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456 Autumn

When Marodia and Jenny talked, they were full of emotions and their emotions were in place.

If it were another person, there is a high probability that he would believe it.

Unfortunately, they faced Qi Ge.

Qi Ge looked at Malodia and the others, thinking quickly in their mind.

"What they said seemed sincere, but there was a fatal flaw.

Malodia and Jenny said that they wanted the Sea Elf in order to retrieve the names of the elf warriors in the Mithril Fleet.

If this purpose is true, is it necessary for them to tell themselves the information about the [Soul Guardian Statue]?

There is no need.

Even if the elves on the Sea Elf died in the Sea of ​​Chaos while out hunting seals, the two of them are still qualified enough to take back the names of those elves.

Then why do they tell themselves the information about the [Soul Guardian Statue]?

Very simple, for the sake of logical harmony.

‘I just want to take back the name of the mithril fleet elf.,

This reason is not enough to explain why Malodia made thirteen predictions in a row regardless of all costs, nor is it enough to explain Jenny's life-threatening series of questions when she heard about the "Sea Elf".

Therefore, they have to tell themselves that the Mithril fleet went to sea to find the fragments of the [Guardian Statue of the Soul], and there may be news about the fragments of the Statue of the Guardian of the Soul on board the Sea Elf.

Only in this way can logic make sense.

But while they made the logic work, they also made another more subtle logical loophole.

[The Guardian Statue of the Soul] is the foundation of the Elf Empire and a mythical building that can support a great empire.

For such a precious treasure, all information about it should be kept top secret.

In order to take back the names of the elves in the mithril fleet, is it worth telling such a top secret to a mysterious person with an unpredictable identity?

I can tell you, it's definitely not worth it!

Whether the names of those elves have a greater impact on the Elf Empire, or whether the news of the [Guardian Statue of the Soul] has a greater impact on the Elf Empire, this is something that does not need to be discussed at all.

Elves value feelings and traditions, but elves are not brainless.

Therefore, Marodia and Jenny lied."

Oh, elves, you lied.

Qi Ge gently closed her eyes.

"Elena once told me that they used to disdain deception and concealment because they were strong enough that they didn't need to deceive.

But now, they have tried their best to survive, and naturally they have given up their pride and persistence.

Elena is a silver elf.

The Silver Elf clan has always been known for their commitment to life, and they are the clan that values ​​honesty the most among all the elves.

But today, it is not surprising that even the silver elves have learned to lie, and the gold elves and wood elves have learned to deceive.

If, my guess is correct, Malodia and Jenny deceived themselves.

Then, the significance of the Sea Elf, or the Mithril Fleet, to the elves must be incredibly high.

They have even used the information on the [Guardian Statue of the Soul] as bait, which shows that the fish they want to catch must be more precious than the information on the Statue of the Guardian of the Soul."

Big trouble.

Qi Ge knew that from today on, the information on the Silver Spirit might be kept strictly confidential and must not be known to the elves.

Thinking of this, Qi Ge felt a little regretful.

"I'm not afraid of the Pirate Emperor's fleet, but last time I used the Silver Spirit to help Elni transport the people.

Too careless."

Qige opened her eyes and decided not to expose Malodia and Jenny's lies for the time being.

As the saying goes, don't tell the truth when you see it, friends will continue to do it.

Just when Qi Ge was about to speak, Mirola suddenly spoke.


Fallen leaves return to their roots!

I'm so touched!

Even if the hero has been buried in the sea of ​​chaos,

Also leave the hero’s name behind.

It is the most precious inheritance and emotion of the creatures in our Yasha world!

Qi Ge, can you give them the Sea Elf to fulfill their wish?"

Seven pigeons:???

You are noble! You are amazing! You use my battleship as a favor!

I didn’t expect Mirola to have the attributes of a prodigal woman, so I’ll have to be more careful in the future.

Sure enough, the kinder the creatures are, the more they suffer.

Qi Ge was so angry that his liver hurt, but he couldn't get it again, so he could only explain:

"Your Majesty, please be patient and patient. I will try again."

Qige took a deep breath and said to Jenny and Malodia:

"Your Majesty, I respect the traditions of your elves very much, and I am willing to cooperate with you.

Letting the fallen heroes return to their roots is also a kind of spiritual baptism for me, which can make my dirty heart become purer.

How about this.

I don’t want either [Plague Tent] or [First Aid].

When I go back to check, if the Sea Elf has the names of the crew members, I can copy all the names for free and use the conference room to forward them to you.

What do you think?"

Qige stared at Malodia and Jenny carefully.

Hearing Qi Ge's suggestion, the two of them frowned in unison.

Malodia said softly:

"My lord, you don't know something.

The names left by our elves before death are not just simple names.

Those names will not take effect until our elf warriors die, preserving the beliefs of the dead elf.

Only the ancestral temple of our elves can bring back the faith preserved in the name.

For us, taking back those names is taking back their souls.”

Qi Ge said thoughtfully:

"Why does it sound so similar to a magic inscription?

So, the important thing is not the name, but the carrier on which the name is recorded?

That carrier stores the elf’s belief at the time of death?”

Jenny nodded and said:

"It's almost like this.

You can understand it this way.

When the crew of the Mithril Fleet carves their names, they are performing a magical ritual.

Their sacrifice is the final step in this magical ritual.

When the magical ritual is completed, the names engraved by them will preserve their beliefs."

Qi Ge vaguely felt that something was wrong. He lowered his voice and asked slowly:

"Then, how are you going to take these names back?"

"Great! I knew you, Mysterious Man, were kind-hearted and would definitely help us."

As soon as Marodia opened his mouth, he gave Qi Ge a big hat.

"As long as you can drive the Sea Elf to our waters in Avili, we will send someone to pick you up.

We will escort the mysterious man Mian Xia and the Sea Elf to our capital of Avili [Golden Dragon Cliff Top].

Afterwards, we will hold a ceremony at the ancestral hall on the top of Golden Dragon Cliff to welcome back the names of those warriors.

When the ceremony is over and the mysterious man crowns you, you can drive the Sea Elf and leave freely.

In addition to [Plague Tent] and [First Aid], we will also prepare many gifts to thank you for your good deeds.

My Majesty, please rest assured, my lord, we elves are never stingy when we treat our friends."


I believed your evil deeds.

Qi Ge laughed angrily: "So, I have to drive the Sea Elf to your territory, and then put my life and death in your hands. I bet that you are good enough and won't kill people and steal goods?"

Jenny slapped the table and stood up, saying angrily:

"You! You are slandering our elves!

In the entire Yasha world, who doesn’t know that we elves keep our word and are honest and reliable!

Do you think we are just like you, telling dirty lies?!"

Marodia quickly grabbed Jenny and said softly:

"Sister Jenny, don't be angry, maybe the mysterious person just has a small misunderstanding."

Jenny and Marodia teamed up, one to play the bad guy and the other to play the red face. Unfortunately, their acting skills were still a little rusty in front of Qi Ge.

Two people who rarely lie can't control their micro-expressions when they talk about panic.

Jenny's speaking speed suddenly increased, her pitch suddenly rose, and her eyes dodged a little. She seemed angry, but in fact she felt guilty.

Marodia seemed to be taking it easy, but in fact, she kept touching the nail cap of her index finger with her middle finger, which was a sign of panic.

Qi Ge's heart skipped a beat.

This shows that I have a high probability of being right.

Jenny and the others didn't want to make a good deal at all, they just wanted to deceive themselves into going to Avili.

When the time comes, it will be easy to detain both the people and the ship. If they find out about the Silver Spirit, it might cause additional problems.

It is true that Malodia and himself are both believers in the goddess of fate, and perhaps we can rely on the goddess of fate to communicate.

But there is more than just Malodia in the Golden Elf clan. Even if Malodia succeeds in her work, she cannot represent the overall will of the entire Golden Elf clan.

Although the Golden Elf has declined, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse.

The Golden Elf clan is still the leader of all the elves in Avili and has a strong influence on Avili.

The matter in the tower has not been resolved yet, so there is really no need to provoke another top power.

Qige thought for a while and did not refute their words. Instead, she smiled and said:

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious.

Look at me, I almost forgot that you are elves.

Of course the elves will not lie or conceal.

So, how about I set sail for Aveili now, and when I get to Aveili, we can continue trading?"

A smile bloomed on Marodia's face:

"Your Majesty the Mysterious One, thank you for your reasonableness!

Where are you now? How about we send a fleet to escort you?"

Qi Ge waved his hand and said:

"No need, I'll go there slowly."

At this moment, Qi Ge suddenly had a thought and realized something very important.

"Before I hung up the Sea Elf, Jenny had already hung up [Plague Tent for Sophisticated Battleship] on the astronomy panel.

The elven shipbuilders are still there, but without the magic wood they have been unable to build elven warships.

Could it be that Jenny wants to purchase a large number of sophisticated battleships for the elf craftsmen to study, right?


Do the Golden Elves still want to recreate the Golden Fleet?!


You still say you have no ambition?! You also say you don’t want to restore the [Spiritual Guardian Statue]?!”

The more Qi Ge analyzed it, the more frightened he became.

"If my conclusion is correct..."

Qi Ge suddenly thought about it and came up with a test method.

"By the way, Your Majesty, you know that I am a sea hunter.

When I was working at sea a while ago, I rescued a number of merchant ships that were drowning at sea.

The owner of the merchant ship just gave me a batch of magic wood as a thank you, and I couldn't refuse it.

Magic wood is a good thing, but it would be too wasteful to have it in my hands.

You elves have the deepest research on magic wood. I wonder if you are interested in the magic wood in my hand?"

Marodia's expression was a little complicated for a moment.

"Drowning merchant ship..."

Jenny looked at Qi Ge with even more contempt:

"If you want to sell off stolen goods, just say so, not in a roundabout way."

"What a sale of stolen goods! This is the reward for my kindness!"

Seven Pigeons were very unhappy.

"If you're not interested, forget it."

Seeing Qi Ge making preparations to leave, Jenny spoke.

"Wait a minute, what magic wood do you have in your hand? Take it out and take a look."

Qige sat back on the chair, changed her tone, and even her cute clipping sounds became philistine.

"The quantity is not very large, but it is very precious.

As for magic wood, you must know better than me.

There are 5 level 4 magic wood [Ice Sycamore Wood] and 16 level 3 magic wood [Water Wave Wood]."

In fact, the magic wood that Qi Ge has the most is the fairy ginkgo tree.

Danxian Ginkgo Tree is available on the Yinling.

In order not to remind Marodia and Jenny of the Silver Spirit, the two types of magic wood Qi Ge brought out were not produced on the Silver Spirit.

Moreover, these two types of magic wood are the most commonly used in elven battleships.

"Well, okay, I want both. Please give me a price."

After Jenny heard this, she didn't hesitate for a second and immediately agreed.

This attitude made Qige even more convinced of his conclusion.

“Your Majesty Jenny, I need the [Plague Tent] urgently. Do you think you can advance the [Plague Tent] to me first?

There are 5 Level 4 Magic Woods and 16 Level 3 Magic Woods. If you exchange them for [Plague Tent] at this price, you won’t be taking advantage of them.”

Jenny immediately shook her head and said:

"[Plague Tent] cannot be given to you now.

Level 4 magic wood costs 15,000 per piece, [Ice Sycamore Wood] is relatively rare, so I’ll give you 20,000 per piece.

Level 3 magic wood costs 5,000 each, and 16 [Water Wave Wood] costs 80,000. The total adds up to just 180,000.

I'll put it all together for you.

The price is 200,000 gold coins.

Except for Aveili, no other force can offer this price so high.

What's more, you are still dirty.

Huh, you got it cheap."

"Gold coins? Your Majesty Jenny, do you think I am in need of gold coins?"

Qi Ge immediately shook his head without hesitation.

"Like! No, I should say, you are!"

Jenny looked at Qi Ge mockingly and said:

"Hey, you are reluctant to send a message worth a thousand gold coins, what are you pretending to be here?"

Seven pigeons are furious:

"I'm just saving money! Why should I do it separately when we can obviously do it together?"

Saving money doesn’t mean I don’t have money.”

"Sister Jenny."

Marodia took action in time, took Jenny's arm and shook it coquettishly.

"Mr. Mysterious Man is willing to return the heroes who died on the Sea Elf. He is a friend of our elves.

You don’t want to be like this.”


Jenny sighed helplessly and said to Qige:

"[Plague Tent] can't be given to you, don't you still want to learn [First Aid]?

I have the [First Aid] auxiliary skill scroll in my hand."

Qi Ge immediately said:

"No, the [First Aid Technique] scroll is only worth about 100,000 gold coins. It's just that there are few on the market and it's relatively rare. I can't buy it at the moment.

It’s not me who wants this, it’s one of my subordinates who wants it, and I’m not in a hurry for the scroll.”

Jenny snorted coldly and said:

"I'll give you another hundred thousand gold coins."

Qi Ge pretended to be thoughtful for a moment and then said:

"In this case, I can barely accept it.

Of course, it would be best if you could give me the [Plague Tent]."

Jenny snorted coldly and glanced sideways at Qige.

Although she didn't speak, the word rejection was written all over her face.

She didn't say anything, just hit him

The trading window is opened.

[System prompt: Jenny wants to initiate a transaction with you].


A trading panel appeared in front of Qi Ge.

This trading panel is very cleverly designed.

There are two buttons, Lock and OK, at the bottom of the panel.

Once locked, the trading items placed in the panel cannot be taken out.

After both parties have locked in and click OK on each other, the transaction can be completed.

This eliminates the possibility of someone changing trading items at the last second.

Jenny placed the [First Aid Auxiliary Skill Scroll] and 100,000 gold coins almost instantly, and immediately clicked to lock it.

Qi Ge slowly placed the magic wood on it and arranged the magic wood into a smiling face before clicking to lock it.

After both parties confirm, the transaction is completed instantly.

[System prompt: The transaction was successful and the handling fee of 19,865 gold coins has been deducted.]

The magic wood in Qi Ge's space backpack disappeared, and the [First Aid Auxiliary Skill Scroll] appeared instead.

Space backpack versus space backpack, regardless of distance and environment, without anyone noticing.

Using astronomy to trade is really convenient, but also really expensive.

The handling fee is deducted from both ends, Qi Ge’s side will deduct the same amount, and Jenny’s side will also deduct the same amount.

The items cost around 200,000 yuan, and the handling fee is close to 40,000 yuan.

Nearly 20% of the processing cost.

There is no way, as astronomy relies on the divine network.

Anything involving divine power is definitely not cheap.

After the transaction was completed, Qi Ge jumped down from his chair.

He touched his twin ponytails and said:

"My two majesties, please wait for me in Avili.

I will greet you in advance when I am about to arrive."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qige immediately chose to quit astronomy without wasting a second.

Seeing the loli figure opposite disappear, Jenny immediately said:

"Marodia! Exit!"

"I know!"


Two white lights flashed, and Jenny and Malodia returned to the [Prophecy Room] located in the [Elf Ancient Palace].

Malodia immediately found the jewelry on her forehead and placed it on a crystal ball.

Jenny took a deep breath and said:

"This bastard can block the prophecy, but the scroll I gave him can't.

As long as he takes out the scroll and hands it to his subordinates, the ownership of the scroll will become neutral for an instant.

The opportunity is fleeting, it’s up to you, Malodia, whether you can seize it or not.”

Malodia nodded vigorously and said:

"I'm already making a long-term tracking prophecy on the scroll.

As soon as that moment comes, I can locate it immediately.

Locating the location of the scroll is equivalent to locating the location of the mysterious man.

Once the positioning is successful, I will immediately ask Grandpa Golden Dragon King to let the golden dragons take us there."

Just as he was speaking, Malodia's crystal ball suddenly flickered and dimmed.

At the same time, Marodia also covered his heart and put his hands on the ground.


Seeing this, Jenny immediately reached out to help Malodia.

Malodia covered her heart, shook her head, and said:

"I'm fine. My prophecy failed and caused a backlash.

Fortunately, the backlash wasn't too severe."

Jenny frowned and asked:

"How could it fail?"

"He didn't take out the scroll and used it directly in his backpack."

Jenny opened her eyes wide:

"He wants to use it himself? Damn, cunning guy! He doesn't tell the truth.

Sure enough, my feeling is right, this guy is a liar just like Sandro


Malodia's expression was a little uncomfortable:

"Sister Jenny, could he even lie to us about coming to Aveili?"


Jenny sighed deeply.

"I hope not."

But soon, she cheered up again.

"Whether it is or not, we have to find him.

Although he disguised himself, he also revealed a lot of information.

Female, sea hunter, out-of-the-box personality.

Malodia, have you ever thought of someone?"

Marodia was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his eyes widened.

"Sister Jenny, you mean Sylvia!"

"Yes, the [Blue Whale] who inherited the lion heart of the Pirate Emperor, the strongest sea hunter in the Asa world, Sylvia.

Malodia, Bi still remembers that when Lionheart disappeared, there were rumors that he was going to challenge the Sea of ​​Chaos.

What if, I mean, what if.

Lionheart has quietly returned from the Sea of ​​Chaos?"

Malodia was surprised:

"It's really possible that it's Sylvia! Sister Jenny, I'll make a prediction right away."

"Don't." Jenny grabbed Marodia's hand.

"You have used up your immunity to backlash this week. If it fails, you will be injured."

"I'm not afraid. This is my responsibility."

Jenny refused again:

"Even if you're not afraid.

The other party can detect your prediction.

If it is really Sylvia, your prediction will be like alerting the enemy."

Jenny said softly:

"I know you are anxious, Malodia.

My feelings are the same as yours."

Malodia asked anxiously:

"Sister Jenny, if we can't predict it, how can we determine whether the mysterious person is Sylvia?"

Jenny raised her head, looked out the door, and said confidently:

"Gru is good at sneaking, so I asked Gru to help check it out.

This guy must be in Erathia right now."

Marodia frowned: "But the whereabouts of Demigod Gru are difficult to determine, and it is not convenient for me to predict him. How are we going to find him?"

Jenny touched her chin and smiled slightly:

"Let me check where Queen Catherine is first."


Mirola's eyes widened in surprise.


Qi Ge, it’s exactly what you said, they did some tricks on the scroll!

The moment you used the scroll, I blocked the prophecy about you!

It turns out that they are not as innocent as they appear!

Qige, how did you know?

Could it be that you secretly learned the prophecy technique when I wasn't paying attention?!"

Qi Ge shook his head and said with a wry smile:

"I can't be sure, it's just a guess.

Damn it, the system couldn’t identify where there was any manipulation, so it turned out that there was manipulation.”

We need to inform Koroko as soon as possible and ask him to hide with Yinhe. It is not safe for her to wander outside now.

What is the purpose of Marodia and Jenny in wanting the [Sea Elf]? Are they so serious?

Damn it, one more thing to worry about.

Fortunately, [First Aid Technique] is available. As long as Fei Mengmeng masters [Artillery Technique], [Tactics] can be obtained.

Qi Ge raised his head and looked in the direction of the golden sea.

The waves in the golden sea are rolling, and the tides are constantly rising and falling.

Qi Ge sighed melancholy: "It's been a troubled year."


-To check it out

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