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Chapter 588

Chapter 588 Deadly fate

Author: Fierce Male Hamster

Chapter 588 Deadly fate

Boom boom boom!

As soon as Catherine finished speaking, Christine's self-propelled ballista unit began to slowly start.

Huge crossbow arrows are being loaded rapidly, and the thick armor forms a torrent of steel, blocking the death cloud fired from the Red Fort.

On the wall of the Red Castle, King Griffin stared at Catherine's position.

At this time, King Griffin had completely turned into a skeleton.

He stuck the simple long sword in his hand on the ground, held the handle of the sword with both hands, and stared in the direction of Catherine.

At this time, Catherine was also staring straight at King Griffin, her eyes unblinking.

After more than eighty years, the father and daughter met again.

This battlefield, burning with plague clouds and flaming crossbows, seemed to have become Standwick's back garden.

The young King Griffin and the young Catherine looked at each other like this at first.

"Father, I'm here to send you to rest."

"Daughter, let me see how much you have grown while I was away."

The battle for the Red Fort has begun.

And Li Xiaobai finally arrived at [Standwick] at this moment!

The figure of the Griffin Knight emerged in the air, immediately attracting the attention of the angels.

"Stop, Sky Knight, the sky is forbidden here."

Li Xiaobai was surrounded by angels with burly muscles, eight feet tall and thick hairy legs.

The lightsabers in their hands are ready, and the holy light that judges everything may fall at any time.


Power: Castle

Level:Level 7

Level: 1st level

Quality: ordinary





Damage: 50 (fixed value)

Special skills: Flying unit. Allied morale +1. The devil's mortal enemy.

Holy Light Resurrection: Can resurrect allies. An angel can resurrect 50 HP at a time. It requires actions. It can only be cast once per battle.

Sword of Holy Light: Use the Sword of Holy Light to attack, causing an additional 50% damage to units coming from the abyss.】

When Li Xiaobai was surrounded by hundreds of angels, he did not panic at all, but bravely took out Catherine's letters and tokens!

"I am Li Xiaobai, chosen by Yasha God, and I am the envoy of Her Majesty Catherine.

On behalf of Queen Catherine, I request an audience with your Commander.

Bailing City is being besieged by the undead army, and the situation is in danger!

Please provide immediate support!"

The badge representing the royal family of Erathia was shining brightly on Li Xiaobai's hand, and Catherine's name was shining brightly on the back of the badge.

The angels did not answer or take action, they just surrounded Li Xiaobai and refused to let him leave.

After one minute, a level 3 [Archangel] flew over from the sky.


Power: Castle

Level:Level 7

Level: 3rd level

Quality: hidden





Damage: 90 (fixed value)

Special skills: Flying unit. Allied morale +1. The devil's mortal enemy.

Heaven Resurrection: Can resurrect allies. An archangel can resurrect 200 HP at a time. It requires actions. It can only be cast 2 times per battle.

Soldier's Survival: When friendly castle forces kill enemies, every 100 enemies will increase the number of releases of [Paradise Resurrection] by +1.

If you kill a demon type soldier, each demon is counted as 50 enemies.】

The archangel took the letter from Li Xiaobai's hand. After reading it, he was silent for a while, as if he was communicating with someone.

After a while, the archangel nodded and said to Li Xiaobai:

"Warrior, thank you for your help.

Your information is vital to us.

As a reward, you can come to Shengtian City later, and we will award you with meritorious deeds."

"Wait a mininute!"

Seeing that the angels were about to leave, Li Xiaobai suddenly became anxious.

"Lord Angel, if you want to go to Bailing City to support you, please allow me to accompany you.

I am the chosen god of Asa of Erathia. It is my duty to destroy the undead and save our city of Erathia!"

After listening to Li Xiaobai's words, the archangel suddenly froze, as if his computer had jammed.

Then he started talking to himself:

"Special request is being reported.

The order has been issued.

The request is approved and preparation of the return begins.


The archangel said to Li Xiaobai:

"I understand, warrior.

We will not wait for you, but if you can catch up with us, we will not prevent you from entering the battlefield of Bailing City."

At this moment, Li Xiaobai saw an extremely gorgeous seraphim suddenly rush out of Standwick.

He raised his sword high and shouted in the air:

"Command: Gather, target: Bailing City, scope of effect: all angels!

Set off!!"

Blah blah blah!!!

Just like a pigeon taking off, countless sounds of flapping wings sounded from Standwick.

Immediately afterwards, row after row of angels spread their wings and flew into the sky.

The angelic legion that enveloped the sky above Bailing City, led by the seraph, flew towards Bailing City.

The angels surrounding Li Xiaobai also maneuvered quickly in the air and merged into the angel army.

"Sang Xiao, please, please work harder."

Li Xiaobai lowered his body and leaned against the back of the griffon Sang Xiao. He gently touched Sang Xiao's neck and whispered:

"Follow them and I'll treat you to a feast of wild beef when you come back!

Go for it!"


Sang Xiao let out a loud cry, fluttered his wings and soared into the sky.

The sun shines through Sang Xiao's feathers and reflects on Standwick.

This glorious old royal capital was almost reduced to charred ruins after the angel's inspection.

There are even woods that have not yet burned out, sending black smoke into the sky.

"Standwick's angel is coming."

Sandro's eyes exuded a deep light, and he calmly said to Tamik beside him:

"We have to hurry up."

Tamik asked strangely:

"We blended in with King Griffin's team and used King Griffin as a cover without exposing ourselves during the whole process.

On the way to Bailing City, we turned on the [Dark Sky Curtain] the whole time to isolate information, killing all the creatures we saw along the way, and no fish slipped through the net.

Now that the army is surrounded, I can guarantee that not even a single insect can fly out of Bailing City.

With the dark sky, all remote communication methods will not work.

How can the angels discover us?"

Sandro looked at Tamik and asked:

"Just to be on the safe side, I'm asking a serious question.

You didn’t tell Ronis our purpose, did you?”

"Of course not, my relationship with Ronis is not that good yet.

I still want to ask you.

Sandro, do you have any spies from Erathia?"

Sandro shook his head: "I don't know, but I don't think so."

Tamik: “It’s not you, it’s not me, so who else could it be?”

Sandro smiled sadly: "Perhaps the angels have some unique communication method?"

Tamik took out the sword from his waist and said softly:

"Since it has been discovered, we will no longer consider the movement and directly launch a general attack."

Seeing Tamik looking at him, seemingly asking for his opinion, Sandro lowered his head and said:

"Madam, I am just a counselor, you are the commander-in-chief of the battlefield."

So, Tamik raised the black ink-like sword in his hand and swung it down with all his strength!

"Jewel Black Cavalry Regiment, march forward!"

Behind Tamik, the eyes of Yi Shui's death knight lit up with rainbow-colored light.

The gems inlaid on the handles of their swords began to flicker, and the terrifying breath of death spurted out.

【Gem Black Cavalry

Faction: Cemetery

Level:Level 6

Level: Level 4

Quality: Miracle






Special Skills: Undead, Giant Soldiers

Undead Slash: There is a chance to put the enemy into fear when attacking, which lasts for 3 rounds.

Frightened enemies have a 50% chance of being unable to move each round.

The probability of triggering Undead Slash is related to the level difference and size difference between the two parties.

The greater the level difference and body size difference, the easier it is to trigger.

Critical hit: 30% of damage caused by 2.5 times when attacking.

Undead Sacrifice: You can sacrifice undead troops whose level does not exceed 3 and whose rank does not exceed 3 to restore your own number.

The health restored is 50% of the total health of the sacrificed unit.

Gem Slash:

Destroys the enemy's morale when attacking, causing the enemy's morale to be -2.

This effect can be stacked infinitely until the Gem Black Cavalry switches attack targets.

When the enemy's morale is lower than 1, he will be unable to counterattack when attacked by the Terror Knight.

Evil Soul Gem: The souls of enemies killed by the Gem Black Cavalry will be collected in the Evil Soul Gem.

Every time an enemy is killed, the enemy's soul will be extracted, making the enemy unable to be resurrected.

50% of the health of the enemy killed by the Gem Black Cavalry will be converted into the Evil Soul Shield. When the Gem Black Cavalry is damaged, the Evil Soul Shield will be consumed first.

The upper limit of the evil soul shield's shield value is [number of gem black cavalry * 360]. 】

Under the leadership of Tamik, the [Gem Black Cavalry] stepped on the dark corroded land and rushed into Bai Ling City.

300 [Gem Black Cavalry] slashed and killed among the guards of Bailing City, spreading fear and chaos.

After a round of charge, each [Gem Black Cavalry] was haunted by wailing ghosts.

These ghosts formed a translucent black protective shield surrounding the [Gem Black Cavalry].

The effect of adding [Gem Black Cavalry] is immediate!

In the blink of an eye, the defense line of Bailing City that had been so supportive collapsed instantly.

Tamik took the [Gem Black Cavalry] to break through the defense line, held up the protective shield, turned back again, and charged from behind!

The cavalry's rear charge is fatal to any line of defense!

With a back-up charge, the [Gem Black Cavalry] penetrated the army of swordsmen and rushed into the joint position composed of monks and archers.

The archer position, which was firmly protected by spearmen and swordsmen, was quickly slaughtered by the [Gem Black Cavalry], and the morale of the human defenders dropped rapidly.

At this moment, the holy light shone in the sky, and the angel troops responsible for guarding the [Primary Birth Pool] penetrated the barrier of the dark sky!

The holy light swayed, and the four hundred angels guarding the [Primary Birth Pool] released their reincarnations!

If nothing goes wrong, the defenders of Bailing City will be resurrected in the holy light as heroic soul troops and continue to fight against the undead.

But the premise is that nothing unexpected happens!

What stood up in the angel's holy light were not the heroic souls of human beings, but the deeply festering undead souls!

"I'm finally willing to come out. The corpses contaminated by my magic will become my subordinates."

Sandro laughed sadly.

He raised his hands high and let out a thrilling scream to the sky!

Demigod-level magic: The wail of Hades!

A circle of sound waves carrying the breath of death exploded in the air and spread as quickly as a nuclear bomb exploded.

The angels who had just joined the battlefield fell from the sky like dumplings. In the blink of an eye, only the last sixteen of the four hundred angels were left.

Fifteen level 4 miracles [Holy Angel], a mythical angel!

"Angel of Power Nislok!"

Sandro whispered the name of the mythical angel.

[Angel Quan] looked at Sandro.

He has three pairs of wings, six like Gabriel's.

He is the commander of the angel clan, the monitor who guides mankind, and the God who absolutely executes justice.

Unlike those who wear light clothes, Angel Quan wears heavy armor and is fully armed.

If you just look at this equipment, you will definitely think that he is a general charging into battle, but the command staff he holds in his hand tells his identity as the commander-in-chief of the army.

"Command: Call for help.

Request for help failed.

Instruction replacement.

Order: Destroy the undead.

The order is passed and the action begins."

With a tap of the scepter in Angel Quan's hand, the six wings instantly spread out!

Intense holy light suddenly filled the entire battlefield, and countless clouds layered on top of each other, filling the entire Bailing City.

For a time, Bailing City became covered with clouds and fog, just like heaven on earth.

In the kingdom of heaven, twenty clouds suddenly gathered together, and in the blink of an eye, 20 angels were formed.

There are varying numbers of these angel wings, but without exception, they are full of fighting spirit!

[Angel of Quan] flapped its wings again and appeared in front of Sandro in an instant.

He raised the scepter in his hand and smashed it down hard!

To capture the thief, capture the king first!

Obviously, [Angel of Quan] wants to be the first to kill Sandro, who is a hero.

"Death is the end of everything.

But it’s not my end, it’s your end.”

Sandro stretched out a hand and caught the [Angel of Power]'s scepter with a bang.

He stared at [Angel Quan] coldly and said:

"Even if you are immune to magic, you cannot escape the sentence of death.

Touch of death."

Sandro squeezed the scepter, and the light in [Angel Quan]'s eyes dimmed instantly, and the entire [Angel Quan] fell backwards from the sky.

"Heh. Mythical arms are nothing more than that."

Just as Sandro shook his head and laughed, the holy angel in the distant sky suddenly raised the sword in his hand!

The holy light shines down, and the dead [Angel of Power] is resurrected!

Sandro looked down in confusion.

"The troops I killed can actually be resurrected? It's interesting."

With the resurrection of [Angel Quan], 20 more clouds turned into angels!

"Kill failed, change target."

[Angel of Quan] Seeing that Sandru was not killed, he flashed his wings, teleported behind Tamik, and smashed down his scepter.

Tamik blocked it with a backhand sword, and the bone nightmare under her let out a long roar, and a black ghost spewed out of her eyes.

The ghost sank into [Angel Quan]’s body, and [Angel Quan] died instantly!

Both Sandro and Tamik have instant death stunts!

However, the angel behind raised the sword again, and [Angel Quan] was resurrected again!

With the resurrection of [Angel Quan], 20 more angels were born from the clouds!

Originally there were only a dozen angels left, but in a blink of an eye there were more than 70.

[Name: Nislok

Semi-heroic unit

Race:Quan Angel


Level: 5

Quality: Myth






Damage: 75 (fixed value)


Flying units, giant units

Angel Leader: One's own morale +2. If it is an angel clan, morale will be +2 further.

Immortal Armor: Self-immune to all magic and control effects except [Resurrection] magic.

Leader's Scepter: The morale of all friendly troops will not be low and they will be immune to fear.

Quan Angel: When Quan Angel dies, if there are still other friendly angels on the battlefield after three rounds, Quan Angel will be resurrected immediately.

Horn of Judgment: Every three rounds, summon 20 random 1st to 4th level angels to join the battle. Triggered immediately when entering battle and when being resurrected.

Paradise Domain: Change the battle terrain to Paradise Domain.

All angels gain teleportation, double-click, non-retaliation stunts, and the number of resurrections +1 when fighting in the heaven field.】

After forcibly using clairvoyance to see through [Angel of Power]'s stunt, Sandro clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction:

"I see.

No wonder the more we fight, the more troublesome guys we get.

If that’s the case, then so be it.”

Sandro flew high into the sky, and the magic power in his hands gathered instantly!

He stared down, turning the pages of the magic book quickly, and then, extremely powerful ripples spread across the battlefield instantly.

Sandro enhanced version·demigod level death ripple!

With a ripple of death, Bailing City instantly fell into silence!

All humans and angels in the city who did not have magic immune special skills were completely killed, and only [Angel of Power] was left on the battlefield.

Tamik raised his knife and lowered it, slashing his head with one blow, decapitating [Angel of Quan]!

The mythical soldiers died, and the demigods took action with all their strength.

Cracks began to appear in the space above Bailing City.

"Oh my. I can't hide this noise anymore."

Tamik touched Asa's fire, and Sandro immediately rose into the sky. They knew that Michael's power would soon come.

After a while, the sky in Bailing City suddenly became bright!

The thick dark sky was torn to pieces in an instant, Sandro's treasures were completely burned, and he turned into a naked skeleton and fell from the sky.

Tamik caught Sandro, and Sandro immediately said:

"I got one, let's go!"

Tamik tore open a scroll, and thick undead aura of death shot straight into the sky.

The terrifying holy light fell from the sky, instantly evaporating the death energy of the undead.

But after the death aura dissipated, Tamik and Sandro had disappeared.

Also missing with them was Tamik's [Gem Black Cavalry] troops.

Except for the [Gem Black Cavalry], all the remaining undead troops were left behind.

The holy light fell and the undead instantly vaporized.

However, near Bailing City, countless undead troops buried in the soil began to emerge from the soil under Tamik's final order and spread towards the villages around Bailing City.

These undead troops are not high in level and rank, and are mainly composed of skeletons and zombies.

But if they are allowed to spread, the villages around Bailing City may suffer heavy casualties.

The holy light in the sky of Bailing City burned for a long time and never dissipated.


After a long time, a sigh came from the sky, and all the holy light disappeared.

At this moment, six huge and white clouds suddenly appeared in the sky.

Five of the clouds have a spring filled with holy atmosphere in the center, but the center of one cloud is empty.

Five clouds lit up at the same time, and high-level angels were resurrected in the spring water.

[Angel Quan], who had just died completely on the battlefield, was among them.

Li Xiaobai was firmly behind the angel army. Suddenly, all the angels stopped in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the angels broke into pieces and scattered in all directions.

Li Xiaobai was stunned:

"What's going on? Who am I following?"

At this moment, an angel flew in front of Li Xiaobai and said to him:

"The order has been issued.

Bailing City has fallen.

The undead troops are spreading everywhere.

Warrior, please help us collect the undead scattered around Bailing City."

"What the hell? Has it fallen?"

Li Xiaobai was shocked.

"Damn it, I hurried and hurried, but in the end I didn't make it in time. How do I explain this to the boss?"

Qige: I understand, Xiaobai, just follow the Angel Legion to kill the undead.

this is a good chance.

You must kill more undead.

After all, you are the hero of Erathia, and it will be beneficial to you to leave a good impression on Angel Foot.

Don't worry, nothing is wrong. Don't blame yourself too much.

If it's too late, it's too late.

It's best if you can stop it. If you can't stop it, it won't affect the overall situation.

Catherine is already on guard. Even if Ronis really creates an army of angels, it will not be easy to succeed.

After communicating with Li Xiaobai, Qi Ge took a sip of the candy coconut in his hand with some melancholy.

I can't keep up with the good show in Bailing City. Now I can only hope that Catherine will play slower so that I can gain some benefits.

With a boom of cannons, the main castle of the Red Fort was completely breached.

With Kendall as a demigod, King Griffin is no match for Catherine.

Even if King Griffin occupies a favorable location, it will be the same.

From the beginning of the war to the present, in only half an hour or so, Catherine's troops had wiped out King Griffin's troops.

Finally, King Griffin had to abandon the Red Keep and fled to the underground tomb near the Red Keep for his final struggle.

King Griffin built many tombs in Roland territory.

This underground tomb is one of them.

King Griffin originally planned to build these tombs into anchor points for his resurrection after becoming a demigod.

Of course, in the end, King Griffin's body was contaminated by Chaos and could only be slowly purified by Cloud City, and none of these tombs were put to use.

This ugly and ugly resistance could not hinder Catherine's progress at all.

Catherine took the lead, with a sword and a skeleton soldier.

After killing the thirty skeleton soldiers, Catherine, Kendall, and Christian all rushed into the deepest part of the tomb.

This is a large underground hall.

There is a white stone coffin placed in the center of the hall.

The undead skeleton of King Geffenhart sat on the royal chair made of white stone, looking down at Catherine and the others.

Judging from the appearance, King Geffenhardt looks very much like a big devil. The premise is that you have to ignore the way the big devil was beaten just now and lost his armor and armor.

"Daughter, you have finally arrived here.

This was the resting place I prepared for myself.

Now, it has become a battlefield where we fight against each other.

The winner is the king and the loser is the loser. Even though you are my daughter and you defeated me, I do not blame you.

However, I hope that you can allow me to rest in peace with a little dignity as a king."

King Griffin stood up from his chair, took out a sword, and said to Catherine:

"Daughter, your sword skills were all taught to you by me myself.

Now, use your sword to judge my sins.

Let me see how much you have grown during my absence."


Catherine raised the sword in her hand and asked:

"Father, how much do you remember about your death at the Border of Chaos?"

King Geffenhart shook his head and said:

“It’s already very blurry.

Ever since I became an undead, I have always felt that my memory is very confusing.

It's like looking at flowers in the mist and trying to find the moon in the water. You know clearly what happened to you, but when you think about the details, you can't remember it.

However, the desire to kill is particularly obvious.

Daughter, do you have anything to ask?"

Catherine walked towards King Geffenhart step by step.

"Father, I want to know, did you personally issue the order to massacre the villagers and soldiers with your own will?"

King Griffin's eyes flashed red, and he slowly walked down from the throne and said:

"No need to question it, it is my own will."

"Why are you doing this? Those are the descendants of the people you once fought to protect.

Among them may be the great-grandsons of the warriors who have followed you through life and death. There may also be people who have fought for Erathia all their lives.

You once taught me that as a hero, you should be the guardian of the military and fight for the military.

As a lord, you must be the guardian of your subjects and protect them from wind and rain.

As a king, you must protect your people and fight bloody battles for them.

But you pointed the sword of slaughter at your citizens!

Griffin Hart!

Have you forgotten the teachings of the Hart family?!"

King Griffin's skull grinned and laughed:

"Hahahaha! Really? There was a time when I was so righteous?

When I was resurrected, all I could think about was regaining my lost throne, and I had long forgotten all this.

Ahhh, ahhh.

My daughter, don't take these beautiful words seriously.

These are told to the people, and the king himself must not believe them."

Catherine clenched the sword in her hand tightly and said word by word:

"I am convinced that you are definitely not my father.

Protecting the people was my father's obsession during his lifetime, and it was also my father's principle in life.

Don't even remember these, you are just an undead monster.

Eternal sleep is your final destination."

Catherine drew her sword and stepped forward, and King Griffin also drew his sword and stepped forward!

The two sides exchanged swords, and the sword in Catherine's hand cut the sword in King Griffin's hand in half with just one blow!

Her sword struck along King Griffin's sternum, cutting King Griffin's sternum and clothes into two pieces!

King Griffin slashed at Catherine with a broken sword, but Catherine kicked her away.

Catherine hit back and slapped King Griffin with the back of her sword, knocking King Griffin to the ground.

She stepped on King Griffin's broken sternum and mercilessly inserted the sword into King Griffin's right eye socket!!

Catherine's sword pierced the soul flame in King Griffin's skull, causing his soul flame to beat continuously and let out sharp screams one after another.

Amid the screams, the ghost of King Geffenhart slowly stretched out his hand and wanted to touch Catherine's face, but Catherine dodged it in disgust.

The flame of his soul slowly dimmed.

At the last moment of his life, King Griffin's flexible fire suddenly became brighter. He grabbed Catherine's sword with force, and said weakly at a volume that only Catherine could hear:

"Daughter, be careful of Ronis, be careful of the Holy Sky Church.

Ronis’s specialty is praying, he can, he can..."

Before he finished speaking his last words, King Griffin's flexible flame twisted twice and then quickly extinguished.

Catherine maintained the posture of stepping on King Griffin and did not move for a long time.

She didn't cry, but the corners of her eyes were as red as blood.

After a long time, Kendall walked to Catherine's side and knelt down halfway.

"Congratulations to Her Majesty the Queen for killing monsters and avenging countless dead.

May Her Majesty’s reign always be glorious!”

"May Her Majesty's reign always be glorious!"

Amidst the shouts, Catherine slowly straightened up, raised the sword in her hand high, and announced loudly:

"Once upon a time, my ancestor Ryan Hart rebuilt the human order during the most difficult time for mankind and passed on the fire of civilization.

Now, it's my turn.

For the prosperity of the country, for the glory of the king, and for the prosperity of Erathia.

I, Catherine, declare that I must recapture Standwick and move the capital of Erathia back to Standwick!

From today on, I, Catherine, will be the only king of this land.

I swear in the name of Katherine Griffin Hart that I will revive Erathia and complete Erathia's recovery!"

The moment Catherine took the oath, the tears of Asa in the Holy City suddenly began to tremble!

The completed Tears of Yasha suddenly separated into a small piece. This small piece of Tears of Yasha cut through the sky, landed in this unknown grave, and merged into Catherine's body.

Countless clouds gathered under Catherine's feet, forming a road that crossed the earth's surface and reached the sky.

The great Queen of Erathia, Her Majesty Catherine, who is brave and fearless and loves her people like a son, has now begun her journey to the sky!

The name of this road to the sky is: Erathia's Road to Revival.

And the first step on this road is to abolish the Holy Sky Church!

From this moment on, Ronis' path to demigods and Catherine's path to demigods conflicted in terms of rules.

The royal power and divine power of Erathia were separated from the boundary between Chu, He and Han by Mother Goddess Asa. We have you without me, we have me without you, we are irreconcilable!

The road to becoming a demigod has been opened, and Catherine feels extremely happy in her heart.

But her mood at this time was like a stone stuck in the middle of a raging river.

The name of this stone is, Rod Hart.

"Damn it, where did Rod Hart, the culprit, go?"

"It's too late." Qi Ge looked at the cloud road heading straight into the sky.

Even if he didn't look at the friend's messages that kept ticking, he knew he was already late.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty Catherine, I wish your Majesty Catherine to unify Erathia forever."

The seven pigeons raised their hands playfully towards the clouds in the sky.

"Until this moment, Ronis has not appeared. It seems that my guess is correct. The incident with King Griffin is really just a plank road that Ronis built openly and secretly used in Chencang.

He has a deeper conspiracy.

I couldn't catch up with Catherine's killing of King Griffin, but fortunately, I caught up with another big scene.


The battle space in front of Qi Ge exploded.

Adela, Adela, Sylvia, and Adric fell from the sky at the same time.

They were the victors, and the loser was Rod Hart, who was already lying on the ground and almost dying.

The naval commander of Erathia, the commander of the Griffin Air Force, the Dharma God of the North, and the saint of the Holy Heaven Church.

The power of four top legends of Erathia was gathered together, just to capture one Rod Hart.

The treatment given to Rod Hart by Seven Pigeons was nothing short of grand.

Seven Pigeons rode Ziyuan down from the sky to Rod Hart, and smiled at Rod Hart.

"We finally meet, His Majesty Rod Hart.

Maybe you haven't met me and don't know my name, but it doesn't matter, I just know you."

Rod Hart covered his heart and looked at Qi Ge and the four legends behind Qi Ge, his face ashen.

He said angrily to Qige:

"Did you control that weird war machine just now?

What do you want?

You can kill me, but you can't get anything from my mouth!

I will never betray my country even to death!"


Qi Ge patted Rod Hart on the shoulder.

"Don't be so pessimistic.

I won't let you die.

I'm not interested in Diya's affairs at all.

I just want you to do me a favor.

I hope you can follow me and tell one person all the transactions and affairs between you and Ronis."

"Who?" Rod Hart seemed to see hope of survival.

Qi Ge smiled softly, leaned into Rod Hart's ear, and whispered:


"I won't go. You might as well kill me."

Rod Hart was breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Kill you so that you can trigger the escape scroll on you and let you return to Diya and become a death knight?

Huh, it's not up to you. Don't think that I will give you face because you are a model knight."

"Mom! Mom! Mom!"

Among the chaotic ruins, a little boy lay on the ground, shaking his mother's body vigorously.

A pale skull sword was stuck in his mother's throat.

The little boy's hands were full of blood. He cried and grabbed the skull sword, trying to pull it out.

However, he was so weak that he simply couldn't do it.


At this moment, there was a noise from behind the little boy.

He turned around in panic and saw a terrifying zombie at a glance.

The zombie's body is covered with green fur, its face is highly ulcerated, and its eyes, nose, and mouth cannot be clearly seen.

He held a somewhat rusty kitchen knife, smelled the little boy's scent, and walked towards the little boy unsteadily.

"No, don't kill me."

The little boy fell to the ground in fear. He grabbed the sand, dust, bricks, and sticks on the ground and threw them at the zombies.

But such a weak long-range attack has no effect on zombies.

At this moment, the little boy's heart was filled with hatred and fear.

The zombie walked slowly but firmly to the little boy and raised the rusty kitchen knife in his hand towards the little boy!

"I'll beat you to death! I'll beat you to death!"

The little boy picked up the chair next to him and hit the zombie one after another, but this could not stop the zombie's action.

As an underage soldier, the gap in strength between little boys and zombies is really too big.


At the moment when the kitchen knife was about to fall, the goddess of fate finally favored this poor little life.

A griffon's cry sounded from the sky, and Li Xiaobai swooped down on Sang Xiao!

Sang Xiao inserted his sharp claws into the zombie's back and lifted the zombie high in the air!

Li Xiaobai jumped down from Sang Xiao with a big sword in both hands and chopped the zombie into two pieces horizontally in mid-air!


Li Xiaobai landed in front of the little boy, held the little boy in his hands and asked:

"Are you OK?"

The little boy burst into tears:

"Wow wow wow!! Uncle soldier! My father and mother were killed by the undead.

They are all dead, all my family members are dead.”

Li Xiaobai wiped the little boy's tears with his fingers and hugged the little boy.

He hugged the little boy and said to the little boy:

"Poor child, uncle can't resurrect your parents, but uncle can help you take revenge.

Can you wait here and stop running around?"

"Well, thank you uncle."

The little boy was placed next to Sang Xiao by Li Xiaobai, and Li Xiaobai rushed out with a heavy sword!

He kept Qi Ge's instructions in mind and tried not to use any troops and fought on his own.

Li Xiaobai, who had never used a two-handed sword before, was very awkward in fighting.

But fortunately, the attributes of the two-handed sword and his superior physical abilities make up for his shortcomings.

Under the left and right slashes of the big sword, the slow-moving skeleton soldiers and zombies could not get close to Li Xiaobai and would be chopped into two pieces.

It is such a group of undead miscellaneous creatures that can be eliminated casually in the eyes of players, but for the villages in Erathia that do not have much protective power, they are a disaster.

After the village's only guard, the young man's father, a disabled swordsman, died, the entire village was left to be massacred by the undead.

The farmers of Erathia's logistics arm are the weakest among all the logistics arms in the entire world of Asa.

The little boy looked at Li Xiaobai's heroic figure killing the enemy from a distance, and tears of reluctance flowed down one after another.

"If I could become an adult, if I could have the power to protect myself, maybe my father and mother would not have died."

Soon, Li Xiaobai returned to the little boy after clearing away all the undead.

This village was too remote. When Li Xiaobai arrived, there were not many survivors in the whole village.

Li Xiaobai escorted the little boy to the remaining villagers. When he was about to leave, the little boy suddenly grabbed Li Xiaobai's trousers.

"Uncle Soldier, can I follow you?

Clean your toilet, help you feed the griffins, and carry your sword for you.

I'm willing to do any job, whatever you ask me to do.

I don't want any salary, as long as you give me a bite to eat.

I think, I want to learn some skills from you, I want to have the power to protect myself and the people I cherish!"

Li Xiaobai was a little surprised at how smart this Npc boy was.

He looked confused for a while.

"I'm still a single man in reality, so I don't have any experience in raising children. If this child follows me, he won't learn bad things from me, right?

How about asking the boss?"

Li Xiaobai knelt down, touched the little boy's head, and asked:

"May I have your name?"

"Uncle, my name is Alexander Alexander."

ps: It’s the last few days of the end of the month, and the hamster is in great need of the baptism of monthly tickets.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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