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Chapter 581 Valeera

Chapter 581 Valeera

Author: Fierce Male Hamster

Chapter 581 Valeera

Qi Ge and Nimbas had a very pleasant conversation.

Nimbus is wiser than Seven Pigeons imagined, and he hates Chaos even more.

"Since I became a necromancer, apart from my research on the undead, the only thing that makes me happy is when my dog ​​Alpheus is with me.

However, Alpheus eventually died in the Realm of Chaos.

Alpheus is just an ordinary mythical soldier and cannot be resurrected like me.

I lost it forever, and now, in my eternal life, apart from accompanying my two masters, all I have left is revenge on Chaos."

Qi Ge:……

The dog named Alpheus was Nimbas's original hellhound.

Nimbas is not a dog lover, he just loves Alpheus.

Therefore, for Nimbas, the feud became even greater.

Qi Ge was a little curious as to why Nimbas loved Alfors so much. After he asked, Nimbas seemed to fall into memories.

“This starts with Diya’s social system.

There are only two types of humans in Dia.

Slaves, and high-level slaves who are gifted to become corpse witches, vampires, and death knights.

All Diya slaves are socialized and raised.

Diya has a special baby-raising device, and all slave children will be raised together.

Only when you become a high-level slave will you be allowed to have a name, otherwise you will only have a number.

Therefore, all slaves do not know who their father and mother are.

Of course, so do I.

My military branch during my lifetime was a knight, so I became a research assistant for Oseltamivir, a corpse witch, before I reached adulthood.

He originally planned to transform me into a death trooper after my death.

Because I was luckier than other slaves, I was hated by the slaves.

They would often play some pranks on me, such as deliberately knocking over my dinner plate; locking the door before I returned to the dormitory and making me sleep with the zombie guards; occasionally pressing me in the corner and beating me, etc.


Among them, there are many adult soldiers, including lizardmen, werewolves, and humans. I am no match at all.

Oh, what impressed me most was that they hung a skeleton soldier from my ceiling while I was sleeping. When I woke up, I was almost scared to death.

But I still tried very hard to build a good relationship with them, but unfortunately I had little success.”

Qi Ge:……

Okay, okay, stop talking, Your Majesty Nimbas.

Don't use such a gentle word as prank to describe bullying, it's so sad.

Nimbas continued:

"Alfors is the experimental material for oseltamivir.

I accidentally picked it among a group of hellhounds. It was excluded from the group by the other hellhounds, and its body was covered in bruises and licking its wounds, just like me.

I saw my shadow in it, so I asked Oseltamivir to give it to me.

Oseltamivir agreed to my request, but there is one condition, which is that I must personally kill all the slaves who have played pranks on me."

Qi Ge:……

"Then how did you choose at that time?"

Nimbas smiled:

"Then Alpheus became my dog."

"I understand." Qi Ge looked solemn.

Nimbas shook his head and continued:

“At first I thought Oseltamivir was playing a trick on me and I didn’t want to.

Later, oseltamivir convinced me.

He told me that the slaves had already suffered enough in Diya. These scum who did not know how to stick together for warmth in the suffering, but instead exported the scum of suffering to me, a fellow slave, out of pathetic jealousy, had not become high-level undead at all.


Continuing to raise them is a waste of time. Why not give them some practice and increase my combat experience.

Sure enough, after their death, they either turned into skeleton soldiers or zombies, and none of them could even condense ghosts.

Of course, that's not important."

Nimbas continued:

"After I got Alpheus, my life had meaning.

To me, Alfors is family.

It's a pity that Alfors's talent is really poor, and he didn't successfully advance until his death.

I was very sad and began to try to read Oseltamivir's necromancy books, hoping to learn necromancy to resurrect Alfors.

It was at that time that I discovered that I actually had a talent for casting spells.

No, it is not accurate to say that there is a talent for casting spells.

It should be said that I have the talent to control the death energy of the undead.

Then, I mistook the spirit-gathering magic for reincarnation and unleashed it on Alpheus's body.

At that time, I discovered that I could actually see the fire of Alfors's soul that was already crumbling.

Alpheus survived, but he became an undead dog without intelligence.

I was also valued by Oseltamivir because of my talent in necromancy.

Later, with the help of oseltamivir, I transformed into a corpse witch, and started to advance from the corpse witch again, and gradually walked on the road of hero.

I embarked on the path to becoming a master by transforming Alfors and making him a miracle weapon.

Later, I transformed Alpheus again, and restored wisdom to the wisdomless Alpheus, becoming a mythical soldier.

After I recorded and published my transformation experience, I embarked on my legendary journey.

Since then, I have become very interested in the undead transformation of various creatures.

This is also the reason why I went to look for Chimera later.

For me, Alpheus is not only a companion to my family, but also my lucky dog.

Throughout every major step in my life, Alfors has been by my side.

Even the last time.

When the Chimera tribe and I were surrounded by Chaos monsters and were in danger, I used the Chimera's corpse components to successfully transform Alfors again, making it a level 7 mythical unit.

As a result, I became a demigod and gained a glimmer of hope.

Unfortunately, it failed in the end.”

Nimbas smiled bitterly and said:

"If it weren't for Alpheus, I wouldn't have become a demigod, and I wouldn't have the chance to be resurrected by you, my master.

To me, Alpheus is as important as my eternal life.

Unfortunately, I have lost it forever."

"My condolences, Your Majesty Nimbas."

Qi Ge comforted:

"You think so.

Now you can find a way to resurrect Alpheus from being swallowed by Chaos.

If you succeed, maybe you can use it to become a god."

After listening to Qige's words, Nimbas thought calmly for a while, then nodded vigorously and said:

“A very interesting proposal.

I will definitely give it a try after I regain my strength."

Qige then asked:

"Your Majesty Nimbas, do you know anything about Diya's national conditions?"

"I understand quite well. Master, do you have anything you want to ask?"

"Can you tell me about Diya's national conditions? For example, the hero faction."


Nimbas thought for a while and asked:

"Master, I wonder if you have heard of a legend.

The land of Dia is filled with gold, and every long-lived necromancer has hoarded countless wealth.

Those dwellings of the dead contain treasures collected by the immortals over the years.”

Qi Ge smiled and replied:

"Of course I've heard of it.

Isn't this a rumor that Diya went to Diya to use it as experimental material in order to deceive the greedy living people?"

Nimbas laughed and said:

"In the beginning, this was indeed a rumor, but it is no longer true.

A few years before I went to the border of chaos, our Diya had already developed the chaos resource conversion system.

The undead in our cemetery come from the first wave of chaos invasion.

The world of Yasha has deprived Chaos of a complete rule of death, and from now on death is no longer the end of life.

The undead death energy is essentially a gas between chaotic energy and Yasha energy.

And all resources can be composed of Yasha energy.

Therefore, our cemetery has been able to convert chaotic energy into undead death energy and then into Yasha energy, and finally transform it into the resources we want."

Seven Pigeons:!!!

Everyone who heard Qige was dumbfounded.

Chaos energy can be converted into Yasha energy, Qi Ge knows.

In fact, the rewards players get from slaying wild monsters and Chaos monsters are converted from Chaos energy.

However, Qi Ge always thought that this kind of transformation was something that only Mother Goddess Asa could accomplish.

The cemetery forces have actually mastered part of the power of the Mother Goddess?!


No wonder Chaos would come up with a unit like [Chaos Lion Mera] that is willing to kill the undead to control the undead. This is because it was forced into a hurry.

"That's it, I understand.

But, what does this have to do with the political structure of Diya?”

Qi Ge asked doubtfully.

"Don't worry, I haven't said anything yet."

Nimbas smiled and said:

"The outside world has a very bad impression of us Diya. The living often think that our undead are cruel, evil and murderous. They wish to turn all the living in the world into undead and spread the underworld all over the world of Yasha.

In fact, this impression is inaccurate and unreasonable.

Except for a very small number of undead, most necromancers have no interest in so-called wealth and power, let alone killing.

We already have eternal life, and material enjoyment is meaningless to us and cannot make us feel happy.

In our eyes, there is actually no boundary between the dead and the living. All living people can eventually transform into the dead.

Killing the living only helps the other person become dead as quickly as possible.

What fun can this kind of behavior bring us?

I do not deny that there are a very small number of psychopathic necromancers who enjoy killing the living, but this is by no means the norm for the undead.

I want to say that a psychopath is a psychopath whether he is alive or dead, and it has nothing to do with whether he becomes an undead."

What really interests our souls is the sense of accomplishment when completing a great project.

In our Diya, the social class is roughly like this.

From the bottom to the top.

Unintelligent undead, life slaves, low-intelligent undead, high-level life slaves, undead merchants, regular intelligent undead army, black knights, ordinary heroes, intelligent bone dragons and ghost dragons, master heroes, real power lords, and King Dia.

Mythical troops and legendary heroes are juxtaposed.

Then there are the researchers (scholars of the undead).

Demigod hero.

Finally, there is the Lord of the Dracolich.

Yes, unlike the outside world’s impression of us in Diya, in Diya, the large group with the highest social status is neither a powerful wizard nor a lord with a large number of soldiers, but an undead scholar like me.

An outstanding researcher, even if he is just an ordinary soldier, has a very high status in Dia.

In our Diya, what determines social status is not rank, rank, or combat prowess, but wisdom.

Even our dracolich lord is an excellent researcher.

The Chaos Energy Converter is His great creation.

We undead scholars will discuss our research gains with each other, compare the new undead arms developed, and conduct various experiments and sharing.

Among the necromancers, the largest number have become necromancers.

It can be said that except for a few hopeless guys who are still pursuing the enjoyment of life, the vast majority of necromancers are proud of their research results.

Those hopeless guys are simply a mess and cannot form a faction.

In Diya, all classes below researchers are basically dependent on researchers at all levels.

Therefore, in our Diya, there are only two factions - the pure research faction and the conspiracy research faction.

The only difference between these two factions is the way they obtain resources.

The pure research group is people like me, who rely on extracting chaotic energy from the border of chaos and slowly accumulating resources to conduct research.

The conspiracy research faction is more inclined to plunder resources from other forces through various means.

The former is stable, while the latter is high risk and high reward.

But no matter what, both factions have only one purpose, to accumulate enough resources that can be used for research.

We, Diya, have been using our whole nation to seek the truth of the world, study the evolution of the undead, and analyze the truth of chaos.

We believe that the value of truth is eternal and the value of rights is temporary.

All resource allocation, if the ultimate goal is not to find the truth, is a waste of resources."

“Academic governance?”

Qi Ge was very shocked:

"However, this is completely different from the impression Diya gave us.

With all due respect, the entire Yasha world thinks that the necromancers of Diya are evil, disorderly and very cruel."

"Haha. This impression is not wrong.

On the one hand, the pure research sect has very little communication with other forces. The undead that have left a deep impression on you are basically from the conspiracy sect.

You can only see the front of the teacup, but of course you can’t guess what the back of the teacup looks like.

On the other hand, even the pure research group has a different attitude towards life than the living.

The living cannot understand the various experiments conducted by the dead, and the dead cannot understand the fear of death and the loss of flesh and blood.

Even the dead who were once alive will gradually lose the ability to empathize with the living.

Compared with their eternal life, the time and memories they had during their lifetime are nothing."

After hearing what Nimbas said, Zhang Fu covered his face in shame:

"Hey, Wan Duzi. I should have known that I would have let Xiaomeng go to Diya.

I'm sorry, I have embarrassed Diya, I don't deserve to be an undead."

When Nimbas heard Zhang Fu's words, he laughed and comforted:

"Master, don't worry, the vampire family has a special status among the undead.

Relying on their similar appearance to the living, they often serve as conspiracy executors in conspiracy factions.

Of course, this does not mean that the vampire family does not have the ability to conduct research. If you, master, are interested in studying the undead and the undead, I will definitely try my best to help you."

Seven Pigeons learned a lot from the conversation with Nimbas.

Qi Ge realized that Diya still had an unknown side.

This aspect has even been hidden from the eyes of countless players in previous lives.

At this moment, Nimbas seemed to be an old man full of stories. He told Qi Ge and the others about Diya's customs and secrets, which made Qi Ge and the others marvel.

It would be impossible for NPCs with a certain social status to understand the secrets of the Yasha world. Even Lin Xi, Le Meng and Chao Hua were fascinated by it.

After chatting all the way, Nimbas and Qi Ge arrived at the Netherland Farm.

Zhang Fu pointed at [Pumpkin Skeleton Farmer] and introduced to Nimbas:

"Your Majesty Nimbas, you see, this is the new unit of our God's Chosen City.

It was researched by the boss.

See if there is any room for improvement."


Nimbas waved curiously, and for a moment, all the pumpkin skeleton farmers walked up to Nimbas uncontrollably.

Blue flames dimly lit up in his eyes, and he stared at the skeleton farmers carefully.


Nimbas exclaimed:

"This is a fusion of plant arms and undead arms.

The soul flames of the Pumpkin Soldiers and the Soul Flames of the Skeleton Soldiers are skillfully blended together. Instead of conflicting with each other, they are extremely harmonious.

This has broken away from the general undead transformation technology and is a very cutting-edge fusion technique of living things and undead.

It would be such a waste to use such cutting-edge technology to fuse two level 1 troops with no intelligence."

Nimbas faced the seven pigeons and said excitedly:

"Master, I never thought I could see this kind of technology outside of Diya.

Do you also know something about the transformation of the undead?"

Qi Ge is very self-aware, how dare he pretend to be so cool in front of Nimbas.

He quickly explained:

"Your Majesty Nimbas, I did this accidentally. There is a lot of coincidence in it.

Except for pumpkin soldiers, no other plant soldiers in my territory can be integrated with skeleton soldiers."


Nimbas was even more surprised:

"I would rather believe that you, Master, are a hidden master of undead transformation than to believe that you did this accidentally.

Transformation of the undead is a very complex subject, and random transformation by novices will often make the undead more vulnerable.

Such a coordinated undead unit, if you really did it accidentally, it would be really scary.

It’s like throwing 100 dice at the same time, and it’s incredible that all 100 dice come up as 6.”

"Ahem." Qige coughed and said:

"This involves some of my secrets. I can't tell you yet. I'm very sorry, Your Majesty Nimbas."

Nimbas suddenly realized:

"Oh, I see. Blame me.

I have been away from the society of the living for so long that I have forgotten these euphemisms to change the subject.

Master, you can tell me this reason directly next time.

Don’t worry, I won’t have any useless emotions like grievance or anger because of this.”

Nimbas said, then turned to look at the pumpkin farmer.

He nodded seriously and said:

""Using Unintelligent Undead to Grow Crops".

In fact, in Diya, this has always been a very serious scientific research project.

The most indispensable thing for our cemetery forces is the unintelligent undead such as skeleton soldiers.

If this scientific research project can make a breakthrough, just selling the undead to other forces every year can bring us very considerable resource gains.

I don’t know what the situation is now, but I can guarantee that there will be no major breakthroughs in this project until my death.

The most valuable previous research result on this project was [Seed Meat Grinding Truck].

Relying on the [Sowing and Meat Grinding Truck], you can use corpses or resources as fuel to sow 13,600 acres of land in one day.

It's a pity that [Meat Wagon Sowing and Grinding Cart] still requires a highly intelligent necromancer to control it, so it doesn't have much practicality.

Master, your idea of ​​merging plant soldiers and undead soldiers to create the [Pumpkin Skeleton Farmer] is likely to create a new research direction.

This is a very groundbreaking, important and inspiring research result, and can even be said to be of milestone significance.

The success lies in the present, and the benefits lie in the future.

If the results of this project can eventually be promoted on a large scale, it can even benefit the entire Yasha world.

Unfortunately, just by looking at it, I can't tell how [Pumpkin Skeleton Farmer] should be improved.

But I am very interested in this project.

If you agree, Master, please allow me to stay near the Netherland Farm to conduct research on this project."

"No problem at all."

Qi Ge was very happy, but still said seriously:

"I can leave some of the flower demons as your assistants. They can help you create large quantities of plant troops for you to research.

However, Your Majesty Nimbas, we need to make an agreement in advance.

Please do not use the living creatures in my territory as research materials, even if the other party agrees.

If you do such a thing, then unfortunately, the fate between us may end here."

Nimbas nodded seriously and replied:

"Of course, don't worry, Master.

I know very well that in the land of the living, my values ​​are alien and abnormal.

I am unwilling to change my mind, and I will never impose my own thoughts on other territorial citizens."

"I can rest assured that."

Qi Ge smiled.

"It will take a lot of time for the flower demons to create plant arms, and the research is not in a hurry.

Your Majesty Nimbas, I suggest that we take you to level up first and raise your level to a higher level.

In addition, you also need to relearn some magic.

As your strength increases, you will become more comfortable doing research.

What do you think?"

“Very thoughtful.

I am willing to obey your arrangement, master, and am particularly satisfied with it."

Nimbas also laughed.

Qige looked at Zhang Fufu and raised his eyebrows.

"If you are rich, then Your Majesty Nimbas will leave it to you."

Zhang Fu was immediately happy:

"Okay, no problem, boss, don't worry."

After dealing with the matter of Nimbas, Qi Ge prepared to go to the stunning paradise.

He promised Nu Qier that he would find a bicorn beast for her to use as a mount.

Even Qi Ge himself could not have imagined that he would actually obtain the bicorn mount egg so quickly.

Now there is a problem.

[Darkfallen Two-Horned Evil Beast] This BOSS level mount egg, there is only one among the seven pigeons.

However, there are two succubus heroes in the stunning paradise.

Ash and Nu Qier.

Theoretically, it is best to give the BOSS mount egg to Ash, as it can increase a lot of favorability points at once.

Ash's favorability has not yet reached 100, and the recruitment mission has not yet started. Improving her favorability can maximize the benefits.

But Qige is a person who is nostalgic and dedicated, and will never forget the old one when there is a new one.

So, he gave the light to Lin Xi and exchanged the [Dark Fallen Two-Horned Evil Beast] mount egg in Lin Xi's hand.

In this way, Qi Ge will have two BOSS mount eggs, one for Ash, one for Nuo Qier, and one for Succubus, both of which will be covered by rain and dew.

[Darkfall Two-Horned Evil Beast Mount Egg

Effect: The mount [Darkfall Two-Horned Evil Beast] can be hatched two weeks after equipping it.

Holding a mating ritual consumes energy points to speed up hatching.

【Dark Fallen Two-Horned Evil Beast

Mythical mount

Mount attributes:

The hero's health is increased by 600, and the speed becomes 35 when entering the battle.

Special skill: Darkness of Joy: The hero's normal attack and magic release have a chance to release magic at no cost: bewitching people's hearts.

Fall of Desire: The [Bewitch], [Confusion] and [Seduction] magic released by the hero is changed from a single target effect to an area magic (range: 5*5)

The Evil of Desire: The hero's normal attack reverses all positive effects of possession magic on the opponent.

Beast of Disaster: After the hero's normal attack, it eliminates the opponent's mental magic immunity and resistance for 5 turns, which can be superimposed infinitely.】

After receiving the bicorn eggs from Qi Ge, both Nu Qier and Ash were very happy.

The favorability of both of them increased by more than twenty points.

In the world of Yasha, mythical mounts are equivalent to aircraft carriers in the real world.

After receiving the Type 310 nuclear-powered aircraft carrier with a displacement of 180,000 tons from a sweetheart, what woman can't help but feel weak in the legs?

But just after Ash equipped the mount egg, she suddenly realized a problem.

"Ah! No! I can't ride the bicorn beast!"

Seeing Ash's panicked expression, Qi Ge was even more surprised than she was.

"Huh? You can't ride? Why?"

Ash blushed with embarrassment and wanted to cry but had no tears:

"Only impure women can ride bicorns, but, but, but, I..."

Qi Ge:……

"Wait a minute, what the hell, are you still a pure girl?"

"Yeah!" Ash nodded sadly.

Nu Qier was very angry and pinched Qi Ge hard:

"What are you asking? I was also a pure girl when I followed you!

Even a succubus cannot be born impure."

Qi Ge:……

Qige immediately apologized to Ash.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I made a mistake, please forgive me."

Ash shook his head in shame and said aggrievedly:

"Lord, I don't blame you. It was me who embarrassed the succubus."

Nao Qier held Ash's hand and comforted her softly:

"It's okay. It's not easy to get a pure girl back if she's lost, and it's not easy to throw her away.

Look at this strong half-elf here. Why don't you just throw it away if you catch it and enjoy it?

You can also speed up the hatching and kill two birds with one stone."

Seven pigeons are embarrassing.

"Ahem! What's that? There's something urgent in my territory. I'll leave first."

Seeing the seven pigeons running away, Nu Qier snorted.

She came closer to Ash and asked curiously:

"By the way Ash, I haven't asked you yet.

We succubi are always harassed by desires, how do you control your desires?"

Ash was very embarrassed and hesitated for a long time before answering in a low voice:

"I, I didn't restrain myself."

"No restraint? How can you still be a pure girl without restraint?"

Nu Qier was very confused.

Ash said quietly:

"I have developed some small toys myself, which can be used not only by us succubi, but also by women of other races.

I contacted the Chamber of Commerce in Ogatavia about how to sell toys and sold them as far away as Bracada and Erathia. I can earn a lot of gold coins every year."

"So awesome!" Nu Qier was very surprised.

"Of course. Ogatavia said that even Queen Catherine bought it~~"

"Quick, quick, let me see you."

"Don't worry, don't worry."

After a while, Nu Qier's hands were trembling and her face was covered with red clouds.

"Yeah, you can shake so well, it's really, really, so...

Call Qi Ge next time and let’s use it together.”

Qi Ge didn't know that not long after he left, Nu Qier opened the door to a new world.

He was currently driving the Nautilus across the ocean, preparing to meet the incoming band of thieves.

Valeera is an outstanding student of the Thieves Guild.

She became a mythical soldier at a young age and has always been the ace agent of the Thieves Guild.

But now, she received an order from her superiors, asking her to go to a little-known God's Chosen City to carry out a mission.

A thieves guild must also be built there to help the lords of the Chosen City carry out intelligence activities.

This made her very confused and angry.

Valeela felt that with her level, she could only display her true strength in a dangerous place like the capital of the nine major powers.

"Captain, we have received a signal. The lord of God's Chosen City said that he would come to greet us personally and asked us to slow down first."

"Then reduce it."

Valeela responded to the signalman's words angrily. She stood on the bow of the ship and looked at the golden sea with dissatisfaction.

"Before I came, Archfather Anosaki told me over and over again that the lord of God's Chosen City, Qi Ge, was a lustful evil spirit who was greedy for food. He told me to be careful.


Although I don’t know why the godfather asked me to come to God’s Chosen City, if that lord Qi Ge dares to touch me, I must make him look good.”


"It's beautiful! Who is this? It's so beautiful, isn't it?!"

Valeela looked at the Nautilus emerging from the water in shock, and the half-elf standing on the Nautilus.

The other party's clothes obviously looked very ordinary and not very dazzling.

But when he stood in the middle of the sea, blown by the sea breeze, he seemed like the king of the entire sea, and his body was filled with breathtaking power.

His handsome face, coupled with his handsome facial features, is simply the embodiment of handsomeness.

Valeera couldn't help but compare Qi Ge and the Grand Godfather in her mind. She was surprised to find that she couldn't judge the quality of the two people.

This made her heart tremble.


At this moment, a well-timed wave crashed over. As the water vapor dispersed, the wind blew the seven pigeons' long hair, making the seven pigeons even more radiant.

Valeera breathed in unison. She had already thought of her words to show off her power, but she forgot all about it for a moment.

Qige smiled and stretched out her hands in a hug, saying loudly:

"Everyone, welcome to God's Chosen City.

We have prepared a grand welcome ceremony to make you feel at home.

Oh, sorry.

According to Uncle Thief, you are not guests, but my right-hand assistants."

Qi Ge smiled handsomely and said:

"I am Qi Ge, the lord of God's Chosen City, your future ally and boss.

From now on, all your intelligence work will be arranged by me.

In short, follow me to the port of God's Chosen City first. After a long journey, I will take care of you first.

Let’s talk about work after we’ve had enough rest. We in God’s Chosen City attach great importance to the combination of work and rest.”

Valeela noticed that Qi Ge glanced at the thieves on the ship, and finally his eyes were fixed on herself.

She saw Qi Ge smiling and nodding to hers, then turned around and controlled the battleship to lead their ship.

This made Valeela couldn't help but feel a little fluttering in her heart.

"I deliberately didn't wear a mask just to reveal his true face.

But the way he looked at me was very clear, and there was no sign of lust at all.

Could it be that he is actually not lewd?

Impossible. The Great Godfather is a demigod, the idol and chief mentor of all thieves. He will definitely not lie to me.

Could it be that Qi Ge is so good-looking and the great godfather is worried that I will get emotional and this will affect the mission?

The Godfather once said that a killer without emotions is a good killer.

Yes, that must be the case!

Hey, the great godfather really has too much heart. I, Valeela, have a heart as strong as steel, so I will definitely not be able to fall in love with Qi Ge."

The fleet was approaching the port, and Qi Ge turned around again and shouted: "Everyone, I will take you to visit God's Chosen City later, and then choose a good location for you to establish a Thieves Guild.

If you come across any guild building location that you particularly like, you can also tell me in advance. Noon

Pick a few more.

We select the best from the best and strive to satisfy everyone.”

After hearing Qi Ge's words, Valeela was a little disapproving.

"Although Qi Ge is not a pervert, he still doesn't know enough about the activities of our thieves.

If you want to build a thieves guild, you must not only choose a location that is hidden, but also have convenient transportation. At the same time, the surrounding area must be bustling and lively enough for people to gather information.

The strongest thieves guild is the one that can hide in the busy city.

The Grand Father said that the Chosen City is just a county town.

How prosperous can a county town built in such a remote location be?

I’m afraid I can’t find a good guild building location even if I search carefully for several days. It would be too naive to just wander around and try to find it.”


The hay hut of the three fairies, the prophet's hut, the wheel forest, the paved forest, the magic fish pond, the Neptune shipyard, the Mithril Mountains, the manticore windmill, the Sphinx, the mountain fortress...

Valeera is stupid.

She just followed Qige around the city of God's Choice, but her whole head was buzzing as if her head had been hit with a hammer all day long.

"Something's wrong! Great Godfather, there's something wrong with this city!!

What the hell?

Why are there so many miracle buildings?

Why are there so many natural wonders?

Even Thunder City, the capital of Bracada, which is known for its many miracles, does not have so many miracle buildings!

Great Godfather, where exactly did you assign me to?"

"Captain, please give me a bottle of [True Vision Potion] quickly. I must be under the illusion of magic."

“Oh my God? What kind of miracle city is this?

If we knock this city down and sell it, our Thieves Guild will have enough development funds for thirty, no, one hundred years."

"Am I worthy of garrisoning this city? I'm just a weak miracle soldier."

"The great godfather should have sent thirty eldest sisters instead of us little shrimps.

Woohoo, I've embarrassed the Thieves Guild."

Not only was Valeera stupid, but the thieves behind Valeera were also stupid.

Qi Ge wiped the sweat from his head, turned around and pointed at the empty sky and said:

"There are two mythical buildings in the sky, but they are restricted areas of our God's Chosen City, including those underneath the mythical buildings.

We can’t choose where the guild will be built, so I won’t show you around.

How about it, have you thought about where you want to build the Thieves Guild?"


Valeela felt that if someone else pointed to the sky and told her that there are two mythical buildings in the sky in my territory, she would definitely slap them twice.

What are you bragging to me about? Are you like me and have never seen the market?

But facing Qi Ge's warm smile, she couldn't raise her hand at all.

Valeera sadly discovered that she believed it!

She actually believed Qige's lies in her heart, and she even couldn't help but look at the sky, trying to find where the two mythical buildings were.

"Huh? What's the matter? There are so many places, but you can't find a suitable location?"

Qi Ge asked again in confusion.

Valeera took a deep breath and tried to act as if nothing had happened.

She stood up and said to Qige:

"Lord, I think the miraculous buildings and natural wonders you took us to visit before are quite suitable."

Yes, it is best for the Thieves Guild to be hidden in the busy city, but there are exceptions if there are miracle buildings or natural wonders!

Just breathing the air around the marvelous building can make people feel refreshed physically and mentally.

"That's it."

Qi Ge smiled and said:

"Then you have to choose one."

Don't laugh. If you smile, I can easily lose control and kidnap you.

Valeera resisted the urge to raid the seven pigeons and said seriously:

"Then, I think we should build it near the [Centaur Campfire Tent Group].

There is a Centaur tavern there, and I saw that in addition to centaurs, there are also many other races drinking and drinking there, which is more convenient for us to gather information."

"Okay, no problem, I'll take you there."

The seven pigeons approached Valeela, and Valeela took a step back reflexively.

Seven Pigeons:?

He approached Valeera again, and Valeera took another step back.

Seven pigeons:???

He simply stretched out his hand towards Valila and asked:

"Where are the blueprints? Uncle Thief must have asked you to bring them, right?"


Valeera didn't know why she took two steps back.

She couldn't tell whether it was because she was wary of Qi Ge, or because she felt that the light on Qi Ge was so dazzling that she couldn't help but want Bang Bang to punch Qi Ge twice.

[Construction drawings of a small thieves guild

hidden building

Effect: Provides the Thieves Guild with tradable information and dirt.

Five thief souls can be recruited every week.]

Qi Ge frowned and asked:

"Why is it small?"

Valila was a little dissatisfied when she heard Qige's tone, and explained unhappily:

"The blueprints of small thieves guilds are already very precious, and generally only those at the main city level will use the blueprints of medium-sized thieves guilds.

We, the Thieves Guild, don’t have our own architect now, these are all the inventory left by the Great Godfather, so we can use less of these drawings.”

Qi Ge smiled slightly, held up the drawing and said:

"Well, you have it now."

In Valeela's horrified eyes, Qi Ge's hair was moving without wind, his smile was so handsome that it made her heart tremble, and the drawings in Qi Ge's hands were sparkling.

ps: The hamster watched the monthly vote list for a day and waited for the monthly vote list to drop, but it never dropped.

The hamster was puzzled until he glanced at the throttle group.

Damn it, you beast. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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