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Chapter 499 Wind Returns to Erasia

Chapter 499 The wind returns to Erathia

Ranluo City has completely turned from a city on the verge of ruin but being rebuilt into a ruin.

The high-energy holy light burned this city, which had been fought over repeatedly by castles and hells, until it completely collapsed.

[Ranluo City] is now like the remains of bones that have been burned and chewed to pieces - the ground, city walls, buildings... there are black scars everywhere.

If you look closely, you will see that these dark marks are made up of fine and mutually adhering black powder.

When the wind blows, these black powders will break up and melt into the wind bit by bit, then dye the wind black and sway in the wind, just like rising smoke columns.

These are traces of being purified by the Holy Light.

Holy light has never been a gentle thing.

Light has energy, and holy light is highly concentrated light.

This also means that holy light is highly concentrated energy.

The highly concentrated energy can destroy the basic structure of the material the moment it hits the material.

Holy light can not only heat substances to the vaporization temperature quickly and eventually evaporate.

It can even directly destroy the elemental composition of a living body, causing it to disintegrate on its own.

Because of this, the soldiers who died by the angel sword often died in extremely tragic ways.

Just like the charred and twisted corpses scattered all over Ranluo City.

From the general appearance of these charred corpses, it can be seen that 80% of the corpses in the entire [Burning City] are human beings.

Yes, the angel tribe launched a massacre in Ranluo City.

The massacre of humanity.

Almost all the coolies responsible for rebuilding Ranluo City were snatched from human cities by Hell.

Civilians captured by hell, soldiers who fought to exhaustion, traitors who were greedy for life and afraid of death...

No matter whether they are good or bad, loyal, pious, damned, or wronged, they will all be turned into coke indiscriminately under the holy light of the angel.

Among them, there are even many believers of Holy Angel Church.

They thought the angel was their savior. Instead of running away and resisting, they knelt on the ground and wanted to kiss their savior's shoes to express their joy after being saved.

But the scorching holy light still poured down mercilessly, freezing their ecstasy in the eternal black smoke.

That's what the angels are like.

Their specialized tools of torture and rampant immune cells.

Anything that may be related to the abyss will be purified without hesitation.

Ronis looked at the tens of thousands of compatriots who died tragically under Ranluo City. Although he still had some compassion in his heart, he felt more of a kind of enthusiasm and excitement.

As the supreme leader of the Holy Angel Church, he understands the nature of angels better than anyone else.

It was this essence that fascinated him deeply.

So powerful, so decisive, so devoid of any mercy, it burns everything to the ground.

This is something humans cannot do.

As long as we are human beings, we will have arrogance, greed, lust... and other sins, and we will sink in desire, and we will never be able to achieve true justice and fairness.

But angels are different.

Angels can judge all sins equally and do not listen to any excuses. There is no forgiveness or emotion, only absolute right and wrong.

This is the infinitely majestic and omnipotent God in Ronis' heart.

Thunder, rain, and dew are all divine grace.

Believe in God, worship God, and surrender everything to God.

Let all unbelievers turn to ashes under God's judgment.

Separate dirty and sinful humans from the human community and let them stand trial.

Only the devout people who share the same goals with him are left behind.

What a wonderful thing.

However, it always takes some time for stupid and fallen humans to understand such profound truths.

Therefore, without completely purifying the minds of all humans, humans with weak beliefs cannot be allowed to see such a magnificent scene.

Ronis ordered to the cardinal beside him:

“Next, you must record the process of God’s judgment of hell, without making any mistakes.

Remember, God is merciful and also has the light to destroy the world.”

The cardinal immediately understood Ronis's intention and bowed to answer:

“God’s mercy can only be seen by those who are devout.

Those whose faith is shaken should be warned with the light of destruction."


Become a war reporter with photo beads.

When an angel kills a demon, shoot.

When angels kill people, they don't film them.

Finally, the church’s power was used to produce large quantities of photo beads.

Use stronger propaganda to cover up the propaganda of Poseidon Church.

Then prove to the entire Erathia that the previous [Ronis Gate] incident was just a ridiculous farce led by demons.

Our greatest religious leader in Erathia, Ronis, has been sparing no effort in fighting hell until his death!

It has been so far, it is still the case now, and it will be the case from now on!

Seeing Ronis's satisfied expression, the cardinal knew that he and Ronis were connected again.

He lowered his head and asked in a deep voice:

"Pope, the Thunder Temple just sent another reminder.

They asked us to quickly go deep into the heart of hell, and preferably, attack the [Heart of the Abyss] as soon as possible."


Ronis nodded slightly and asked:

"What do you think should be done?"

The cardinal thought for two seconds and slowly spoke out the draft he had already prepared in his mind.

That is despicable, disgusting, and a waste of faith. It has no bottom line at all, but it is the proposal that is most beneficial to the [Holy Angels Church].

"Pope, I suggest that we can ask for more aid supplies on the basis of pretending to agree to Thunder Temple.

In this way, you can use your insatiable [appearance] to make the Thunder Temple feel at ease.

Only when Thunder Temple feels at ease can we continue to follow the original plan, proceeding step by step without haste.

Starting from [Shanluo City], judge and cleanse all the hell cities encountered along the way one by one.

Destroy, destroy, leave nothing alive.

Substantively, it caused a huge blow to Ofer.

Somla wants us to help them out.

But for us, Somra is the best bait to attract [Hellboy].

As long as we delay the Thunder Temple and induce them not to give the order to evacuate, Somra will become a shield to block everything for us.

And we can take advantage of this opportunity to destroy a sufficient number of hell cities and plunder enough [Power of the Abyss].

Finally, produce enough [Petitioners].

These [Petitioners] will endlessly produce faith, and massive faith will accelerate the birth of angels. (Chapter 320)

In the end, everything will be as you wish and as we wish."

This extremely despicable suggestion was like poison sprinkled with honey, shaking Ronis's mind.

Even if this is wrong and goes against one's own teachings.

However, if it succeeds, the results will be too wonderful.

Even though he knew it was poisonous, Ronis still couldn't help but swallow the poison wrapped in honey.

He closed his eyes and whispered:

"Inheim, do what you want.

Prove to me your value to us [Holy Angels Church], prove to me your value to the angels."

"As you command, Your Majesty the Pope."

The corners of the cardinal's mouth, hidden under his robe, turned up little by little.



The fact that it is as hard and sharp as a gryphon's nails will eventually prove to Ronis that I, Inheim, am the most correct.

The church's previous methods were too mild and could not satisfy the angel race at all.

What does not sacrifice the interests of mankind, and what allows believers and God to help each other.

These are all extremely naive lies!

As a species, the thing that the human race cannot see most clearly is itself.

Cowardly, cowardly and short-sighted, they can only see the mistakes of others and never know how to examine themselves.

So humans always make mistakes over and over again.

Infighting, short-sightedness, constantly falling into the quagmire, struggling repeatedly in the purgatory of extinction.

What qualifications does such a race have to be saved?

Sacrificing some weak humans can lead to the birth of an angel.

Is there a better deal in the world than this?

Even if all humans are sacrificed, so what?

Just having an angel is enough.

To achieve success for one party, the other party must pay the price.

If you don't work hard, nothing will be accomplished.

Ronis can't do it, Mrak can't do it, Catherine can't do it, and Roland can't do it.

just me.

I'm the only one in Erathia.

Only I, who can peel away the fog and foresee the future, can make Erathia and the angel race completely prosperous.

Then, use that overwhelming force to destroy all hell and demons.】

Inheim slowly raised his head and stared at the red clouds floating in the sky with hazy, deep eyes.

The wind blowing from Ofer's abdominal wall was mixed with a strong smell of sulfur, as pungent as coke that had been burned to the point where it could no longer be burned.

Inheim's lips moved slightly fiercely, and he made a soundless sound.

"Finally, complete my revenge."

In Stormwind City, Smit put down the sound-transmitting conch in his hand.

She watched the conch shatter into white light little by little, and her eyes of reluctance turned into determination little by little.

Taking a deep breath, Smit adjusted himself and returned to the warm room.

She snuggled into Seri's arms and looked at Seri with coquettish eyes.

Seri smiled kindly and stroked Smit's hair slowly.

She didn't rush to speak, but waited gently for Smit to tell her.

"Ah. I haven't been with my grandmother like this for a long time. Do you want to stay for a few more days?"

Smit narrowed his eyes comfortably.

"Smit, if you want to rely on me, I'll welcome you here.

You are much better behaved than Lafite, that bad boy who only thinks about men (Luo Shi)."


Smit felt a little prickly in his heart.

She is more or less self-conscious about the fact that her mind is now full of things about Qi Ge.

"Smit, you can stay with me for a few more days.

Just like when I was a child, lying in my grandmother's arms and listening to me tell you stories.

Ah, now that you have grown up, you probably won't be interested in those childish stories.

If that's not enough, I can also teach you many interesting magic tricks."

Seri already understood that it was probably time to say goodbye, and she felt a little reluctant to say goodbye, so she gently tried to stay.

Seven pigeons have the fighting style of seven pigeons, and Smits also has the fighting style of Smits.

When it comes to acting coquettishly, she is still very confident.

"Grandma~ After you say this, I can no longer muster the courage to say goodbye to you."

"If I can't bring it up, I won't bring it up. It would be good to take a rest.

If you stay a few more days, no one will blame you.

Even if you do nothing, your seven pigeons will arrange everything well.

I could tell at a glance that his talents and talents were monster-level.

Miracles that we don’t encounter once in our lives may be just a daily routine for him.”

"Sigh. To be honest, it's hard for me to deny it."

Smit seemed a little depressed for a moment.

"Ever since I followed Qi Ge, I have felt the miracle in him countless times.

I know very well that I may not be able to keep up with him despite my hard work all my life.

Well, that's a bit complacent to say.

I definitely won't be able to catch up with him even if I try hard all my life.

But even so."

Smit took a deep breath:

"But even so, I still want to try hard.

He has worked so hard for me, how could I remain indifferent?

If this continues, even if he waits for me, time will not wait for me."

"But it will be very hard for you."

Seri sighed softly, gently touched Smit's back, and said no more.

Smit took a deep breath and suddenly laughed.

"Grandma, I have to leave.

Maybe, I will go through a period of time that I don't like, maybe, I will become less like myself.

But it doesn’t matter, the Seven Pigeons gave me enough guidance to overcome everything.”

Smit stroked her chest. There was a thick little book in her arms.

"For my heroic journey, and for the promise I made when I was a child.

I'm going to take my responsibility.

I will do my best to guide the people.

Gather your thoughts and your hopes.

Go and become the Pope of the new church and the saint who belongs only to the Seven Doves.

Then, change the world."

"I see."

Seri looked at Smit tenderly.

The light on Smit's body became brighter and brighter in her eyes.

That is definitely not inferior to the dazzling light of Seven Doves, and it has enough power for people to follow.

Seri smiled kindly, his eyes full of relief:

"Sure enough, little Smit, you are a [genius] just like Qi Ge."

Geniuses will always attract each other, and then achieve each other's success.

In the end, we reached the top together.

Just like, magic and destiny, wealth and peace, sea and sun.

"Grandma, I have to leave."

Listening to Smit's firm words, Seri's eyes became softer.

"Go ahead, kid.

Go fulfill your destiny.

However, don't push yourself too hard.

If you are tired, you can always go to grandma's place to take a rest.

My castle will always be open to you."

Smit left the castle and exhaled a breath of cold air in the cold air.

She looked up at the sky.

Yesterday's snow has stopped, and the thick snow clouds hidden high in the sky have been dispersed by the sun.

The snow on the ground is slowly melting, bringing a deeper chill than when the snow first fell.

But Schmidt knew.

As long as you give the sun some time, the chill will eventually dissipate and warmth will eventually arrive.


A gust of cold wind mixed with frost and air-conditioning blew by, scratching Smit's face.

But the person who was supposed to shield her from the cold wind was not by her side now.

"Soon. Soon.

His time with me will come soon.

The wind blew from Erathia, swept across Bracada, and now began to blow towards Over.

But eventually, the wind will return to Erathia, breaking through the thick dark clouds that have been hanging over Erathia, allowing the sun to shine through.

Because Qi Ge made a promise with me.

Wherever I am, the wind will return."

Sosa stood on the cliff and looked at the ocean in the distance.

The warm and moist sea breeze of the golden sea blew Sosa's hair exposed outside the helmet.

The long, epic voyage is coming to an end.

She successfully fulfilled the instructions of the Seven Pigeons and successfully transported the Mrak Territory cut off from Erathia to the Golden Sea.

Next, as long as Sir Mulak wakes up, she can retire and carry out the next crucial order.

However, there is a small problem now.

The super-giant sea king turtle transporting the Murak Territory was stranded...


Sousa lamented from the bottom of his heart.

"Why are there reefs underground in such a wide sea area?

It's obviously a marine creature, so being stuck in the middle of the sea and unable to move is what kind of undead joke.

In the final analysis, it was Qi Ge's fault.

Didn’t he say that as long as he reaches the Golden Sea, someone will come to help him?

Where is the person who responded?"

"Jili wow!"

Just then, Sosa suddenly heard a sharp cry.

Although the volume of this sound was as subtle as a leaf falling to the ground, years of combat experience still made Sosa immediately increase his vigilance.



Immediately afterwards, similar screams came from under the sea one after another.

"This amount? Thousands, tens of thousands?"

Sousa suddenly frowned.

"Is it a wild monster? Or is it a local tribe? With the Sea King Turtle here, such a weak creature dares to come and cause trouble?"


At this moment, a bright splash of water suddenly appeared on the sea surface, and a disk warship floating on the sea came riding the wind and waves!

Silver Spirit!!

Sousa's eyes lit up. It seemed that the person who came to greet me had finally arrived.


A huge Meow Shark broke through the water first, followed closely by the murlocs covering the entire sea surface one after another.


Meow Shark gave an order, and the murlocs immediately stopped on the sea surface, just like soldiers who were forbidden to follow orders.

Meow Shark jumped onto the land, bounced between the rock walls, and soon jumped to the cliff.

On the back of Meow Shark, a spirited goblin in white robe turned over and jumped down.

Ke Ruoke's face was filled with solemnity and joy at the same time.

As if he was about to attend some important event, he carefully smoothed out every wrinkle on his robe before walking forward with his head high and saying hello.

"Your Highness Sosa!!

Our entire God's Chosen City is cheering for your arrival.

It’s been a safe journey, which is great.”

Ke Ruoke's mood was obviously very high, so much so that her whole body was shaking a little when she spoke.

"Finally, finally the time has come.

The seeds planted by the lord will soon grow and sprout under our hands, and eventually become a big tree in the sky that can protect us, and even protect the entire Erathia!"


Sosa was also very emotional.

"Qi Ge's whimsical, yet subtle and feasible plan actually stumbled to where it is now.

Perhaps, I am experiencing an event that can be recorded in the entire history of Yasha.

Although I am just an insignificant supporting role in this incident, I can still be regarded as a participant."

"What are you talking about?"

Ke Ruoke waved his hand exaggeratedly and categorically denied:

"If it hadn't been for Your Highness Sousa's superb swordsmanship to hold Fafner off last time, we wouldn't have been able to save Her Majesty Elni, so this plan would have failed long ago.

In the heart of Lord Lord, you have always been one of the most important protagonists."


Sousa looked at the sword in his hand with a wry smile and said:

"What I have and what I am good at is just swordsmanship.

Compared with Qi Ge's ability to control the development of all things, what I have is just pure brute force.

If you can fight, what's the use?

If you want to save Erathia, you need unprecedented wisdom, the wisdom to see through everything, and the skill to connect everyone together.

Qige, Adela, and Ke Ruoke are the protagonists.

This time, not only me, but also Her Majesty the Queen, who I have always admired, is your supporting role.

But, so strange.

I am so willing.

I even want to burn myself out for your plan, even if I give my life.

Probably, this is because you really showed me the hope of saving Erathia and saving humanity."

Ke Ruoke burst out laughing:

"This is a matter of course!

It was Master Qi Ge who made the entire plan.

He is the embodiment of miracles, the son of miracles who can turn the impossible into the possible.

Not only is the future of humanity closely linked to Lord Qi Ge, but so is the future of us fairies."

Sousa also laughed.

"So, I always feel that Qi Ge has put in his best efforts, but he can't even leave his name.

But he can only hide behind me, illuminate Erathia with light, and be the unknown hero at the same time.

This is really, really unfair."

"Whether it's reputation or glory, these things are never what the lord pursues.

He just keeps walking on the right path and protects everyone who strays by his side.

To follow him is to follow truth and right.”

A ray of light descended from the Silver Spirit and landed in the Mulak Territory.

Soon, a large group of fairies dressed as neatly as Koroko came down from the Silver Spirit in a majestic manner.

Ke Ruoke said with excitement:

"These are all the goblin citizens we have joined in the first phase of the [Human-goblin Mixing Plan].

Your Majesty Sousa.

The Lord Lord said that although his plan is theoretically possible, how to operate it specifically requires many, many experiments.

Next, you may conduct various experiments over and over again, failing countless times.”

"Ah, I have been prepared for a long time.

I prefer hopeful efforts to hopeless idleness.

If you fail, treat it as accumulated experience.

Even if I fail countless times, I will never give up.

No matter how many times I experiment, I will definitely find a way to purify my faith."

Sosa put his hand hard on his chest and said with respect:

"For Her Majesty the Queen."

She quietly added in her mind:

"For the seven pigeons."

ps: There is a family of five and 4 people have fever. The next update may be unstable. Dear book friends, please forgive me.

(End of chapter)

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