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Chapter 531 [Long Live the King] Prologue

Chapter 531 [Long Live the King] Prologue

Author: Fierce Male Hamster

Chapter 531 [Long Live the King] Prologue

At noon the next day, Qi Ge, who had finished his work, accompanied by Hai Pingguo, came to the [Mermaid Township] of the [Mermaid Shrine].

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining [Mermaid Township] recruitment permission. 】

[System prompt: You can recruit mermaids for a total of 240 points.]

Sea Apple said to Qi Ge with some guilt:

"Husband, according to the rules, your [Deep Sea King Medal] can only recruit 20 mermaid souls every month.

I use my authority to advance all of your one-year share to you in advance.

I really want to give you unlimited authority, but I can't be a dictator on the mermaid clan.

This is all I can do."


Qi Ge was moved and held Hai Apple's hand.

"Not only did you help me with all the recruitment resources, you also opened the back door for me.

No verbal thanks can express the gratitude in my heart.

I will keep this deep love in my heart."

Qi Ge pulled out a long list from [Mermaid Township].

As the King of the Deep Sea, Qige's recruitment of [Mermaid Heroic Soul Soldiers] is not restricted by the rank and quality of the soldiers.

Level 1 normal and level 4 hidden, Seven Pigeons only cost 1 point.

[Mermaid Township] is a mythical building, and you can directly recruit miraculous troops.

But each miracle unit costs 50 points.

All things considered, recruiting level 4 hidden troops is the most cost-effective for Qi Ge.

There is still a big gap in value between 50 hidden heroic soul units and 1 miraculous heroic soul unit.

However, considering the particularity of the city defense battle, Qi Ge had to make choices in other aspects.

“When the site of God’s Chosen City was originally selected, it was located near mountains and seas.

So there is a lot of room for tactical choices.”

There are a total of 36 types of mermaid soldiers. Qi Ge only glanced at them a few times and already made his choice.

【Mermaid Tide Warlock

Power: Neutral

Level:Level 4

Level: Level 4

Quality: Miracle






Casting distance: 25

Ability Power:10



Maritime arms, spell-casting arms

Ocean Beloved: The Mermaid Tide Warlock sings the song of the mermaid and randomly summons a group of sea beasts equal to the number of the Mermaid Tide Warlock. The level of the sea beasts is equal to the level of the Mermaid Tide Warlock.

Water Mastery: All water spells of the Mermaid Tide Warlock are advanced effects.


Level 1 magic: healing, exorcism, magic arrows

Level 2 Magic: Tidal Waves

Level 3 magic: Furious sea waves, ice magic ring

Level 4 Magic: Tidal Pool]

【Water Witch

Power: Neutral

Level:Level 4

Level: Level 4

Quality: hidden






Casting distance: 15

Ability Power:8



Maritime arms, spell-casting arms

Ocean Darling:...(omitted)

Wave collection: Consumes one block of sea and water within the casting range to restore 30 magic points for all spellcasting units within 6 blocks around you.


【Mermaid Sea Shepherd

Power: Neutral

Level:Level 4

Level: Level 4

Quality: Miracle






Casting distance: 10

Ability Power:15



Marine troops, spell-casting troops, ocean darlings

Grazing the ocean: When the mermaid sea herder survives, each round she can convert one block of land around the sea terrain into a sea area.

Each tile converted requires 5 magic points from the Mermaid Sea Shepherd, and a maximum of 10 tiles can be transformed at the same time each round.


Level 5: Heavenly Sea]

"2 Mermaid Sea Shepherds, 2 Mermaid Tide Warlocks, and 40 Wave Witches.

4 miracles cost 200 points, 40 hidden ones cost 40 points, exactly 240 points.

Is this okay?"

After finishing the selection of the seven pigeons, they turned to Sea Apple and asked.

Hai Pingguo replied with some confusion:

“It’s okay, it’s okay.

But my dear, would you like to consider the [Mermaid Apprentice Maid] from the [Level 4 Miracle]?

This is the front-end unit of my [Poseidon Miko]. Although it is just a trainee, it can also use some of the powers of the god.

They can pray to gods and summon powerful sea beast spirits from the depths of the sea.

If you're lucky, you can even summon mythical sea beasts to help in the battle.

If you spend 240 points, you can redeem 4 trainee maids and summon 4 mythical sea beasts!"

Hai Pingguo winked at Qi Ge and kept blinking her eyelids.

The meaning is very obvious. It is said to be luck, but in fact it is not luck at all. She can help cheat.

Qi Ge laughed:

"Thank you very much.

But the enemy I have to face this time is probably not something that a few myths can solve.

In comparison, I am more optimistic about my set of choices.

The cooperation of these three arms can create miracles."

"Oh well……"

Hai Pingguo pouted and asked:

"What on earth does Qi Ge want to do? How powerful must an enemy be if it can't be defeated by four mythical sea beasts?

Are you planning to do something big again?"

"Haha, it's not a big deal.

It's just that I'm greedy and asking for trouble.

If I guarantee that I won’t lose anything, I will definitely be greedy to death.”

Qi Ge explained his plan to upgrade the county to Hai Pingguo.

Hai Pingguo understood and asked seriously:

"If that's the case, then I'm going to help.

Although I can't interfere with your defense of the city, I can also be used as a trump card just in case.

By the way, I'll bring Bingqing and my mermaid guards with me.

This is called foolproof."

Qige was stunned for a moment:

"It would be best if you and Bingqing could come, but can you find the time?"

Hai Pingguo covered her mouth and said with a smile:

"Of course, no problem! You are now the focus of our Poseidon Church.

An ally recognized even by Poseidon.

It is one of my jobs to help you when you encounter difficulties.

This is all official business, and there is no personal relationship between the children."

"That's really great."

The seven pigeons suddenly felt at ease.

He thought about it carefully, and now the luxurious support group of [God's Chosen City Upgraded County City] includes:

Uncle Anosaki, Edrid, Adela, Sylvia, Sea Apple, Bingqing.

Calculated in this way, Qi Ge's thighs just for "just in case", there are 2 demigods and 4 true legends.

In addition, Teacher Agede who belongs to [Chosen City] and can participate in the battle, 2 demigods, 5 true legends...

This lineup can be used to compete in a national war.

If it is used to fight Erathia, there will be no problem in hitting [Holy Sky City].

Ronis shivered.

Seaapple goes to gather her mermaid guards.

Qi Ge returned to the [Red Elf] and prepared to send Ur to the Poseidon Temple in the [Mermaid Shrine] together with the Holy Sea Dragon Olifar.

Qige squatted half-crouched, took Ur's hands, put her on his shoulders, then reached back, held Ur's butt, and lifted Ur up on his back with a strong effort.

Olifar was stunned:

"Neptune, after all, it is the body of a true god-level hero.

This is a divine body, and you just use your hands to desecrate the butt of the divine body?"

What's the matter? I've touched Ur's naked butt and patted it twice. It feels very good.

Qi Ge said with an indifferent expression:

"The divine body that cannot be awakened is just a piece of meat. Don't mind it.

Boss Olifar, let’s go.”

Olifar felt that Qige was a little too calm, and instead looked like a fool.

He even suspected that it was his own problem.

With a strange feeling that "something is wrong, but I just can't tell", Olifar added [Lingbo Weibu] to the seven pigeons.

The seven pigeons carried Ur on their backs and walked on the sea step by step to the stairs of the sea.

[Mermaid Witch] and [Poseidon Maid] waved to the seven doves and activated the Stairway to the Sea.

Qi Ge and Oli Fal stood on the stairs of the sea. The sea water flowed backwards like an escalator, dragging Qi Ge and Oli Fal upward.

At the same time, [Poseidon Maid] led the legion of sea beasts and surrounded the [Flowing Fire Pirates].

Just after escaping from the shadow of the demigods, they were surrounded by an army of mythical soldiers and sea beasts.

The pain in Versailles’ heart didn’t know who to tell.

He smiled ingratiatingly and humbly begged for mercy:

"My lords, although I am an evil god, I am also a sea hunter.

My reverence for Poseidon is no less than my worship of the abyss.

Please don't hurt us, we are willing to cooperate."

[Poseidon Maid] A golden light flashed in her eyes and she said in a cold voice:

"Hmph! The smell of blood on your bodies makes me sick.

Just this blood-red sin value alone is enough to prove that you are full of evil.

His Majesty the King of the Sea has an order not to kill you.

But you need to atone under our supervision.

Come with me, I will give you a deserted island, and you can find a way to survive on your own.

As for your fleet, I’m sorry, all of them will be confiscated!”

"It's better to kill me.

I was provoking someone, and this happened out of nowhere.

I just want to grab a merchant ship, wuwuwu.”

Versailles sat dejectedly on the deck, feeling extremely desolate.

Just last night, Gabriel led the [Holy Angel Legion] to attack [Fortress of Sin].

Sellon, who had been waiting for a long time, led the [Hellboy Legion] to take advantage of the chaos and sneak attack at the critical moment of the battle.

Without Ronis, the [Holy Angel Legion] was no match for the [Hellboy Legion], and was defeated steadily.

[Hellboy Legion] Only four Hellboys died, while the [Holy Angel Legion] has sacrificed more than twenty [Holy Angels], and the sacrifices of ordinary angels have reached three figures.

[Archangel] Gabriel was seriously injured, and [War Monk] Inheim was seriously injured.

At this time, there was already a considerable distance between Overland and Erathia.

Unless Michael forcibly descends from God, it is almost impossible to transmit his divine power.

In the end, Gabriel had to abandon the Holy Angel and lead the remaining troops to escape.

Sellon wanted to pursue him, but considering that Ur's whereabouts were unknown, he lacked confidence and had no choice but to give up.

After this battle, the angels suffered heavy losses, but the hell forces had an even worse time.

[Fortress of Sin] was completely devastated, and the miraculous building [Illusion of Hell] was destroyed.

The battle between angels and demons has always been like this.

Neither side can fight to the end, so neither side can take advantage.

For both parties, it is harmful to others and not beneficial to themselves. There is no winner, only two losers.

The difference is, who loses more and who loses less.

"The devil will eventually be judged, and the supreme judgment will come.

Serron, enjoy your last moments."

Not losing the battle, Gabriel said harsh words, tore up the scroll, and teleported away with the remaining troops.


A huge explosion, accompanied by light and heat, sounded in the air.

In the sky of [Guilty Castle], [Holy Angel] exploded one after another. This warship, which had served in Erathia for 146 years, slowly fell from the sky.

[Holy Angel] can no longer spread its holy wings of light, and the rune aperture surrounding [Holy Angel] has also become dim.

Its lifespan comes to an end today.

The fall of the [Holy Angel] also marked the end of the era of the Holy War between Erathia and Ofer.

From the moment the angel descended, the hatred that continues to this day will never dissipate.

But neither Ofer nor Erathia have the ability to continue their hatred.

No matter whether both parties are willing or not, no matter whether both parties are happy or not.

The endless ocean of cruelty and justice has ruthlessly separated these two sworn countries.

There is no longer the possibility of large-scale conflict between Ofer and Erathia.

The old era has ended and the new era is about to begin.

Holy war is no longer the purpose of Erathia and Ofer's existence.

These two countries, respectively relying on demons and angels, must find their own way forward in the new era.

The bigger the car, the harder it is to turn around.

The inertia of "all for jihad" will definitely bring pain to Erathia and Ofer.

But after the pain is over, the two completely new forces will be reborn.

"The future is here.

This time is the future.

The abyss is above, why is our future in Ofer so bleak?"

Sellon stepped on the ruins of the [Holy Angel], feeling depressed.

The momentary victory was not enough to make him feel happy.

The pleasure of tearing his sworn enemy into pieces and slicing him apart could not suppress the worry in Sellen's heart.

He knew that if Ur could not be found, Ofer under his command would surely go through an extremely dark time.

Ofer is no longer the free-spirited Ofer he once was.

The country, which was shattered by the angels, needs to be reorganized.

The city is in ruins and needs to be rebuilt.

Without Ur, once the Chaos Nodes erupt in Orver, there is no way to move them away.

They need to deal with the troublesome Chaos wild monsters and Chaos treasure houses in the Orver Kingdom by themselves.

Sellon pressed the sickle to the ground and leaned on it in a daze.

Perhaps his reaction was too strange, and none of the other demons around him dared to disturb him.

At this time, Sellon was as if he had spent several days to clear a game and defeated a BOSS.

Full of emptiness and powerlessness.

There were obviously a lot of things to do next, but he just didn't know what he should do now.

"Go back. Let's talk about it after we go back to the Ten Thousand Demons Palace.

If I can get God back, I will continue to act according to God's will.

If I can’t find it in God, I will go to death to find it in God.”

Sellon raised the scythe again, he wanted to gather troops to go to the [Castle Gate].

Suddenly, an extremely excited voice came from Sellen's ear.

That was the voice of his most trusted military advisor, Isis.

"Your Majesty! Good news! I found it! I found the clue to my mother!"


The flames in Sellon's eyes suddenly lit up.

The decadence on his body turned into nothingness in an instant.

"Tell me Isis, tell me everything you know!"

Holy City·Yunzhong City·Paradise.

This is the meeting hall of angels.

A fountain of faith that gathers sacred light flows in a circle from the top of [Heaven] to all sides, forming a semi-cylindrical curtain, shrouding [Heaven] inside.

A large luminous cloud forms a round table and a cross, standing in the middle of [Heaven].

Michael leaned on the largest cross, eyes closed.

Next to her, Gabriel, who had just returned from the battle, also had his eyes closed and was also leaning on the cross.

Seraph Michael.

The true god behind Erathia.

In appearance, she is a female.

Angels have no gender, or in other words, angels can show the corresponding gender as people expect.

This is also related to the statue of Michael.

The human craftsmen who originally made the statue of Michael used all their talents to carve an almost perfect shape.

In order to be liked by both men and women of all ages, the look was ultimately biased towards a more compassionate woman.

It is said that when the human craftsman carved the statue of Michael, he made extensive reference to the statue of the mother goddess Asa.

That alone is not enough.

In Erathia today, Queen Catherine's popularity is far higher than that of Roland.

This is partly because Catherine is Geffenhardt’s royal orthodoxy.

On the other hand, the holy war under the command of Catherine has never failed, and the worst result is an undefeated draw.

Roland, on the other hand, had a great defeat that was unforgettable for the people of Erathia.

The people of Erathia trust the queen more than the emperor.

Aiwujiwu, the gender preferences of the people of Erathia are ultimately reflected in their beliefs.

As a result, Michael's appearance is more feminine.

If you look carefully, you can even find a bit of Catherine's shadow on Michael's face.

Gabriel moved his mouth twice and said:

"Michael, the above is the entire story of our expedition."

There is no so-called leadership relationship between angels.

As a faith machine, Michael is not the leader of all angels, but the terminal of all angels.

The difference in strength does not create a class of rulers and ruled among angels.

In a sense, all angels are equal.

Therefore, high-level angels and high-level angels often address each other by their first names.

To angels, names are just numbers.

There is no difference between Michael and NO.1.

Michael and Gabriel opened their eyes at the same time, and through memory transmission, Gabriel transmitted everything he experienced in Over to Michael.

"I already understand everything.

Gabriel, according to my judgment, your strategy and tactics are both correct.

You led our legions, destroyed 69 cities, judged 149,854 corrupted people, and eliminated 421 demons.

This is good.

The reason for the damage and final defeat of the [Holy Angel] is not your fault.

It’s not your fault that the angels died in battle.”

Michael's eyes flashed with light, and twelve pairs of huge wings suddenly spread out from behind.

Michael's wings are always surrounded by white holy flames, which is the origin of her name Seraph.

Her calm voice spread throughout Yunzhong City.

"Who can tell me why Ronis, who was supposed to appear in [Guilty Castle], didn't appear in time?

Can it be concluded that he betrayed our Yunzhong City?"

"Report! Pope Ronis is waiting outside the city, requesting entry into Yunzhong City."

At this moment, an angel walked into [Heaven].

Michael spread his wings and said:

"Judgment, rejection.

Let him wait."

Michael stretched out his hand, and the huge power of faith gathered in front of her.

The power of faith formed a mirror and projected the image of Ronis.

At this time, Ronis had taken off his hood and replaced his gorgeous pontifical robes with a shabby navy blue priest robe.

Michael hadn't seen this outfit for a long time.

"Lord, I thank you.

You are my strength and my help. You can turn my weakness into strength. You can make me strong wherever I am weak.

My Lord, we need you. We cannot live without you for a moment. Only by clinging closely to you can I feel satisfied and restful in my heart."

Ronis chanted softly:

"Lord, I pray that the Pope of Holy Angels Church will step down."

Michael's voice didn't fluctuate at all, but his tone was a little faster.

"I can't understand. Ronis, have you betrayed Yunzhong City?"

"Lord, Yunzhong City is everything to me. If I betray Yunzhong City, I am betraying myself."

Michael then asked:

"Then why didn't you rush to [Guilty Castle]?"

Ronis looked calm:

"Diya has changed and it's hard to escape.

It’s not a case of passing the blame, the fault lies with me.

I am willing to tie myself to a cross, be burned by the holy fire, and let griffins eat the flesh on my shoulder blades, day after day, year after year, until I am cleansed of my sins."

A white flame suddenly emerged from Ronis's feet. The flames burned Ronis' body, causing blue smoke to continue to appear from Ronis' body.

Ronis's expression remained as calm as water, as if nothing had happened.

The holy fire went out, and Michael's voice came again:

"Judgment, your beliefs have not changed.

Ronis, what’s going on with Diya?”

Ronis lowered his head and said:


King Geffenhart has turned into a dead spirit and is gathering his army in an attempt to turn Erathia into the underworld."

Geffen Hart.

Catherine's father, the former king of Erathia.

At the same time, he is a demigod.

Before the Second Holy War, Geffen Hart died on the Border of Chaos, and the Divine Fire was almost extinguished.

But his body was preserved and protected in the royal mausoleum under [Yunxia Square], and was slowly reborn with the power of Yunzhong City.

According to the plan, Geffen Hart should be resurrected as the Angel of Power.

He will become an angel with demigod powers.

Michael's voice remained calm:

"Question, how did Geffen Hart become undead?"

Ronis shook his head with compassion and said:

"Ashamed, I don't know either.

Oh God.

Someone used the spirit of imprisonment to imprison Geffen Hart's divine bones and divine fire, and brought them to Diya.

Now Geffen Hart has become an undead monster full of darkness and filth."

"Question, who stole Geffen Hart's remains?"

Michael's voice began to have emotions, her absolutely calm divinity was rapidly declining, and the human nature with emotions was taking over.

Ronis closed his eyes and said:

“It hasn’t been found out yet.

However, at present, all the evidence points to Geffenhardt's daughter.


The light of [Cloud City] is holy and brilliant.

Ronis was bathed in this light, and his shadow became longer and longer.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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