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Chapter 591 I disagree

Chapter 591 I disagree

Author: Fierce Male Hamster

Chapter 591 I disagree

Men always have a tendency to drill holes.

If you gesture up, down, left, and right, if you think the hole can be drilled, the man will want to get in.

Qi Ge felt that he could do it.

So he concentrated on waiting for the moment when the shield of faith was exploded, and then swooped down on Ziyuan!

As expected by Qi Ge, he successfully got into the magic circle before the protective shield was closed!

The strong power of faith has formed a substantial mist in the magic circle, even crowding out the air, making it extremely difficult for Qi Ge to breathe.

Every time he took a breath, he would absorb the power of Yang densely distributed in the entire space into his mind.

The power of these beliefs formed hallucinatory pictures in Qige's mind.

There are parents who kiss their children and pray for their healthy growth, and there are wives who pray for their husbands' safe return.

There are farmers praying for a good harvest, soldiers praying for victory, and businessmen praying for a big profit...

Different industries and all kinds of human beings have different definitions of a good life, but they all have the desire for a better life.

Fortunately, the three rule fragments in Qi Ge's mind quickly came into play to dispel the illusion in front of Qi Ge's eyes.

Qi Ge looked ahead.

The 360,000 prayer machines are still praying and calling.

Ronis, the one in the center of them, had already raised his head and looked at him.

Ronis asked the seven pigeons:

"Are you here to stop me too?"

Qi Ge did not answer, but directly took out the Sequencing Hammer, turned around and hit the protective shield with the hammer.


A loud voice sounded, and Ronis, who was in the center of the magic circle, immediately groaned and covered his head.

"Sure enough, my guess was right.

The Ronis in the center is just an embodiment, that's why it can change so quickly.

The real Ronis has integrated into these countless powers of faith.

Otherwise, with Ronis's character, how would he tolerate Gru constantly bombarding his magic circle without fighting back."

Qi Pigeon's own strength is too weak, attacking Ronis is like scratching an itch, but it is not Qi Pigeon that affects Ronis, but the Sequencing Hammer.

The Sequencing Hammer is Credel's semi-artifact, with a mandatory stun effect, and even the demigod cannot save it.

"Eighty! Eighty! Eighty!"

Qi Ge stood in front of the protective shield and kept hitting the protective shield with the sequencing hammer.

Whenever dizziness is triggered, not only Ronis will hold his head and get dizzy, but even the 360,000 prayer machines will be interrupted from praying.

As unconscious prayer machines, their prayers must be guided by someone.


"Praise, ugh!"


"Like, eh!"


"Praise God, Wu, Wuwu!"

For a time, the pilgrims' prayers became intermittent and sounded very strange.

Originally, after the faith shield was destroyed, the circulating power of faith would quickly fill up the shield, praying that the machines' new power of faith would fill the deficit in the faith pool.

But now, the source of faith value in the magic circle has been interrupted, but Gru continues to destroy the protective shield, and the faith pool has become unable to make ends meet.

If this continues, the protective shield will soon be broken.

Ronis in the center of the magic circle glanced at Seven Pigeons Kendall and Gru with hatred, and roared angrily:

"Catherine, you're trying to ruin my good deeds again! It's like this again. It's like this every time.

I took this step because you forced me to do so.

Since you want to kill them all, then I will fight with you!"

Countless powers of faith turned into Ronis's ferocious face in the air, but this face quickly turned into a kind-hearted elderly Ronis.

He looked at the seven pigeons and said calmly:

"Everything human beings will eventually be wiped out.

Even we are just ordinary characters in history books, and our lives can easily end with one stone or one stone.

Throughout the ages, there have been holy wars, several battles, several invasions of chaos, and countless human beings have been wiped out in the blink of an eye.


Life is unpredictable, full of chaos, filth and pain.

Only faith is eternal.”

Qi Ge's pupils shrank, and he suddenly realized that he had lost the ability to control his body.

360,000 faith machines shouted at the same time:

"Life is unpredictable, full of chaos, filth and pain.

Only faith is eternal.”


In an instant, the entire magic array floated into the air, and a battle space opened up within the protective shield.

360,000 prayer machines form 360,000 grids, which are glowing and constantly gathering into the sky.

A holy light of faith condensed into a huge Ronis in the battle space!

His whole body was made up of light, which was very dazzling.

Just looking at Ronis, Qi Ge felt like his eyes were going to go blind.

Next to Ronis, there are more than 2,000 floating light beings.

Qi Ge opened his magic eyes and looked at Ronis first.


Damn it, I can't even see the name.

He quickly changed his target and looked at the suspended light beings.

【Shengtian Yaoling


Level: 4

Quality: Myth






Special Skills: Speed ​​of Light: Teleport and move, return after attacking, immune to counterattacks

Light of Purification: Before and after moving, it will dispel a beneficial magic from the surrounding enemies and dispel a harmful magic from the surrounding enemies.

Burning Light: Causes light damage to the target and blinds the target for 2 turns.

If the target is an undead creature or an abyssal creature, the damage is increased by 100%

Spirit body: 50% dodge physical attack

Resurrection of Faith: Friendly units can be resurrected. The resurrection points are [amount*150] and can only be used 3 times per battle.

Spirit of Faith: Each Holy Sky Spirit generates 9,000 faith points every day.

Self-combustion: Each time you take action, you consume 100 points of your own health, which can be replaced by the same amount of faith.

Dependence on faith: You can only survive in the terrain: Sea of ​​Faith. If you leave the Sea of ​​Faith, you will die immediately.】

"Hiss~2000 level 6 and level 4 myths?!"

Qi Ge was shocked.

This Holy Sky Yao Ling turned out to be a level 6 and level 4 myth, just like the eternal sleeping dragon in my body!

But there is only one Eternal Sleeping Dragon, and there are more than two thousand Holy Sky Yao Ling.

There is also a semi-god-level giant photochemical Ronis, which is a hammer.

Just as Qi Ge wanted to run away, Sheng Tianyao Ling suddenly teleported to Qi Ge and surrounded Qi Ge!

"Life is unpredictable, full of chaos, filth and pain.

Only faith is eternal.”

A large group of [Holy Heavenly Yao Lings] all stretched out their hands, touching Qi Ge's body seemingly gently but with murderous intent.

At that moment, Qi Ge felt a warm light penetrated his skin, entered his internal organs, and stirred and burned crazily inside.

"When it's over, it's over, I'm dead, I'm dead."

Qi Ge's heart felt cold, then cold again, and then still cold, and continued to feel cold again.

But after cooling down for a long time, he suddenly realized that he didn't feel any pain at all.

"Huh? I'm not dead?"

Qi Ge touched his body up and down, and suddenly realized:

"Oh, I get it!

The holy light of [Holy Sky Yao Ling] is different from the holy light of angels, their light damage is also a type of magic damage, I am immune to this!"


Qi Ge smiled and instantly became angry.

He picked up the Hammer of Sequence. He also had the special skill of being immune to magic, and the extremely powerful [Demon King's Arms] slowly emerged behind him.

"There are 2,000 mythical arms, right? Come on, let's compete."

Bang bang bang!!

Seven pigeons ride on purple dragons, caressed by a large group of [Holy Sky Yao Ling], and roam freely in the [Holy Sky Yao Ling], entering and exiting seven times.

A hammer of order was used by Seven Pigeons to make the tigers and tigers flourish, just like Li Yuanba was alive.

The Demon King's Armed Forces also followed Qi Ge and kept waving the two swords in his hands at the [Holy Sky Yao Ling] on the field, and endless damage numbers popped up one after another!

In the blink of an eye, several [Shengtian Yaoling] were killed by [Devil King's Arms].

Unfortunately, there are too many [Holy Sky Shining Spirits], and they also have resurrection special effects.

The [Holy Heavenly Yaoling] that was just killed was quickly resurrected by other [Holy Heavenly Yaoling].

But the performance of Qi Ge was not without effect.

The battle is not over, which means that the battle space will not disappear, and the 360,000 pilgrims will not be able to continue praying to generate faith points.

The faith value in the faith shield is constantly being consumed, and the shield is becoming thinner and thinner.

At this moment, the huge Ronis shadow in the sky finally condensed and took shape.

He glanced at Qige and said calmly:

"Those who have no faith should be punished with arrogance and flooded with holy water should be poured down from the sky to drown them."

In an instant, the holy light in the sky formed a huge sea of ​​light, falling in the sky towards Seven Doves!

Qige hurriedly put away Ziyuan, deployed the Demon King's weapons, and used his body to handle this wave of output.

[System prompt:??? used level 7 magic [Sea of ​​Glory] on you, causing 39,000 points of real damage to you.

You are dead.]


The picture in front of Qige's eyes went dark, and he cursed in his heart.

My total health points are less than 100, you hit me with a single demigod magic?

Am I worthy?

[System prompt: Your title Ring of Truth is triggered, does it cost 1 level to be resurrected in place?


Qi Ge did not choose to be resurrected immediately. Although he was dead, he could still see the surrounding scenes with his special soul perspective.

At the moment of his death, Gru also exploded with all his strength!

“Wherever the heart goes, the arrow reaches.

My arrows can hit everywhere in Asa."


In an instant, a long string of rays of arrows jumped directly over the protective shield and bombarded Ronis, making Ronis shake.

Immediately afterwards, the phantom archer army behind Gru immediately fired an arrow each!

These arrows, like Gru's arrows, jumped over the protective shield and hit Ronis.

In an instant, Ronis's light and shadow suddenly expanded, and then exploded suddenly!

"Did it succeed? Was it a second?"

Qi Ge was very surprised.

However, after the big Ronis exploded, it split into countless smaller Ronis in the air.

These Ronis densely covered the entire protective shield, almost making Qi Ge

Produce intensive phobia.

The pilgrims who formed the battle space grid raised their hands in the air and shouted in unison:

"One billion sixty million heavenly mountains, with the supreme god dwelling high among them.

Burn your divine fire and transform into thousands of things.

The spirit of man, the spirit of light, the spirit of glory, and the spirit of faith are all the spirit of God.

God said, let there be light, and there was light."

This scene made Qi Ge immediately realize that Ronis might be successful.

[System prompt: 3,2,1!]


At the last second of the countdown, Qi Ge gritted his teeth and chose to resurrect on the spot. He raised the Sequencing Hammer high and went straight to the center of the battle space!

Surrounded by countless Ronis, there is an invisible ball of light.

Qi Ge is betting that the ball of light is the core of Ronis!

"You alone can become a god on earth? Break it for me!"



Qi Ge hit the light ball hard with a hammer, and the light ball suddenly shook and made a loud noise.

Immediately afterwards, the ball of light suddenly grew in size, and the seven pigeons were violently ejected!

He was ejected from the protective cover and rolled on the ground for more than ten times. He was disgraced and embarrassed, and his health had dropped to the lowest point, but he was still alive.

The ball of light grew bigger and bigger, eventually engulfing all the pilgrims, petitioners and [Holy Sky Shining Spirit].

In the sky above the magic circle, they reunited.

The huge ball of light stretches out countless tentacles of light and connects to the void, building one channel after another of faith.

Inheim, who was tied up by Kendall and thrown to the ground, suddenly laughed wildly:

"Hahaha! It's successful! His Majesty the Pope has succeeded!

Katherine, Gru, Kendall, you can't stop us, you can't stop us.

Life is unpredictable, full of chaos, filth and pain.

Only faith is eternal.

From now on, the faith of the entire Erathia will be united to His Majesty the Pope.

If faith is everlasting, the Pope’s crown will be eternal!

No one can stop us.

If you have the ability, kill all the believers in Erathia!"

"Shut up!"

Gru volleyed an arrow, passed through Inheim's shoulder, and pinned Inheim to the ground.

Inheim's whole body was penetrated by arrows, bleeding profusely, and his face was pale, but he still stared at Gru with hatred and pride:

"Hehehe, you're in a hurry!

If you can, kill me.

Even if you kill me, I will become the Holy Spirit in the hands of the Pope.

And you will all be thrown into a bottomless prison by the Pope and suffer the pain of burning fire."

Qi Ge drank a bottle of life potion and rode Zi Yuan to Gru's side.

He asked anxiously:

"Your Majesty Gru, is there any way to stop it?"

Gru shook his head regretfully and replied:

"I have no idea.

Although the bastard Inheim is very talkative, what he said is correct.

Ronis is now connected to the faith of all believers in Erathia, and is continuously extracting faith value.

It is no longer something that we demigods can do to stop him."

"Then I'll beg Michael again!"

Qige will never give up until the last moment.

He patted Ziyuan and was about to fly into the sky. Suddenly, the realm of belief under Ronis suddenly changed.

The holy city composed of the power of faith suddenly condensed into reality.

The pilgrims who were swallowed by the ball of light appeared in the middle of the Holy City one by one. At this time, they were no longer as dull as before, and everyone's expressions were full of vivid colors, as if they had come to life again.

The 360,000 pilgrims all held a book with a gorgeous cover in their hands.

They lowered their heads, looked at the classics and prayed, and kept chanting:

"Praise be to heaven, the supreme Lord, for granting me life, purifying demons, destroying evil spirits, and granting eternal life to the gods."

"Praise be to heaven, the supreme Lord, for granting me life, purifying demons, destroying evil spirits, and granting eternal life to the gods."

Amid these shouts, the ball of light in the sky became bigger and brighter, and even began to beat like a heart, as if a life was gestating inside.

"It's so fast. Ronis was so well prepared that we were too late."

Gru shook his head and said to Qi Ge:

"There's no need to go to Michael, she won't take action.

If she were willing to take action now, she would have already killed me when I was hunting Roland's angels.

What we have to do now is to take advantage of the last moment to quickly handle the funeral arrangements.

I will bring Catherine back to Avili for a while, and when things on Erathia's side are settled, I will consider whether to put Catherine back based on Ronis's situation.

Qi Ge, please leave quickly.

Even if Ronis really becomes the earthly god of Erathia, we won't be able to deal with him.

But the most urgent task now is to avoid its sharp edges."


Qi Ge gritted his teeth and looked at the ball of light in the sky, his heart filled with an inexplicable unwillingness.

"Yes, I admit it.

Ronis is indeed very powerful and very smart.

Since the angel came, he began to lay out the plan, and it has been laid out until today.

He has lofty ideals and ambitions, and has always been steadfast in pursuing his goals, using any means necessary.

But, where he was, how many people had been sacrificed?

How can such a person succeed?"

No matter how unwilling he was, Qi Ge had no choice but to leave.

If Ronis really defeats Michael, with his current strength, he will be like a mantis trying to defeat Michael.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Qi Ge's ears.



This voice kept changing its pitch and volume, making Qi Ge feel a little dazed.

In a daze, Qige seemed to see many scenes.

A farmer was mumbling thanks to the angels, and was happily preparing to go home with the harvested grain from the fields. However, when he opened the door of his home, he saw his beautiful wife and daughter being killed by a passing cardinal.

Taken away by force.

He rushed forward and fell into a pool of blood of the Crusaders.

A group of spearmen were sold off by the bishop in charge of logistics because of their food supply. They did not even have the strength to retreat and died on the way to support the front line.

A righteous monk went to Shengtian City to report the misdeeds of the bishop of his main city, but he was drowned in the river the next day.

These pictures kept appearing and disappearing, making Qi Ge's spirit become more and more confused.

In a daze, Qige seemed to hear shouts one after another, and they were all shouting the same three words.



These shouts filled with blood and tears caused an unknown fire to rise in Qi Ge's heart.

He turned around and said in the direction of the light ball:

"Harsh church taxes and church policies that only consider the performance of faith and disregard the life and death of human beings have allowed people who are corrupt, extravagant and have no moral bottom line to become high-level people in the church.

Under Ronis's rule, the entire Erathia was extremely divided between rich and poor, and those in power acted arbitrarily.

Those little ant-like people camp out all day just for a comfortable little nest.

The strong man who envied the hundred-foot-long whale and wanted to ride freely in the sea was persecuted to death.

No matter how capable the people of Erathia are, as long as they are unwilling to curry favor with the church, their future will be delayed and they will not be reused.

After the holy war, the grass and trees withered, and the strong wind roared, as if it was trying to level the mountains.

Black clouds pressed down like mountains, and the streets of every village were gloomy with very few people.

The churches in each city are really like the kingdom of God where the gods live.

The hot springs are steaming with heat, and the Crusaders are densely packed.

The music was loud and resounded throughout the vast sky. The bishops and monks indulged themselves in entertainment and enjoyed endless wealth and splendor.

The succubi bathed in the hot springs, the girls took off their clothes at the banquet, and delicacies were served to them, allowing the bishops to taste and select them one by one.

To enjoy all this, there will never be soldiers fighting the enemy on the front line, let alone common people with no clothes on.

The upper echelons of the church and the dignitaries were all allocated large amounts of silk and silk, which were all produced by the hard work of poor women.

Their husbands and father-in-law were whipped and tied with ropes, blackmailed one by one, and transported into the main city by car.

Inside the church door, the enticing aroma of the bishops' wine and meat wafted out.

On the road outside the church, there were no one to bury the poor people who died of cold and starvation!

Only a few steps apart, there are two different worlds of pain and joy. Between heaven and hell, there is just a street and a door!

Does Ronis not know all this?

he knows!

He understands everything.

But in his eyes, these are all sacrifices he should make to achieve his goals."

Gru noticed something was wrong with Qi Ge's state. He frowned and asked:

"Qi Ge, Qi Ge, what's wrong with you?"

But Qi Ge seemed not to have heard Gru's words. He put away Ziyuan and walked towards Ronis step by step.

Behind him, various heroic spirits suddenly began to appear.

There are farmers in ragged clothes, soldiers with mutilated bodies, and craftsmen with skinny bones...

It is vast, overwhelming, and countless.

Gru's pupils suddenly shrank, and he immediately understood that the air of faith that Qi Ge had just inhaled had no impact on Qi Ge.

He stretched out his hand to stop Qi Ge, but as soon as he took a step forward, countless heroic souls gathered together and bounced him away instantly.

His semi-god-level power was actually unable to break through the blockade of heroic souls.

Michael watched this scene from the air, and his calm eyes couldn't help but stir up waves.

She looked directly at Qige and said softly:

"The heroic spirits resonate, it turns out that you are the apostle of the Mother Goddess.

Ronis was wrong after all.

He gained faith by deceiving most people.

While they were alive, they did not know they were being deceived.

They cannot speak when they are dead, and naturally they cannot alert other living people.

But death is not the end.

Ronis, you sacrificed the interests that the vast majority of people in Erathia rely on to make a living, so that you and a very small number of people can gain endless benefits.

You even want to continue doing this to make you the best.

But have you never considered whether a very small number of people can represent mankind, or the vast majority of people?

It seems that humans do not agree with your intention."

Qi Ge continued to move forward, and countless heroic souls following him were making sounds and blending into his voice.

Therefore, his voice became louder and louder, even drowning out the voices of the pilgrims in the holy city.

"Ronis, all the righteous people who hindered your plan were suppressed, forced and killed by you.

Those who keep themselves safe are forced to a dead end by you, and giving up themselves becomes your way to heaven.

You have never killed a single person, but countless people have died because of you.

If you want to become a god, have you ever asked the farmers who froze to death in the fields?

Have you asked the gunman who was framed and died in his cell?

Have you ever asked the archers who starved to death on the front lines?

Ronis, you want to become a god, do you want to ask us if we agree?"

Qi Ge walked into the Holy City, and even the pilgrims in the Holy City lifted their hoods.

Under their hoods were faces covered with blood and tears.

Qi Ge walked in front of the ball of light, and [Holy Sky Yao Ling] screamed and shattered in the air.

Countless heroic souls lifted seven pigeons into the air, and the seven pigeons stepped on the ball of light and shouted angrily:

"You alone are worthy of being the light?!

Get down here!"


Seven Pigeons stepped on it, and the huge ball of light that Ronis transformed into trembled.


Qi Ge kicked it again, and the ball of light cracked, revealing the extremely dark core under the outer shell of light.


Qi Ge's third kick directly crushed the light ball and its core together!

Ronis was forcibly stepped from the spiritual body back to the physical body.

He fell out of the core and floated in the air, looking at Qi Ge with horror and anger, and cursed fiercely:

"Who are you! Who are you? Why do you want to stop me?

Just a little bit, I’m just a little bit close!”

Qi Ge stepped on Ronis's face expressionlessly, mouthing Tian Xian:

"I am a person who has been persecuted to death by the Holy Heaven Church for countless generations in Erathia.

You want to become a god, but I don’t agree.”

Seven Pigeons flew up and kicked Ronis hard.


Ronis was kicked and fell from the air, landing among countless heroic souls.

There are peasants, spearmen, archers, swordsmen, knights and even monks.

Countless heroic souls were like ghosts seeking their lives, completely engulfing Ronis.

Even Ronis's screams and exclamations were drowned in the ocean of heroic souls.

"If you do evil by God, you can still forgive it; if you do evil by yourself, you will not live."

Michael closed her eyes, and then, all the power of faith suddenly erupted on the island below her!

Strong light and darkness intertwined, vibrating and echoing!

After a long time, Michael opened his eyes again. The original holy city of faith had disappeared, and both the pilgrims and the heroic souls were missing.

On the empty island, except for Inheim, Gru, Kendall and many players who looked dull on the edge of the island, there were only seven pigeons lying quietly in the center of the island.





A shimmering rain of light fell from the sky, first a little, then gradually growing in size, and finally becoming a torrential downpour.

Michael stretched out his hand to use the light rain, and the light rain turned into strong faith value, but it did not merge into Michael's body, but flowed down Michael's palm.

She glanced at Qi Dove, vibrated her wings suddenly, suspended in the air, and declared loudly:

"God Ronis's fire turned into rain, his body no longer exists, and his heroic spirit no longer exists.

I declare that the demigod has fallen."

"Wow!!! Is that one in the middle of the crowd the Seven Pigeon God? Did the Seven Pigeon God kill the god?"

"Holy shit! Real or fake? What happened just now?"

"Ronis is dead, then who can solve our mission to find Ronis?


The players in the distance were in an uproar and talking about it.

Inheim, who was being carried by General Kendall, stared blankly at the seven pigeons, shaking his head in despair:

"No, no way, this can't be true."

General Kendall patted Gru on the shoulder in shock, pointed at the seven pigeons and asked:

"Son, I just saw that you know him.

Do you know whose general he is? He is so brave?"

Gru put away the phantom bow and smiled softly.

"He is a half-elf, so he must be mine..."

"Your general?!"

"My good friend."

Michael's voice spread throughout Erathia from a distant island.

The domineering senior bishops of the Holy Heaven Church immediately fell to their knees and were in panic all day long.

In Erathia, many people who had been persecuted by the church also knelt on the ground, kowtowed three times, and even shouted that Asa had eyes, and that heaven would punish the traitors of the country.

Red Fort.

Catherine held her sword and looked into the distance with a relaxed expression and a smile.

Northern Territory.

Adrien was shocked.

Adela clenched her hands into fists and looked incomprehensible.

Holy City.

Countless people were stunned and at a loss, while students from the Royal Academy rushed to celebrate.

At the port, Sylvia jumped up from the ship, rejoicing:

"Wow! Did the seven doves really persuade Michael to fall for God?

Even Ronis was killed, isn’t he too powerful?”

In a bright light, Qi Ge opened his eyes and slowly woke up.

He saw that he had returned to the Cloud City, lying on a swing made of huge clouds.

Beside him, Michael was swinging on the swing and softly humming hymns praising angels.

Seeing Qi Ge wake up, she slowly stopped, smiled at Qi Ge and said:

"you're awake?"

Qi Ge touched his forehead and asked:

"God, what am I?"

He sorted out his memory and found that his memory stopped at the moment when Ronis was stepped into the pile of heroic souls by himself.

He quickly checked the system panel and found that the system prompt clearly stated:

[System prompt: You have killed the demigod hero Ronis.]

[System prompt: Your sin value +100000]

[System prompt: You have obtained the level 5 treasure Oracle's Crown, the level 5 treasure Holy Boots, and the combined treasure: Angel's Forgiveness]

【Crown of Oracle

Level 5 real treasure

Equipment location: head

Basic attributes: Hero attack, defense, magic power, knowledge each +6

Special skill: During the battle, you can release [Oracle] once without consuming the number of hero actions.

It cools down for one day after use. It cannot provide bonuses and cannot be removed.

Oracle: Strengthen your next magic to a semi-god level effect.】

【Holy Boots

Level 5 real treasure

Equipment location: feet

Basic attributes: Hero attack, defense, strength, knowledge each +2.

Special skill: Every time you move, there is a probability of triggering a divine favor event. It is invalid when riding a mount.

Divine favor event: Learn information about a nearby wild monster and display it on the map. Killing the wild monster can gain five times the experience, and there is a chance of obtaining additional attribute points and skill point rewards.]

【Angel Forgiveness

Equipment location: weapons

Basic attributes: hero strength, knowledge +8 each, charm +5


1, hero diplomacy level +1 (maximum not exceeding demigod level)

2. Get 6 angel souls for free every Monday.

3. Add level 7 magic: Sea of ​​Glory to the Hero's Magic Book.

[Basic Sea of ​​Glory:

Light magic

Single-target damage magic, causing true damage of magic power*300+level*100 to a target.

50% chance of double the damage, 25% chance of 4 times the damage, 10% chance of instant kill.

Mana consumption: 300 points]

[System prompt: Ronis’ sin points are being settled, totaling 184645611.]

【Under pursuit...】

[System prompt: Recovery failed]

[System prompt: You are unconscious]

"Hiss!! Did I really kill Ronis?"

The Seven Pigeons were stupid.

"Of course, at that time, you represented countless human souls who died because of Ronis' persecution.

The power of faith is powerful and dangerous.

Ronis wants to rely on his faith value to become a god, so he has to bear the consequences of his faith value."

Michael stretched out his hand to Qi Dove, and she held a bright ball of light in her hand.

She continued:

"Ronis fell from being a demigod, but he became a demigod again with the help of the new weapon light spirit and faith value.

When the demigods completely fall, they will return gifts to the world of Yasha.

Everything in his past, including the power of his rules, was condensed into two things.

One is the island. That island has become a natural wonder [Island of Holy Light]. It was recovered by me and used just to make up for the loss of the original birth pool. It can be regarded as compensation from Ronis to our angel clan.

The other one is the [Light Spirit Crystal] in my hand."

Michael placed [Light Spirit Crystal] in Qi Ge's hand.

【Light Spirit Crystal

Strange object

Effect: After devouring enough resources, you can create a new level 5 unit, the light spirit.

"Level 5? Why is there only level 5 left?"

"It was supposed to be downgraded to level 3, but the fact that it was still level 5 is the result of me consuming a lot of divine power."

Michael said:

"Seven pigeons, you have two choices.

First, you take it away and create a new race of light spirits yourself.

But you have to note that this race still retains the power that all humans can evolve from, so in order to create this race, countless resources need to be consumed.

Second, you leave it and let us, the angel race, slowly cultivate it.

In exchange, you can choose another reward from the rewards I gave you before."

This time, if you choose angel transformation, I can allow you to designate someone."

Qi Ge's eyes lit up and he immediately stuffed the [Light Spirit Crystal] back.

Just kidding, the spectacle is misleading the country.

There are still a bunch of miracles lined up in the territory, and the mythical building [Chimera Tree] cannot be built with the resources.

This thing looks like a big resource burner. How dare Qi Ge keep it?

"My Lord Michael, it goes without saying.

Ronis made countless mistakes during his lifetime, but he finally blazed a trail for mankind.

This road, of course, must be left in human hands.

But, can I make a small request?"

"any request?"

"When you create the light spirits, can you design them all to look like women?

I'm afraid that when I see a male light spirit, I'll think of Ronis and feel terrified."

Qi Ge was serious. He felt that because of what he just said, even a male player would give him a thumbs up and praise him for a job well done.

You know, the light spirits don't wear clothes, and Ronis didn't wear either just now.

It's so annoying to the eyes.

Michael nodded and said:

"No problem, it's just a small matter.

So, what do you choose?"

Qi Ge said without hesitation:

"I choose Angel Transformation."

"Who do you want to transform?"

"A chosen one from Yasha who has some connection with you."

Qi Ge laughed.

"I will ask her to come to Yunzhong City to find you. God, you will know when you see her."

"Okay, I'll give you a token."

Michael plucked a red feather from his back and gave it to the seven doves.

[System prompt: Level hero Michael has given you [Blazing Feather] as a gift.]

【Feather of Blazing Sky

Strange object

Effect: Makes the hero immune to fatal damage once during combat.

Michael's feathers, if given to Gru, may be able to create a treasure more powerful than the Sky Feather Arrow.】

Qi Ge:……

"Every feather has a special effect?"

The seven doves looked at Michael's twelve wings and were so greedy.

"Chaohua's future career can be changed to that of a maid of the God of Blazing Sky, that is, Michael's maid.

After Chaohua and Michael have established a good relationship, I will let Chaohua come and secretly pluck them every day, so that Michael can pluck them all out."

When he was about to leave Cloud City, Michael said to the Seven Pigeons:

“The death of Ronis, the apostle of the Mother Goddess, and Catherine’s taking over the royal power will inevitably plunge Erathia into a period of turmoil.

During this period of turmoil, there will be countless sacrifices and wars.

There will inevitably be a life-and-death conflict between the [Poor and Common People] class represented by Catherine, and the [Theocratic Nobles] and [Kingdom Nobles] classes represented by Ronis.

The death of Ronis will not be the end of the turmoil, it will only be the beginning of it.

I can see countless blood and fire burning on the land of Erathia.

One day in the future, will you regret what you have caused?"

Qi Ge laughed and replied:

"I believe that after the fire burns away those sins, a better Erathia will be left."

Michael then asked:

"What if the better Erathia will eventually turn back into the dirty and sinful Erathia before?"

Qi Ge raised his head, looked in the direction of the gate of Yunzhong City, and replied:

"Then let's burn it again.

As you said, all this is Erathia's own choice after all.

As for not regretting it later, what does it have to do with me?

I am the Chosen God of Asa, and I am here to fight against Chaos.

It is better to burn yourself than to be swallowed by chaos."

Qi Ge waved to Michael coolly and said:

"My God, I am very happy to communicate with you. I will come to you again."

Michael looked at the seven doves with a smile:

"The next time we meet, I hope you can bring us more good news from Erathia."

"I certainly will!"

Qi Ge and Edric, who was immersed in books, walked out of Cloud City.

The sky is bright and blue which makes people happy.

"Your Majesty Edric, let's go, Sylvia is still waiting for us."

"Don't worry yet."

Adric held Qi Ge's shoulders and asked in a low voice:

"Seven Pigeons, I just entered Cloud City. Among the angels who came to greet me, I saw angels who looked very similar to Adela, Adelaide, and Sylvia. I even saw Her Majesty Catherine.

Don’t you explain?”

Qi Ge:……

Qi Ge coughed awkwardly:

"Ahem, Your Majesty, believe me, this is all a misunderstanding."

"Oh~ I believe it, I believe it."

Edric's eyes dimmed a little:

"I also saw an angel who looked exactly like my granddaughter Elena."

Qi Ge:……

Qi Ge took a breath of cold air.

"Your Majesty, misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!"

Edric smiled:

"I won't ask you when you met my granddaughter.

Qige, do you want to eat fish? I will send you to the sea to eat it.

Tie twenty stones to your feet and sink them to the bottom!!!"

Qi Ge:!!!

Woohoo, help! This is such a misunderstanding!

ps: It’s the last day, come and stuff your hamster monthly tickets!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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