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Chapter 541: The Return of the Queen and the Opening of the Drama

Chapter 541 The queen returns and the drama begins

Author: Fierce Male Hamster

Chapter 541 The queen returns and the drama begins

Holy Sky City, Ronis's ascetic cell.

Different from the extravagance of the church, although the construction of [Holy Sky Cathedral] is magnificent, Ronis's residence is very simple and ordinary.

For people like Ronis, who have ideals and pursuits, material enjoyment is like chaff and has no appeal.

He would indulge his priests to enjoy themselves just because there were enough benefits and a relaxed enough environment to make those bastards become obsessed with him.

The two [Judgement Monks] guarding the front of Ronis's ascetic chamber tried to keep their voices as low as possible even when breathing.

Some time ago, Pope Ronis was in a bad mood.

This is a very rare situation.

In the memories of the two [Judgement Monks], Pope Ronis has always been a steady, compassionate, and humble image.

They had never seen Pope Ronis become angry, nor had they seen him panic about anything.

Even back then, when His Majesty Roland was defeated and a large piece of Erathia was bitten off by Hell in the northeast,

Pope Ronis also calmly mobilized his troops and successfully averted the crisis of national annihilation.

But in the past two days, they clearly felt that Pope Ronis' mood had become much gloomier.

The wrath of the demigods, even if it is not manifest in form, just changes in the surrounding aura, is enough to frighten the soldiers.

If the previous Ronis was a sword hidden in a scabbard, the current Ronis is a sharp blade.

Just the way he looked at others was enough to make people feel trembling in their hearts.

If you think about it carefully, Pope Ronis's mood did not suddenly deteriorate all at once.

It all started when Sir Mrak rebelled and charged into hell, eventually dying in battle.

The church informed all of Erathia of Sir M'rak's rebellion.

However, the students of Holy Light Royal Academy held a grand parade because of this.

Many students who admired Sir Mrak, shouted loudly, "Teacher Mrak will not rebel, please find out the cause of the teacher's death" and marched in the Holy Sky City.

Many of those students are even believers of the Holy Sky Church, and some are preparing to become high-ranking members of the church [Monk Hero Seeds] (a type of soldier who has started the path of heroism but has not yet completed it).

In the end, the students' demonstration quickly came to an end under the dissuasion of the church.

But from that day on, Pope Ronis frowned from time to time.

He punished some bishops for extremely serious corruption and bribery, and occasionally summoned Archbishop Inheim who was imprisoned for suspected collusion with hell.

Every time Archbishop Inheim left, Pope Ronis would always stay in the room for a long time.

It wasn't until the [Pilgrim]'s advanced unit [Petitioner] was born in the death row of the Inquisition that Pope Ronis felt better.

The second change,

It was Sousa who sacrificed himself, and the entire Eastern March City and the Mrak Territory split from Erathia, and the Poseidon Church began to preach in Erathia.

From that day on, the two guards never saw a smile on Pope Ronis' face.

In the past, when Pope Ronis returned to the monastery, he would always say to them kindly:

"The gospel and glory of the Lord always protect us, pray to the Lord, children."

But after that day, the Pope's greeting changed to: "The Lord always protects us, pray to the Lord."

The third change,

It was Pope Ronis who left Holy Sky City to go on a missionary tour, but returned seriously injured a few days later.

It was the first time that they did not see Pope Ronis for worship and prayer for a whole week.

After that, Pope Ronis practiced for a long time.

But the number of times he summoned Inheim increased instead of decreasing.

Later, not only Inheim, but also His Majesty Roland Ironfast, who was stationed in the Western Region, was summoned by Pope Ronis from time to time.

What impressed the two [Judgement Monks] the most was the knight hero Rod Hart who was always by Roland's side.

Rod Hart's dazzling blond hair and humble smile made them unforgettable.

From that day on, the number of petitioners for the Holy Sky Cathedral increased.

The cells of the Inquisition are already empty, and many of the new [Petitioners] have been sent from the Western Region.

The fourth change is also the most serious one.

That was about a week after Pope Ronis was injured.

Rumors spread throughout the royal capital. Even the [Judgement Monks] who had been taking turns on duty at the cathedral heard the rumors that "Pope Ronis" had betrayed Erathia.

Although they had never believed such nonsense, Pope Ronis's mood at that time was really scary.

Every day they can see the inquisitors and magistrates of the [Inquisition] entering and exiting the [Holy Sky Cathedral] with great dignity.

The most recent change is the return of Pope Ronis from the Over Expedition.

Pope Ronis brought back his heroic appearance in Orver and the angels in punishing the devil, and shattered the devil's attempt to tarnish his reputation and create division.

This is obviously a good thing, but Pope Ronis always seems worried.

The greeting to them also became: "Pray to the Lord." These four simple words.

It was only in the past two days that they [Judgement Monks] understood the reason why Pope Ronis was upset——

The Church of Poseidon actually pushed away the entire continent of Overland!

The Holy War between Ofer and Erathia is finally over.

But the reason for the end of the Holy War was not the [Holy Sky Church] that had been working so hard for the people of Erathia, but the [Poseidon Church] that took advantage of the opportunity!

This is simply unreasonable!

The day after Pope Ronis returned from Over, he left the Cathedral of the Holy Sky again.

Then, it took two full days to come back.

After returning this time, Pope Ronis became what he is now.

His frequency of going in and out of his ashram became extremely high, and he met all kinds of people every day.

Local bishops, members of the Inquisition, major privy bishops...

However, no matter how many times he entered and exited the monastery, Pope Ronis never greeted them [Judgement Monks] again.

Not even a nod to them, as if they didn't exist.

Moreover, when they were on duty at the door of the ascetic monks, they would feel the strong pressure coming from the ascetic chamber from time to time.

This unusualness makes every [Judgement Monk] extremely serious when on duty, fearing to make mistakes.

"here we go again."

Feeling the coercion within the ascetic monks again, the two [Judgement Monks] straightened their backs with all their strength, like rays on their backs.

At this moment, a [religious inquisitor] covered in black robes with only an inverted cross on his chest came over in a hurry.

[Judgement Monk] immediately stretched out his hand and stopped him:

"The Lord is above.

Your Majesty the Inquisitor, the Pope has issued an order not to disturb you."

The [Religious Inquisitor] put his hand on his chest and said anxiously:

"Thank you Lord for your blessing.

Please inform Your Majesty the Pope of the sudden uprising in the Chosen One of Asa."

"Let him in."

Ronis's calm voice sounded in the ascetic chamber, and the two [Judgement Monks] immediately bowed their heads and retreated to the side.

[The Inquisitor] strode over, slowly opened the door, and entered the ascetic chamber.

In the monastery, Ronis's table was filled with books of all sizes, most of which were related to the [Holy Angel Church Doctrine].

"The Gospels", "The Word of God", "Introduction to the Origin of the Church", "God Loves the World", "Theory of the Seven Original Sins"...

Ronis, who had always paid attention to his appearance, now had disheveled hair and looked very vicissitudes of life.

Ronis knew very well that this [Inquisitor] was the emergency contact between him and Roland.

He turned around and asked:

"What makes you so nervous? Is there something wrong with Roland?"

The [Religious Inquisitor] half-knelt on the ground and said with fear and fear:

"His Majesty the Pope, there is news from His Majesty Roland.

Yesterday, a large number of Yasha gods poured into the Western Region in various ways.

Their goal was clear, and they headed straight to the [Tent Village] near the western border.

In just over a day, they picked up all the rioters in the [tent village]."


A total of 1.24 million rioters were picked up?!

One day?!”

Ronis rose up with overwhelming force.

He covered his chest, suppressed his emotions hard, and asked calmly:

"What happened yesterday, why did Roland only notify me today?!"

[The Inquisitor] moved his lips but did not speak.

Normally, Ronis would have noticed something was wrong, but now his mind has been so disturbed by the news that he can't even think calmly.

He then asked:

“How could those Yasha Chosen people who were chaotic and inexplicable do things suddenly organize themselves to act together?

Everything must happen for a reason! Go and investigate immediately! Who organized them?"

"Already found."

[Religious Inquisitor] gritted his teeth, lowered his head and said:

"The person commanding these Yasha God's Chosen is the Timely Rain Merchant Guild from Longyu Port City.

The members of this chamber of commerce are all composed of the Chosen Gods of Asa.

They were the first to arrive at the [Tent Village], and they were also the first to recruit villagers from the Tent Village.

The Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce is directly affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce under the crown of Saint Adela.

His Majesty Roland did not dare to stop it immediately because he discovered this.

His Majesty Adela is your student. He thought that this matter was your order, so he wanted to find out more about it before asking you about it.

Who would have thought that with just such a delay, those chosen by Yasha gods would take away all the rebels overnight."


Ronis frowned tightly when he suddenly heard the name.

He never imagined that this matter would be related to Adela.

"You go out first."


The upset Ronis immediately gave the order, and when the [Inquisitor] exited the door, he couldn't wait to activate the angel statue hanging around his neck.


Hearing Adela's voice, Ronis felt calmer.

Adela was his most proud student. She had just awakened and was loved and blessed by many holy spirits. She was extremely talented.

Ronis had long made up his mind to let Adela inherit his church after he became a true god.

He even gave Adela the control of the Inquisition, the most powerful violent institution in the church.

"In the entire Holy Angel Church, only Adela is the least likely to betray herself.

There must be some misunderstanding here."

Ronis asked while thinking:

"Adela, is the Timely Rain Merchant under your control?

Yesterday, the Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce launched a large number of Yasha Divine Chosen and went to the west of Erathia to recruit more than a million rebels. Do you know what is going on?"

"I know! I gave the order!"

Hearing Adela's cheerful voice on the other side of the angel statue, Ronis almost vomited a mouthful of old blood.

Evil disciple!

It's really you who ruined my big deal?!

I'm so angry that my blood vessels are about to burst, but you're quite proud of me!

He could barely control his voice, but the long-term experience in the city still prevented him from showing any emotion.

"Adela betrayed?


Only Roland and Rod Hart knew about my plan. The whole process was kept secret and passed on by word of mouth. It was impossible to leak it.

Even if the plan is really leaked and Adela betrays me, she will never admit it as openly as she does now."

Ronis held back his emotions and asked without revealing any trace:

"Adela, why did you suddenly let your Yasha God's Chosen recruit those rogues?"

"Teacher, I just wanted to report this matter to you.

Just five days ago, a mermaid legend from the Poseidon Church found Queen Catherine.

She asked the queen how the Poseidon Church should develop in Erathia.

Queen Catherine also knows that the Poseidon Church, which is obsessed with profit, is definitely no match for our Holy Heaven Church.

Therefore, Queen Catherine told the other party that our Holy Sky Church has a strong foundation in Erathia. If we come up and target those cities, the Poseidon Church will definitely have a head-on conflict with our Holy Sky Church, and the chance of winning is slim.

Queen Catherine asked Poseidon Church to start preaching from the places where our Holy Heaven Church has the weakest control.

The villages surrounded the acropolis, then captured the county town from the acropolis, and finally gradually attacked the major cities.

And the first target they chose was the [Tent Village] in His Majesty Roland's territory.

There are a large number of insurgents in [Tent Village], and more than 70% of them are unbelievers, and the remaining 30% are not firm in their faith.

Once more than a million rebels are bewitched by the Poseidon Church and dispersed into various cities in Erathia, they will tear apart the defense line of our Holy Heaven Church in one fell swoop.

One day later, that is, 4 days ago.

Queen Catherine ordered Sylvia to take the legend of the Poseidon Church and some missionaries around the Arctic Ocean, and land at Lake Victoria in the northwest to seduce the people in the tent village.

At Sylvia's speed, it can take up to three days to arrive.

My freedom in the company of Her Majesty Queen Catherine is limited, and I am extremely anxious about this situation.

Fortunately, I figured out a way in time and asked my Yasha Gods to mobilize and recruit all the rogues in advance.

Huh. No matter what plots and tricks the insidious and cunning Poseidon Church wants to use against those rebellious people, as long as the rebellious people are gone, there is nothing they can do!"

Insidious and cunning...

Ronis felt uncomfortable. He always felt that the words Adela were talking about him, but he couldn't say anything.

Ronis was silent for a moment and asked:

"Adela, why didn't you report this situation to me in time?"


Adela asked strangely:

"Teacher, what happened?

Or am I doing something wrong?

I'm working undercover here. If I don't have a chance, contacting you rashly is extremely risky.

Didn't you tell me last time to be careful?

Moreover, even if I contact you, teacher, there is nothing you can do to stop me.

Any action our church takes against the rioters in the [Tent Village] will directly expose me.

I have the consciousness to sacrifice for the church and God, but my sacrifice should be more valuable.

All things considered, I think it is the most correct choice for me to control Yasha's Chosen remotely and let Yasha's Chosen take away the chaos.

Could it be that I made some mistake unintentionally?"

Ronis was stunned for a moment and immediately realized his mistake.

He quickly covered it up softly:

"No, you did the right thing.

Adela, what I mean is that your move to contact Yasha Chosen was not foolproof.

No matter how covert you are, the Church of Poseidon will link the actions of the Chosen Ones to you.

After all, as soon as they made the plan, all the rioters were taken away. What a coincidence.

You must not do this kind of thing often, otherwise it will greatly increase your risk of exposure."

"I see."

Adela's voice sounded much more relaxed.

"Teacher, don't worry, my relationship with Sylvia is very good. Without clear evidence, not even Queen Catherine and the Poseidon Church dare to do anything to me.

It's just that it will be more difficult for me to find out information in the future.

I was prepared to lurk for a long time, and I was prepared to sacrifice for the church at any time.

Everything, for the glory of the angels.”

Ronis felt very uncomfortable.

He was obviously furious, but he still couldn't blame Adela.

Adela didn't know her plan.

In the absence of sufficient information, there was nothing wrong with the choice she made, and it could even be said to be a great success.

But the measures she took caused her carefully planned plan to collapse instantly.

It was like a dagger stabbing into his heart from behind.

Ronis took two deep breaths and said bravely:

"Very well, I'll leave it to you, Adela.

If you encounter any difficult problems, don't force yourself and seek help from me in time.

If you are really in danger, I will allow you to evacuate in time."

"The gospel and glory of the Lord always protect us. Pray to the Lord, teacher."

"Ah, pray."

After ending the call with Adela, Ronis's face suddenly turned gloomy.

He picked up a book on the table and wanted to hit it hard on the ground. He raised his hand in the air, but in the end he didn't hit it.

"Even if Adela doesn't let those Yasha Gods choose to act, my plan will fail after the Poseidon Church arrives at the tent village.

As long as the Poseidon Church is here, Geffen Hart will not be able to massacre those insurgents to increase his military strength.

We, the Holy Heaven Church, cannot rely on our status as saviors to make those rioters surrender to us and voluntarily surrender their faith.

Could this be a coincidence?

The Poseidon Church has not preached for a long time, and it has not preached for a long time, but why should it preach at this time?

Catherine is just so good, she wants the Poseidon Church to bewitch those troubled people?!

If this is really a coincidence, then it is the mischief of the goddess of fate, because the great river of destiny is unwilling to let me go as I wish.

This is Yasha warning me that what I am doing is wrong."

Ronis closed his eyes and sat on the chair.

His hands squeezed the book tighter and tighter.

"No! I don't believe it!

How could such a coincidence happen?

The news must have leaked.

I haven't told anyone, so it can only be one of Roland or Rod Hart who violated our alliance.

Is Roland trying to escape my control? Or is Rod Hart trying to get both sides?

Don't they understand?

If my [Holy Sky Church] falls, they alone will not be able to fight against [Catherine and Poseidon Church]!

Or is it……"

A terrible thought suddenly occurred in Ronis's mind.

"Could it be said that, no, it is impossible, but it cannot be completely denied.

Could it be that Catherine didn’t ask Gru to protect her, but she sent Gru to me a long time ago to monitor my every move?!”

Thinking of this, Ronis almost broke out in cold sweat.

"Gru is proficient in stealth, detection and sniping. Before he became a demigod, he was the most elite jungle warrior in Erathia.

Even the elves were humbled by his abilities.

Legend has it that he can disappear out of thin air and follow other demigods silently.

When I was in Shengtian City, there was Cloud City and Gru couldn't sneak into it.

But when I discussed it with Roland and the others, we were in Roland's main city, and the defense there was far inferior to that of Holy Sky City.

If this is really the case, how much of my plan has been leaked?

[Tent Village], [Ghoststone Castle], [Soul-Eating Angel]...

Or should I say, all of them?!"

When he thought of this, Ronis felt like a light on his back, and felt uneasy in his heart.

"No, I have to find a way to confirm it."

Ta da, da da, da da, da da.

A sturdy centaur leader pulled a cart and ran on the grass in the wild.

On the carriage, Smit and Qi Ge were sitting together.

Behind the cart, there were eighteen [Fairy Paladins] following, including Lawrence.

During this period, eight more healing slimes were born in the Chosen City.

With the help of Lawrence, all fairies and healing slimes completed [Fusion Evolution] and evolved into [Fairy Paladin].

Qi Ge named them "Eighteen Cavalry of Yanyun", hoping that they would be as fierce and powerful as the heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, killing at will and making the enemy fear them like tigers.

The subsequent [Fairy Paladins] born will be assigned to Yanyun's Eighteen Riders, gradually turning from Eighteen Riders into eighteen Knights.

At this time, Qi Ge was sitting on a cart with a map, writing and drawing against the bumps of the cart, while Smit was sitting aside obediently, using his calves to help Qi Ge hold down the map to prevent it from being blown away by the wind.

blow away.

"It's right ahead, stop the car."

Qi Ge suddenly raised his pen and shouted.

The centaur, which was moving at high speed, took two steps, turned slightly sideways, and stopped the cart.

As the cart shook, Smit exclaimed and fell into Qi Ge's arms.

Qi Ge hugged Smit, frowned slightly, and asked Centaur:

"Aren't you said to have the best driving skills among all centaurs? Why did you stop so suddenly?"

"I'm sorry, Lord, I got a little excited for a while."

Centaur has a good attitude towards admitting mistakes.

"I'm not hurt either. Brother Qi Ge, don't blame him."

Smit whispered for mercy for the centaur.

Qi Ge didn't want to embarrass him too much, so he just said to be careful next time and took Smit out of the carriage.

Behind the seven pigeons, Lawrence walked to the centaur leader with a smile and bumped the centaur hard.

Then Lawrence gave a thumbs up and shook it several times, and made eye contact with the centaur's winking eyes.

"Brother! Steady! Your driving skills are amazing!"

"That's right, you don't even know who I am."

"Don't worry, the lord and his wife will be richly rewarded when you return!"

"Hey hey hey~"

"This is the location, just right."

Qi Ge carefully checked the map and planted a red flag on the ground.

He was calculating distances around the territory with Smit.

As long as the distance calculation is sufficient, you can rely on the opportunity of [Adjustment of Territory Building Positions] to form a straight line with the fairy villages, and incorporate the natural wonder [Redwood Watchtower], which is not far from the City of God's Choice, into the territory.

Then take the opportunity of [Territory Terrain Adjustment] and move [Redwood Watchtower] around the territory.

At the same time, these fairy villages used to open roads can also be moved back to the vicinity of the territory.

Whether it is the opportunity to [Adjust the location of territorial buildings] or the opportunity to [Adjust the terrain of the territory], it is hard to come by.

This time, Qi Ge will take down the most critical [Redwood Watchtower] and as many [Elemental Gathering Points] as possible.

Each of these natural wonders is of great benefit to the territory.

Once the territory adjustment is started, there is no way to withdraw or cancel it. If it fails and the adjustment cannot be completed, you will probably have to wait until the main city is upgraded or the acropolis is built all the way to capture these natural wonders.

No matter which option you choose, the time and resources required are exaggerated.

Therefore, Qige was extra careful and measured every step personally.

After he has marked all the locations where the villages will be moved, he has to check it several times to make sure nothing goes wrong.

Seven Pigeons wore magic eyes and followed the position of the red flag to observe the distance between the red flag and the [Redwood Watchtower].

Then he activated the [See through the atmosphere] and [See through the earth] magic once more. After confirming that it was correct, he smiled at Smit with confidence and said:

"Okay, the work here is done.

Next, we return to the territory, then go to the south of the territory, and put red flags on the road leading to the [Elemental Assembly Point]."


Smit smiled happily and took Qi Ge's hand.

The centaur leader saw that the atmosphere between Smit and Qi Ge was so good, and he had already begun to dream of various rewards in his mind!

On the way back, Qi Ge finally breathed a sigh of relief and was finally able to chat with Smit.

Qi Ge rubbed Smit’s head and asked with a smile:

"How's it going? Is the saint's work tiring?"

When Smit heard this, his face immediately became bitter:

"Well! I'm not very tired, but... it's too much of a burden for me!"


Qi Ge asked doubtfully:

“What exactly are the burdens?

Is it too cumbersome to arrange clothes? Or is it too tiring to train in appearance?

Or is it too difficult to manage various words and emotional expressions during speeches?”


Smit shook his head and said:

“Though it’s very hard, I can handle it.

Even Her Majesty Adela said that my temperament would not be inferior to hers.

What I mean by burden is that when I played the role of a saint, my uncles, aunts, grandparents, and grandparents who were older than me always had to kneel in front of me and worship me.

Not only could I not go over and help them up, I had to assume a graceful attitude and accept their gratitude towards me.

I have never had the habit of being superior to others since I was a child, and this puts too much psychological burden on me."

"Ah ha. So you are talking about this burden.

There is no other way, just bear with it.

The Lion Territory where you grew up is located in the southern border of Queen Catherine.

The relationship between believers there and members of the Holy Heaven Church is slightly more equal and not so exaggerated.

But in Roland's territory, there is an extremely strict hierarchical gap between [Holy Sky Church members] and believers.

If you are a member of the Holy Sky Church at the bishop level, when ordinary believers see it, they will not only kneel down and worship, but also lie on the ground and let the bishop step on him when he passes by.

You can't stand this intensity now, what will you do then?

You have to bear the heavy burden of disintegrating [Holy Sky Church] from within.

If it doesn’t work, just think about Mirola’s appearance when you are playing the saint, and imitate her, you will be right.”

"Sister Mirola..."

Smit coughed, followed Mirola's example, put one hand on his chest, put the other on his waist, and said to Qi Ge:

"It turns out that you, stinky lord, haven't forgotten the agreement between us.

Hum! The [Dark Light Pollen] you brought back this time tastes very good, I am very satisfied.

In this case, I will show mercy and allow you to kiss my feet this time.

Come on, stick out your disgusting tongue and taste it to your heart’s content.”

"Pfft!!" Qi Ge couldn't hold it in any longer, so he clapped and laughed:

"Similar! So similar!

This is the feeling, this look of contempt for all living beings!

Let me tell you, the believers in the Roland area have been trained by the church to become fragmented and have distorted views.

The more holy and arrogant you are and the more arrogant you are, the more they will think you smell like a god."

"Hmm~ It's still difficult."

Smit pouted and knocked on Qi Ge's chest.

“It’s really difficult for me to play this kind of role.

Obviously my father has taught me since I was a child to be polite and to be kind to others."

"Haha." Qige patted Smit's back gently, smiling, and his expression became serious.

"Smit, there is also a church in Bracada.

Do you know the difference between Thunder Church and Holy Sky Church?"

Smit thought for a while and shook his head.

Qige explained:

"Thunder Church and Holy Sky Church both have one crucial thing in common.

That is, they monopolize all the beliefs of their respective forces and have strong exclusivity.

They will suppress all churches that threaten their dominance in all aspects and without leaving any room.

Either resort to force, tarnish reputation, or simply use political power to veto it.

But there are also huge differences between them.

Although the Church of Thunder does not allow Brakala to have a second faith, they don't care at all whether the citizens of Brakala believe in themselves.

They are high up, looking down at the world.

Although the Church of Thunder seems to have a stronger presence in Brakada, it is not as strong as the Great Council.

But its tentacles penetrate into every aspect of Bracada.

All of Brakada's core industries have investments from the Thunder Church, and the most profitable resource transactions are completely monopolized by the Thunder Church.

Even the highest control of Brakada has always been in the hands of the Thunder Church.

The Church of Thunder is the tool used by the Titans to control Brakada.

The Church of Thunder is like controlling the reins of a horse.

The Titans are the real coachmen.

The Holy Sky Church is different.

[Holy Heaven Church] covers all levels of Erathia much better than Brakada.

[Holy Sky Church] does not care about total control of the country.

So Erathia can have two national leaders [Catherine and Roland].

[Holy Sky Church] only attaches great importance to divine authority.

[Holy Sky Church] doesn't care at all how the people of Erathia live, whether they are patriotic, their fighting ability, etc.

Who the people of Erathia pray to and who they pray to are what the [Holy Sky Church] cares most about.

Similarly, Elasia is compared to a horse, and the Holy Heaven Church is a carriage that firmly fastens itself to the horse.

[Holy Sky Church] doesn’t care who the driver is or where the horse is going.

[Holy Sky Church] only cares about whether it can be firmly bound to the horse and not to be replaced by other carriages.

The core issue that causes this difference is that the angels of Erathia really need the power of faith, but the Titans do not.

Because of this, the core of [Holy Sky Church] is always how to extract faith value more efficiently.

Excluding those super-standard pilgrims and petitioners, who contributes the most faith points?

The answer is that those who have no one to rely on and no ability of their own, so they can only entrust everything to God, can contribute the most faith value.

The essence of faith is belief and worship, which means giving up one's own efforts and placing one's wishes on others.

In Roland's territory, under the joint control of the church and Roland, such people are everywhere.

Their lives are constantly being denied, and they gradually fall into failure after failure.

As a result, apart from admiring angels, they cannot find the meaning of their own existence at all.

And such a person must be Mu Qiang's twisted person.

In their imagination, something like God should be ruthless and omnipotent.

'God is too strong, so strong that I can't even compare to him, so strong that no matter how hard I try, it's useless. Therefore, I will leave everything to God.'

This is the common thought of believers in those Roland territories.

This kind of thinking is called escaping, and finding a reason for oneself to sink.

Because of this, they don't want to see God and God's messengers being friendly to them.

In their hearts, believers as weak as themselves should dedicate everything to God.

If we want to change their thinking, we must first cater to their thinking.

If they want to be strong, we will show our strength.

They are cowardly, but we are extremely tough.

Whatever they lack or long for, we will show them.

Only in this way can they recognize us from the bottom of their hearts."

After listening to Qige's words, Smit thought for a long time before saying:

"Brother Qige, I understand what you mean.

You mean, they like being pushed more than me being gentle with them?

So even if I treat them arrogantly, I don’t need to feel any psychological guilt, because this is what they want?”

Qi Ge:…………

"Ahem, although it's a little different, the meaning is correct."

Smit suddenly understood.

"I finally understand, thank you, Brother Qige."

The breeze blew, and the veteran centaur leader consciously slowed down his pace.

He looked around leisurely, followed the questions and answers coming from behind him slowly, and for some reason a silly smile appeared on his face.


Accompanied by the melodious ringing of the ship's bell, the "Queen Catherine" slowly approached the Queen's port.

The people who had been waiting for a long time couldn’t wait to start waving flower petals and cheering loudly!

"Ah!!! Her Majesty the Queen is back!!"

"Her Majesty the Queen returns in triumph!"

"Long live Her Majesty the Queen!!"

As early as a few days ago, the news of Catherine's victorious return had spread throughout the Queen's territory.

"Queen Catherine unites with the Poseidon Church to push away Overland!"

"The holy war is completely over, the emperor is one for all eternity, and the genius queen will always defeat the devil!"

"Beyond her ancestors, Queen Catherine is about to return to her loyal kingdom"

With the unremitting publicity of many bards, Queen Catherine's great achievements have reached the level that everyone knows.

In the past few days, the entire Queen's territory has been plunged into a sea of ​​joy.

No matter rich or poor, no matter the hero or soldier, they cried with joy, they sang and danced, they worshiped their ancestors, and they were drunk as mud.

Large and small banquets continued one after another, and endless tricks continued to be performed.

All the people in the Queen's territory are celebrating the eternal end of the Holy War in their own way!

On the day that the Queen Catherine was to arrive, the atmosphere of celebration reached its climax!

On the street, as long as someone shouts: "Queen Catherine!"

There will definitely be countless people shouting: "Long live!!"

This sincere and emotional cheer contains too many obsessions, hatreds and long-cherished wishes of the people of Erathia.


The ship's bell rang, and the "Queen Catherine" finally docked at the Queen's Port.

The Queen's Guards of the Round Table who were responsible for escorting opened the way first, and then under the expectant eyes of everyone, fully armed Catherine walked out!

She took off her helmet, her brown-gold hair was flying, and the gryphon pattern on her chest was shining!

Everything is silent, and the people are looking forward to it.

Catherine drew her sword and declared loudly:

"My people, I'm back! We have won a great victory, and the holy war is completely over!"


"Long live Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Long live your Majesty Catherine!"

The voices were hoarse, the mountains roared and the tsunami roared, and the crowd rejoiced.

Huge sound waves soared into the sky and resounded throughout the sky!

Inheim was mixed in the crowd, his sworn enemy staring at Catherine who seemed to be crowned by the sun.

He raised the corners of his mouth and shouted cruelly and coldly along with the cheering people:

"Long live His Majesty the King!"

Inheim's voice was mixed in the crowd, and no one noticed that there was a subtle difference between his cheers and those of other people in the territory.

ps: It’s second on the monthly vote list, woo woo woo, can’t I get it this month? QAQ, help me.

Although Miss Wan is good, her hamster waist can't bear it and she can't live for long!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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