance had strong differences.

The establishment of the Elf Empire was therefore put on hold."

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