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Chapter 482 Change of Situation

Chapter 482 The situation changes

The deputy commander of the [Thunder Lord Legion], the Titan of the [Thunder Lord] is as big as a mountain.

The leader of the [Thunder Lord Legion], [Dragon Slayer], is only the size of an ordinary human being.

The size difference between the two is staggering.

But now, Titan is submissive in front of the [Dragon Slayer], like a student who made mistakes.

Titan asked cautiously:

"Coach, why do you say that Yasha's chosen one is the spy?

If I'm not mistaken, that Yasha chosen god is a djinn, right?

In other words, he is the chosen god of Yasha in Brakada.

Why would our Asa Chosen from Brakada help Negan?"

The Dragon Slayer's voice under the bandage was a bit dull and rough, but the words he spoke were extremely delicate:

"He is the djinn, but he is not the djinn.

The chosen god of Yasha can be any race in our world of Yasha.

But no matter what race they appear to be, it cannot change their essence.

They do not belong to this world, they are just reinforcements summoned by the Mother Goddess.

Their only enemy is Chaos.

To them, we are just a tool for them to draw strength and grow.

Whether it's Negan or Bracada, there's no difference.

As long as they can grow, no force or race can affect them.

Ever since these Yasha chosen gods came to this world, I have been observing them carefully.

I don't see any loyalty or lawfulness in them.

One second they can kowtow to you, and the next second they can take out a dagger and stab it mercilessly into your heart.

But on the other hand, they are extremely diligent.

They are trying every means to make themselves stronger almost all the time. Once their strength improves a little, they will fight against wild monsters.

But no matter what, they have no respect for us."

Titan looked a little confused:

"Sounds like those neutral mercenaries.

Um, I mean the jackals and thieves."

The dragon slayer shook his head and said:

"They are much more chaotic than the gnolls.

Of course, it is also much more dangerous.

We have to become demigods to gain the power of immortality.

And they have it since they were born.

This gave them arrogance and courage.

Our world is just a game to them.

Perhaps, only crazy existences like them can suppress the equally crazy Chaos.

For this reason, the Mother Goddess has given them too much protection."

[Dragon Slayer] stretched out her hand, and the bandage on her hand was constantly emitting blue smoke.

"As long as we take the initiative to kill Yasha God's Chosen, we will be punished.

The stronger the being, the more severe the punishment when killing Yasha God's Chosen.

For example, if I kill about 10,000 Yasha Chosen Gods, I will fall from demigod to legend.

Only if they take the initiative to attack us and we strike back can we be exempted from punishment."

Titan twisted his neck indignantly:

"The Mother Goddess is too kind to these outsiders. It's really unfair."

"There's nothing unfair about it.

They are the chosen ones of the Mother Goddess, and it is unfair that they do not even have this privilege."

[Dragon Slayer] then said:

"Back to the topic, let me show you something."

[Dragon Slayer] waved his hand and took out more than a dozen image stones.

The image stones unfolded one by one, and a large group of players appeared on them.

"The djinn in the cat girl mask has a drumstick on his waist and a dog tail stuck behind his butt. He is also a male djinn.

This Yasha God's Chosen is the one I killed just now.

Because his clothes were particularly weird, I paid special attention to him.

[Wind City], [Iron Wall Fortress], [Snow-top City]

In total, he appeared near three main cities.

Connect the places where he appears in chronological order.

It is not difficult to see that he has been using the teleportation array to track us."

Titan's throat rolled, and he wanted to ask if this could be a coincidence.

Before he could ask, [Dragon Slayer] continued:

"No one would be stupid enough to think that his traveling route was a coincidence, right?"

Titan closed his mouth tightly.

"In addition to the djinn in the cat girl mask, there is also the mage wearing the [Negan Must Win] cape.

This djinn wearing a black dragon hood.

This mage has Moriel's bust painted on his chest.

Just looking at them makes people think they are not good people."

[Dragon Slayer] sighed softly and said:

"These Yasha God's Choices all have unique skills.

Which of the normal eyeliners and spies are not trying their best to disguise themselves for fear of being discovered?

But they were even so outrageous that it made me think they were not spies.

I really can't understand why there are spies wearing the words "I am a spy" on their bodies.

But based on their movements and behavior, I can only conclude that they are monitoring our whereabouts."

Titan suddenly became anxious:

"Coach, what should we do?

These Yasha God's Chosen can be found in every corner of Brakada, and they can be found in cities large and small.

The black dragons fly faster than us. If we are constantly watched by them, we will never be able to catch the black dragon army.

If it really doesn’t work, I can only kill..."

"Can't kill."

[Dragon Slayer] glanced at Titan with a look of disdain:

"Have you forgotten what I just told you?

This group of Yasha gods are the reinforcements summoned by the Mother Goddess, and are protected by the laws of the Mother Goddess.

The consequences of massacring them may even be more serious than our defeat this time.

Now, we can only drive them away."

[Dragon Slayer] said to Titan:

"Send my order to all major cities immediately, and temporarily prohibit the god Yasha from choosing a city.

From now on, until the Black Dragon Legion is destroyed, all cities can only be entered but not exited!

When all our [Thunder Lord Legion] armed airships are traveling, try to stay in the wild monster area as much as possible.

The higher the level of wild monster area, the better.”

Titan was shocked: "Yes! Coach!"

"Tsk, sure enough, have you been discovered?"

After receiving the message of "Open your eyes to see the world for the second time", Qi Ge reluctantly clicked his tongue.

Qi Ge was mentally prepared for the players from the World Hegemony Guild to be discovered by Brakada.

He just didn't expect that he would be discovered so quickly.

On only the fourth day, someone in the [Thunder Lord Legion] realized the role of Yasha's Chosen.

Now, there is some trouble.

Qi Ge calmed down and replied to [Open Your Eyes to See the World for the Second Time].

Qi Ge: Got it, thank you for your hard work. Now you can disband first.

Since you can't leave the city for the time being, you can complete tasks in the city.

Waiting for the good news from my side.

The second time I opened my eyes to see the world: Great God, please guide us more when you have time. We like to help you, Great God.

Qi Ge: There will be a chance. You understand my character, which is beneficial. I will never forget you.

The second time I opened my eyes to see the world: Hey, wait for God to take me away.

Well, sir, I'm going back to Brilade City first. If you need anything, please call me.

After finishing the friend message, Qige fell into deep thought.

After Brakada cleared his true eye, he lost control of the movements of the [Thunder Lord Legion].

The battlefield situation that could have been controlled at will has become confusing.

This means that your actions can no longer be as arbitrary as before, and you have to be more cautious.

"The destruction is almost done. In that case, let's start with the next step."

Qi Ge made up his mind and found Moriel.

"Your Majesty, I have something very important to discuss with you."

The construction of the first part of the Underworld Farm in God's Chosen City has been completed.

This Netherland Farm occupies about half of Zhang Fu's territory, and the food produced in one week is enough to feed 100,000 soldiers for a month.

However, Zhang Fu still seemed a little dissatisfied.

At this time, Zhang Fufu, with his hands behind his back and his hair slicked back, was leading the two centaur brothers and his vampire [Domran] to inspect the newly built Hades Farm.

Zhang Fu was slightly hunched over, holding a thermos cup in his hand, shaking his head and pointing, and said:

"No, not smart enough!

Our Hades Farm is not smart enough!"

Domran raised his hands exaggeratedly and responded loudly like he was singing forever:

"Great Creator!

Your dissatisfaction is the laziness of us servants!

Your most devoted servant, Domran, must transform the Hades Farm to your satisfaction.

But please forgive me, servant, I really can't understand. What do you mean by intelligence?

Of course, this is certainly not your problem, the Creator.

It is we servants who are too stupid to understand the deeper meaning of your words, Creator.

Creator, can you please enlighten us ignorant subordinates?"

Next to Zhang Fu, Kacha and Kadun also said:

"Brother, neither of us understands."

"Yes, brother, what is this intelligence?"

"Huh!" Zhang Fu raised his head and said loudly: "Intelligence is automation!

Automation means that in the production and management process of Hades Farm, I can achieve my expected goals according to my requirements without my direct participation.

The less involved I am, the more automated and smarter Hades Farm becomes!

Domran, look at the current Hades Farm.

Although skeleton soldiers can fertilize and water by themselves, other races need help from sowing and harvesting.

Needing help from other races means that I need to spend time and energy on management.

This won't work.

We must build a [Smart Underworld Farm] that can be fully automated by our undead to sow, plant, harvest, and then continue to sow in an infinite cycle."

Domran was stunned:

"Fully automatic...

But those skeleton soldiers have limited IQ and cannot understand such complicated commands as sowing and harvesting."

Zhang Fu turned over, patted Domlang on the shoulder, and said sincerely:

"Domran, I believe in your ability."

Domran's expression gradually changed little by little, from being embarrassed to bursting into tears in just three seconds.

He hugged Zhang Fu's thigh and shouted loudly:


Your servant will never live up to your expectations!!!

Don’t worry, I will definitely transform [Underworld Farm] into a fully automated farm!”

Please wait quietly on your throne, waiting for the good news from my servant!"

Kadun exclaimed:

"I never imagined that eldest brother could actually make his subordinates be so loyal to him.

Is this the charm of the Saint of Love?

As long as I study hard with my elder brother, I will definitely catch up with Sally!"

Kacha looked at this scene and immediately put down his hooves and said loudly:

"Ah! I understand.

The eldest brother must already know what to do, he is just testing Domrang!

With Big Brother’s strength, it’s not easy to solve any intelligence problem?”

Zhang Fu smiled proudly, turned around and said softly:

"Well, it seems that I can't hide it from others, but I can't hide it from you, my second and third brothers.

Let’s go, second brother, third brother. I’ll teach you a few more tricks.”

Domran watched Zhang Fu triumphantly leave with the two centaur brothers, his eyes full of admiration and enthusiasm.

In the distance, the voices of the two brothers Zhang Fu and Centaur came in the wind.

"Brother, I obviously have such good conditions and have given Sally so many things. Why doesn't Sally still like me?"

"The gold coins are for the mare to see, not for the mare to spend. Idiot."

"Wow, brother, I really like Sally!!"

"Hey, if you don't really like it, who would want to be a licking dog?"

The city of God's Choice is developing in full swing, but Brakada's situation is not so good.

Under the continuous sweeps of the seven pigeons, the entire city in the hinterland of Brakada fell into a strange tangle.

"Should we continue to maintain a strong and clear country, or should we simply ignore it and let all mines and factories operate?"

This problem has given many left-behind acting lords a huge headache.

Start the work, if it is robbed by the Black Dragon Legion, then wait for the city lord to come back and make arrangements for yourself.

But if we don't start work, there's a war going on right now, and the front lines are burning money.

Nowadays, the inventory of each territory is like a reservoir that is draining water. The water outlet is opened to the maximum and the water inlet is tightened.

No matter how big the pool is, it cannot withstand such consumption.

When choices arise, different territories will naturally make different choices.

Therefore, those who took the plunge to resume production prayed every day that the black dragon would not come.

Those who grit their teeth and insist on clinging to the wall and clearing the country expect their neighbors to be robbed by black dragons every day.

The entire Bracada is filled with a sense of black humor.

And at this moment, a female elf who came all the way from Avili appeared in the main city of Brakada's southern territory [Stormwind City]!

She was extremely generous. On the first day she came to [Stormwind City], she bought the largest hotel [Acceleration Building] in [Stormwind City].

Immediately afterwards, she spent countless gold coins and bought an entire street next to the [Acceleration Building]!

Various actions, in addition to announcing that the female elf was wealthy, also hinted that her background was extraordinary.

The entire Brakada knows that the [Acceleration Building] is Serui's legendary industry.

The Legend of Seri is a well-known old legend in Bracada.

Her legendary specialty [Attack Acceleration] magic can even make skeleton soldiers run faster than dragons.

Serui is not only famous, but also has many friends and great power.

The entire [Stormwind City] area, including the main city [Stormwind City], has a total of 31 cities, all of which are Serui's private fiefdoms.

The Legend of Serai only needs to hand over 10% of the taxes from [Stormwind City] to Brakada every year.

The appointment of other officials, the deployment of military forces, and the commercial system... are all decided by Serui, just like a country within a country.

Even if Brakada launches a full-scale war, Serui has the right not to send troops.

Because of this, the female elf's purchase of the [Acceleration Building] simply caused an uproar in [Stormwind City].

A large group of people were asking, who is this female elf?

Unfortunately, nothing came of it.

Soon, the female elf accidentally dropped her veil while discussing with the [Stormwind City] official chamber of commerce [Stormwind Chamber of Commerce].

Its appearance is really astonishing.

[Storm Chamber of Commerce] The president knelt down on the spot and begged the female elf to give him a chance to pursue him, but was ruthlessly rejected by the female elf.

What is more interesting than a rich woman must be a young and beautiful rich woman.

This matter spread quickly from [Stormwind City].

Its level of sensation is no less than that of the Black Dragon Legion, which has been making a lot of noise recently.

Hard work paid off, and after many investigations, the true identity of this female elf was finally found out.

She turned out to be the richest man in Aveili, the former financial officer of the Elf Empire, the scandal target of the God of War Tanan, the gentle beauty Jenova with black hair and golden eyes (dark gold elf) (a mixture of black elf and gold elf)!

This time, the pot exploded.

Who doesn’t know that Jenova has a lot of money and a busy schedule?

At this juncture of the war between Bracada and Negan, she came to Bracada from Avili and bought an entire street. She couldn't just buy it for fun, right?

The rich business opportunities and the smell of gold coins, like the aroma of barbecue, crept into the nostrils of Brakada's powerful people.

After asking again and again, someone finally found out Jenova's purpose from the entourage who was traveling with Jenova.

It turns out that Jenova actually planned to take advantage of the war between Negan and Brakada to open Avili's [Tree of Life] bar in Brakada.

According to Jenova's entourage, Jenova had foreseen that Bracada would win.

When Bracada wins, economic prosperity will surely stimulate the development of the tavern industry.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

To this end, Jenova even brought a batch of Aveili's most precious [Sen Moss Wine] to pave the road!

Under the strong bribery of some mages, Jenova's followers finally carefully revealed a crucial piece of information!

The gold coins that Her Majesty Jenova brought this time are not enough to open taverns throughout Bracada. It is very likely that financing will be opened and the future profits of the [Tree of Life] Hotel will be used in exchange for funds.

This is a big deal.

In the whole of Bracada, who doesn’t know that taverns make money?

Take a look at the Fairy Tavern that just opened recently. How much money has it made?

Who in Bracada is not jealous?

The problem is that the tavern business cannot be touched without a strong enough backend.

Now, the backstage suddenly comes!

Foreign monks like to chant sutras.

Bracada always has many benefits for industries started by foreign forces.

Now that Jenova Legend is here, won’t the backstage problems be solved?

For a time, investing in the [Tree of Life] Hotel has become a wise choice for many knowledgeable people.

"Hey, hey, a bunch of green and plump leeks."

Looking at the mages crowded downstairs, [Mixue Bingtang] slowly lowered the curtains, her expression full of joy.

"Seven pigeons rob people, and I rob money.

This is called a male and female robber! Steal them all!"

"Haha, your friend is really brave for stealing Jenova's name."

Seri sat on the chair and touched Smit in his arms with a smile.

"Little Smit, what kind of friends have you made over the years?

Luo Shi and Lafite are not censored either.”

Smit smiled and defended [Mixue Bingtang]:

"Grandma, Sister Bingtang is a very nice person and very smart."

Seri shook his head kindly.

"I can tell you are smart, okay?

This is the first time I have seen such cruel methods.

Even if Negan breaks through the city, the most they can do is rob the warehouse.

But she wants to wipe out all the income of those lords in the next few years.

If she succeeds this time, countless lords in Brakada will go bankrupt.

If not, even military spending will be a problem."

Smit coquettishly buried his head in Seri's arms:

"Oh, Sister Bingtang, this is for my own good.

My journey as a hero is too expensive."

Seri scraped Smit's nose hard and said with a smile:

"Selfish little guy."


No one would have imagined that in this small room.

Amid the chatter and laughter of these three women, a financial crisis that is about to sweep half of Bracada is brewing.

On February 18th in Brakada Spring, the [Dragon Eagle Legion] left the ice and snow plateau, silently penetrated the [Silver Snow City], and headed towards the [Lava City] in the west.

[Pingdi City] The Shaket coalition forces made a surprise attack on [Iron Tree City] that afternoon, and the war was once in a state of anxiety.

[Iron Tree City] was defeated three times, and was counterattacked three times by the Brakada coalition relying on the teleportation array.

At nightfall, the Sachter coalition retreated, with no reckoning of casualties on both sides.

Negan discovered that [Iron Tree City] was upgrading its main city.

Brakada Spring February 19th

[Dragon Eagle Legion] arrived at Lava City.

Under the leadership of Qi Ge, the [Dragon Eagle Legion] wreaked havoc on the mines and factories in the western part of Bracada.

Qige focuses on destroying shipyards and docks.

Brakada Spring February 21st.

The [Thunder Lord Legion] suddenly appeared in the western border of Brakada, blocking the [Dragon Eagle Legion]'s path back to Brakada.

Qi Ge led the [Dragon Eagle Legion] to continue to break through to the west.

The night of the 21st.

[Dragon Eagle Legion] entered the magma sea, and [Thunder Lord Legion] pursued them.

The boiling lava was constantly emitting hot bubbles, and black smoke filled with sulfur kept getting into Qi Ge's nostrils, burning Qi Ge's lungs.

Qi Ge turned his head and stared behind him.

In the dim night, with the help of the red light emanating from the magma sea, Qi Ge could vaguely see armed airships glowing with flying magic, biting behind him.


Qi Ge coughed, gritted his teeth and cursed:

“Damn, these [Thunder Lords] are really not afraid of death, they dare to chase after them.

[Thunder Lord] does not ignore terrain stunts. If I can get them to the magma sea, I can kill them with 20% burning damage every round."


Ziyuan raised her neck and asked:

"Brother Savior, are you going to use the [Magic Shield] to get them down like last time?"

Qi Ge touched his face in embarrassment.

"Xiao Ziyuan, there is an entire army of miracle soldiers behind you, plus a demigod hero.

If you want me to deal with them, you think too highly of me."

"Yingying. My savior brother is omnipotent."

"It doesn't exist, it doesn't exist."

At this moment, Wei Chengfeng's voice came from the mouth of the Dark Infinite Dragon under Qi Ge:

"Ah, the time is coming, Ziyuan needs another shot of disguise."

There was a flash of light on Ziyuan's body, and a ripple of magic power swept across silently.

[Lord Thunder] never discovered that the [Dragon Eagle Legion] that was crossing the western border of Brakada was disguised by Seven Pigeons.

Qige estimated the time and said softly:

"It's almost time, Moriel should have already started taking action.

Ziyuan, let’s change direction and fly north!

This time, we fly directly to the Arctic Ocean!"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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