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Chapter 578: Conflict between Light and Darkness

Chapter 578 The struggle between light and darkness

Author: Fierce Male Hamster

Chapter 578 The struggle between light and darkness

After Qige contacted Stig and confirmed that her mission was still going smoothly, she returned to the Silver Spirit with Chaohua and the unicorn Guangming.

On the Yinling, Ji Yajun has been trained by Yinhe to be obedient and follows Yinhe obediently, like a little brother.

The Silver Spirit returned quickly, and the first video of "Drunken Pigeon Linkage: The Daughter of Chongshu and Senluo" caused an uproar on the forum.

[Fragments of the Void] This dungeon system, which is independent from the main game of Yasha World, has officially unveiled its mystery in front of players, making them excited.

Especially those big guilds, everyone wants to lift up the pink pants of [Void Shard] and go deep inside to find out.

At the same time, another big news came.

In the name of the Fire Elemental Lord, the Fire Elemental World released the elemental core recovery mission on the [Astronomy Mission Channel].

【Fire element core collection

Task Type: Repeatable Task

Mission requirements: 1,000 fire element cores of any grade, rank, or quality.

Mission reward: City Building Order*1】

As soon as this mission came out, the price of fire element cores on the market instantly skyrocketed, and all major guilds in the entire Yasha world immediately organized elite teams to develop [fire element wild monsters].

For players at this stage, nothing is more important than the city founding order!

The World Hegemony Guild even began to assemble elite players from all forces under the guidance of Qige, trying to conquer [Chaos Treasure House·Fire and Sword], which can produce large amounts of fire element cores.

The Chaos Treasure Houses in Yasha World are distributed all over the world. Of course, Qi Ge knows that it is impossible to knock down all the Chaos Treasure Houses by himself.

It’s unrealistic and impossible, and you’ll tire yourself to death.

Qige has always believed in the power of players, especially those top players.

In their previous lives, they were able to accomplish many incredible achievements even without their own help.

If you try to improve yourself in this life, they will only do better.

Moreover, [Fire and Sword] is not a difficult treasure house, just similar to [Dragon Fly Treasure House] that Qi Ge killed.

The Silver Spirit passed through the maelstrom and quickly returned to the City of God's Choice.

After taking care of some affairs in the territory, Qi Ge immediately gathered Lin Xi, Fu Fu and Le Meng together.

Seven Pigeons called Petra and told Petra:

"Petra, we are about to conquer a very dangerous Chaos Treasure House. The specific time of our return is not yet certain.

Xiao Bai is now in the Queen's Territory, Michelle Bingtang is in Stormwind City, and the entire God's Chosen City will be in a situation without player supervision.

During this time, I ask you to look after the house."

Petra, who has advanced to level 5 and regained her confidence, is no longer as timid as before.

He confidently assured Qi Ge:

"Lord, you can rest assured that there will definitely be no problems in the territory under the governance of our All Gods Chosen City Territory People's Congress."

Therefore, Qi Ge, Chao Hua, Lin Xi, Fu Fu, and Le Meng collectively went offline to start the [Struggle between Light and Darkness] treasure house strategy meeting.

Thirty minutes later, they went online again and made preliminary preparations according to the content of the meeting.

Qige opened the territory fusion option and merged the territories of Zhang Fu and Lin Xi.

Therefore, according to the rules, both Zhang Fu and Lin Xi became the deputy heroes of Qi Ge, and they could freely trade troops with Qi Ge.

Qi Ge distributed [Centaur Marksman], [Harpy Resonator] and [Elf Bow Priest] to Lin Xi, and handed over his last 5 [Rotted Plague Zombies] and 20 [Split Slimes].

Gave it to Zhang Fu.

In this way, both Zhang Fu and Lin Xi have their own super trump cards.

Lemeng Qige is not worried. He has the expertise of a magician and is now the strongest among the four old members.

Qi Ge said hello to Agede who was looking after the [Murloc Treasure House] and [Dam Element], and asked him to help take care of the territory, and then took Lin Xi and the others to fly to the [Sky Boat].

After entering the [Sky Boat], Lin Xi and the others were impressed by the magnificence inside the Sky Boat. After listening to Qi Ge's introduction, they felt even more excited.

"Damn it, can you go up to the sky and explore the void? Isn't that the same as exploring the universe?"

Zhang Fu said excitedly:

“I don’t know if there is a technological world outside the Yasha world that is similar to ours in reality. I want to create cyberpunk undead.

Plant self-exploding nuclear bombs inside the zombies, let the skeleton soldiers hold submachine guns, and the bone dragons can drop cloud explosive bombs from the sky.

It’s so cool, isn’t it?”

Lin Xi nodded in agreement:

"It makes sense. If I could train a [Phantom Shooter] who can shoot sniper rifles and rocket launchers, that would be cool."

Lemeng pushed up his glasses, smiled, and said:

"According to my calculations, the combat effectiveness of Yasha World's arms is much more powerful than rocket launchers and nuclear bombs.

Even if we build a dozen hydrogen bombs, they probably won't be able to break through the skin of some mythical military units.

All arms in the Yasha world fight according to rules.

But it’s really interesting to combine the magic side with the technology side.”

Chaohua opened her mouth in surprise. What Qi Ge said was true and somewhat subverted her understanding.

She knew very well that Qi Ge now knew her true identity.

But Qi Ge still told himself the precious and top-secret information that the "Sky Boat" could leave the world of Yasha.

This made her somewhat suspicious that Qi Ge wanted to tell the officials the news through her own mouth.

"Let's not discuss it now, it's important to find the treasure house.

After the treasure house is taken down, I will take you to study it in detail."

Qi Ge opened his vision of the sky, and in an instant, the entire world of Yasha was in view.

Enter the coordinates and locate!

The power of [Sky Boat] came instantly, breaking through the barriers of space and time, and projected to the location of [Struggle between Light and Darkness].

Hundreds of unicorn stone statues still maintained their previous movements, staring motionlessly at [Chaos Treasure House: Struggle between Light and Darkness].

[System prompt: Do you want to expand Shenzhou Bida and start remote delivery?]

[Shenzhou must reach: After expanding the sky vision, any number of heroes and troops around the [Sky Boat] can be projected into the field of vision. (Unlimited times, no quantity limit, but each delivery requires an interval of 5 minutes.)


Qi Ge gave the order and the projection began. The power of the sky boat passed through the sky and locked onto the [Blighted Wasteland] instantly.

Seven pigeons and five people turned into light and were launched by the sky boat. Following the divine power network, they instantly crossed the ends of the earth and appeared near the [Struggle between Light and Darkness]!

After Qi Ge landed, he immediately discovered that he had a [Shenzhou Must Reach] possession effect with a remaining time of 19 minutes and 26 seconds.

As long as you take the initiative to remove the possession effect of [Shenzhou Must Reach], you can return to the Sky Boat immediately.

However, if the duration of the possession effect of [Shenzhou Bida] ends, there is no way to go back, and you can only find a way to return to the City of God's Choice.


Chaohua held Qi Ge's hand. Her palms were sweaty and she looked a little nervous.

This is the first time Chaohua has participated in collective action as the main force of the studio.

In her first battle, she faced the multi-player Chaos Treasure House [Light and Darkness], which was a hell difficulty start.

Qi Ge smiled and touched Chao Hua's head and comforted:

"Chaohua, you don't have to be afraid, it's okay.

There will be more of this kind of thing in the future, and you will gradually get used to it.

Didn't you fight against the snow-covered ice wall with me before? Just listen to my commands as if you were inside the snow-covered ice wall."


"Boss, come in, come in, my Bai Ling is already very hungry and thirsty!"

Zhang Fu was extremely excited.

Ever since Qi Ge told him that the mirror hero copied by Chaos would be exactly the same as his own body, he has been in this state.

【Bai Ling

Neutral forces

Level: 3 (innate level 3 arms)

Level: 4 (4th stage career)





Ability Power: 0




Undead troops.


Ghost physique: 50% dodge physical attacks.

Bai Ling Transformation: Ghost units killed by Bai Ling can be converted into one's own Bai Ling at a rate of 20%.

All souls are one: Each team of white spirits consumes a fixed command value of 3,000, and the maximum number of white spirits in the same team is 10,000.


Possess magic:

Bai Ling Susheng: Restores half of its damaged units, consumes 10 mana.】

Bai Ling himself is of course also a ghost-type soldier.

This time in Baowu, Qi Ge is not the main force, Zhang Fu is.

He had made up his mind to have a great time in the treasure house this time.

About to enter the book, Qige finally explained:

"Everyone, please remember, if you see my Chaos Copy on the battlefield, don't hesitate and run away as soon as possible.

Even if you can't run away, don't be afraid. The War Shackles and War Crown in my backpack are all in the warehouse. If I'm pulled into a battle, I'll tear up the scroll and retreat as soon as possible."

"I know, boss, you are so perverted, who would want to fight you?"

"Don't worry, we understand."

Qige nodded and said:

"OK, then I'll open the book."

Qi Ge took a deep breath and approached [Light and Darkness].

[System prompt: You have discovered the Chaos Treasure House: The Struggle between Light and Darkness]

[System prompt: The road ahead is extremely dangerous. It is strongly recommended that you return to find NPC help. Do you want to visit? 】


[System prompt: Your team has enough members to allow access.]

In an instant, the seven pigeons and five people were sealed in stone from feet to head, just like those unicorn statues.

At the same time, system prompts also sounded in Qi Ge’s ears.

[System prompt: You have entered the Chaos Treasure House·The Struggle between Light and Darkness].

Qi Ge slowly opened his eyes, and a huge [sublime unicorn beast] stood in front of Qi Ge.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xi and four others also appeared next to Qi Ge.

"Call! The warriors are called.

Our unicorn symbolizes purity and light, and the bicorn symbolizes corruption and darkness.

The battle between good and evil, good and evil, never stops.

The situation may be difficult, but I always believe that evil will never defeat good!

Heroes, please give us a helping hand as a unicorn family!"

Thump thump thump thump!

A super large map appeared in front of Qi Ge and the others.

The entire map is square, divided into two parts by the diagonal rivers formed at the two ends in the middle.

The upper, middle and lower roads, plus two wild areas, constitute this battle field.

White is the unicorn family and the seven doves.

Black is the chaotic mirror image of the Two-horned Beast family and the Seven Doves.

[System prompt: Your leader is [The Sublime Unicorn Beast].

If the [Noble Unicorn Divine Beast] dies, you will fail.]

[System prompt: The opponent’s leader [Darkfall Two-Horned Evil Beast].

If [Darkfallen Two-Horned Evil Beast] dies, you will win.]

[System prompt: The battlefield is divided into three lanes: upper, middle and lower. Both white and black will continuously send [Unicorns] and [Bicorns] from the three lanes to fight.

There are 3 Chaos nodes and Yasha nodes distributed on each road.

Nodes on both sides will give huge bonuses to friendly troops around the nodes of both sides, and at the same time weaken the other side's troops.

Occupying the opponent's node for thirty minutes can convert the opponent's node into our node]

[System prompt: The map is dotted with wild monsters and wild buildings formed by a mixture of Yasha energy and chaotic energy.

Defeating wild monsters and occupying wild buildings can give you a greater advantage.】

[Light and Darkness] is a bit like [Pesticide of the Dead], [Multiple Towers], and [Bear Alliance] launched in the past few decades. It is a standard MOBA game, but it is a battle between all units in [Light and Darkness].

It will all take place in the battle space.

[Noble One-Horned Divine Beast] and [Dark Fallen Two-Horned Evil Beast] are equivalent to bases, but this base can hit people, and its combat effectiveness is quite powerful.

The only condition for victory is to explode the opponent's base.

The Seven Doves were all born in the [Yasha Holy Land] behind the [Noble Unicorn Divine Beast].

Once all of Qi Ge's troops are dead, they will enter the resurrection state and be transported to [Yasha Holy Land] to wait for resurrection.

The time required for resurrection will continue to double with the number of deaths.

The first time is 10 minutes, the second time is 20 minutes, the third time is 40 minutes, and so on.

The first time he woke up, Qi Ge immediately summoned Zi Yuan and gave the command:

"Wealth goes to the top road, Lemeng goes to the middle road, Chaohua Linxi goes to the bottom road, they all huddle in the tower and guard the tower, try not to go out casually.

I play wild."


With no time to take care of his teammates, Qi Ge rode Zi Yuan and headed straight for Black's jungle area.

The principle is very simple. The Seven Pigeons of Chaos on the opposite side must also have Ziyuan.

[Struggle between Light and Darkness] is a treasure house of chaos that greatly increases temporary combat power.

Even if you just hide in the line of troops, you can get a lot of experience points by taking damage during the battle between unicorns and bicorns.

And in [Light and Darkness], there are no level restrictions.

Just playing for more than half an hour can make an ordinary hero directly reach the legendary level.

Of course, these are all temporary increases in combat power in the Chaos Treasure House, and cannot be taken out of the Treasure House.

Because of this, the wild monsters in the wild monster areas of both sides are also very strong.

Moreover, wild monsters are one-time use and will not be refreshed.

Each team of wild monsters and the buildings guarded by wild monsters will bring huge bonuses to their own side.

Qi Ge knows very well that he has the ability to directly clear the jungle without development.

The Seven Pigeons of Chaos must also know.

He will definitely be like himself and get into the wild monster area at the beginning.

White's top and bottom, Black's top and bottom, a total of 4 wild monster areas.

Chaos has not finished clearing his own wild monster area, so he generally won't go to White's wild monster area.

Therefore, the Seven Pigeons only have a 50% probability of finding the Seven Pigeons of Chaos.

But the goddess of luck is always on Qi Ge's side.

He found it!

Qi Ge looked at the map carefully.

There is a symbol of crossed swords on the map.

This sign represents that the battle space has been launched at the location of the sign.


Qi Ge took a closer look and saw that in a complex terrain consisting of canyons and mountains, there was a huge red battle flag on the top of a mountain.

On the battle flag is a figure with a black body and portraits of a group of golden dragons.

This means that there are heroes on the Chaos side attacking the wild monster Golden Dragon.

"The golden dragon is immune to level 1~6 magic. Only semi-god level magic can have an effect on the golden dragon.

I don't have demigod level magic.

The number of golden dragons in "Struggle between Light and Darkness" is about 1,400.

Now if I want to defeat more than a thousand golden dragons, there is only one way."

Therefore, Qige rode Ziyuan into the battle space without any hesitation!

Join the battle mode!

In the battle space between the Seven Pigeons of Chaos and the Golden Dragon, another battle space soared from the sky and quickly merged with the entire battle space.

Qi Ge's [Demon King's Arms·True Thousand Sword Dancers] form joins the battlefield.

On the battlefield of the Seven Doves of Chaos, there were also [Demon King's Arms, True Thousand Sword Dancers] and 6 teams of [Harpy Resonators] standing there.

At the same time, Chaos Seven Pigeons and Chaos Lin Xi have both appeared on the battlefield as heroes.

“It’s exactly what I expected.

Just because Ziyuan is unwilling to carry others does not mean that Ziyuan cannot carry others.

Ziyuan itself is a two-person mount that can carry people.

Chaos Ziyuan didn't think as much as Ziyuan, so she obediently picked up Chaos Lin Xi and Chaos Seven Pigeons and let them play jungle together.

Just in time, send both of them back."

【Harpy Resonator



Fly. Attack and return. Attacks are not counterattacked.

Stealing speed: When the Harpy Resonator attacks an enemy, it will steal 1 speed point from the enemy. The Harpy Resonator can steal up to 5 speed points and the enemy's remaining speed is at least 1.

Spirit body: no volume, can be traversed and overlapped.

Heart Resonance: Enemies that have not been attacked by the Harpy Resonator cannot attack the Harpy Resonator.】

【Golden Dragon

Power: Barrier


Level: 2

Quality: ordinary


HP: 400




Special skills: Flying unit, immune to level 1~6 magic.

Natural link: When the action starts, if there are troops of your own barrier forces staying around you.

And if this unit has the special skills of [Attack without Counterattack], [Double Click], [Combo Attack], and [Infinite Counterattack], you will also obtain those special skills in this battle.

Golden Dragon's Breath: When there is no ring attack stunt, attack all enemies within a 5*5 range in front.

Troops that have been attacked by Golden Dragon's Breath will have 10% fear in this battle.

If at the beginning of the battle, the hero spends additional crystals of [10*number of golden dragons], the attack range will be changed to 5*10.

Golden armor protection: Reduce physical damage by 20%. If the hero spends an additional gold coin of [2000*number of golden dragons] at the beginning of the battle, it will reduce physical damage by 40%. 】

The characteristic of the Golden Dragon is that it can become stronger with krypton gold, which is very suitable for wealthy barrier forces.

Originally, each of the 7 teams had 200 gold dragons, but one team has died, and the remaining 6 teams only have 10 points left in speed.

Obviously, the Seven Doves of Chaos used [Army of the Dead] several times, repeatedly resurrecting [Harpy Resonator], and relying on [Harpy Resonator] to continuously slow down [Golden Dragon].

Since it joined the battle midway, the Seven Pigeons were in a static state for three rounds and could not perform any control.

[Demon King's Arms] has magic immunity and a full 4500 (45*100) health.

Even Qi Ge himself couldn't come up with a way to instantly kill [Demon King's Arms] in three turns.

What's more, the troops of the Seven Pigeons of Chaos are currently fighting with the Golden Dragon, and they cannot spare any effort to control the Seven Pigeons.

On the other hand, Chaos Lin Xi sent three charged arrows to Qi Ge's [Demon King's Arms], knocking out 324 points of HP from [Demon King's Arms], which was not painful or itchy.

Three rounds passed quickly, and it was finally Seven Pigeons' turn to take action.

From God's perspective, Qi Ge did not hesitate to use [Egra's chain legs].

Of course the one he wants to fight is Chaos Lin Xi!

[Advanced Aigla's chain legs

Level 4 magic, all series

Inflicts damage to an enemy 5 times in a row, each time there is a 20% chance of causing the enemy to be stunned for 2 rounds, and the stun effect is finally resolved.

Damage: Hero’s Ability Power*20 (can enjoy up to 40 points of Ability Power bonus)】

5 times in a row, 600 each time, totaling 3000 damage, Chaos Lin Xi was instantly killed!

[System prompt: The hero [Chaos·Sunset Arrow] is killed, and all units of Black’s troops are forced to be in a low morale state for one round.]

There are advantages to being a hero, but there are also disadvantages to being a hero.

The hero from God's perspective is almost invincible, and there are very few means that can harm the hero from God's perspective.

After the hero appears on the stage, the hero himself will become a powerful unit, but it will also become a huge breakthrough!

Chaos Lin Xi was killed in battle, and all six teams of [Chaos Harpy Resonators] were demoralized.

At this low point, the golden dragon successfully approached.

In just one round, all 6 teams of [Chaos Harpy Resonators] were killed!

Chaos Lin Xi's hero and unit are killed at the same time, and they are immediately sentenced to death!

Zhang Fu and others were still on their way to the military line when a system prompt rang in their ears.

[System prompt: First blood, hero emerges]

[System prompt: White’s hero “Seven Doves” successfully killed Black’s hero “Chaos·Sunset Arrow”.

After first blood, the hero "Seven Doves" will receive an additional 5 skill point reward]

"Wow! The boss is awesome."

Zhang Fu's mouth grew into an O shape.

"The other me is too unsatisfactory, right? I'm going to be eliminated right now?"

Lin Xi looked complicated.

"Wow! The boss is so awesome."

Shine your eyes toward the flower.

Kill 3 skill points, 30,000 experience points. First blood will add 5 skill points.

[Struggle between Light and Darkness] In less than three minutes after the game started, Qi Ge gained 8 skill points.

It’s not over yet!

In a new round, the Seven Pigeons of Chaos saw that the situation was not good and wanted to escape.

Qi Ge threw out [Egra's Chain Legs] again without hesitation.

"Immunity to damage does not mean immunity to control effects. 5 chances to stun me!"

“Bang bang bang bang bang!”

The Seven Pigeons of Chaos also have a super high luck value like the Seven Pigeons, but both sides have high luck, which means neither side has high luck.

[Egra's Chain Legs] successfully controlled [Chaos·Seven Pigeons].

For two rounds, although [Chaos Demon King's Arms] tried its best to resist, the golden dragons' attacks were ranged attacks, so there was no way it could block them.

The golden dragon's breath flooded the valley, submerging the [Chaos·Seven Doves] at the bottom of the valley.

189 golden dragons, 12,600 super high damage points, send [Chaos·Seven Doves] away directly!

According to the rules of the Yasha world, war machines cannot be used as arms!

When no hero or unit survives, the war machine is directly regarded as dead. Even the mythical [Demon Arms] cannot escape the suppression of the rules!

The huge [Chaos Demon King's Arms] instantly turned into a soulless and formless stone statue after its owner died, and it cracked from the middle and gradually disintegrated and withered.

[System prompt: Double kill, become famous in one battle]

[System prompt: White's hero "Seven Doves" successfully killed Black's hero "Chaos·Seven Doves".

With a double kill, the hero "Seven Pigeons" will receive an additional 1 skill point and 10,000 experience rewards.]

The feeling of double queuing with Golden Dragon was so relaxing and enjoyable. After only two casts, Seven Pigeons finally won two chaos heroes one after another.

Without the interference of enemy heroes, there are still 6 teams of delicious golden dragons with a speed of only 10 points.

With just a little effort, Qi Ge can quickly capture the first wild monster point.

But not Seven Pigeons.

He directly chose to tear up an escape scroll and left the battlefield.

Qi Ge did not leave immediately. He found a position and used the camouflage method to disguise himself as a Pegasus wild monster and quietly observed.

Two minutes later, [Chaos·Chaohua], [Chaos·Dream] and [Chaos·Fuguoanbang] all arrived.

When they saw that the golden dragon did not continue fighting, they dispersed and left in confusion.

Seven Pigeons chuckled.

In [Struggle between Light and Darkness], the characteristics of Chaos Heroes are like this. When one side is in trouble, all directions come to help. Wherever you die, you can call on your friends to die together.

If he had just continued to fight the golden dragon, he would have been caught by the Chaos Heroes.

But after he ran away, the situation was different.

First of all, the Chaos heroes who were supposed to go online have gone around in a circle and will inevitably go online later. Lin Xi and the others can gain more experience.


At this moment, Lin Xi and the four of them arrived from three directions: upper, middle and lower.

Team 7 Unicorns and Team 7 Bicorns have also launched a battle space in the middle of the line.

Lin Xi and the others followed Qi Ge's instructions and rushed into the battlefield without hesitation.

【Chaos Bicorn




Quality: Chaos Monster







Magic Penetration: Makes enemies within three blocks away from themselves lose magic resistance.

The penetration coefficient is 20%, and the magic-piercing auras of multiple teams of bicorns can be superimposed.

Troops with negative magic resistance will receive a proportional increase in magic damage and negative magic effects.

Evil Two-Horns: The damage caused by the two-horned beast to the enemy has a probability of applying [Consultation] to the enemy. The evil two-horned beast's [Consultation] cannot be transformed.

The triggering probability of the evil twin horns is determined by the difference in combat power between the enemy and the enemy.

Unclean beast: After attacking, all frontal possession magic on the enemy will have a counter-effect. (The magic itself will not change, but the effect will be reversed).

Chaos Body: Reduces 40% physical damage.】


Level 6 and Tier 1 troops







Anti-magic aura: Gives teammates (including yourself) within three blocks of yourself the ability to resist magic.

The resistance coefficient is 20%, and the anti-magic auras of multiple teams of unicorns can take effect.

Holy Unicorn: The damage caused by the unicorn to the enemy has a chance of blinding the enemy.

The triggering probability of the Holy Horn is determined by the difference in combat power between the enemy and the enemy.

Beast of Purity: All negative magic spells have positive effects on unicorns.

If a negative effect cannot be converted into a positive effect, the negative effect is invalid.

Son of Nature: Unicorn’s speed +1 when fighting on all life-based terrains.】

[Chaos Bicorn] is a chaotic monster created by Chaos after stealing the origin of the unicorn clan.

The unicorn was almost completely defeated by the [Chaos Bicorn].

Bicorns are stronger than unicorns in everything except damage.

But it's not that strong, just a little bit stronger, it's like a unicorn.

The stunts of the two-horned beast have the word "target" written all over their faces, and everyone is very targeted.

The only special skill of the unicorn that can resist the [Chaos Bicorn] is the [Holy Unicorn]. Blindness is the unicorn's only savior.

Without the help of heroes, just letting the three lines of soldiers fight each other, Black can push to White's high ground in less than half an hour.

But now, White has a hero and Black doesn't, so it's different.

On Lin Xi's side, he and Chaohua both remembered Qi Ge's instructions and did not choose heroes to appear.

200 [Centaur Marksmen] ran around on the battlefield, firing thousands of arrows, suppressing the two-horned beast until it couldn't even lift its head.

The boulders of the [Ancient Tree Spirit] kept crashing down, causing the two-horned beast to run away with its head in its hands.

Chaohua continued to use [Slowing Technique], [Evil Curse Possession], [Light of Destruction], and [Weakness] to weaken the two-horned beast.

With the source of magic power given by Sister Purity and Seven Doves, Chaohua is not worried about the magic value at all.

Before the heroes from the Chaos side arrived, Lin Xi and Chaohua had dealt with all the [Chaos Bicorns].

Finally [Chaos·Fuguoanbang] arrived and was immediately surrounded by [Unicorn], Lin Xi, and Chaohua.

[Chaos·Fuguoanbang] saw this scene and had no desire to fight at all. He threw a [Death Ripple] and immediately chose to tear open the scroll and escape.

This [Death Ripple] only took effect on two teams, and the others were blocked by the unicorn's anti-magic aura, which was a bit miserable.

Zhang Fu met [Chaos·Chaohua], [Chaos·Chaohua] only brought a team of pure nuns, and they were not even divided into separate teams.

Zhang Fu's trick is to encourage flowers, blindness in both eyes is controlled, unicorns surround him, A, blindness in both eyes, A, A, A, A.

[Chaos·Morning Flower] will be gone in just a few clicks.

[System prompt: White hero "Fuguo Anbang" successfully killed Black hero "Chaos Morning Flower".]

Le Meng met himself transformed into chaos.

One side has unicorns and the other doesn't. There's nothing to say. They're all crushed.

The unicorns haven't even died yet, and the [Magic Mage] of [Chaos·Lemeng] is almost dead.

In the end, in the first wave of competition, Chaos side had three deaths and two escaped, while Qi Ge's side had an overall advantage.

The point is, none of the heroes on the Chaos side have gained experience in the first wave of troops, and the experience gap is slowly widening.

The ultimate state of anti-wildness is called raising pigs.

Ten minutes later, the Seven Pigeons of Chaos carried Chaos Lin Xi to the location of the golden dragon wild monster again.

Qi Ge repeated his old trick and squatted next to him using disguise.

About five minutes after the battle started, Seven Pigeons entered the battlefield again!

Hey, Chaos Seven Pigeons and Chaos Lin Xi are heroes again.

Still the same, [Egra's Chain Legs] will serve you.

[System prompt: White's hero "Seven Doves" successfully killed Black's hero "Chaos·Seven Doves".

White's hero "Seven Doves" successfully killed Black's hero "Chaos·Sunset Arrow".

With a double kill, the hero "Seven Pigeons" will receive an additional 1 skill point and 10,000 experience rewards.]

Qi Ge knew in his heart that Chaos was unlikely to let him take advantage again, so he easily took over the golden dragon wild monster that Chaos had worked so hard to slow down.

However, when he defeated the golden dragon wild monsters to the last team left, he suddenly stopped.

Two minutes passed.

[Chaos·Dream] and [Chaos·Fuguoanbang] appeared on the battlefield.

Qi Ge did not hesitate and let the Demon King's armed forces and the golden dragon pounce directly on the magic mage on the [Chaos·Dream] field.

The golden dragon is a wild monster.

For Golden Dragon, the heroes of Qi Ge and Chaos are both enemies, and it has no sense of hatred. It will hit whoever can cause the most damage.

Compared with the [Demon King's Arms], which can kill a dragon with a counterattack, the Magic Mage looks so delicious.

[Demon King's Arms] Mo Mian, Golden Dragon Mo Mian, these two stinky gangsters sandwiched the delicate magic mage in the middle, attacking from the front and back!

Coupled with the morale suppression of the mythical troops, the magic mage has almost no power to resist.

In the middle, Qi Ge also deliberately paused and waited, allowing [Demon King's Arms] to activate twice in a row.

[Chaos·Dream] When you realized something was wrong and wanted to run away, it was already too late.

The last team of [Magic Mage] died tragically under the three consecutive attacks of [Demon King’s Arms]!

[System prompt: Three consecutive rounds, the whole world is shocked]

[Chaos·Dream] quickly hit the road. [Chaos·Fuguoanbang] followed closely behind.

[System prompt: Four consecutive rounds, extraordinary and holy]

[System prompt: White’s hero “Seven Doves” successfully killed Black’s hero “Chaos·Dream”.

White's hero "Seven Doves" successfully killed Black's hero "Chaos·Fu Guo An Bang".

With four kills, the hero "Seven Pigeons" will receive an additional 4 skill points and 40,000 experience rewards.]

The enemy disappeared, Qi Ge killed the hard-working Golden Dragon with a backhand!

[System prompt: Congratulations on successfully killing the neutral wild monster Golden Dragon.

Gain 100,000 experience points and an auxiliary skill slot.

You successfully occupied the outdoor building [Dragon Cliff Peak].]

【Longya Peak

Effect: Each wave of unicorns will receive a team of 20 golden dragon reinforcements.

Spend 2000 experience points to recruit 1 golden dragon.】

Qi Ge had just occupied [Dragon Cliff Peak] when he turned around and met [Chaos·Chaohua] who was rushing to join the battle in a cute way.

Without saying a word, he immediately drew the other party into the battle.

Chain leg followed by chain leg, then [Demon King's Arms] tied to A.

Qige's methods are very cruel and inhumane.

[System prompt: Five kills! Destroy the world!]

[System prompt: White's hero "Seven Pigeons" successfully killed Black's hero "Chaos Morning Flower".

With five kills, the hero "Seven Pigeons" will receive an additional 5 skill points and 50,000 experience rewards.]

7 heroes 210,000 experience, two double kills totaling 20,000 experience, 3 kills 30,000, 4 kills 40,000, 5 kills 50,000, first blood 50,000, Golden Dragon 100,000, a total of 600,000 experience!

Qi Ge directly chooses to upgrade!

[System prompt: White’s heroic seven pigeons successfully entered the master!

All White troops have morale +1 for 30 minutes.】

All Black heroes are on death cooldown.

Qi Ge and Lin Xi even need up to 20 minutes to resurrect!

Qi Ge took advantage of this opportunity and wiped out four wild monsters in succession, including a large monster at the level 4 miracle level!

[System prompt: You successfully occupied the outdoor building [Dragon Cliff Peak].]

[System prompt: You successfully occupied the outdoor building [Destiny Store].

Effect: You can use experience points to purchase treasures and props in the Destiny Store.】

[System prompt: Congratulations on successfully killing the neutral wild monster Ghost Dragon.

Gain 100,000 experience points and an auxiliary skill slot.

You successfully occupied the outdoor building [Magic Fountain].]

【Magic Fountain

Effect: All our troops and heroes gain [+10/minute] magic value recovery. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations on successfully killing the neutral monster Flame Phoenix.

Earn 300,000 experience points and choose a special skill scroll.

You successfully occupied the outdoor building [Forest Holy Land].

Effect: All unicorns are upgraded to unicorn beasts.】

After receiving the specialty selection scroll, Qi Ge chose to use it without hesitation and set his specialty to unicorn.

【Master Unicorn Specialty

Effect: All unicorns gain attack and defense +10, speed +5, damage +5, and sacred unicorn special trigger probability +50%]

[System prompt: Congratulations to White player Sunset Arrow, and congratulations to White player Chaohua for successfully occupying the Chaos Node.

Chaos nodes are transformed into Yasha nodes.

The morale of all unicorns is high.]

The advantage at the beginning allowed Seven Pigeons and their team to snowball quickly.

With 100 more golden dragons appearing in each wave, Lin Xi and the others were able to kill the two-horned beast line almost without any damage.

Therefore, White's troops accumulated more and more, and they quickly captured the first node.

Soon, good news came one after another from the top and middle roads.

[System prompt: Congratulations to White player Huan Meng for successfully occupying the Chaos Node.

Chaos nodes are transformed into Yasha nodes.

The morale of all unicorns is high.]

[System prompt: Congratulations to White player Fuguo Anbang for successfully occupying the Chaos Node.

Chaos nodes are transformed into Yasha nodes.

The morale of all unicorns is high.]

Qi Ge calculated the time, and Chaos Qi Ge and Chaos Lin Xi were about to be resurrected.

He immediately made a decision to block the door!

Qi Ge rode on Zi Yuan and flew to the vicinity of the last chaotic node in the middle, where he patrolled left and right.

His arrogant behavior was like a slap in the face.

Chaos·Qige took a look and saw that there were two on my side and only one on the other side. This time I have a great advantage and can win!

Chaos·Qi Ge immediately chased Qi Ge.

Seeing this, Qi Ge pulled Zi Yuan and began to retreat, all the way from the wild area to the center of the map!

Qi Ge seduced Chaos Qi Ge all the way to the vicinity of the strongest super wild monster on the [Light and Darkness] map - [Yao Jin Long].

[Yao Jinlong] is a BOSS level active attack in the wild, even Chaos and Seven Pigeons dare not approach it.

Seeing Qige entering the range of [Yaojin Dragon], he immediately turned around and prepared to return to the wild monster area.

At this time, Qi Ge suddenly rushed to a group of large wild monsters [Devil Warlords] nearby and entered combat mode.

Enter battle mode!

The great battlefield unfolds.

Qi Ge smiled evilly, silently holding the forced invisibility scroll he just bought in his hand, and immediately tore it into pieces, making the [Sky Fire Element] invisible.

After three rounds, Chaos Seven Pigeons and Chaos Lin Xi joined the battlefield.

On the battlefield, there is only the [Devil Warlord].

【Devil Warlord

Special skill: Hell Cage: Forbids the opponent's hero to leave the battle. If the opponent's hero attempts to leave the battle, the opponent's hero will be forced to appear.】

"The show has begun."

The seven doves from God's perspective smile evilly.

ps: My shoulder hurt so much that I went to the hospital to have my shoulder pressed for an hour. I’m a little late. I’m sorry.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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