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Chapter 529 [Flower Pirates]

Chapter 529 [Floating Fire Pirates]

Author: Fierce Male Hamster

Chapter 529 [Floating Fire Pirates]

Qige looked at Ur in a coma.

This face, which resembles a morning flower, looks particularly peaceful and elegant when sleeping peacefully, without any of the violence that should be expected from the abyss.

For some reason, Qi Ge suddenly remembered Zhang Fu's teasing towards him.

"Should we find a way to wake Ur up?

Ur's favorability level is 99, what if he wants to push me down?

In a sense, Abyss is the creator of all Abyss arms.

In other words, Ur is the mother of all abyssal creatures.

Nu Qier is an abyss creature.

So Ur is the mother of Nuqier.

Mother and daughter rice bowl...

At the same time, Ur is also the mother of Serron...

It always feels weird for me to be Serron's father.

I wonder if I would be chased and chopped by Sellon if I told him: ‘Serlun, your mother tastes really good.’

"But if Ur is not awakened, many mysteries cannot be solved.

I don’t do it for the sake of being pushed back, but mainly for the sake of the Yasha world.

Ur can become a god, which will be of great benefit to the world of Yasha, and I can also get rewards.


It’s all for Yasha!”

Qi Ge tried hard to convince himself.

"The Cabbage King seemed to have an effect on Ur before, so I'll give you a few more."

A [Cabbage King Farm] can only harvest once every two weeks, and can only harvest 100 Cabbage Kings at a time.

The output is really limited, and we have to share it with Rem’s Majesty 30/70.

Rem said that she is now counting on the Cabbage King to regain his strength.

Of the remaining 30 cabbage kings, 10 will be stored in the warehouse and 10 will be given to Keruoke.

Only 10 of them can fall into the hands of Qi Ge.

Qi Ge only has 22 [Cabbage King] left in his backpack.

He didn't feel bad at all, and took out 12 [Cabbage King] in succession and stuffed them into Ur's body.

Ur's complexion became better and better due to Qi Ge's efforts regardless of the cost. It changed from pale to white and rosy, so tender that it made people want to take a bite.

But unfortunately, he just didn't wake up.

Qi Ge scratched his head, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Sunk costs were spent, but the expected results were not achieved.

There are only the last 10 cabbage kings left. If you smash them all, it will be all in vain if Ur doesn't wake up.

"Stop it, stop it! No more stuffing.

If the method is wrong, the harder you try, the more you will go in the wrong direction.

When we get to Poseidon Church, let's ask Sea Apple Crown what we should do.

The witch has been serving the God of the Sea all year round, and she is relatively clear about the things of the God."

While Qi Ge was thinking, he picked up Ur and the quilt and carried him to the captain's cabin.

During this time, he made up his mind to be inseparable from Ur.

It would be best if Ur could see himself first when he wakes up.

It would be best if the [Baby Bird Effect] can be triggered, but if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter. At least it can allow you to confirm Ur's state after he wakes up.

For safety reasons, Qi Ge did not let the goblin crew on the [Red Elf] accompany him, but controlled the [Red Elf] himself.

[Red Elf] is a magic ship that can sail and fire ammunition as long as it is controlled by seven pigeons.

It's just that most weapons cannot be reloaded once fired.

While Qi Ge was looking at the sea chart, he controlled the [Red Elf] to turn towards the nearest mermaid tribe.

As long as he reaches the mermaid tribe, he can use the Sea King Medal to notify Sea Apple to pick him up.

Two hours later.

[Red Spirit] lowered its anchor and floated on the sea.

Qi Ge floated up from the sea and wiped his face vigorously to remove the water droplets from his face.

He muttered to himself doubtfully:

"That's weird. Why are the mermaid tribe missing?

I remember it was under the sea here.

Could it be that the timing is wrong and this mermaid tribe hasn’t migrated here yet?

Or am I remembering it wrong?

Let’s expand the search scope.”

Qige climbed up the hanging ladder to the Red Elf to confirm that Ur had not woken up.

He took out the magic book and read softly:

"Roaring waves, I command you to be my eyes that see all things, and to clear up the fog of the deep sea for me.

Level 4 Magic: [Walrus Detection]"

Puff puff!

Twelve [Water Walruses] bounced on the sea surface and spread in twelve different directions.

There was no one around, so Qi Ge simply turned on the system assistance.

In front of Qige, twelve screens appeared, and each screen showed the real-time vision of the walruses.

Just like twelve underwater filming robots.

The sea area where Qi Ge is located is called [Lancang Sea], which is a neutral sea area that borders fortresses, towers, and hell at the same time.

This sea area is covered with brightly colored [Lancang Reefs], which are formed by the accumulation of Level 0 creatures [Lancang Corals] after their death.

When [Lancang Corals] gather, they will cause the seawater to flow faster and form larger waves. At the same time, they will absorb fire elements from the air and seawater to sustain their own growth, which will cause the temperature of the seawater to become lower.

This is where the name "Lancanghai" comes from.

[Lancang Sea] translated back to the language of the Yasha world, it should be [a sea with huge and cold waves].

[Lancang Reef] can be decomposed into ores and mercury through alchemy, and can also precipitate trace amounts of gold coins.

However, the cost of using alchemy to decompose [Lancang Reef] is dozens of times higher than the final product.

Therefore, no alchemist would be willing to do such a thankless task.

This results in the accumulation of the "Lancang Reef" under the "Lancang Sea" day after day and year after year.

[Lancang Reef] is bright, colorful and very beautiful.

But no matter how beautiful the scenery under the sea is, Qi Ge has no time to appreciate it.

He carefully stared at the picture sent back by the [Water Walrus], frowned and observed for a while, and then sighed helplessly.

"The scenery is right, I didn't find the wrong place.

This underwater cliff is the place where the mermaids held an unobstructed party in my previous life.

I was tied to this cliff and was attacked until my energy level was exhausted and I died. I died several times, so it left a deep impression on me.

But there are no mermaids here.

That just means that the time is wrong.

It’s very possible that the mermaid tribe in the previous life hasn’t migrated here yet.”

"This is troublesome."

Qi Ge scratched his head in distress.

"If we don't find the mermaid tribe, Sea Apple won't be able to open the door across such a long distance.

We can only find another way."

Just when Qi Ge was about to turn off [Walrus Detection], his brows suddenly frowned.


Through the surveillance camera, Qige clearly saw a row of merchant ships sailing on the sea.

"One, two, three...sixteen ships. Although they have been camouflaged, the size of the keel and the waterline are not right.

The opponent's flagship is definitely a heavy cruiser, and the other ships are also light cruisers.

This is far beyond the scope of a normal merchant ship, it is either a warship or a pirate."

After a cursory glance, Qi Ge analyzed the other party thoroughly.

"The other party's heading, tsk, happens to be coming in this direction.

Should you avoid it or go up to it?"

Huh? What is that?"

The walrus has made a great contribution again.

Qi Ge saw a group of huge strange fish under the sea, following the sixteen battleships.

The strange fish is 15 to 25 meters long. Except for the blue dorsal fin on its back, its entire body is fiery red.

When they swim in the sea water, the red scales on their bodies reflect wavy red light, making them look like flowing flames.

"Floating Fire Flying Fish..."

Qi Ge's eyes narrowed.

The Flowing Fire Fish is a neutral level 1 ordinary soldier with no normal progression route.

They can survive in lava and seawater, and slowly store the energy of the magma in their bodies, growing larger and larger.

[Flowing Fire Fish] that has a lifespan of about 50 years will grow a blue dorsal fin and evolve into level 3 and 1 [Flowing Fire Flying Fish].

With a lifespan of about two hundred years [Flowing Fire Flying Fish], it will become very huge and grow two other shark fins on the back of its buttocks, transforming into a level 4 and 1 miraculous giant weapon [Flowing Fire Jet Fish].

Compared to the powerful and rare [Flowing Fire Jet Fish], [Flowing Fire Flying Fish] is not that rare.

But [Flowing Fire Flying Fish] is a field unit of the hell force, and it can only live in magma and rely on magma to protect itself.

There is no magma near [Lancang Sea].

This shows that [Flowing Fire Flying Fish] came with those battleships, and those battleships came from hell.

"Is it the Flowing Fire Pirates?"

Qi Ge couldn't help but think of the time when he was on a boat in Sylvia, participating in the "Eight Kings Challenge".

At that time, the poisonous-eyed navigator had big eyes and mistook the hell warship for the warship of the Flowing Fire Pirates, so he lost to Seven Pigeons and lost the title of [Golden Eyes].

Walrus detection can only see the situation in the sea, and the situation on the sea surface is very blurry.

Qi Ge rode on Ziyuan, ready to see it for himself.

He flew high into the sky and took the [Magic Eye] with him in the clouds.

【Water Boy】

Hidden troops at level 1 and level 4 of the hell force, and the advancement of monsters.

A strange green creature with a turtle shell on its head.

[Water Boy] is one of the very few units in the hell force that can move in water, and has amphibious stunts.

Qi Ge saw that on the battleship suspected of being the "Flowing Fire Pirates", a large number of evil gods and evil god kings were holding fishing nets and throwing the water boy into the sea, and then lifting it up again.

They repeated this action while shouting:

"Did you find it?!"

"Nothing found!"

"Look again! Keep going!"

Qi Ge noticed that on the flagship of what was suspected to be the [Flowing Fire Pirates Group], there was an evil god lord with a hero card, holding a whip and controlling the course of the [Flowing Fire Pirates Group].

Seeing the evil god lord, Qi Ge was completely convinced.

"That's right, it's the [Flowing Fire Pirates].

Big Eyeball told me that the leader of the [Flowing Fire Pirates Group] is a pseudo-legend from the Evil God Clan.

The battleships of [Flowing Fire Pirates] are not very powerful, but the most powerful ones are [Flowing Fire Flying Fish].

They will let [Flowing Fire Flying Fish] sneak under the surface of the enemy warship in advance and launch an attack from the bottom of the ship.

Even if the battle is unfavorable, [Flowing Fire Flying Fish] will produce a powerful self-destruction and eject a large amount of lava when it is killed.

The [Flowing Fire Pirates] once relied on tactics like cutting off the tail of a gecko, sacrificing many [Flowing Fire Flying Fish], and managed to escape from the pirate emperor's fleet.

Don't look at the [Flowing Fire Pirates] losing.

Just successfully escaping from Sylvia's hands is enough to increase their reputation in the pirate world.

[The first pirate group of hell forces, the legendary pirate, the sea hunter who competed with the pirate emperor!]

These titles were all given after the [Flowing Fire Pirates Group] successfully escaped.

"What are they looking for?"

Qi Ge touched his chin with interest.

"Are you looking for some treasure?

It can’t be that we’re looking for Ur, right?

The hell pirates went to Lancang Sea to find Ur, I can’t even think about it..."

"Hmm! Wait?!"

Qi Ge frowned and realized that things were not simple.

He took out the chart and calculated it in his mind.

"The speed of Hell Continent multiplied by time is probably this much...

Make a straight line...

Damn! Hell Continent is near me!

The shortest distance does not exceed two thousand nautical miles.


Could it be that I guessed wrong?

Wasn't Ur sent by fate and magic?

She just happened to fall into the sea and I caught her by chance?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

If it is such a coincidence, it must be the arrangement of the goddess of fate."

Qi Ge observed it and realized with a bit of a toothache that according to the action route of the "Floating Fire Pirates", he would soon catch up with his "Red Elf".

The pirate ships of the hell forces would rob anyone they saw.

Even Ofer's official transport ship will swarm it as long as there are not enough naval guards.

The chaotic camp has this bad character.

The [Red Elf] seems to be alone and weak, so the [Flowing Fire Pirates] have no intention of letting it go.

However, the speed of the [Red Elf] will most likely not be able to outrun the [Flowing Fire Pirates].

This is a bit embarrassing.

"There is no other way, let's take a preemptive strike."

Qi Ge quickly returned to the "Red Spirit", returned to the "Red Spirit", and started to escape in the "Red Spirit".

"Ocean, sea, nine-domain celestial being!!

The flow carried by the cycle is solidified here!!

My soul, seven doves in the name of the King of the Sea, declares here

In the morning and evening pool that stretches across 1.94 billion square kilometers, there are endless sea monsters. Please appear here and help me!"

Qi Ge put the [Sea King Token] into the sea while running, and contacted a nearby friendly force.

After the friendly forces responded, Qi Ge took out a flag representing Bracada and hung it on the top of the mast of the "Red Elf".

After completing a set of preparations, before Qi Ge could even get off the mast, he saw the [Flowing Fire Pirates] at the end of his field of vision.


A fireball flew out from the first light cruiser of the [Flowing Fire Pirates], crossed a parabola, and hit the waters near the Red Elf.

The fireball landed on the water, but did not sink. Instead, it crackled and burned on the top of the water.

"When you come up, use tar bombs to say hello.

These hellish bastards, do they want to kill their father and deceive the emperor?"

The seven pigeons took a sip and raised flags from a distance.

"I am a merchant ship from Bracada. No offense intended. I will leave immediately. Please do not come near."

Qi Ge took out his binoculars and soon saw a Mag sailor running up to the mast with a flag.

"Stop the ship! We will not attack you, we will only collect money.

I bother!

You think I'm a fool."

Seven Pigeons responded in semaphore:

"Don't pursue me. I'm willing to pay 50,000 gold coins to stay on the sea in a small boat."

Mag: "If you don't trust it, stop the ship, otherwise, attack."

"I knew it."

Qi Ge curled his lips slightly and signaled again.

"Don't chase me. I'm strong and I don't want to fight."

Qi Ge saw from the telescope that Mag on the mast and the evil sailors on the deck were laughing and pointing in the direction of Qi Ge. At first glance, they were laughing at themselves.

After a while, Margo signaled again: "You can't run away, we will use your head as a chamber pot."

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

Three consecutive fireballs came through the air and hit the sea around Qi Ge.

A fireball exploded just around the [Red Elf], and the waves impacted the hull of the [Red Elf] and kept shaking.

The seven pigeons once again played the semaphore:

"Don't attack, don't attack, I surrender!"

Mag's voice sounded on the sea:

"Surrender and escape at the same time? You damn guy, stop the boat!"

The distance was getting closer and closer, Qi Ge could even hear the other party shouting through the air using a loudspeaker.

Qige also took out the loudspeaker and shouted humbly:

"Dear sea hunters, can you give me a chance to surrender?

I have a lot of gold coins on my boat and a big treasure.

I’ll give it all to you!”


"Hmph, if you had stopped the ship earlier, we could have spared your life.

Now, we also want the gold coins, we also want the treasure, and we also want your life!"

Qi Ge: “That means there’s nothing to talk about?”

Margo: "You can also choose a less painful way to die."

"Tsk. Damn it, if the Silver Spirit hadn't been there."

Qi Ge was so angry, but he couldn't let it happen.

"Uncle Mag, can you help me say a nice word to the captain? I will definitely reward you generously!"

"I just want it to be your head!"


Qi Ge was just about to continue pretending to be cowardly when he suddenly felt the rhythm of the [Neptune Token] on his waist!

He straightened his back immediately:

"The big pants are full of holes.

I don’t pretend anymore, I show my cards.

Reinforcements have arrived.

Soar to the sky, you bastards of hell."

An ocean vortex appeared out of thin air and sucked all the warships of the [Flowing Fire Pirates Group] into it.

The hell crew on the [Flowing Fire Pirates] fell into pieces as they shook violently, and screams continued to sound.


There was a sudden loud noise on the sea, and several fountains with a radius of hundreds of meters instantly erupted from the sea.

The entire [Flowing Fire Pirates Group] was lifted high by the fountain.

Even the [Flowing Fire Flying Fish] under the sea surface was washed high into the sky by the waves.


The sea surface broke open, and a dream-like long sea dragon leaped out from the sea surface.

This sea dragon's whole body shimmers with dark blue light, and its long neck and head stick out of the sea.

There are more than a dozen sparkling water balls surrounding his neck, which is particularly eye-catching.

Demigod hero, Holy Sea Dragon Olifar!


A dragon's roar pierced the sky, and the heroes and troops on more than a dozen battleships of the [Flowing Fire Pirates] were overwhelmed by the pressure.

Mag, who had not yet turned off the loudspeaker, screamed sadly:

"Oh my God! What is this?

Captain, help me!!”

"Save you, fool, shut up, this is the demigod coming in person.

You fucking kneel down and kowtow to me!!

Your Majesty, we were wrong, we surrender!"

I have a lot of gold coins on board, as well as many big treasures. I will hand them all over, and I guarantee there will be no more."

Qige suddenly felt happy.

"Shh~ Are you still crazy?

Your Majesty Olifar is so handsome!"


The shadow of Qi Ge shook for a while, and the shadow illusion of Anosaki appeared next to Qi Ge.

He asked nervously:

"I feel the aura of demigods appearing around you. What's going on?"

"Uncle Thief, don't worry, we are on our own.

I encountered a pirate ship from hell, so I invited reinforcements from the Poseidon Church.

Uncle, just help me look after the Silver Spirit."

Anosaki and Olifar looked at each other, nodded and said to Qige:

"Then be careful yourself."

Anosaki disappeared, and Olifar transformed into a handsome wizard wearing a blue robe in the air.

He came through the air and landed on the [Red Elf].

Olifar waved to the seven pigeons and said politely:

"Neptune, we meet again.

Hahaha, the last time we met, I knew you would do something great, and it was just as I expected.

God is full of praise for your plan this time."

"Hahaha, it's my honor to do something for the great Lord of the Sea."

Qi Ge laughed and asked as he walked over:

“Boss Olifar, the situation was so urgent that I didn’t have time to ask, why are you in this sea area?

I remember, don’t you live in Dragon Bone Sea?”

Olifar pointed towards the distance and said:

"Neptune, your achievements are still floating on the sea, how dare we relax.

The penguin you worked so hard to capture is roasted and served to our mouths. If it escapes, we will be guilty of a great sin.

There are a total of five demigods in the Poseidon Church, and three are here.

The miko-sama went back to report on her duties. The [Great Blue Abyss Whale King] was guarding the Sea of ​​Chaos and was inseparable.

Otherwise, we originally planned to have all five of us come."

"That's it, thank you for your help.

I was bullied by a dog when I was in peace, and if you hadn't arrived in time, Mr. Olifar, I would have suffered a lot."

Olifar raised his head and laughed softly:

"Huhuhu. Now it is being spread in Poseidon Church that God wants to appoint you as Poseidon's apostle.

There are a lot of people waiting to please you.

I've finally caught up.

Neptune, if there is any mission in the future where you can get some credit, be sure to remember to take me with you.

A big credit like [Heaven Changes and Earth Changes] is the best."

Olifar gave him such respect, Qi Ge was no longer modest.

"It's easy to talk! If God needs my help in the future, I will definitely not forget to trouble you."

"Ocean King, I haven't asked yet, why did you break away from your Shipling Battleship and come to [Lancang Sea] alone?

And he was being chased so embarrassingly by these little bastards from hell.

Is there something wrong with you?

Is there any place where our Poseidon Church can help?"

Upon hearing Olifar's inquiry, Qi Ge immediately said:

"Ouch! What a coincidence! Boss Olifar, I was just about to take the battleship under me to transport something to the [Mermaid Shrine].

Boss, if you are free, would you like to give me a ride?"

"Huhuhu, no problem, I'll take care of it."

Olifar agreed immediately.

He looked at the direction of the [Flowing Fire Pirates] and asked Qige:

"Then what are we going to do with these little bastards? Are they all going to drown?"

I really haven't thought about this. It doesn't matter if I kill him...

Just as Qi Ge was about to agree, he suddenly felt blessed.

He changed his words:

"Not yet. Boss, can you please trap them all so that they lose the power to resist?

I have a few questions to ask them."

(End of chapter)

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