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Chapter 559 Desperation

Chapter 559 Desperate Situation

Author: Fierce Male Hamster

Chapter 559 Desperate Situation

【Manticore Windmill】Underground.

The dark elf heroic spirit, [Kalanga], the guardian of the underground area of ​​[Manticore Windmill], looked at the seven pigeons brought over by Laura with shining eyes.

She happily said to Qige:

"Lord Lord!

Good news, the first batch of manticores and black elves have been born!

This is the first batch of manticores and black elves born in our territory. I think it is of great significance, so I did not wake them up and waited for you, Lord Lord, to come in person."

Kalange asked excitedly:

"Lord, do you want to go to the [Manticore Training Nest] to meet the manticore first, or do you want to go to the [Dark Elf Training Pool] to meet the dark elves first?"

"Not in a hurry."

Qi Ge smiled slightly and asked:

"Lan Ge, now [Manticore Windmill] is fully staffed with 2,000 people working in the cave.

What is the cultivation efficiency of [Manticore Training Nest] and [Dark Elf Training Pool]?"

"Lord, now the [Manticore Training Nest] can cultivate 2 adult manticores every 4 days. The [Dark Elf Training Pool] is faster and can cultivate 2 dark elves in one day."

Kalange replied immediately.

"One manticore comes every two days, an average of 3.5 per week.

14 black elves a week.

[Manticore Training Nest] and [Dark Elf Training Pool] produce adult NPC units, which can be put into combat as soon as they are born.

This production efficiency is almost catching up with the heroic soul troops, and the miracle building is really amazing."

Qi Ge sighed in his heart and said with a smile:

"Let's go, [Dark Elf Training Pool] is relatively close, let's go meet the Dark Elf first."


Kalange nodded happily, and Laura's eyes lit up at the side, looking very much looking forward to the new sister.

Qige followed Kalange to the [Dark Elf Training Pool].

[Dark Elf Training Pool] is shaped like a transparent pool filled with transparent gel-like colorless emulsion.

In the pool at this time, 14 adult dark elves were sleeping.

They are all women, naked and look exactly like Kalange.

Kalange pointed at the dark elves and said to Qige:

"Lord, they were all born from me, so their appearance is no different from mine. When they are born, please give them names.

Their names will be turned into tattoos and integrated into their shoulder blades. You can distinguish their identities through tattoos.

If they need to go out to perform tasks, they only need to cover up their tattoos and no one will be able to notice the difference."

Cloning is accomplished using magical means.

Whenever seeing such a scene, Qi Ge always feels emotional.

Although Yasha World seems to be a medieval magical world, the productivity of Yasha World is really terrifying.

Current human civilization does not yet have the cloning ability to multiply troops in large numbers in a short period of time.

Weapons, spaceships and other metal creations can be quickly mass-produced by humans in factories, but life is still a mystery that humans have not yet fully explored.

Goddess such as the goddess of wealth, the goddess of magic, and the goddess of fate are already infinitely close to the pure energy creatures in human science fiction.

The goddess of wealth can freely transform energy and matter into each other, create things from the void, and turn stones into gold.

The goddess of fate can waver the threads of fate and make the uncertain future collapse towards certainty.

The goddess of magic can use her magic power to follow her words, control the laws of nature, and change the world.

These ultimate goals in human science fiction are only the starting point for the gods of the Yasha world.

If there is no threat from Chaos, if those gods continue to grow, who knows how powerful they will become.

Qi Ge sighed and said to Kalange:

"These first batch of dark elves are called Xuan Huang of Heaven and Earth, Primordial Universe, Sun and Moon, and Chen Su.

Exactly fourteen.

When a dark elf is born, it’s up to you to name it.”

"Yes, Lord Lord! Please Lord, please welcome their birth."

Qi Ge put his hand on the [Dark Elf Training Pool], and the gelatinous transparent liquid began to shake, as if it was trying to push the dark elves out.

[System prompt: The dark elves born from the [Dark Elf Training Pool] are of random levels 1 to 3, with random quality.

Do you want to perform the birth ceremony immediately?】

It's time to draw cards.

Qi Ge took a deep breath without panicking at all.

This is the City of God's Chosen, a bunch of fate-based miracles, and also dedicated to the goddess of fate.

What do I have to fear?

Pump it for me!!

The white colloid in the [Dark Elf Training Pool] suddenly solidified and hardened, and slowly turned into black.

One by one, the fair-skinned dark elves emerged from the gel and slowly opened their eyes.

At this moment, there was a flash of light in the great temple of the divine city, and the statue of the goddess of destiny came to life and shook a little in the direction of the [Manticore Windmill].

Rainbow light flashed, and a horseshoe appeared in the sky above the [Dark Elf Training Pool]!

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering a great success.]

[System prompt: The dark elves born this time have all been adjusted to level 3 and level 5 miracle arms [Blood Shadow Thorn].]

【Blood Shadow Thorn


Level: 5

Quality: Miracle







Attack without counterattack.

Attack and return: After moving and attacking, return to the original grid.

Bloody Dagger: absorbs 20% of all damage caused by itself, and can resurrect itself

Blood Shadow Trail: After encountering an attack, you will immediately get an extra chance to move (cannot attack, can only move).

Bloody Mark: Immediately leave a blood mark on the opponent after attacking.

When the number of blood seals reaches 3, its long-range attack and spellcasting abilities are sealed.

When the number of blood seals reaches 6, its speed is halved.

When the number of blood seals reaches 9, 50% of the opponent's number (at least 1) will be killed immediately and 3 layers of blood seals will be consumed.]

The 14 [Blood Shadow Thorns] were suspended quietly, and the gelatin in the [Dark Elf Training Pool] pool turned into dark red tight-fitting gelcoats and daggers to arm the [Blood Shadow Thorns].

Qige, Laura, and Kalange were all very surprised when they felt the powerful aura of the [Blood Shadow Thorns].

"Level 5 miraculous arms! The [Dark Elf Training Pool] has actually given birth to a level 5 miraculous arm! Lord, this is really great!"

Kalange jumped up and down behind Qi Ge, and the petite ping pong ball rubbed up and down behind Qi Ge.

"He's even stronger than me!! I'm not even level 5 yet!"

Laura was greatly shocked and her eyes were blank.

Qi Ge's eyes were shining and his fists were clenched tightly.

[Blood Shadow Thorn] has a full 24 points of movement speed, which is faster than True Thousand Thousand Sword Dancers. Although [Blood Shadow Thorn] does not output as much violence as True Thousand Thousand Sword Dancers, its attribute-balanced stunts are also very good.


Especially the core stunt [Bloody Mark].

Control, slow down, and die.

One stunt, three effects, simply perfect!

These 14 [Blood Shadow Thorns] are all NPC soldiers. They are born as level 5 miracles and may start a heroic journey and become a hero at any time.

Their starting point is the end point of many arms in the world of Yasha.

The fourteen words "The sky and the earth are dark and yellow, the universe is vast, the sun and the moon are waxing, and the stars are constellations" casually spoken by Qi Ge were transformed into elven characters, suspended above each [Blood Shadow Thorn].

These words fell slowly and were imprinted on the bottom of their shoulder blades.

14 [Blood Shadow Thorns] woke up at the same time, and with a plop, they half-knelt in front of Qi Ge and Kalange.

The leading dark elf opened his mouth, took two deep breaths, raised his head, stared at Qige and Kalange and said:

"Master, father, mistress, I am Tian, ​​the leader of [Blood Shadow Thorn].

Thank you Lord and Father for giving me the name.”

The other [Blood Shadow Thorns] said in unison:

"Thank you, Lord, for the name!"

Qi Ge opened their panel and took a look.

All [Blood Shadow Thorns] have double 100 loyalty and favorability. Except for their different names, their attributes and special skills are exactly the same. None of the [Blood Shadow Thorns] have their own special skills, as if they were copied and pasted.

"It's really a perfect clone."

Qi Ge sighed in his heart and asked the [Blood Shadow Thorns]:

"Do your memories and fighting skills still exist?"

Tian looked at Kalange and replied:

"Father, our memories of growing up come from our mistress, so we have inherited her loyalty to you.

Our fighting skills are innate."

Huh? The memory comes from Kalange?

Qi Ge turned to look at Kalange, who nodded and said with a smile: "Their souls are all separated from my soul, so the dark elves born from the [Dark Elf Training Pool] are all

It can be regarded as my clone.

They can't understand things that I can't understand, but they still know most of the common sense things.

Moreover, because of me, they are all potential believers in the God of Wealth.

As long as we take them to the [Wealth Hall] in our territory for baptism, they will receive God's protection."

"I see."

Qi Ge nodded and said to the [Blood Shadow Thorns]:

"I'll take you to practice in a while, and then I'll assign you jobs.

Just follow me first.

There are two more territorial citizens waiting for us to greet them."

Originally there were only Kalange, Lola and Qi Ge in the team, but now there are 14 more [Blood Shadow Thorns]. The ratio of men to women is seriously imbalanced, and the yin is strong and the yang is weak.

This made the seven pigeons speed up their pace unconsciously.

Soon, they arrived at the [Manticore Training Nest].

A large number of withered and yellow weeds were spread haphazardly in the cave nest, and two adult manticores were sleeping soundly in the nest.

Kalange introduced: "Lord, the manticores born from the [Manticore Training Nest] have no template, so they are just like a blank sheet of paper after they are resurrected.

Although they have fighting instincts, they are unable to fight immediately.

They will only feel close to you and me, and will be instinctively wary of others besides us.

I used to raise manticores when I was still under Negan, and I know how to train them very well.

[Blood Shadow Thorn] So are we.

After you, Lord Lord, welcome the manticores out, we can help train them.

In just a week or so, we can teach the manticore how to get along with other people in the territory."

"Lan Ge, will you still train a manticore?"

Qi Ge glanced at Kalange in surprise.

Kalange smiled and said:

"Yes, not only manticores, I will also train velociraptors and pangolins.

When I was in Dark Dragon City, I was responsible for doing this."

That's right, Kalange's unit is [Black Elf Velociraptor Dragon Rider], so it makes sense that he can tame animals.

Not to mention, Qi Ge’s understanding of the Manticore is really low.

Although the Manticore is a level 6 unit of the dungeon force, except for Silika's Potato City, it is only available in Negan's capital Dark Dragon City.

It can be said that the two cities of [Potato City] and [Dark Dragon City] have completely monopolized the manticores.

When the Seven Pigeons were active in [Dark Dragon City] in the previous life, it was already at a critical stage of the invasion of Chaos.

All the manticores in [Dark Dragon City] have been transferred to Silica, and Qi Ge has no chance to study them.

Therefore, Qi Ge asked Kalange for some tips on how to get along with manticores. After ensuring that there were no problems, he put his hand on the [Manticore Training Nest].

[System prompt: Manticores born from [Manticore Breeding Nest] are of random levels 1 to 3, with random quality.

Do you want to perform the birth ceremony immediately?】



In the great temple, the statue of the Goddess of Fate awakened again. She stretched out her fingers, but her fingertips failed to emit light.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared in the Wealth Hall of God's Choice City and focused on the fingers of the statue of the Goddess of Destiny.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, the special effect of your faith building, the Hall of Wealth, has been triggered.

You can spend 120,000 gold coins to purchase this success in recruiting manticores. Do you want to buy it?】

120,000 gold coins to buy a big success?

So expensive?

Even if it’s expensive, you have to buy it! The system prompts have popped up. Is there any reason not to buy it?

There was no time to think about it, Qi Ge immediately agreed.

[System prompt: Purchase successful, big success trigger! 】

In an instant, there was no wind in the [Manticore Training Nest], and the figures of the two manticores suddenly changed.

A manticore suddenly grew in size, growing to over 5 meters long and over 3 meters tall in the blink of an eye.

The other manticore quickly shrank, becoming only the size of a palm, and its body color also turned snow white.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, [Manticore Breeding Nest] successfully gave birth to [Iron Manticore], [Dorothy]. 】

【Iron Manticore



Level: 3

Quality: Miracle






Special skills: giant arms, flying arms.

The enemy cannot counterattack when attacking.

Iron Skin: All damage taken is reduced by 70%.

Blunt Iron Toxin: Enemies hit by the Manticore's attack will have a layer of Blunt Iron Toxin superimposed on them.

Blunt Iron Toxin: Speed ​​-2, Attack -5, Defense +5.

Blunt iron poison cannot be dispelled or healed by magic, and can be stacked infinitely.

Swallowing Blunt Iron: When the Manticore is about to die, it will immediately swallow all the blunt iron poison on the field.

Each layer of blunt iron toxin restores 80 health points to the Manticore and can be resurrected.]

【Manticore Princess Dorothy




Quality: Myth







Flying arms. The return of the myth

The only unit: There will only be one [Manticore Princess Dorothy] in the entire Yasha world, and there is no [Manticore Princess Dorothy] heroic soul unit.

Manticore Princess:

When there are other friendly manticore units on the field except [Manticore Princess Dorothy], [Manticore Princess Dorothy] is invincible.

(Immune to all damage, immune to any negative magic effects, immune to instant death effects, immune to terrain effects.)

Wizard's Order: When carrying [Manticore Princess Dorothy], the admiration probability of all unowned manticores (NPCs, order side monsters, mixed side monsters) is +20%]


[Iron Manticore]'s special skills are already very powerful.

The deceleration can be superimposed infinitely, which means that the movement speed of the troops can be reduced to 0 points at most!

[Iron Manticore] is the pinnacle of control-type troops.

Coupled with the self-resurrection ability of [Iron Manticore], it is both fleshy and controllable, and is worthy of its miraculous quality.

But in front of [Manticore Princess Dorothy], [Iron Manticore] looked so dull.

Qi Ge looked at [Manticore Princess Dorothy], [Manticore Princess Dorothy] curled up at the feet of [Iron Manticore], it was only as big as two palms, its whole body was white, even its tail was white.

, like a small ornament on the table.

But unlike [Dorothy the Manticore Princess], who looks harmless to humans and animals, [Dorothy the Manticore Princess]'s stunts are so domineering.


The strongest [Stunt Entry] among all the specials in the Heroic Soul World.

[Invincible] type [Stunt Entries] will never appear alone, and there must be corresponding restrictions.

The restrictions on [Invincibility] and [Special Skills Entries] must be lifted to eliminate units with [Invincible Special Skills].

To be honest, the attributes of [Dorothy the Manticore Princess] are not worthy of the level 6 and 1 mythical arms. Even the attributes of farmers are higher than [Dorothy the Manticore Princess].

But Qi Ge knows that this deceptive attribute value is also the price for [Manticore Princess Dorothy] to achieve such powerful stunts.

It’s only level 1, and it has invincible stunts. Is it possible to return it in the future?

Kalange and Laura gathered around Qi Dove, looking curiously at [Iron Manticore] and [Manticore Princess Dorothy].

[Manticore] is huge in size and exudes metallic luster all over its body. [Dorothy the Manticore Princess] is small and very cute.

"So cute! Is there such a cute species among manticores?

I’ve never seen him at the Queen City Lord’s side.”

Laura couldn't help but took a step forward, wanting to get a closer look at [Manticore Princess Dorothy].

Seeing Laura approaching, the already awake [Iron Manticore] immediately made a purring sound and stared at Laura with threatening eyes.

"It's so cruel. If you don't let me see it, I won't let you see it."

Laura took a step back aggrievedly and stopped getting closer.

Qi Ge patted Laura on the shoulder, comforted her, and walked over.

Faced with Qi Ge's approach, [Iron Manticore] showed no resistance, but instead nuzzled Qi Ge intimately.


Qi Ge grabbed the [Iron Manticore]'s head and rubbed it twice, then opened the [Iron Manticore]'s mouth with his hands and stuffed its head inside.

He turned around and asked:

"Lan Ge, is that so?"

Kalange nodded and said:

"Yes! This way you can tell the manticore that you trust it very much, and the manticore will also trust you more."

Sure enough, although almost all of Qi Pigeon's head went into the [Iron Manticore]'s mouth, [Iron Manticore] did not bite it down. Instead, it stuck out its tongue and pushed Qi Pigeon out.

After this ceremony was completed, [Iron Manticore] looked very happy.

It gently poked Qi Pigeon's belly with its tail, but did not pierce it.

Kalange came over, lifted the chin of the [Iron Manticore] with his hands, and kept kneading a piece of tender skin under the [Iron Manticore]'s neck.

[Iron Manticore] purred comfortably, and its body gradually relaxed.

Seeing this, Qi Ge took out some prepared dried meat and fed it to the [Iron Manticore]. After feeding three pieces in a row, the [Iron Manticore] relaxed and lay down on the ground with its belly facing upwards.

Kalange hugged the mane around the neck of the [Iron Manticore] and said to Qige:

"Lord, this is a very good child, very well-behaved.

I think I can train it in about four days.

After I teach it some common sense, you can come and take it away.

As for this little guy."

Kalange glanced at [Manticore Princess Dorothy] who was still sleeping soundly with a complicated expression, and said in embarrassment:

"It doesn't look like it has any fighting ability. Why don't you, Lord, just take it away and keep it as a pet?"

Qi Ge:……


Fortunately, Kalange is a heroic spirit and cannot give birth to a child. Otherwise, Qi Ge feels that she must be a very partial mother.

When a mother is partial, a father has to keep his balance with a bowl of water.

Qi Ge carefully picked up [Manticore Princess Dorothy] from the ground. [Manticore Princess Dorothy] felt Qi Ge's body temperature and opened her eyes in a daze.

She glanced at Qi Ge, let out a sweet "ouch", and changed into a comfortable position in Qi Ge's arms and continued to lie down.

The description of [Manticore Windmill] mentions:

[Among the mythical units of Manticore, there is the Manticore Queen who can transform into human form.

It is the dream of the legendary hero Silica to cultivate the Manticore Queen.

This is related to whether she can step onto the level of demigod.】

Maybe, the manticore queen who can turn into human form is this little guy, and we need to have a good relationship with her.

"This little guy's mouth is only so big, and I can't fit my head in."

Qi Ge said to himself in embarrassment.

Laura pulled the seven pigeons and whispered:

"Qi Ge, the big head doesn't work, why don't you try stuffing the small head?"

"What little head? Huh?!

Looking for a fight!"

Qi Ge didn't react at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he realized that Laura was driving.

He immediately slapped Laura on the head.

Laura covered her head, snickered and ran away.

Qi Ge gently patted [Manticore Princess Dorothy], thought about it, and put [Manticore Princess Dorothy] back to [Tin Manticore].

"She's still too young. It's inconvenient for me to travel around a lot, so it's better to let you take care of her for safety.

Lan Ge, although she doesn't have much fighting power, she has much greater potential than [Iron Manticore].

Don't be partial and treat her well."

Kalange smiled softly and said: "Of course, I'm not stupid. I am the resident heroic spirit of [Manticore Windmill], and I still know the attributes of [Manticore Princess Dorothy].

This is a unique little creature with endless potential.

I am a little worried that, Lord, you will not trust me to take care of [Manticore Princess Dorothy], and you are too embarrassed to speak to me, so that's why you said that."

"Then this is your fault.

Lan Ge, when you are with me, you don't need to think about these twists and turns and the ways of the world.

If you have something to say, just say it.

I have infinite tolerance and patience for my own people.

And of course you are one of my own."

Qige said with a smile.

"Lan Ge understands."

Kalange looked at Qige, smiled and blinked.

After leaving [Manticore Windmill], Laura waved goodbye to Qi Ge and said that she would continue to go to Rem to learn magic painting.

Qi Ge took 14 [Blood Shadow Thorns] to the wild, ready to find any wild monster for the [Blood Shadow Thorns] to try.

After a little selection, Qi Pigeon quickly found the target.

A group of [Hydra] guarding an abandoned mine.





Quality: ordinary






Special skills: giant unit, amphibious, attacking enemy unable to counterattack, ring attack.

Swamp Stoneskin: Physical damage taken reduced by 70%

Swamp power: Speed ​​+8 when moving on swamp terrain, +4 speed when moving on water.】

Qi Ge took a look with his magic eyes and found that the number of Hydra monsters in this group was between 14 and 21, which was not a lot.

Suppressed at the speed of [Blood Shadow Thorn], if there is no difficult battle, it should be easy to win without any injuries.

Originally, Qi Ge planned to start the battle directly without using the heroic soul troops, but after thinking about it, this was the first battle for the [Blood Shadow Thorns] after all. It was better to be safe. It didn't matter if the reward was smaller, as long as there was no loss.

So Qige placed the 100 [Heretic Witches] they had just recruited in [Beautiful Heaven] on their quotas for the battle.

Qi Ge divided the 14 [Blood Shadow Thorns] into 7 teams, and combined the 100 [Heretic Witches] into one team with the help of an extra battle position from the [Advanced Commander Ability].

After getting ready, Qi Ge held the [Ogre's Stick] in his hand and swooped down from the sky on Ziyuan.

【Ogre's Rod

Level 4 treasure

Equipment part: left hand

Attribute: Attack +5


Gives all ogre units the ability to attack enemies without being able to counterattack.

When the hero uses this treasure to successfully sneak attack the enemy on the strategic map, the enemy will be unable to act for an additional round.

When the hero equips this treasure, the back hit damage becomes +60%]

The nine heads of the [Hydra Wild Monster] spotted the seven pigeons at the same time, roared and entangled towards the sky, trying to bite the seventh brother from the sky.

Qi Ge nimbly dodged all the tongue attacks and hit the Hydra with a backhand hammer. The connection between the nine heads and the body made a bang!

In an instant, Qi Ge replaced the [Ogre Rod] in his hand with the [Scepter of Silence].

[System prompt: The sneak attack is successful, the enemy's morale is -2. Our side takes one additional round of action]

[System prompt: The effect of the Ogre Rod is triggered. Our side takes one extra turn]

[System prompt: Enter combat mode!]

The battle space unfolds!

Seven Pigeons, [Blood Shadow Thorns] and [Hydra Monster] disappeared from the map at the same time!

It had been a long time since I entered the turn-based battlefield, and Qi Ge seemed very excited.

He immediately looked in the direction of [Hydra Monster] and saw eight teams of weird things at a glance!


Qi Ge rubbed his eyes to confirm that he had entered correctly.

He gasped in disbelief.

"Fuck! All 7 teams of [Hydra monsters] have advanced, and there is also a Hydra hero who has appeared as a hero!

Nine stages of difficult battle!

What is the law of conservation of character? Just after two big successes, we have reached the ninth stage?!

Hit it with a hammer and run away!"

Qi Ge didn't say anything and just chose to surrender.

[System prompt: The hero¥%& is waving the treasure [War Crown], both sides cannot surrender or escape.】


The Seven Pigeons were stupid.

"The wild monster hero has a [war treasure], not at the ninth stage, but at the highest stage, the tenth stage!"

Qi Ge is really a bit dumbfounded.

Ten stages of high-difficulty battles, the probability of triggering is less than one in two billion.

In the previous life, most of the players in the Heroic Soul World could not see him even once in 5 years of playing.

Every time the ten stages were triggered in the past life, it was the ultimate carnival on the forum.

Players will post "no offense, sorry, sorry" in the video, while watching the lucky ones who triggered the tenth stage being beaten by wild monsters in a fancy way.

The most important manifestation of the ten-stage high-difficulty battle is that the wild monster hero will have a [war treasure] that is prohibited from leaving the battle.

(The [War Shackles] on Seven Pigeons are also war treasures.)

In the legend of the Behemoth clan, if you collect all twelve war treasures, you can synthesize the combined artifact [War Holy Fire], and use it to become a god and become the God of War in the Yasha world.

Some players also speculate that if you defeat ten stages of difficult battles, you can 100% get war treasures from wild monster heroes.

Of course, this is just an urban legend in the heroic soul world.

Because no player has ever defeated the ten-stage difficult battle.

Even in the fifth year of the game, when the average player level is legendary, reaching the tenth stage is just a dead end.

Qige's heart was filled with despair.

He is not afraid of whitewashing. There is no player in the Heroic Soul World who has never been whitewashed.

However, he brought Npc soldiers out for this battle!

There are 14 level 3 and 5 [Blood Shadow Thorns]! They are all the seeds of future heroes.

[Blood Shadow Thorn] If he died, how would he explain to Kalange?

"You can't give up. You're going to die anyway, so it's better to fight them!"

Although my panel attributes are not as strong as in my previous life, my combat methods are even richer than when I was the strongest in my previous life!

Maybe I can find a way to restrain the opponent."

During the preparation stage for the battle, Qi Ge immediately opened the [Advanced Magic Eye].

【Advanced Magic Eye

Level 2 Hidden Magic

Whole Department·Junior

Combat spells can only be used on combat maps.

After use, you can view the specific attributes of a team of soldiers or a hero, which can be used during the battle preparation phase.

Use up to three times.

Mana cost: 8

Explanation: Under the gaze of magic, all secrets can be hidden.】

【Chaos giant nine-headed monster



Level: 5

Quality: True Chaos Troops







Super giant arms. True Chaos arms.

Swamp Monster: When located in a swamp, the Chaos Giant Nine-headed Monster can distribute the damage it receives into the swamp, reducing all damage it receives by 90%.

Nine Heads Joint Attack: When attacking and counterattacking, you can attack in a circle or attack a unit 9 times.

Attacking enemies cannot counterattack.

Swallowed by All Evil: When attacking, there is a 10% chance of directly devouring the attacked target (killing all in an instant and eliminating the corpse), and will restore itself to the [total health of the swallowed troops], and it can resurrect itself.

The Wrath of the Nine Heads:

After Chaos Devouring is triggered, [Chaos Giant Nine-Headed Monster] will enter the petrified state for ten rounds.

The petrified state is automatically released, and [Chaos Giant Nine-Headed Monster] obtains 1 [Devoured Troop] special skill. (Maximum 9)

When the petrified state is broken, [Chaos Giant Nine-Headed Monster] will enter a violent state, its speed will be permanently +5, and it will immediately gain two additional actions.

Super Chaos Body: Immune to instant death effects, immune to magic damage.】

[Hero:¥%&(wild monster hero name is garbled)


Specialty: Swamp Advent: Forces the battle terrain to be changed to a swamp.

Weapons: Chaos Nine-Headed Monster



Auxiliary skills:???

Magic book: none

Treasure: War Crown]


The seven pigeons look at one head and two big pigeons.

"Good news, [Chaos Giant Nine-Headed Monster] is not completely immune to magic, and still suffers from magic effects.

Bad news, [Chaos Giant Nine-Headed Monster] has a lot of health.

7 teams of [Chaos Giant Nine-Headed Monsters], 21 in each team (the number of wild monsters increases in the tenth stage), each with 1200 health! A total of 176400 life points.

Coupled with the presence of heroes¥%&, the combat terrain will turn into a swamp as soon as the battle begins.

In the swamp, [Chaos Giant Nine-Headed Monster] has a damage reduction of up to 90%. With my magic and strength, even if the opponent stands still and lets me hit him, I will not kill him.

If you want to defeat the opponent, you can only rely on stunts.

Among my troops and magic, the only one that can pose a threat to [Chaos Giant Nine-Headed Monster] is the special skill of [Blood Shadow Thorn].

[When the number of blood seals reaches 9, immediately kill 50% of the opponent's number (at least 1) and consume 3 layers of blood seals. 】

"But the effect of the blood seal special effect is instant death, and the [Chaos Giant Nine-Headed Monster] is immune to instant death."


At this moment, Qi Ge suddenly realized something!

He looked towards his camp, where 100 charming [Heretic Witches] were looking at the [Chaos Giant Nine-Headed Monsters] in the distance with great interest.

【Fallen Kiss:

Each time you attack, one of the five magic spells is randomly attached:

The male rises, the female falls, bewitches people's hearts, the water of forgetfulness, the soul explodes】

[Water of Oblivion: Seal a random skill for 2 rounds.]

Qi Ge's mind was running rapidly, and one thought after another appeared one after another.

"You can fight! But it requires luck and operation!

What can I say, fate is my ally.

If I hadn't brought the [Heretic Witch] with me just in case, the [Blood Shadow Thorns] would have died."

After completing the calculation in his mind, Qi Ge immediately used the formation time of [Tactics] to start mobilizing his troops.

Team 7 [Blood Shadow Thorns] and team 1 [Heretic Witches] press forward at the same time, trying to seize the middle position of the battlefield as much as possible.

In this battle, you must leave yourself room for tactical maneuvers and not allow the [Chaos Giant Nine-Headed Monsters] to press forward.

The battle is about to begin.

Qige immediately summoned Wei Chengfeng!

"We're going to fight again. What are we going to fight this time?"

Wei Chengfeng stretched and looked to the opposite side.

"Hmm!!! Qi Ge!!! What dangerous thing are you doing again!

What are those huge monsters!"

Wei Chengfeng was going crazy.

Every time she wakes up, she always sees something she could never imagine.

Obviously his master is just an ordinary hero, but why are the enemies he faces so terrifying every time.

"calm down."

Qi Ge comforted him:

"I don't want to get it either. I swear, I really didn't take the initiative to cause trouble this time.

Chengfeng, you have to trust me."

Wei Chengfeng raised her head and gave up resistance.

"Tell me, what do you want me to change?"

"Have you seen that team of [heretic witches]? Chengfeng, do this."

"Are there new troops?"

Wei Chengfeng looked at the [Heretic Witch] and her eyes lit up.

"Wow! It's pretty good-looking. It's much better than the ugly Eternal Sleeping Dragon. I'll change."

With a bang, the clouds dispersed, and Wei Chengfeng's version of [Heretic Witch] appeared on the battlefield.

Qi Ge quickly moved Wei Chengfeng to the center of the battlefield, one on the upper left and one on the upper right with [Heretic Witch].

With Wei Chengfeng around, all Qi Ge's troops will receive a 2-point speed bonus.

This means that the speed of [Blood Shadow Thorn] will become 26 points!

The battle begins!

After the enemy hero roared horribly, the whole land trembled violently!

Countless mud and dark pools surged out of the ground, and the terrain of the battlefield instantly changed to a swamp.

All the original obstacles on the battlefield disappeared, and instead many obstacles unique to the swamp terrain appeared.

[Poison Pool], [quagmire], [dark pit], [water area]...

Qi Ge knew that although it was not written on the panel, the [Chaos Giant Nine-Headed Monster] could ignore these obstacles.

In other words, these obstacles will only restrict Seven Pigeons unilaterally.

The fastest [Blood Shadow Thorn] takes the lead.

The newly born dark elves, I don’t know if it is because newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, but they don’t have any fear of those terrifying giant beasts. Under the command of the seventh brother, they held the dagger tightly and headed towards Chaos without hesitation.

The giant beasts are approaching quickly.

Qi Ge calculated the distance between the two sides in his mind, and waved his hands to create a high-level slowing spell. Under the influence of the advanced slowing spell, the movement speed of all [Chaos Giant Nine-headed Monsters] suddenly decreased, even the [Chaos Giant Nine-headed Monster]

The heroes are all affected.

Although the hero [Chaos Giant Nine-Headed Monster] does not have a magic book, Qi Ge cannot be sure that the opponent will not be able to use magic. There are equipment effects that Qi Ge cannot see or professional special skills that Qi Ge cannot see at any time.

Maybe he could bring out a big treasure for Qi Ge.

In a difficult battle in the world of Heroic Souls, one principle is absolutely unmistakable: find a way to kill the opposing hero first.

Use whatever ultimate move you have, and use whatever treasure you have.

As long as you can limit the performance of the opponent's hero, the difficulty of the battle will drop by a level.

In the third round, Qi Ge activated the dual-wielding weapon in the Conferred God System and took out the Yellow Sand Blade from his backpack!

If the geographical advantage is not on your side, then you must control the weather and timing.

"The yellow sand from the endless desert covers the sky and floods the world.

Provide escort for my troops.

I am the king of the desert, endless yellow sand, obey my orders! Come sand!"

Yellow sand surges!

Submerge the entire world.

In the sky full of yellow sand, the nine snake heads of the hero [Chaos Giant Nine-Headed Monster] suddenly lifted up.

It roared with a hiss, a trace of mockery flashed in its eyes.

As if laughing at Qi Ge's overestimation of capabilities.

After Qi Ge's [Blood Shadow Thorn] action was completed, the [Chaos Giant Nine-Headed Monster] hero raised its right head high, and a blue crown suddenly appeared on its head.

The heavy rain fell from the sky with mud particles, dispersing all the dust in the sky!

[System prompt: The weather changes to mud rain]

Hiss, Qi Ge's pupils shrank.

The weather is gone.

Recommend books

Book title: I add some practice in the world of beast control

Recommended words: An urban beast-control novel with a light tone. It can be read as a cute pet as a daily novel. Of course, the battle plot is also online (the novel is not important, the important thing is that this book has white hair)

(End of chapter)

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