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Chapter 492 The Bayonet Unsheathed

Chapter 492 Bayonet Unsheathed

"Tonight, I will postpone my actions and wait for the opportunity."

The moment Red Wolf finished speaking, her chubby body swayed and fell to the ground again, falling into a deep sleep.

[The blind please wake up].

In the fish seller's hut located in the corner of Hanye Village, the old blind man let out a cold breath and sat up from the bed.

[Blind person, you can make a person blind and unable to move.

Please select your goal.]

The old blind man knew that he did not have much time to act alone at night.

He quickly opened the inner door of the room and took advantage of this precious time to cover Qiangwei with the quilt.

He is obviously blind, but in the lightless night, the old blind man can even move a little faster than during the day.

The old blind man wanted to reach out and touch Qiangwei's hair, but a mysterious force hindered his rough hands covered with dead skin and wrinkles.

In the dim night, the old blind man whispered to Qiangwei:

"I will save you.

As long as I live one day, I will not let anything hurt you.

Qiangwei, we father and daughter will definitely be able to escape from here."

The old blind man raised his head and murmured:

"Qiangwei said she saw the village doctor Mei Kailong moving freely holding a huge bronze shield.

I have never noticed anything unusual about Macallon, but Qiangwei will not lie to me.

This shows that Mei Kailong is likely to be the attendant of the evil god.

With a shield, you have great strength.

Either the evil god guards that prevent us from saving the villagers, or the arson monsters that can destroy the shelter.

In addition to Mei Kailong, this kid Nash is also likely to be the attendant of the evil god.

I highly doubt that he can sacrifice our fallen knight.

In addition, the old village chief is also very suspicious. He is probably the bishop.

The Fallen Knight and the Bishop have no skills at night. Seal Macalon first, and then rescue the Fallen Knight who poses the greatest threat to the village. The old village chief will deal with it tomorrow.

The great eternal moon will purify their fallen souls."

"Moon of Eternity is above, I pray to you.

Please seal the eyes of the village doctor Mei Kailong for me so that he cannot do evil tonight."

As soon as the old blind man finished speaking, he staggered and fell down. A mysterious force appeared and teleported the old blind man back to his room, in the same position as when he was sleeping.

【Snooper, please wake up.】

Gray Wolf, the owner of the "Evil" restaurant, opened his eyes and turned his neck slightly.


He looked around and let out a deep growl from his throat, like a wolfdog encountering a threat.

[You can check the specific identity of a villager tonight.

Who do you want to check?】

Without any hesitation, the restaurant owner spoke.

"Supreme Eternal Moon, you are the goddess of creation, you are the mother of time and space, you are the embodiment of birth, life and death.

I ask you to reveal the fog for me and help me understand the identity of [Yuge] (the old village chief)."

[Yuge’s identity is that of an ordinary villager.]

"Ordinary villagers?!"

The gray wolf was stunned for a moment and then passed out.

[Members of the Blind Brotherhood, please wake up and discuss the goals to be saved tonight.

Each person must choose a target. If you don't choose, you will save yourself.

When there are multiple rescue targets, the one with the largest number of people will be given priority.

If there is a tie vote, we will select randomly.】

The old blind man, the old beggar, the old miner, the woodcutter, the restaurant owner, and the landlady woke up at the same time, and a mysterious force gathered their consciousnesses together at the same time.

The eyes of the five people immediately focused on the old miner.

The old miner asked seriously:

"Who did you give your stunts to?"

Old Blind Eye: "I sealed the village doctor Mei Kailong."

Gray Wolf: "I saw the village chief. He is an ordinary villager and has not been contaminated by the evil god."

"Okay, then don't worry about these two people for now."

The old miner nodded and said:

"I got information from Nash that Serena is most likely a magic pupil (prophet).

I suggest that you save the demon pupil tonight."


The old fisherman snorted and said:

"That guy is very slippery, so you can't believe everything he says.

I even think that guy is the Fallen Knight.

Just be the first to sacrifice him."

"Blind man, I know you are annoyed by that boy.

Don't be motivated.

Don't forget who led us to see through the truth about the evil god.

Listen to uncle and you won't go wrong."

The old beggar grinned. Only the last blackened tooth was left in his mouth, which looked very scary.


The old miner nodded and said:

"I would choose Serena, not just because of Nash.

I have long thought that Serena might be a servant of the evil god.

What the evil god likes most is young people like her who have a sense of justice but are simple and ignorant.

Even if Serena is not a demon pupil, there is a high possibility that she is a servant of the evil god.

If she is indeed the Demon Eye, then we have eliminated a big threat.

The Demonic Eyes and the Evil God Guards are both great threats to us, so it’s best to eliminate them as soon as possible.”


The gray wolf and the red wolf said in unison.

The taciturn woodcutter nodded.

At this point, four votes have been cast for Serena, and the wishes of the other two people no longer matter.

The figures of the six people disappeared at the same time.

[Members of the Blind Brotherhood have chosen to save the target.]

【The Eternal Moon falls into deep sleep.】

【The glorious day has awakened.】

The female voice echoing in the village changed its voice and tone.

The female voice just now was calm and soothing, but now the voice is urgent and urgent.

【Prophet, please wake up.】

"Nash! No! Nash!"

Serena hurriedly opened her eyes as if she had just had a nightmare.

She took a deep breath and immediately pulled out a crystal ball from under her bed.

"On the glorious day, please help me see through the fog and find the old man's true face hidden in the shadows."

The surface of the crystal ball suddenly turned red, and then purple to black characters appeared.

【Doomsday Prophet】


Serena screamed quickly, and even her heartbeat stopped.

She felt a chill running down her spine and her body began to tremble involuntarily.

"The old man is really a believer in the evil god! Then isn't Nash very dangerous?

no no!"

Serena didn't have time to do anything, so she fell into a deep sleep.

【Guard, please wake up.】

[Guard, please choose the target you want to guard tonight.]

Twilight, the little blacksmith, turned over and jumped out of bed.

He quickly ran downstairs and found the oldest and simplest shield among the piles of shields on the wall of the blacksmith shop.

"I will definitely protect you, Serena.

No one can take you away from me."

The shield in the little blacksmith's hand suddenly became brighter, thinking of Serena in his mind.

[The guard has chosen to protect Serena]

On the simple shield, Serena's pattern gradually appeared.

In the pattern, Serena is surrounded by red flowers, smiling like a flower.

The little blacksmith happily hung the shield back on the wall, and was teleported away by a mysterious force.

The moment Twilight left, the words on the shield suddenly changed!

Serena's ice-blue pupils turned red, her expression was extremely ferocious, and her long pink hair turned into thorns.

The red flowers surrounding her were constantly dripping with blood.

【The glorious day has fallen asleep】

【Ouroboros has awakened】

When Qige woke up, he vaguely seemed to hear many voices in his heart.

"I see, the followers of the evil god and the followers of the true god have already taken action.

The followers of the evil god will be the first to act, but I, the true evil god, will be the last.

Haha, I am really shameless."

【Ouroboros, please choose your conversion goal.】

Qige's eyes were deep, he turned his head, looked at the center of the village, and said softly:

"I choose to transform, old village chief."

Qi Ge's consciousness suddenly zoomed away.

He seemed to have penetrated endless space and landed directly in the old village chief's house.

The old village chief hid under the bed, wrapped in three layers of thick quilts, just enough to expose only one nostril.

Qi Ge smiled dumbly, and with a thought, he lifted the old village chief out from under the bed.

At this moment, Qi Ge felt as if he had entered the old village chief's mind, leaving behind a giant snake biting his tail in the old village chief's sea of ​​consciousness.

The seven doves fell into a deep sleep.

But the old village chief's eyes suddenly opened.

He faced the rotten bed board and muttered to himself in despair:

"Ouroboros God, you are 0 and ten thousand, you are the origin and the end.

I will use my remaining body to follow your footsteps, walk in that endless purgatory, and turn all moments into eternity!"

【Ouroboros has fallen asleep】

【The glorious day has awakened】

【Its daybreak.】

In an instant, the eternal moon in the sky instantly shattered, and the dazzling glorious sun hung in the sky again.

All the villagers in Hanye Village trembled violently and woke up at the same time.

A voice sounded in everyone's heart.

[Last night was Christmas Eve. No villagers were sacrificed by evil gods.]

[There are still four hours until the next time the Eternal Moon rises.

Please quickly search the village for clues about the evil god.】

Qi Ge rolled over and sat up from the tattered mud bed.

He couldn't wait to open the door and ran out of the room, shouting as he ran:

"Old man! Are you there?"

"Here he is."

The old miner tremblingly held on to the door frame and answered Qi Ge.

"Why is it Christmas Eve?! Don't believers of the evil god dare to take action tonight?"

Qi Ge pretended not to know anything and asked quickly.

The old miner smiled happily, his cloudy eyes revealing a kind of heartfelt joy.

"Haha, maybe the followers of the evil god are thinking of the feelings of the villagers and are reluctant to take action."

Qi Ge suppressed a smile in his heart.

The old man's forced smile is really funny.

He couldn't bear the thought of an old man over 70 accompanying him all the time to demonstrate his acting skills, so he waved to the old miner and said:

"Old man, I'm going to the village to find clues about the followers of the evil god.

Don't cook breakfast for a while. I'll bring it to you when you come back."

As soon as Qi Ge finished speaking, he ran out of the village without looking back.

The old man asked hurriedly:

"Where are you going to find it?"

"I'm going to see if the old village chief has any clues."

Qi Ge ran all the way to the old village chief's house and happened to see the old village chief lingering at the door.

When the old village chief saw Qige, his eyes showed indescribable excitement:

"Lord! My Lord!"

Qi Ge could feel that there was an indescribable sense of intimacy between the old village chief and himself. If he wanted to, he could even manipulate some of the old village chief's actions in subtle ways.

It's like controlling the old village chief's speech and walking.

But this operation requires you to be close enough to the old village chief.

Once the old village chief is about ten meters away from him, the operation will fail.

This discovery made Qi Ge simply overjoyed.

He immediately controlled the old village chief and controlled him to enter the village chief's office.

At the same time, Qige also followed in.

As soon as they entered the house, Qige quickly explained some matters in a few words.

"From now on, without my order, you can't salute me, you can only call me Nash.

You must never reveal any information about Ouroboros to anyone else.

When there are outsiders, treat me the same way you treated me before, without any change in attitude."

Fortunately, although the old village chief was brainwashed, he still maintained consciousness and could understand Qi Ge's orders normally.

"I understand, Nash."

The old village chief stared at Qige and asked in a low voice:

"Nash, what are we going to do next?"

Qi Ge's eyes narrowed and he said:

"You wait for a while near the altar, ready to hold a referendum meeting at any time.

I'm going to make some preparations."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, suddenly, the bells on the altar rang loudly!!

"How could anyone call a referendum meeting when the genius is just shining?"

The old village chief was afraid that Qi Ge would think that he had violated his order, so he hurriedly shook his head and said:

"No, it's not me. I'm still here and can't ring the bell."

"Of course I know it's not you."

Qi Ge rubbed his eyebrows.

He already guessed who was ringing the bell.

Serena is a seer and can check a person's identity.

Qi Ge estimated that Serena should have discovered the identity of the old miner's follower of the evil god under his own inducement last night.

She would run to ring the bell to initiate the banishment meeting, which was within Qi Ge's expectation.

But he didn't expect that Serena would ring the bell so fast.

"When other players attacked Hanye Village in the previous life, even if Serena discovered the followers of the evil god, she would not call the police so quickly.

Tsk, could it be that I teased her too hard and got her into trouble?

It’s your own fault that belongs to you.”

Qi Ge took a deep breath and said, "I'll go there first, and you'll come back in three minutes."


Running out of the village chief's house, the seven pigeons ran towards the altar.

The villagers have gathered near the altar in twos and threes.

When they saw that the person ringing the bell was Serena from the flower shop, they all expressed great surprise.

In everyone's impression, Serena has always been a timid girl.

Many villagers gathered around Serena, asking her nagging questions.

But Serena turned a deaf ear to these inquiries. She just held up a wooden stick with a stubborn face and kept hitting the triangular pillar-shaped altar bell.


Qi Ge shouted loudly while running towards Serena.

"Selena, what happened?"


Serena looked towards Qi Ge happily.

"Great, Nash, you're okay."

She wanted to run over and hug Nash, but there was a mysterious force on the altar that pulled her back.

"Give way, give way."

Blacksmith Twilight pushed aside the crowd and gave Qi Ge a hard push from behind.

Qi Ge reacted quickly. He took a step forward and barely managed to stand without falling.

Qi Ge turned around and said angrily:

"Are you sick? What do you want to do?"

"This is my question to you!"

Twilight stared at Qige sternly, gritted her teeth and shouted:

"I knew you had bad intentions. It must have been you last night!"

"What night?"

Qi Ge was stunned and immediately reacted.

According to the plan, the eyes protected Serena last night, and at the same time, the followers of the evil god also chose to sacrifice Serena.

Twilight had no way of knowing whether it was the followers of the evil god who didn't take action on Christmas Eve, or whether she was guarding the right person.

But out of his own selfishness, he had no reason to suspect that he was the one who attacked Serena.

Qi Ge could bear this grievance, but Nash couldn't.

In order to fit the character's character, Qi Ge grabbed Twilight's collar on the spot and punched him in the face.


"You bastard! Are you looking for trouble?"

"You still don't admit it, you believer of the evil god!"

Twilight immediately fought back and struggled with Qi Ge, causing smoke and dust to cover the floor.

Although Twilight is a guard, she does not dare to use her power as an attendant of the true god in broad daylight.

Coupled with Qi Ge's superb acting skills, the two of them were evenly matched.

It's a pity that in Hanye Village, you can't kill anyone with such a beating.

Literally invincible.

After the start of Eternal Moon, as long as they are in Cold Night Village, villagers will not be killed by any other means except being exiled during the day, being sacrificed at night, and using the special skills of half-dragons.

As soon as Qige and Twilight started fighting, the surrounding villagers gathered around to start a fight.

Serena was the most anxious.

But she was trapped by the power of the altar, and she could only keep shouting feebly: "Stop fighting! Stop fighting!"

"Stop, everyone, stop!"

The old village chief strode over, tapping his cane.

"During the Eternal Moon, whoever deliberately creates chaos is a believer of the evil god, and whoever wants to get out of the village will get out of here!"

When Twilight saw this, she could only spit at Qi Ge and left with hatred.

Qi Ge dodged and spat on the face of the old beggar who was watching the excitement.

The old beggar threw the broken bowl, covered his face and started howling:

"Ouch! No way! No way! This water is poisonous!

Followers of evil gods!

Twilight is a follower of the evil god!

I'm going to be poisoned to death by Twilight's saliva!"

The old beggar rolled while wailing, and rolled to Twilight's feet.

He hugged Twilight's legs and screamed:

"You are not allowed to leave, you are a follower of the evil god."

Twilight's face turned dark and she cursed secretly.

He took out a handful of broken coins and threw them at the old beggar.

The old beggar suddenly became energetic:

"Ouch! I'm ready!

Misunderstanding, it seems I misunderstood."

He picked up the coin three times, five divided by two, ran to Er Lunzi (Heaven), and said with a smile:

"Son, our family is rich.

Take it and buy some food. Buy more."

"Abba, Abba, Abba."

Tiantian opened his mouth blankly, with a confused look on his face.

The old villager knocked the ground heavily with his cane and shouted to the old beggar:

"Wake up!

That's not your son, your son has died long ago!"

The old beggar was startled. He hugged Tiantian and cursed at the old village chief:

"Fart, my son is here, alive and well.

Your son just died."

The village chief's face darkened and he was so angry.

His son is really dead, he died in the last eternal moon.

He looked at the old beggar and the idiot angrily and cursed:

"A madman and a fool, you two are a perfect match.

Just make do with it."

The village chief raised his head and found that all the villagers had arrived.

He walked to the altar with a cane and shouted:

“Everyone is here, let’s start the referendum meeting!!”


The white ball on the altar suddenly flashed, and the eighteen villagers present, including the old village chief, lost control of their bodies and formed a circle around the altar like zombies.

The old village chief shouted:

"Start the identification ceremony!"

The seven pigeons in the crowd raised their lips slightly.

In Hanye Village, the old village chief is just an ordinary villager with no special skills.

But having no special skills does not mean that there is no function.

The old village chief shoulders a vital function during the day!

He can decide the order in which [villagers identify cultists] will speak in the referendum meeting!

This point is extremely important.

Qi Ge's consciousness came to him. Under Qi Ge's control, the old village chief stretched out his finger and hit Serena.

Qi Ge released his control, and the old village chief immediately understood.

"Selena, you come first!

Do you have any followers of the evil god you want to identify?

If not, it is deemed that you have identified yourself!”

Serena glanced at Qi Ge, then at the old miner, took a deep breath, and said loudly:

"I want to identify the old man Grandet as a follower of the evil god!!!"

Qi Ge observed carefully from the corner of his eyes. The pupils of the six evil god believers all shrank in unison!

Even the whites of the old blind man's eyes moved twice.

Most of the other villagers showed expressions of extreme surprise and astonishment.

Unbelievable became the main theme at the altar.

When the old village chief saw that Qi Ge did not move, he followed the normal procedure and asked:

“Indicate, identify, point out, confirm.

Serena, tell me why you identified Grandet."

Serena took a deep breath, took out her crystal ball without hesitation, and said loudly:

"I am a prophet! I saw that the old man is a believer in the evil god!"


Serena's crystal ball shattered on the spot, and there was an uproar around her!

During the referendum session, the villagers were unable to get a word in.

But this does not prevent them from expressing their surprise and surprise by getting up, walking around, mouthing, etc.

Serena looked at her broken crystal ball and smiled with relief.

From this moment on, although she is still a servant of the true god, she has lost the ability to detect people.

But she has no regrets.

The attendant of the true god will have a heartfelt hatred for the believers of the evil god, and this hatred controls her mind.


"As long as the old man is exiled, Nash will live with me."


The plan went well!

Qige's eyes narrowed and he immediately controlled the old village chief.

The old village chief stretched out his finger and pointed at the old miner.

"Old man, what do you want to say when faced with Serena's identification?

Or do you also have a target you want to identify?"

The old miner slowly stood up and sighed softly.

"I have always liked the little girl Serena, but unfortunately, it seems that she has been bewitched by the evil god."

Under the shocked and incomprehensible eyes of the villagers, the old miner also took out a crystal ball!

"I am the prophet. Last night, I checked you, old man, you are an ordinary villager."


The crystal ball in the old miner's hand shattered and disappeared on the spot!

Even the cracks are exactly the same as the one on Serena's hand!

Book recommendation: The Great Emperor returns from another world

My father, who had been sleeping for five years, suddenly woke up.

It is said that he practiced in another world for five thousand years, became a true immortal, established a divine court and became the great emperor.

Gu Yu: "Should I transfer my father to a mental hospital now, or stay in the hospital for observation and treatment?"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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