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413 Poseidon Lost in the Clouds

This six-song Hydra obviously has a strong aura to wake up.

"Om Sa~~" The six heads of the six hydras were all moving slightly.

Of the two heads in the middle, one is raised to the highest point and looks down at the seven pigeons from above; the other is lowered to the lowest position, almost at eye level with the seven pigeons.

The four heads on its side are trying their best to separate to the left and right, forming an irregular circular shape.

This gesture makes the already huge Six Hydras look even bigger.

Although Seven Pigeons was not very familiar with Six Hydra's habits, it could be judged from the opponent's towering body and uninterrupted roar that it was very nervous now.

The six hydras stared at the seven pigeons warily, and the snake kept hesitating.

Qige's palms were sweating heavily.

He realized he had made an unintentional mistake.

It is true that living things are least vigilant when they are well fed and drunk.

But similarly, living things are most vigilant when they are awakened from sleep!

"Right now, we must not act rashly."

Qi Ge took a deep breath, stood upright, and looked at the snake head in the middle of the six hydras.

Six Hydras are herbivores that eat leaves, and generally do not have any desire to hunt on their own.

At the very least, she won't be like the Black Dragon Lady, who puts herself in her mouth, takes two bites to taste and then spits it out.

Its current vigilance is more of a passive defense.

If you don't do anything else that threatens it, it should calm down quickly.

But herbivores do not mean they are not dangerous.

Not to mention the fighting prowess of elephants and rhinoceroses, rabbits will bite people when they are anxious.

Qige didn't want to experience the consequences of this big guy's rage.



As time passed, the six hydras kept staring at the seven pigeons, and the seven pigeons kept staring at it.

It's like boiling an eagle, it's about perseverance and patience.

Gradually, the roars of the six Hydras gradually became quieter, leaving only the crackling roar of the heavy rain all around.

Qi Ge estimated the time and found that he and Six Hyderas had been looking at each other in the heavy rain for more than an hour.

Qi Ge couldn't help but secretly hate it in his heart.

This big guy is too patient.

Six hydras! You wasted an hour of my life, which meant that I was one hour late in getting ready to deal with the chaos.

It is equivalent to wasting an hour of all the creatures in the Dark Ring River Basin.

There are more than 10,000 Ragai wild boars alone, which is 100 million if rounded up!

You have wasted so much of our time, and if you don't tie yourself up in a bow and send it to me, then you are committing a grave sin and a heinous crime.

Being idle, Qige simply opened the space backpack and looked for any food that could be fed to the six Hydras.

After searching and searching, Qi Ge suddenly discovered a good thing!

[Niotedalus Leviathan's Lin]

【Wonderful Object】

[Poseidon's scales allow players to build sub-cities, which must be built on the seabed.

Disappears after use.]

Poseidon's scales!

Although Qi Ge is not sure what Poseidon's true race is, he is sure not to be weak.

I don't know if Poseidon's scales have any effect on the six-headed Hydra.

There are two situations. One is that Poseidon's scales stimulated the six Hydras, causing the six Hydras to become even more furious.

The other is that the six-headed Hydra is afraid of the aura on the scales of Poseidon and chooses to be convinced.

"It's not a good idea to remain in a stalemate like this.

There is plenty of time for the six hydras, and I only have twenty days.

Give it a try.

If it doesn't work, just use the escape treasure to escape."

Qi Ge stretched out his hand and held [Neotedalus Leviathan's Lin] in his hand.

The scales of Poseidon exude a faint fluorescence, shining brightly in the heavy rain.

The reaction of Six Hydras after seeing [Neotedalus Leviathan's Lin] was very strange.

At first, the red light in its six pairs of eyes dissipated at the same time, turning into a faint blue light.

Immediately afterwards, its body slowly lowered, and all six of its heads were close to Qi Ge's arms. It breathed in through its nostrils, as if it was testing something with its sense of smell.


The six-headed Hydra gently tapped the muddy ground with its head.


Suddenly it raised its head again and let out a loud chirp!

This sound was even louder than the sound amplified by Qi Ge. As the sound spread, the heavy rain in the sky suddenly stopped.




The six snake heads of the six hydras neighed one after another towards the sky at the same time!!

Damn it, what's going on? Why did you suddenly go crazy? You don't want to hit me.

Qi Ge was so frightened that he took half a step back.

The six hydras screamed for more than ten minutes before they stopped shouting.

The moment the six hydras stopped shouting, responses came one after another from all directions.



Qi Ge was shocked.

Qi Ge can clearly hear that the calls coming from each direction are different.

Some are bold and rough, some are melodious and long, some are soft and sweet...

Seven Pigeons raised their ears and distinguished carefully.

"One, two, three...fourteen!

Fourteen different calls.

Including the one in front of me, there are as many as fifteen of the six Hydras confirmed to exist in this sea area!"

Qi Ge was extremely excited.

Fifteen level 6 and 1 giant soldiers.

If they were all subdued, wouldn't they take off?


Seven Pigeons was still dreaming, when Six Hydra suddenly bit it down, took Seven Pigeons clothes in its mouth, and lifted Seven Pigeons into the air!

Qi Ge:......

Wait a minute, I'm not talking about takeoff!

Qi Ge felt like a little kitten being bitten in Six Hydra's mouth. It was a bit embarrassing to have no ability to resist.

There is no way, those who know the current affairs are heroes, but the language is not fluent, and the fighting ability is not as good as others, so I can only endure it for now.

Six hydras held seven pigeons in their mouths and swam all the way towards the sea.

"What is this for?"

Qi Ge held the Poseidon Lin and asked the snake biting its head:

"Brother, where are you taking me?"

The head in the middle stared straight ahead, ignoring the seven pigeons at all.

So Qige turned to the side and looked at the other head: "Second brother, where is the eldest brother taking me?"

The second smuggler looked at Qige with contempt and turned away.

Qi Ge persisted and turned to the third snake head:

"Third brother, what's wrong with the eldest and second brothers? Why are they so cold and cold?

Third brother, where are you going? Let me tell you brother."

The third snakehead glared at Qi Ge, then lay down and took a mouthful of sea water, then spat out a jet of water at Qi Ge.

Qi Ge dodged and the water jet sprayed the snake head in the middle.

The eldest brother's eyes narrowed, and the second child began to beat the third child violently.

When the sixth child saw this, he immediately followed up to help the second child and beat the third child together.

The third child was beaten, and the fourth child laughed at the joke and laughed at the third child.

As a result, after the third child was beaten by the second child, he didn't rest long before he started beating the fourth child.

What shocked Qi Ge the most was that Lao Liu, who had just finished beating Lao San, started to help Lao San beat Lao Si with his backhand.


Lao Liu is indeed Lao Liu.

When the second child hits the third child, you help the second child; when the third child beats the fourth child, you help the third child.

Who forces you to help whom?

What is the ultimate 25-year-old?

If you go out and mess around, your hands and feet will be cut off if you act like this.

Soon, due to the outstanding performance of Lao Liu, except for the snake head in the middle, which remained motionless, the other five snake heads bit each other and gnawed at each other, fighting fiercely.

The seven pigeons looked very anxious:

"That's enough, brothers, don't fight anymore.

You can't kill the snake like this.

What's the use of biting a snake in its belly, staring at its hard head and biting it?"

The head fight does not affect the progress of the Six Head Hydra's body at all.

In the rippling blue waves, six hydras swayed on the sea, swimming farther and farther.

Gradually, a piece of land appeared on the vast sea. There were three six Hydras of different sizes lying on the shore to rest.

"What is going on? Where exactly are the Six Hydras taking me?"

Qi Ge looked at the Poseidon scales in his hand.

Qi Ge knew very well that all this should be caused by it.

But he felt vaguely strange.

Poseidon was deified together with Sun God.

They became gods more than a thousand years later than the Goddess of Peace.

At this point in time, it is still unknown whether Poseidon will be born. Even if he is born, Poseidon who has not yet become a god should not have such great influence.

Just as Qi Ge was puzzled, the six Hydras holding him and the other six Hydras gathered together.

They called each other "buzz~" and "buzz~" as if to say hello.

As they communicated, the other six hydras came to the seven pigeons and sniffed them, as if they were confirming something.

Finally, the six Hydras called each other and began to move towards the land together.

Soon, the seven pigeons, led by the six hydras, arrived at the center of the continent.

In the center of the continent, there is a towering mountain.

Even the huge six-headed Hydra looks extremely small under this mountain.

The top of the mountain is almost touching the stone wall of the ceiling of the underground sea.

At the foot of the mountain, eleven six-headed Hydras have gathered together.

Including the four that came with the seven pigeons, there are exactly 15.

The 15 Six Hydras gathered together and began to climb around the mountain peak.

Their huge bodies and smooth bellies are not adapted to the hard rocks and soil on the mountain, making crawling very difficult.

This makes them move as slow as a turtle crawling.

It got dark once, then lightened up again, and then they climbed to the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain is a huge empty platform, with only a dazzling sapphire sea dragon statue placed on the entire platform.

"Azure sea dragon...is this, Poseidon?"

Qi Ge could feel that this statue was quite similar to the phantom of Poseidon he had seen.


All six Hydras lay down on the ground in front of the statue of the bluer sea dragon.

Six Hydra, which had been holding seven pigeons in its mouth, also released its mouth and let the seven pigeons down.

"Does this mean you want me to come over?"

Qi Ge tried to take a few steps towards the blue sea dragon statue, and then immediately looked back.

All six Hydras remained motionless, without any reaction.

So Qige took a few steps forward.

Turn around!

No response yet.

"Then it certainly seems to be the case."

Qi Ge felt relieved and walked all the way to the statue of Poseidon.

He looked up and saw that in the center of the statue of Poseidon, there was a piece of Lin embedded in it - exactly the same as the piece of Poseidon in Qi Ge's hand, but slightly smaller.

At the same time that Qi Ge noticed the scale, the scale suddenly flashed as if it also noticed Qi Ge.

It fell off from the statue and floated in front of the seven pigeons, flashing a dazzling blue light.

Qige's eyes suddenly became bright and blurry.

Many illusions appeared in front of the seven pigeons like mirrors, flowers, and water.

A big hole opened in the sky, terrifying torrents fell from the sky, and the plains were flooded.

Huge waves surged and collided, and a mountain peak was cut in half by the flood!

a mountain!

Another mountain!

Another mountain!

Storms and floods are like world-destroying sharp blades, indestructible and unstoppable.

"This is?"

Qi Ge stared at the hole in the sky, and for some reason he felt a chill running through his body, as if the hole in the sky contained the most terrifying existence in the world.


At this moment, with an earth-shattering roar, a blue sea dragon soared into the sky!

It charges against the hole in the sky without fear!

Accompanied by the sound of rolling waves, the blue sea dragon rushed to the hole in the sky and blocked the hole firmly with its body!

"Damn it, Poseidon Butian?!"

Qi Ge was shocked.

Did you make up for it as soon as you said it? Believe it or not, Empress Nuwa charges you copyright fees, you bastard!

The blue sea dragon embedded in the hole in the sky was constantly being washed and hit by the water column. It roared one after another and became bigger and bigger.

In the end, the blue sea dragon turned into a mysterious magic array, completely embedded in the sky.

A burst of blue light flashed, and the illusion in front of Qi Ge's eyes flashed away.

There was only one faint blue scale left, floating quietly in front of the seven pigeons.

【Lin of Tidalus】

【Wonderful Object】

[Scales of the sea dragon Tydalus.

It can be used to build small underwater cities and disappear after use.】

The Poseidon scales on Qi Ge's hand flickered, attracting the [Lin of Tidalus] to Qi Ge's other hand.

At this moment, the system prompt rang.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining a new race: the followers of the six-headed Hydra]

[System prompt: You have obtained language proficiency: Six Hydra.]

"Hush ~ Congratulations ~ King of the Sea!"

"Hush ~ Congratulations ~ King of the Sea!"

Behind the seven pigeons, fifteen six-song Hydra roared in unison.

Their six heads kept shaking, their tails were raised high, and then they fell heavily and hit the ground hard!


There was a loud thunder, and the sky was instantly filled with clouds.

The heavy rain fell again, the sound of rain was like thunder.

Qi Ge stood in the rain, and all the rainwater flowed away from Qi Ge's head, as if there was an invisible and intangible protective shield surrounding Qi Ge.

"What's going on? Why do you call us the King of the Sea?"

Qi Ge looked at the six Hydras and asked doubtfully.

"You have been recognized by God, so you should naturally be the king of the sea."

The largest six-headed Hydra emerged from the crowd.

"God? Do you mean the person behind me?"

"Yes. He is our God."

"God! Our God!"

"God! Our God!"

"God! Our God!"

The six hydras shouted enthusiastically in unison.

What's going on? The Poseidon has obviously not been declared a god yet, so why do the Six Hydras call him a god?

Could it be said that this is a special racial worship like the Angel Church?

But that's not important. You can slowly talk about it later.

The most important thing right now is to confirm the command authority first.

Qi Ge asked seriously: "Since you call me the King of the Sea, will you obey my orders?"

"Of course!" Six-headed Hydra spat out the snake letter: "You are the King of the Sea, and the King of the Sea is the messenger of God."

Qi Ge's eyes lit up: "Then, first gather all the six Hydras."

The Six Hydras tilted their heads in confusion and said, "All the Six Hydras are already here."

Sure enough.

Qi Ge felt a little pity in his heart, but also felt that it was expected.

"If that's the case, then take me out to sea."

"As you command!"

The six-song Hydra lowered his head and carried the seven doves onto his head.

Immediately afterwards, it looked up to the sky and roared, and in an instant all the rainwater gathered on the top of the mountain.

The road that was once bumpy and difficult to crawl quickly turned into mud filled with water.

Fifteen six-headed hydras began to swim in unison, this time with the help of water, and they were going downhill again.

They moved much faster than on the road, and soon reached the foot of the mountain.

Qi Ge was not idle along the way, and kept asking about Poseidon's news.

"You call Him God, what kind of God is He specifically?"

"God is God."

"I'm talking about specifics. For example, Poseidon or something like that."

"God is God. God has always been God."

Qi Ge:......

Can't you, the six brains of yours, not understand human language?

Is a six-core processor worse than a one-core processor?

One core is in trouble, five cores are watching the show?


"Then why do you believe in Him?"

"We are receiving His blessings from birth to death, so naturally we should believe in Him.


Qi Ge felt as if he had found a key clue.

"What kind of favor? Tell me in detail!"

“All the oceans in the world were brought by God.

Everything in the sea belongs to God’s grace.”

Qi Ge:......

If this was said after Poseidon became a god, there would be nothing wrong with it.

But hasn’t Poseidon not yet become a god?

Six Hydra seemed to see through Qi Ge's doubts and explained again:

"There is no sea in the world of Yasha, only water.

All seas are extensions of water.

God came through the barrier, received the rain, and gathered the water into the sea.

The flowing rules become one with God and become the transformed body of God.”


The amount of information in this sentence seems a bit overwhelming.

"God came through the barrier, received the rain, and gathered the water into the sea."

Doesn’t this imply that Poseidon is not a native species of Yasha World?

Qi Ge repeated the conversation for a while, but unfortunately the overall intelligence of the six hydras was not very high, and the explanations were unclear.

Fortunately, the six hydras were very respectful to the seven pigeons, and they seemed to obey the command.

After Qi Ge inquired, he found that the six hydras, like the Ragai wild boar, had no names.

As a result, Qi Pigeon's naming skills were activated again.

According to their body shape, he named the six Hydras respectively Big Guy, Two Big Guy, Three Big Guy...all the way up to Fifteen Guy.

This can be regarded as making it easier for Qi Ge to recognize snakes.

Logically speaking, Qi Ge should set out to find the last race now, but Qi Ge looked at the [Lin of Tidalus] in his hand and fell into deep thought.

If Qi Ge was asked to use the spirit of Poseidon to build an undersea city in a place echoed by history, Qi Ge would definitely not be willing to part with it.

But Qi Ge is not sure whether this weakened version of [Lin of Tidalus] can bring out the echo of history.

If we can use [Lin of Tidalus] to build an underwater city, Qi Ge will be more confident in dealing with Chaos.

"Big guy, tell me, if I use the [Lin of Tydalus] to build a city, will you Six Hydras be angry?"


The scales are just props left by the gods to find ocean leaders who are suitable for our sea tribe.

You have gained the approval of God, and the scales are yours.

No matter how you want to handle it, we have no right to interfere."

In this case, then build an undersea city!

Qi Ge suddenly thought and said, "Big man, let's sink.

When they arrived at the bottom of the sea, Qige carefully observed the terrain and finally found a geomantic treasure.

This geomantic treasure is right near where Qige came down from Anhuan Lake.

Within the coverage of Feng Shui Treasure Land, there are a total of 3 seabed gold mines, two stone mines and a total of 5 level 2 resource mines.

If you build a city here, it will be very convenient to collect resources.

The only drawback is that there are too many mineral veins in this area, so there is not much area that can be cultivated.

But this is an underwater city, and its only shortcoming can be completely ignored.

In the waters of the Dark Ring Sea, giant seafood can be seen everywhere.

Grilling a large squid is enough to feed the Ragai wild boar tribe for several days.

Seven Doves took out the [Lin of Tidalus] and shouted softly.

"Great God of the Sea, Tydalus, please allow me to build a city here.

I will devote my whole life to fighting Chaos!"

"Undersea City! Get up!"

Following the cry of the seven doves, the [Lin of Tidalus] in his hand turned into light and submerged into the water.

Immediately afterwards, tall city walls on all sides suddenly stood up from the ground, and then various buildings also rose from the ground in the city.

[System prompt: Congratulations on successfully establishing an underwater city, please name it]


[The city of Atlantis has been established.]


Logistics buildings:

Assembly Hall:

The meeting hall can provide you with 500 gold coins per day, and can be upgraded to a parliament at most.


Fortresses provide walls and a keep for your town.

Tavern: Tavern can improve the morale of the garrison.

Shell habitat:

Shell Habitat allows you to recruit Tentacle Rays.

(Advanced shell habitat:

Advanced Shell Habitat allows you to recruit Electric Whiskers.)

Birth Pool:

The birth pool allows you to recruit sand crabs

(Advanced birth pool:

Advanced birth pools allow you to recruit Abyssal Crabs.)

Coral Tunnel:

Coral tunnels allow you to recruit seahorses

(Advanced Coral Tunnel:

Advanced coral tunnels allow you to recruit spiny seahorses.)]

When a city almost entirely composed of coral reefs and seabed ores rose up from the bottom of the sea, Qi Ge was so shocked that he couldn't even close his jaw.

The underwater city he built using the [Lin of Tydalus] actually came with its own building template!

In addition to several iconic logistics buildings, there are also level 1 to 3 troops and their corresponding level 1 to 2 forms.

This, this, this...

This is simply the building tree that comes with the cities of the nine major forces in later generations!

"Hiss~~ Poseidon has a set of power templates in his hand? Does he have the Tears of Asa in his hand?"

But, why is this?!

It is now during the outbreak of the second Chaos Invasion, which is more than a thousand years earlier than the struggle for hegemony among all races.

Towers, fortresses, strongholds, dungeons, and fortress forces have not yet been born.

Why does Poseidon, who has not yet become a god, have a incomplete power system in his hands?

Could it be that the Yasha world is not actually nine major forces but ten major forces?


Of all the players in the previous life, I definitely know the Poseidon Church best.

Although the Poseidon Church has the ability for players to build an underwater city, it is an empty shell without any building trees, just like a neutral force building a city.

What exactly is going on?

In the world of Yasha, how much history is still covered in dust?

Qi Ge was in shock!

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