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447 Emergencies


Silver-white true god-level personal mission

Task requirements:

Improve and popularize the Utopia of the fairies, so that more fairies will firmly believe in the existence of Utopia.

Let more goblins have the firm belief to resist Brakada's cruel rule.

Currently 12580/100000.

mission rewards:

Each time you reach a stage, you will get a random fragment of the mythical building [Fairy's Utopia].

Existing fragments will not be obtained repeatedly.

Mission description:

After a long period of exploration, you finally understand how [Utopia] should be born.

Fairies are the embodiment of emotions.

They are very weak when alone.

But when these weak beings come together and resonate, they will create unparalleled miracles.

When a sufficient number of fairies resonate, [Utopia] will be born from the void. 】

It wasn't until he saw this mission that Qi Ge was convinced that he was on the right track.

All creatures in the Yasha world have a consensus. Only existences above level 1 can be called arms.

This is because the existences at level 0 and level 0 are too weak and cannot enter the battle space under normal circumstances.

But the fairies are different.

The fairies are creatures born from emotions, and can naturally control the mysterious power of emotions.

Before the birth of level 1 fairies, there is another stage, which is level 0 and level 0 fairies.

These goblins are only as big as a thumb, and even smaller than a speck of dust.

They are like air, everywhere in Bracada, but invisible.

These miniature fairies are like batteries, accumulating powerful power but unable to release it.

And the fairies with specific forms are their electrical appliances.

When all fairies have a common will, they can notify the surrounding miniature fairies in an incredible way, thus activating these hidden batteries and generating terrifying power.

All the goblins who have been helped by Koroko hope that Koroko can live.

The emotional power stored in the Baiwei Fairy Candy caused a resonance, causing a qualitative change in Koroko's power, and she became a saint fairy.

Countless goblins prayed that someone could lead them to escape from the city, and the great goblin sage was born.

In Brilade City, when all the fairies reached a consensus on their beliefs, the Fairy Vanguard reappeared.

The gathered prayers will become reborn shining stars and turn into a shining road.

While other arms are still progressing steadily, the fairies are already playing Synchro Summons.

Very unreasonable and devoid of any humanity. Qi Ge took Candela’s hand, helped Candela up, and said to Candela:

"In the history of the Yasha world, there has never been a Utopia.

Because the ideal hometown is not in the past, not in the present, but in the future.

Only when the fairies are united in their minds and long for the arrival of Utopia, will the fairies' Utopia come from the future."

"The future...the future?"

Kandela was stunned when he heard this. "Yes." Qige said firmly:

"Cong Klin is the great elf prophet you follow.

What he said was both false and true.

There is no fairy god now, but there will be one in the future. There is no Utopia now, but there will be one in the future. After Utopia is built, those fairies who sacrificed will also be resurrected.

Since you feel that you are sorry for those dead fairies, then you should do your best to help Utopia be completed.

Your guilt will be passed on to the hearts of those fairies the moment the Utopia is completed.

You can ask yourself whether they want to forgive you."

[System prompt: Your diplomacy takes effect. Your elf reputation takes effect. Your infinite charm takes effect.]

【system hint:

Engineering Fairy Candela's favorability towards you is +50, currently 100 (convinced)]

Candela stared directly at the seven pigeons, his eyes blazing, like the most ardent believer.

"Your Highness Xingfeng, what do you need me to do? I have been suffering day and night since forty years.

As long as I can be given a chance to atone for my sins, I'm willing to do anything.

Even if you take my life, I am willing to do so."

[System prompt: The engineering fairy Candela wants to secretly join your territory, God's Chosen City. Do you agree? 】


[System prompt: Candela, the engineering fairy, has secretly joined your territory, the Chosen City, with current favorability of 100 and loyalty of 102] 102!

Candela's initial loyalty is so high?

Qi Ge found that he still underestimated the guilt in Candela's heart.

With such high loyalty from the beginning, it seems that Candela can be involved in some not-so-secret plans.

Qi Ge changed his mind and said to Candela:

"Candra, after a while, a group of goblins will come.

You are familiar with the goblin villages near Yongshuang City. I need you to find a way to disperse these goblins into various villages."

Candela suddenly became anxious: "Now?! Now is not a good time!

Your Highness Xingfeng, there have been so many mines in the Everfrost Icefield recently, and you will definitely capture goblins from the nearby goblin villages to mine."

Seven Pigeons said with piercing eyes:

"I just want them to enter the mine.

The mine has been closed for a long time, with lax supervision, and will not be monitored by the Tower Spirit Sky Eye.

As long as the safety of goblins can be ensured, every mine can be turned into a secret base.

Then, through special methods, these mines are linked together, and this becomes a strategic network densely covered with eternal frost ice fields."

Candela finally understood, and he asked tremblingly:

"Your Highness Xingfeng, what you mean is that you want, you want to say "Shhh!"

Qige made a gesture and said to Candela: "Keep it secret."

Candela looked serious:

"Your Highness Xingfeng will not tell this matter even if I die.

I guarantee it with my life!!"

Players have a fine tradition.

You have a URL, I have a URL, and once we exchange, we both have two URLs.

This tradition is the same when replacing the URL with information.

After a few days of fermentation, [Fairy Tavern] has become a super hot spot among players.

On the current forum [Hot List], Fairy Tavern ranks first, Star Wind ranks second, and Battle of Flatland City ranks third.

The intensity of the battle in [Plain City] is too high for current players.

Everyone can only act as death squads and use their lives to do some intelligence tasks.

Facing those missions with high rewards, although players are drooling, they are also powerless.

Although Star Wind is recognized by players as the protagonist of the world, Star Wind is too mysterious and players have no chance to come into contact with it.

Most players have one thing in common.

Those with high emotional intelligence are called pragmatists, while those with low emotional intelligence are called profit-seeking.

No matter how great the benefit is, if you can't get it yourself, players won't try to get it.

But [Fairy Tavern] is different.

A lot of clear and obvious daily tasks.

The difficulty of the tasks ranges from high to low, and there is everything.

But the rewards are quite generous.

You can even exchange them for cherished props like city founding orders.

Naturally, there are endless guide posts discussing how to complete the mission of [Fairy Tavern], which makes the players' enthusiasm even higher.

Falling Moon Territory, Brilade City, and Silver Snow City, the three main cities with large [Fairy Taverns], have attracted more than 90% of the players in Brakada.


The influx of players has made the business of [Fairy Tavern] extremely booming.

The drinks prepared by God's Choice City simply cannot withstand such consumption.

This left Wolfs with no choice but to buy wine from other wineries in Bracada to fill the vacancy in the Goblin Tavern.

Especially after one post appeared, it completely ignited the enthusiasm of players.

[After paying a considerable tip, I got the hidden mission from the tavern owner of the Fairy Tavern!

Top secret strategy! Vomit blood and release it!】

[Everyone [Yishanjin]] I am Mr. Bai.

I believe everyone is already very clear about the daily tasks of the Goblin Tavern.

There are a lot of guide posts about those daily tasks on the forum, so I won’t introduce them one by one.

I, Mr. Bai, will introduce something different if I want to introduce it.

Just this morning, after I rewarded the owner of the Fairy Tavern in Silver Snow City with 2,000 gold coins, I received a hidden mission from the owner of the Fairy Tavern.

[Fairy Epic Hidden Quest

Task requirements: Teach fairies to sing "Elf Epic: Utopia".

Each time you successfully teach a fairy to learn "Fairy Epic: Utopia", you will gain 1 completion point.

(Elves who have already learned this song will not be counted towards completion).

Mission completion: 0/10

Mission reward: 100 points of contribution to the Fairy Tavern, 2000 experience points]

This hidden mission does not require the provision of any resources or the sacrifice of any troops.

Just teach the leprechaun to sing!

However, the mission reward is very generous, with a full 100 contribution points, which is equivalent to doing [Material Collection] 10 times.

There are still friends who can't sing "Episode of the Fairies: Utopia", right?

If it is true, please go to the forum video site to watch the video "Episode of the Goblin: The Legend of Cong Klin" by [Qixi Dream Studio]

I asked the owner of the Goblin Tavern, and as long as the [Goblin Epic] mission is turned on, it can be completed repeatedly every day, and there is no need to accept it repeatedly.

This is equivalent to a reward of 100 contribution points for stable prostitution every day.

Coupled with 20 material collections and 20 plant collections, you can steadily obtain 500 contribution points every day.

The city building order only requires 8999 contribution points and can be completed in 18 days!

As long as we work hard for half a month, everyone can build a city and become rich!

Dear [Yishanjin], for the sake of Mr. Bai’s selfless sharing, please give this post a thumbs up and increase the popularity!]

This post, posted by the forum master [Xiao Bai Ri Yi Shan End], suddenly caused an uproar among the players.

You can get contribution points under such easy mission conditions, which is very suitable for players who don't have enough troops.

For a time, the goblin village in Silver Snow City was crowded with players who wanted to teach the goblins to sing.

There is even an inversion between the number of players and the number of goblins.

There are often situations where several players rush to teach a goblin.

"Let go of that goblin and let me do it!"

"Don't follow them, learn from me! I'll pay 20 units of food, learn from me!"

In less than a day, all the fairies in Silver Snow City were “illiterated” by the players.

Even the wild dogs near the fairy villages can sing a few lines

"Woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof. (The fairies are waving their hands, and the white snow is beating against the frost.)"

Fortunately, [Little White Sun Yishan Ends] posted another post soon.

[Shocking discovery, fairies who do not belong to Silver Snow City can also complete the [Fairy Epic] mission! 】

This post immediately ignited the enthusiasm of players.

Rich people take the teleportation array, and ordinary players take the armed airship.

The music created by Colin began to spread in Bracada at the speed of a virus.


"Lord, this is the situation."

"Very well, Wolfs, you did better than I expected.

When "Fairy Epic: Utopia" is almost spread, you can switch the mission to "Fairy Epic: War Hymn"."

"Yes! Lord Lord!" "By the way, Wolfs.

I have also successfully opened up the network in Yongshuang City.

Next, [Fairy Tavern] can open another branch here in Yongshuang City."

"Understood, sir, I will prepare manpower immediately."

After the call between Wolfs ended, Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief and leaned on the sofa.

During this period of time, there are too many things that require Qi Ge’s personal control.

The war in [Plain City], the Great Council in Thunder City, the Goblin Tavern, the fragments of [Sky Boat]...

Each one of them took a lot of effort from Qi Ge. "Even if there are noobs, Kerok Ke, Wolfs and the others, they still have too few manpower.

It’s time to look for more trustworthy assistants.”

At this time, Qi Ge had returned to the magic tower in Algede and was taking advantage of this rare moment of leisure to close his eyes and rest.

Unfortunately, before he could rest for a few minutes, his shadow began to shake.

The thief demigod Anosaki emerged from the shadow of Qi Ge and said to Qi Ge:

"Qi Ge, the thing you want me to investigate is now clear." Qi Ge was shocked: "Oh! Come on, tell me!" The voice under Anosaki's hood was very calm: "You guessed it right.

In Diya, the person who placed the order for the bone dragon like the necromancer was indeed Pick Jem.

But it’s not just Pickem, there’s Trossa too. The two of them placed the order with Dia.” “Tlossa?!”

Qi Ge was a little surprised.

"I know why Pickem wants to buy a bone dragon. Why does Trossa buy a bone dragon?"

Anosaki shook his head and said: "I haven't found out yet, but it's definitely not a good thing."

Qi Ge thought for a moment and asked:

"What about the other thing? The matter about the Waxmelt Demon?" "It took too long, and the information you provided us was too vague.

I also asked Nuo Qier, and she didn’t have any special impression of the wax melting demon.

If there is any progress, I will notify you as soon as possible." "Well, okay." Qige gently exhaled and said:

"By the way, Your Majesty the Demigod.

A few days ago, Somra and I met." Anosaki spoke a little faster and asked, "You didn't mention the [Sky Boat] fragments to him, right?"

Qi Ge raised his eyebrows and said:

"Of course not. If the fragment of [Sky Boat] is Seven Doves, it has nothing to do with me, Xingfeng."

Anosaki felt relieved:

"That's good. Don't act rashly until we are ready.

Somra once made a big mistake and was imprisoned in a demon bottle by the [Air Elemental Lord] for more than a thousand years.

He was very grateful to the man who freed him and vowed to serve him forever.

Perhaps it was fate that that person was the first speaker of the Brakada Grand Council, Magnus.

And Magnus is his die-hard loyalist.

Therefore, Somra and we are irreconcilably opposed camps."

Qi Ge tapped his head lightly and said, "I know. I know this very well.

I have a conjecture, and if this conjecture is verified by me, the situation will be even worse."

Anosaki asked strangely: "What speculation?"

"Gavin and Magnus are probably the same person, and they are probably both him."

Anosaki was stunned for a moment and asked:

"Where does this speculation come from? Is there any evidence?" "If there is evidence, it wouldn't be called speculation."

Anosaki paused and said:

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that this is simply impossible.

In history, He, Gavin and Magnus had countless

appeared at the same time."

Qi Ge said softly:

"You must know Dairis.

Dairis masters a very powerful clone technique, which can create clones that are almost fake.

She told me that this clone technique is not her specialty, but a new magic that is a fusion of [Magic Mirror] and [Mirror Image Technique].

She found the clone technique from [Thunder Temple and Great Library]."

Anosaki asked doubtfully: "You mean, Gavin and Magnus are both his clones?"

"Yes." Qige nodded and said, "I read through the history books.

The mage who originally suggested to him that the goblins be demoted to an inferior race was Magnus.

The time point was right after he killed the demigod goblin.

But at that time, Magnus and the goblins had never had an explicit conflict.

Moreover, less than a year after the death of the demigod goblin, Gavin successfully embarked on the road of demigods.

Magnus specializes in the level 5 magic thunder and rage, and Gavin specializes in the level 5 magic lightning storm.

But Somla's specialty of chain lightning was developed with Magnus' help.

Don't you think it's strange?

Although thunder and lightning have something in common in low-level magic.

But at the level of demigod, one is one and two is two, and the two rules are very different.

Why didn't Magnus help Somra awaken the Thunder?

A kind of special skill, but instead awakened [Chain Lightning], which is a lightning-based magic?"

"Could it be that Somra is particularly talented in lightning magic?"

"It's possible. So I'm not sure." Qi Ge continued:

"When we question whether a watermelon can produce eggs, the watermelon is already unripe in our hearts.

Since the theoretical existence of Gavin and Magnus may be his clones, we might as well take this worst outcome as reality for now."

The most important thing is that in the fifth year of the previous life, Brakada was devoured by Chaos so much of its territory, but Gavin and Magnus never showed up.

Unless they couldn't show up at all or were already dead, Qi Ge couldn't imagine a reason why they didn't show up.

After listening to Qige's words, Anosaki nodded thoughtfully and said:

"I understand what you mean.

I will also help investigate this matter.

If there is concrete evidence by then, I will inform you.

Qi Ge, in addition to delivering information to you this time when I come back, I also have a piece of news to tell you.

Recently, traces of Chaos invasion have been discovered in our Shadow Realm.

This shows that the barrier in the Yasha world has become thinner and thinner.

Recently, I have to stay in the Shadow Realm to deal with the Chaos invasion.

I may not be able to stay with you to protect you for a long time.

You should be careful when you are alone in Thunder City." Sure enough, has the sign come?

There is less and less time left for me.

Qi Ge said seriously: "My demigod, I understand.

Please feel free to deal with matters in the Shadow Realm. I will be more cautious."

Seeing Anosaki slowly disappearing into the shadows, Qi Ge couldn't help but let out a long sigh:


In such a troubled time, I have no time to spare.

The matter on Brakada's side has not yet been resolved, and there is another problem in the Shadow Realm.

Fortunately, Adela and Luo Shi's attack on hell went smoothly without any problems, otherwise I would have been even more uncomfortable."

Qige sat on the sofa and sorted out her thoughts.

Before Teacher Aged comes back, he must stay in Thunder City and cannot leave for too long.

Before the Grand Speaker is elected, his movements will be watched by many people.

Now he wants to be free, either Teacher Agede comes back, or the war in [Pingland City] heats up, and he needs to

Mulla was forced to become the Grand Speaker.

Teacher Agaide’s return journey has not yet been determined, and Qi Ge has not been able to contact him.

Now Qige can only hope that Escher is strong enough to drag Somra into the water.

If Eskel is not strong enough.

There was no other way, Qi Ge had no choice but to take action himself. "Ah ah ah, I haven't had the pleasure of leveling up for a long time!

Meteor and the others have been fighting with Luo Shi every day, fighting to support fighting, and their level and equipment are almost as good as mine half a month ago.

And I'm still here." Qige felt uncomfortable, he was addicted.

How can there be any fun in farming with these gangs of naughty men? "It's decided, wait one more day.

If Eschar is not done tomorrow, I will take action."

Just as Qi Ge was thinking secretly, his friend's message suddenly started shaking rapidly.

Emergency contact!

Qi Ge felt nervous and immediately opened the friend message.

Fuguo Anbang: Boss! Go back to God’s Choice City when you have time. Something happened in the territory, something big happened!

Seven pigeons:???

Qige: Why are you so anxious?

Phu Quoc Anbang: The refugee camp at sea is full! It’s so full that it’s overflowing!

Now the entire sea is full of rafts and centaurs!

Seven pigeons:???

Fuguo Anbang: 626 centaur tribes, totaling more than 50,000 centaurs, and there are two heroes among them.

Even heroes have become refugees at sea!

Fuguo Anbang: They all came to seek refuge with Rem. Rem!

Qi Ge was shocked.

He almost forgot that he had recruited Rem

At that time, the system once reminded me that there would be a centaur tribe that believed in Rem and would come to follow Rem.

He didn't take it seriously either.

He felt that the Chosen City was on the edge of the inaccessible golden sea, and those centaurs who had not been there for a year and a half would definitely not be able to get there.

Even if it comes, it will definitely not be much.

But he never expected that these centaurs actually came out of the sea shelter as refugees?!

Fuguo Anbang: The total population of our territory is now only over 40,000.

Fuguo Anbang: Boss, what should we do? Should we accept it or not?

Qi Ge: Damn it, I’m going to find a way to go back now, wait until I come back!

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