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Chapter 525: The Siren's Return

Chapter 525 The Siren Returns

Author: Fierce Male Hamster

Chapter 525 The Siren Returns

Anosaki stood at the entrance of the [Collapse Cave].

Around him, there were some Chaos monsters restrained by the [Collapse Cave].

The Chaos Demon struggled and roared at Anosaki.

Anosaki ignored these chaos monsters.

As a demigod, there is no profit gained from killing these minions. Instead of doing this, it is better to leave them to the three younger brothers of the mythical leader.

This is what is called, if adults do everything, children will not grow.

"Go in and take a look. If there is no trace of Credel's existence, I will come out."

In the end, Anosaki couldn't hold it back.

He took that step.

[Collapse Dark Cave] The terrifying attraction of the inward collapse swept across Anosaki's body in an instant, drawing Anosaki inside.

A grand celebration ceremony is being held in the banquet hall of a large research institute in BJ City.

While the host was wearing a suit and tie, he also wore a white coat.

Such strange outfits seemed common in the banquet hall, because more than half of the people in the banquet hall were dressed like this.

The host held up his wine glass and shouted loudly:

“Let us celebrate the successful conclusion of the research team led by Professor Zuimeng!

This achievement has been highly praised by leaders at all levels and will definitely leave a mark in the history of our country!

All this is thanks to the efforts of Professor Zuimeng and everyone!



Although the host tried very hard to heat up the atmosphere, the audience's response was still somewhat lukewarm.

There are quite a few people drinking.


A researcher took a sip of beer and said dissatisfiedly:

"Really, what is going on up there?

The research has just ended, and the big boss Zuimeng is about to be transferred, and he didn’t even come to the celebration dinner.”

"That's right, our research institute's status is not high to begin with, and it is all supported by the big boss. If the big boss leaves, what will we do?"

"Have no idea.

The big boss is the youngest academician of the two academies in history, with a high status and great responsibility."

"What do you guys think is Big Boss Zuimeng's new mission? Is it so mysterious?"

"Don't ask around, their missions at this level are top secret."

"The new mission is to ask me to play games?"

Zui Meng rolled his eyes, doubting for a moment that he had heard wrongly.

But opposite him, the old man in special uniform nodded very seriously.

"Yes, to be precise, it allows you to enter the game Heroic Soul World, study various plants in the Heroic Soul World, and find ways to use plants to fight against chaos.

A group of researchers have already entered the game to pave the way for you.

We will also continue to send about 30,000 researchers to assist you.

The number is a bit small, please forgive me. This is the maximum number of people we can mobilize without affecting other research work."

Zuimeng frowned and asked:

"It's convenient for me to ask, why is such a trivial mission happening?"

“What follows is top secret.

Academician Zui Meng, please keep this secret."

The old man stretched out his hand and took out an AR.

The AR rotates slowly, projecting a vast starry sky.

In the center of the starry sky, in the middle of a blurry circle of light, is unfathomable darkness.

"This is a black hole about 25,800 light years away from Earth, Sagittarius A.

Six years ago, our curvature detection spacecraft received a strange signal from Sagittarius A.

After analysis by the expert team, we determined that the set of signals was regular language.

The moment our analysis was successful, our earth made contact with a god.

The spirit Yasha.”

"Gods... from a materialistic point of view, it's hard for me to believe in an existence like mine."

Zuimeng wondered if the old man in front of him was joking with him.

"It's hard for us to believe."

As the old man spoke, his appearance changed rapidly.

The silver threads were dyed ink, the skin wrinkles were smoothed, and the figure suddenly stood tall and straight.

"Yasha has given twenty-six members, including me, a new life, allowing us to rejuvenate our youth as a deposit for asking for our help."

Zuimeng's pupils suddenly narrowed: "How is this possible?"

"The explanation is a bit complicated. To put it simply, the void world where the spirit Yasha lives is another universe.

The only channel between that universe and us is Sagittarius A.

Our universe and the world of Yasha both have a common enemy called chaos.

Chaos is the source of all entropy increases. As long as chaos exists, the world will inevitably lose all energy and eventually move toward heat death.

The world of Yasha guards the entrance and exit of the black hole Centauri A. Once the world of Yasha falls, chaos will enter our world from Centauri A.

According to our calculations, after chaos breaks through Centaur A, the original lifespan of hundreds of millions of years of our universe will be extracted at an extremely rapid rate.

In less than a thousand years, our entire universe will be completely dead.

The good news is that our world has noticed the danger. In recent years, geniuses like you have been born continuously, and our technological level has advanced by leaps and bounds.

With the help of Yasha and other gods in Yasha world, we have even developed a system that can cross world barriers [Heroic Soul World].

The bad news is that Chaos followed our connection with Yasha and plundered part of our [Heroic Soul World] system.

This is some basic information about the world of Yasha and Chaos. With your ability as Dr. Zuimeng, you should be able to memorize it after reading it once, but please do not pass it on to others."

Zui Meng took the information from the man in black and read it carefully page by page.

"It's unbelievable...I'm sorry, I need to digest it slowly."

"It's okay, just take your time and watch."

Zuimeng read all the information, and a world that subverted all scientific common sense and even the cosmological constants unfolded before his eyes, which had a fatal impact on his three views.

After reading all the information, Zui Meng breathed a long sigh of relief, frowned and asked:

"I probably understand.

Leader, I believe that all citizens should have the right to know about such a major matter that concerns the life and death of all mankind and even the entire universe.

This is not a problem that can be solved by a few elites alone, it requires the participation of all the people."

The old man shook his head and said:

"Sorry, this can't be done.

The power of chaos is beyond our imagination.

The more people who know enough about it—that is, the more observers of chaos—the easier it will be to discover our world.

No one can guarantee that apart from Centaur A, there is no other channel through which it can enter our universe.

Therefore, we can only guide the people, but we cannot tell them the specific information about Chaos."

Zuimeng frowned:

"Observer effect? ​​What the hell kind of idealistic ability is this?"

"Unfortunately, materialism has no control over gods."

“What about the possibility of being scammed?”

"The expert group has demonstrated that whether it is the calculation of quantum computers or from a logical perspective, the probability of the other party lying is extremely low."

"Then isn't this the end of the world? The opponent is an evil god who can't even spread his name?

It is completely beyond our current scientific theories.


The old man pretended to be relaxed and said:

"Although the situation is very serious, the world of Yasha is protected by gods after all.

No matter how hard it hangs on, the Yasha world can last at least a thousand years.

So we have a dozen generations.

Once the era of technological explosion begins, it will be enough to change the world in just a few decades.

Moreover, Yasha World may not necessarily lose.

The [Heroic Soul World] plan was set up just for this purpose.

But we cannot place all our hopes on the world of Yasha.

It's best if Yasha World can stop Chaos, but if Yasha World can't stop it, it will be our turn.

Therefore, we must effectively hold the information about chaos in our hands.

Academician Zuimeng, you are one of our top elites who have been carefully selected and have the right to know.

Your account has been reserved for you when the [Heroic Soul World] program is launched.

The hero's specialty is plant analysis, and the initial auxiliary skills of pharmacy and botany are included, which perfectly match your talents and knowledge.

I hereby solemnly request you to devote your talents, your wisdom, and your life to the world of heroic souls, leaving precious information for our descendants to fight against chaos.

From this moment on, your contribution may be buried forever in the dust of history and cannot be made public even if we achieve complete victory."

Zuimeng closed the information in his hand. He smiled freely, looked at the old leader who had regained his youth and asked:

"Like you?"

"Yes, just like me."

"I see.

Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

"Don't worry, Zuimeng, you are by no means alone.

The biggest variables in our world and the Yasha world right now are our people.

After you enter Yasha's world, get in touch with her as soon as possible.

Her name in [Heroic Soul World] is

Morning flowers.”

Anosaki was running in the [Collapsed Dark Cave] with a solemn look on his face.

Behind the [Collapsed Dark Cave], countless [Evil Shadow Greeders] with fangs and claws were opening their huge mouths, stepping on the dark mud with their shadow-like feet, and running towards Anosaki.

"These damn beasts."

Anosaki gritted his teeth and threw back a black dagger.

A dagger flew out and split into countless pieces instantly.

[Evil Shadow Greeder] instantly turned into flying ashes and was completely destroyed, and then regenerated again!


Anosaki sighed helplessly.

After entering the [Collapse Cave], he launched his legendary reconnaissance technique and used treasure magic to scan the entire [Collapse Cave].

As a result, not only were there no clues about Credel, but all the Chaos troops hiding in the [Collapse Cave] were alerted.

To Anosaki's expectation, once these damn shadow monsters were killed by it, they would immediately regenerate around him.

It's useless to try to trap them. If you leave for a while, these shadow monsters will reappear around you.

After careful investigation, Anosaki understood the rules in the Void Fragments.

[Void Shard] is different from [Chaos Treasure House]. It is not in the Yasha World at all. It is in the gap between the Yasha World and the Void, and is pulled by the Yasha World and Chaos at the same time.

The rules of Chaos and Yasha intersect in the void world, forming special rules.

For Yasha natives like myself, all of our own rules come from the Yasha world.

No matter how much he kills, he can't kill the chaos in the void fragments.

Only [Yasha God's Choice] from different worlds like Qi Ge has the power to cut off the source of chaos in the void fragments.

"This is simply a battlefield specially prepared for Yasha God's Chosen and Chaos.

I'm in the wrong place."

Anosaki looked confused.

"If this continues, sooner or later I will be consumed by those chaos monsters.

The most terrible thing is that once I die here, the power of Chaos will be greatly enhanced, causing the [Collapse Cave] to be taken away by Chaos.

Then I will become a sinner in the world of Asa."

Seeing the [Evil Shadow Greeder] roaring around and trying to rush in front of him, Anosaki snorted coldly.

He can open the demigod barrier, and all the [Evil Shadow Greeders] in the barrier will be continuously eliminated, which can give Anosaki space to move freely.

However, when his own rules and magic values ​​cannot be replenished smoothly, Anosaki will not take the unintended action of consuming his own power indiscriminately.

"If you can't conquer [Collapse Cave], the most important thing right now is to find a way out of here.

The Shadow Realm cannot be connected, space magic does not work, and escape scrolls do not work.

This world is like a big airtight lock, and you can't even find the keyhole."

Anosaki took out a blue disc from his arms.

If Seven Pigeons were here, they would definitely be recognized.

This entire green-blue disk is made of Oliha steel, a level 5 resource.

Oliha steel, also known as orichalcum, has the ability to "isolate".

The box made of Oliha steel was the most expensive and safest safe in the entire Yasha world before the hero backpack was born.

Anosaki gently wiped the orichalcum disk in a special order.

The orichalcum disk automatically rotated and popped open like a pocket watch.

Inside the disk is a beautiful piece of crystal, and a magical picture is fixed in the crystal - a handsome young man with brown hair and eyes, smiling happily and holding a halfling with one arm.

Anosaki gently touched the crystal and said in a deep voice:


If you really die, I will collect your body for you.

If you are still alive, I want to find you.

Before that, I can't die.

No matter what means I use, I will survive, and you will understand me, right?"

Anosaki put away the orichalcum disk, stamped his feet hard, and suddenly flew up.

"There is no room in this world that can trap me.

I am a demigod among thieves.

Cut off cause and effect!”

Anosaki's body in the [Collapse Cave] flickered for a moment, and then, as if someone had wiped it away with an eraser, he disappeared bit by bit on the spot.

In the sky above the [Dark Sea], Anosaki's figure reappeared, holding his heart and gasping in pain.

【Causal cut off

Level 7 Magic·Earth·Dark

Combat effect: Forced to stop the battle space and return to the position 20 minutes ago on the big map

Strategic effect: Forced to leave the current position, remove all control effects on oneself, and return to the position 20 minutes ago on the big map

Consumption: 150 magic points, lowering the upper limit of level 1.】

The activation principle of causal cutting is to erase all the actions of oneself within twenty minutes.

It's like pressing the force shutdown button on your computer.

Cutting off the cause will naturally leave no effect.

Powerful magic always comes at a cost.

To cut out diseased cancer cells, it is always inevitable to cut into normal tissue.

When the unfavorable causes and effects are cut off, part of the normal causes and effects will also be cut off.

It is reflected on the hero's character panel as follows:

After [Causal Cutoff] is activated, in addition to the normal magic value consumption, the level limit will also be deducted accordingly.

At the level of demigod, the level is deeply linked to its own rules.

Once the rules that a demigod hero once mastered are cut off, there is no way to get them back except becoming a god.

This will inevitably lead to an inevitable reduction in the effectiveness of specialties and the hero's strength.

At the same time, the lowering of the level limit also means that the difficulty of becoming a god will be greatly increased.

In this regard, Anosaki, who had long expected it, was not dissatisfied.

"The fourth cause and effect cut off, only level 95 is left.

The last time I launched it was to sneak into the Thunder Sanctuary to look for clues about Credel.

No matter how great the loss is, it is better than death.

As long as my life is still there, I can say anything. Anyway, I never thought I could become a god.

It's a pity, as the current situation could have been avoided.

I should be patient and go to Qige first to ask about the situation."

Anosaki slowly drank the healing potion to relieve his own discomfort.

Just when he was about to leave here and continue to take care of the seven pigeons, he suddenly found that the level he had just removed was slowly loosening.

At the same time, some of the rules in his mind that he had forgotten were gradually awakening.

"How is this going?!"

What Anosaki felt was not only surprise but also fright.

He has never heard that rules cut off by cause and effect can be revived before becoming a god.


When you reach the level of demigod, there are one heavenly level after another.

The [Dark Magic Power] all over Anosaki's body was stirring extremely powerfully, but it was restrained by his own rules on the surface of his skin, without even a trace leaking out.

This comprehensive mastery of the rules is precisely the proof that Anosaki has regained his own power.

"Back! Everything is back. My peak period...

[God Killer] Anosaki is back again!"

Anosaki was surprised and panicked.

Of course, he would not think that such power obtained out of thin air would come at no cost.

In Anosaki's mind, he could only think of those people who could do such a shocking thing.

Yes, no demigod can do it.

Only God can do this.

"Who will it be...

The sun and the sea had just become gods, so they probably didn't have such powerful power yet.

Peace and wealth fell into a deep sleep and have not yet awakened.

Are they the four great monarchs of earth, fire, water and wind?

Or fate or magic, the two most powerful and ancient gods?

He helped me regain my strength, and for what purpose?"

Just when Anosaki was feeling uneasy, some inexplicable fragments of thoughts suddenly appeared in his mind out of thin air.

"Send thieves who are proficient in shadow teleportation to use the shadow realm to open the passage to the void fragments.

While preventing other Yasha creatures from entering, we will also protect the Yasha God's Chosen who enter the void fragments..."

Anosaki's pupils suddenly shrank.

"I understand...it was the Mother Goddess who helped me regain my strength.

From now on, I am the leader of the Void Guides, the dungeon opener who specifically provides help for the Chosen of Asa to march into the Void Shards.

If all the void fragments are recovered, the reward I can get is

Demigod Order, Small Tears of Asa.

Perhaps, I can make a wish and ask the Mother Goddess to resurrect Credel!

Yasha’s God’s Choice…Seven Pigeons!!!”

As soon as Anosaki's figure flashed, he wanted to fly to the siren's nest immediately and fish out the seven pigeons from the gentle land.

But he immediately stopped the throbbing in his heart.

"It's not yet time, the Yasha Divine Chosen are still very weak. There are so many void fragments that seven pigeons alone are not enough."

Anosaki took a deep breath and looked to the sky devoutly.

"Is this a blessing in disguise?

Credel, wait for me, wait until I bring you back."

Life is always full of surprises and surprises.

For example, even though I haven't completely conquered the Siren's Lair, I conquered all the sirens in the Siren's Lair in another aspect.

Qi Ge patted Jiao Yu who was sleeping next to him, and couldn't help but thank himself in his previous life.

"If I hadn't made countless sacrifices in my previous life to make myself familiar with all the weaknesses of the Siren body in this life, I would never be so relaxed now."

While Qi Ge was thinking, he used his fingers to rub a certain shameful spot on Jiao Yu's body.

Jiaoyu frowned in his sleep, and his body suddenly shook as if he had been struck by lightning.

"Well, I can't do it anymore.

Bird eggs, bird eggs are going to grow in your belly.”

Jiao Yu's unconscious murmur made Qi Ge feel slightly embarrassed.

Although he obviously has a dirty and mature body, Jiaoyu was unexpectedly very green when it came to what happened last night.

She kicked her to the side of the nest, and the blood-stained white cloth was proof of that.

According to Jiaoyu himself, only sirens who can restrain their reproductive instincts and remain pure can advance to become [Wings of Purity] at level 5.

"Tsk, now I have turned into an impure wing.

I am really guilty."

Qi Ge gently stroked Jiao Yu's cheek, leaned over gently, and woke Jiao Yu up with his tongue.

Jiao Yu opened his eyes in confusion, and said sleepily: "It's Qi Ge, the destined person~"

"Good morning, Chief Feather."

Qi Ge smiled and said:

"Its daybreak.

Although I hate to wake you up, it's time for us to conduct the last test."

Jiaoyu's short-circuited head seemed to be reconnected.

She struggled to hold up half of her body and said, "Yes, I have to give you one last test.

Seven pigeons, the last test of luck.

You need to guess the box with me and win ten times in a row without breaking even once."

"Hmm? This test doesn't seem to need to be completed during the day, right?"

Jiaoyu smiled shyly:

"There are other things to do in the evening."

It would be too confusing to expose Jiao Yu's little thoughts at this time.

"I see."

Qi Ge smiled softly.

"Then I can only produce cloth."

So, the seven doves produced cloth ten times, and the bright feather produced stones ten times.

"I won."

"Well! You win."

Jiao Yu and Qi Ge looked at each other and smiled.

Jiaoyu rested his head on Qi Ge's chest very naturally.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for completing the hidden mission: Siren's Test]

(End of chapter)

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