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Chapter 470

Chapter 470: Humanity and Sophistication

“Sister Chengfeng is great!”

Little Ziyuan flew in the air and clapped her hands with her horse's hooves.

"It's been a long day, go back and have a rest."

Qi Ge turned around and touched Wei Chengfeng's head, taking her back to the follower space.

Ziyuan also raised her height and placed Seven Pigeons on the back of [Dark Infinite Dragon].

"Bah bang bang!"

Moriel looked at Qi Ge and clapped her hands.

"Brilliant! Use the ability of the elemental family to simulate natural phenomena and fly silently through the sky above the enemy.

I'm afraid Somla never imagined that there is only a cloud between me and him.

Little strategist, you have really opened my eyes along the way.

I have a suggestion, I wonder if you are interested..."

"Your Majesty! This is all I can do."

Qige immediately interrupted.

"Now we need to go straight south from the Ice and Snow Plateau, bypass the Thunder Mountains as quickly as possible, and enter the hinterland of Brakada.

The Ice and Snow Plateau is a wild monster area, and Brakada has almost no outposts on the Ice and Snow Plateau.

So our risk of being discovered is not high.

But considering that there may be heroes in the jungle, we still have the possibility of being discovered.

I have used all my methods.

Next, whether we can quickly achieve our strategic goals before Brakada reacts depends on the flying speed of your dragon army."

Can Moriel not know what Qige is going to say?

It's just that he is greedy for his own energy and wants to recruit himself into the dungeon.

Moriel's words were stuck in her throat. She took a deep breath and glared at Qige fiercely.

Moriel hated it when people interrupted her.

But those who are capable can always get some privileges from her.

A very capable person like Qi Ge will have many privileges.

Therefore, Moriel just glared at Qige without even losing her favorability points.

She raised her head proudly and said to Qige:

"Little strategist, I admit that you have done well along the way.

But if you think that you can be proud and complacent, you are totally wrong!

Now, I will show you why I, Moriel, am respected as the Dragon Queen by the whole world!"

Moriel spread her wings and flew into the sky. She raised her hands high and shouted:

"From the primitive ancient times to the chaotic present day.

The wings of our dragon clan always guard the sky of Yasha.

Children, the glory of countless dragons will come at this moment.

Our power is endless and our speed is beyond imagination!

All enemies who dare to oppose our dragon will be crushed into pieces and burned to ashes!

The fire in my heart will burst out with incomparably pure light; every spark will be directed to the glory of the dragon clan.

Spread your wings, my children, and bring me eternal and pure victory!

Our power is unstoppable!"

"Ho ho!!"

The black dragons looked up to the sky and roared, and the terrifying sound waves rushed into the sky.

The snowflakes all over the sky were torn into pieces by the sound waves, and the snowy clouds were also scattered in the sky!

Erni nervously took Qi Ge's hand, squeezed his palm, and said in a low voice but hastily:

"If it's so loud, will it be heard by Bracada?"

"rest assured."

Qi Ge gently patted the back of Ernie's hand, pointed to the sky and said:

"Look carefully."

Only then did Erni realize that the snowflakes disturbed by the sound waves were only within a small area around the [Dragon Scorpion Eagle] troops.

The snowflakes and clouds a little further away were safe and sound.

"This is?"

"Sound barrier."

Qige explained:

"Sound is a wave that can generate pressure.

A large number of sounds overlap and form an invisible wall.

You can simply understand that Her Majesty Moriel restricted the sound within a certain range, so the sound would not spread.

The reason why Her Majesty the Dragon Queen wants to do this is because she needs a sound barrier to protect us."

Qi Ge looked into the distance and said:

"Sit tight, we'll take off right away."


[Dark Infinite Dragon] suddenly flapped its wings, and the sound barrier that had been charged for a long time suddenly shattered, forming a terrifying sonic boom!

In an instant, all the giant dragons, with the blessing of Moriel, became as if they were weightless and flew out in an instant!

[Dragon Scorpion Eagle] The flying speed of the troops was so fast that when Qi Ge looked into the distance, he couldn't see clearly at all.

The vast ice and snow plateau has completely turned into a piece of white cloth in Qige's field of vision!

The speed was so fast that Qi Ge’s eyes couldn’t react!

Although Qi Ge and Moriel had a close relationship in the previous life, this was the first time they fought side by side like this.

"This speed should be above 50 to 60, which is faster than Ziyuan.

But Sir Bemlak is still a little slower."

Demigods are demigods.

Even without any logistical skills, you can achieve such an effect by relying on professional stunts."

Just as Qi Ge was amazed, Moriel suddenly began to slowly fall from the sky. At the same time, the speed of the [Dragon Scorpion Eagle] troops was rapidly decreasing.

By the time Moriel landed on the [Dark Infinite Dragon], the entire [Dragon Scorpion Eagle] unit had completely stopped. Whether it was the red dragon or the black dragon, even the [Dark Infinite Dragon] was gasping for breath with its tongue hanging out.

Their bodies also began to gradually emit a strong smell of heat and sulfur, and their wings flapped constantly to barely stay afloat. They were obviously exhausted.

Qi Ge looked at the coordinates:...


So can’t help but praise?!

I thought you could fly directly to the hinterland of Bracada, but it turned out that you were only halfway through the Ice and Snow Plateau?!

Moriel, who landed on the back of [Dark Infinite Dragon], nodded proudly.

"Hmph! Marvel, admire, and cheer for me! This is the great power of this Dragon Queen!

This is close to the flying speed of Poison Dragon, one of the four great dragons!"

"Wow!!" Basil Ray exclaimed happily: "It's so fast."

"Pah, pah, pah."

Silica applauded calmly.

"As expected of Your Majesty the Dragon Queen."

Even Ernie and Hora, who didn't know why, were praising him.

Qi Ge:……

Please stop blowing.

The poisonous dragon flies much faster than the purple dragon.

You are at best on par with Shion who has not yet reached her perfection.

"Amazing! Amazing! Your Majesty the Dragon Queen, I never imagined that you could make your troops reach such a speed.

I’m afraid your general, Geng Na, who specializes in logistics, can’t compare to you.”

Qi Ge looked impressed and praised him again and again.


The world of Heroic Souls is not about fighting and killing, but about human relationships.

How can I eat soft rice if my stomach is not soft enough?

[System prompt: Moriel’s favorability towards you +5]

Moriel tried hard to suppress her pride and said with a thick nasal voice:

"Humph, if we talk about endurance, Genner still has merit.

But with a short-range burst, even he can't escape the pursuit of our dragon army.

It's a pity that Sir Mrak, who was always known for his speed, has died in battle.

Otherwise, I really want to find a chance to compete with him."

Qi Ge:……

No, please don't.

Mrak will teach you what cruelty is.

Qige asked cautiously:

"Your Majesty the Dragon Queen, how long do we need to rest before we can set off again?"

Moriel crossed her hands under her breasts and pushed her breasts up:

"Hmph. It only takes half a day for me to explode again."

Qi Ge:……


Why don't you break out and just fly away!

"What's your expression? Do you think I will become slower after I explode?"

Moriel flicked her fingers, and a dazzling ripple suddenly flashed out of her body.

All the panting dragons suddenly became energetic!

"Under the command of this Dragon Queen, all dragons can have almost unlimited physical strength.

Although it will take half a day for me to break out again, it will not affect our normal journey.

Little strategist, now you understand the power of this Dragon Queen.

Don’t forget, all dragons will obey my orders!”

Qige: I understand! I finally understand!

No wonder you have been deceiving me about dragon blood transplantation in your previous life.

Fortunately I wasn't fooled!

Tsk, insidious dragon lady.

But since Moriel has such special skills, her movement speed is really good.

Among the [Dragon Scorpion Eagle] troops, the Manticore and Harpy are all small units this time, and can rely on the super giant unit [Dark Infinite Dragon] as a vehicle.

In other words, the movement speed of the [Dragon Scorpion Eagle] unit is calculated based on the slowest red dragon.

The red dragon itself has a speed of 22 points, which is relatively fast even among all level 7 and 1st-level arms.

Second only to the Angel's 24 and the Flame Bird's 30, which is equivalent to the Archdemon.

Coupled with Moriel's demigod specialty, the speed of all dragons is +10.

Chiryuu's basic marching speed is 32 points, which is about the same speed as a commercial airliner.

Qige did some rough calculations.

"Your Majesty, if we travel day and night, we will reach the hinterland of Bracada tomorrow morning.

But considering the chaos and fog at night, maybe we have to find a place to stay on the ice and snow plateau at night.

But even so, we can arrive at noon tomorrow."

After listening to Qige's words, Moriel smiled domineeringly:

"Humph, the mist of confusion? Let them come!

Little strategist, I don't have the patience to wait until noon tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning at the latest, I will pour out my dragon breath on the land of Brakada."

Qi Ge:……

"That's right. Your Majesty, you are the master of power. How could you not have Yasha's fire?"

"What do you mean? You didn't?"

Moriel glanced at Qi Ge, turned over her hand, and took out an oil lamp that was so bright that it was dazzling.

"This is a reward for your good performance along the way."

[System prompt: Moriel gave you [Yasha Fire (Legendary Level)] as a gift.]

【Yasha Tinder


Yasha Strange Items


1. Used at night, it can protect itself and its surrounding allies 500 meters away.

The fog of chaos can be transformed into chaos monsters, which can greatly weaken the opponent in battle.

2. Consuming Yasha Fire to load Yasha Torch can slightly increase the lighting range of Yasha Torch.

3. It is regarded as a city-building order at the main city level. (Consuming this fire can upgrade the county city to the main city without other city-building orders.)]


Qi Ge was stunned when he saw the Yasha Fire in his hand.

Legendary Yasha Tinder!!

Moriel just gave it to me?

Oh boy, this soft rice is so heart-warming.

In my previous life, Moriel and I were so close, but I never saw her giving me such good things!



When I met Moriel in my previous life, it was already the fourth year in the game. The dungeon itself could not be saved, and the Yasha fire was completely insufficient.

But now that chaos has not broken out, the Yasha fire in the hands of these top NPCs is like torches on the road at night, and everyone has a bunch of them.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Qi Ge put away [Yasha Fire Seed] without hesitation, taking advantage of it.

"Your Majesty, do you still have more fire?

I have some friends who have been working hard to destroy Brakada, and they are all in great need.

It doesn’t need to be this big, just an ordinary one.”

Moriel glanced at Qige and nodded with satisfaction.

She always believes that loyalty is constantly rewarded.

"Yes, I do, but I don't have it with me.

This one I gave you is my spare.

If you want Yasha Fire, wait until this battle is over and follow me back to Black Dragon City.

I'll bring it to you from the warehouse."

Black Dragon City...

I thought about it, and they don't seem to need it very much.


Still very needed.

Qi Ge took the risk.

Black Dragon City is easy to talk about!

Black Dragon City is Black Dragon City. As long as you don't enter the palace, you can talk about anything.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Your Majesty, I will go patrol the surrounding area."

Qi Ge rode on Ziyuan, and his eyes automatically began to shuttle over the flying wild monsters in the sky of the ice and snow plateau.

The corners of his mouth raised involuntarily.

Hehe, it’s time for happy experience again.

The demigods and the dragon army took me to level up. What do you mean by cards?

The night is getting darker.

The fog of chaos spreads around the battlefield of [Pingland City].

The warm torch of Yasha burned in the temporary city of Bracada.

The power of the torch protected the temporary city made of magical materials and soothed the tired bodies of the soldiers.

The engineering goblins were leaning against the siege machinery, sleeping in a mess.

The big goblins and little goblins used the light of Yasha's torch to desperately repair the damaged gargoyles and stone men.

The mage and the genie lay in the comfortable magic tower, closed their eyes and rested to restore their magic value.

Among the temporary cities, there is one building that is the most special.

Its appearance is magnificent, and there are many mages patrolling and guarding it carefully.

At first glance, it seems that this architect is extremely important.

But if you observe carefully, you can find that the vigilant eyes of the patrolling mages are sometimes biased towards this magnificent building.

They are more like surveillance than guards.

A defeated general always has a miserable life.

There are only two people living in this magnificent high-level prison.

One is a genie, the other is also a genie.

"What did you say? Kelfo was transferred to Thunder City?"

After hearing the replies from Li Xiaobai and Lin Xi, Nila and Fafona looked at each other.

Fafner frowned and asked:

"It's not that I don't believe you. It's only been one night. How did you collect the information?"

Lin Xi calmly kept talking:

"This information is absolutely true.

In order to complete the mission you assigned us as soon as possible, my companion, the prince, the general, committed suicide and returned to the City of Oak, and then took the teleportation array from the City of Oak to the Falling Moon Territory.

After careful investigation in the Fallen Moon Territory, he determined that Kelfu had been transferred to the Magic Academy, Offa Branch in Thunder City, to serve as the branch director."

Suicide and return to the City of Oak...

This way of rushing to complete the task made Fafner and Jenny really uncomfortable.

For players, this is a very common and embarrassing operation.

But for them, this is simply incomprehensible and unimaginable.

Fafner stretched out his palm and waved it, and said: "Wait a moment, let me confirm."

He put on a big snail shell like a headset and closed his eyes.

Ten minutes later, Fafner opened his eyes, nodded to Nila and said:

"Confirmed, their information is correct. Kelfo is indeed in Thunder City."

Nila's eyes widened: "So, the princes, generals and ministers really committed suicide and went back?"


Lin Xi looked serious:

"Your Majesty Fafner, Your Majesty Nila, we are the most elite Chosen of Yasha, completely different from other Chosen of Yasha.

It is our belief to work hard to complete the mission you have entrusted to us.

This belief even overrides our lives!

If our resurrection point had not been at the frontline military camp, we would have acted like princes and generals without hesitation."

Translate: Just because you won’t die, you can do whatever you want.

Fafner and Nila, who had not yet seen the true face of the player, were stunned by Lin Xi's deception.

Fafner was even more direct and cheered loudly:

"Okay! This is what our Brakada warriors should look like.

Unexpectedly, among those soft mages, there are also tough guys like princes, generals and ministers.

You three are very good, I admire you very much."

As Fafner spoke, he took out three books from his backpack.

"A good warrior should be equipped with good combat skills!

[Guide Arrow] [Explosive Dive] [Running Cast]

These three combat skills correspond to your three professions respectively.

This is your reward for finding this key information!"

Nila then took out three sky-blue amber cards.

"Next, your mission location will be changed to Thunder City, and the mission goal remains unchanged.

This is the entry permit to enter Thunder City. As long as you hold these three signs, you can enter Thunder City.

After that, you can go to the registration office at the end of Thunder City Shining Street to register, and you can move around freely in Thunder City.

Kelfor is better in Thunder City, and our war faction can also provide you with some help."

Fafner said in a deep voice:

"Warriors, after you complete your registration, someone will naturally contact you.

I wish you good luck in martial arts!"

Sunset Arrow: Done! Everything is according to my plan.

Li Xiaobai: Brother Xi is awesome!

Prince, General and Prime Minister: It’s exactly what you said, Brother Xi. I’m really convinced.

Brother Xi switched from STG (shooting game) to the world of heroic souls, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all. A good game means a good game.

Sunset Arrow: Hey, it’s not a big deal. There’s nothing I can’t handle.

Li Xiaobai: Brother Xi, what should we do next?

Sunset Arrow: Next, we will use the excuse to wait for the princes and generals to come back and set off together to delay time. After the princes and generals come back, we will use the excuse to continue to delay time.

Sunset Arrow: In short, it’s just procrastination! Procrastination! Procrastination! As long as it takes.

As long as we delay until Kelford is transferred from Thunder City to the front line, we won't have to go to Thunder City.

Sunset Arrow: Now, let’s find a way to contact the queen of the Naga tribe [Blooded Blade Trish Rowling].

Sunset Arrow: There is a super big BOSS waiting for us to claim it!

There is a war going on on the front line, but it does not affect the peaceful singing and dancing in Thunder City at all.

As soon as Somra left with his army, everything in Thunder City immediately returned to normal.

The magic billboard of the top restaurant is shining brightly.

Above, a huge Titan rides a black dragon beneath him.

Titan held the black dragon's neck with one hand and lifted the black dragon's tail with the other, his expression happy and wild.

The black dragon's eyes turned into love hearts, its wings drooped softly and it kept making miserable and melodious screams.

There is also a line of eye-catching large characters next to the billboard:

Top gourmet restaurant, today’s signature dish: stir-fried black dragon.

At the entrance of the Top Food Restaurant, a dozen girls in black dragon coats were posing, holding signs and loudly soliciting customers.

From time to time, a mage would approach them and pick and choose among them.

Once the mage has made his choice, he will take the bunny girl to the upstairs seating area at the top of the food while teasing the base of the girl's black dragon's tail, and indulge in the wonderful taste of the [Stir-fried Black Dragon].

In the dining hall, a young and tall archmage frowned and stared at the boss who was sweating in front of him.

"What did you say? The top floor is occupied?"

The Archmage was surrounded by six black dragon girls.

From this point of view, a battle between the archmage and the black dragons is inevitable.

It can be seen from the restless hands of the Archmage that he can't wait to let the black dragon girls taste the undiminished lethality in hand-to-hand combat.

If nothing else happens, this archmage will be the archmage who has defeated the largest number of black dragons tonight.

Wearing the supreme glory of Brakada, he vowed to tame these black female dragons one by one!

But now, it's obvious that something happened.

"Charlie, I remember I should have told you that as long as I didn't tell you specifically, the top floor would be reserved for me.


Do you think that if my father is not here, I will not take charge of this Thunder City?"

Charlie, the owner of Top Food, wiped his sweat and said quickly:

"Master Troy, how dare I mean this.

Mr. Trossa has specifically stated before that when he is not around, you are the boss.

However, the person who wants to be on the top floor this time is so powerful that I really don’t dare to refuse.”

Troy smiled disdainfully.

"What background do you have? How much background do you have to disobey my order?

It can’t be some true legend coming, right?”

Charlie came close to Troy and whispered:

"Not one, but five!

His Majesty Al-Ghaed hosted a banquet for four of his legendary architect friends on the top floor."


Hearing Agede's name, Troy's expression changed.

"Charlie, you are so brave. You didn't notify me even after Agade was crowned."

You are in a woman's bed 24 hours a day, 16 hours a day, where can I tell you? What a stupid thing.

Charlie was complaining in his heart, but he could only smile in apology on his face.

Troy thought:

"The legend of Algaed and the four legendary architects, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we have to find a way to curry favor with them.

With my status, I am not even qualified to curry favor, so I must quickly find a way to inform my father."

He made a prompt decision and said to Charlie: "Charlie, please serve the best dishes in the restaurant right now, and let the most beautiful maid guard the door."

I have done this a long time ago, and you still need to say it.

Although he felt this way in his heart, Charlie still responded with a low eyebrow:

"Yes, Master."

ps: There is no double amount at the end of the month. If you have monthly tickets for potions, you can feed the hamsters.

Come on, pour it into my mouth!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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